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S14.E12: Hollywood Week #4

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, Harry, for stopping that young lady (Alexis?) who started "You Light Up My Life" twice--that wasn't in the wrong key, she sang one line in tune and then was singing notes not in the song. At all. Ouch.

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Hey Idol producers, how about showing more than the same ten contestants every episode? Subtle much? This show used to be appointment tv for me, now  I'm pointing out all the things that make me irritable as I'm watching. I've never wanted to become a "hate watcher", but here I am only because I'm still holding out hope that this show can turn around and provide entertainment while searching for a possible star. Gah! 

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Loren Lott is my American Idol. I cannot love her more.

I'm sure he is a delightful child but I hate that 15 year old kid. Adam Lasher is pretty much out of chances. That kid has PLENTY of time. He could have waited a year. And I just don't find him as adorable as they do.

Adam, on the other hand, is a showman. I didn't hate what he did to Free Fallin' at all.

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I'm sure he is a delightful child but I hate that 15 year old kid. Adam Lasher is pretty much out of chances. That kid has PLENTY of time. He could have waited a year. And I just don't find him as adorable as they do.

Adam, on the other hand, is a showman. I didn't hate what he did to Free Fallin' at all.

I did not hate Free Fallin' either. I am not a big fan of the song in general, so I feel anything is an improvement.  I do love me some Adam Lasher. I wish he would go on The Voice.


I haven't liked Daniel Seavey since we saw him at his audition. His voice is so weak. He needs some more time to mature a bit. I haven't watched since the Adam Lambert season, because I hated all the manipulations, throwing people under the bus, and the bland always winning out, so is there still a Disney Channel/young guy vote? I remember David Archie and Chicken Little ( forgot his actual name) benefitted from it.

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I'm with jsm1125, Skyfall was the first time Loren Lott justified her spot in the competition. That was really good compared to the really mediocre she's served us in her first two auditions. So while I won't root for her moving forward, I will grudgingly give credit where credit is due. 


If last night was the end of the line for the human-interest/sob stories, then tonight must have been designated the ending point for many of the "mature/experienced" contenders like Jess Lamb, Adam Lasher (WTF?) and somebody else I'm blanking on at the moment. Only Marc and Nick F. survived. I have this odd feeling that they might be in a mini-competition with each other for a lone "geezer" spot this season.


Not much else in the way of positive standouts tonight. Rayvon and Clark Beckham continue to give really solid performances every time we hear them...

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Jax! and Joey Cook are on my short list of most annoying contestants for the season so far. Well, besides the tween guy with all the confidence in the world. 


Billowy jumpsuits seemed to be the fashion choice of the evening.


I'm also glad "Girl With The Psychic Cat" got shown the door.


Bye Alexis! Bye SHE!

Edited by rustyspigot
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Loren was finally good. I couldn't believe that Adam and Ron were sent home, though, while Shi and Daniel stayed. Shi's performance was weak, as even they admitted. And Daniel (15 year old) seems like one of those kids who's used to getting raves from his family and school performances--and has musicality--but just isn't there yet AT ALL in terms of talent.


Yet, what do I know? They put those two through. I think youth counts more in that "so many criteria" list Harry talks about than singing talent (esp. when those being considered are over 24 or not so attractive.)


I hope to see some of the discarded ones on The Voice some day. It's amazing to me what a mediocre group they're keeping, overall,t his season..

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Jax! and Joey Cook are on my short list of most annoying contestants for the season so far. Well, besides the tween guy with all the confidence in the world.

Billowy jumpsuits seemed to be the fashion choice of the evening.

I'm also glad "Girl With The Psychic Cat" got shown the door.

Bye Alexis! Bye SHE!

Amen..to how annoying Jax and Joey are. I lIke their voices. But enough with all the dramatics, especially Jax. That whole thing with her touching her parents' faces was a wee bit creepy to me.

The girl with the psychic cat sounded like she was just screaming those high notes.

Glad out of key girl (very mature looking 17 year old) didn't make it. IMO her vocals in group night didn't warrant her going through to the solos anyway. Hell her nervous breakdown alone should sent her home.

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Loren Lott is beautiful, and I loved her performance. And she comes across as very mature.

I like Daniel Seavey but I hope he comes back in a couple of years.

Big Ron doesn't do anything for me, and he sang that song much too fast. Plus he's being a dick,  I don't want an Idol who's a dick. I hope the reason that they cut him was because of his dickitude.

