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S05.E10: Them

Tara Ariano
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I would have liked it better if we'd been shown they were all suffering from all the losses they haven't had a downtime episode to suffer from. But nope. Only 3 people have any reason to be sad, and Sasha isn't as sad as Daryl and Maggie. Maggie did mention Herschel, which was nice.

But all that time Carol spent with Tyrese, nothing. OK, Carol is hardened. Tyrese saved Judith. Anything from Rick and Carl? Nope. Pretty much just an hour where 2/3 of it were about Beth. Nobody but Sasha was sad about Tyrese, nobody but Daryl and Maggie were sad about Beth. It didn't feel real to me. It felt like fan service.

After Sofia, Daryl did mourn. In a way that was totally in character. He didn't stomp off like a 12-year-old or burn himself. He didn't sit in the woods and cry. (And was he not going to tell them about the barn he found?)

There has never been time for the self-indulgent weeping. But of course for Beth, they made time. We had her ghost last episode, and people still felt it wasn't enough. I still don't understand why her death is so different from the many that have gone before.


Edited by BrokenRemote
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I'm really lost.  I thought that scene was a dream or simply a fake out.  They didn't look like a group who'd just had a knock-down drag out fight in the mud.

Thank you!  I thought it was Maggie's dream too!  But on TTD, they're acting like it was real, not a dream.  And I guess there was a similar chunk taken out of the barn door as was in the fight sequence, but that could have fit with the dream theory I had in my head.  I guess last week's ultra film school artsy take has just messed with my perspective.

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I'm really lost.  I thought that scene was a dream or simply a fake out.  They didn't look like a group who'd just had a knock-down drag out fight in the mud.

Oh, you'd better be wrong! I didn't hate this episode, which puts it far ahead of last week's.

But I agree that not very much actually happened. If you're gonna do a dream sequence, go crazy! Have the Governor's bastard son come back in a blimp with Gatling guns! And can't somebody in the background throw a pie once in a while? 

If what we saw was "real," but with some production glitches, I'm happier watching that and grumbling about how clean they were after the fight scene, than I am watching them dream about... moping, getting thirsty, and fighting zombies. That's like watching a dream sequence in which I drink beer while posting on the internet about TV shows. Just not that big a stretch, ya know?

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Seeing the guy come out of the woods wearing clean new clothing, hair combed, and clean shaven was a shock to my system. I'm so used to seeing our super grimey group with wild hair and beards that seeing this guy almost took me out of the scene. He was also really cute! I can't wait to hear his backstory. He must have followed them for a long time seeing as how he knew Rick's name and that he is the leader. 


So what the hell was up with the kidnapped tied-up walker in the trunk? Jeez, shitty fate both in life and death for that woman.


Loved all the new interactions we got. Especially between the women. Carol/Maggie. Michonne/Sasha (though that was very tense and frosty). Michonne/Carol. Even giddy Tara & Rosita laying down on the road in the rain. And although not new, seeing Maggie & Sasha bonding at the end was fabulous. Wonderful chemistry all around. 


Considering they were starving & dehydrated, I would have drunk the water. If it's poisoned, so be it. Carol was looking at the bottles like it was a juicy steak.


I loved Rick's speech. "We are the walking dead." Of course Daryl had to ruin the moment by stalking away. He was probably heading off for his 4th pouty emo scene in the woods. Too bad he didn't walk out of the barn and straight into the herd of walkers.


I knew the doggie massacre was coming, and I couldn't watch it. I muted the volume and literally watched with my hands over my face. That was a long scene; every time I peaked at the TV there were shots of the poor mangy dogs or blood or their collars. /sobs. Let's not kill any more animals, TWD. Okay? At least for another season, please.


The longer they stood in the rain, the more I worried about little Judith. While it was cute seeing Carl put his hat over her, I was thinking they should find shelter pronto or at least stuff her in her carrier and cover her up. Tyreese would have known what to do. /sobs again.


Really solid episode. These 2 episodes straight out of the break have not disappointed me. Can't wait for next week.

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Aww, doggies! Noooooo! Why did they have to go there? Leave the reality of dead dogs out of my show...about zombies.

Abraham's hair was REALLY distracting in this episode. Who is the makeup person responsible for that travesty? Are they colorblind?

Also, Emo Daryl is a drag. "OMG, Beth is dead. Whoa is me!" Please.

I also thought the walker barn-door onslaught was Maggie's dream, but I guess not.

