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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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JimBob is a horrible off-the-cuff speaker. It's no wonder he couldn't make it in politics and no wonder why the Megyn Kelly interview will be a pre-taped segment. None of the Duggars, with the exception of maybe Michelle, are capable of being fast on their feet.

I would bet my car that Michelle will be medicated to just this side of drooling unconsciousness so that she doesn't accidentally do or say anything real. Her job is to stare glassily up at Jim Bob and nod a lot. Maybe mumble, "Praise Jesus" a few times. That's it.

  • Love 16

They really really really are not very bright at all.  All they had to do was to go into hiding for a few months and the next "celebrity" scandal would break and everyone would forget about them.  They don't need publicity at this time.  Idiots.


I too hope she asks the hard hitting questions.  I don't know who she is but if she would just ask what type of counseling did the girls/victims get.  Could you quit calling it a mistake and start calling it a sin or a crime?  Where is grandma?  But no, probably all softball questions.  I am going to trust that one of us watches this train wreck and reports back.  (Please don't look at me, I just can't. There isn't enough Pepto Bismal in the world.)

  • Love 12

Honestly though, why would the Duggars pick Megyn Kelly? She's an intelligent woman, and Jim Bob has a problem with smart women. 


I'll lay Vegas odds, it'll start softball, but once he opens his mouth and starts condescending to Ms. Kelly, things will go downhill fast.  We know how he talks to women and the girls, and chances are, it'll get weird

I remember a pic with Smuggar (sorry, I can never call him Josh ever again) gladhanding Megan Kelly at some GOP event. This might have been his last use of connections thanks to the FRC that got his parents this "interview." Because there will be nothing new discussed. 

  • Love 2

Jim Bob and Michelle are semi-oblivious to how they come off. If Megyn were really smart, she could ask questions and get answers that Jim Bob finds reasonable, but 99% of the audience will find repulsive. That takes a skillful interviewer. Not injecting a particular bias into the interview, just giving the interviewee enough rope.


I think Michelle will drop the most wham lines. They love using the baby voice to dull the vitriol, and it's hard to get angry at Michelle's fake-patient image. We'll get some version of the bulimia story, and Precious Jubilee, too.

  • Love 11

Absolutely. The girls weren't even allowed to court until they were getting left in the dust by the Bates girls and the forums were filled with people wondering why a bunch of 20-somethings were frittering their lives away in the TTH. Joseph and Clown College just screamed F.U. Interwebz to me.



I think part of the reason Joe went off to school rather than Josiah, who we all thought was the studious one, was because Josiah would actually be missed on the show. Joe? Not so much. I sure as hell didn't notice he was gone in the segments they taped after mid-January.

I think Joe may actually want to semi-escape, and most likely he's chasing tail.....er, following the girl he is courting to Crown College, which is fine by me. I really don't think he'd do anything wild and crazy, or inappropriate, but if he's choosing his future wife over his insane family, I like him even more.


Josiah also needed to be kept at arms length and put in a courtship ASAP. I do agree with you completely that nobody is going to miss Joseph on the show, but the second Josiah isn't around, it is noticed. Keeping Josiah there benefits the show, and the show must go on. 


Exactly. The Duggars claim they're buying used and saving the difference yet somehow every boy has a new looking North Face jacket and the girls are wearing Uggs and Sperry's. Unless Tontitown has the Holy Grail of Goodwill's, I doubt they're finding such large quantities of name brand items at thrift stores. Boob is going to be doing some serious belt tightening.

I would love to know how many of those pricey items are gifts from fans. Seriously. I also want to know if they report the spoils of these $30k gift registries on their taxes. Come to think of it, I always thought something like tax evasion would be what brought down the Duggar dynasty. Hellur, Al Capone, btw. 

  • Love 6
And is there a reason the words incest or felony should come up? Is that what it would take to make an interview "honest"?

Yes, because that's exactly what happened. Incest, sexual assault, betrayal of trust, total disregard for the brother-sister bond, and on and on. Oh, and ALSO a felony.


Fourteen is old enough to know the difference - this wasn't "playing doctor" at 5 or 6. And he continued/continues to shove his big fat moon-face into their lives like he's the "protective" older brother. The disgust and distance with the girls from him, while subtle, is palpable. We notice.


