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S04.E12: Some Like It Hot

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I would have minded Helen moving on far less if they'd cut Michelle for not following the challenge properly instead of once again being seduced by Helen's boring and uninspired looks. I've never understood why they love her so much. Michelle is polarizing, but it's a look. It's very identifiable as Michelle's. As far as I can tell, Helen makes clothes that she wouldn't ever wear because she's too Goth for that Laura Ashley drivel.

So much of this episode felt padded and as I was hoping for Sonjai and Dmitry in the finale, I could have done without a good half of it.

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I'm just hate watching to see the season out at this point.  Seriously, Dmitri won?  For that crappy thing?  No one would ever wear that on a red carpet.  It looks homemade and oatmeal won't photograph well.  Wasn't Kate sent home for making a dress the exact same color  as Helen's?  In addition to Hilary Swank wearing it, I swear that I've seen Jennifer Lopez in Michelle's gown.


Why couldn't they just say, Sanjia, you were the only person to actually design something, Congratulations, you win the season by default!  And everybody go home.

  • Love 1

Dale Rogers?   (Roy Rogers' wife - In case you are too young to know, Roy and Dale Rogers were a "cowboy-ish" movie musicals/TV star couple from the 40's-50's who wore lots of fringe-y Hollywood-esque western wear).

Dale always went by Evans professionally, not Rogers.  They lived about a mile from my house and were in the congregation the day my daughter was baptized, and I often ran into Dale in the local stores.  Lovely lady.  

  • Love 9
I get weary of reading the Michelle hate week to week, so let me say for the record that I liked Michelle.



You're not alone. I've always liked Michelle, both in her original season and this season. Would I want to hang out with her? Probably not; she's a bit much, in the "personality plus" department for me.. But I like her aesthetic and I've never found her fake and mean-spirited (at least, any more so than most other competitors). I've never understood why people are so vitriolic about her.


And that was a travesty last night. Helen should have gone home for her original look. It looked like something I would have rejected when going to the prom in 1992 because it was too junior and boring. I can't imagine any movie star wearing that thing on any red carpet. Michelle's may not have been earth-shattering, but I could see it actually being worn in real life on a red carpet.


So I finally was like, I can't anymore and deleted the show from DVR. It's such a joke these days, and I simply CANNOT listen to more dreck coming out of the judge's mouths. The degree of overpraise is laughable - I suppose they feel the need to talk as if even a basic dress is the second-coming and avoid any real criticism in order to prop up the idea that this is a serious design competition and these are serious, talented designers. But, you know...we can see the dresses. Isaac rhapsodizing about how "fresh" and "modern" the simple a-line dress Helen made in the second challenge was was absurd...the whole thing is absurd, and they can't even let me enjoy it as a trainwreck, because they keep insisting that this is such a big deal and so serious.


And it's not just the judges. I mean, christ, when one of the competitors was going on about how the prize of being being a guest designer for DOG COSTUMES was a "big deal" because lots of people put clothes on dogs...give me a break.  


My only question now is whether I also jettison PR: Original Flavor. Probably. I think it will feel cathartic.

  • Love 9

It might have been the way Helen's breakdown was edited, but it looked like she went from zero to sob in a split second. And the tears were sort of flying straight out of her eyes. Projectile weeping. Never seen such a thing before.


I have, in Charlie Brown cartoons!


Color me shocked, but I loved Michelle's gown. It was gorgeous. I can't understand why Helen is still here, and I don't understand that she only makes high end gowns, but they're all in a dishwater color or off-white color. Who are the high end clients buying these dresses, and who goes to Helen, sees the way she dresses, the tattoos, the greasy hair and lack of makeup or even a smile--and says, "hey, yeah, make me a pretty gown!" I don't get it.

  • Love 7

Helen's breakdown was ridiculous on its face, because on her year, Helen actually won the tearing apart the dress which got someone eliminated challenge. She chose to tear apart her BFF Kate's dress, she said because winning with Kate's dress would be revenge for Kate's auffing and a tribute to her. The whole thing made her gleefully happy.


I think Michelle was being completely disingenuous about her supposed concern for Helen - was it last week when she sagely advised Helen not to worry about other peoples' drama and concentrate on her own garment? But Helen was pulling off her own piece of Pretend I'm not frozen in the headlights kabuki with the crying jag.

