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Movie Going Experiences

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I also have a friend who loves to talk during the movie and he gets really offended when I ignore him.  I told him that unless it is an emergency, when we are at the movies I could care less what you have to say.


Ugh. I have relatives that I try my best not to watch stuff with them, because they need to comment/ask questions, talking over the dialogue that will probably answer said questions. Gah. And one of them does not grasp the concept of spoilers; so I can never watch anything together that they've seen that I haven't.

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I have a story for everyone.  A couple of years ago I went to see some Clive Owen movie (I cannot remember which one and I do not want to look it up).  Anyway this lady sits next to me and throughout the entire movie she gave a running commentary to the guy sitting next to her about what was going on in the movie.  Now had she be younger I would just pass it off as her trying to troll people but this lady had to be in her mid to late forties so I really could not understand why she was doing this.

Finally I had had enough and I told her to shut up.  She looked at me with a stunned look on her face and she said, "Why are you being rude to me?  You are not supposed to tell a woman to shut up."  My reply was, "Normally I would never speak to a woman like that but for the last half hour you have been giving a running play-by-play of the movie.  I wasn't expecting to sit next to Howard Cosell.  I can't even follow this movie because you are talking too much and in your normal voice.  Lady I'm not being rude, you're the one being rude."

She looked at me incredulously and said, "This is a free country and I am allowed to talk.  If you don't like it then you can move your seat!"  Other people started telling her to be quiet as well and she said to the guy she was sitting with, "I guess some people don't respect women.  So I am going to be nice and not talk."

I honestly thought I was being Punked or in an episode of the Twilight Zone.  I have never come across someone like that in the movies before.

Hilarious story. What does respecting a woman have to do with telling her to STFU in the movies? 


And I love your Howard Cosell reference. Unfortunately, I don't know if there will be ever be anyone else like him. I couldn't imagine laughing at "I wasn't expecting to sit next to Bob Costas." Or Al Michaels. 

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We didn't see young kids when we went to Deadpool. After reading some reviews, we decided against bringing our 10 year old daughter. She was fine with Kingsman, also rated R, but that violence was more stylized. This...yeah, glad we didn't bring her.


It was great seeing it with a large crowd. There was one woman who found something so funny she was laughing so long after the rest that the audience cracked up again. Love that stuff. Reminded me of when we saw Guardians of the Galaxy and audience member replied to the statement of "We did it." with "Nuh-uh."

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We didn't see young kids when we went to Deadpool. After reading some reviews, we decided against bringing our 10 year old daughter. She was fine with Kingsman, also rated R, but that violence was more stylized. This...yeah, glad we didn't bring her.


It was great seeing it with a large crowd. There was one woman who found something so funny she was laughing so long after the rest that the audience cracked up again. Love that stuff. Reminded me of when we saw Guardians of the Galaxy and audience member replied to the statement of "We did it." with "Nuh-uh."


I love the collective movie experience thing.  I understand how some people might not appreciate it, but I love being in a crowd that's not only into a movie, but participating in it. 

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Sorry if I told this story before (I'm old), but one of my favorite moments was taking my kids to Cinderella. When the fairy godmother started debating which vegetable/fruit to use for the carriage, one of mine (on the spectrum) started muttering, "Pick the pumpkin." As she dithered, he got louder and, luckily, the audience around us laughed harder. He was so relieved that she finally took his advice.

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This looks like the right thread for this... a NSFW PSA apparently released along with Hardcore Henry, at Alamo Drafthouse (which is half the country away from me).


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I love the collective movie experience thing.  I understand how some people might not appreciate it, but I love being in a crowd that's not only into a movie, but participating in it. 


2 funniest movie experiences of 2015:


Magic Mike XXL.

I have never been to a strip club, but I swear, this movie experience seemed like it would be crazier than one.  I went with 3 other women.  Just imagine CONSTANT SCREAMING from the beginning to the end.  My favourite movie of 2015, and one of my favourite movie-going experiences of all time.  The ENTIRE theatre was just so damn into it, I am surprised that money wasn't tossed at the screen.  I was so sad when it was over.


