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Season 5 Reunion Spoilers, Previews, Gossip, Etc.

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If the smoking gun is a voicemail from Kyle about her sister, it'd need to be hardcore for me to shift my opinions on that.  As in something along the lines of Kyle saying "Hey Brandi, I have an important hair appointment right now that I can't miss.  I'll have my assistant send flowers to the Kim's hospital room, if that stupid bitch is even really sick this time.  I'm so over her, thanks for helping pick up the slack!  I fucking love you, you dumb slut!"


I'm also nonplussed by threatening text messages...depending on the level of drama.  And my level of sobriety in the moment (couple glasses of wine in, I'll clutch the pearls for just about anything). 


However, I'm a hypocrite, so if these are recordings of Brandi and/or Kim, I'm totally in.  As I've said before, I need to see some reaction from Kim to Brandi's conversations about her sobriety.  Maybe Brandi said other shit and someone has it tracked.

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I googled "Brandi reunion voicemail" and this came up:

Anonymous asked: RHOBH REUNION TEA: LVP and Brandi didn't fight, they made very clear they don't want to be friends and just wish well each other. Brandi played a voicemail of Kyle saying Brandi shouldn't worry where Kim is and Kyle went bezerk on her. Lisa R was going hard into Kim, called her all names and is trying to defend Harry, who Kim says cheats on her. Eileen and Yoland barely spoke.

From brandiglanville.tumblr.com

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The smoking gun will be so interesting, but it looks like there is a lot of other good stuff there as well. The segment between Kyle and Brandi for instance:


Kyle: (apparently responding to something Brandi said about her) "well at least I don't walk around with my tampon string hanging out"


Brandi: "no, because you don't get your period anymore".


Ouch. I am sure that Brandi thinks that she has every right to throw this out at Kyle because Kyle reminded the world of her tampon. IMO they are so different. We all saw Brandi's tampon string because she allowed herself to get to a place where we saw it. If Kyle has gone through menopause (not saying she has, but Brandi says it like she knows of what she speaks), then it is probably something she keeps private. She is only 46 or 47, so she would be young to have already gone though menopause.  Especially since I would imagine it happened before this last season.  She looks so great this season, and in my experience, women never look their best when they are going through it (my experience could be wrong, so open for corrections on this). Maybe it was hard on her? Maybe she wanted to have more children? I am speculating of course, but since Brandi seems to think that not having your period makes you "less than" in some way, throwing out that Kyle doesn't would certainly seem intended to be an insult coming from Brandi. 

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Brandi's face is horrendous. She probably thinks she looks good because she's starting to look like her friend Gen/Jennifer. She's bordering on Maloof territory, although ironically enough Adrienne is finally starting to look relatively normal (by H'wood standards). I wonder if the reason they all think they look great with shiny faces, clay cheeks and duck lips is because you see enough people like that walking around town and it starts to look normal to you, on some "Eye of the Beholder" Twlight Zone-type shit.


 Mark my word, Brandi will be back with a friend all her own next season.



Brandi's quips after she's criticized: "At least I still get my period!"


I wish Kyle was prepared for that *yawn* comeback from Brandi and replied "So do I, I just don't trot it out for photo ops."


This reunion is gonna be epic for sure.

Oh yeah. Cannot wait. That clip has me waiting, anticipating ...

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I wish Kyle was prepared for that *yawn* comeback from Brandi and replied "So do I, I just don't trot it out for photo ops."

Hahaha, will you write all my future comebacks?  Cuz that is gold.


She's bordering on Maloof territory, although ironically enough Adrienne is finally starting to look relatively normal (by H'wood standards).

I noticed when Camille, Adrienne and Taylor were all on WWHL the other night.  They all look like they are getting better work done.  So that doesn't bode well for Adrienne's ex that she looks better with a new doctor.  Plus if I was thinking of doing something I would call Camille for a referral because she has some excellent work.

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Hahaha, will you write all my future comebacks?  Cuz that is gold.

I noticed when Camille, Adrienne and Taylor were all on WWHL the other night.  They all look like they are getting better work done.  So that doesn't bode well for Adrienne's ex that she looks better with a new doctor.  Plus if I was thinking of doing something I would call Camille for a referral because she has some excellent work.

I only write for reunions (ha!)


I missed them the other night, but I did see something that said they all looked pretty good. And also that they were all anti-Brandi. Yikes.

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The smoking gun will be so interesting, but it looks like there is a lot of other good stuff there as well. The segment between Kyle and Brandi for instance:


Kyle: (apparently responding to something Brandi said about her) "well at least I don't walk around with my tampon string hanging out"


Brandi: "no, because you don't get your period anymore".