  • Love 3

Helen's crying sounded totally fake to me...


Completely. Fake fake fake fake fake. </Elaine Benes>


Ugh, and with that greasy hair all I can think is that she probably smells of stale pee. Her red carpet gown was drab and dull. No, beads don't necessarily sparkle and those didn't. How could she rag on Dmitri about dirty mops when her gown looked like it was cobbled together from dust bunnies and chunks of dried out chewing gum?


Ha! I said "Lassie" to myself when Isaac mentioned "75 years," figuring the show wasn't going to trot out an elderly woman (and who would it be, anyway?)!



Me, too! Who else could it be? Loved Dmitri's flummoxed reaction.


And Chacha was robbed I tells ya.

Edited by carrps
  • Love 6

I used to love Project Runway. Remember Austin Scarlett, Jay McCarroll, Kara Saun? How we laughed at and derided Wendy Pepper? Jesus, Wendy is three times the designer anyone in the last five years has been. I am so glad that my beloved Chris March was cut early, he was way too good for this catastrophe. Why oh WHY do the powers that be at Lifetime think we want to see talentless drama queens stir shit and cry? I want to see talented people create some fashion. I can watch the Bachelor or something for losing losers who lose at life. So sad, what a waste. I suppose Face Off will turn someday too. Sob.

  • Love 9


And I don't care if this is insensitive or politically incorrect -- I'm sick of the show rubbing our noses in Alyssa Milano's gigantic distorted body.


Yes!   Thank you!

I was disappointed that Helen will be continuing on.  I thought there was a design disconnect between the bodice and the skirt.  It looked like a nightgown to me.  While Michelle's really didn't break new ground, I thought it looked nice.  I kept expecting Dmitri's model to do The Charleston on her way down the runway.  I liked Sonjia's look the best.  I couldn't wear it but I imagine a young star wearing it.


I liked the "dog break".  Didn't like the fashions but liked the dogs.  I thought one of the dog's expressed my sentiments about tonight's challenges most eloquently when they left the deposit on the carpet.


As to the "design off", I thought Alyssa stated to select three pieces.  If that's the case then Michelle would have been within the guidelines.  I'm not self-abusive enough to watch it On Demand to see.  It was still crap though.   Helen's "breakdown" didn't feel sincere to me at all.   I remember her interview in her season where she bragged about how bad-ass she was as a designer yet all she did was send out crappy stuff and cry.   

Thank goodness this season is just about over.                              

  • Love 3

I don't like Michelle or the great majority of her designs, but I agree with you wholeheartedly that she was robbed.  Her dress was fairly trite, but it was light years ahead of what Helen sent down the runway.  The episode should have ended there, but I suspect that the producers etc wanted more drama.  It's not like this on the spot hour competition is unprecedented.  They do this crud OFTEN.  When the hour started, Michelle was calm and working while Helen was melting down. I figured it would be a replay of the past hour competition where Amanda spent most of the alloted time complaining that she was way too talented to have to compete with her opponent (was that Char?  I'm blanking.).  I think Helen's meltdown threw Michelle off her pace.    Michelle clearly lost the hour challenge more than Helen won it.  I was sad to see that, even given that I don't like Michelle's work overall.



I keep wondering whey Alyssa's stylists keep putting her in such form fitting dresses show after show.  Why not mix it up a bit with something a bit more flowing?  I don't think a pregnant woman should hide her body, but some diversity in style of those dresses would be refreshing.

I think you're thinking of Korina pouting about the sew-off.  

  • Love 2

Dale always went by Evans professionally, not Rogers.  They lived about a mile from my house and were in the congregation the day my daughter was baptized, and I often ran into Dale in the local stores.  Lovely lady.  

You're right - I had her professional name incorrect.  I'm sure she was a lovely lady.

But, that was who I thought of when I saw Zanna's outfit last night, LOL!! 

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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one on here suffering from extreme fatigue as we limp towards the finales of PR and Top Chefs. With PR, I know for me a huge part of the problem is that they crank out seasons back to back to back with very short breaks. And just because someone was on the show does not make them and All Star. The term has lost its meaning. For casting it is like they threw everyone's name in a bag from all seasons and drew out an AS cast each time. Whether we want to see them (again). Whether they have any actual versatile talent...or not. It does get frustrating. I mean, even Top Chef and Top Model have so far limited an AS season to one (though it is debatable as to those being reality redemption arcs or not....and I have a feeling Helen and her distracting tattoos are headed for the win). Add things like Under the Gunn and Threads to the mix and PR is never off the screen. I guess we'll see what happens, though!