Notice that in the "Digging in with the Duggars" episode, when Erin asked who had been a "courting" chaperone, nearly every hand went up, including, oddly, the way-too-young boys, but Josh's remained firmly by his side. That says as much as the fact the he was in neither wedding party for Jill nor Jessa. 


They can't stand to be around him - he is an unrepentant braggart and a know-it-all bastard who has shown no signs of being sorry. Other than for being caught, that is. He RADIATES creepiness and I think the distance from him in the family line-ups and photos are evidence enough for their begrudging tolerance. For YEARS, for the sake of the TLC cameras, they had to silently abide the monster.


Now let's hear him talk about how the LGBT community are such destructive, sinful deviants. I can't even...


Lies, deflection, self-hatred, and more lies. You lit the fire, Joshie, but we're not going to enjoy watching you burn. It's just a sad, sad situation. 

  • Love 11

I would love to know how many of those pricey items are gifts from fans. Seriously. I also want to know if they report the spoils of these $30k gift registries on their taxes. Come to think of it, I always thought something like tax evasion would be what brought down the Duggar dynasty. Hellur, Al Capone, btw. 


Since they were all small gifts from people, I don't think you report them as income.  It's not like one person gave them $30k, which would then be required.


I don't know ANYONE who has reported wedding gifts on taxes.


Seriously, this is the shit they'll try to sell. I'd wager good money on Josh being portrayed as a victim and the media being irresponsible for this "mistake" coming out. They won't give real answers because they've deluded themselves into a place where real answers and solutions are unnecessary. They've drank the Kool Ade and passed it around like a bong at Woodstock.

And it's going to be on Fox News, so of course the interviewer is going to totally be on their side and help them villainize "the liberal press".

Edited by bigskygirl
Took out Fuck News-posters have been ask not to use nicknames
  • Love 1

You think that they'll try to offer her sliced American cheese on paper plates, to show how classy they are?

And, changing the topic a bit here, but i never thought of the Duggars as high on the Gothard scale of cool. Did any of the kids even get offered a position to travel with him? They never looked really put together, and i think the TV show probably turned some of the fundies off. I believe there are a lot of fundy women that can run a home better than Mechelle, and Jim Bob probably leaves a bad taste in their mouths.

I dunno, the family just seems like that kid in school who tries to fit in with the popular crew, but ends up being the useful idiot that everyone else talks about behind their backs.

  • Love 1

Wanderwoman, your predictions are probably dead on.  Except Michelle will be saying "special, precious, blessing, purposed, etc".  It will be surreal.


I'd love to see a REAL interview, and watch those assholes squirm.  Not prepared questions and answers.  Somebody that would actually make them accountable for the lies and bullshit they've fed people for years.


Hopefully if we give them enough rope, they'll hang themselves.


Can somebody please tell me WHY this show has not been cancelled yet?

  • Love 6

Since Jim Bob has an estimated net worth of $3.5 million dollars, I think possibly has already created trust funds for each of the children. Hopefully that's true and when they all reach the age of 21 they can use it for education, their own family or maybe even breaking out of the cult environment. I know we'd all feel some vindication knowing that they'll all be broke, but that's not happening. The worse thing that could have happened to Jim Bob and Michelle is their 'fall from grace' to everyone who has supported them over the years.

Because of JB's previous political career, they have free healthcare for life. I do agree it's not a ton of money, but given how they live, and their ability to downsize as their children get married off---if they invest it smartly they could live off the interest in a heartbeat. 

Funny how so many people never do and never would watch Fox news but have prejudged how this interview will transpire.

The only Fox news I watch is because of The Daily Show, but I know enough about the Duggar;s to know how this interview is going to go. Replace Megyn or Fox with any other person or company and it would be all the same. 

  • Love 5

Megyn Kelly will occasionally surprise me by challenging the patriarchal assumptions of coworkers and guests, and (more to the point) Fox is decidedly not on the Huckabee train. I don't know that this is going to be as much of a free ride as they're hoping for. For some things, it's not enough that liberals disapprove of you. I have to hope not protecting your daughters from your son is one of them.

If it were me, I would have gone for the slam dunk softball (yeah, I know, mixed metaphor) and talked to Pat Robertson on ABC Family.

