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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Jim Bob and Michelle telling someone that what molestation is no big deal is one thing. But, what happens when they have an rape victim who passes out at a party, gets pregnant, and wants/has an abortion? The only way a counseling show would work is if JB&M were unknowingly the butt of the joke.



Is this normal behavior?! God help us (or maybe just my heathen self without children) if Boob & Chelly are actually in the mainstream on this one.

"Oh, it's ok, we've already had a lot of test runs!" Shuts 'em up every time.

Edited by JoanArc
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I really doubt these stories about a Dr PhilBob and a weird surgeried wife who sits in the audience are true. JimChelle would be well aware that their show was cancelled specifically due to the reaction from the general public on how the family responded to sexual abuse. I doubt they think the general public is receptive to more of what killed their show. I doubt they are inclined to discuss this subject any further, or would be comfortable in any way discussing discussing the nitty gritty of sexual abuse on camera. Moreover, tabloids are not reliable sources of information, especially when information is via "sources", they routinely make shit up. Can Jennifer Aniston really have been pregnant for the last ten years?

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I was in NYC city last week and saw The Book of Mormon and couldn't help but think of the Duggars. This song is dedicated to Michelle.

Beautiful. At the risk of going OT for this thread, this sums up Teri Maxhell's approach to "unwanted feelings" in her blog posts. Must be a Gothard thang.

LOVED the BoM. My favorite song is Spooky Mormon Hell Dream (which is probably very close to Gothard hell, minus the dancing Starbucks cups...maybe with Pepsi bottles instead?).

  • Love 2

Boob and J'Chelle are delusional but TLC is not.  They cancelled the series because of the molestation, there is no way in hell that they will begin a series about the abuse.  

Regardless of whether Boob and J'Chelle have actually pitched this to the powers-that-be (and I'm skeptical), it will never get off the ground.  

  • Love 2

Is the Abuse Special really called 'Breaking the Silence'?  This just does it for me.  The Silence JB and Michelle tried their damndest to maintain! Now the Duggars are going to star in 'Breaking the Silence?  Really?  They were pissed that the Silence was broken.  They threatened to sue over the Silence being broken!  The claimed to be victims of the Silence being Broken!   Now they want to take some kind of credit for Breaking the Silence?  Oh the irony.  The hypocrisy now puts their picture next to the word in the dictionary. 

  • Love 13

I have to say, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that Boob seems to think that he is the main appeal of the show. One thing I've noticed about pretty much all the Gothard men we've come across (Boob, Sly Joshie, Bin, TFDW, that Rodrigues guy) is that they are emphatically not natural leaders with the kind of charisma that would naturally put them in positions of authority. Luckily, they have the mighty Gothard and the threat of Hellfire to 'encourage' their wives and families give them that kind of obedience and adoration that they never would have gotten in a million years otherwise. Boob (and co.) have bought into this image hook line and sinker. The way he sees the world, he is the virile specimen that can father 19 (or 21 depending on when you ask) (and yes, I just threw up a little in my mouth typing that), the guy who landed the hot cheerleader (who destroys marriages through the sheer hotness of her bikini-clad body), the skilled provider for a family of 21, and the leader who is so wise that his daughters won't even cut their hair unless it pleases him. Who (in his little, creepy, boob-ish mind) wouldn't be drawn to a show about such a prime and holy example of masculinity? (okay, really need to barf now). 


ETA: Or what Cherrio said

I think the really tricky part of the equation is that they have to be just intelligent enough, in comparison to their wives, that they can make things work well enough so the wife (assuming a certain brainwashed state to begin with) won't, five or six years down the line, think, "to hell with THIS!!", yet not intelligent enough that they don't come to the same conclusion themselves...

  • Love 5

I highly doubt there will be many people willing to be filmed while receiving counseling - especially if they are survivors of sexual abuse.

That's the beauty of the plan! The show can be all about JB and J;chelle!