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The best part of the show for me is seeing what Zanna is wearing, and she didn't disappoint.  She looks like a rodeo clown.  And what is with her awful hair?  Ever heard of conditioner, color and perhaps a flat iron?


I echo all of you who said that the design-off was just manufactured drama.  I think poor Issac (who has an inconceivable obsession with Helen) and the producers predicted that Helen-the-famous-red-carpet-designer would bomb, so they had this little showdown to ensure that she would move forward.  Although the judges should have had no option but to eliminate Helen for her truly ordinary slip dress of a dubious color, they had this little contest to ensure she stayed.  If she wins, we know the fix was always in.  I never understood the love for some of the crappy stuff she has sent down the runway.  I was truly sorry that I would have to see her in the finale. I would definitely prefer Michelle (what did I just say??).


Here's a sample of Helen-the-famous-red-carpet-designer:




These have more color and style than anything she's tried on PR, but hardly noteworthy.  


Can't decide if I liked Dimitri's. Seeing it walk down the runway and the weird way the fringe moved was unflattering.  It was well done as usual and I didn't dislike it, but I thought all (with the exception of Helen's boring gown which was horrible) were okay, nothing great.  So what do you get when you add up a one-day challenge, a break for dog clothes, and an impossible challenge ?  You get the runway we got.

Edited by treestar13
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I am so tired of Helen's "I design for the red carpet" and then her dismissal of Michelle's statement that Helen's dress didn't have sparkler with her "she's telling a red carpet designer for the Grammy's that I don't know sparkles" and then they showed a quick photo of the dress she designed.  Really a basic red dress with straps that looked boring and ill fitting.  And, I have no idea who the 'star' was wearing her dress.   

When Helen starting sobbing I actually said out loud "Michelle, just ignore her and keep sewing."  But did Michelle listen to me?  No.  Sigh.

I felt a little dirty when they showed Helen's red Grammy dress last night, because when I saw it that night, I had no idea designed it and I thought Mary Lambert looked gorgeous in it (and I don't remember noticing any fit issues). Mary Lambert is featured on Macklemore's "Same Love," and she sang it that night with Macklemore, and later Madonna, as Queen Latifah married 33 couples and I cried like a baby but not....segue...as hard as Helen did last night. 


I feel dirty again, because I did feel for her when she had to tear up someone else's garments. I can't stand her, but it must actually be difficult to destroy a garment someone you'd been going through the competition with created, when you may have talked with them about in the workroom, might have seen their enthusiasm and pride. I dunno. I get it if it was real. But still, I hate that she got in. Michelle's black dress was so much better (damning with faint praise).   

  • Love 2


I think poor Issac (who has an inconceivable obsession with Helen)


I go back and forth re: how I feel about Helen, but I did laugh when she complimented Isaac and he said, "Are you that desperate to win [that you'll tell me I look more handsome up close]?" and her mock-flirty joking response just amused me. I also laughed at her comments about the dog: "Shit happens! What are you going to do?" LOL. So true.

  • Love 2

I was actually embarrassed for Helen last night, with that hysterical half breakdown. If it was manufactured to make me feel sorry for her and like she has the right to win, they failed on that score. I have zero sympathies for people on reality shows, especially people who have been on a show before and come back for a second (or third) go round. You know what awaits you. You KNOW there are going to be totally nonsensical challenges and lack of sleep and never ever enough time. Don't give me that crap. I really wish that Chris and Alexandra at least were still there. Or maybe not. Maybe they are glad they got out of this shit show before it got worse.

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You know what awaits you. You KNOW there are going to be totally nonsensical challenges and lack of sleep and never ever enough time.


Knowing that you're going to be put through the wringer and not have enough sleep doesn't mean you can mentally handle everything, no problem, when you're in the midst of it all. They're human. Sometimes things get to you, even when you don't want them to. I saw Helen trying to keep working, as her eyes got redder and redder, and finally she couldn't take it anymore and the dam burst. When you're that tired, sometimes you simply cannot control your emotions every second, not the way you want to, so... you can mentally prepare all you want, but when your body has had it, it doesn't matter how much you try to think your way through it. Sometimes you can't control it.


