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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Most kids figure out that their parents have had sex because well....they are here. My daughter is adopted and when she learned about sex her first reaction was "thank God you never did that". Now she is a bit older and will ask me questions about my sex life and my answer always is "my sex life is my private business and your sex life is your business , that's how we roll in this family". I answer all of her sex questions honestly, include several weeks ago when she asked " how does gay sex work?" . But my sex life is private as is hers. Reason 891 why I will never rival Michelle for her mother of the year award.

  • Love 15

I also don’t have anything against abstinence, and I also don’t think there’s anything particularly wild about a statement saying that when there was mass public loud disapproval of something (or, in the case of something like abortion, laws against it); that there was less of that offending censored behavior.  That’s why “laws” work.  Give somebody a code that breaking it results in a punishment, the majority would choose to obey and be in compliance, in fact skirting the law with a wide berth.  Attitudes like “it’s impossible to stay a virgin in this world beyond, like, high school, man” actually actively offend me a bit, because it implies we are all Duggarlings who have no self control, only in the opposite direction than “accountability partners” and the like.

  • Love 5

There's an interesting story in Seattle along these lines right now. The QB of the Seahawks, Russell WIlson, announced recently that he is not having sex with his girlfriend, Ciara (the singer). He is super-religious. She has a child from a previous relationship and it is rumored that she is physically involved with someone else. I can't believe Russell Wilson would consider his celibacy an appropriate subject for anyone else to know besides him and the woman in question. And it strains belief at the least.


MissyVixen, I think about this, too. Remember when Russell got a divorce not long ago? There was no substantive public statement, which seemed a little odd. And if I recall correctly, HE filed, but I never saw any rumors of his wife having "done anything." I remember thinking that in an amicable divorce, the man often defers to the woman to file - sort of a chivalrous gesture, if outdated or a bit sexist, perhaps. Anyway, I hated myself for wanting the details, but I never saw any.

The Ciera situation fuels my curiosity, for sure, and in the same way as the behavior of certain Duggar-related individuals. RW, while openly religious, doesn't seem Duggary. He has publicly stated that openly gay players would be welcome in the Seahawks organization.

Topic! I know some guys, and possibly all Duggars, Kellers, and Wallers, maintain their virginity until marriage. But in some cases, you go Hmmmm.

  • Love 3

There were rumors that Russell Wilson's wife had an affair with Golden Tate. Tate has denied it. I've never heard rumors that Wilson is gay, just super religious. I took it more him pointing out he didn't believe in sex outside of marriage even though he wasn't a virgin. The only thing that I heard about a controversy with Ciera and Russell Wilson's relationship, other than the whole celibacy thing, was that her son's father (and some of his fans) was upset that she was having Russell hang out with her son and be a sort of stand in. If Russell Wilson is gay and came out, it would be big for the league. He's a franchise quarter back and would open a level of acceptance for others to come out. He's proven himself and gained attention on his own merits rather than solely on his sexuality. I don't think he is, but it would be culture changing for the NFL.

It is interesting and horrifying how Michelle, JB, and the Bateses hyper-emphasize female viriginity. It seems that men are an afterthought in this. They do point out the sons are expected to follow the same standards but don't obsess about them to the extent they do for the daughters. I wonder if Jim Bob and Michelle use lack of experience as criteria for courting their daughters. Would they allow a widower or someone with a failed courtship to date their daughter?

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
  • Love 4

There was a joke way back when that first babies were often 8 lb preemies. Trends and cultures vary. Marrying young, marrying old, remaining chaste until marriage or engagement, living together, etc.


But like Julia said, it is a private matter, and holding oneself as better than, is wrong.


I would also imagine that remaining a virgin (which definitions of vary wildly) would be easier if masturbation is not considered a sin.

Like the joke that first babies can be born any time after the wedding, but 2nd babies take at least nine months.


If we're all in charge of our own bodies and own sexuality, I don't see the reason to shame anyone, or call them gay or liars, because they chose to abstain from non-marital sex. I also don't see the reason to shame anyone, especially if their culture/religion/personality, etc is ok with non-marital sex, for having sex with someone who isn't a spouse. Virgin shaming is just as bad as slut shaming.