Edited by Disraeli Ears
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I've had it up to here with Daryl's man-pain.  Now he's self-mutilating?  Not only that, but he was sure to self-mutilate in an area where everyone will see it.  Typical attention-getting behavior.  Daryl - you've clearly never been a cutter.  Also, deliberately causing wounds in their filthy and non-hygienic environment is absolutely moronic.  Even minor wounds can kill in a world without antibiotics  ...... see Drogo of Game of Thrones.


You and me both.  My first thought when I saw him putting the cigarette out on his hand was not "oh poor guy, he's in such terrible pain."  It was "You big dumbass.  You've purposely given yourself an open wound with no way to take care of it."


I used to really love this character.  But I'm seriously at a point now where I'm just completely over it and over him.  The only reason I can think of for not hoping the show finally decides to mean it when they say no one is safe is because I do really like his chemistry with Rick and Carol.

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Finally we have the episode that deals with their major concern in life - lack of water and food.  And it also dealt with the constant trauma people have been going through.


Aaron reminds me of the 50 Shades of Grey guy.  He is obviously stalking Rick.  He is this show's idea of a rich person - given the fact that he has access to a shower and a washing machine.  And at the end of the day I believe there will be spanking.



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There has never been time for the self-indulgent weeping. But of course for Beth, they made time. We had her ghost last episode, and people still felt it wasn't enough. I still don't understand why her death is so different from the many that have gone before.


Oh my God!  And the "Beth is stronger than she knew" BS.  I'm over it.  The girl took cuticle scissors to a gun fight, and you're damn lucky she didn't trigger an all ought slaughter in that hospital corridor.


Oh, you'd better be wrong! I didn't hate this episode, which puts it far ahead of last week's.

But I agree that not very much actually happened. If you're gonna do a dream sequence, go crazy! Have the Governor's bastard son come back in a blimp with Gatling guns! And can't somebody in the background throw a pie once in a while? 

If what we saw was "real," but with some production glitches, I'm happier watching that and grumbling about how clean they were after the fight scene, than I am watching them dream about... moping, getting thirsty, and fighting zombies. That's like watching a dream sequence in which I drink beer while posting on the internet about TV shows. Just not that big a stretch, ya know?


I'm willing to believe it's real if the show states it is.  My first problem with the scene is the belief that Rick would have yelled for Carl to take Judith up, or out the back.  No way is baby girl being dumped in the mud.  Also,  I just don't see them being so foolish as to attempt to hold the door rather than running out the back.  The boards in the barn door were already separating, and once one split, there'd be walker teeth gnashing at everything within reach.

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While I totally agree that it was necessary to have an episode to grieve two major back to back deaths, I just felt like it was so slow, and there was a lot of things that could have been said, but instead they all just looked at each other grimly and trudged on their ill conceived trip to DC.

I'm still a sucker for Daryl's man tears, but the burning was over the top.

Sorry for being terrible, but I totally would have let Eugene drink the water.

Totally agree that anyone that clean during a 2+ year long zombie apocalypse is most definitely evil. Even in their best living conditions, the gang hasn't been that clean in forever.

I did get way excited when Rick said the name of the show. It made me feel like this episode or at least that conversation will be important in the long run, but I don't see it yet. It seems like kind of a wasted moment.

Edited by truelovekiss
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Even minor wounds can kill in a world without antibiotics.

Seriously! And alcohol -- even the rotgut variety -- can be used to treat wounds as well.


I have been waiting for Rick's "We Are The Walking Dead" speech for a long time, but I didn't think it had as much as an impact in the show as it did in the source material. It was kind of like the delinquent in "I Accuse My Parents" standing up in court and telling the judge that he accuses his parents. (MST3k fans, are you with me on this?)


Good Lord, the way Chandler Rigg is growing, at the beginning of season six he's going to be 6'4".


I can't imagine what it would be like to suffer the kind of hunger and thirst these characters must endure. Heck, my sweetie and I were told that it would be a three-hour wait for a table last night at our favorite restaurant and we were like, "Forget that! We'll just get some Chik-fil-A."

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I knew the doggie massacre was coming, and I couldn't watch it. I muted the volume and literally watched with my hands over my face. That was a long scene; every time I peaked at the TV there were shots of the poor mangy dogs or blood or their collars. /sobs. Let's not kill any more animals, TWD. Okay? At least for another season, please.


