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S19.E09: Week 8, Part 2

Tara Ariano
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Chris strikes me as the kind of guy who would want a hot chick to impress his buddies and make them jealous.  However, with regards to his final three, I believe Rainsong said it best:  “He was the kid in the proverbial candy store who's emerged with a 2-cent piece of sugarless gum.”  Ouch!

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I don't see how it's two faced. I don't want to give Chris too much credit, but I think it's quite likely that he realized he made a mistake in telling Kelsey that Ashley had told him some stuff about her and realized that if he's going to repeat things told to him by one woman to another one, he should probably keep a bit of a lid on who said what to him.



Well, that and TPTB told him to dump both Ashley and Kelsey in that dust-bowl and to rat out Ashley so there would be Kelsey drama. That was a set up and not Chris's idea. TPTB did Chris's thinking for him on that fake date.

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scribe95: I got the feeling that Jade was really proud of the pictures when she was showing them.


I'm with JudyObscure from above, who theorizes that her Playboy/stripping video work betrays Jade's low self esteem. ... This sounds really judgy -- have at me -- but yeah, my opinion is that women who do that sort of work feel that is all they have to offer, or it's the best they have to offer.


It's related to what Julia Roberts says in "Pretty Woman": [paraphrased] No little girl grows up dreaming of becoming a prostitute.


I know, posing nekkid isn't exactly being a prostitute, but seriously, are there emotionally healthy little girls who have grown up in loving homes where appropriate boundaries were established, where she felt loved and affirmed and supported, who looks at porn magazines and says, "gee, that looks great, I'll do that"?

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For once, JUST ONCE, I want a sent-home b-ette to get into the Limo Ride Of Shame, look at the camera, and say, "Well, that was such a fun 'journey'. I had a blast and such a good time getting to travel and meet a bunch of new friends. Best experience of my life! Sorry to go home, but ... whatever. Thanks, show!"

I was hoping that person would have been Carly last night.


I believe this is mostly a cultural thing, with producer influence also a possibility.  Many of the girls in the Australian bachelor (Tim's season) were about as even-keeled as you could hope after rejection, e.g. one who said simply 'I would have liked to get to know him a bit better.  It's a shame.'  No tears, no black cloud of depression/doubt.

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Realistic dates!  Seriously!  Who takes their girlfriend of 6 weeks to Cancun, Rio or Paris?  Go to the friggin Outback Steakhouse in Yakima, WA for once!  I want to see how these people REALLY fall in love.  I'm tired of manufactured stories in out of the way places.  Let's see how they REALLY relate to one another.

Yes! And how about being honest about who's planning the dates? Every time a Bachelor or Bachelorette picks up a date in an exotic locale and says, "I have a special date planned for us today," I scream in my head, "YOU planned this? Please. You couldn't even *spell* 'Puerto Vallarta' last week, and now you know the hot spots there to take dates? Right."

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Well, that and TPTB told him to dump both Ashley and Kelsey in that dust-bowl and to rat out Ashley so there would be Kelsey drama. That was a set up and not Chris's idea. TPTB did Chris's thinking for him on that fake date.


I have a feeling TPTB have been pulling a lot of strings this season to create drama.  I can't help but believe it was their idea for Jade to share her secret with mean, vindictive Carly, because those two ladies didn’t appear to be especially close.  Stands to reason that if she had to share it would be with someone like nice Whitney or sweet Becca.  Thankfully, the drama they were hoping for didn’t happen, because they failed to realize that the only one Carly had it out for was Britt.

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I can't help but believe it was their idea for Jade to share her secret with mean, vindictive Carly, because those two ladies didn’t appear to be especially close.  Stands to reason that if she had to share it would be with someone like nice Whitney or sweet Becca.


Or laid-back, no-judgement-here Kaitlyn. That's an awesome point.

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Yes, I think Kaitlyn would have been all about how "awesome" Jade is for doing that photo shoot.