I don't love the clothes she makes and I don't think she deserves to win, but I think that is separate from an emotional moment like this. I feel bad for her, I get why she was upset and why she lost it. 

  • Love 3


I feel dirty again, because I did feel for her when she had to tear up someone else's garments. I can't stand her, but it must actually be difficult to destroy a garment someone you'd been going through the competition with created, when you may have talked with them about in the workroom, might have seen their enthusiasm and pride. I dunno. I get it if it was real. But still, I hate that she got in. Michelle's black dress was so much better (damning with faint praise).


I'm a designer (graphic, not fashion!) and you know what? Sometimes someone else's design misses the mark and you're asked to go in there, tear it down, save what you can, and remake the rest. No, it doesn't feel good to tear apart someone else's work -- and for me, it was usually a team member sitting right next to me, not an absent competitor -- but every professional knows that no matter how much pride, enthusiasm, and hard work you put into your creation, sometimes it's going to get trashed. It's the subjective nature of the beast, and doesn't require an emotional breakdown. I get that the contestants are under a lot of pressure, and could have understood the crying on its own due to the pressure, but to couch it as hypersensitivity to others' feelings didn't ring true.


I'm no fan of Michelle or her designs but I would have much preferred to see a final collection from her rather than one-note Helen. Based on their original gowns last night that third spot was rightfully Michelle's. I wonder what would have happened had Michelle used three looks and created something that wasn't totally ridiculous as opposed to Helen's boring-as-hell-but-not-insane-plus-I-followed-the-rules sad sack du jour. What kind of crap would the judges have had to spout to still justify Helen as final three?

Edited by designing1
  • Love 5

Argh! For such an important elimination I wish they had given them two days to create something timeless and memorable! I liked parts of each of their dresses, but I thought each of them had problems.


Dmitry - I mostly liked it, but something about the 3 tiers of fringe just didn't quite work for me - I can't quite put my finger on it. And unlike the guest judge, I did not like the plastic shoulder straps - I thought they kind of cheapened the look a little.


Michelle - Yes it was a simple design, but I thought the black sparkly material was actually quite eye-catching and pretty. I just thought it was maybe a little too much on the sheer side to fit the "timeless" requirement -  I could clearly see the model's underwear under the dress!


Helen - Yawn, boring. And I didn't like Georgina's suggestion of moving the waist up - I'm so tired of empire waists and baby doll dresses, ugh! (Maybe I'm slightly biased since I personally cannot wear those styles! ;')


Sonjia - I liked the bow top - I thought it was rather clever, although I'm not sure if it would really work on a variety of body types as one of the judges said. I do agree with Georgina that it seemed like the mini skirt distracted the eye away from the bow top - I think it would've been better if the skirt were long.


Stupid 1 hour challenge - 

I have no love lost for Michelle and her "look how clever I am" talking heads, but I think she was robbed. She should have moved onto the final without having to do that stupid 1 hour challenge. That said, I thought her 1 hour look was awful (and I can't believe she let herself make such a huge mistake in not using at least 3 of the looks - she should have been disqualified on that point alone!). I thought her "pancho" or whatever she called it was super fugly - I'm dumbfounded that the judges found anything positive to say about it. Helen's 1 hour creation was not much better. I would much rather see a final collection by Michelle. At least it would be creative and interesting unlike the sad-sack collection that Helen will send down the runway.


Oh well, regardless, Dmitry for the win!! I hope he shows us something beautiful and expertly tailored that we haven't seen from him before!


  • Love 5

Jmo, but Michelle never should have made it this far anyway...she has not exactly dazzles this season. I thought the times she was in the bottom she should have been gone. So to me, it is not like she was robbed. It was always obvious these judges had a thing for Helen, so whoever the fourth person was, was going to be in trouble. Figured it would have been Justin. But Helen still would have advanced.

  • Love 2

Here's a sample of Helen-the-famous-red-carpet-designer:


These have more color and style than anything she's tried on PR, but hardly noteworthy.


Is this her only client?  I suspect given the publication, it's her one plus-size client.  Still, I wonder just how big her clientele really is.  No, you know, I really don't care.  I don't like her aesthetic at all, and am beyond tired of her serious lack of design range.

