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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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It would be so great if JB found out somehow that some of those kids weren't his!!!

I've wondered that myself. In my imagination, so I'm not suggesting or accusing anyone,  I wonder if their friend Jim Holt contributed to some of the godly army while fulfilling some unrighteous desires.  That would be magazine heaven.  

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My friend's DIL is an elementary school teacher who has no children of her own. I always thought she talked normally until she and her husband adopted a puppy 2 years ago and I swear her voice has gone up 2 octaves! I personally find it annoying as hell, but I was surprised to read that when you want to get a dog's attention, pitching your voice up was more effective than pitching it down and louder. Maybe it works with kids, too?

My friend's DIL is an elementary school teacher who has no children of her own. I always thought she talked normally until she and her husband adopted a puppy 2 years ago and I swear her voice has gone up 2 octaves! I personally find it annoying as hell, but I was surprised to read that when you want to get a dog's attention, pitching your voice up was more effective than pitching it down and louder. Maybe it works with kids, too?

Maybe when the kids are very small, it's kind of like a natural thing - in a normal way and not in extremes, but you can still turn it off when talking with adults. Like you don't just start going around talking to adults like that.

I really want to know exactly what was going through Michelle's mind when she was graciously and humbly accepting all those Mother of the Damn Year accolades.


"I am the best mother ever and it'll be a crying shame if I don't get a mother of the millennium award. (Fill in the blank with number) precious blessings, and I delivered every one of them!"




"Damn that Jim Bob Duggar forcing me to have those umpteen horrible kids. I'll show him. I will never ever do a lick of work around that stupid steel house ever again."


Or both.

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You know, that's funny. That's always been in the back of my mind, too. Like where the hell did Jessa come from? She doesn't remotely resemble either one of them.

If you take Jim Bob's simian-looking features and pinched them together reaallllly tight, you get Jessa's looks. Jessa doesn't resemble Michelle at all, IMO.

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If you take Jim Bob's simian-looking features and pinched them together reaallllly tight, you get Jessa's looks. Jessa doesn't resemble Michelle at all, IMO.


I think she got Michelle's lantern jaw and pointy little chin and Jim Bob's mouth and fivehead. Her eyes aren't even all that different from Michelle's, just not drooping at the corners.

  • Love 4
I wish we knew what the rest of Michelle's siblings look like.  Maybe some of the kids look like them.  I don't think any of them resemble JL, Mary, Amy, or Deanna.  Well, James may look like Amy a little, but not really...


Jana definitely has Deanna's eyes (one eye slightly bigger than the other and a bit squinty), I think Jenny has them as well. Mabye Johanna too? Sadly there are quite a few of the boys who take after Boob, and baby Iz is a dead ringer for him the poor child.

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In my marriage my greatest gift to my husband was our children. I would think they would think the same way. Maybe I'm wrong.


I think the greatest gift my husband and I have ever given each other - or for that matter, the world - is my daughter. That said, if I was the non-caregiving partner in a marriage and my spouse had spent twenty-something years pregnant because I had Theories? I would recognize our years together with something other than a reminder that we have made babies. Michelle, as much as both supporters and detractors and her family and herself seem to forget it, is a human who maybe would like to think the last half century of her life is notable for something other than her being a uterus walking around in thrift shop clothes. I don't think you have to despise Jim Bob (which I totally do) to make that a valid perspective.

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My friend's DIL is an elementary school teacher who has no children of her own. I always thought she talked normally until she and her husband adopted a puppy 2 years ago and I swear her voice has gone up 2 octaves! I personally find it annoying as hell, but I was surprised to read that when you want to get a dog's attention, pitching your voice up was more effective than pitching it down and louder. Maybe it works with kids, too?

It does, with infants. And people tend to do it instinctively. I feel that inflicting the baby talk on anyone who isn't a dog or a baby is unnecessary.

  • Love 7

On the subject of paternity, I think the first few look like JB or a combination of JB/J'Chelle, and the last few, Josie, Jordyn, Jennifer, Johanna look like JB or a combination of the two.  Some of the  middle ones, especially the ones with brown eyes look more like Jim Holt or a combination of Jim Holt and J'Chelle.  That's just my take.

