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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Not trying to defend JB & M but I think printing anonymous stories is pretty crappy and doubt the legitimacy of them. Even the one about the woman looking like a boy, I doubt JB saw the movie or read the book to be able to come up with that reference. I really disagree with their beliefs and philosophies but I don't like anonymous pot shots. I am sure there are lots of true stories that are just as bad but at least put your name to it.

I dunno, i don't think you should have to put your name to the stories if you don't feel conformable. if they're actually legitimate stories, there's a chance a duggar could recognize you. Even without that you could risk leg humpers and crazies searching your name all over social media.

But, i take anon-stories with a large grain of salt, so i doubt some of these.

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Some things can't be undone, or should I say unseen. Curiosity got the best of me and I looked up Boob and Me-chelle's golf course shenanigans. Good lord, WHO does that in public and in front of your children?

Yeah...I made the same mistake. It reminded me most of the monkey house at the Bronx Zoo.

It makes me look with even more skepticism toward anyone who would want to marry into this family, knowing the depth of insanity that lurks in the gene pool.

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Plus, the "Girls Don't Cry" reference?  Jim Bob would have watched the Birdcage before Boys Dont Cry


I don't know that the Duggars have had to know anything about trans people in the past to have all kinds of opinions about them.


In any event, I'd be willing to bet there was quite a bit of discussion about the Teena case in Jim Bob's circle, and disapproval of the movie as an evil tainted secular influence for being sympathetic about what happened to Brandon Teena. After all, Brandon Teena was born with a vagina, which he declined to use in the service of whatever man God intended to make use of it, and had a girlfriend, whose vagina was also lying fallow as a result. And worse than that, Brandon defrauded the men who killed him into believing he was their equal, instead of just a girl. 

Edited by Julia
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An interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox News next week to


I have no clue who Megyn Kelly is but I bet the Duggars will be busy this weekend between rehabbing the TTH #2 and writting out cue cards for this interview. It will probably be a well rehersed bullshit show. They will never admit to anything because they prayed it all away. Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 6

No one on Fox is going to ask any tough questions. This is going to be the Duggars preaching to the choir about "mistakes" and how Josh turned to God and how God forgave him and therefore it's all ok. And they will be wondering aloud what all the fuss is about since this all happened long ago and they've put it behind them. Oh, and did they mention Jesus forgives Josh and the viewers should too. And they'd like to carry on with the show since it's their ministry and they want to encourage all of the Fox viewers to contact TLC to put this Godly family back on the air so they continue to give people hope and inspiration.

Guaranteed the following words and phrases will not come up: crime, felonies, incest, child molester, police investigation, offender, statute of limitations, victims, juvenile justice system, child protective services, Gothard and anything associated with Gothard.

Just call this what it is....A clumsy attempt at covering their asses and presenting themselves as victims in hopes of resurrecting the gravy train.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 20

Well, that should provide lots of insight. /sarcasm


I predict the interview will be all about Josh, JB, and MEchelle, with little to no mention of his victims except to possibly claim that they have forgiven Josh. 

Oh, Megan, we prayed and prayed at The Church of the Holy Storage Shed.    We got him a crew cut and sent him to Hobby Lobby to rearrange the yarn aisle.

        Jim Bob went to a trusted friend who like most of our friends has lost their liberty, license to practice medicine or was never educated at all.  They are all righteous people and I fulfilled each and every one of them.

  • Love 17

I'm a Fox News watcher and I love Megyn. Of course the questions are going to be softballs and pre-screened, but that's not something that's exclusive to the Duggars. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, if you're embroiled in a big-time scandal you go with the media source that will give you the best edit.

  • Love 7

So here's my question...for many years in JB's mind he has been God's right hand, bestie, and most favorite dude--he gets big money, a "platform for his testimony," baby after baby, etc. Having blamed "sin in the camp" (meaning Josh and those temptresses) for his losing the primary and all of that money, it's logical he would view all the goodies that came after he "dealt with it" as a stamp of approval, right? Clearly God must think JimBob is the shizzle.

(I can't believe I just use the word " logical" in a sentence about JimBob.

Please forgive me.

Oh good, now it never happened, that's a relief. )

Anyhow. Back to my question...who or what is he going to blame now that it's all blown up?

  • Love 10

I don't envy Megyn Kelly this get. There really won't be any way to do this right. And the problem won't just be the crap she'll get from tons of people no matter HOW she approaches it.