How do they manage to keep their counseling appointments when they have 19 CHILDREN! How does J'chelle keep the house clean and feed 19 CHILDREN when she is so busy doing the Lord's work and helping the victims of abuse?


They can film the abuse victims from the back (or put black rectangles over their faces) so that all we get to see are JB and J'chelle's concerned countenances!


For me, the thing is that they do seem to read the boards, so they must have some idea that people blame THEM in large part for the Josh scandal. I find it amazing that they can read the boards and respond (Look, J'chelle DOES spend time with the kids!, etc.), but there is never a glimmer of self-awareness (maybe we SHOULD spend more time with the kids!). So, in case they are reading this, I think that JB and J'chelle are AWFUL parents. I don't think anyone should EVER take their advice on children, relationships, animals, housekeeping, food preparation, or Jesus -- and those are just the things that I can think of off the top of my head.

  • Love 9

That's the beauty of the plan! The show can be all about JB and J;chelle!


How do they manage to keep their counseling appointments when they have 19 CHILDREN! How does J'chelle keep the house clean and feed 19 CHILDREN when she is so busy doing the Lord's work and helping the victims of abuse?


They can film the abuse victims from the back (or put black rectangles over their faces) so that all we get to see are JB and J'chelle's concerned countenances!


For me, the thing is that they do seem to read the boards, so they must have some idea that people blame THEM in large part for the Josh scandal. I find it amazing that they can read the boards and respond (Look, J'chelle DOES spend time with the kids!, etc.), but there is never a glimmer of self-awareness (maybe we SHOULD spend more time with the kids!). So, in case they are reading this, I think that JB and J'chelle are AWFUL parents. I don't think anyone should EVER take their advice on children, relationships, animals, housekeeping, food preparation, or Jesus -- and those are just the things that I can think of off the top of my head.

Great post.  


I agree that JB and J'chelle read the negative comments and posts from people all over the place so now they know - hey people think we are terrible for covering up sexual abuse (ENFORCING the Silence) let's become counselors, magically somehow, so now we can be seen as people who help people who were abused! Our entire identity is in how the public views us. 

  • Love 2

My guess is that this is drilled into the heads of the uterohumans to lower their expectations about sex and you know, expecting to actually enjoy it. After hearing their entire lives about the glories of being fruitful, the actual experience probably doesn't match the hype. Rather than start the wimmenfolk actually questioning their brainwashing, this way they have a back up plan for when reality turns out to be 45 seconds of being pinned to the mattress by a frantic post-teen.

Remember Michelle's motherly advice to Jessa(?), "It doesn't take too long." I guess if you're with Jim Bob, that would be a relief. Ok, now I just squicked myself. Who had the brain bleach last?

  • Love 6

I saw the clip someone posted of JB and Michelle at the Bates house for the weekend just this last weekend, when JB predictably said his advise was to be fruitful and multiply.  Harharhar.  He is so clever that JB and come up with these one liners all the time, all the same one liner, but only a picky person would point that out.  I'm picky.  Poor niece Amy was due to have a shower of mostly Duggar family soon.  What a gloomy affair that would be.  And one fork for a gift from the army of maybe 15 Duggars.  Josh has to have a lot of people willing to beat the hell out of him, KingDillPickle, Bin, Daddy JB, the list could be endless.  His brothers can't be pleased.  I love to see them jump that pile of shit and give him some whoop ass.

  • Love 5

I wonder if this latest scandal will cause JB and Michelle to loosen or tighten the reigns on the children at home. Or maybe they will change nothing. If anything, I hope it sparks something in the older children that causes them to question what they've been taught all these years.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 3

I wonder if this latest scandal will cause JB and Michelle to loosen or tighten the reigns on the children at home. Or maybe they will change nothing. If anything, I hope it sparks something in the older children that causes them to question what they've been taught all these years.