JimBob and Michelle, Ben and Jessa, and Jill all lived at home and were very young when they got married. Derrick didn't live at home for a few years, so I exclude him. We know Jessa and Jill were never allowed to be near males unaccompanied. Their ages and chaperones make it super easy to not have sex before marriage. Even if you want to, there's no opportunity. Plus, I think they are all sincere in their religious beliefs that anything outside of hetero marriage is offensive to God.


The dad with the hymen certificate is bizarre no matter how you put it.

  • Love 8

 Would they allow a widower or someone with a failed courtship to date their daughter?


Is a failed courtship really grounds to reject a suitor?  Because ... yikes.  What if you start out courting and it turns out the other person is violent or crazy or just foul?  Or you realize they are not going to be able to really live the religious lifestyle you want?  Does it really harm your chance at moving forward with someone else just because you had the good sense to bail on a doomed relationship early?


And being a widower is not some kind of moral failing, for goodness sakes. Why would it be a bar to dating one of Jim Bob's precious daughters?  I wonder how he would feel if he ended up with two or three of his kids stuck at home with him forever just because they had a failed courtship or their spouse died...   


I mean aside from the happiness he and Michelle would feel because they had a life-long,  live-in slave.  Because I know they would love that.

  • Love 3

No, they would not bar a widow or widower from a courtship. A divorced person, most likely would be barred. Someone who admitted to consensual sex prior to marriage, most likely barred. 


No matter what they say, courtiships ARE dating - going steady even - just without any physical contact. Josh and Josiah both have had failed courtships, so I don't think having ONE is a problem. Having 10 says something, though.


The Duggars DO hold the same virginity standards with their males and females. Nobody is supposed to be doing anything with anyone who isn't their spouse. Once you're married, you can swing from the chandeliers as long as you're not preventing pregnancy. 


Do I believe 100% of these couples, obey all the rules 100% of the time and never kiss, touch or *gasp* have sex before marriage, nope. Do i believe most of them abstain - sure looks so, the way theyr'e so awkward with each other on 19 Kids and Bringing Up Bates.

  • Love 1

Is a failed courtship really grounds to reject a suitor? Because ... yikes. What if you start out courting and it turns out the other person is violent or crazy or just foul? Or you realize they are not going to be able to really live the religious lifestyle you want? Does it really harm your chance at moving forward with someone else just because you had the good sense to bail on a doomed relationship early?

And being a widower is not some kind of moral failing, for goodness sakes. Why would it be a bar to dating one of Jim Bob's precious daughters? I wonder how he would feel if he ended up with two or three of his kids stuck at home with him forever just because they had a failed courtship or their spouse died...

I mean aside from the happiness he and Michelle would feel because they had a life-long, live-in slave. Because I know they would love that.

That's what I'm wondering - does giving away pieces of your heart then make it more difficult for you to find someone else in Gothardism? They say courting helps one guard their heart, but we've seen the courting couples say they loved each other. Would people question Josiah because of his relationship with Margie? In mainstream society, their courtship is dating and a two month relationship is just experience with no moral failing. Zach Bates found love after a failed courtship, but his wife didn't follow Gothard at the time.

The widower, would it be because they gave away a big piece of their heart to their deceased wife? You're right, there is no moral failing in any way. The Bible says widows and widowers can and should remarry. But how does that work in Gothardism?

No, they would not bar a widow or widower from a courtship. A divorced person, most likely would be barred. Someone who admitted to consensual sex prior to marriage, most likely barred. 


No matter what they say, courtiships ARE dating - going steady even - just without any physical contact. Josh and Josiah both have had failed courtships, so I don't think having ONE is a problem. Having 10 says something, though.


The Duggars DO hold the same virginity standards with their males and females. Nobody is supposed to be doing anything with anyone who isn't their spouse. Once you're married, you can swing from the chandeliers as long as you're not preventing pregnancy. 


Do I believe 100% of these couples, obey all the rules 100% of the time and never kiss, touch or *gasp* have sex before marriage, nope. Do i believe most of them abstain - sure looks so, the way theyr'e so awkward with each other on 19 Kids and Bringing Up Bates.

I definitely think that Jessa & Ben kissed prior to marriage, and that is why there was no "1st kiss" at the end of their ceremony.

