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S03.E18: Dethroned

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Stassi is so pathetic. Scurrying away from her ex at her former workplace party filled with "evil people" she hates, yet she willingly dresses up and shows up just for the open bar?!

Way to show you have no life and no friends to boot, loser.

I did enjoy the scene after she left of everyone reminiscing upon her nastiest past moments and collectively realizing how much she actually sucked as a human and that they never liked her very much anyway, hah!!

And yeah, what *did* Katie do to her that was so wrong StASSi needed an apology? Going with her boyfriend to a co-worker's engagement getaway/wedding, but because Stassi feels they wronged her once, Katie shouldn't have gone?!

Fuck that shit; talk about petty, selfish and ridiculous. Glad Katie essentially told her as much.

Ariana might think that her IQ makes her "smarter than anyone else I've ever met", but what she fails to realize is that most high-IQ folks are proven to have typically low EQ's and are often unable to read social/emotional cues or have genuine street smarts. Given the stupid manner in which she brushed off so much as the idea of her cheater boyfriend actually cheating on *her*(despite her cheating with him on his prior girlfriend) makes me realize that she obviously has the emotional intelligence of a rock, but whatever.

Edited by OnceSane
removed slut-shaming language
  • Love 6


Well, wait.  I heard this & sorta ignored it or misunderstood it.  But now that I've thought about it & digested it a bit, er, WTF does this mean?  Oh, I get why Scheana said it.  To prove to Ari that a cheater can easily text their way to an alibi to a spouse/partner/gf/bf.  But it was a dumb & useless thing to say to Ari, since I'm convinced she already knows FI is a cheater & she doesn't care, because their relationship is completely fake.


Anyhoo, by saying this, did Scheana just admit she knew Eddie was married when they were gettin' together?  Er, huh?  I thought she has ALWAYS strenuously denied knowing he was married.  What the what?



That was me asking & yes that's exactly what I was thinking!

Edited by Jezebel97

So do we think the Stassi Retrospective was an official goodbye?


And can we talk about all of this stupid ring/engagement/proposal crap? This is 2015, Katie. If you want to marry Tom, ask him to marry you. Get down on one freaking knee and propose to him. He will say "Hamana-hamana-hamana...." and you'll have your answer. I honestly don't understand this stupid "waiting for a ring" bullshit in this day and age. (and I REALLY don't get the ultimatum thing. If you have to strong-arm someone into marrying you, you're doomed from the start)

  • Love 6

Okay, I absolutely love, love, love the 50s. The clothes, the cars, the music, etc. If I could afford it, my entire wardrobe would consist of items akin to what they were wearing on that photo shoot. But I really didn't think that theme fit for Sur. If I saw all those photos, I would assume I was going to a 50s diner. It just didn't make any sense to me. But it was fun to watch. 


Ariana's logic kills me. "You can't have sex while you're on the phone". Well, um....technically you COULD. If you're into that sort of thing. But that's beside the point. Were you literally on the phone with him 24-hours a day while he was in Miami. If so, wow. You have problems. If not, then no - you can't use that as your defense. I would take it better if she just said, "I trust Tom and I doubt he would do that to me". But no, she has to present herself as Ms. Reason and Logic. Oh, and I loved when she said she was smarter than anyone she's ever met. Bitch must live under a rock. 


And that dress she wore at the anniversary party - did she buy that at the Empire State Building gift shop? Did some teenage girl make it in art class out of duct tape? What was that???


I've figured out why Stassi has been looking plump in her THs. It's all those goat cheese balls.


But, seriously, that girl is never going to leave middle school, is she? It's like she can't function unless there are teams. And the worst transgression a person could possibly commit is "switching sides". The horror! It's almost embarrassing how she sees things. Because, to me, Katie just seems like she got tired of living with all this animosity towards people - people she has to work with, people her boyfriend socializes with. It's very draining to live that way. At no time did Katie do anything hurtful directly to Stassi, but Stassi just cannot fathom a friendship where she doesn't have total control over the other person. Good for Katie, for standing her ground. And the "Bye, Stassi" montage was hilarious!