I'm also sure TPTB made Jade pull out that laptop to show Chris. I mean, come on ... they were in Chris's hotel room and she knew there was a (very convenient) laptop sitting right there? And she just picked it up and used it like it was hers? Totally producer-driven.

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And Playboy is sold all over Iowa. Those men he "works" with would all be trying to buy that issue, or be burning up the Iowa Internet doing searches for the photos.




A lot of viewers seem to be confused about this. Jade did not pose for Playboy magazine. She posed for playboy.com, or one of Playboy's various Internet properties that charge monthly subscription fees. Oftentimes, these photos and videos that are behind paywalls make their way all over the Internet, including Google's images and video search indices, and YouTube-esque free adult video-sharing web sites. Sometimes, Playboy or other producers of this content are OK with the leaks, because they attract potential future subscribers. The only "playmates" / centerfolds you see in Playboy magazine are the models hand-picked by Hugh Hefner and his discerning eyes. They put the A-List models in the magazine, and the D-List models online only. Not that I know anything about this topic.



She didn't realize that Playboy probably pays people to stake out every bus and train station and every low-budget airline gate in Los Angeles to "approach" young women.



There's a hugely popular social networking site out there for the modeling industry. Aspiring models, freelance photographers, casting agents, etc. all have profiles, and they network with each other. Photographers offer to shoot models so they can both build their portfolios, agents seek out new talent, etc. Aside from uploading head shots or...uh, body shots, models can make clear in their profile whether or not they are willing to pose nude. It's super-easy these days for a Playboy casting agent to find new models. Again, not that I know anything about this topic.

Edited by PhilW
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Thank you, saber, for bringing up Whitney's terrible dye job. She'd look so much better as the brunette she is!



Agree totally. Except me thinks Chris likes blonds. I mean, check out his sisters, all with the same bleached-blond-Whitney hair.


Jade did not pose for Playboy magazine.



I figured she had just done a test shoot/video and it never went further than the Internet. But that doesn't mean we can't all make jokes about Chris and his Ultra-Conservative Buddies all looking for her in the Playboy pages. Because, you know, they all have to do their "research." *cough*

Edited by saber5055
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There does not seem like there is anyone in this bunch that is fan-favorite or loved by the audience enough to be the next Bachelorette.  Do they have to choose one from this season?  I would still rather see Claire than any of these girls.  There is really no one jumping out.



They really don't have to be, though.  They just have to be plausible enough for Chris to be able to gush about how "America's heart broke when . . . . . "  I thought that during Andi's season Chris was largely wallpaper with the exception of the time he called Nick (?) on some B.S.  And they turned him into "Prince Farming" when he's really like archduke ambien.


I figured she had just done a test shoot/video and it never went further than the Internet. But that doesn't mean we can't all make jokes about Chris and his Ultra-Conservative Buddies all looking for her



Do they even get the internet in Arlington? *rimshot* #coastalelite

Edited by Alapaki
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I was surprised Whitney had so much family, they always made it seem like she was the orphan who would move to Iowa because she had nobody. Now she's got a grandma, an uncle/father figure, a sister, a brother-in-law. 


Iowa to Illinois is an easily doable drive though, so they would be able to see each other more frequent compared to the girls who all live on the west coast.

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 I kind of doubt that they had any sex.  I mean, they probably got to bed late the night before, then had to be up an at 'em before sunrise the next morning.  I could see just being so freaking tired, at that point, that they really did just sleep.  I wouldn't be up for "Afternoon Delight" if I'd had so little sleep and got up at 4 in the morning.  But maybe I'm just an old lady now.  That song reference might be an indication...  Heh.



I kind of doubt if they just went to sleep. Even if they didn't have intercourse, I'm sure they did something. My point was that Britt saw and the other girls mentioned, how Chris was always seeking her out for attention, making out with her in front of other girls and generally acting gaga over her. So, even though she knew he was seeing other girls, she couldn't help but think she was number one. And she did try to have private conversations with him, but since he barely speaks, it's hard to know what he is thinking. I do agree she shouldn't have caused a scene, but Chris seemed to go from zero to 10 in terms of being pissed with someone he acted so crazy about. He gave me major Ben F vibes there.


