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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Hispanics tend to hang with Hispanics, and Jews with Jews.  You are comfortable with what you know.  This country has managed nonetheless to integrate very well, at least to this point, in the business and educational sectors.  When it comes to marriage, in my area whites are probably more often married inter-racially.  That's my experience here.  

I am Jewish and really do not hang with any Jewish people although there are plenty in my city.  So maybe that is too general?

  • Love 9

Wikipedia, re: Washington County, Arkansas:

As of the 2010 Census Washington County had a population of 203,065. The racial makeup of the county was 74.14% Non-Hispanic white, 2.96% black, 1.18% Native American, 2.17% Asian, 2.03% Pacific Islander, 0.11% non-Hispanics of some other race, 2.16% Non-Hispanics of two or more races and 15.49% Hispanic.


And Benton County:

As of census 2010 the county population was 221,339. The racial makeup of the county was 76.18% Non-Hispanic white, 1.27% black, 1.69% Native American, 2.85% Asian, 0.30% Pacific Islander, 0.10% Non-Hispanics of some other race, 1.93% Non-Hispanics reporting two or more races and 15.49% Hispanic or Latino.

I don't know how reliable this source is, but they give an estimate of 1600 Jewish adherents (service attendees), 116,000 Catholics, 237,000 Mainline Protestants and 1,150,000 Evangelic Protestants, in 2000, when the total state population was approx 2,700,000.

Edited by Kokapetl

JB and Mechelle by law do not qualify for welfare. They would have to be at or below the poverty level in income. If they own any property/assets they could have a lean against them to receive welfare. JB owns homes, property and other sources of income. Their new source of income should be getting jobs. A foreign word to all of them.


Like Latetotherapy said  -  boo-fucking-hoo. So sad to bad.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 4
BTW - I would go nuts if I had to live in that little corner of Arkansas. No thanks.

Yes, you would, NE Girl, and so would I !!! So come sit right here by me... (patting my couch)


I'm soooo not saying that the whole community in that neck of the woods is Duggar-fied, or banjo-playin', bib-all wearing', racist homophobes, as cruelty and selfishness knows no geographic bounds, truly, but I adopted my beloved doggie, seen in my avatar here, from an awesome shelter just a stone's throw from Gothardland. Happy to report that there ARE nice doggie/kitty/bunny rescuers there, but it was a hard row to hoe for them - people like LegoHead and XanaxStare give owning a pet a bad name, and abandon their pets when they become too big, or difficult, or not-puppy-cute anymore. For shame, Duggars, for SHAME !!! After seeing the multitude of here-now/gone-later dogs, cats, etc, that was ALL I needed to know about them !


Derrick with the sled-the-cat episode was the shit icing on the shit cake for me. The patented group Duggar Hyuk-Hyuk in the face of, what seems to me, gleeful sadism, was just beyond the pale. 


Par for the course, Gothard-wise, it seems. Souless, empty shells. 


And now I need another box of wine...


  • Love 7

SomePitty - Thanks - I'll   take a glass of white wine if that's ok.


For the record-There are crazy, bigoted people all over the country. We all know they are not limited to Duggar land. The dogs and cats are probably in much better homes and receive the love and attention they did not get at the Duggar compound.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 4

Yes, you would, NE Girl, and so would I !!! So come sit right here by me... (patting my couch)

I'm soooo not saying that the whole community in that neck of the woods is Duggar-fied, or banjo-playin', bib-all wearing', racist homophobes, as cruelty and selfishness knows no geographic bounds, truly, but I adopted my beloved doggie, seen in my avatar here, from an awesome shelter just a stone's throw from Gothardland. Happy to report that there ARE nice doggie/kitty/bunny rescuers there, but it was a hard row to hoe for them - people like LegoHead and XanaxStare give owning a pet a bad name, and abandon their pets when they become too big, or difficult, or not-puppy-cute anymore. For shame, Duggars, for SHAME !!! After seeing the multitude of here-now/gone-later dogs, cats, etc, that was ALL I needed to know about them !