Watching Jax lie is like watching a game of tennis. One minute the ball's over in that side of the court - "Tom 100% slept with that chick in Miami". The next minute it's on the other side - "I never said that. I wasn't there, so how could I say that for sure?" Gives me fucking whiplash. Shut his shit down and ice him out once and for all. 


And he got towed!!!! Best moment of the show. 


But I did love when he told Kristen that no matter if she was proved truthful or not, no one would like her. It's so true. It's not about who's lying to who, but the fact that you are crazy as fuck and cannot let shit go. How long do we think she can hold herself to that promise to be done with Tom and Ariana once and for all? 


James, just stop with the super low cut v-necks. Please. That is all. 

  • Love 4

I thought what Scheana insisted was that she didn't know Brandi was pregnant, and that Eddie had lied to her about the state of his marriage and was going to leave her for Scheana but had to keep Brandi mollified in the interim (hence texting her while with Scheana). Then he left both his Mrs and mistress for Leanne Rimes. So AFAIK that means Eddie was lying to a minimum of three women at one time.

Isn't the phone breaking/losing service/caller ID not working/forgot the charger/missing key features the kiss of death? I find technology tends to fall apart dramatically when one party doesn't want to make or receive calls from their sig other.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Good call.  Only diff was the Robert Palmer girls were not blondes, but otherwise I can totally see it.  Actually, I just was thinking how dreadful her lipstick looked on her & I was wondering if her black dress looked kinda out-of-place in LA in the dead of summer.



Yeah, I got the feeling this was totally producer-driven cuz they wanted to give Stassi a big huge fuck you.  In any case, well done, producers.  Liked it.



Well, wait.  I heard this & sorta ignored it or misunderstood it.  But now that I've thought about it & digested it a bit, er, WTF does this mean?  Oh, I get why Scheana said it.  To prove to Ari that a cheater can easily text their way to an alibi to a spouse/partner/gf/bf.  But it was a dumb & useless thing to say to Ari, since I'm convinced she already knows FI is a cheater & she doesn't care, because their relationship is completely fake.


Anyhoo, by saying this, did Scheana just admit she knew Eddie was married when they were gettin' together?  Er, huh?  I thought she has ALWAYS strenuously denied knowing he was married.  What the what?

I don't know what's wrong with me.  My sensibilities have been fighting with reality-TV clown lipstick UNTIL THIS EPISODE.  I thought Stassi looked really good! And I know that's not even true.  Maybe I was retroactively softened by the string of TH comments.  If this group doesn't like you, it doesn't mean that you are likeable but it definitely means that you are not likeable according to their sorry collective standards and that's good enough for me - Stassi, you win. sure.


NOW, for the first time I am also rooting for Kristen as this season's dark horse of emotional maturity! Why, you (didn't) ask?  Because Ariana is garbage and I want to see her inadvertently provide an example of feigned indifference for Kristen so that Freudian hysteric Kristen eventually runs laps around A with whatever scripts of Independence she co-opts. "Good luck" is a good start. Keep it up, K. 


Oh and Sheeber, you are vile.


It's all coming together

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Katie by far looked the best at the photo shoot.  She looked like she has a great ass.  She can do better than Shaggy.


Jax is looking worse and worse as this series goes on.  The bloat and the weird cuts on his face.


FI Tom looks good from a distance and only with certain lighting and angles.


Scheana just needs to tone up the party flab or quit it with the tight waistbands.


Loved how Lisa changes into a 50's outfit then plays protesting getting a picture taken.


Why the photo shoot anyway?  Is this for a calendar?  Dartboards?  What?

  • Love 3

It was hilarious when the whole cast was making fun of her, especially her statement necklaces.


I took this as Stassi's official exit off the show when TPTB told various cast members to trash Stassi in each of their TH's.  I loved it.

<hangs head> I thought assi's red lipstick was FIERCE!!! (her running away like a pussy, not so much)


Ditto on the lipstick choice.

  • Love 1

What is the photo shoot for anyway? Who sees these pictures?

I'd really like to know the answer to this question because the restaurant's website still has Kristin and Stassi in a photo on the homepage.

The yelp reviews are hilarious though. They read like someone dining at a Disney themed restaurant for the first time. Just swap out Mickey Mouse or Buzz Lightyear's names with Peter or Christina.

