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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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It appears Jim Bob thought so too.....

His expression is priceless.  He looks like he is giving her boobs the stink eye.

The silver dress doesn't even look good on the model.  The beige one is better.  Maybe because the model is taller and thinner.  Being short myself I have to watch that things don't swallow me up.  Petite is a proportion, not a size!

  • Love 3

His expression is priceless.  He looks like he is giving her boobs the stink eye.

The silver dress doesn't even look good on the model.  The beige one is better.  Maybe because the model is taller and thinner.  Being short myself I have to watch that things don't swallow me up.  Petite is a proportion, not a size!

During the wedding episode JB couldn't even lie when he saw her in the dress. I think he said something like - Boy, that sure is ... modest.

  • Love 4

I still think Michelle is a pretty woman.  Her makeover was nice.  If she modernized herself and de-frumped, we would have less snark, I'm sure.  No chance of that though.

I agree, she is pretty. They went too far with the flat ironed hair for her. They should have done some loose curls, even w/extensions, and then maybe she would have considered it.

Edited by GeeGolly
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Yes the make over was very flattering and CURRENT. The Duggar 1980 bad perm thing was bad in 1980 and is STILL fugly. Someone who loves her needs to do an immediate hair intervention on Ma. Cut and bury that roadkill hot mess.

Why can't someone sneak in the baby making room at night when she is knocked out (on whatever she takes to make her talk so calmly to 911) and quickly whack that mess off with some garden shears.  


For some reason I am thinking bad thoughts of tar or something of that nature and Flowers In the Attic.  Prayer closet for me. 

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I wonder if eventually she will be inspired a bit by Jessa. I am liking Jessa's new bangs.

I think Jessa is trying to come closer to the MEchelle style than MEchelle will ever come close to Jessa.  The latest photo I saw of Jessa makes me wonder if she is going to be someone that grows her hair to the floor.  


What ever floats your hair boat.  However, they are going to need a bigger bathtub with a larger hair trap before long. 

Michelle's hair screams:"I am emotionally stunted in 1988"Your hair shouldn't announce your mental health status.

The other day we went to my daugher's bank where she works. A lady kept staring at me and I was looking at her. Anyhoo she and I went to the same HS. Kathy still had the EXACT same hair she did back in the early 1980's. Umm did I mention that she has a Masters, works as an Investmet Banker and is an officer of the bank? Annnnddddd she makes $250,000 a year.

So I don't think being stunted is the answer as much as MEchelle has to keep to Boob and Gothard's rule that you have to keep up the same look like when he first fell in love with you.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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People can be smart and well educated but still emotionally stunted in a particular time period.

I carpooled with a psycholgist for 10 years...he told me that when you see people that are stuck in a particular decade or time period...that is where they were the happiest and they get "stuck" there. Never moving forward. he told me that was a red flag for underlying issues. Most people try to grow and change, some slower than others but most do try. When you see someone like Michelle, who is so obviously stuck in another decade, it speaks to her emotional health. She is just basking in the glory of what used to be and where she was the most comfortable and happiest.

And, of course, other people are just clueless but I do think for Michelle, it is symptomatic of other issues.

My BIL is a 70's mess. He was cool and hip in the 70's. Two bad divorces etc and he is reliving his foxy years. He looks like a mess. He think he is slamming hot. He is emotionally comforting himself by reliving a happy time period.

  • Love 8

I totally agree about being stunted. This lady works in the same place that she did in HS now for 35 years! Yikes! The bank still looks like the 80's are alive and well on the inside too!! Yeah and Kathy was very scary skinny more so than in HS.

As for MeChelle if the HS years were her best than why didn't she allow her kids to experience it too??

  • Love 1

I totally agree about being stunted. This lady works in the same place that she did in HS now for 35 years! Yikes! The bank still looks like the 80's are alive and well on the inside too!! Yeah and Kathy was very scary skinny more so than in HS.

As for MeChelle if the HS years were her best than why didn't she allow her kids to experience it too??

Exactly...people can be smart with a high IQ but have some emotional issues...your friend hasn't "moved on" and seems kinda stuck!

I think Michelle is torn. The comfort of her "carefree" years conflict with her deep desire to please Jim Bob and this wacky Gothard cult they are involved in.