Edited by yeswedo
removed comments on other posters opinions
  • Love 1

Helen's dress could have been more memorable - to me, anyway - in a great shade of eye-popping red.  Red on the red carpet has been and when it is a great shade of red, I love a beautiful red dress but the color was just so blah.


The breakdown was bizarre and I fast forwarded through it because it made me uncomfortable - I know that stuff is catnip to producers of "reality" shows but I personally, find it all, really distasteful.  They don't need to add that crap in for me to watch - oh well.


8 pieces next week seems like a lot in just 4 days but what do I know?  (nothing about fashion….)

  • Love 6

Argh! For such an important elimination I wish they had given them two days to create something timeless and memorable! I liked parts of each of their dresses, but I thought each of them had problems.


Dmitry - I mostly liked it, but something about the 3 tiers of fringe just didn't quite work for me - I can't quite put my finger on it. And unlike the guest judge, I did not like the plastic shoulder straps - I thought they kind of cheapened the look a little.


Michelle - Yes it was a simple design, but I thought the black sparkly material was actually quite eye-catching and pretty. I just thought it was maybe a little too much on the sheer side to fit the "timeless" requirement -  I could clearly see the model's underwear under the dress!


Helen - Yawn, boring. And I didn't like Georgina's suggestion of moving the waist up - I'm so tired of empire waists and baby doll dresses, ugh! (Maybe I'm slightly biased since I personally cannot wear those styles! ;')


Sonjia - I liked the bow top - I thought it was rather clever, although I'm not sure if it would really work on a variety of body types as one of the judges said. I do agree with Georgina that it seemed like the mini skirt distracted the eye away from the bow top - I think it would've been better if the skirt were long.


Stupid 1 hour challenge - 

I have no love lost for Michelle and her "look how clever I am" talking heads, but I think she was robbed. She should have moved onto the final without having to do that stupid 1 hour challenge. That said, I thought her 1 hour look was awful (and I can't believe she let herself make such a huge mistake in not using at least 3 of the looks - she should have been disqualified on that point alone!). I thought her "pancho" or whatever she called it was super fugly - I'm dumbfounded that the judges found anything positive to say about it. Helen's 1 hour creation was not much better. I would much rather see a final collection by Michelle. At least it would be creative and interesting unlike the sad-sack collection that Helen will send down the runway.


Oh well, regardless, Dmitry for the win!! I hope he shows us something beautiful and expertly tailored that we haven't seen from him before!


I think Heidi Klum would have been drooling over Michelle's dress as well (even though, as I mentioned upthread that she loves fringe). 

Oh, wait, Heidi would probably have wanted to wear it with the deep plunge in the front.....

  • Love 3

They managed to turn a win-win (Helen or Michelle goes home) into a lose-lose (one of them stays). Helen's gown was straight off the David's Bridal $99 rack. So though I can't stand her, I was rooting for Michelle- until she got all nauseatingly cutesy when they questioned her about not using three designs. Can I vote for none of the above?

  • Love 2

I actually liked all four of the dresses but none of them said "Marilyn Monroe" to me.  I would have had Helen in 4th place and she would have been auffed. 


I didn't realize she specialized in red carpet dresses.  Not that I research this topic heavily, but I have seen Christian Siriano and Michael Costello looks on the red carpets.  Had never caught any of Helen's.


If Helen wins, I might have to give up on Project Runway.

  • Love 1

I'm a designer (graphic, not fashion!) and you know what? Sometimes someone else's design misses the mark and you're asked to go in there, tear it down, save what you can, and remake the rest. No, it doesn't feel good to tear apart someone else's work -- and for me, it was usually a team member sitting right next to me, not an absent competitor -- but every professional knows that no matter how much pride, enthusiasm, and hard work you put into your creation, sometimes it's going to get trashed. 


Yep, and that's the difference between being a "commercial artist" as opposed to a "fine artist". It's a way for talented people to make a living but the downside is that you are often realizing another person's vision, or having your work torn apart based on the whim of a client ("make the logo bigger"). Helen should know that by now.

  • Love 5


I actually liked all four of the dresses but none of them said "Marilyn Monroe" to me.


I think that's what disappointed me the most. What they came up with was fine, but lacked the drama and sensuality of something Marilyn would wear. The closest I felt was Michelle's gown (which needed a little something "different" to make it stand out) and Sonjia's top (which had the dramatic ruffle, like others have mentioned, which reminded of Madonna's pink Marilyn outfit - I just wish it hadn't been that garish gold color and that it had a more dramatic skirt that more smoothly matched the top). I really longed to see some true glamour gowns, and we just didn't get it. 