Ouch. I am sure that Brandi thinks that she has every right to throw this out at Kyle because Kyle reminded the world of her tampon. IMO they are so different. We all saw Brandi's tampon string because she allowed herself to get to a place where we saw it. If Kyle has gone through menopause (not saying she has, but Brandi says it like she knows of what she speaks), then it is probably something she keeps private. She is only 46 or 47, so she would be young to have already gone though menopause.  


My God, Brandi is OBSESSED with menstruation! Ladies, is your period that much fun? I get that it's a sign of youth to some, but we all know her age! She's just as old as Kyle and Kyle looks a billion times better than her, thanks to Brandi's terrible filler situation. When it's Brandi starts to go through "the change" she's going to be like Ma Ingall's on Little House on the Prairie and convince herself she's pregnant. 


Maybe the tampon string incident was on purpose, so that everyone would know she still gets her period and she could start using this lame ass insult? 

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I think someone will announce they have another show.

"Eight is Not Enough: Reality Edition"

Dick and Pat Van Patten preside over the zany antics of their extended tight-knit family.  The multi-generational clan's series will be promoted as the antithesis of the Real Housewives franchises, with BRAVO hoping to capitalize on viewer backlash resulting from fake drama, staged violence, and 100% pain.


The pilot episode features the entire family gathering for a barbecue in Vincent and Eileen's backyard, where they divide into teams to play (and promote) Vincent's new Paddle Ball X-treme sport set.  The friendly competition quickly turns not-so-friendly when one of the grandsons replaces the official ball with an egg!  Will resentment or hilarity ensue?  BRAVO to announce premiere date soon.  Be sure to check your local listings.

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It is hilarious to me that Brandi thinks menstruating is a badge of honor.  She's not a pre-teen.  She's been getting her period for years.  She shouldn't be that damn excited about it.  What is she trying to prove - that she's young?  My mother got her period way into her 50s.  She wouldn't have called herself "young" simply because she was still menstruating.  That's insane.


I don't get mine now and I'm several years younger than Brandi.  I'm not menopausal - I use birth control that stops it.  I am more than happy not to get it every month. 


If all Brandi can think of to make herself look better in comparison to the other Housewives is that she still gets her period when they don't, I think she's more than a little aware that she's not much.  She can't speak of her intelligence or wit or accomplishments or possessions.  Just that she can still wear a tampon every month.  My God, girl ... your opinion of yourself has dropped about as low as it can.  Seek therapy.

I'm hoping Lisa R's comeback to Kim's, "I have a bit more pride" is "And I have a bit more money" *smug smile*.

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Lisa's tweet was what she has been saying all along, that Sheanna is Pandora's friend and has been for years. She did not tweet that she was friends with her nor did she tweet that she knew about the affair. Brandi is twisting her tweet into something it was not. This coming from a woman that already knew that Sheanna worked for one of the BH HWs before she even auditioned for the show, talk about calculating! LOL

I know, right? It was also Brandi who had to calculate her way onto the show with that whole "Cedric and I go way back" bullshit.




It is hilarious to me that Brandi thinks menstruating is a badge of honor.  She's not a pre-teen.  She's been getting her period for years.  She shouldn't be that damn excited about it.

Can you imagine what she said before she ever got her first period? "Hey all, Susie got her period! Now, she will have zits, she will smell, and she will be bitchy! Ha ha!!" 


Oh, my ...



I don't think I would even wish Brandi's face on Brandi! 



...Okay, maybe on Kim. 

LOL!  Brandi's nose looks like it is sinking into her face. Her cheeks are swallowing her nose! Pretty soon her nose will disappear and she will be left with ass cheeks on her face. So appropriate for an asshole.

Edited by GreatKazu
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The smoking gun will be so interesting, but it looks like there is a lot of other good stuff there as well. The segment between Kyle and Brandi for instance:


Kyle: (apparently responding to something Brandi said about her) "well at least I don't walk around with my tampon string hanging out"


Brandi: "no, because you don't get your period anymore".