Fox is not on the Huckabee train even though he just ended his many years running show on their network? Maybe I missed something. Ugh, Pat Robertson. He actually makes the Fox News anchors look sane and normal. He is a truly vile, hateful, hypocritical person. Constantly pontificating about the sanctity of marriage and the evils of the gay agenda trying to destroy marriage, then what does he tell a man who called in to say his wife has Alzheimer's and he doesn't know what to do? Pat tells him to divorce her and move on. 


I really hope Megyn Kelly has done her homework and will at least touch on the topic of Gothard and his so-called sexal abuse counseling, but I have a bad feeling she won't.

  • Love 3

Wtf. The duggars should be grateful their kids are regular kids with sexual feelings. Or kids who want to explore.

Because of JB's previous political career, they have free healthcare for life. I do agree it's not a ton of money, but given how they live, and their ability to downsize as their children get married off---if they invest it smartly they could live off the interest in a heartbeat.

I read that isn't true.

I'm kind of surprised Megyn wants this interview. She is kind of screwed regardless of how she handles it. I imagine there's some pressure from the network to handle it a certain way, but to the extent she cares about her journalistic credibility, she has to ask the hard questions and call bullshit if she sees it. I won't watch, but will look forward to reading the comments here.

  • Love 1

I don't know if anyone would pay Josh at this point, but the victims could possibly cash in. IF that's the way they want to play this. If the show is canceled, it wouldn't surprise me to see one of them come out for a paycheck.

A tell all and tearful interview on today or gma will have thousands of dollars pour in. However the girls would risk losing a relationship with their siblings

  • Love 1

Is it a one-hour interview or a one-hour show containing an interview? Because if she's any good at all, she ought to be able to pull an interview from JB and Michelle that they would be happy with -- than splice it in with other information, reports, etc., the sexual abuse worksheet, and previous comments by JB and M, Josh, or anyone else in or around the family. They could make it pretty damning, and the Duggars wouldn't need to see the finished product until it aired.

Gah. Let me know if I made any sense. I'm going to sleep right the fck now! :-) Night, all!

  • Love 9

I hate Jim Bob and Michelle and think they are terrible people for allowing this abuse to happen in their home and not report it or provide professional help for all involved. However, I would be completely on board with them making a stipulation that any mention of his sisters as victims be forbidden. Yes, we know who the girls he molested are, but we should not. It is highly inappropriate to ask about how his sisters feel or dealt with the trauma. They were the innocents and they should not be identified on national television just because people want the parents to squirm under the tough questions. Unless an actual victim steps forward and wants to identify herself and talk openly about her feelings on the subject, there should be no questions about the girls. How about we not cause further trauma to these young women? I will point out that one of them is still a minor. I get it. People want heads to roll, but the only thing that should be on the table for questioning about the molestation is what they knew about Josh's activities and how they handled it. Other questions about their general belief system, how defrauding works and if they think the victims were in any way responsible given their beliefs, their hypocrisy surrounding human sexuality, their thinking that prayer/forgiveness fixes everything and anything else about Jim Bob and Michelle would be okay as well. 


Any way you spin it, this isn't going to look too good for the Duggars. Crying about sin and forgiveness and "mistakes" isn't going to change the minds of people who are disgusted by molestation and the utter hypocrisy of these people. Even in a friendly environment with scripted softball questions, those two seem highly capable of coming off badly because I actually believe that they don't think they did anything wrong. Say Megyn asks the Duggars the same question she asked Jeb Bush, "Knowing what you know now, would you still do the same thing?" How do they respond to that without looking like total assholes? Either they'd do it differently, thus admitting that Jim Bob was wrong and the prayer/forgiveness/repentance thing is BS or they'd stick with it and basically admit that if it happened again, they'd screw over the victims (in this case their daughters) in favor of their abuser. 

Edited by KAOS Agent
  • Love 11

Fox is not on the Huckabee train even though he just ended his many years running show on their network? Maybe I missed something.

Yep, that's sure what it looks like. Here's the transcript of a pretty combative interview with Chris Wallace last weekend

which all these sources, only one of them liberal, seemed to agree was kind of unfriendly





but for me, the most telling detail was this recap on the Fox website where the "You may also be interested in" links at the bottom are all puff pieces about Marco Rubio.

