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S05.E16: Amster-Damn

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I am so sorry for Kyle. The Richards family dysfunction runs so deep and Big Kathy is the cause. Just looking at the Hilton's problems, Paris, Barron, Kim marrying into yhe Davis family, Jason and Brandon Davis hanging with Paris, Barron and Conrad Hilton, Kim's children having mental/ legal issues. Good God. Kyle is the co dependent scapegoat through triangulation, mean girl tactics, the keep family business quiet. They have her trained /groomed to the hilt and know exactly how to shame her and shun her which in turn hurts her because of her children. When it came out about Paris being a raging racist, drug addled mean girl whore that got others hooked shunned ruined lives etc she learned that from Kathy and probably Kim. Thry are all the same person. I will never again believe the sweet innocent Kim Richards. She was mellow when high and we arr seeing the true face now. The pathology runs deep.

Kyle run away from your sisters they are toxic, spiteful, vindictive evil women. They will never want the best got you, your husband or children. They want you to be as miserable and soulless ad they are. What miserable existences.


I feel bad for Kyle too.  She told me all what I needed to know about Kathy Hilton when it comes to Kim.  WHen she doesn't defend Kim and her behavior, even how nasty she was being, Kathy jumps her throat and comes to Kim's defense I bet.  I'm telling you Kyle is the black sheep in that family.  Not to mention she even acts as the family's Jermaine Jackson aka spokeswoman when her idiot family members get in trouble and she defends them - ALL WAYS.  Where the hell is Kathy Hilton??  Where is she!  Why must Kyle do it all especially when it comes to Kim??  And since Kim/Kathy are the closest Kathy should be the main watching over Kim's "sobriety."

  • Love 16

I think Kim completely made up that Harry has secrets because she had nothing else to use to make Lisa R. stop talking about her obvious potentially deadly addiction problem.  I'd be surprised if it came from anywhere except her imagination.


I'd never expect my brother or sister to defend me no matter what, they are usually the first to point it out when I'm wrong and tell me what to do.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 10

I wonder if (little) Kathy has replaced (big) Kathy in Kim's eyes.   Kathy might "back her up" but I doubt she puts up with any shit either.  I mean look at how she was at the bridal shop.  If Kyle had been like that, I'm sure Kim would have blown a gasket. I'm also sure she does whatever it takes to make the problem "go away" instead of talking it out like Kyle tries to do.


Kyle seems like the "sensitive" one in the family and after watching Kim mock her, I'm betting that Kyle was mocked a lot as a child or teen for not being "strong" like the Kathys.  That's a horrible place to be in, where because you're a generally sensitive, emotional person, you are deemed weak or a baby by your family, who'd rather hide their feelings with drink, dugs, fame, men, etc.  Kyle seems so stuck in childhood, I actually do feel bad for her.  Sometimes she's all feelings and not enough logic. 

  • Love 17

I just have to highlight Eileen here for a second and one of her comments to Kim:


"I don't like you very much at the moment either, I can't find one single thing to like about you."


Paraphrased but you know the gist.


I think had she kept hammering at Eileen instead of zeroing in on Lisa R, we might have seen some more fireworks fired by Eileen as well.  Probably no glass throwing but a verbal take down the likes of which Kim has probably never seen.  


One of these days Kim is going to fire off that alligator mouth of hers and it's going to overload her hummingbird ass.  


Somebody's going to grab that finger of hers and try to snap it off.  

  • Love 24



Brandi just went off because she wasn't the center of attention.  She cannot stand that.  


Kim and her BFF could have left Amsterdam, never to be seen on this show again.  So tired of both of them.

Oh my you have hit the nail on the head!!!! They were out and about without Kim having a good time and Brandi couldn't stand the peace and she couldn't stand that everyone wasn't "looking" at her. She needs to take a few seats.

  • Love 10

Oh my you have hit the nail on the head!!!! They were out and about without Kim having a good time and Brandi couldn't stand the peace and she couldn't stand that everyone wasn't "looking" at her. She needs to take a few seats.