I like Adam Lasher, but that wasn't the best performance.

I think I like Quentin Alexander.

I love Trevor Douglas, I dunno, he's young but he's so colorful.

Alexis is done.  I'm glad, if you're going to pass out on stage, you're not Idol material.

Michael Simeon is okay.

Wow Nick Fradiani was awesome.

Freaky Katherine can get off my screen right now.  Didn't like her when she auditioned, don't like her now.

Loved Clark

Hey, Harry, not being able to understand Sia and Arianna Grande hasn't hurt them.

I had to laugh that Joey Cook picked a song that doesn't have a lot of lyrics.

They didn't show much of Rayvon, I'm surprised.

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Nick Fradiani/Poor Man's Adam Levine was really good--he already seemed like a past winner that came back to perform for the "kids" this season. But he seems like he's a better band frontman.

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I was so glad to see that the judges have started cutting through some of the bullshit.  I'm tired of the drama, and the "quirky" contestants. 


Jax and Joey are really getting on my nerves.  Jax, you are auditioning---sing to the judges.  You can sing to your parents at home.  Joey sounded to me like she was drunk and slurring her words.  I also thought it was funny that she picked that song.  Good thing she could remember those 6 words.


Glad to see Alexis go.  Not sure how much of that was real.  When she started singing, even I (who can't sing AT ALL) knew she sounded awful.  Nice of Harry to let her try again, but so glad he was real with her. 


Big Ron should have known better than to be so rude.  You are not a superstar yet, so when people who know the business try to give you constructive criticism, you should take it gracefully and learn from it.  Glad he was cut.


And Naomi (?) saying the judges don't know what they're talking about and how it all meant nothing to her.  Why were you there in the first place?  I was surprised that she got put through on group night.

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I hope I remember Big Ron for a very long time.  He is an AI hero forever to me.  He stone called out Ricky Minor, on stage, as he was at his most vulnerable and he was right on.   He may not have realized what he had done, but I love him for it.  "I tried to, but Ricky would not allow it."  Glorious!  Then, Harry realized what was going down and had to attempt to uphold the honor of the show, and his own personal conceit that wannabes should always "be themselves" and that they, not AI or some imagined packaging by AI, are what really gets a wannabe to Ameriker's votes.  Nice try, Harry.  Big Ron just told the world how it is.  The true shock is that 19E more wanted the confrontation and drama over the shame of the revelation.  


One guy who had killed every appearance, but I did not see at all tonight, was Adam Ez.  I sure hope he made it.


Memo to JLo - when the song lists are quite limited, how else would one feel than that everything seems the same?  How is that the wannabes' fault?  Then you get a guy like Ron who tried to make things his own and was killed for it.  Also, when singing for the life of your career, wouldn't you choose something in your comfort zone>  Grrr.


House of Blues on Sunset!  What a dump.  However, one of my all-time greatest concert nights was there.  I got to see the Raspberries extremely brief reunion tour there, c. 2005 (HoB show was recorded and released as a live album).  I won backstage (actually upstairs) access and got to speak at some length with the fellas.   Man, never would I have imagined such an opportunity.  For me, there are few music icons who can match Eric Carmen.  I found out that he made them perform the whole show at the afternoon soundcheck in order that they have the best chance at perfection for the show that night.  They were tremendous.  I dare say that EC is one of a few that Harry would look up to when it comes to devotion to musical excellence.  

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God, what the fuck was wrong with Ricky, just badgering and badgering and belaboring the point with that kid? I lost a lot of respect for him last night.

Also, that whole thing with Jax and her parents was really, really weird. Awkward. Why the hell didn't she just hold their hands or something?

And that mohawk girl - man, what a nasty personality when she didn't get what she wanted. Yuck.

Edited by areca
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The whole thing with Jax and her parents was honestly weird and creepy. She could have briefly acknowledged them by nodding at them or quickly touching their hands but she should have concentrated on performing to the judges/audience/camera. It felt forced, like she was hoping it would make people go "aww", instead it looked creepy and forced.

I completely agreed with Naomi. The judges have given several contestants this season and in the past who you can't understand a word they're saying a pass: Jax, Joey Cook (somebody to loaf, nothing's gonna change my warld), and the worst offender of them all Jena from last season. And as someone else mentioned, there are other famous singers that mumble their words too. Naomi had one of the best voices there but they simply found her too old looking and too fat. Had she been young and cute like Jax they would have just called it "quirky" and "original." The judges are BS and everyone knows it. They always contradict themselves. I'd have been pissed too.