The Perfect Guy.

Not a great movie by any means - a perfectly average one - but again, a whole bunch of women just having a great time, screaming nearly the entire time, but for obviously different reasons!  (It's about Michael Ealy being romantic interest who seems great at first, then progressively crazy/stalkery).


I managed at a movie theatre for a few years, so I've seen it all.  You can always complain to an usher or manager if someone is disrupting your filmgoing experience.   We give them a talking-to, and if it keeps going, we ask them to leave.


I'm not sure if you guys know this, but in Canada, theatres make 90% of their money from concessions, not movie tickets.  So that explains your prices.  And in my opinion, the last people you should be complaining about it to is the people who sell it who make minimum wage.  Rather you'd ask for the manager, and yell at us, who also have nothing to do with it, but at least are getting paid more to listen.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Ok, that sucks.  I can't believe they are going to change their rules like that.  Maybe we should start a campaign against it.


I just now came online to look for this exact thread because I had a question:  Has anyone been to a 4D theater?  They have one here and we want to experience it, but it's so expensive, we'd have to pick just one movie--it's not something we could afford all the time.  Pick the wrong one (one with too much talking) and you're not going to get the best experience.  I've had people tell me that Age of Ultron was ok, but not as much fun as Star Wars.  I'm thinking  of choosing either CA: Civil War or Suicide Squad.  I know we can't know for sure, but what does your gut instinct tell you would be the best choice?  I'm thinking Suicide Squad, the rest of the family thinks CA will be just fine. 

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And I may STOP going to movies or at least request a text-free showing ....It's not like a bright glaring screen and the "tap, tap, tap" of flying thumbs is going to be a distraction or anything.


I don't care where I'm sitting in the theater, once the lights go down and someone whips out their phone to text, I can see it.


And really, you can't put your damn phone away for two hours?????


If the text is that important, get out of your seat and leave to deal with it, don't ruin it for everyone else.

I just now came online to look for this exact thread because I had a question:  Has anyone been to a 4D theater?  They have one here and we want to experience it, but it's so expensive, we'd have to pick just one movie--it's not something we could afford all the time.  Pick the wrong one (one with too much talking) and you're not going to get the best experience.  I've had people tell me that Age of Ultron was ok, but not as much fun as Star Wars.  I'm thinking  of choosing either CA: Civil War or Suicide Squad.  I know we can't know for sure, but what does your gut instinct tell you would be the best choice?  I'm thinking Suicide Squad, the rest of the family thinks CA will be just fine. 




Edited by OakGoblinFly
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I had a 4D theater experience. It was...interesting. It wasn't a major feature film, though, so that might be the key.

Attractions at Disney have used 4D, as well as some movies at museums I've gone to. It's cute.
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Ok, that sucks.  I can't believe they are going to change their rules like that.  Maybe we should start a campaign against it.


I just now came online to look for this exact thread because I had a question:  Has anyone been to a 4D theater?  They have one here and we want to experience it, but it's so expensive, we'd have to pick just one movie--it's not something we could afford all the time.  Pick the wrong one (one with too much talking) and you're not going to get the best experience.  I've had people tell me that Age of Ultron was ok, but not as much fun as Star Wars.  I'm thinking  of choosing either CA: Civil War or Suicide Squad.  I know we can't know for sure, but what does your gut instinct tell you would be the best choice?  I'm thinking Suicide Squad, the rest of the family thinks CA will be just fine. 


I haven't been to a 4D theater, but both seem like good options. I'm tilting slightly towards Suicide Squad, though.

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This may be too "get off my lawn"-ish, but I don't need extra sensations to get engrossed in a film.  During my experience, the seats were shifting and water spraying, and it took me out of watching the film itself (especially since I was wearing glasses at the time).  I can understand why the younger set would enjoy it. 