So even though her high school years were sinful (the dreaded bikini lawn mowing story), she somehow hangs onto a time when she felt pretty and good about herself. Hair is a big deal for women...we are emotionally attached to our hair. Michelle is attached to that crunchy mess and what it represents to her.

There's the question:

What does Michelle's hair represent to her?

  • Love 4

Why can't someone sneak in the baby making room at night when she is knocked out (on whatever she takes to make her talk so calmly to 911) and quickly whack that mess off with some garden shears.  


For some reason I am thinking bad thoughts of tar or something of that nature and Flowers In the Attic.  Prayer closet for me. 


Maybe we can start a GoFundMe and get these guys to do it for us.



  • Love 2

I hadn't seen that makeover photo of Michelle before. I agree that she looks pretty there, but also almost unrecognizable. Whether that's a good thing or not may be debatable...


I find myself worrying about my own style when reading the snark on Michelle. As a person with naturally curly hair whose heyday also fell during the 80's I have to admit to a nostalgic fondness for the days of "big hair". Mine was perfectly in vogue back then, and I had to do almost nothing to get it that way lol. After the days of growing up lamenting the fact that I was never going to be the brunette version of Marcia Brady, that was heady stuff!


I've tried straight-hair looks a couple of times since then, but couldn't wait to wet my hair back down and let it air-dry back into curls...straight hair is just so not ME, and I find it annoying how every Ugly-duckling-to-Swan movie scenario seems to feature the heroine's curly hair transformed into a sleek mane. My hair has been a variety of lengths in the past as well - from extremely short to more or less bra-strap length (it doesn't ever seem to get longer than that, and always seems a few inches shorter because of the curls). It's about as long as it's ever been right now, and I think it looks good, but maybe I'm just being delusional about that. I hope people aren't snickering at it behind my back...


On second thought, since this is getting more personal, I should take this to the prayer closet...except my computer won't let me copy and paste it into a different thread and I don't feel like typing the whole thing over again. Grrr.

  • Love 7

I would love to have curly hair. I don't think Michelle's curls cause the snark - rather, the cut is so mullet-y and it just looks messy and unflattering.

Personally, I don't think people should have to change a style they're comfortable with, just because the faceless fashion-industry strangers who dictate style say so. Why should we all have to accept style decrees from people we don't even know? I think it's fun to try new style ideas but that's me. Michelle can do what she wants but her hair is just not flattering at all.

  • Love 6

Maybe we can start a GoFundMe and get these guys to do it for us.



I'm in!


I must ETA that I say this is a joking manner. I would never approve of anyone doing this for real.  I can tell that those pieces of hair are fake.  If they are actually doing it, they would get shot in many states. 

Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 2

I hadn't seen that makeover photo of Michelle before. I agree that she looks pretty there, but also almost unrecognizable. Whether that's a good thing or not may be debatable...


I find myself worrying about my own style when reading the snark on Michelle. As a person with naturally curly hair whose heyday also fell during the 80's I have to admit to a nostalgic fondness for the days of "big hair". Mine was perfectly in vogue back then, and I had to do almost nothing to get it that way lol. After the days of growing up lamenting the fact that I was never going to be the brunette version of Marcia Brady, that was heady stuff!


I've tried straight-hair looks a couple of times since then, but couldn't wait to wet my hair back down and let it air-dry back into curls...straight hair is just so not ME, and I find it annoying how every Ugly-duckling-to-Swan movie scenario seems to feature the heroine's curly hair transformed into a sleek mane. My hair has been a variety of lengths in the past as well - from extremely short to more or less bra-strap length (it doesn't ever seem to get longer than that, and always seems a few inches shorter because of the curls). It's about as long as it's ever been right now, and I think it looks good, but maybe I'm just being delusional about that. I hope people aren't snickering at it behind my back...


On second thought, since this is getting more personal, I should take this to the prayer closet...except my computer won't let me copy and paste it into a different thread and I don't feel like typing the whole thing over again. Grrr.

We are laughing at Michelle's WILDLY OUTDATED hair style. It could be straight and be just as hideous.

I grew up in the 80's also. We loved our big hair. Mine was straight and it was still big. I bet our year book pictures are the same!

Michelle's hair is just in another demension. It ages her terribly and makes her look insane. Michelle is a nice looking woman but the hair really ruins her.