Derrick with the sled-the-cat episode was the shit icing on the shit cake for me. The patented group Duggar Hyuk-Hyuk in the face of, what seems to me, gleeful sadism, was just beyond the pale.

Par for the course, Gothard-wise, it seems. Souless, empty shells.

And now I need another box of wine...

I really hope Derick gets what's coming to him. If I had witnessed cat-gate first hand, I would have beat the shit out of him, repeatedly until I knocked his fugly wooden teeth out of his mouth. I really have no sympathy for animal abusers. I would have to agree that the Duggars are sadists.

Karma baby, it's coming for you Derick.


Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 12

JB and Mechelle by law do not qualify for welfare. They would have to be at or below the poverty level in income. If they own any property/assets they could have a lean against them to receive welfare. JB owns homes, property and other sources of income. Their new source of income should be getting jobs. A foreign word to all of them.


Like Latetotherapy said  -  boo-fucking-hoo. So sad to bad.


I don't want to sound like too much of a prig, but losing that show is the best thing that could happen to all of those kids.


I don't begrudge Jill and Jessa their VSE's -- they really got blindsided -- but I hope that's the end of it.


The show was going to end sooner rather than later, and everyone in that family needs to start re-orienting themselves to the idea of real work, and get some exposure to the idea that work is more than talking about how "special" and "precious" your family is, or tweeting Bible verses. The children have little or no experience of the working world and their religious beliefs foster magical thinking -- I don't think any of them has ever really given a thought to the idea that the gravy-train will ever end as long as they pray hard enough. They all need a cold hard dose of reality, and it's better (IMO) that it should happen now while they are still young enough to adapt. 


Jessa, Jill, and even Amy have all had complete public meltdowns over the loss of their "celebrity." It's been pathetic, and will only be worse for the rest of them when the day finally does arrive that TLC folds up the tents and takes the cameras away.


If there are no more VSE's, then Derick and Jill, and Ben and Jessa, are going to have to start dealing with the realities of raising children without any sort of steady income -- at least for a while. Once they're crammed into a tiny house with a few kids, family planning might not sound so sinful -- I doubt Derick and Ben will enjoy it, and it wouldn't surprise me if Jill and Jessa started having PTS flashbacks.


Without the show, there is no incentive for a new "courtship" every year which would be a blessing for the kids and also for the potential suitors -- Derick and Ben got sucked into the Duggar vortex so fast my head is still spinning.

  • Love 18

I really hope Derick gets what's coming to him. If I had witnessed cat-gate first hand, I would have beat the shit out of him, repeatedly until I knocked his fugly wooden teeth out of his mouth. I really have no sympathy for animal abusers. I would have to agree that the Duggars are sadists.

Karma baby, it's coming for you Derick.


I would of put his teeth back in his gums, then knocked them out a second time.   Then I would of made him modern dance his ass off a cliff.

  • Love 8

I don't want to sound like too much of a prig, but losing that show is the best thing that could happen to all of those kids.


I don't begrudge Jill and Jessa their VSE's -- they really got blindsided -- but I hope that's the end of it.


The show was going to end sooner rather than later, and everyone in that family needs to start re-orienting themselves to the idea of real work, and get some exposure to the idea that work is more than talking about how "special" and "precious" your family is, or tweeting Bible verses. The children have little or no experience of the working world and their religious beliefs foster magical thinking -- I don't think any of them has ever really given a thought to the idea that the gravy-train will ever end as long as they pray hard enough. They all need a cold hard dose of reality, and it's better (IMO) that it should happen now while they are still young enough to adapt. 


Jessa, Jill, and even Amy have all had complete public meltdowns over the loss of their "celebrity." It's been pathetic, and will only be worse for the rest of them when the day finally does arrive that TLC folds up the tents and takes the cameras away.