Brandi and Kim just don't belong with this group.  The only group they should be with are the ones after the AA meetings.  They do not have the class the other ladies have.  Please send them away. 

  • Love 13

Kyle wasn't being hypocritical at the weed shop but she was being fucking annoying. I 100% believe Brandi has smoked pot around Kyle. I do not believe it was 'the last time she smoked pot' but whatever, I can see where she would completely annoyed by Kyle's little innocent act.

Brandy was embarrassed that these grown women were acting like 12 year old girls who just found their daddy's stash...but in public, in an actual establishment meant for adults, where it legal, when she knows first hand it's not their first rodeo.

I would have been mortified and very embarrassed to have been there with them, difference between me and Brandi is that Brandi is a bitch and doesn't know when to speak or when to shut her ugly joker mouth.

I love Yolanda's mom.

All of the bike riding making me horny shit reminds me of this little skank I used to work with. She said the vibration of the sander (woodworking) made her cum 4 times between lunch and break, she said this in front of a dozen men and myself. I just looked at her in disgust and walked away. Tonight I looked at my tv in disgust and wished I could just walk away, but I won't, the reunion should be soon. :)

  • Love 6

Where the hell is Kathy Hilton??  Where is she!  Why must Kyle do it all especially when it comes to Kim??  And since Kim/Kathy are the closest Kathy should be the main watching over Kim's "sobriety."


Kathy Hilton is not on the RHOBH.  Kyle and Kim signed up for this;  Kathy did not.


Remember that old saying "Be careful what you wish for...."

  • Love 6

One of these days Kim is going to fire off that alligator mouth of hers and it's going to overload her hummingbird ass.    


This makes for a hilarious mental image. 



I'm in 100% agreement about Eileen (everything is going to be 100% now).  I look forward to her on point witticisms and facial expressions of disgust and horror.   

  • Love 14

Eat the cake anna mae!!

The season of Intervention .... oops I mean RHOBH, has been less than enthralling. Sure there has been high drama but the fact that it revolves around Kim and her sobriety or lack thereof bothers me.

I am gonna say my peace. I am not as enamored of Lisar or Eileen as many seem to be. I think they are potentially good additions to the show but I just can't with the handling of the KIm situation. If all are so concerned about Kim, they should consult with an addiction specialist or go to Al-Anon and learn how best to deal with a person whom they believe to have fallen off the wagon. All these convos back and forth and attempts to confront at gatherings with a full cast and crew present strike me as insincere. Fuck! This is how the HW handle books that expose a cast member as a hooker or confront them about going to Bass Lake or cheating on their soon to be incarcerated husband with some African named Mr. Chocolate. It should hardly be the same way to confront someone with a true world problem. Lisar for all her purported experience with addiction in her own family and Harry's seems as ill-equipped as everyone else. Kim is nasty and mean but she is also undoubtedly an addict. All this heavy handed fumbling and grand standing isn't helping.

  • Love 12

Now that the rage has subsided, things that actually made me laugh this episode:


* Yolanda's brother picking LisaV up and carrying her into the coffeehouse - hilarious!

* Yolanda's mother outting her brother's weed use.

* LisaR saying "Yeah, I ate the cake. My girls know I don't turn down cake. EVER." Gangster.

* Eileen's TH where she confesses and says "It was peer pressure! I always succumb to peer pressure!" and then cracking up. (Kudos to the poster upthread who said she learned the low voice control from Victor Newman - ha!)
* Kyle, professing contact highs and not wanting to eat the cake on camera and been seen acting paranoid. Because I believe she's TOTALLY that person who buys weed and gets orgegano, but swears she's high, and, if/when she doesn't get ganked and gets the real thing, enjoys it at first and then gets totally paranoid.