"I'm smarter than anyone I've ever met in my life." :/

Well of course you are. That's why you are in your 30ish, working as a bartender and living where, exactly? Also why you are dating guy  that cheats on you and is clearly, at the very least, bisexual, which you don't seem to have a clue about. All this on National television for the rest of us to snark on.  Yes, sweetie run along now, MENSA is looking for you to be their new CEO.  (um, that stands for Chief Executive Officer, I didn't want to have your brain explode trying to figure it out.)     

  • Love 6

Omg, you guys!  I was reading the comments on my phone last night in bed and I seriously woke Mr. Duke up several times with my cackling. This forum has the funniest posts!  Between "Sur o'clock" and this one...  


At least the honeymoon will be free, courtesy of one another's eyes.



.... I was dying!


And I wish the camera would focus on the photo shoot so I can see the outfits and make-up. The camera whirls around so fast I can't get a good look. What is the photo shoot for anyway? Who sees these pictures?



I've always wondered that too!  I mean, they did unveil the pictures at the "wrap party" at the end, so maybe that's all they're really used for.  Loved that Scheanna called Kristin out on her eye-rolling when they showed the Tom/Nugget one. 


If you have to strong-arm someone into marrying you, you're doomed from the start)



Strong-arm...yes.  But, honestly, I would say at least half, if not more, of friends I know who are betrothed had to definitely "nudge" their then-boyfriends in the direction of marriage.  And many of them are still happily married many year later.  So, it just depends. 

It's all coming together. 



Don't you mean... "It's all happening"??  TM Scheanna's janky tattoo. (but really, a rip off of the quote from "Almost Famous")


I took Scheana's story about Eddie as meaning she probably found out/assumed after the fact that Eddie would have been texting Brandi during their meetups. Not that she knew as it was happening.



Yep.  That's how I interpreted it as well. 

Edited by Duke2801
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God, I freaking love this board.


From this point on, Mondays at 9 pm will be "Sur o'clock."  Genius. 


Not as genius as the Nugget though, so don't get a fat head.  Clearly the Nugget needs to get out more and expand her circle of acquaintances if she's the smartest one.  Snort.  I'd be willing to bet Lisa could outdo her.  Let's see, who works in whose restaurant?  Who lives in a gorgeous home with swans and a name out front?  And who lives in a janky apartment with FI?  Hmmmm.


Oh, and who is actually floating the story that Face Time didn't work in that particular hotel room.  Uh-huh. 


Face it, sweetie.  If your relationship is real, FI is a liar and cheater.  Which you know.  And you're not nearly as smart as you think you are.  Sure, you may be the smartest person in your group but considering your group is a group of chucklefucks who use no brain cells before their time (if ever), that's not saying much.


Big old WORD on whoever pointed out the Nugget's insanely bizarre anniversary party dress.  WTF?  Crazy Kristen totally blew her away with her red dress.


I loved the photo shoot.  It looked great.  Muppet Baby totally rocks that look.  I'm ashamed to say that he made me a bit tingly.  I think I may need therapy or something.  Jax still looked like an ape.


Vail has been a FAIL.  She consistently flirts with the two walking penises at Sur while blabbing in her THs that she's not interested in either and there will be no sex.  Yawn. 


I do think Schwartz' terror at marriage was real in that counseling session (guess the infamous Dr. Wexler was too busy with Tori and Dean to make an appearance here.)  Wonder why.  He seemed to indicate his parents are still together if I recall.  If Katie is indeed "The One" why is he so panicked?  Katie, girl, you need to run. 


StASSi is pointless.  Why was she there?  Did they actually say that she would be making a special guest appearance at the reunion?  Bizarre. 


I did stay up to watch WWHL and the preview of the reunion was disappointing to say the least.  Everyone gangs up on StASSi.  There's a shocker.  Of course they do.  Because she's been an asshole to all of them. 