That Fox wants to reach Huckabee's social conservative fans doesn't mean he's their preferred candidate. It means they want to reach his social conservative fans on behalf of their preferred candidate/s. I don't think it's him.

Edited by Julia

I would bet my car that Michelle will be medicated to just this side of drooling unconsciousness so that she doesn't accidentally do or say anything real. Her job is to stare glassily up at Jim Bob and nod a lot. Maybe mumble, "Praise Jesus" a few times. That's it.

I believe there will be conservative Christians watching who will want to be genuinely fair while still being very disturbed by what they are reading (and if they really are the Fox old people they are still reading newspapers). There is a limit to how weird Michelle can behave through this and not raise red flags for intelligent people no matter how religiously/politically conservative they may be. It isn't like the Duck Dynasty where the old man's behavior was something they are used to if not applaud. I'm not at all familiar with the Duck Dynasty family but I get the impression a lot of it is schtick and the family dynamic between men and women and children is pretty wholesome, really. Anyway, I do not want to under rate the intelligence of religious conservatives. I think many will come out of it saying, "I enjoy the children but Michelle and JimBob are pretty weird and I'd rather not deal with any more Josh. Let him go get some help." 

  • Love 6

However, I would be completely on board with them making a stipulation that any mention of his sisters as victims be forbidden.


I do agree that the girls shouldn't speak unless they chose to do so. But I doubt that's the reason their parents don't want them interviewed. I'm sure they'll probably say that's the reason but since they haven't been concerned with their daughters' feelings and wishes over this before I doubt they'd start now. They aren't going to let their daughters anywhere near that interview. If they do the focus will shift to the girls and the victims. Not on their precious son Josh who repented. Not on themselves either so they can say how it brought them closer to Jesus and try to make it sound like they did everything that a good Christian parent would do. They can't very well do that with his victims sitting next to them.

  • Love 7

I absolutely agree that it is unnecessary to ask any questions about the daughters.  They deserve some measure of privacy.  I would like it addressed that this was not consensual and the youngest victim was ten years younger than Josh.  This makes it much harder to paint this as a youthful mistake that many might make and emphasizes his need for serious therapy rather than merely three months of physical labor.


I do want to mention that not all Christian conservatives liked the Duggars before all this came out.  Christian conservatives are a varied group, and the majority do not believe in being quiverful, not properly educating their children, the Duggar dress code, "defrauding", and refusing to allow unmarried adult daughters to live independent lives.  Many still admired the Duggars despite not believing all their rules were necessary, while others hated how extreme they were and the way they denied their children educations and normal lives.  Many in both groups are now very upset with Jim Bob and Michelle.  They would NOT want a softball interview. 





  • Love 10

It's seems to me that the terms of the interview have been established.


Megyn Kelly has landed a much-chased interview with the Duggar parents, Jim Bob and Michelle, for Wednesday night for Fox News Channel. The news division will turn around the interview quickly to air in Kelly’s timeslot, 9 PM ET. The bulk of the interview, which will be conducted in their hometown in Arkansas, will air that night, but FNC also has planned a one hour special Kelly File special for Friday night.



1. It's just Michelle and JimBob, in their home, on their turf

2. It's taped (so it can and will be edited, I'd be curious who has final say on the edit)

3. Most of it will be shown Wednesday

4. A feature show will be given the Friday time slot probably to allow a couple more pieces of information out, but mostly to give Megyn Friday night off (and of course, RATINGS!)


All of this leads me to believe that there will be nothing but fluffy nerf balls as questions.  I do not expect that Megyn will do any of her sometimes seen hardball with them.  I don't watch the television version of Murdoch's massive propaganda machine so y'all need to give good recaps!

  • Love 5

So, in your faith, you handled this private family situation in a way that is consistent with your beliefs, yes?

What advice did God give you as to how to handle this very private family issue?

Are you shocked at this response, given that you were just following your religious beliefs in how you managed this very private family matter?

  • Love 2

Well, if it goes that way, I imagine they'll get a lovableness and purity montage, then a recap of the robocall contoversy and the petitions and #defendtheduggars. Then when they discuss the current unpleasantness it'll be just another salvo in the godless left's war on the Duggars.