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I had a 4D theater experience.  It was...interesting. It wasn't a major feature film, though, so that might be the key.  



I'm still on 2D. 3D gives me a ginormous headache so all 4D would do is blow weird things on me while I'm writhing in pain. No thanks.



I've done the fully immersive experience at theme parks and such – after about 15 minutes I found myself dealing with vertigo, nausea, and migraines (it happens with 3D movies too).  Some IMAX fills also give me vertigo - which is weird becuase if you put me on a roller coaster I'm perfectly fine.


It’s like my eyes are telling my brain that I’m moving through space while my body is telling my brain I’m not moving . . . . the resulting “war” causes me to become ill.

Edited by OakGoblinFly
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The AMC we go to has movies for sensory sensitive kids and their families, which I think is a fabulous idea. The thought behind allowing texting/social media--trying to make it an experience that a demographic would enjoy isn't such a bad one. Especially if they were to have certain showings or theaters that allowed texting and social media, I can see that. But allowing it in all showings/theaters/ Yeah, no. 

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Ok, that sucks.  I can't believe they are going to change their rules like that.  Maybe we should start a campaign against it.


I just now came online to look for this exact thread because I had a question:  Has anyone been to a 4D theater?  They have one here and we want to experience it, but it's so expensive, we'd have to pick just one movie--it's not something we could afford all the time.  Pick the wrong one (one with too much talking) and you're not going to get the best experience.  I've had people tell me that Age of Ultron was ok, but not as much fun as Star Wars.  I'm thinking  of choosing either CA: Civil War or Suicide Squad.  I know we can't know for sure, but what does your gut instinct tell you would be the best choice?  I'm thinking Suicide Squad, the rest of the family thinks CA will be just fine. 


Shannon L.  answering your question from the other thread. I don't know much about 4D but personally I wouldn't watch Civil War in 4D. I have tickets to see it again on opening weekend in IMAX 3D, and I don't think the 3D is necessary either.

IMAX for sure but I don't think you'll miss anything if you don't have 3D or 4D, it might be better without the extras.


The Jungle Book on the other hand I would recommend 4D, for a more immersive experience. 

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Thank you, dkb!  The idea is that the more action there is, the better the experience.  Age of Ultron rated an "ok" because it was a lot of talking until the very end.  I think we'll hold out for Suicide Squad.

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Thank you, dkb! The idea is that the more action there is, the better the experience. Age of Ultron rated an "ok" because it was a lot of talking until the very end. I think we'll hold out for Suicide Squad.

Ohh, if it's about action then you should be good for Civil War. I read the above article about the rain simulation and stuff. The action starts fairly quickly and there are multiple action scenes. But there are scenes that are more conversation based as seen in the trailer.

But just personally watching it regularly for the screening I didn't feel like I missed anything. So maybe Suicide Squad would be the better choice.

Now I gotta go check if there are any 4D theatres in Toronto.

Edit: I'm so dumb, it's the red seats at Cineplex which are called D-Box.

Edited by dkb
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This looks like the right thread for this... a NSFW PSA apparently released along with Hardcore Henry, at Alamo Drafthouse (which is half the country away from me).


I am fortunate enough to live in a city with more than one Alamo Drafthouse, and I love them. No texting, no talking, no small kids, and no ads. Their CEO had this to say about AMC's proposed (and now abandoned) idea to allow texting. While they don't actually have goons come beat you up if you are talking or texting, they do give you a warning and then escort you out if you continue to violate those rules. That approach makes for a consistently positive movie-going experience.

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4D, at least how one company does it


I think it's only in LA and will open maybe in other cities this summer.

That website was so counter-productive for me because 1) it reminded me of Disney rides, where I got distracted with trying to see the mechanism of everything and completely ignored what was on the screen in front of me and 2) I want to see the presumably fake movie they're showing in the effects videos. Who is that woman with butterflies for hair, and why is she so angry?