  • Love 3

Schwartz clearly has a problem growing up. He can't hold a job or work a full shift. I think his marriage issues are tied to that. It seems typical in my experience that the female's timeline expectations are speedier than the male's. Schwartz has been stringing Katie along with the "some day." Some day to Katie means a year. Some day to Schwartz means whenever he happens to feel like it's right (maybe never). She's doing the right thing by speaking to him about it openly, but probably not by providing an ultimatum. I would always be filled with doubt if my marriage existed because of an ultimatum and my SO was acting out of fear of a loss of comfort.


"I'm smarter than anyone I've ever met in my life." :/

This still seems like such a terrible thing to say in front of your friends. I have been lucky to meet some incredibly intelligent

people, but no one I have met has ever said this out loud. And I'm pretty sure at least a few have genius or near genius IQs.

I won't knock her for being a bartender, not every person who is very intelligent is also very ambitious. And formal education can be

stifling as well. But the super intelligent people I know who do "normal" things still channel a bit of Good Will Hunting, in that they are quite well read. I have not seen her do anything that "proves" this to me. I mean, honestly, in front of most of this group, anyone can feel like a genius.

Does she have MENSA membership or something?

(Also, why am I so worried about her IQ. I realized I posted something similar in her thread a while back! Enjoy your brains, Nugget!)

Edited by nenya
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Well, we can only HOPE that last montage of stASSi's ass walking away was the LAST FREAKING TIME WE SEE HER ON TV!!

Sorry to yell, but good grief girl; go ahead and GO ALREADY!  Make that BIG $$$ selling those piece of crap necklaces you make. Good luck with that, hun.


Nugget saying how smart she was?? Not really that smart, Arianna.  Kinda makes your relationship with FI look STOOPID.


And really, is Kristin actually going to GIVE UP her obsession without anyone getting hurt? Seriously?


Loved, loved, loved Jax's truck either being towed or repo'd. Perfect!

Stassi is so pathetic. Scurrying away from her ex at her former workplace party filled with "evil people" she hates, yet she willingly dresses up and shows up just for the open bar?!

Way to show you have no life and no friends to boot, loser.


Same thing that Kristen did.


If I could afford it, my entire wardrobe would consist of items akin to what they were wearing on that photo shoot.


You can! I doubt most of those pieces were real-deal vintage, and pin-up style stuff is all over the place for cheap!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I'm not going to lie, I thought both Stassi and Kristen looked the best at the SUR party out of everyone. I'm not sure what Ariana was wearing and Katie's big triangle necklace was questionable too.  Did she borrow it from Stassi? Katie looked amazing at the photo shoot though!


What's the over/under on a Katie/Tom engagement announcement at the reunion? 


I haven't been the biggest Ariana fan this season (especially after her comment last night), but I browsed through most of the cast's instagrams and noticed that out of everyone, she seems to take the most time to answer questions and interact with her fans about the show. I thought that was pretty nice. 

Edited by Elizabeth
  • Love 1
Nugget saying how smart she was?? Not really that smart, Arianna.  Kinda makes your relationship with FI look STOOPID.


She's dating a guy who thinks he can take a vacation just by looking into her eyes. How smart can she be? 



Did anyone else find FI's moveposal incredibly anticlimactic? I thought they already lived together.....

You can! I doubt most of those pieces were real-deal vintage, and pin-up style stuff is all over the place for cheap!


Oh I know, I already have some pieces in my wardrobe. But I'm a SAHM of three, so I rarely feel comfortable spending excess money on myself. =)

  • Love 2

I'm not going to lie, I thought both Stassi and Kristen looked the best at the SUR party out of everyone. I'm not sure what Ariana was wearing and Katie's big triangle necklace was questionable too. Did she borrow it from Stassi? Katie looked amazing at the photo shoot though!

Well that was disappointing. What a let down after such a great season!

I also thought Stassi and Kristen looked nice. Ok so true confessions, I kind of get what Stassi is talking about. Katie turned on a dime about people she claimed she hated just to appease her deadbeat cheater boyfriend. It's none of Stassi's business though and you don't tell your friends who they can be friends with. On the other hand, these people are crazy and their friendships are crazy. Oh well. Bon voyage Stassi.

Ari is an idiot.