  • Love 6

In the trailer for the new SVU episode it has Michelle saying 'blessing'. I wonder if they could throw in other Gothard buzzwords as well. David Waller referring himself as winsome still makes me cringe.. anyhooo.. If they did some research I hope to see; precious, season of life, purpose to and many more. Can you imagine watching a Duggar show, or reading their facebook after watching a mainstream show about them and not getting a 'ding ding ding' everytime Gothardspeak appeared?

  • Love 4

In the trailer for the new SVU episode it has Michelle saying 'blessing'. I wonder if they could throw in other Gothard buzzwords as well. David Waller referring himself as winsome still makes me cringe.. anyhooo.. If they did some research I hope to see; precious, season of life, purpose to and many more. Can you imagine watching a Duggar show, or reading their facebook after watching a mainstream show about them and not getting a 'ding ding ding' everytime Gothardspeak appeared?

Walking through, invest in, immediate obedience, fellowship, convictions, jurisdictions, buy used,save the difference ...

  • Love 5

Even if it's ripped from the headlines, and involving public figures, I guess they can't 100% make it Duggar - but they missed the mark on making the wife look like she was stuck in 1985 with the hair and the simpering baby voice. I still love L&O: SVU, so I'll watch.


Can't imagine what a real Jim Bob would think of the female cops - not married, shorter hair, wearing pants, carrying guns, supervising men, adopting babies. Jezebels, clearly.

  • Love 1

In the trailer for the new SVU episode it has Michelle saying 'blessing'. I wonder if they could throw in other Gothard buzzwords as well. David Waller referring himself as winsome still makes me cringe.. anyhooo.. If they did some research I hope to see; precious, season of life, purpose to and many more. Can you imagine watching a Duggar show, or reading their facebook after watching a mainstream show about them and not getting a 'ding ding ding' everytime Gothardspeak appeared?


I am unsure if TV writers have the time to do that much research or commission it, but I think it's almost more interesting if they don't do a laundry list.  Because if they don't do an LL making it look like they've paid attention at length, the ones they do quote, that will mean those buzzwords are so obviously, patently ridiculous and inappropriate that a child could peg them out as odd in speech after 5 minutes of listening to a Duggar.


Can't imagine what a real Jim Bob would think of the female cops - not married, shorter hair, wearing pants, carrying guns, supervising men, adopting babies. Jezebels, clearly.



Edited by queenanne

The uk isnt a very religious country anyway,but no one had heard of this "fundie" crap before this show started here.We kind of place it in the same category as thoese creepy shows where little girls under ten get plastered in make up and gyrate on a stage.

Your assessment sums it up well. The Duggar types are probably 3% of the Protestant, Evangelical population. The odd fundies get more attention now, because it seems like they all blog and have some exposure from the Duggar's TV show. They definitely had a whole lot of viewers, who just wanted to see some clean cut, old-fashioned, innocent families, snowed for a long time.

  • Love 1

"Encourage", "

Our children speak their hearts with Jim Bob and me." (All evidence to the contrary with Joshley Gate.)

I hope the SVU Duggar women will do the whole Michelle and Anna animatronic eyes and awed wifely head tilt whenever her patriarch bestows his 'wisdom and leadership'.

Husband and wife wearing matching outfits as if high schoolers going steady in the 1960's.

"People are like Legos ..."

Amen, Sister.

Am rubbing my hands in anticipation.

  • Love 1

He'd be one of those, Give me a blowjob and no traffic ticket for you, kind of cops.

I'm not sure what JD has skills for.

Does he have skills?

Lol, that actually happened in my hometown! A guy who was in my sister's class was a cop on the local force and he was accused of offering to let a DUI slide in exchange for a BJ. I think he ended up resigning before the shit hit the fan, but I could totally see JD being one of those cops.

  • Love 1

I think God gave stupid JimBob and Michelle a test - see if you believe and follow evil Gothard who pretends to be holy and see if you listen to the wolves of that pack.  Let me test you to see if you try to use forgiveness as your get out of jail free card for your immorality and get into heaven without using any common sense or honest or sincere morality.  Let's see if you think you're getting in that way while thinking others will be burning in hell. The 'enemy at the gate' as you call them, will be God closing the door to your entrance JB and Michelle and your little army of J'slaves won't be able to do anything about it.