Ouch. I am sure that Brandi thinks that she has every right to throw this out at Kyle because Kyle reminded the world of her tampon. IMO they are so different. We all saw Brandi's tampon string because she allowed herself to get to a place where we saw it. If Kyle has gone through menopause (not saying she has, but Brandi says it like she knows of what she speaks), then it is probably something she keeps private. She is only 46 or 47, so she would be young to have already gone though menopause.  Especially since I would imagine it happened before this last season.  She looks so great this season, and in my experience, women never look their best when they are going through it (my experience could be wrong, so open for corrections on this). Maybe it was hard on her? Maybe she wanted to have more children? I am speculating of course, but since Brandi seems to think that not having your period makes you "less than" in some way, throwing out that Kyle doesn't would certainly seem intended to be an insult coming from Brandi.

See, if I was Kyle I would just laugh comments like that off. I wouldn't even react negatively toward it; Brandi's a JOKE. And looking more like the Joker every season. Kyle is what, 3 years older than Brandi? And she has her looks intact, a great marriage and a wonderful family. She doesn't have to move to a new rental every year, share child custody, or get Xanax-drunk to deal with life's problems. Kyle should not let anything Brandi says/does affect her bc she's miles ahead of her in life; take a page from LVP.

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I wish Kyle was prepared for that *yawn* comeback from Brandi and replied "So do I, I just don't trot it out for photo ops."

I like Kyle but she frustrates me because she never has comebacks for these lame chicks. She either throws her hands up or shakes her head. I want to grab her shoulders and shake her. There is SO much material to work with concerning Brandi, especially. Ugh!

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"I can't manage to get my period anymore, but I do manage to keep my ass covered."

"If you still get your period, you should probably invest in panties."

"Not getting my period anymore means lots of uninhibited relations with my HUSBAND.  How's the having a husband thing working out for you?  What ... you don't have one?  Oh."

*fake shock and glee* "Oh, hon, you're so excited about it!  Was this your first period?!  What a big girl you are!"

"Next time, tell your gaygent to pull your dress down before he helps you do the Shame Shuffle.  Oh, wait ... you'd have to actually experience shame in order to do the Shame Shuffle.  Carry on."

"Your dad didn't react very well when your boobs were out.  How'd he react to that shot of your ass?"


And that's me being kind.  I could supply these chicks with lines all day.  I just want Brandi and Kim to come up against *one* woman who is both not to be fucked with and unafraid to get grimy.

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Umm, no. Kim is soulless. 


I do believe that one's eyes are the window to one's soul. I have noticed every time Kim has gone off the rails this season her eyes were black, she is scary.


She may well be soulless but the reason her eyes are black is that her pupils are almost completely dilated due to the fact that she's high as a kite.  That's a dead give-away that is impossible to hide.

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My God, Brandi is OBSESSED with menstruation! Ladies, is your period that much fun?

TMI but I'm menstruating right this very moment and it sucks. I suppose it's nice to have a few more years of viable eggs but I'm not going to throw a parade and make t-shirts. Maybe I'd make one that said "I'm with bloated" with an arrow pointed to me.

Also found this on the same tumblr as above, I assume "snatching wigs" is slang but you never know with Brandi.


Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Kyle: "Brandi, how about wearing Depends instead of a tampon? You will need to get used to wearing them soon, anyways."


I agree, Kyle needs to just shrug off and laugh at the shit Brandi throws out. The comments that begin with, "At least I don't (insert whatever shit here)..." only serves to give Brandi a ball to throw back. It is an endless game of ping pong not to mention it serves as a deflection for Brandi instead of getting to the nitty gritty of the matters such as Brandi talking behind Kim's back about her not being sober.


LisaR keeps getting slammed for talking behind Kim's back, but there was Brandi doing the same exact thing. Brandi mentioning Kim having called her at 2 a.m. is okay to mention on camera even though that was never caught on camera, but god forbid LisaR, who had a very uncomfortable encounter with Kim in the limo and it happened on camera, gets a side-eye for daring to talk about it. For all the talk about sweeping the wine glass-breaking issue under the rug, wouldn't LisaR have been sweeping that limo encounter under the rug if she had not said anything at all about Kim's behavior in the limo, and still said nothing even after what happened at Poker Night?

Edited by GreatKazu
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I think Brandi thinks that if you don't get your period anymore you will wake up one day with a mustache and a spare tire.  Frankly I don't miss mine and thru chemistry for better living I am symptom free and no mustaches either! The best is no more cramps, who wants them?


Maybe Brandi thought if she walked around with a tampon string hanging from her lady business she might get an endorsement deal from Playtex or OB sort of like Lisa Rinna had with Depends, lol.


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At least we know that Andy got one good shot in to Kim when she was dissing LisaR's career.  You did diving with the stars,.

I especially love the name he gave the show! An extra bit of snark.