The story that didn't get any play that I want to know about is what the fuck did Vail say or do to Jax to send him running for the hills. Jax will literally have sex with anyone at anytime and every time Vail would come on to him he would get this "not even with Sandoval's tiny dick would I go there" look. What is that about?

Edited by FozzyBear

I'm convinced Jax loved the "Miami in the '50s" theme because he once lived in Miami…and he's in in 50s.

Stassi, Stassi, Stassi…the situation wasn't embarrassing, YOU are. You really thought Kate was going to apologize when your ass knows SHE did nothing wrong? I've got all the seats waiting for you…they are over there, off-screen.

Kristen's total lack of awareness when talking to Lisa (or any time, really) will be great fodder for season 4. And FI Tom and Kristen tag-teaming the truth outta Jax was a thing of beauty.

  • Love 10

Well that was disappointing. What a let down after such a great season!

I also thought Stassi and Kristen looked nice. Ok so true confessions, I kind of get what Stassi is talking about. Katie turned on a dime about people she claimed she hated just to appease her deadbeat cheater boyfriend. It's none of Stassi's business though and you don't tell your friends who they can be friends with. On the other hand, these people are crazy and their friendships are crazy. Oh well. Bon voyage Stassi.

Ari is an idiot.

The story that didn't get any play that I want to know about is what the fuck did Vail say or do to Jax to send him running for the hills. Jax will literally have sex with anyone at anytime and every time Vail would come on to him he would get this "not even with Sandoval's tiny dick would I go there" look. What is that about?

I think that Jax being the narcissist that he is wanted and wants to be the one to do the initiating and be in control.  Vail emasculates every time she comes on to him- even if it is just flirtation. I think it causes 'limpdickitis' for him as he sees himself as an alpha male.

Was Stassi kidding thinking she still deserved an apology from Katie? Didn't they go over that at lunch a few eppy's ago and Katie basically told her to fuck off? That was a meaningless filler scene. 


Schwartz, marriage = growing up. And Katie wants babies. He can't even keep a job so at least he is aware that he is not ready. Katie needs to move on. I forced Huzzbin #1 in to marriage with ultimatums and threats, 4 yrs. later we were divorced.  

  • Love 2

I was thinking Tom and Katie were on WWHL a few weeks ago and still very much a couple - is it now past the 6 month ultimatum period? Anyone know the timing on this? I'm torn because I'm sure there are women who have to nudge their guy to alter and still live happy ever after but I feel like Tom needs to straight up tell Katie the same things he told the therapist lady about his thoughts on marriage instead of this "one day" "some day" "soon" bullshit. If you are bat shit terrified of getting married to the person you've been dating for years then you're full of shit when you say keep saying "soon". How many things can you think of that you've ever been terrified of but at the same time know you'd "soon" not only be "over it" but totally committed to it?  It's not like he's saying I will live the rest of my life with you but I just don't believe in legal marriage. He's saying he does believe in marriage and has it as a goal in his life at some point but is also terrified of the idea of being married to Katie right now. He's juvenile and has the emotional capacity of FI Tom's Flat Iron. I'd put it on Katie's head if he was straight up with her and she was still sticking around hoping he'd change his mind but instead he is stringing her along.

Edited by dabronx
  • Love 1

I do think Schwartz' terror at marriage was real in that counseling session (guess the infamous Dr. Wexler was too busy with Tori and Dean to make an appearance here.)  Wonder why.  He seemed to indicate his parents are still together if I recall.  If Katie is indeed "The One" why is he so panicked?  Katie, girl, you need to run.


Schwartz clearly has a problem growing up. He can't hold a job or work a full shift. I think his marriage issues are tied to that. It seems typical in my experience that the female's timeline expectations are speedier than the male's. Schwartz has been stringing Katie along with the "some day." Some day to Katie means a year. Some day to Schwartz means whenever he happens to feel like it's right (maybe never). She's doing the right thing by speaking to him about it openly, but probably not by providing an ultimatum. I would always be filled with doubt if my marriage existed because of an ultimatum and my SO was acting out of fear of a loss of comfort.