If there are no more VSE's, then Derick and Jill, and Ben and Jessa, are going to have to start dealing with the realities of raising children without any sort of steady income -- at least for a while. Once they're crammed into a tiny house with a few kids, family planning might not sound so sinful -- I doubt Derick and Ben will enjoy it, and it wouldn't surprise me if Jill and Jessa started having PTS flashbacks.


Without the show, there is no incentive for a new "courtship" every year which would be a blessing for the kids and also for the potential suitors -- Derick and Ben got sucked into the Duggar vortex so fast my head is still spinning.


Absolutely, especially the paragraph about getting REAL work. I'd love to see each kid - all 19 - quizzed again on what he/she wants to be when grown up. From the first time, I remember there were a lot of "missionary" responses in the crowd, with some of the youngest giving the typical "fireman" or "doctor" answers. It would be SO interesting to hear when they might say now.

  • Love 3

I'm going to take a hit here, but to me cats are evil, boring, and too numerous. If Derrick wants to rid the world of one (or more technically Ben, since he steered Derrick that way), then Ijust shrug my shoulders.

I HATE cats!


Forget "19 Reasons Why the Duggars Infuriate." We need to start a new thread entitled "19 Reasons Why Cats Rule and Dogs Drool!" for Roamyn.  Like the Duggars, I'm on a mission to convert! Ha!

Edited by Guest

Did he ever actually state that? I think he had so many children because they likely make him feel like a big man, like a king.


Well, sure, ego is why they all really have a ton of children, Bates and Botkin and Maxwell and David Rodriguez and the whole rabbity gang.


But the entire constellation of religious groups that the Duggars have hung around with and clearly identify with are part of the American fundie tradition that preaches producing armies for the Lord, to out-populate other groups for Christ and to make sure you have enough descendants to dominate governments and other institutions. Every religious and cultural scholar out there knows that this is a strong theological underpinning of the Gothard cult and numerous others. And the Duggars are clearly closely identified with those groups. Why else would they have been featured speakers for years and years at events sponsored by people with these ideas?


Just because Jim Bob seldom or never mentions this fact in public is in no way proof that he doesn't ascribe to it. Pretty much all the adherents of this idea know by now that mainstream people find it offputting, appalling and downright scary. So they shut up about it in public, particularly when they're trying to win over a mass tv audience and sponsors.


And it's not just the "army of the Lord" people who refrain from mentioning their religious and other convictions. How many public figures publicly state their actual beliefs when they know that those beliefs might spook people whose approval they need for tv ratings or votes or to sell movie tickets? Has John Travolta ever told us everything he believes as a Scientologist? No way. Same thing for Jim Bob.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 15

I can't remember which episode, but I was watching The Bates show and there was a clip of Jim Bob playing basketball with some of the boys.

           It shows what a creep he is.

  He tries to kick one of the boys in the balls.

   This act clearly is way below the belt ( ha ha) but for a grown man makes him total scum.

           I think it sheds light on why no women are attracted to his sons. Who would want anyone even remotely similar to JB?


  • Love 9

I can't remember which episode, but I was watching The Bates show and there was a clip of Jim Bob playing basketball with some of the boys.

           It shows what a creep he is.

  He tries to kick one of the boys in the balls.

   This act clearly is way below the belt ( ha ha) but for a grown man makes him total scum.

           I think it sheds light on why no women are attracted to his sons. Who would want anyone even remotely similar to JB?


That's horrible! Who does that?? Wow....
  • Love 3

JB & Mechelle, if God has one son why do you think God needs an army of 19 Duggars?

I love this and want to put it in a T-shirt.

I wonder if they are grandiose enough to think that apparently Jesus failed, seeing as how there so many of us heathens and infidels still polluting the planet. It couldn't possibly be God's plan to have a diverse world population (because it if it were, they would KNOW. It would be laid on their hearts. Their first assumption is that God's plan is magically the same thing they want. Like JimBob running for office.) So thank goodness the Duggars know better and can produce umpteen zillion programmed soldier bots to accomplish what Jesus could not.