I continue to have the feeling Chris has a bad temper, and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end. I'm guessing none of the girls will end up with him, since none of them want to live in Arlington anyway. Well, Whitney wants to be married so badly she bought special wine and all.


I'm still a bit intrigued with finding out what is wrong with Jade and Becca, that their own families were trying to steer Chris away. Jade seemed quiet and subdued and not at all like a "wild mustang". There must be more to that picture. And Becca's family seemed to be saying she isn't quite right somehow. I don't recall holding hands with my future husband in front of my family, but they would never have sad I don't like to touch people or can't get close. 


I don't want to see catty Carly and her Dorothy Zbornak get-ups on the next Bachelorette. I would watch Britt, or Kaitlyn I guess, but Becca is too quiet and I really can't stand her teeth so I wouldn't like to see her.

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At the risk of climbing aboard my Producer's Spoiler hobby horse again, they gave away two of their so-called big moments.

-The teaser reel in Ep 1 showed Britt in red dress bawling her eyes out, alone, on a sidewalk.  As soon as we saw the red dress last night the rest was a given.

-Spoilers within a single episode are maddening.  By showing the 'Jade Playbook talk' footage BEFORE THE FIRST ROSE CEREMONY they confirmed she would survive that RC.

Is it laziness? Desperation? Are they counting on a loyal audience for ratings but hoping the loyal audience doesn't notice these things?



How about the biggest one of all: leaving "ladies . . . Chris . . . the final rose" down to Jade and Becca, when they've been teasing all season that "Chris takes a virgin to the Fantasy Suite"?


I swear that Fleiss is so consumed with his madonna/whore complex he doesn't even care if he takes any suspense out of the episode.

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Yeah, Jade's pics/videos are in the "amateur" section of the Playboy website, and they look it. I realize I'm not the target market, but nothing about that video seemed sexy to me. It looked like her panties confused her and then got stuck on her fringey boots as she struggled to get them off.

I wonder if the hideous pink lipstick plaguing the girls is from Jade's line of lip glosses?

We never got a car interview from Britt. She just wandered off. I'd like to think she and crazy Ashley are still wandering the grounds together. I know it's bitchy, but I could watch her ugly cry for days. She was doing that thing little kids do where they scream and then look to see if you're paying attention, and if not, they cry louder! I can see why she's not getting much work as an actress.

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I know people love Carly, but I find her to be an immature, insecure, catty little bitch. 


Carly's "how does it FEEL, Britt?" TH creeped me out a bit. Like, okay, you don't like Britt, we get it - move on to something else already, and don't kick someone when they're down.


Becca's sister appears to me to be the jealous sister who has never been attractive as her younger sibling.




That was a weird scene. I'm the youngest of three sisters and was, compared to my older sisters, a late bloomer. And I can see being protective and thinking that the unexperienced Becca could be out of her league on a dating show where she's competing with other women for one man. But the stuff she told Chris almost seemed like sabotage. Becca held hands with Chris, cuddled with him on the couch, and seemed comfortable, so I don't know where Katie (?) got off about Becca never holding hands with anyone, not being demonstrative, not showing affection, etc. as if she's physically incapable of doing these things.


It's catty, but all I kept thinking was, "honey, stop fretting about your little sister and think about touching up those roots." She looked older than 35. Meow.

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My family never had a clue what I was doing out on dates. I never hung all over my guys when I was around family, that's just not polite. So I just don't get where Becca's family was coming from. Is it normal now for couples to make out on the family couch while mom and dad watch tv next to them?

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I think that video was just a test, any y.

I know a lot of people have alluded to Chris seeing Jade in one of the Playboys in the fertility clinic, I was under the impression she didn't make it to print.