Also, two hours of 4D seems excessive. Is it constant, or just during important scenes?

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Also, two hours of 4D seems excessive. Is it constant, or just during important scenes?

I could be wrong, but I assume it's just during action scenes.  Like I said--the people who recommended it to me said that Age of Ultron was just "ok" because there was too much talking in it. 

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I didn't even understand the reason behind this.  If you can't stop texting for the length of the movie, stay home.  I don't even understand why this was a consideration.  So glad they came to their senses. 


It's a really sad day when we are changing movie theaters to accommodate people who want to do something other than watch a movie.  So strange.

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I didn't even understand the reason behind this.  If you can't stop texting for the length of the movie, stay home.  I don't even understand why this was a consideration.  So glad they came to their senses.

I always have my phone on my lap on vibrate because I have kids and I go to the movies when they are in school and my husband's job is too far away for him to deal with emergencies.  However, I'm lucky that our theaters are set up so that there's a hallway that you can stand in and still see the movie, so if they do text me for something important, I can step into the hallway and respond (if I have to) without bothering anyone.  I do tell them, though, that I'm going to be at a movie from this time to this time, so they are not to text me unless it's urgent.  Casual texting during a movie can wait.  If it's important, you should step outside and respond.  I'm so glad AMC took this one off the table before they even tried it.

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My only experience with 4D was at Disney World where you are guaranteed that something will rub against your legs, which creeps me out. I don't want to have to watch an entire movie with my legs to my chest.

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My only experience with 4D was at Disney World where you are guaranteed that something will rub against your legs, which creeps me out. I don't want to have to watch an entire movie with my legs to my chest.

I've always loved Star Tours, but the first time I experienced something like what you're describing was in the Shrek short film--I think it was at Universal Studios--and the things flipping against our ankles were supposed to be rat tails. ::shudder::   I'm still up for the experience, though.

Edited by Shannon L.
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My only experience with 4D was at Disney World where you are guaranteed that something will rub against your legs, which creeps me out. I don't want to have to watch an entire movie with my legs to my chest.

Ah, memories that I had managed to repress until now:

- Something brushing against my leg after the box of rats was knocked over in "Honey, I Shrank the Audience"

- The feeling of hot, moist breath on my neck in a pitch-dark room during the "Aliens" show

Thanks, Disney, for the awesome 4D experiences! [/sarcasm]

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I saw Nocturnal Animals in a very small auditorium at a Regal. There were probably about 10 or so people there. After the movie finished, one woman went, "Wait, that was it? Maybe if we sit here the real ending will come up." Then a man went, "Wow. Rotten Tomatoes lied." Everyone basically left the theater talking about how much it sucked.

The last time I went to a showing where people talked about bad the movie was for the Witch. And god, that one was horrible.

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Aw, I loved that one.

My vacation to LA last month afforded me the chance to see Dr. Strange in IMAX 3D, which was definitely the way to see that movie's trippy dimension-hopping and reality-warping sequences. (Also the old Chinese Theatre's decor and display cases made it feel like you were emerging into the movie's setting afterwards.)

I'm left wondering if Avatar might not have bored me to tears if watched in that format.

Edited by Bruinsfan
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I've always just sort of assumed that sad, depressing movies aren't movies you go and make out to. Tonight I learnt that I was wrong, since the couple next to me at Manchester by the Sea were practically climbing each other throughout the entire film, starting during the trailers and just never stopped. Well, no, to be fair they stopped for air during the most dramatic moments, but oh my effing god, still. What on Earth about this film says "Oh yeah, hot, let's get it on"?! I actually don't think I've ever been distracted by people snogging in the cinema before (which I guess is a pretty impressive streak), but man, I really didn't expect (or want) this film to be the first one.

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I'd prefer snogging to having to hear tiny children crying and screaming because their guardians decided it was cheaper to take them to movies with scenes and situations tough enough for mature adults to have to process instead of just paying sitters so they could watch a flick by themselves.