  • Love 3

I can't remember which episode, but I was watching The Bates show and there was a clip of Jim Bob playing basketball with some of the boys.

           It shows what a creep he is.

  He tries to kick one of the boys in the balls.

   This act clearly is way below the belt ( ha ha) but for a grown man makes him total scum.

           I think it sheds light on why no women are attracted to his sons. Who would want anyone even remotely similar to JB?


JB is such a low life.  Pond scum. What a godly example. Disgusting.

  • Love 6

I can't remember which episode, but I was watching The Bates show and there was a clip of Jim Bob playing basketball with some of the boys.

It shows what a creep he is.

He tries to kick one of the boys in the balls.

This act clearly is way below the belt ( ha ha) but for a grown man makes him total scum.

I think it sheds light on why no women are attracted to his sons. Who would want anyone even remotely similar to JB?


Oh Cherrio! Thank you thank you thank you for my first big belly laugh of the day! "JB tried to kick him in the balls." OMG STILL laughing at the visual.
  • Love 2


From pickles and hairspray, JimBob being real classy and subtle.


Sooo, this means Anna's not in Florida?

That's Meredith (M4) he's holding, and they're at stalwart sponsor Lowe's. Sleeping infants love hardware and hardware stores.



Hard to tell where they are, I think. Jim Bob was recently in Florida. And there are Lowe's pretty much everywhere, aren't there?

So he couldn't take a picture of him actually holding his youngest grandchild at his house, nooooooooooooo, he needed to hold her up in front of Lowe's.  Yeah, JimBoob, we are too stupid to get the product placement.  Actually makes me NOT want to shop at Lowe's.

That is why I stopped shopping at Lowe's when it was listed as one of the sponsors.  Haven't been there since the first scandal and will stay out.  

  • Love 4

His lovely wife has complained about his bad breath in the show. He must have loved that!

I am no fan of these people, to say the least, but what the hell? Just plain rude. I always marvel at people who are ruder in public to their SOs than they would likely be to a stranger.

It wasn't a situation where Michelle just blurted out that Boob had bad breath; there was a whole episode centered around it where they went to the doctor and had allergy tests done, checking for medical reasons for his horrible, terrible no good bad breath. I always thought Michelle got a bit of a passive aggressive thrill out of it, being able to throw shade at JB under the guise of being concerned for his health.

  • Love 12

That is why I stopped shopping at Lowe's when it was listed as one of the sponsors.  Haven't been there since the first scandal and will stay out.  

We will need to replace several appliances in our house as they wear out over the next couple of years. I wonder if I should print that photo off and write a letter to Lowe's telling them I'll be buying those appliances elsewhere...

  • Love 5

It wasn't a situation where Michelle just blurted out that Boob had bad breath; there was a whole episode centered around it where they went to the doctor and had allergy tests done, checking for medical reasons for his horrible, terrible no good bad breath. I always thought Michelle got a bit of a passive aggressive thrill out of it, being able to throw shade at JB under the guise of being concerned for his health.


Well, at that she comes out ahead. His mouth probably still smells better than what the rest of the world is expected to kiss.


Yeah, I may be enjoying that part of it a little too much, because while, wow, I really hate that society is set up so that a selfish whining baby like Jim Bob can get institutional support for doing as much damage as he's done just inside the walls of his own home? I just plain dislike Jim Bob. Because for all that the women in his household are expected to dress like nuns in a 1970s Breck ad, he's probably done as much to directly promote the view that women are volitionless sex dolls in the keeping of men as Larry freaking Flynt.

  • Love 8

Between the breath so bad his wife took him to the doctor and the "it doesn't take long" sex, Jim Boob sounds like a real love machine, doesn't he?


And how did it take two consequent scandals for someone to notice? His children know what he says when he wants to have sex. No matter how badly you need to have an audience, all of America should be enough that you don't have to break your kids' brains.

  • Love 4
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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