I think it's that exactly.  Some guys are slow to propose because they still want the 'freedom' to hang with their boys.  Some guys are slow to propose because they think they can land someone 'better'.  And some guys are slow to propose because marriage means 'growing up'.  IMO, it's the latter reason as to why Schwartz is taking his time.  He'll be ready in another 10 years or so when he runs out of single friends and is bored.

I think it's that exactly. Some guys are slow to propose because they still want the 'freedom' to hang with their boys. Some guys are slow to propose because they think they can land someone 'better'. And some guys are slow to propose because marriage means 'growing up'. IMO, it's the latter reason as to why Schwartz is taking his time. He'll be ready in another 10 years or so when he runs out of single friends and is bored.

I wonder if it's really is just "marriage" that scares Tom. Maybe there is something about the institution that scares him. Maybe his parents are very unhappily married and he's worked it out in his head that the "marriage" is the problem. I have a friend like that (due to her parents very volatile divorce, not marriage), she knew it was kind of crazy but she couldn't help being scared of getting married. It caused some drama with her long term boyfriend, but he stuck it out and 12 years, 2 kids, and 1 mortgage later they finally did get married. I think it actually had something to do with qualifying for the mortgage in the end. I wonder if Katie got the life of being married from Tom, if she would be willing to give up the title of getting married. I'm not saying she should if it's important to her, just wondering...

Is Scheanna wearing the same white lace dress and pink necklace in her TH's that Miami Girl wore?!!! 


And I wish the camera would focus on the photo shoot so I can see the outfits and make-up. The camera whirls around so fast I can't get a good look. What is the photo shoot for anyway? Who sees these pictures?

If memory serves, Lisa Vanderbucks does one every year for the employee newsletter. I have no idea why she thought this theme would be so much better than her employees naked at her pool...

Where did that take place? Was it a real dumpy motel in the desert?

  • Love 1

Wouldn't Lisa wanna first & foremost promote her own establishments?  Why promote someone else's joint?




OK, so Katie just posted this on her Twitter & it's kinda funny-



These girls are a bit annoying, but they make some good points bout Tom & Katie-


Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1

If memory serves, Lisa Vanderbucks does one every year for the employee newsletter. I have no idea why she thought this theme would be so much better than her employees naked at her pool...

Where did that take place? Was it a real dumpy motel in the desert?

Employee newsletter??!! I don't get it. I thought it was for a calendar, for the 'fans'.

. Ok so true confessions, I kind of get what Stassi is talking about. Katie turned on a dime about people she claimed she hated just to appease her deadbeat cheater boyfriend. It's none of Stassi's business though and you don't tell your friends who they can be friends with.


I don't really think Katie ever hated any of those people, though. (Well, maybe Jax, for stirring shit in their relationship.) I think she was just that typical sidekick who hates whomever the HBIC hates. I think she began to realize how stupid that was, and how tiring it is to be that hostile to people. I don't think she wanted to be BFF with any of them. But she wanted to be able to go to work, and out with her boyfriend, without all of the animosity. And maybe once the Stassi-colored glasses were off, she realized a lot of those people weren't as bad as she thought. 

  • Love 6

Well, it's been awhile since I heard her describe it...


For clarification, I mean that I don't get why her employees need a newsletter. With pictures of themselves.

I've also figured out why assi's (& others, but her in particular) "reasoning"/arguments make me so irritated. It's the same way that Fox Noise does things. Never admit to wrong-doing, spin shit so much that your convo partner AND other listeners are completely bewildered, lie like a dog even though there's RECORDED PROOF otherwise, place the blame on everyone else, even when it's YOUR fault, etc. Angries the blood it does.

  • Love 1

You've seen how they preen, right? LOL

Besides, I doubt they sell these next to the front cash rsgister like they would at Hooters.

I've always wondered about this. What the hell is that newsletter for? If you remain suspended in disbelief that they all just work at a restaurant a huge photo shoot for the employee newsletter makes no sense. Heck, an employee newsletter makes no sense! It could be a Bravo thing, but it seems pretty specific to VPR and the photos aren't the ones used in Bravo commercials or on the website or even for the opening credits. So what is this thing? Do they make cheesy photoshop calendars and some coffe mugs to sell at the restaurant? Now I'm all caught up in the idea of starting my day with Scheena cup of coffee...

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