Yes!  Why is Kim so special?   It seems like none of these ladies are allowed to:


Ask Kim if she’s okay.
Speak to Kim directly about anything other than turtles and chicken salad.
Apologize to Kim.
Mention the words “sobriety”, “addict”, and “substance abuse” even when not discussing Kim.
Discuss their own experiences with substance abuse in her presence.
Worry about a friend, sibling, and/or co-worker as they relapse in front of them.
Have feelings about the way Kim treats them, and to discuss those feelings with others.
React when having one’s face called ugly.
React to being told to ‘shut the fuck up’ or similar.
React to being told that they are a bad sister.
React to being held hostage in a vehicle with Kim while she calls you disgusting, etc.
React to being mocked and imitated.
React to having Kim’s crooked finger flung in their face.
React to having Kim threaten to reveal personal information about one’s family.
React at having to wait for Kim while she’s in the bathroom, snorting her sobriety up her nose.


Kim can do and say whatever she wants, but everyone else just needs to silently walk away and leave Kim alone.

Because ... kids!


Brandi no doubt thinks Kyle is a total hypocrite for wearing tampons but not showing the string to photographers. What is she trying to hide anyway?


 Lisa  R all sorts of wrong tosssing the wine at the hag and then breaking a glass on the table.  If you are going to do that stuff you are then supposed to threaten them with the broken glass.  Do it right! 


Literally LOL over here!!


Why is Kim saying she had 5 women go after her all at once? I didn't see that, did I miss something?


Kim was actually claiming that seven women were coming at her in her TH. 5, 7 and 9 are her go-to numbers. 

  • Love 16

Kathy Hilton is not on the RHOBH.  Kyle and Kim signed up for this;  Kathy did not.


Remember that old saying "Be careful what you wish for...."


A tad off topic but bringing up the relationship of Kathy and Kim...


If I recall correctly, way back in season 1 when Kyle was planning Farrah's graduatoin party, wasn't there a scene with Kyle and Kim working out at the park and, during their break, Kim informed Kyle that Kathy and clan wouldn't be coming to Farrah's party because they had gone off somewhere else instead?


I thought it odd even back then.  Why the fresh hell didn't Kathy inform Kyle herself?  Why share that seemingly important piece of information with Kim, but not bother to tell the hostess, Kyle?


If I recall correctly, Kathy sent some godawful hideous plant and a check.  Hopefully the check was big enough to make up for the atrocity that was the plant.


I may be way off, but even back then I got the feeling Kyle isn't very close to Kathy.  At least not nearly as close as Kim seems to be to her.


The Richards' sisters dynamics are beyond dysfunctional, of that much I'm convinced.   

  • Love 13

Eat the cake anna mae!!

The season of Intervention .... oops I mean RHOBH, has been less than enthralling. Sure there has been high drama but the fact that it revolves around Kim and her sobriety or lack thereof bothers me.

I am gonna say my peace. I am not as enamored of Lisar or Eileen as many seem to be. I think they are potentially good additions to the show but I just can't with the handling of the KIm situation. If all are so concerned about Kim, they should consult with an addiction specialist or go to Al-Anon and learn how best to deal with a person whom they believe to have fallen off the wagon. All these convos back and forth and attempts to confront at gatherings with a full cast and crew present strike me as insincere. Fuck! This is how the HW handle books that expose a cast member as a hooker or confront them about going to Bass Lake or cheating on their soon to be incarcerated husband with some African named Mr. Chocolate. It should hardly be the same way to confront someone with a true world problem. Lisar for all her purported experience with addiction in her own family and Harry's seems as ill-equipped as everyone else. Kim is nasty and mean but she is also undoubtedly an addict. All this heavy handed fumbling and grand standing isn't helping.

I agree, and it all reeks of producer manipulation. Do you think a restaurant is going to allow these women in, to have a fight, and not move all the customers out of the way like they did? There were no people anywhere near them. I would almost bet the glass Lisa R. had was candy glass that stunt people use.

Isn't it ironic that both BH and ATL both had the entire cast in a restaurant and a fight breaks out....in the same week??

I think Lisa R probably does know how to deal with addicts, but for this particular story arc in the show, she's been told to do what she's been doing. To cause Kim to be upset, and Kim being told to react accordingly.

If they didn't bring the drama every week, would we all be here talking? And watching it without fail?