Is this her only client?  I suspect given the publication, it's her one plus-size client.  Still, I wonder just how big her clientele really is.  No, you know, I really don't care.  I don't like her aesthetic at all, and am beyond tired of her serious lack of design range.


On her website, the 3 Lambert dresses were the only ones shown under "celebrity."  http://www.designerhelen.com/#!celebrity/c1mg3



And it's not just the judges. I mean, christ, when one of the competitors was going on about how the prize of being being a guest designer for DOG COSTUMES was a "big deal" because lots of people put clothes on dogs...give me a break


LOL!  Those talking head shots after the show announces some "cool" person or company crack me up.  Like when Mary Kay's best makeup artist comes to help, the TH goes all crazy like that's the best thing that could ever happen to a designer.  (Thankfully the MK makeup seems a bit better this season, but the original recipe season it was horrible).  


I will say that this season's judging has gotten worse as episodes go by.  But I also think there is so much less drama than on PR, and the one hour time frame helps as well.  I can do without all the drahma.  And I guess the judging will always be bad.  I miss MK.


What made the statement that Marilyn was the first Hollywood icon even more laughable is that the judges picked Dmitry's 20's/flapper inspired look for the win.

Well, the title of the episode was named after the movie in which Marilyn played a 20's flapper. 


You mean this HASN'T been running for three years????!!??  I thought it started about the same time as the current iteration of Top Chef, which I believe began its Boston season in late 2009.

Indeed.  I feel like I'm watching both shows on autopilot.  With PR  I'm tired of even complaining about the ludicrously small amounts of time the designers are given to complete the challenges.  And the finale collections!! Jesus fucking christ.  They used to have MONTHS to complete them.

  • Love 3


Projectile weeping


LMAO. Thank you, I needed that after watching this. Even my sleep-deprived, cold-medicine addled brain registered a high level of BS. 


Hey, Helen of Faux Cry? Or, Helen of the Projectile Tears? You do not "go to finale." You go to THE finale. Use your articles. They're just teeny little words and make you sound really grown up.


A little Amish schoolgirl with raggedy fangs on her collar - excuse me, SPARKLY fangs - is a good look? What color is the sky in that universe?


Double elimination, PRAS. Learn it, use it.


I really wish one of the dogs had a chance to pee on Zanna's leg. Or maybe in her hair. She reeks of being someone's toadie anyway.


Good god, Alyssa, we get it. You're pregnant. Your turning sideways and rubbing your hands over your "bump" while everyone goes "oooooooh" is rather...erm, weird at this point. I can understand your being excited, but to expect everyone else to keep fawning over you because you're doing what women have been doing for millions of years? Sheesh, give it a rest, already.








  • Love 8

I skipped several episodes, and only tuned in because it said Red Carpet dresses and four finalists, and I figured there would be some cool designs.

I figured wrong. The bottom two, Michelle and Helen, were actually - to my eye - no designs at all, just an absolutely basic black dress with no features at all, except the dipped back [don't even mention the obligatory chain-ette], and a basic spaghetti-strap dress. You could, seriously, buy a pattern for either of 'em in the Butterick book or the McCall book (probably the Vogue book wouldn't bother), and then use a sparkly fabric. End of story.

Gawd ! What wouldn't Christian Siriano have done, or Chris March, or even Rami (he'd have draped it), or Austin Scarlett. They'd have done ** stuff**, an actual design. These are the cream-of-the-crop, beat-out-all-the-others designers at this point?

May check by the finale week(s) but after last night I couldn't care much.

For some hot design ideas I'll just drop by my JoAnn's Fabrics and look at some pattern books.

  • Love 1

I can't believe they're supposed to create 8 outfits in 4 days for the finale (plus who knows what BS they may throw at them in the middle of it). I  thought one day to make an outfit sucked, but now for the big grand finale they're getting in essence half a day per look?  Even if they stay up 24 hours, don't eat, don't sleep, and don't stop to pee, that's not very much time. I always enjoyed seeing the collections the designers came up with after having weeks (or was it months?) to work on them. I'll still watch this finale just because I'm curious now, but seriously, how can they be expected to create anything good in that short time frame? 