And her make over picture looks good, not because her hair is straight but because it's in this decade! They could've left nice curls or waves or whatever and it would've looked much better than her 1987 hair. Curly 2016 hair would work too if Michelle is hung up on the curls. Jinger has curly hair and she looks OK.

  • Love 3

Healthy curls are beautiful. I've seen quite a few college age girls with the Julia Roberts Pretty Woman hair lately. I guess it's retro now.


Michelle's hair is scraggly, crunchy, split end, deflated poof bangs, side wings that are outdated and executed poorly. If you want to keep your 80s do and are fine with looking dated, ok. Just maintain it and style it properly. 

  • Love 6

I would love to have curly hair. I don't think Michelle's curls cause the snark - rather, the cut is so mullet-y and it just looks messy and unflattering.

Personally, I don't think people should have to change a style they're comfortable with, just because the faceless fashion-industry strangers who dictate style say so. Why should we all have to accept style decrees from people we don't even know? I think it's fun to try new style ideas but that's me. Michelle can do what she wants but her hair is just not flattering at all.

I agree about styling ones hair for themselves. Face shape, hair texture, willingness and time to style, should factor more into a hair style than a current trend.

I have wavy hair and my stylist always wants to flat iron it. First, I don't think it flatters my face and second, I am much more a wash and go kind of gal. Yet I give in on occasion and let her style my hair, and she always thinks it's going to be the time I say, "Oh, yes you're right, this looks great, I'm going to run out and buy myself a flat iron." Well, it's never going to happen.


Anyway, Michelle's hair does nothing to flatter her, or the hair itself. It always looks crunchy and hard. Just ew.

  • Love 7

I think it does not help that J'Chelle has the deranged worshipful (if looking at Boob)/contemptuous (if looking at anyone else and/or if she does not think Boob is looking back) expression all the time. Bitch (using the term advisedly and no offense to female dogs) looks freaking insane. But also crazy like a fox, like you can tell there is some intentionality and malevolence going on in there.

Edited by jcbrown
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Speaking as a wavycurlystraight (all at once, not consecutively) girl, I have never liked my hair.  As the wavy bits are 2C, if it's short it poofs, and trapezoids out at the bottom where it looks like the ears of Ralph the Muppet are stuck on my head.  I kind of think about Ralph when I look at Michelle, but that aside, it's possible that when short and curly she also gets the trapezoid.  I've had it straightened in the past professionally, after which point my fundie 2C aunt was tutting that I'd "ruined" my "lovely" thick hair, until she put her hands on it and discovered that - surprise - having the cuticle flattened wave-out, doesn't mean I've "lost" any substantial amounts of thickness, as it's all the same hair - just compressed.

Edited by queenanne
  • Love 1

Let's be real here. MEchelle herself admitted that "It doesn't last that long." I don't think that there is any "fingers through the hair" action going on in their marital relations. I can't imagine any foreplay with those two ago all.

I'll be in the Prayer Closet.

Maybe JB gathers it all up, like reins.

  • Love 8

Michelle could still have the 80s hairdo if she would bother to maintain it and get it trimmed to a reasonable length. Her hair isn't very modest. It's rather distracting and screams "Look at me, Michelle Duggar, in all my possum hair glory!".

Possum Glory. Let's start a country band and call it just that. We can headline at Dollywood.

I think it does not help that J'Chelle has the deranged worshipful (if looking at Boob)/contemptuous (if looking at anyone else and/or if she does not think Boob is looking back) expression all the time. Bitch (using the term advisedly and no offense to female dogs) looks freaking insane. But also crazy like a fox, like you can tell there is some intentionality and malevolence going on in there.

Good description. I feel that same malevolence from David Waller, josh and Jessa. Just something creepy and mean under the glory hallelujahs. Maybe just anger from Jessa.

  • Love 9

Why can't someone sneak in the baby making room at night when she is knocked out (on whatever she takes to make her talk so calmly to 911) and quickly whack that mess off with some garden shears.  


For some reason I am thinking bad thoughts of tar or something of that nature and Flowers In the Attic.  Prayer closet for me.

We could get Josh to do it. He's unemployed, sly, and experienced in sneaking around at night.

  • Love 5
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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