  • Love 4
Has anyone considered that she really might be?



They know she's not. This was all about Poker Night when she came high on prescription pain meds that weren't hers. The ones she's now trying to claim have nothing whatsoever to do with sobriety. Remember it's just alcohol!


Kyle also likes to claim that she's so close to her sister Kim and that they know each other so well.  While I was cleaning up the kitchen tonight I had Bravo on and in one of the recent episodes Kyle had another TH and said "How am I supposed to know what's going on with Kim if she won't tell me?"  Either she knows or she doesn't know.  She can't have it both ways.



I think she has it both ways because she's spent over 40 years watching this woman follow the same patterns--she does know her. That doesn't mean she knows everything going on in Kim's daily life when Kim isn't telling her about it. Kim seems to withdraw for a while periodically, often hooking up with some other person, then that person gets played off against Kyle and then when Kim decides she doesn't like them any more Kyle hears how Kim was the victim. At least that's what happened with Kim's Ken. She knows her sister well but often doesn't know what she's up to every minute. Nobody knows that with Kim.


I think Brandi was pissed that Kyle didn't partake. She wanted to have this on her. She wanted to be the good one who said "no". Instead she outs her so that everyone knows she has done it anyway.



I didn't even realize she didn't partake but that actually makes sense. I could understand Brandi eye-rolling at the women playing up the "pot, how does it work?" stuff on camera--but I think she also does have an exaggerated view of what "everybody" does with drugs. I've smoked pot but that doesn't mean I've smoked it enough to consider it an everyday thing. When Brandi was getting angry I wondered if she'd been spending a lot of time with Kim talking about how everybody else is so terrible and judgmental about their sobriety. Kim would love that conversation--she and Brandi are just unfairly targeted. (Kim had a problem with alcohol once but she beat it 3 years ago. Everything else is just rumors and lies!)


Like both Brandi and Kim were acting like everybody was unfairly picking on them and pretending they had substance abuse problems because people reacted to them actually being high or drunk and behaving badly. So Brandi sort of had Kim's resentment looking at all these damn women who somehow haven't gotten themselves a reputation for having a problem even though Brandi keeps desperately trying to throw out stuff about how the reason Kyle seems sober all the time is really just that she's such an alkie she has a super high tolerance. I really got the sense tonight more than ever that Brandi and Kim back up each other defensiveness on this subject a lot.


Also yes, I love that Kim talks to LisaR but of course it doesn't occur to her to apologize to Eileen and Kyle because they obviously both deserved and still deserve her anger for daring to make her angry at them. Conflict-averse Kim was pretty pleased with herself after telling everyone off.


Also, wtf with her nonsense about her kids and losing them to "rumors?" At this point her kids are pretty much all adults, aren't they? So she's not losing them. And I don't believe for a second that any of the lies and rumors in the past were anything other than the lies and rumors she's talking about now--which are actually the truth. Kim explaining how her stealing powerful opiates and getting high doesn't count as a relapse is far more evidence to her kids that she's got a problem than LisaR talking about her dead family members and asking if Kim's okay. It's like Kim thinks her kids, like everyone else, are clueless about her using. Kim honestly thinks she's got everyone fooled about this as long as she can shut up "liars" like LisaR.

  • Love 18

And now from the alternate universe. It's lonely being on "Team Brandi and Kim", but I'm coping.  Will we ever get through an entire episode without having to endure Kyle's crocodile tears? Just heartbreaking how hard her life has been as Kim's sister.  Kim knows how her sister exploits her weaknesses to make herself look good. And unfortunately, Kim blows and furthers her reputation as a nut job.   Brandi did nothing wrong tonight, and I applaud her for shutting down the bs during that ridiculous display at the "weed bar".  For crissakes, these women live in California.  These women are in their 40's and 50's, and this is one of the first times they've ever been exposed to weed?  I'll tell you one thing, "experimenting" with a mind-altering substance for the first time on national tv, doesn't add up. As for Kim, yes she overreacted.  Perhaps.  However, she's been dismissed as the "loopy addict sister" of righteous, sweet Kyle forever, and she's (Kim) not stupid.  She's genuine.  She has a pure heart, unlike her sister.  We all reach our boiling point.  Love Lisa R., but come on.  Throwing a glass?  Nobody ever knocks all the petty comments everyone makes about Brandi and Kim behind their backs, but because Brandi and Kim are direct in their criticisms, they're crazy and trashy.  Hmmmm.....