How does Daniel get through but not Adam? Again, more BS just to suit the producers' agenda. Adam is probably seen as too old already.

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Naomi had one of the best voices there but they simply found her too old looking and too fat


Its weird there are all these young, but really old looking contestants this year.  Fainting Girl, when I first saw her I thought she was someone's Mom and she was 17!!!  Lauren Lott looks like Taraji P Henson in her 30s, Hollywood looked at least 38.  Of course there''s that 15 year old from Iowa in full stripper mode--tanner, makeup and bandage dress.  Its odd.


Guy who is a farmer is top 2.  He's got thevoice and the looks.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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The whole thing with Jax and her parents was honestly weird and creepy. She could have briefly acknowledged them by nodding at them or quickly touching their hands but she should have concentrated on performing to the judges/audience/camera. It felt forced, like she was hoping it would make people go "aww", instead it looked creepy and forced.

I completely agreed with Naomi. The judges have given several contestants this season and in the past who you can't understand a word they're saying a pass: Jax, Joey Cook (somebody to loaf, nothing's gonna change my warld), and the worst offender of them all Jena from last season. And as someone else mentioned, there are other famous singers that mumble their words too. Naomi had one of the best voices there but they simply found her too old looking and too fat. Had she been young and cute like Jax they would have just called it "quirky" and "original." The judges are BS and everyone knows it. They always contradict themselves. I'd have been pissed too.

How does Daniel get through but not Adam? Again, more BS just to suit the producers' agenda. Adam is probably seen as too old already.


IMO Jax is very aware of the cameras and is playing to them. She comes across as very disingenious and it just sets my teeth on edge. Of course it doesn't help the fact that I am not a fan of her voice or style of singing. Blech!



(Grassy knoller here) I've always been of the mindset that the producers choose each round who will advance and that the judges are just highly paid mouth pieces. Although, Nigel refuted this theory a few seasons ago by saying could anyone tell JLO what to do and ensuring viewers that it is the judges in fact who do each seasons selections. I don't buy it, but that's just me being obstinate. Plus, I believe Kara and Simon pretty much let the cat out of the bag several seasons ago when they talked about trying to save certain contestants but it being out of their control. ymmv

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I did not hate Free Fallin' either. I am not a big fan of the song in general, so I feel anything is an improvement. I do love me some Adam Lasher. I wish he would go on The Voice.


Adam Lasher auditioned for the Voice during Season 2. He was shown in a montage of no chair turners.

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I laughed listening to Joey Cook singing a song with almost no lyrics.  What is she going to do when she's under pressure and has to perform each week?  I know the time frame is short, but pick songs you know.  I can't believe the judges have let her get this far.  Just want to add I have no idea how far she goes, but I would think that she can't seem to remember song lyrics should be taken into consideration for how far she advances.


Doesn't matter if Big Ron was right or wrong, he doesn't understand how the game is played and blew his chance.  You can't call out anyone on the show especially at this early stage and not think you'll be punished for it.  He paid the ultimate price - bye, bye.  I don't watch a lot of reality tv but it seems to me if you want to be successful there are certain rules you need to adhere to.   There are certain things you can't do and think you'll continue on any show.


Bye Adam Lasher.  I was really hoping he would make the top 24.  He's age appropriate, has lots of experience and I think would be a wonderful addition on my tv each week.  Guess I'm out of luck there :(


Tonight was the first night I really understood the shit the show puts these kids through and why.  When Jennifer was talking about doing press, having to show up for rehearsals, meet fans etc and the time and pressure involved things became clearer.  I have to admit I didn't think about the "extras" the contestants do while doing the show.  It's not just practicing and learning your words for 8 hours a day.  When the guy said this was worse than having three month old babies I now agree with him.  It's a different kind of pressure and there's no one there to help you out.  This is all on you with no second chances ... unless you're special or a judge/producer favourite.

Edited by Shades of Red
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Adam Lasher auditioned for the Voice during Season 2. He was shown in a montage of no chair turners.

Well, that bums me out. I did not watch season 2 of The Voice or maybe I did, they all run together. If that was the season with Tony Vincent, I tuned out after he got the boot. I guess now, I hope to see Adam Lasher anywhere.