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If there were shenanigans it would be shocking.

The Duggars do have nice looking kids though. Jessa is very pretty, that jaw thing isn't really much of a detractor (although it's fun to poke fun because of Jessa's perceived vanity). John David could be cleaned up. Josh was a nice looking teen as well. He has a baby face that some hook.., er women go for. Josiah has some skin issues that could be addressed medically, but he is at that age. The girls are all nice looking and some of the middles and younger boys are quite cute.

  • Love 2

It does, with infants. And people tend to do it instinctively. I feel that inflicting the baby talk on anyone who isn't a dog or a baby is unnecessary.


From what I recall from an 'intro to speech development' class in college, that higher-pitch business is instinctive, in females - and found in every culture and race. It must be part of our DNA, because it's done in Manhattan, on the Kalahari and on the Russian tundra.


Edited to add - I should have been clearer. It's been found that in general, females of all cultures use a higher-pitched tone with babies and very young children. And not forever, but just while the child is young. Definitely not with adults or older children etc. So yep, Me-chelle obviously does have an issue here.

Edited by Wellfleet
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About Michelle's voice - that she uses it to talk sweet to her (supposed) blessings - it is very annoying.   I know someone who talks this way and trust me she in not really a "keeping sweet" person.  She says the meanest and/or most insulting things and as she walks away you think ," WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY TO ME?"

I teach school and at the end of the day when I am with my family I have to be reminded "We are not your second grade students."  

  • Love 7

For the 100th time,Jim bob wears a lace front wig....colour matched,the whole thing.The one item he probably paid top dollar for.

On the subject of paternity, I think the first few look like JB or a combination of JB/J'Chelle, and the last few, Josie, Jordyn, Jennifer, Johanna look like JB or a combination of the two.  Some of the  middle ones, especially the ones with brown eyes look more like Jim Holt or a combination of Jim Holt and J'Chelle.  That's just my take.

I just googled Jim Holt,looks like a much older version of Jackson lol

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Michelle is looking rough.  The scandals are definitely taking a toll on her.  I see she got light colored crocs flats to wear with the dress.  Classy!


JB and a weave?  Too funny!


The boys and their receding hairlines are a bit troubling, just because it seems to be starting so young.  Could other factors like thyroid issues or even poor nutrition be contributing? 

I work with a woman who out of the blue will start talking to people in a baby voice.  It's extremely nauseating to say the least.  She does have some mental issues though.  You have to wonder about Moochelle.

ETA: She's 50 and has no kids or animals.  Not sure that makes a difference, just a notation.

Edited by kelslamu
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Why did TLC bother having MEchelle speak in the abuse special? What a medicated nutcase. I doubt she learned took in a damn thing. She did nothing to protect her girls and I doubt took anything the teacher was teaching. Smiling like a damn fool does't cure problems MEchelle.


MOTY quote:


"I was so glad that my girls and I were able to do this together and that we could just be a support and encouragement to each other to be able to gain more information about this important topic."


WOW just now this is an important topic but when it happened in your house with your daughters well that wasn't important because they swept it under the carpets errrr I mean prayed about it!?


Read more: http://www.fishwrapper.com/post/2015/08/31/duggar-molestation-special-tlc-josh-cheat-ashley-madison-sisters-jessa-jill-pictures-photos-pics/#ixzz3kOmAmZMY

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Wow, she does sound like an uninterested party who is just trying to say the right thing when she is so very far off the mark.  Hopefully we can learn more about this topic.  Really?  You are going to look into it just now??? You weren't willing to find out why this was happening at the time when you freaking knew it was happening?  Just stop talking Moochelle.  She is only capable of making it worse.

Edited by kelslamu
  • Love 3

I work with a woman who out of the blue will start talking to people in a baby voice. It's extremely nauseating to say the least. She does have some mental issues though. You have to wonder about Moochelle.

ETA: She's 50 and has no kids or animals. Not sure that makes a difference, just a notation.