  • Love 5

Lisa R was completely out of line in that restaurant. Going for the throat or throwing a glass down is never OK. I hope she takes a good, long look at herself this episode and learns from this. The thing is, and I may be biased because I like her, I think she might be one of the few "reality" people who actually do learn from their behavior. Although, Kim with her smug, gloating, 'I'm so pleased with myself' face afterwards where she was camped out in her chair? She didn't care about any glass in her pants. Although of course Brandi was apparently picking glass out of every orifice of her body.

I am happy, no matter how it came about, that Kim went to Lisa's room the next morning, and they had that bullshit talk, and everyone was able to go about their vacation. Because it would've really sucked otherwise.

LOVED Amsterdam. I want to go there, and ride bicycles, and see windmills. It was so beautiful, and it was so good to see all of the women enjoying themselves for a change.

Loved Yolanda's brother and mother. They seem very cool, it actually made me like Yolanda a bit more. And OMG, that cake, I want that cake! One of my favorite moments was LisaV jokingly tell Kyle that her LA Diet wouldn't work here, she'd have to eat that cake. I've always felt their friendship to be the most genuine on the show, so I'm glad to see it getting back on track.

Heck, I loved LisaV this episode. She started to really grate on me the past few seasons, but tonight she reminded me why I started out loving her. She seems like she'd be a blast to hang out with.

And call me an uncool tourist, but I'd probably do the same thing with my friends if we went to have a space cake. Make stupid jokes, refuse to do it at first, have one bite, and make more jokes. I just found them all funny, and it was really harmless.

I think Brandi was so bitchy that night (well, apart from her being Brandi), because after the fight, when they ended up in two groups in separate rooms, she looked at her group, and realized she was in serious trouble. Yolanda is slowly moving away from this show, for health and who knows what else, and Kim is....well....Kim. Deep down, I think she really, really wanted to be part of that other group. The people who have the bigger profile on the show. I think that's why she's gunning for Eileen and LisaR so hard this season. They make it so much easier to lift her right out.

Because I don't think she personally gives a damn about anyone. She gives a damn about being on this show, and doing everything possible to secure her spot. I think she was beginning to realize how she fucked up with how she handled the Kim situation. And that is going to make her pissy, and make her want to cause any kind of drama she can. So the others had better watch out!

  • Love 12
As for Kim, yes she overreacted.  Perhaps.  However, she's been dismissed as the "loopy addict sister" of righteous, sweet Kyle forever, and she's (Kim) not stupid.  She's genuine.  She has a pure heart, unlike her sister.  We all reach our boiling point.  Love Lisa R., but come on.  Throwing a glass?  Nobody ever knocks all the petty comments everyone makes about Brandi and Kim behind their backs, but because Brandi and Kim are direct in their criticisms, they're crazy and trashy.  Hmmmm.....



Actually, Kyle was the monster, evil stepsister who was terrible to purehearted sweet Kim for a long time, and still is according to Kim. Brandi certainly believes it and Kim was announcing it at the party as well. LisaR seemed to be saying it was understood that the family saw it that way too, which backs up Kim's rant about Kathy vs. Kyle. That changed for the audience only after Kim herself spent enough time on camera for people to see what it must be like dealing with her. Also, since when do Brandi and Kim not talk about people behind their backs as much as anyone else? Everyone at the table was being completely direct with everyone else, and everyone at the table also had discussed their issues with other people. "I don't like your face" was not being direct in a criticism it was just lashing out as Eileen for continuing to look at Kim as if she wasn't seeing the person Kim wanted to project. Brandi herself was the one leading the conversation with LisaR that caused Kim to go ballistic. Didn't she even get caught accidentally sending a text to Kyle referring to her as a cunt while they were supposedly friendly?