The Duggars are going to be incredibly frustrating and infuriating people for anyone to try to do an actual serious interview with. I'm not sure either JImBob or Michelle even knows how to make a non-canned, so-vague-it's-meaningless statement about anything any more. So Kelly's going to end up with a big fat hour of nothing, no matter what she tries to do, i expect. No interviewer wants that to happen, even if they're fervent fans of the interview subjects -- and while she may be a fan, I doubt that she's fervent.

  • Love 9

No one on Fox is going to ask any tough questions. This is going to be the Duggars preaching to the choir about "mistakes" and how Josh turned to God and how God forgave him and therefore it's all ok. And they will be wondering aloud what all the fuss is about since this all happened long ago and they've put it behind them. Oh, and did they mention Jesus forgives Josh and the viewers should too. And they'd like to carry on with the show since it's their ministry and they want to encourage all of the Fox viewers to contact TLC to put this Godly family back on the air so they continue to give people hope and inspiration.

Guaranteed the following words and phrases will not come up: crime, felonies, incest, child molester, police investigation, offender, statute of limitations, victims, juvenile justice system, child protective services, Gothard and anything associated with Gothard.

Just call this what it is....A clumsy attempt at covering their asses and presenting themselves as victims in hopes of resurrecting the gravy train.

I fervently hope that someone will take one for the team and dvr this (I can't, no dvr) because I suspect you are correct about the "non-approved by JimBob word list".

  • Love 3
Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, if you're embroiled in a big-time scandal you go with the media source that will give you the best edit.

Oh, for sure. Still, it's nice to think about the Duggars wilting under tough cross-examination questions from the likes of another news network. Or hell, even someone like Oprah. 

  • Love 3

The fact that they're doing an interview at all speaks volumes about their priorities and mostly who their god is : money.They're using this interview to tug at the heartstrings of their faithful viewers, "See, we really love baby Jesus and we're SORT OF sorry this ever happened! Real Christians forgive others. Now please give us back our show (and our money)!' Cut to Michelle dabbing away non-existent years with her permed Mullet hair piece perfectly in place. Jim Bob will quote scripture and say 'God tells us to repent for our sins and we're cleansed by the blood of Jesus. We handled this by seeking guidance through our church elders. We felt like this was the best way to handle this. To the viewers and and fans of the show, we are repentant and ask for your support to continue our ministry through the show.'

Jim Bob will be wearing a cheap looking suit with his helmet hair, arm carefully placed around simpering Michelle who is wearing her signature blue shirt.

At least, that's how I imagine the interview will happen.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 14

Good grief! JB & Michelle have failed their kids in general and Josh & his victims in particular on way too many levels for me to even consider feeling sorry for them. As for their pending "interview," of course they're going to try to quote scripture and wrap themselves in the American flag while crying the whole time. Nothing about these self-righteous, hypocritical assclowns shocks me anymore.


  As for Faux News' part in all this, given JB & Michelle's hatred for the so-called "lamestream" media, how ironic that they're now going to go public on what is arguably the lamest of them all. About my experience with Faux, like I say, "I don't have to attend a skunk convention to know that chances are, it'll stink."

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 14

I wonder if the interview includes Joshie poo. Highly doubt it.

I hope not, at least for Megyn Kelly's sake. She has some seriously defrauding legs. (Just google "Megyn Kelly Legs")

She better pull out her best maxi skirt or else she might defraud Josh. Since he can't be expected to control his actions (per Gothard), who knows what he might try to do to her....

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 1

Funny how so many people never do and never would watch Fox news but have prejudged how this interview will transpire


Oh I watch Fox News and frankly, while I think its possible Megyn will go for the throat (it's child molestation and the Duggars are far more extremely right than Fox News, hence they are making all the Republicans look bad) there's also a really good chance it will be a fluffy softball mess.

  • Love 4

Megyn Kelly will occasionally surprise me by challenging the patriarchal assumptions of coworkers and guests, and (more to the point) Fox is decidedly not on the Huckabee train. I don't know that this is going to be as much of a free ride as they're hoping for. For some things, it's not enough that liberals disapprove of you. I have to hope not protecting your daughters from your son is one of them.

If it were me, I would have gone for the slam dunk softball (yeah, I know, mixed metaphor) and talked to Pat Robertson on ABC Family.

  • Love 3

I don't envy Megyn Kelly this get. There really won't be any way to do this right. And the problem won't just be the crap she'll get from tons of people no matter HOW she approaches it.


The Duggars are going to be incredibly frustrating and infuriating people for anyone to try to do an actual serious interview with. I'm not sure either JImBob or Michelle even knows how to make a non-canned, so-vague-it's-meaningless statement about anything any more. So Kelly's going to end up with a big fat hour of nothing, no matter what she tries to do, i expect. No interviewer wants that to happen, even if they're fervent fans of the interview subjects -- and while she may be a fan, I doubt that she's fervent.