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The way they said it, I pictured Becca as one of those children who never liked to be hugged or held or touched. Maybe that's not accurate, but I thought their descriptions and shock at seeing her with Chris wasn't just about thinking she was ill-at-ease with men. Someone upthread described her as intelligent. Do we know what she does? Because, admittedly I missed major chunks of every episode, but I never thought she showed much personality or brains from what I remember. If the family had said she had mild autism or something similar it wouldn't have shocked me.


That said, that was a very unusual hometown visit.

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I know people love Carly, but I find her to be an immature, insecure, catty little bitch.

Carly's "how does it FEEL, Britt?" TH creeped me out a bit.



At one point I recall Carly referring to Britt as the "pretty girl" or "the prettiest girl", or words that effect, and gloating that Britt had been brought down a peg or two.


The weird thing is, I don't think Carly is objectively unattractive.  But the way she acted towards Britt makes it seem like she doesn't see herself as attractive and that she holds a lot of resentment for women who are attractive.  I think she realizes that she's fast approaching her sell-by date.


Also, assuming she's truly a singer on a cruise ship, I don't think that's the ideal job for meeting eligible men.  I doubt that many singles take cruises, unless it's cruise full of singles.  And from what I understand from a friend who does comedy acts on cruises, they have a "no fraternization rule" with passengers anyway.

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That said, that was a very unusual hometown visit.



I thought all the HTs were clumsy and awkward. Was it because Chris is clumsy and awkward? This was the first time HTDs went beyond the family meetings/dinners and the couple did something afterward. This just continues with the theme of how WILD and CRAZY* this season has been.


*Chris's favorite word.

Edited by saber5055
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I thought that a lot felt off about these HTDs as well.


In his "Chris Tells All" segment, I think Chris all but said that the reason he cut both Kelsey and Ashley was that he'd already pretty much decided who he wants.  


I think when this season is over, we'll hear that whoever ends up as F1 was pretty obvious to the cast and crew all along.  

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Carly would have taken Jade down in a heartbeat had she stayed after Britt left. She was pretty systematic in who she picked in the talking heads-- Ashley, Kelsey, Britt were all threats to her. Meow. She was the worst person in the house for Jade to share a confidence with.

I was really disappointed in both Carly and Chris when Jade told them separately about her nude photos/video. You could see Carly mentally adding it to her catty mental database for future sniping and then she jumped up and said she needed a drink of water. Chris (such a nonsurprise, I know) just sat there like an idiot. Wish one or both would have said, hey, it's 2015, no big deal, you're a beautiful woman and have nothing to be ashamed about, everyone's got a body.

I still think this was Britt's to lose and she chose to lose it. She was the most physically demonstrative with everyone, both in the house and with Chris, and seeing the reality of "winning" a one-way golden ticket to Arlington maybe took her out of it. She was two-faced but I can't remember her saying an unkind thing to or about another b'ette. Mr. MML interestingly doesn't think she's that attractive but he was on team Jade from the beginning without even being privy to her wild mustanginess.

I take this show with a giant grain of salt re the editing monkeys (although it is true that they can work only with the material they have *coughKelseycough*) so maybe Carly is supernice except for her supermean clips--I hope she gets redeemed in the WTA.

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Jade's dress at rose ceremony ... wish I could have seen more of that.

I've seen multiple mention of Jade's last dress as some sort of shining example of classy dressing, so I feel compelled to ask: are we really talking about that one-sleeved, black lace thing she had on last night?!?  If so... huh. For me, black lace is possibly the cheapest looking fabric in the world, and the 80s figure-skater sleeve thing wasn't making it look any less low-rent. Guess mileage varies considerably. (To clarify, I think pretty much all the women have been dressing awfully, with Britt and Ashley I deserving special mention on the Worst Dressed list.)

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I just want to know why no one on this show eats this season!  Every other season, most dates (1on1, 2on1, group) end up around the dining table.  This season, though, the dates involve everything except food.  I think only 1 of the hometown dates last night took place over a meal, but no one seemed to be eating.