I really hope, though, this is one time where Ms Megyn is better than that.

  • Love 6

This interview is a joke. JimChelle more like Jim dim would never agree to it without pre approved questions. Most of their viewers are conservative or christians, so of course fox is the best choice. They're all ignorant and liars.

JimChelle is trying to get back their reputation that they ruined. I doubt sponsors is going to come back. I'm going to have a huge ass bottle of wine everytime JimChelle mentions Jesus or repented or both. Or if they shed fake ass tears

Just be sure you don't have to drive for some time after the interview.

  • Love 8

I don't know how anyone can take this interview seriously. I think it's going to take more than a grain of salt to get through it. FOX is a conservative Republican network. The interview will be between three people. Megyn, Michelle and Jim Bob, no children. There's no doubt that every television network, every newspaper and online news agency all clamored and begged the Duggar's for this interview. The Duggar's are smart and know how to manipulate reporters and interviewers like Erica Hill. They knew they had to open up eventually in the public eye and how much safer than they get then a FOX interview that's pre-recorded? I completely disregard anything from this interview since it has been recorded in advance of airing.


Megyn Kelly and the FOX network are setting themselves up for a violent backlash from viewers, both conservative and liberal, if they don't present this interview in an honest manner without any slanting in the favor of the Duggars. NBC has already said this morning on the news that TLC has a proposed spinoff starring one of the two girls. That spinoff also depends on this interview with Megyn Kelly. They're all in "save our ship" mode now and looking for some lifeboats.

  • Love 15

I don't think the Erica Hill 'interview' can be called journalism. That was nothing but a fluffy entertainment piece. I don't think Megyn Kelly will be 100% hardhitting, unbiased or will throw them under the bus like, oh, say, Nancy Grace would, but I expect Megyn's interview to be a little more probing. I don't expect her to ask who the victims were, what he actually did, why they didn't turn him in, had anyone abused Josh, etc.


What I do want her to ask is why did they go on to present themselves as this perfect wholesome family who gives all this advice on how to raise a righteous family, when they have this huge skeleton fresh in the closet. I also want her to ask them if Josh is the reason for all the overboard modesty, segregation of the sexes, chaperoning, etc.  Do they value one son's 'mistakes' over the safety and *gag* purity of four other children, and potentially more of their own children, in addition to outsiders he could affect.


The biggest question I want answered is do they think this is normal/typical 'sin' or mistakes that happen to every family? Because it definitely is NOT NORMAL OR TYPICAL. If this is what happens when you shelter someone from the world and put them on a pedestal, what do the Duggars thing happens in everyday homes, fundie or not, because THIS IS NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOR. Whether or not there has been a family history of this (we don't know), or if Gothard has just drilled it into them that it's normal, IT IS NOT.   

  • Love 9

My question would be all about the Robo-Call.



Hello, this is Michelle Duggar. I’m calling to inform you of some shocking news that would affect the safety of Northwest Arkansas women and children. The Fayetteville City Council is voting on an ordinance this Tuesday night that would allow men – yes I said men – to use womens and girls restrooms, locker rooms, showers, sleeping areas and other areas that are designated for females only. I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls. I doubt that Fayetteville parents would stand for a law that would endanger their daughters or allow them to be traumatized by a man joining them in their private space. We should never place the preference of an adult over the safety and innocence of a child. Parents, who do you want undressing next to your daughter at the public swimming pool’s private changing area? I still believe that we are a society that puts women and children first. Women, young ladies and little girls deserve to use the restroom or any other facility in peace and safety. Will you speak up for protecting women and children? Call 575-8330 and tell the Fayetteville City Council members and Mayor Jordan to vote ‘no’ on ordinance 119. The number again is 575-8330. 


Michelle, can you please explain how you felt justified calling transwomen previously convicted child predators when you had a child predator in your home?

  • Love 23

My question would be all about the Robo-Call.



Michelle, can you please explain how you felt justified calling transwomen previously convicted child predators when you had a child predator in your home?

Or even if you hadn't had one -- it's a baseless and completely vile assertion.

But it sure is nice to know you're so concerned about girls having places where they can feel safe. We have those "safe spaces" for the girls in our home; we call them the "bedrooms." You should try that sometime.

  • Love 24
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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