I have trouble seeing her as a fan. I don't mean she would hate them. I just figure that for her personally there's nothing to see there -- once you eliminate the sexual abuse of several of the Duggar children. 

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If at least some of the daughters are on the interview using words like "forgive" and "shocked that people are so upset" and "we ask for privacy for what was a very difficult time in our lives" it's going to be difficult to ask her hard hitting questions without people accusing her of revictimizing them.

And is there a reason the words incest or felony should come up? Is that what it would take to make an interview "honest"?

And no, I don't watch Fox. (I don't watch any TV politics. As a die hard political junkie, TV coverage is too slow.)

  • Love 1

SomePity1066: *slow clap*


Sadly, I bet that Megan Kelly is the only journalist who would agree with what has become a rider of ridiculous proportions. I see nothing but softballs and tons of Gothard-speak. I imagine they'll also shame people who don't believe that Jesus washed Smuggar clean of sin. 


Will they mention Journey to the Heart, that female-shaming place, by name, when talking about the girls' "counseling?" I can't wait to hear their explanations about that place. I will probably be kept waiting, as they whitewash every aspect of this mess. 


Ask them about that house in Mary's name. I dare them. 


I believe the interview is only JB and Mechelle. If they put the girls on camera, my rage will know no bounds. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 11

I have a feeling that this interview will go the way we think--it will be a bunch of bullshit, adoring staring, weak explanations etc. And I think the public who tunes in (let's face it, this show will draw ratings because people are probably very curious to know what these two assclowns are going to say) will be a bit outraged at the Duggars.


The Duggars no doubt said yes to Fox because they view it as a "safe" environment. I sure hope Kelly at the very least ASKS the questions that should be asked. Doesn't mean we'll get answers but I would love to see Boob and Mechelle squirm.

  • Love 14

I don't think its been asked yet. But will the Duggars be paid for their appearance on Fox?

Usually with news/journalist interviews, the interviewees aren't paid for the interview. They are, however, usually paid for "licensing rights" to any pictures they give the network/show that the show flashes on the screen during the interview. I know this was a big issue with Casey Anthony's parents and doing interviews. Networks and shows were able to say "we do not/did not pay for an interview" and look they had some journalistic integrity, when in reality they did pay something like $200k for pictures of Caylee that the Anthony family provided them with and were briefly shown during the interview. My understanding from reading a lot about it is that this is a common practice and a way to pay for interviews while still technically allowing both the media outlet & the interviewee to say they weren't paid for the interview.

My guess is that technically Jim Bob & Michelle won't be paid "for the interview" & Fox will be able to say "we don't pay for interviews" but that the Duggars will make some money off of "licensing rights" of pictures that they will flash across the screen during the interview or to promote the interview.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 9

I don't think its been asked yet.  But will the Duggars be paid for their appearance on Fox? 

I don't think Fox pays for interviews, but I could be wrong. At this point, I think Boob goes to the safest outlet with the biggest potential audience (why CBN is out of the running here) to "repair" the family image. That they're not getting paid shows just how desperate they are at the moment, clinging to any shred of hope that the gravy train can be saved. THIS is the stuff their PR person does, not crisis management. 


So it begs the question: Would a real crisis manager recommended this move so soon? I think it's a bit early to start the Redemption Tour, but that's MHO. 


eta: MyPeopleAreNordic! Epic username and avatar! And what a horrible ending for Betty. :(

  • Love 6

I'd be surprised if they were getting paid for this one. Right now they need the media more than the media needs them (the media can re churn this story endlessly for free) and unless they plan to do something really shocking in the interview (which I don't think Michelle and Jim Bob could do alone - I think they would need one of the girls or Josh) the networks have no reason to pay.

  • Love 3

Wow, these people just don't get it, do they? I am looking forward to hear how a 5 year old processed this trauma and came to a place of forgiveness, that should be interesting TV . While we are on the subject of forgiveness. I hope they threw themselves on the mercy of their children and begged forgiveness for being such shitty parents and not protecting them. I wonder if they REALLY understand that people are just as angry, or more so ,with them as they are with Josh. How do two people like this find each other?!? I know they preach humility but these are two people with massive egos. They think if we all just hear their side of the story we will all understand.

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Honestly though, why would the Duggars pick Megyn Kelly? She's an intelligent woman, and Jim Bob has a problem with smart women. 


I'll lay Vegas odds, it'll start softball, but once he opens his mouth and starts condescending to Ms. Kelly, things will go downhill fast.  We know how he talks to women and the girls, and chances are, it'll get weird

  • Love 12
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