I know! I mean, those dogs were obviously dangerous and feral but still. Also, I thought for a moment that the dogs were zombie dogs. I have to close my eyes too, then went to hug my GSD. Poor babies...

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The other thing that bugged me was how awful Michonne was to Sasha. Yes, Sasha was wrong to think she could take the walkers following them (at the beginning when the group were all just walking slowly and staying a little ahead of the walkers), but it was out of line for Michonne to yell at Sasha about how her just-dead brother was stupid. Here she is telling Sasha not to let herself get angry because it could cause her to make mistakes, and she goes about it by talking trash about the brother Sasha just buried? That's probably why Sasha was then even angrier and let herself make the wrong moves at the bridge.

Just re-watched, and what was with the big grin? Sasha says it's not the same, her and Tyrese, and Michonne's just shaking her head and smiling, saying 'but it is, I know it'. Right or not, I'd have smacked the smile off her face. She was given room to grieve, to shut everyone out, to be surly and angry and make mistakes. She could have brought up her concerns to Sasha without talking so badly about her brother. She could have kept an eye on Sasha, or tried to get her to talk through her anger instead of fueling it.

I usually love Michonne, but that whole scene really bothered me.

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I loved, loved, loved this episode.


Stupid Carl made me cry being nice to Maggie with the jewelry box, THAT'S how much this show owns me.


The way that Aaron just kept walking toward them and talking after Maggie & Sasha drew on him made me wish they had just immediately taken him out.  I agree he's not to be trusted.... but.... if he has a place to get clean and it prompts Rick shave his beard... well... I might warm up to Aaron just a little bit.  Rick looks mangier than those dogs did.  

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Here's something totally trivial that I noticed in this episode - the positioning of Maggie's wedding set kept changing. At the beginning her engagement ring was on the bottom and the wedding band was on top. When she found the Mafia snitch in the trunk, the wedding band was on the bottom and the engagement ring on top. When she was bonding with Sasha over the sunrise, the rings had switched back again.


I did get a little teary when Daryl handed Maggie the music box after he fixed it. Such an un-Daryl like thing to do - music box repair, I mean.

Edited by Ouisch
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The atonement theme was somewhat interesting. Eugene, Abe, and Gabriel all want to redeem themselves.

Eugene represents science, Abe represents war, and FPP represents religion.

However, all three of them are fucking idiots, so not a single one of them represents their viewpoint well.

Eugene can not offer himself as a scientist, so the best he can do is offer himself as a guinea pig.

Abraham likes the idea of smashing and destroying opposition, but doesn't have a fucking clue about strategy or discipline or even about what color is best to camouflage one's hair.

And Gabriel shows us the narcissistic priest's route to redemption. Don't offer to do anything useful. Just push your desire to be respected and comforting on people who don't want to talk to you. Wear your equivalent of a hairshirt. If you don't think Eugene should be a guinea pig (although if he were, the doctor might show up!) just hang back silently and let Abraham be in charge of mercy. Got extra clothing, that you're very uncomfortable in, that could have been cut up into a rig to carry Judith better? Nah. Useful schmoosful. That's how peasants do charity!

I think that, of the three, Eugene chose the best route to redemption. Although it was still far from heroic, when mostly all it involved was saying "I'm thirsty and want to try the water!"

However, if a little more time had gone by, they would have had to resort to drinking urine. And in that case, in a zombie apocalypse landscape where terrifying things happen with monotonous regularity, Father Pee Pants would quickly become MVP.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Michonne was a little rough with Sasha, but Sasha wasn't in control and Michonne could see that.  Rick nearly got bitten at the bridge because she went off half cocked.  They're all exhausted and weak and fraying around the edges.  She went for the tough love approach, which didn't fix everything for Sasha but at least made her pause.


On rewatch, I can't get over how much I love the women in this episode.  Maggie and Sasha were absolutely killing it individually and with each other, and Carol and Michonne were also doing really nice work trying to be supportive each in her own way.  There were lots of great small moments of them interacting with one another that felt very real. It's a far cry from season 2 where the best we got was watching Lori and Andrea sniping at each other about laundry.

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I think it'd be cool if, just once, we met someone new and they gave off that vibe, and they turned out to be perfectly on the up-and-up.  Of course, I have absolutely no doubt that this guy will be evil, just like every other person they've met that seemed nice, clean, well-supplied or in any way different.

Michonne was a little rough with Sasha, but Sasha wasn't in control and Michonne could see that.  Rick nearly got bitten at the bridge because she went off half cocked.  They're all exhausted and weak and fraying around the edges.  She went for the tough love approach, which didn't fix everything for Sasha but at least made her pause.