Tighten the reigns. They'll blame the big city and the Internet, instead of their son for making the conscious decision to find wiling adult sexual partners.
  • Love 8

 Good god these people are all nuts. The current wife is possibly the only 45 year old woman alive dressing to look 65, and whenever I see her I automatically imagine her saying "ack ack, ACK RACK!" like a 'Mars Attacks!' alien disguised as a woman.

someone else noticed that too. :)


Josh has to have a lot of people willing to beat the hell out of him, KingDillPickle, Bin, Daddy JB, the list could be endless.  His brothers can't be pleased.  I love to see them jump that pile of shit and give him some whoop ass.


Oh no, I guarantee you that Michelle is first and foremost on the list.  I'm sure that if she hasn't already take a chunk out of his hide, she's got a hickory stick or a wooden spoon or a length of PVC plumbing line all weighted up and ready to go the first time Josh shows his doughy, doughy countenance around the TTH.  Maybe she'll go all Joan Collins with a wire hanger.  Joshy not only killed her cash cow ... er, I mean ministry, he's also put the final nail in its coffin and stake through its heart.

  • Love 4

NFW they just found out about this last night.

They've just been hoping against hope that nothing would come out before the J&J show hit the air and their "ministry" resumed.

I just can't see JimBob permitting this. He will love Michelle until the day he dies, and for Josh to not be devoted to his spouse is incomprehensible and unacceptable to JimBob.
  • Love 1

I'm not so sure about that. Fundamentalists have lots of examples in the Bible of men who couldn't keep it in their pants and yet were loved and used by God. (David springs to mind). Adultery on the part of the husband is frowned upon and considered a sin, but nothing that can't be forgiven and moved on from. Adultery on the part of a woman is a whole other story, of course.

Edited by Gbb
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I truly hope that Jim Bob and Michelle don't tighten the reigns on their already imprisoned and "abused" at home children because of this and blame the fact that Joshie was let out of the "safety net" of their circle in Arkansas. That would be a graver sin in my opinion. These people already live a stifled, trapped existence as it is...If they really read his statement, if it IS HIS statement, and not some PR department's, they will see that he has resentment for his locked up type of life. A more normal life experience is a healthier one and perhaps if Josh grew and matured like other guys, even real religious ones who are allowed to date and have social experiences, this wouldn't of happened. I look at it like this,...the parents should step up to the plate and "tell it like is really is", hold themselves accountable for sequestering their family all those years ago. In an earlier episode, Josh stated in so many words that he felt somewhat used in having to build the TTH, and underneath it all, resented all of those responsibilities that were put on him at such a young age. He also stated that he hardly had any time to live in the big house and enjoy it before he married...I also believe that perhaps it was his parents who "pushed him out of the house" and in to marriage with anyone who would have him to "solve their dilemma"...Let him "righteously fulfill those desires"....poor Anna, nothing but a receptacle for Josh...like Michelle is for Jim Bob too...

I'd also like to know what Jim Bob's been up to when the lights are off....does he, John David, (where is HE living now? they never mention it) Lawson Bates, (who is afraid to be sedated because of what he could say) up to also? I also posted earlier that I believe Jim bob protests too much about his "love for Michelle, and how happy they are, blah blah," as an indication of quite the opposite....someone needs to check out daddy dearest too.

  • Love 9

I'm guessing the whole "tell mommy & daddy your sinful thoughts" doesn't apply to adults living outside the home.

Nor does it seem to apply those living within the house.

I didn't realize they had the "tell us your sins" aspect.

Catholics kind of do that.

Scientologists do it with a vengeance.

Where do fundies fall?