(Grassy knoller here) I've always been of the mindset that the producers choose each round who will advance and that the judges are just highly paid mouth pieces. Although, Nigel refuted this theory a few seasons ago by saying could anyone tell JLO what to do and ensuring viewers that it is the judges in fact who do each seasons selections. I don't buy it, but that's just me being obstinate. Plus, I believe Kara and Simon pretty much let the cat out of the bag several seasons ago when they talked about trying to save certain contestants but it being out of their control. ymmv

I am a grassy knoller as well. I said before that I tuned out after the Adam Lambert season, because this show and some of the people who vote seem to really like bland contestants. Since I haven't watched in many seasons I wondered if it is still contrived? Is Nigel still involved? He is the king of contrived bullshit, and one of the reasons why I usually tune out of SYTYCD early.

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Quentin Alexander is very talented, but I can hardly stand to look at him because of THAT THING HANGING OUT OF HIS NOSE.  Like two silver drops of snot.  I just don't get why anyone would think "perpetual bad cold" is a good look.


I'm this way when I watch Face Off too; I always want the contestants with really weird piercings--through cheeks or lips--to get booted early so I won't have to look at them anymore.  Who decides what's a weird piercing and what's an acceptable piercing?  Why, I do.  (For the record, I'm not crazy about the gauges in my sweetie Adam Lambert's ears, but I'm okay with them as long as they don't get bigger.  Not that I would stop loving Adam if they did, but I'd cringe a little every time I saw them.)  

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Well, that bums me out. I did not watch season 2 of The Voice or maybe I did, they all run together. If that was the season with Tony Vincent, I tuned out after he got the boot. I guess now, I hope to see Adam Lasher anywhere.


I am a grassy knoller as well. I said before that I tuned out after the Adam Lambert season, because this show and some of the people who vote seem to really like bland contestants. Since I haven't watched in many seasons I wondered if it is still contrived? Is Nigel still involved? He is the king of contrived bullshit, and one of the reasons why I usually tune out of SYTYCD early.



Nigel and Ken Warwick were given the boot (separately) and replaced by Per Blankens who was the executive producer for the Swedish version of Idol. It's pretty much plug and play as far as I'm concerned with these producers. 

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I hope I remember Big Ron for a very long time.  He is an AI hero forever to me.  He stone called out Ricky Minor, on stage, as he was at his most vulnerable and he was right on.   He may not have realized what he had done, but I love him for it.  "I tried to, but Ricky would not allow it."  Glorious!  Then, Harry realized what was going down and had to attempt to uphold the honor of the show, and his own personal conceit that wannabes should always "be themselves" and that they, not AI or some imagined packaging by AI, are what really gets a wannabe to Ameriker's votes.  Nice try, Harry.  Big Ron just told the world how it is.  The true shock is that 19E more wanted the confrontation and drama over the shame of the revelation.  


One guy who had killed every appearance, but I did not see at all tonight, was Adam Ez.  I sure hope he made it.


Memo to JLo - when the song lists are quite limited, how else would one feel than that everything seems the same?  How is that the wannabes' fault?  Then you get a guy like Ron who tried to make things his own and was killed for it.  Also, when singing for the life of your career, wouldn't you choose something in your comfort zone>  Grrr.


House of Blues on Sunset!  What a dump.  However, one of my all-time greatest concert nights was there.  I got to see the Raspberries extremely brief reunion tour there, c. 2005 (HoB show was recorded and released as a live album).  I won backstage (actually upstairs) access and got to speak at some length with the fellas.   Man, never would I have imagined such an opportunity.  For me, there are few music icons who can match Eric Carmen.  I found out that he made them perform the whole show at the afternoon soundcheck in order that they have the best chance at perfection for the show that night.  They were tremendous.  I dare say that EC is one of a few that Harry would look up to when it comes to devotion to musical excellence.  

Wow, the Raspberries!  My best friends boyfriend was their roadie. My album still smells like berries from the sticker.

       That said, I decided not to watch on a regular basis. I am not seeing the kind of stand out talent, a real stand out voice that you cannot wait to hear again.

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I balked at the Casey Abrams looking dude (Mark?) blaming his baby and the judges on his lyric flubs.  How much free time and sleep does one really need to remember a 30-second section of a song?


We saw someone with a pearly headband bawling in someone's arms in the opening montage.  I was hoping it was Jax but apparently not.  


I can't believe they let the Alone singer through, but not Adam Lasher.  She sounded terrible, looked terrible and has a terrible personality.  