On rewatch, I can't get over how much I love the women in this episode.  Maggie and Sasha were absolutely killing it individually and with each other, and Carol and Michonne were also doing really nice work trying to be supportive each in her own way.  There were lots of great small moments of them interacting with one another that felt very real. It's a far cry from season 2 where the best we got was watching Lori and Andrea sniping at each other about laundry.



My point was, I think Michonne's approach made Sash even angrier and caused, or at least contributed to, the way she acted at the bridge.    Imagine if someone had told Maggie right after Beth's death that it was her own stupid fault for stabbing Dawn with those scissors.  Everyone would be aghast!  And Maggie would be rightfully furious.  And it might mess with Maggie's head enough to make her do something stupid to prove something to the person who said it.

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I really liked the episode especially the last 10 minutes.


Some quick thoughts...


Why didn't they have frog legs?  Daryl ate worms, frogs would have to be better.


Gabriel would have taken off that collar and changed his shirt a lot sooner.  I live in the South. Walking down a Georgia road in the summer with a black shirt is a recipe for dehydration.


For a second, when Aaron walked out, I thought a commercial had come on.


I was glad we got this episode.  It showed the total exhaustion and despair of people surviving for over 4 years in an apocalyptic world.  While we have seen so much happen to them, can you imagine all that we didn't see happen?  The day to day grind of being scared, hungry, thirsty, bored, ill or even losing hope.  All the killing, the smells and blood and gore of all the walker slayings, not to mention all the human beings.  Not only the physical grind, but the mental fatigue.  I personally wouldn't give up, but after all this time, even the strongest would be pushed to survive and move on.






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Also loving how the female characters related to each other. Michonne was rough on Sasha, and it wouldn't have been my approach but I think it was needed. Sasha and Maggie also had a really good moment together at the sunrise. I was happy to see them bonding over very similar, terrible situations both of them were going through at the same time. I think that has a lot to do with just better female characters overall.

I like Noah, and I feel like he's still very lost and I'm looking forward to him coming out of his shell and really embracing the group as his new family.

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I don't think it's been 4 years.  I'm pretty sure it's been less than 2.  But the point still stands.  


I hope Noah and Carl become friends.  I think they're close enough in age that they might relate to one another somewhat, and each of them could use a friend.


Also, I was pretty sure that Father Gabriel was suffering quite badly in the heat, but left the shirt on for penance, what with all the talk of hair shirts.  I don't think that was unbelievable. 

Edited by BrokenRemote
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Since when does Maggie care so much for Beth? She never cared when she was gone and kidnapped and presumed dead. She never cared to look for her, search for her, even ask anyone who was searching for her about her. It was all Glenn Glenn Glenn. NOW Maggie's going to act like the grieving sister and like she cares?


No.  She's not the same as Sasha. 


Sasha gets to grieve for her brother. 


Maggie has no business at all with her actions this episode, it didn't go with the writing of the past season and how little concern or care she showed for Beth. 

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I also thought the walker barn-door onslaught was Maggie's dream, but I guess not.


I did too.


Peoples' feet were creating grooves in the mud/ground when the walkers pushed them back, yet there were no grooves the next morning.  Nor was there any damage to the door.  Plus, there were no dead walkers anywhere near the door, they were all several feet away trapped by fallen trees and branches.  If they saved the barn from a walker attack, they would have had to kill some walkers near the door.  Unless they moved them during the middle of the night, for no particular good reason, the bodies would still be there the next day.


Also, if walkers are attracted to loud noises and light, I don't see why they would have headed straight for the barn during the thunderstorm unless the barn happened to be exactly between the walkers and the thunder and lightning.

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I need to think a little more about how much I liked this one, but I think this episodes are necessary to the story they are trying to tell. It was an episode all about fatigue and exhaustion, and how being constantly moving, dealing with loss, and being almost killed every day can take a real toll on a persons mind and spirit. Hence the big Walking Dead title drop.


No matter how I end up coming down on this episode, I thought the long shot of the whole gang, trudging down the highway looking like hell, while walkers were wondering around behind them, practically indistinguishable from each other, was really effective.  

Edited by tennisgurl
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Also, if walkers are attracted to loud noises and light, I don't see why they would have headed straight for the barn during the thunderstorm unless the barn happened to be exactly between the walkers and the thunder and lightning.