Why is this?  Options:


1. Chris really WAS raised in a barn, and eats with his mouth open and is so disgusting that the producers decided to shield the viewing public from this nightmare.


2. Chris can't eat and talk at the same time, so each meal with "the ladies" consists of 30 minutes of chewing in silence.  Not exactly riveting TV.


3. The budget on this show was slashed, and the producers couldn't get a product placement deal with the greater Des Moines McDonalds franchise.


4. Chris prefers chewing his cud in private.

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The way they said it, I pictured Becca as one of those children who never liked to be hugged or held or touched. Maybe that's not accurate, but I thought their descriptions and shock at seeing her with Chris wasn't just about thinking she was ill-at-ease with men. Someone upthread described her as intelligent. Do we know what she does? Because, admittedly I missed major chunks of every episode, but I never thought she showed much personality or brains from what I remember. If the family had said she had mild autism or something similar it wouldn't have shocked me.


That said, that was a very unusual hometown visit.

Like her but was thinking the same thing... possibly slight asperger's.

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The way they said it, I pictured Becca as one of those children who never liked to be hugged or held or touched. Maybe that's not accurate, but I thought their descriptions and shock at seeing her with Chris wasn't just about thinking she was ill-at-ease with men. Someone upthread described her as intelligent. Do we know what she does? Because, admittedly I missed major chunks of every episode, but I never thought she showed much personality or brains from what I remember. If the family had said she had mild autism or something similar it wouldn't have shocked me.


That said, that was a very unusual hometown visit.


I have visions of Becca seeing a therapist for social anxiety and that therapist recommending easing in more activities that require a group setting watching this at home and muttering, “that's not what I meant at all... that's not it at all.”

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Shibori re Jade:

It looked like her panties confused her and then got stuck on her fringey boots as she struggled to get them off.

Hee! "It looked like her panties confused her," could apply to so many of the women this year, it could be the sub-title of Season 19.

Whitney has grown on me enough to make me absolutely refuse my permission to marry him. Even though most of the time she seems like she's on a job interview after chugging a quart of coffee and inhaling a tank of Helium, once she relaxes a little she's very sweet and nice. I thought she was great at her fertility clinic, but the moment she really won me over was when Chris started laughing at her humping little dog and she very casually said, "Oh yeah. That's her favorite thing to do."

There is a normal, good humored woman in there, she's just a perfectionist who tries too hard. For that reason, I'm afraid she'll say yes if Chris proposes and then spend the rest of her life with her teeth gritted, determined to Make It Work!

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Just watching this now, and in my mind there is absolutely no way Britt wanted to leave.   She was scared he was going to send her home and wanted to save face.  She was so obviously fishing for validation -- asking him if he had anything to say, apologizing to him, etc. -- she just wanted him to chase her and tell her to stay.  I'm so glad he was his rude abrupt self and basically told her he didn't want her for a wife.  Even after that she was still looking at him with puppy eyes, and asking if she "could kiss him".  


Also, she tells Chris that Carly has something against her... and then two second later she interviews that she trusted Carly?  No she didn't - they were practically sworn enemies, and Carly didn't exactly hide her disgust.  There's so much faking with her that it's probably difficult for her to keep track of what she did or didn't say! I don't necessarily like Carly, but I agree with her assessment.  Britt seems like she is used to getting everything she wants because she's cute and pretty, and she can't fathom why someone wouldn't be falling all over themselves for her.  

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I got the feeling that Jade was really proud of the pictures when she was showing them. She had a little smile. I think she was looking for validation.

I've seen the video and I'd be proud to show it off too if it were me! She has nothing to be ashamed of!

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However, with regards to his final three, I believe Rainsong said it best:  “He was the kid in the proverbial candy store who's emerged with a 2-cent piece of sugarless gum.”  Ouch!


To each his own. Indeed, were I the Bachelor, strictly on looks alone, only one of Chris's remaining three would have made my final 3. My personal favorite, Carly, would have probably finished a little lower than she did. Again, purely on looks alone. 