  • Love 9

I think God gave stupid JimBob and Michelle a test - see if you believe and follow evil Gothard who pretends to be holy and see if you listen to the wolves of that pack.  Let me test you to see if you try to use forgiveness as your get out of jail free card for your immorality and get into heaven without using any common sense or honest or sincere morality.  Let's see if you think you're getting in that way while thinking others will be burning in hell. The 'enemy at the gate' as you call them, will be God closing the door to your entrance JB and Michelle and your little army of J'slaves won't be able to do anything about it.

This is great, Defrauder ! It sums up so much of what I feel about the Duggars...


I want to yell at them "You can't just go around announcing things and have it be so ! It doesn't work like that ! None of this works like that !"


I was taught for a very early age the the most vital component of forgiveness is that you have to actually be sorry for what you did. I've never, ever heard anything resembling regret or sorrow from any of them - it's an almost defiant stance they take, hands on hips, when they tell the world "I have been forgiven !".


One of the most galling things was when Michelle was caught in the lie about Josh's "therapy", which she quickly backtracked on and admitted the truth, only once busted, that he'd actually been doing construction rehab work at a Hobby Lobby !


Was she saying to herself, WHILE LYING, "I'm lying right now and I'm being forgiven as I lie"... ???

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 17


I want to yell at them "You can't just go around announcing things and have it be so ! It don't work like that ! None of this works like that !"

Thank you SomePity. This is worth repeating.


I often think the Duggars don't believe in a real God at all. Religion is just a meal ticket, attention getter, excuse to be narcissistic, excuse to bully, and meal ticket all rolled into one. Nothing more.

  • Love 13

SomePity1066 - that was really well said.  I was just having this conversation at church about how we re-victimize those who are hurt or have been wronged.  We shove it down their throat that they must forgive and forget - hurry up - do that!  Some wounds take a long long time to heal.  Then the person who has done wrong also has to show a contrite heart.  To feel deeply sorry for what they have done and to do everything not to do it again.  To wait patiently and when the other person has given you the gift of forgiveness accept it humbly.  Josh, not so much.  This is one of the many reasons I do not understand why this crew keeps wanting to go back on t.v.  God keeps shining a spotlight on their "hidden" sins.

  • Love 10

As long as the Duggars and those of their cult feel that there is nothing they can do that won't be forgiven they will feel free to do anything from lying to molesting to adultery to lying about lying and molesting and adultery because they have no morality on their own merit.  They then want to convert those who actually have morals to bank on forgiveness for immorality. 

  • Love 7

Thank you SomePity. This is worth repeating.


I often think the Duggars don't believe in a real God at all. Religion is just a meal ticket, attention getter, excuse to be narcissistic, excuse to bully, and meal ticket all rolled into one. Nothing more.

I would also add that religion is handy, socially-acceptable (even ADMIRED) way to be physically, sexually and emotionally abusive. Because the list of examples is virtually endless, I'll stick with what I feel is the most glaring. If anyone else in this country knew about their son molesting their daughters, did nothing about it, did not get the ALL of the children involved proper therapy and help for it (but in fact forced the daughters to sweep everything under the rug), got caught years later, went on national TV and lied like rugs to protect their son and made their daughters tell the whole world that it was no big deal because it was over the clothes and they were asleep...imagine that scenario and not one mention of Jesus, church, forgiveness, God's grace or purposing. At best, they'd be dismissed as crazy perverts. At even better, they'd be in jail.

  • Love 12

It's disgusting. I'm obsessed with my daughters' sexual behavior but it's totally fine because Jesus! Under this environment, we raised a son who molests girls and doesn't care if they are his siblings or five years old, and he bangs hookers, but pay no attention to that, because Jesus! We sequester our children and deprive them of the kind of education that would make them functional adults in today's society--because Jesus! We smack infants with a rod because Jesus! We think a five year-old's shoulders and knees are sexy so we need to cover them up because Jesus! We don't think a 20 year-old adult is mentally or emotionally capable of being alone with a person of the opposite gender, so we don't let them do that under any circumstances because Jesus! We make our daughters feel like their only option in life is to marry a teenager they barely know and become a brood mare like mama because Jesus! Lying, money-grubbing, grifting, defrauding (I'm actually using the proper word here, regarding money), chasing fame at any price, repeatedly excusing and justifying criminal behavior because Jesus! Using sexual predators and cult leaders as "authority figures" because Jesus! JESUS. In what sick mind are these people ADMIRED? Seriously?? *punches drywall*

Jesus never told them any of that, Gothard did.  They don't even know the difference.  God laid it on our hearts to call them on it and have a voice outside of their sick twisted minds because God is angry at their false preaching and using God's name to do it.