I wonder if designers in future seasons will create their finale collections before they even start the show?  Seems like that'd be their best bet. Then they could take those few days to make any needed modifications, rather than trying to create a whole collection of 8 looks from scratch. It seems like the only way to come up with a solid collection.

I can't believe they're supposed to create 8 outfits in 4 days for the finale (plus who knows what BS they may throw at them in the middle of it). I  thought one day to make an outfit sucked, but now for the big grand finale they're getting in essence half a day per look?  Even if they stay up 24 hours, don't eat, don't sleep, and don't stop to pee, that's not very much time. I always enjoyed seeing the collections the designers came up with after having weeks (or was it months?) to work on them. I'll still watch this finale just because I'm curious now, but seriously, how can they be expected to create anything good in that short time frame? 


I wonder if designers in future seasons will create their finale collections before they even start the show?  Seems like that'd be their best bet. Then they could take those few days to make any needed modifications, rather than trying to create a whole collection of 8 looks from scratch. It seems like the only way to come up with a solid collection.


Since I don't trust anything about this franchise any more, I wonder if that's not exactly what they do.

  • Love 4

If musical comedy star ChaCha and fashion comedy star Zanna Roberts Rossi both entered the workroom and I could choose which one would be my mentor -- there's no contest, and I'm not even kidding. "Well, ChaCha, my woman is going to a red carpet event.  Where are you going?"


Thanks for the mention upthread of Florence Lawrence, The First Movie Star.  Very interesting story, that dame.


To whomever suggested that even Wendy Pepper is a better designer than any of our current crop, I respectfully, emphatically, really, really a lot, disagree.


I thought Dmitry's dress -- IMO a chic, contemporary take on the white fringe number Marilyn as Sugar wore to seduce her (faux) millionaire in SLIH -- definitely deserved the win.  Helen's limp dress warranted her elimination, but as Michelle knows well, S#$% happens.


Squeezing out tears that shoot across space must take loads of practice.

Edited by JohnnyGilda
  • Love 3


And I don't care if this is insensitive or politically incorrect -- I'm sick of the show rubbing our noses in Alyssa Milano's gigantic distorted body.


I don't mind her body.  It's what she puts on it that works my last nerve.

Re Alyssa Milano's getup this week, well as someone who has been enormously pregnant and wore form fitting jumpsuits (IT WAS THE 80s), I couldn't with that whiteness. All I saw was a giant boob with a 'nipple', and once I did I couldn't unsee it.


I assume she's wearing her own designs -- they've all been pretty awful.


Not as awful as Zanna's critique dress, though.  Holy crap, that was ugly.

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I don't like Michelle, but she should have stayed over Helen. She can come up with really innovative designs and she is one of the contestants that could actually design for women of all sizes. Helen isn't even a designer. Her designs are all uncreative, boring and repetitive. There is nothing that she has ever designed that hasn't already been done before by someone else and that actually impressed me. I haven't understood any of her wins in this season or in her original one.


I've liked a lot of Sonjia's designs and think she will win the whole thing, but her dress was awful. The bow looked cheap and out of proportion with the rest of the dress. It was almost costume-like. The idea was good and it might have been better in different material or smaller, with more fabric underneath it.


I hate fringe (a lot, when will this trend go away?), so was meh on Dmitry's. I liked the parts of it that weren't fringe though.

Edited by wudpixie

I think Helen's work has been horrible for several episodes now, despite her landing in the top (apparently because the producers like the drama that she brings.)  Though, I would have been happy seeing Dimitry go home just because I don't think he should be given a second win.  Sanji needs to be the winner, since she is amazing but was cut before the finale of S10.  Though I'm sure the collection she would have/did make back then would have been better since it wasn't 4 days of work...  And I had to laugh that it's honestly considered a prize to be the costume designer for a lifetime original miniseries!  Dimitry is going to be designing some ultra-cheezy crap for d-list actors to wear as they impersonate some dead celebrities or actors in an eighties tv show. 

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And I had to laugh that it's honestly considered a prize to be the costume designer for a lifetime original miniseries!  Dimitry is going to be designing some ultra-cheezy crap for d-list actors to wear as they impersonate some dead celebrities or actors in an eighties tv show. 


And wasn't there something else about designing for dogs?  Some big opportunity to do canine couture?  I've deleted the show, so I can't go back and check, but I seem to remember that.  Laughable.

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