Edited by NewDigs

I just watched 5 minutes of "Bringing up Bates."  Kelly is so much more awesome than Michelle it's sad  She gave their oldest sons wife (sorry, have no idea their names) a photo album of when the son was a baby because he is expecting his first baby.  I can't see any reason Michelle would give such a thoughtful gift to a son/daughter in-law, let alone her own children

  • Love 5

I just watched 5 minutes of "Bringing up Bates."  Kelly is so much more awesome than Michelle it's sad  She gave their oldest sons wife (sorry, have no idea their names) a photo album of when the son was a baby because he is expecting his first baby.  I can't see any reason Michelle would give such a thoughtful gift to a son/daughter in-law, let alone her own children

MEchelle wouldn't be able to identify photos of each of her children as babies, let alone have an album put together. I remember one episode where she said she couldn't remember if she knew ahead of time if her new baby would be a boy or a girl (I think it was Josh). Now, I haven't had a jillion pregnancies, but finding out the sex is an event I clearly remember having (and cherishing) with each of my pregnancies/children. It's all about the numbers with her - never the individual.

  • Love 10

Nor does it seem to apply those living within the house.

I didn't realize they had the "tell us your sins" aspect.

Catholics kind of do that.

Scientologists do it with a vengeance.

Where do fundies fall?


Well, the Duggar-Gothard brand of fundie-ism seems to almost aspire to Scientology levels of this crap. (as well as the word redefinition that L. Ron Hubbard was so fond of). They can't achieve it, though. They want to know it all and seem to think they ought to know it all. But they don't have enough of a bureaucracy and system and people have way too many kids. Plus, no e-meter. : )

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 7

They hand off the babies to the siblings at 6 months. They get a renewed interest in them when they start 'courting' to the extent they read their emails and sit beside them when they are facetiming. They expect their teens to tell them their thoughts. WTF. Josh got to have a sexual relationship, clandestine/private, for the first time. He had a secret from his parents! He is an adult, but I believe some of his behaviour was shaped by his creepy parents.

Wasn't Josh courting someone at a very early age as well?


The precious wife part of the statement had to be from Michelle, and the Satan maybe JB? I wonder if they had a PR guy make a statement and added some JB and Michelle edits. Then completely fucked it up. If so, I hope the kids learn to stop taking their advice.


I want JOSH to write the tell all, and I want him to be angry when he does it. Cathartic for him and a stake in the heart of Gothardism.

  • Love 7

I'm wondering, are Jim Bob and Michelle still getting paid appearances/speaking engagements? I certainly hope not and that it dies off from here. The Duggar brand that they have created has failed. How can they offer "encouragement" when their golden child went off the deep end? They won't blame themselves, but what can their advice be? Keep their children locked up in the ivory tower like Rapunzel?

  • Love 2

I'm wondering, are Jim Bob and Michelle still getting paid appearances/speaking engagements? I certainly hope not and that it dies off from here. The Duggar brand that they have created has failed. How can they offer "encouragement" when their golden child went off the deep end? They won't blame themselves, but what can their advice be? Keep their children locked up in the ivory tower like Rapunzel?


I think there's been some talk about how maybe their speaking engagements have dwindled. Of course, that could only be a temporary backing off and they might start up again, I suppose. Hard to see what they'd be invited to talk about these days, exactly.


Love the Rapunzel idea. It wouldn't work for Gothard girls, of course, because it seems to be a sin to trim your hair.  ; - )

The entire post can be read on duggarswithoutpity.blogspot.com 


Parts of it I had no idea! On their big house..,"was originally a concrete slab, a badly constructed roof, and had badly installed heating that made it necessary to be torn out and redone by TLC. There were no indoor walls, no electrical, no plumbing, no HVAC, no studs, no flooring, no stairs, no insulation, no fireproofing, no windows, no doors....TLC did it all. TLC wrote a check  to Jim Bob for 200k for the house. TLC also ensured that the standards and legal building codes were up to date that were done by licensed contractors. The family was desperate for a house and Jimbob hadn't the money or the skills to do the project. He was in arrears to the people who poured the concrete. (look up the public records of property liens against James Robert Duggar). He owed money to everyone who helped him work on the house...."   "He is a lying liar who lies."

  • Love 13
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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