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When I saw Dr. Strange there was someone sitting up front who clapped after every single one of the trailers, and a few of the more dramatic parts of the movie.  Then again, maybe I was spoiled after seeing Captain America Civil War on a last day matinee.  I had the whole theater to myself.  It was awesome.

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2 hours ago, Schweedie said:

I've always just sort of assumed that sad, depressing movies aren't movies you go and make out to.

I'm having Seinfeld flashbacks: "You were making out during Schindler's List?!"


Tonight I learnt that I was wrong, since the couple next to me at Manchester by the Sea were practically climbing each other throughout the entire film, starting during the trailers and just never stopped. Well, no, to be fair they stopped for air during the most dramatic moments, but oh my effing god, still.

Were they young?  Forget the genre of film, I can't imagine spending that kind of money and then not watching it.  If you don't have a home of your own, go make out in the car.  Don't have one of those, go make out in a park or something else free.

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Chiming in on the 4D experience.  Here in South Africa there is currently only 1 cinema (afaik) that has 4D showings.  So, of course, when I visited Cape Town a few months back I had to experience this.  (Have also done "short" 4D films at our local amusement park- and really enjoyed the experience).


I watched Doctor Strange in 4D, and enjoyed it for the most part, but can't see myself paying that much for such an experience again.  Where it was supposed to be a more immersive experience, I felt it did the opposite at times, pulling me out of the scene, and making me more aware that I am in fact in a theatre at that point in time.


It was a unique experience, but I think a one and done for me...

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10 hours ago, Bastet said:

Were they young?  Forget the genre of film, I can't imagine spending that kind of money and then not watching it.  If you don't have a home of your own, go make out in the car.  Don't have one of those, go make out in a park or something else free.

I'd guess early 20s, so pretty young, but not so young that I'll let them off the hook because of hormones. And yeah, why the hell would you pay good money on a film you're not even interested in watching? Making out is available for free!

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On 1/14/2017 at 3:37 PM, Schweedie said:

I've always just sort of assumed that sad, depressing movies aren't movies you go and make out to. Tonight I learnt that I was wrong, since the couple next to me at Manchester by the Sea were practically climbing each other throughout the entire film, starting during the trailers and just never stopped. Well, no, to be fair they stopped for air during the most dramatic moments, but oh my effing god, still. What on Earth about this film says "Oh yeah, hot, let's get it on"?! I actually don't think I've ever been distracted by people snogging in the cinema before (which I guess is a pretty impressive streak), but man, I really didn't expect (or want) this film to be the first one.

While not as bizarre as making out during Manchester by the Sea, I did have a similar experience during La La Land with the couple next to me making out.  And when I say next to me, I mean the girl was in the seat right next to mine (the theater was pretty crowed and they came in late so they plopped down right next to me) not just in the same row. She actually kicked me at one point while she was squirming around in her seat trying to get a better angle to stick her tongue in her boyfriends mouth, I guess.  I've seen people make out before in theaters, but they were always towards the back (I was sitting towards the front) and never involved that much gymnastics. This couple was in their twenties as well.  Certainly old enough to know better and probably have better place to make out then a theater. 

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I've always just sort of assumed that sad, depressing movies aren't movies you go and make out to. Tonight I learnt that I was wrong, since the couple next to me at Manchester by the Sea were practically climbing each other

As an exchange student in high school I went to watch Gandhi with one one my roommates. I hardly knew her and was surprised as how she kept getting closer and closer to me (it was very hot in the theater and as a 17 year old I was super hyper concerned about being sweaty, so I kept moving further and further away), then abruptly moved over me and sat on the seat on my right. Later, she explained that the guy on her right was masturbating. Gandhi. Masturbation. Mind blows.

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There was someone who called up the theater I worked out and asked if they could have a private showing of 50 Shades of Grey so they could masturbate to it. Probably a prank, but still, there are so many stories about people finding crumpled up tissues and condoms in the theaters where that movie played.

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