I'll say the same of Joey Cook.  Someone really ought to have told her to either whiten her teeth or darken her hair for this.  The bleached platinum just highlights the brown chompers, sorry.  And I thought she did forget lyrics again.  Or was it really her original plan to just sing the same line of Across the Universe six times?  


I really liked a lot of them, though.  Clark, Nick, Loren, Lovey, Aaron, Rayvon...


I wasn't sad to see them let go of Ron, Alexis, Naomi...

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The girl with the dead psychic cat? She didn't make it through. (Phew...)


Don't be sorry, because...yikes, those teeth!

Oh, you're right!  She didn't!  I pulled up a recap to check.  It also said Joey flubbed her words again.  

I hope I remember Big Ron for a very long time.  He is an AI hero forever to me.  He stone called out Ricky Minor, on stage, as he was at his most vulnerable and he was right on.   He may not have realized what he had done, but I love him for it.  "I tried to, but Ricky would not allow it."  Glorious!  Then, Harry realized what was going down and had to attempt to uphold the honor of the show, and his own personal conceit that wannabes should always "be themselves" and that they, not AI or some imagined packaging by AI, are what really gets a wannabe to Ameriker's votes.  Nice try, Harry.  Big Ron just told the world how it is.  The true shock is that 19E more wanted the confrontation and drama over the shame of the revelation.  


One guy who had killed every appearance, but I did not see at all tonight, was Adam Ez.  I sure hope he made it.


Memo to JLo - when the song lists are quite limited, how else would one feel than that everything seems the same?  How is that the wannabes' fault?  Then you get a guy like Ron who tried to make things his own and was killed for it.  Also, when singing for the life of your career, wouldn't you choose something in your comfort zone>  Grrr.


House of Blues on Sunset!  What a dump.  However, one of my all-time greatest concert nights was there.  I got to see the Raspberries extremely brief reunion tour there, c. 2005 (HoB show was recorded and released as a live album).  I won backstage (actually upstairs) access and got to speak at some length with the fellas.   Man, never would I have imagined such an opportunity.  For me, there are few music icons who can match Eric Carmen.  I found out that he made them perform the whole show at the afternoon soundcheck in order that they have the best chance at perfection for the show that night.  They were tremendous.  I dare say that EC is one of a few that Harry would look up to when it comes to devotion to musical excellence.  


The recap said Adam Ez was shown as going through.


Loren was finally good. I couldn't believe that Adam and Ron were sent home, though, while Shi and Daniel stayed. Shi's performance was weak, as even they admitted. And Daniel (15 year old) seems like one of those kids who's used to getting raves from his family and school performances--and has musicality--but just isn't there yet AT ALL in terms of talent.


Yet, what do I know? They put those two through. I think youth counts more in that "so many criteria" list Harry talks about than singing talent (esp. when those being considered are over 24 or not so attractive.)


I hope to see some of the discarded ones on The Voice some day. It's amazing to me what a mediocre group they're keeping, overall,t his season..

I think Shi was cut.

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Adam Lasher was good but he's Carlos Santana's nephew... personally I'd rather see someone that isn't related to a bona fide music legend move forward as he should have already had a huge advantage finding a place in the industry.

Being related to someone in the industry does not necessarily help. Jamie Lynn Spears is the younger sister of Britney Spears and she basically put her music out independently. There was a girl that auditioned quite a few seasons ago that was Jim Carrey's daughter that didn't make it too far (she also wasn't that great though). A couple seasons ago on The Voice the sister of Kaley Cuoco auditioned and she was booted pretty fast (also not too impressive). If anything, those with connections probably need to work harder so people don't think they're being signed just because they're related to so and so.

About whitening teeth- it doesn't necessarily work on everyone or have lasting results. There could have been a reason why Joey never whitened her teeth. People with sensitive teeth are advised not to use whitening treatments. And depending on what you use, they are not necessarily that effective or last super long. If you drink coffee, wine, or eat things like berries a lot, your teeth will also stain faster. I feel for her on her teeth because there's not necessarily much she can do about it. I tried a home whitening treatment for a week and it only lasted maybe a few weeks and it didn't make my teeth super white. Maybe the stylists have something more powerful for her.

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And the bleached hair.  No one's hair should be whiter than their teeth.  I wonder if this red is her natural color?  I like it much better than the platinum or blue.  