That said, Chris should be relieved to be rid of Britt. Britt would, in general, not only be considered the most beautiful of this batch of women, but instantly on the short list of most beautiful to ever appear on the show. But she is a piece of work, and a tiresome one at that. And I think Chris only saw the tip of the Britt iceberg. I imagine even if he had picked her, only to have their relationship last the contractually obligated 6 weeks, it would be six of the most hellish weeks of Chris's life. I know I for one would rather listen to Whitney on helium, in perpetuity, than have anything more than a one night stand with Britt. And I for one now believe Chris and Britt's "nap time" fulfilled that requirement, so he had no problem letting her go, having gotten what he really wanted. 

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hey, it's 2015, no big deal, you're a beautiful woman and have nothing to be ashamed about, everyone's got a body.



I know, right? Especially when Chris blogged, "What's the big deal, it's only a tush" when Kaitlyn or whomever took off her swimsuit to swim naked on his Truth or Dare at the old swimmin' hole. Someone else took off her bikini top. All that was a-okay with Prince Farming.


Again, I say: "Two-faced much, Chris?"

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Jade's family was weird, as is she.   I imagine her brothers bore the brunt of her "wild mustanginess" via being tormented by their peers over her video shenanigans, so I cut them some slack.     Having seen Chris' pit stains, I felt her total disinterest in the jacket.   Also, high school is a memory for all these people who are pushing thirty, or in Chris' case,  over thirty.   Whoever said he peaked in high school was on to something. 


Someone upthread was mentioning the lead should actually plan the dates.   I think Chris may have a heavy hand in this cornucopia of crap dates, unlike bachelors past.   it takes a ton of lassitude and lack of imagination to come up with this shit.   

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I never hung all over my guys when I was around family, that's just not polite. So I just don't get where Becca's family was coming from.

I know, Saber! One relative said that Chris had his hand on her knee and I think that's kind of rude in front of the Aged P's.

Now, Becca. I have to disagree with out hilarious re-capper and say I don't think she's a lesbian. Surely being closeted in close quarters with all those beautiful women in various states of undress would have stimulated a lesbian woman to a more animated state than we ever saw Becca in. Just think of beautiful Britt, always draped over other people like a near-sighted octopus in heat. A real lesbian would have had to leave after the first week. On the other hand, I can't imagine a hetero woman dating a man for four years and never once having enough romance or drinks to want to get really close. Really close.

I seriously think Becca's probably asexual. A member of that one group that's still shamed and closeted and afraid to come out even to themselves. I know a few such people and they don't have to have autism or horrible past experiences, they're just that way.

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Did I miss something? After Britt left the house and was crying, she said "I thought Carly and I were friends. We talked every day…" She obviously knew that Carly was the one who ratted her out to Chris. But Chris didn't tell her, right? She asked him and he said "Does it matter?"


Did he finally cop to it being Carly? I wonder if the camera crew told her. Maybe she figured it out.


I seriously think Becca's probably asexual



As a late bloomer who was neither asexual, lesbian, or borderline autistic, I can offer an alternative perspective. Becca is 25 and a virgin, and probably a real oddity among her friends and the men she meets. It becomes a liability, in a way -- on the one hand, you want to wait until you're in love and have it be something special, but on the other hand, you haven't met anyone you really are into and don't want to do it just for the sake of doing it.


Becca doesn't make a big deal about it the way Ashley I. did. And maybe she's really cool with being a virgin and doesn't feel odd about it. But when I was that age, it started to feel more like an albatross. I started thinking of doing it just to get it over with, and with the first man who would understand. I'd date someone and feel self-conscious about my lack of experience, and sometimes my dates couldn't handle that.


Anyway, I've been married for 14 years and will say that this stopped being an issue some time ago :) but I definitely wasn't asexual or a lesbian. I wanted very much to be in a loving, sexual relationship, but felt so inhibited and unconfident about my lack of experience that guys could probably pick up on it.