Kim's talk with LisaR basically just laid out the same rules for dealing with Kim she's made clear from day one. As long as you pretend to believe everything she says and back up whatever version of herself she's selling and never have any expectations of her for yourself, you'll be cool. Most people don't agree to that.

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 16

Kim is the middle child. So maybe she feels slighted all the time. My sister is the middle and she always felt that my brother and I got more than her, which is not true.

I really felt bad for Kyle.


As a person with half sister that well over a decade in age, I can relate to Kyle being the baby.  My half sister is not the nicest, she scares me actually, because she comes off as the HBIC and when you don't do anything right she's real quick make you feel bad.  However I've gotten brave enough to talk back even though she will not get off my back with certain things.  So if that's what Kyle is dealing with I can relate big time.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4

I feel bad for Kyle too.  She told me all what I needed to know about Kathy Hilton when it comes to Kim.  WHen she doesn't defend Kim and her behavior, even how nasty she was being, Kathy jumps her throat and comes to Kim's defense I bet.  I'm telling you Kyle is the black sheep in that family.  Not to mention she even acts as the family's Jermaine Jackson aka spokeswoman when her idiot family members get in trouble and she defends them - ALL WAYS.  Where the hell is Kathy Hilton??  Where is she!  Why must Kyle do it all especially when it comes to Kim??  And since Kim/Kathy are the closest Kathy should be the main watching over Kim's "sobriety."

I am not so sure that Kim ranks very high with Kathy, after all, Kathy was to help plan and host Kimberly's graduation party last season and blew it off to look at Royal China patterns with other tourists at BHP/England! LOL Kim may want to back off of Kyle and stop pitting Kyle against Kathy because Kyle may just take her up on it. I do wish that Kyle would let Kathy do it all for Kim after that ugly comment Kim, with Brandi's help, made tonight, see hoe long that would last. LOL

  • Love 6

Lisa Rinna's twitter is on fire tonight! I was disappointed she caved so easily to Kim's next-day demands, but apparently it's "not over." Those were her words in reply to a tweet expressing the same thing. Maybe that simply applies to she and Eileen talking about it, or maybe there's more to come.

She's also making lots of references and jokes about #whatdidHarrydo? There's no way she'd do that if there was really something.

  • Love 9

Poor sainted Kyle.  She managed to draw attention away from Lisa R and to herself after the dinner.  Then retreats back to her hotel room with the other HWs to continue to court sympathy.  She really feeds on being a martyr but is tiring of the weight. 


Nah...Respectfully I say, Kim needs to get the fuck off of television and in social circles if she is going to act like a junkie and a nutbar and think no one will comment.  I would not tip toe around her ass one iota.

Nah?  Not so respectful.  And nowhere did I suggest anyone tiptoe around Kim.  I merely said, the HWs should stop poking the wasp nest if they don't want to get stung.


It all boils down to something so simple. Kim is afraid of losing her kids if they even suspect she's not clean and sober, they'll abandon her. What's more important than protecting that?  Kim gets a pass from me, and I hope LisaR has learned a lesson. If she wants to help someone, speak to them directly and not beat around the bushes.

Kim says people can go after her all they want.  But not her alleged sobriety because that affects her kids.  Huh?  Questioning Kim's sobriety doesn't impact Kim's adult children.  What affects them is Kim's erratic behavior.


#wdhd - some of them are hysterical.

  • Love 5

Nah?  Not so respectful.  And nowhere did I suggest anyone tiptoe around Kim.  I merely said, the HWs should stop poking the wasp nest if they don't want to get stung.


Why is it OK for Kim to act like a wasp but not OK for the other HW to act like beekeepers? 


Maybe if Kim doesn't want to get squashed, she shouldn't go around putting her stinger in everyone's faces.




eta:I'm loving these bee metaphors, but I'm not sure it's fitting for Kim.  Bees make honey while Kim just makes misery. 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 13

Kim says people can go after her all they want.  But not her alleged sobriety because that affects her kids.  Huh?  Questioning Kim's sobriety doesn't impact Kim's adult children.  What affects them is Kim's erratic behavior.