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Being related to someone in the industry does not necessarily help. Jamie Lynn Spears is the younger sister of Britney Spears and she basically put her music out independently. There was a girl that auditioned quite a few seasons ago that was Jim Carrey's daughter that didn't make it too far (she also wasn't that great though). A couple seasons ago on The Voice the sister of Kaley Cuoco auditioned and she was booted pretty fast (also not too impressive). If anything, those with connections probably need to work harder so people don't think they're being signed just because they're related to so and so.



The difference is that Santana is a respected music legend vs a pop star, a comedian and sitcom star.  I agree that nothing is guaranteed but at least people would listen to his demo.  As I said above, I liked Adam and wouldn't have minded at all if had he progressed but so far it seems the male crop is deep this year and I would have been more upset if he had been eliminated to make room for some of the weaker female talent.

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Does anyone know how many of the people still progressing got all the judges to say "yes"?  I had to delete some of the earlier audition episodes but I was going to try to see if the ones that make it through got unanimous "yes'" or were there some surprises?  I don't think the really young kid - the guy who is 15 but looks 12 got a yes from Harry did he?

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My early favorite is the farmer (Michael) and please add me to the Hate Jax list.  Sheesh, I am so sick of that type of mushy, pretentious, little girl voice.  


It is clear to me now that Jennifer Lopez has a clause in her contract that calls for a certain number of close-ups per show.  

Edited by limecoke
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I'm calling it now: Nick Fradiani as wgwg winner for this season.

I turned it off after the young lady sang "Skyfall.". Because that was awesome IMO.

It's funny, I didn't like any of her previous performances and wouldn't have put her through to the group rounds at all, but that was really terrific.  Color me surprised.

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About whitening teeth- it doesn't necessarily work on everyone or have lasting results. There could have been a reason why Joey never whitened her teeth. People with sensitive teeth are advised not to use whitening treatments. And depending on what you use, they are not necessarily that effective or last super long. If you drink coffee, wine, or eat things like berries a lot, your teeth will also stain faster. I feel for her on her teeth because there's not necessarily much she can do about it.

There are also medications which can cause tooth discoloration, especially if you took them as a child.  And no over-the-counter teeth whiteners will help if that is the case; I speak from personal experience.  But as someone up above said, there are ways to minimize the appearance of your teeth by choosing better lipstick/foundation shades, and Joey Cook really needs to work on that.  And on remembering her lyrics.

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I'm in the minority here because I still love both Jax and Joey and was glad to see them make it through another round.

I also don't see anything great in what Big Ron did in calling out Ricky Minor. Ricky is a pro. Even if the judges are egging you on, do not call out or blame someone else to defend yourself. Especially someone you will have to work with every week if you make it to the live shows. I didn't have a problem with Ricky's behavior. The pros are there to guide these kids. I have a friend who worked with Ricky for years and has nothing but praise for him. Dude knows his stuff so listen to him and learn something. (Although the grassy knoll person in me thinks someone tipped the judges off to Ricky and Ron's earlier issues so they would egg him on and see what happened.)

Sad to see Adam Lasher go and dismayed that young Daniel is still there. Loren Lott blew me away. I don't remember her other performances but her Skyfall was a showstopper.

Why in the world do they have these kids singing You Light Up My Life? There were at least 2 girls we saw who sang that - one (Alexis) very painfully.

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Was Shi the one who Jennifer said "failed to deliver 3 times?" I know they at least made comments regarding nerves, yet they put her through. Makes no sense. Shi was put through simply for looks.

I think that was Katherine, the fifteen year old with the dead, psychic cat who screeched "Alone."

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I cannot stand that Shi chick.

That is all.



Was Shi the one who Jennifer said "failed to deliver 3 times?" I know they at least made comments regarding nerves, yet they put her through. Makes no sense. Shi was put through simply for looks.



I think she's a beautiful girl that comes across as pretentious and doesn't have a musical identity. She's already mimiced (sp?) Amy Winehouse, Duffy, and poorly attempted Etta James (or was that her real singing voice?). 

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This is one of those rare instances though where I think the judges would be idiots not to keep Shi, even if you see it as just them "taking a flyer" on her, and it's not because I think she's stellar or because I necessarily want to continue to see more of her weekly.  (I may, just saying it's too soon to call for me.)  But if you're going to take a flyer on anyone, tall, skinny, commanding - even her hair screams for attention - Shi is Simon Cowell's dream "That girl LOOKS like a star".  There's practically dollar signs flying about her head, if they can harness her voice.

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