Edited by archer1267
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But the stuff she told Chris almost seemed like sabotage. Becca held hands with Chris, cuddled with him on the couch, and seemed comfortable, so I don't know where Katie (?) got off about Becca never holding hands with anyone, not being demonstrative, not showing affection, etc. as if she's physically incapable of doing these things.


Armed with that info when they were on the ferris wheel I almost expected Becca to jump away when he cuddled up to her! That sister did not do her any favors.


So....why with the rapping? Because she is a dance instructor from Canada?


Interesting that Chris cried for the Wild Hot Mustang but not for Britt. She really pissed him off. I wonder if pre-Playboy reveal she was his final pick--I mean he gave her his letterman jacket and introduced her to his parents!

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Now, Becca. I have to disagree with out hilarious re-capper and say I don't think she's a lesbian. Surely being closeted in close quarters with all those beautiful women in various states of undress would have stimulated a lesbian woman to a more animated state than we ever saw Becca in. Just think of beautiful Britt, always draped over other people like a near-sighted octopus in heat. A real lesbian would have had to leave after the first week. On the other hand, I can't imagine a hetero woman dating a man for four years and never once having enough romance or drinks to want to get really close. Really close.



I don't know. I once dated a guy for months, spent LOTS of time alone with him in his apartment, and I never even kissed him. He bought me roses, took me fancy places and gave me expensive perfume, but we just never made out ... or anything else. I thought nothing of it at the time. I also dated a guy in college who was a twin for Omar Shariff (young Omar) and it was the same with him. We just had a blast doing everything together ... except "that."


I'm not a lesbian even though I love plaid flannel shirts and I wear Crocs whenever I can. Based on my clothing preference and not boning every guy I go out with, I fit the stereotype. Except I have a lesbian friend and I never made out with her, either. I'm just more selective about my mates.


It just takes THE RIGHT GUY to get me interested. I expect Becca's the same. Of course, my family knows nothing about my dating life, unlike Becca's Nosey Parker family. And now the rest of America. 

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Chris/the ghost writer was a little harsh on Britt in his People.com blog. He said he wasn't planning on giving her a rose and he felt confused, upset and manipulated by her. He also said that other girls besides Carly and Ashley I spoke poorly of Britt to him. He kind of ripped her a new one in his blog. She definitely wasn't going to get a rose so she really only pulled him aside to save face.


We shall see if she can redeem herself at the WTA. And Carly too. She's getting a lot of nasty comments right now on social media. This is a weird season for sure. I feel bad for Britt for having to watch these episodes. I feel bad for Carly because the nasty comments people are actually taking the time to write are downright ugly.

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Also, she tells Chris that Carly has something against her... and then two second later she interviews that she trusted Carly?  No she didn't - they were practically sworn enemies, and Carly didn't exactly hide her disgust.  There's so much faking with her that it's probably difficult for her to keep track of what she did or didn't say! I don't necessarily like Carly, but I agree with her assessment.  Britt seems like she is used to getting everything she wants because she's cute and pretty, and she can't fathom why someone wouldn't be falling all over themselves for her.



Carly clearly made it her mission to bring Britt down, but I'm pretty sure touchy-feely free-hugs Britt had no idea how much Carly hated her.


It's too bad Jade has that Playboy thing in her past because I think she is really gorgeous and would make a great bachelorette.  She's sweet enough to be relatable and attractive enough for the guys to actually want to be with her.

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I liked Jade well enough--pretty, quiet, well-spoken (even without Kelsey's big words). But she's way too introverted to carry the show. She hardly had anything to say ever, even the "big reveal" to Chris kind of went nowhere because he's not very articulate either.


I really thought she'd say something like, "You know I grew up in a small town, then went to culinary school and now have my own organic cosmetic company. But what I didn't tell you before was that when I first came to L.A. I was asked to model for Playboy and I did. I haven't done anything more than that professional photo shoot and a video they had me make, but I wanted you to know about it anyway."