That's classic manipulation. To pretend you're hurting the kids when you go after me. And of course the great irony is that Kim is the one - and the only one - who is hurting her kids. And has hurt them their entire lives.

  • Love 18

Almost 300 replies to this episode in just over 3 hours.  My, y'all been busy!  I've yet to watch it but will tomorrow.  Got home late after some red wine with friends. 


Lulu:  Welcome to the forum.  It's been a rough day for our community. And the night an episode airs, especially when there is flying glass involved, is always tumultuous around here anyway.  :-)  

  • Love 4

Now I want to go to Amsterdam, eat good food, ride bikes, buy wooden shoes and armfulls of tulips!

I'm probably moving to the Netherlands for my job in June... (Rotterdam, 30 minutes from Amsterdam by train) and I've been SO nervous and kind of freaked out about it. But aside from watching those crazy bitches confirming what people already believe about Americans, seeing the Netherlands looking so gorgeous and reading everyone's posts about wanting to go there is making me smile!!


Someone needs to make a GIF of Kyle's face after Brandi screams in the street. PRICELESS.

  • Love 7

Why is it OK for Kim to act like a wasp but not OK for the other HW to act like beekeepers? 


Maybe if Kim doesn't want to get squashed, she shouldn't go around putting her stinger in everyone's faces.




eta:I'm loving these bee metaphors, but I'm not sure it's fitting for Kim.  Bees make honey while Kim just makes misery. 

Never said it was.   Personally I avoid people who act like assholes and I certainly don't provoke them.  That's not the same as tiptoeing around them or sanctioning their behavior.   To me, it's called enjoying my life with less drama and bullshit.

  • Love 7

It's on again now* and as soon as Kim brings up Harry, Eileen says, "Shame on you" and keeps on in the background. Part of it may have been standing up for Lisa R. in general, but I think Eileen knew what Kim was referencing.


Others have mentioned the closed-captioning for Kyle, there are also captions for Kim's "jabbering mockingly" when imitating Eileen. I love it when the captions talk smack.


*I have no life.


ETA: You'll love Rotterdam, panthergirl.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 8

Kyle called in to WWHL. She said the dope on HH is revealed during the reunion. She also said the reunion was the first contact between her/Kim in four months.

Kim told Yo tonight that she needed a break. I think it was when Yo was talking to her about the importance of her bond with Kyle as sisters. Kim took a long break from Kyle when she got together with the Bull Mastiff, too, right? And deeper into her addictions it seemed. Maybe that's what Kim does when people are harshing her buzz - isolate. And, of course, Alexia clumsily shoving her hand into poor Kingsley's mouth has really deepened the chill.

Gotta say, Kim's talk about how her drinking hurt her kids "a long time ago"... been just a few years since Kim's teenage daughter had to move in with her dad when Kim decided to take a chance on love *coughcough*. Can you imagine being in college and your friends all wanting to have viewing parties because your mom is on Real Housewives and "How cool!"? Yeah... I think Kim's manipulative bullshit about defending her kids might have actually been aimed more at her kids than any other audience. 9 to 7 to 5 there'd already been some difficult conversations happening within the family. Hospital waiting areas are conducive to comparing notes and all sorts of other interesting conversations.

  • Love 11

I'm probably moving to the Netherlands for my job in June...


Lucky. Will your new place have a guest room?  It doesn't need to be much....


Kyle called in to WWHL. She said the dope on HH is revealed during the reunion.


I had a feeling.  I posted an interview Kyle did with Billy Bush a couple days ago and she made it sound like something was going to be revealed.  What that something is, is anybody's guess.  Her language wasn't absolute and somebody asked what made me think she was acknowledging or hinting that something would be revealed.  It was something about her body language and overall squirminess.  But yeah, like some posters have mentioned - just the way the other women reacted to Kim's mention of HH made it seem plausible that she knows something.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 7

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