  • Love 14

Jesus never told them any of that, Gothard did.  They don't even know the difference.  God laid it on our hearts to call them on it and have a voice outside of their sick twisted minds because God is angry at their false preaching and using God's name to do it.


But that's in the bible too, and theoretically, if you believe it, the Duggars will be judged for that.  (I know some here may not, and would prefer the punishment to be in this world "with skin on", but it qualifies IMO because it hoists the Dugs by their own petard.)  


"Don't delude yourself, your behavior doesn't mock God, who sees and knows all."  "Be sure your sins will find you out." "What is done in the darkness, will be revealed in light."  "As you sow, so shall you reap."  "There is a way that seems right unto man, but leads only down to hell" (all paraphrases, I hope not Bin-esque, clearly I could go on, heh).  

  • Love 1

It came up in my Facebook feed (sorry, don't know how to paste a link with an iPad), that boob and meechelle are going on a marriage retreat. First, why is that even news? I don't care about the state of their marriage, but here I am posting here so I guess I do..... Second, why must they announce every fart, drool, and bitten tongue to the media? Their endless quest for attention just bugs me!

  • Love 1

It came up in my Facebook feed (sorry, don't know how to paste a link with an iPad), that boob and meechelle are going on a marriage retreat. First, why is that even news? I don't care about the state of their marriage, but here I am posting here so I guess I do..... Second, why must they announce every fart, drool, and bitten tongue to the media? Their endless quest for attention just bugs me!

It's the same Gothard retreat they do every year, and I believe it was last weekend or the weekend before last.  

  • Love 1

It came up in my Facebook feed (sorry, don't know how to paste a link with an iPad), that boob and meechelle are going on a marriage retreat. First, why is that even news? I don't care about the state of their marriage, but here I am posting here so I guess I do..... Second, why must they announce every fart, drool, and bitten tongue to the media? Their endless quest for attention just bugs me!

They went on a marriage retreat about a week or so ago to some lame attempt at creating a town from the 1800's. They took pictures of the fake town and I suppose that's their fantasy get away but since it didn't include a TLC studio they probably shook the dust off of their feet and left early.

Was she saying to herself, WHILE LYING, "I'm lying right now and I'm being forgiven as I lie"... ???


It's probably some weird sort of rationalization based on good intentions (to give the benefit of the doubt)...Since they believe that all they need to do to gain forgiveness is to repent, they can probably manage to tell the lie while "purposing" to repent about it later on. Whether or not they ever get around to it is irrelevant.

  • Love 3

It's probably some weird sort of rationalization based on good intentions (to give the benefit of the doubt)...Since they believe that all they need to do to gain forgiveness is to repent, they can probably manage to tell the lie while "purposing" to repent about it later on. Whether or not they ever get around to it is irrelevant.

The Catholic child sexual abuse scandal caught my attention years ago. The priests lied using something they called "mental reservation."

It meant they knew they were lying, but could justify it, the end justifies the means. (In the cases involving priests, they were usually lying to protect pedophile clerics. Or, as they would put it, to protect Holy Mother Church.) 

It's disgusting. I'm obsessed with my daughters' sexual behavior but it's totally fine because Jesus! Under this environment, we raised a son who molests girls and doesn't care if they are his siblings or five years old, and he bangs hookers, but pay no attention to that, because Jesus! We sequester our children and deprive them of the kind of education that would make them functional adults in today's society--because Jesus! We smack infants with a rod because Jesus! We think a five year-old's shoulders and knees are sexy so we need to cover them up because Jesus! We don't think a 20 year-old adult is mentally or emotionally capable of being alone with a person of the opposite gender, so we don't let them do that under any circumstances because Jesus! We make our daughters feel like their only option in life is to marry a teenager they barely know and become a brood mare like mama because Jesus! Lying, money-grubbing, grifting, defrauding (I'm actually using the proper word here, regarding money), chasing fame at any price, repeatedly excusing and justifying criminal behavior because Jesus! Using sexual predators and cult leaders as "authority figures" because Jesus! JESUS. In what sick mind are these people ADMIRED? Seriously?? *punches drywall*

Jesus it tired now!!!

  • Love 4
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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