Sounds like my sister. Say "hi" for me, would you? :-) Edited by JenCarroll
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Oh wow!  I can't handle her 32 to 40 hours a week, but I try.  I have to literally walk away from her.  If I say I don't need something she is offering she will hunker down, say "I understand" and walk off like Eeyore.  I don't know how you do it.  If it were my sister, then I guess I would see how though.  Tell her I said, "Hey" as well.  I can't help seeing Moochelle in her in ways though either.  People say, "Oh you have to just ignore it, it's just how she is."  Yeah, well I'm beginning to wonder if she isn't some kind of evil genius at times.  I think that's Moochelle to a degree, but I think she has given up and just does the bare minimum hoping not to be bothered anymore. JMO

  • Love 1

Wow, she does sound like an uninterested party who is just trying to say the right thing when she is so very far off the mark.  Hopefully we can learn more about this topic.  Really?  You are going to look into it just now??? You weren't willing to find out why this was happening at the time when you freaking knew it was happening?  Just stop talking Moochelle.  She is only capable of making it worse.


I think the price of their appearing on the special was that they only speak the very few lines that were written for them, and that Michelle was only there because they refused to let Jim Bob.

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I hope I'm putting this in the right place....


Over the weekend, I was at a picnic which included some old co-workers. Everyone was talking like crazy, but I overheard a conversation about an associate who has a cell phone tower on his land and collects $60,000/ month in rent from it. Yes, everyone was shocked, but this person repeated it over and over. He said the guy retired because he has a pension plus this $720,000 income. Granted, this is a different area of the country, but still.........doesn't JB have cell phone land???


Baldness???? Can come from either side of the family, just like any other genetic trait. A male can get it from his dad, or from his mom's dad. I've seen families with the mixture.....guys with dad's bald pattern and other brothers with maternal grampa's mop. It's a crapshoot.

  • Love 1

I hope I'm putting this in the right place....


Over the weekend, I was at a picnic which included some old co-workers. Everyone was talking like crazy, but I overheard a conversation about an associate who has a cell phone tower on his land and collects $60,000/ month in rent from it. Yes, everyone was shocked, but this person repeated it over and over. He said the guy retired because he has a pension plus this $720,000 income. Granted, this is a different area of the country, but still.........doesn't JB have cell phone land???


Baldness???? Can come from either side of the family, just like any other genetic trait. A male can get it from his dad, or from his mom's dad. I've seen families with the mixture.....guys with dad's bald pattern and other brothers with maternal grampa's mop. It's a crapshoot.


According to this random source I just Googled up, cell phone tower takings are all over the map. Didn't see any as high as your guy reported but if this is accurate they certainly range from virtually nothing to very nice checks. And what you get is just luck of your draw. So maybe JB's been lucky again on this.



Edited by Churchhoney
Granted, this is a different area of the country, but still.........doesn't JB have cell phone land???


It sounds like an awful lot of money if it's a monthly fee. I really don't think that Boob could be getting payed that much, unless the cell phone tower is a fairly recent addition that came after TLC stepped in. Why would someone with that kind of monthly income cram his 14 kids into a two-bedroom house, make his wife and kids wear used shoes and home-sewn clothes looking like they'd been made of fabric scavenged from the dollar bin? Not to mention feed them cheap canned food and meals made up entirely of rice?


...then again we are talking about Jim Bob Duggar here. The man who according to his own wife is so tight that he squeaks when he walks. Maybe he did get that much money from the cell phone tower but hoarded it instead of using it on his family, and that's where his campaign money came from.

  • Love 2

I work with a woman who out of the blue will start talking to people in a baby voice.  It's extremely nauseating to say the least.  She does have some mental issues though.  You have to wonder about Moochelle.

ETA: She's 50 and has no kids or animals.  Not sure that makes a difference, just a notation.

I always thought Michelle's baby voice was some sort of reaction formation, she really wants to grab an ax and scream "shut the f up" but instead she uses the baby voice.

  • Love 8

I always thought Michelle's baby voice was some sort of reaction formation, she really wants to grab an ax and scream "shut the f up" but instead she uses the baby voice.


Yes. Thank you. And some day, there will be explosive decompensation, and on that day they will be finding Jim Bob molecules coating the ground like fuzzy dust for a fifty-mile radius.