Rick's group finally smelled cleaner than the walkers after the rainstorm. They were just following their noses to dinner.

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I hope Noah and Carl become friends. I think they're close enough in age that they might relate to one another somewhat, and each of them could use a friend.


I would also love to see that. I think the two could have a really interesting relationship. I'm guessing Noah's brothers were about 12-13ish, so fairly close to Carl's age. So he's used to the big brother role. On the other hand, Carl is used to being around mostly adults, and he's really come in to his own and acts much more mature. I can see the two of them maybe having a rough start, but moving on to be great friends.

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  Even minor wounds can kill in a world without antibiotics  ...... see Drogo of Game of Thrones.



Speaking of this... did my eyes deceive me or did Deathwish!Sasha accidentally slash Abraham's arm with a walker-bloody knife and no one commented on it? That has to be as bad as a bite!

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Since I actually like Carl nowadays, I hope Noah stays the hell away from him, Everybody who gets stuck on a duo mission with Noah dies. You know who could use a friend? That nice priest fellow. Or maybe the big red-haired boy.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Speaking of this... did my eyes deceive me or did Deathwish!Sasha accidentally slash Abraham's arm with a walker-bloody knife and no one commented on it? That has to be as bad as a bite!


I saw it and mmediately was waiting for them to notice it. That knife was contaminated with zombie guts. But then nothing came of it. Does the virus only spread if it's a very deep bite??

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Meanwhile, Daryl was catapulting to the top of the list of characters who can be left to be all mopey dopey in the woods now.  The actor looks constipated every time he tries to cry.


When Daryl finally breaks down about Beth I thought was that it was supposed to be such a poignant moment, but I was just distracted by how he looked like he had spent the last three weeks crying himself to sleep, his eyes were so swollen.

I saw it and mmediately was waiting for them to notice it. That knife was contaminated with zombie guts. But then nothing came of it. Does the virus only spread if it's a very deep bite??


Yeah, nothing came of it, but the make up people made the effort to be consistent and he had the slash in every scene after. I thought it was a huge oversight.

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My reaction to Sasha and Michonne was very different. Sasha's recklessness was endagering the whole group, she needed a wake up call. You don't get to make it all about you in the Zombie Apocalypse. And she was acting just like Tyreese when they went on that run to the Vet school (as well as other times) where he let his anger or his moral scruples endanger the whole group. I was a bit disappointed no one called her out on that explicitly.

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I kept noticing that one of the dogs kept wagging his tail.  Snarling and wagging seemed to be an odd combination.


I was hoping that the group would strip down and shower in the rain.  I can smell them through the TV at this point.

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This was a quiet episode, but I think it was a necessary one. The moment when everyone shoved against the barn door. They made up their minds to live. 


I love that the first three at the door were Daryl, Maggie, and Sasha - the three on the informal suicide watch.  Then everyone including Father Pee-Pants (who didn't pee his pants for once) joined in - it was an anvilicious moment of group unity but I still liked watching it.  Also, it's great to see Carol break out of her hard shell and become the hopeful, caring one reaching out to others.


Hello, Aaron!  


Nobody but Sasha was sad about Tyrese


Daryl was.  He was mainly feeling guilt about Sophia 2.0 getting killed but when he was talking to Maggie and Sasha was asleep waaaaay over there, he said, "He was tough."  He had Tyreese on the brain, at least a little.


Oh my God!  And the "Beth is stronger than she knew" BS.  I'm over it.  The girl took cuticle scissors to a gun fight, and you're damn lucky she didn't trigger an all ought slaughter in that hospital corridor.


No kidding!  They keep having to say Beth's strong in order to try to convince us that she was...because she wasn't!  She was fucking pathetic!  Even by a child's standards she was an impulsive, brainless idiot.  The second she was unsupervised by a real adult she gets herself kidnapped.  Daryl blames himself but he shouldn't - Beth was her own special breed of dumbass that was beyond help.  

Edited by GreyBunny
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I like Noah, and I feel like he's still very lost and I'm looking forward to him coming out of his shell and really embracing the group as his new family.

I like Noah, too.  I just hope he can do something about that limp.  But what was it that he was talking to Sasha about?  I didn't hear either one of them.

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Do you mean when they were talking while eating the dog meat?

If I remember correctly, he said something like he didn't know if he would make it and Sasha replied "Then you won't".

(she's even more sympathetic than MIchonne)

Edited by EverCat
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