Kyle did that show, too, right? I wonder what on earth made them do that? I know, I know - money. But to quote Kim - what about pride? I'm guessing they had other opportunities - why'd they pick something so dumb?

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Other than the hot flashes and some forgetfulness, I am thoroughly enjoying menopause. I can travel without having to plan around my damn period. I was having some horrible, painful cramps and the bleeding would go on for two weeks. Who the hell enjoys having their period? The only time I was happy to have my period was was when I thought I could be pregnant. If anything, seeing how Brandi enjoys having sex, having menopause would be a plus for her. You don't have that damn period getting in the way of any personal time, if you know what I mean.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I'm calling the winner of best Reunion shoes: Yolanda

Speaking of Reunion shoes, Kyle & Lisa Rinna look to have the exact same shoe, same color. LVP has the same shoe, different color (metallic pink, of course). *Edited*: they're actually mauve.

All the HWs, save Brandi & Eileen, are sporting the classic pump. Yolanda's are clear except for an interesting toe box and heel. Kim's are basic black. Kyle and LisaR's are metallic silver.

Eileen's are a silver strappy sandal with a slightly heavy heel (a slimmer heel would have been spot-on).

Ugliest Reunion shoe and dress: Brandi. A nude ultra chunky, ultra high heel so she can tower over everyone and be seen. She's seen alright, and makes a bad impression. The ultra tight nude dress outlines her slim stomach, which I don't want to see on anyone, chunky or slim. And it cuts into her bustline and literally cuts them in half. I'll give her props for her hair. She should stop wearing extensions altogether. This is a huge improvement.

Best dressed: Lisa Rinna. Very classy. And I like her 20 year old haircut. It works for her; it's iconic.

1st Runner Up: Kyle. She has found the right dress length and it suits her. I like the red on her. She looks like a lady. I like her hair and her lipstick.

Honorable Mention: Eileen Davidson. Although the strapless dress isn't super flattering for her bustline, it's not entirely a fail for me. The bodice fit and the length are well done. Her hair is very pretty.

Kim: Her dress is just meh. Fine for a ladies luncheon, I guess. Her hair looks nice as per usual for me.

Lisa Vanderpump: I've seen worse. But bc I like her so much I'll just give her a pass. Mwah!!

Edited by msblossom
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Other than the hot flashes and some forgetfulness, I am thoroughly enjoying menopause. I can travel without having to plan around my damn period. I was having some horrible, painful cramps and the bleeding would go on for two weeks. Who the hell enjoys having their period? The only time I was happy to have my period was was when I thought I could be pregnant. If anything, seeing how Brandi enjoys having sex, having menopause would be a plus for her. You don't have that damn period getting in the way of any personal time, if you know what I mean.


That's not a showstopper for Brandi, in the excerpts/reviews of her second book it was mentioned that Brandi wrote about it looking like a crime scene after one of her encounters,

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That's not a showstopper for Brandi, in the excerpts/reviews of her second book it was mentioned that Brandi wrote about it looking like a crime scene after one of her encounters,

Thanks for that?

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Kyle could tell Brandi "Having your period is something really odd to be proud of but when you don't have anything else I guess you can grasp at straws."


Also I do wish someone would stop the fakeity fake Brandi loves her boys and is a good mother, I mean really they should just tell her she is a shitty person and that translates into the type of mother she is. She should thank god every day Eddie and Leann provide some normalcy for those children. ( even though I think eddie and Leann look nuts too, if I was attacked as much as the housewives I'd throw my insult out there with out a cae in the world)


Yeah I would be hated because she'd say Youre attacking my children blah blah

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That's not a showstopper for Brandi, in the excerpts/reviews of her second book it was mentioned that Brandi wrote about it looking like a crime scene after one of her encounters,

And this proves that I never read her books. lol  


Reading that information and realizing how Brandi never looks like she bathes - except for that one bathtub moment on screen - it really makes me wonder how much perfume she must go through to make herself not stink.


Didn't Brandi once mention not washing her bed linens and the dogs shitted on them? Was that during that house tour she gave where she pretended she was on the jacked up version of "MTV Cribs"?

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And this proves that I never read her books. lol

Reading that information and realizing how Brandi never looks like she bathes - except for that one bathtub moment on screen - it really makes me wonder how much perfume she must go through to make herself not stink.

Didn't Brandi once mention not washing her bed linens and the dogs shitted on them? Was that during that house tour she gave where she pretended she was on the jacked up version of "MTV Cribs"?