After all, shouldn't she have felt better knowing that Kaitlyn stripped down completely on a -filmed- date with Chris and others and he didn't seem to mind? I didn't see why it was a big deal -- unless it was recently or she has more than the magazine and video in her portfolio.

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I don't know. I once dated a guy for months, spent LOTS of time alone with him in his apartment, and I never even kissed him. He bought me roses, took me fancy places and gave me expensive perfume, but we just never made out ... or anything else. I thought nothing of it at the time. I also dated a guy in college who was a twin for Omar Shariff (young Omar) and it was the same with him. We just had a blast doing everything together ... except "that."


I'm not a lesbian even though I love plaid flannel shirts and I wear Crocs whenever I can. Based on my clothing preference and not boning every guy I go out with, I fit the stereotype. Except I have a lesbian friend and I never made out with her, either. I'm just more selective about my mates.


It just takes THE RIGHT GUY to get me interested. I expect Becca's the same. Of course, my family knows nothing about my dating life, unlike Becca's Nosey Parker family. And now the rest of America. 

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with getting to KNOW a guy first, before expressing affection. That's what puzzles me about this show - the idea that you have to kiss someone to know if there are "sparks".   Granted, i'm an old married lady, but I recall dating and stuff.  Once past those weird teen years, and into adult dating situations,  I would want to spend time with a guy, talking, before deciding to display affection.  I never had to KISS a guy to know if I liked him. 


Then again, I never would have married my husband if I knew he had been making out with a bunch of other women in the weeks before he proposed - but that's me.   For me, you have to date exclusively for a time period before agreeing to make it a "forever'  thing.  


Or as Jimmy Kimmel once said of the show - the winner gets to pretend to be engaged to the Bachelor  for the next 6 months. 

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It just takes THE RIGHT GUY to get me interested. I expect Becca's the same. Of course, my family knows nothing about my dating life, unlike Becca's Nosey Parker family. And now the rest of America.

I totally understand waiting for the right guy, or for marriage, or forever, but if Mr. Four Years wasn't the right guy why did she date him that long? I guess I'm just trying to figure that part out, more than anything. I can't blame her family too much, Becca chose to tell the world about her virginity long before we met them. I don't think anyone needed to know that at all, including Chris

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Like her but was thinking the same thing... possibly slight asperger's.

Nah, I don't get that impression at all. There's nothing that we've seen on the show to suggest that she has any other quirks typical of Aspergers, she's never seemed socially awkward at all, she doesn't even seem to have any qualms about kissing or being physically affectionate with Chris - the only thing that might suggest it is her family saying that she's not usually very touchy with guys (though if Chris is the first guy she's ever brought home, how would they even really know?), but considering we haven't actually seen anything to suggest it, I think there are plenty of other possibilities that are far more likely.


Come to think of it, I think that's what I found so odd about this episode, that both Becca's family and Jade's family told us totally different things about each of them than we've actually seen on the show. Becca's been friendly, chatty, sociable, easily affectionate with Chris, but her family says she doesn't touch guys, has no experience, and basically made her out to be some sort of awkward weirdo. Jade's been quiet, reserved, not very demonstrative, not too emotional, but her family says she's "a wild mustang," free spirited, has gotten into trouble, basically made her out to be this crazy party girl. The two women we've seen onscreen over the course of the season are just totally different from the women described by their families, which is odd.

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I know a lot of people have alluded to Chris seeing Jade in one of the Playboys in the fertility clinic, I was under the impression she didn't make it to print.


We've been joking about the possibility of Chris seeing Jade on one of the Playboys in the Man room, but he really didn't.


Armed with that info when they were on the ferris wheel I almost expected Becca to jump away when he cuddled up to her! That sister did not do her any favors.


So....why with the rapping? Because she is a dance instructor from Canada?


Interesting that Chris cried for the Wild Hot Mustang but not for Britt. She really pissed him off. I wonder if pre-Playboy reveal she was his final pick--I mean he gave her his letterman jacket and introduced her to his parents!

He almost gave her his class ring so she could wrap fuzzy yarn around it (not really).

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