  • Love 8

I hope I'm putting this in the right place....


Over the weekend, I was at a picnic which included some old co-workers. Everyone was talking like crazy, but I overheard a conversation about an associate who has a cell phone tower on his land and collects $60,000/ month in rent from it. Yes, everyone was shocked, but this person repeated it over and over. He said the guy retired because he has a pension plus this $720,000 income. Granted, this is a different area of the country, but still.........doesn't JB have cell phone land???


Baldness???? Can come from either side of the family, just like any other genetic trait. A male can get it from his dad, or from his mom's dad. I've seen families with the mixture.....guys with dad's bald pattern and other brothers with maternal grampa's mop. It's a crapshoot.

Yup...my husband was 27 when I met him and had a slight but definite receding hairline. Thirty years later, he is not exactly bald, but very sparse, while his five brothers are still rocking lush, full heads of hair. Our older son, at 30, also has a forehead which is getting higher and higher, but the hair he has is still reasonably thick, while our younger son, at 24 not only has that same hairline already, but every few days it seems I can see a bit more of his scalp through it than I did the last time I looked...

Jimbob's hair looks a bit thin, that's why he combs it over and practically glues it down with hairspray. Here it is sort of tousled. I think it's really his though.


The photos of his hair when he and Michelle were newlyweds are just too hideous to post.

It sounds like an awful lot of money if it's a monthly fee. I really don't think that Boob could be getting payed that much, unless the cell phone tower is a fairly recent addition that came after TLC stepped in. Why would someone with that kind of monthly income cram his 14 kids into a two-bedroom house, make his wife and kids wear used shoes and home-sewn clothes looking like they'd been made of fabric scavenged from the dollar bin? Not to mention feed them cheap canned food and meals made up entirely of rice?


...then again we are talking about Jim Bob Duggar here. The man who according to his own wife is so tight that he squeaks when he walks. Maybe he did get that much money from the cell phone tower but hoarded it instead of using it on his family, and that's where his campaign money came from.

I think the mobile phone tower, and most of his property purchases, are thanks to TLC income.

I always thought Michelle's baby voice was some sort of reaction formation, she really wants to grab an ax and scream "shut the f up" but instead she uses the baby voice.

Michelle has actively admitted she was a yeller and started using the quiet baby voice to counteract that. I believe it's in the books and she's mentioned it in speaking engagements. It probably started with good intentions, but became so exaggerated that now she can't turn it off.

It's also a 'cute' little form of branding.

  • Love 3

I could MAYBE see $6000 a month in rent for a cell tower, especially in a densely populated area where it would be tough to find another location. Maybe.

But Nowhere, Arkansas? Cable companies aren't stupid and it wouldn't be at all cost effective. Just buy another five acres somewhere off some farmer and put up another tower. I suppose it's possible JimBob had enough local political clout to block the permit process, but I just don't see that happening. Money almost always talks loudest.

  • Love 2

It sounds like an awful lot of money if it's a monthly fee. I really don't think that Boob could be getting payed that much, unless the cell phone tower is a fairly recent addition that came after TLC stepped in. Why would someone with that kind of monthly income cram his 14 kids into a two-bedroom house, make his wife and kids wear used shoes and home-sewn clothes looking like they'd been made of fabric scavenged from the dollar bin? Not to mention feed them cheap canned food and meals made up entirely of rice?


...then again we are talking about Jim Bob Duggar here. The man who according to his own wife is so tight that he squeaks when he walks. Maybe he did get that much money from the cell phone tower but hoarded it instead of using it on his family, and that's where his campaign money came from.


Well, the little article that I saw and cited said that some people get as little as $100 a month. It depends on all the details of the tower's location, the company it's for and the whole complex process of siting it and constructing it. .... That being the case, I would bet that most rural towers in non-high-rent districts don't bring in all that much, since there's probably much more land available on which to situate the thing, constraints on the construction would probably be fewer, and the company's take from the tower would probably be less. I'm sure the big bucks go to towers in densely populated places with complex geographies. That's not Jim Bob's area.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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