I'm not sure if this is what you are referring to, not long after season 2 started airing Brandi tweeted a picture of a youngish looking man sitting on a child's bed and tweeted that she and the guy were going to have sex on kiddie sheets. When she started getting criticism she referred to the guy as her fiance and stated that they had to sleep in her son's bed because the dog relieved himself in her bed.

Edited by quinn
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I'm not sure if this is what you are referring to, not long after season 2 started airing Brandi tweeted a picture of a youngish looking man sitting on a child's bed and tweeted that she and the guy were going to have sex on kiddie sheets. When she started getting criticism she referred to the guy as her fiance and stated that they had to sleep in her son's bed because the dog relieved himself in her bed.

Oh, yes. That is it exactly. Thank you.

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In the spirit of March madness, betting and brackets, perhaps we should have a pool centered on the Reunion.


Personally, I'm curious as to how many times the phrase "have my back" will be thrown around. From the frequency of its usage, you'd think these women were a bunch of inner city teens from the hood in constant peril of getting jumped on their way home from school and not affluent, middle aged mothers living in Beverly Hills.

Edited by Rahul
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In the spirit of March madness, betting and brackets, perhaps we should have a pool centered on the Reunion.


Personally, I'm curious as to how many times the phrase "have my back" will be thrown around. From the frequency of its usage, you'd think these women were a bunch of inner city teens from the hood in constant peril of getting jumped on their way home from school and not affluent, middle aged mothers living in Beverly Hills.

"Have my back." That's a good one. I'll throw out a few more. How about "menopause?" "My sobriety?" Or "STFU?"

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See, if I was Kyle I would just laugh comments like that off. I wouldn't even react negatively toward it; Brandi's a JOKE. And looking more like the Joker every season. Kyle is what, 3 years older than Brandi? And she has her looks intact, a great marriage and a wonderful family. She doesn't have to move to a new rental every year, share child custody, or get Xanax-drunk to deal with life's problems. Kyle should not let anything Brandi says/does affect her bc she's miles ahead of her in life; take a page from LVP.


It's just a ridiculous thing to say, especially to someone who is only 3/4 years older.

Brandi sounds stupid and everyone see that the age difference is minuscule and it makes Brandi look desperate to look young, and it does the opposite. She is laughable and I wish Kyle would just bust out laughing at Brandi's period comment.

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In the spirit of March madness, betting and brackets, perhaps we should have a pool centered on the Reunion.


Personally, I'm curious as to how many times the phrase "have my back" will be thrown around. From the frequency of its usage, you'd think these women were a bunch of inner city teens from the hood in constant peril of getting jumped on their way home from school and not affluent, middle aged mothers living in Beverly Hills.

"Have my back." That's a good one. I'll throw out a few more. How about "menopause?" "My sobriety?" Or "STFU?"

Someone needs to create a Google spreadsheet.

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In the spirit of March madness, betting and brackets, perhaps we should have a pool centered on the Reunion.


Personally, I'm curious as to how many times the phrase "have my back" will be thrown around. From the frequency of its usage, you'd think these women were a bunch of inner city teens from the hood in constant peril of getting jumped on their way home from school and not affluent, middle aged mothers living in Beverly Hills.

Imagine if they were Real Housewives from Thailand. We'd see a reunion show where they would battle it out ping-pong ball style - shooting ping pong balls out of their lady privates. Brandi would have them beat. Her lady cave can probably hold 100 ping pong balls.

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As for their clothes. Never wear a strapless dress when you will be sitting the entire time, not flattering.  Rinna and Yolanda made excellent choices.  Kyle, what were you thinking?  Your dress is boring and does nothing for you.  The color is an odd shade of red, too.  


Rinna doesn't have an eating disorder, she just eats very little to maintain her thin body like most of Hollywood.  Not a big deal.  Kim keeps telling her to eat something because when they eat together it is probably obvious Rinna is very regimented and does not cheat at all.  It must be obnoxious to witness at every frickin' meal. 


As for the rest of it?  I can't wait!!!  Rumble.  I have my snacks all planned.  I am going to eat carbs for this one.  

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LOL! (you know it's good tv when you've pre-planned the snackin' :)

Lol, what is everyone thinking of snacking on?

I can't think of mine yet, would love ideas.

Should this be on another thread?

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I wish Kyle was prepared for that *yawn* comeback from Brandi and replied "So do I, I just don't trot it out for photo ops."



"I know, Brandi. I think we've all seen those Glamor Shots of your tampon, by now."



Is it bad that I actually WANT to hear "My Goddam House!" as many times as possible during the reunion?  No?  Good.

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