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S04.E11: Always The Bridesmaid

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Ugh, disappointing. I was only half (quarter?) watching, but did the bride get choked up during the wedding? I'd assumed it was just a fake for the show, despite Alyssa's ordination, but wasn't expecting that. But, well, good for her, I guess, if it made her happy.


I had a small but elegant wedding, so I had one attendant, my sister as maid of honor. I let her pick anything she wanted for her dress (she chose well) and when my mother asked if she could wear pants, I said, "Oh, cool, I want you to be comfortable." (She was stunning in her pants outfit; the most stylish person there). My mother-in-law was scandalized when I wouldn't tell her what color to wear, because she said my pictures would look terrible if we weren't all coordinated (they do not). So, at least, there wasn't the too-matchy factor I dislike in the wedding last night. But, geez, nothing was pretty. I thought the color choices the bride favored could have led to some beautiful dresses, and with more time, imo, we would have seem some.  

Edited by Darian
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I hate to agree with Michelle, but Dmitry took his outfit straight from what the bride had been wearing during their meeting.


This is actually one of the reasons why I don't mind Michelle - even if she's being bitchy, I find I rarely think she's wrong.



She must be a bit sensitive.


Helen was a high-maintenance drama queen in her original season, constantly having crying fits and needing to be talked off the ledge and reassured during challenges and a nasty brat outside of challenges, topped off with her actually tweeting death threats at two bloggers (Tom & Lorenzo, if you aren't familiar) who covered the show.  "Sensitive" would be the polite word for her.  And I'm still sticking to my theory from a few weeks ago that when neither she nor Justin were eliminated during that dating challenge, one of them was the predetermined winner of the season.  And since Justin is now gone... ugh.

Edited by DasFlavorPup
  • Love 4

Fake/duplicate wedding or not, I thought it was sad that the family members had to sit behind the designers.  And that Isaac was sprawled schlubbishly in his stool during it.  Look, I have bad posture and hate stools too, but it's someone's wedding, or at least you're pretending it is.  Sit up for the minute and a half it took!  

  • Love 8
I don't know how they found this wedding party, if , indeed, it really was a wedding party.

Given the pretty good runway walk of the "bridesmaids", plus their extremely evident boredom of the whole thing, I'd say they were all professional models of some sort.


If the bride did all this for a free Marquessa wedding dress, you'd think she'd at least get one that 1) fit her, and 2) flattered her figured.  Nope.

  • Love 9

Me, too -- if I were a seventy year old nun who entered the nunnery out of fear of my gay sexuality and

then, forty- five years later, decided to leave the order -- and got a job as a temp working one of the last

secretarial pools in existence and met a sweet woman ten years younger, selling sandwiches to office

workers, who grew to be my lover and lynch pin -- and we became engaged and planned a scandalous

lesbian wedding ceremony in Rome itself (sneaking in to see Francis) but before we left, I tried to turn my

former habit into a wedding gown but failed and in a despondent mood I went to the mall for a fro yo

and there it was: my wedding dress in the window of a mass market chain store! Comfy and covered

up and as sexless as a habit -- but with a bit of lace (so racy!) and showing my knees which are still hot

at seventy -- yeah, Helen's gown is PERFECT for that.

(And wtf with the mini-Marchesa chick invoking spaghetti and sexy – a la Sophia Loren?--

Girl, slap some water on your face and snap out of it.)

<insert uncontrollable laughter here>

That was fantastic!

The designs were underwhelming. I wouldn't have worn any of them. I thought Helen's was awful. That lace looks like it would begin to itch after a while. The color felt more suited for a funeral than a wedding.

I've never heard of a circus dress before. I guess you really do learn something new every day.

I do agree with others in this thread that if you want to see "All Star" designs, give the designers more time.

  • Love 4

Although Michelle's manor of talking bugs me to no end, I did enjoy her quip about the 3 items Helen always uses: Jersey knit, cap sleeve and lace!  So spot on, and then Helen wins with it - arrrghhh.  Isn't this the second challenge with a diamond reward Helen won?  I may be getting regular PR and Allstars mixed up in my memory, but I could swear Helen has won two rings in this all-star challenge.   I hope she sells them for some coin, because I don't see how anyone could be willing to partner up with her long-term.  Between her elitist attitude, her drama, her need for constant praise, etc.   I don't think anyone should have won given the judges comments that they all disappointed and were not "great" dresses, but "okay" dresses. 


ETA:  I removed an unnecessary snark about a physical trait - no need for that. 

Edited by Maccagirl
  • Love 2

I'm convinced the whole wedding thing was a sham.  That couple was either already married or they are getting married 6 months after the taping of this BS.  The "bridesmaids" all looked like they had model proportions except height for a few. They had measurements close to the designers' manequins, so I call BS there too.


My other theory is the "bride" got sick before shooting and they grabbed one of Georgina's employees to play the part. Whatever the behind the scenes story is I am sure someone ended up with a free Marchesa gown and ring.  I hope they don't have to take the china because a) UGLY & b) 90% of couples who register for lah-di-dah china never use it.


All those bridesmaid dresses were awful.  Sonjia's was acceptable.  I think the stress and sleep deprivation are getting to these folks.  Their work is showing very poor fabric choice, lousy execution and lack of any real inspiration.  Like many have posted, the time restraints are making this show laughable. 


Hee- whoever called AM a Faberge Egg is spot on!  Not flattering at all, even for a Marchesa creation. As humungous as she is in these episodes, I don't think she was close to delivering.  In side views, her belly is still pretty high up.  I don't think the baby dropped yet!  At least she wore her hair down and looked a little softer than her Dynasty era up 'dos.

  • Love 6

I know they use "creative" editing on this show and all but there was a part where they showed Michelle complimenting Dmitri on his fabric saying it was pretty and then the very next talking head exclaiming that it was hideous. Very definition of two-faced. She's some sort of reality show creature. And her comedy blows...in my opinion.

  • Love 16

So sad, but I knew Fabio would be gone as soon as they did his critique - Isaac had 'warned' him not to land in the bottom again. Speaking of whom, I was beginning to think Isaac really hated Fabio, but it's Georgina who couldn't stand him, while Isaac, in spite of (or maybe because of) his 'tough love' stance, was actually pulling for him to regain his footing. I don't think the bridesmaid's dress was anything close to Fabio's best work (and that hem was a mess), but there were worse dresses (Michelle's, e.g.) and I love him so much and think his aesthetic is truly interesting. Ironically, whenever he was most himself, the judges seemed to hate it, all the while encouraging the designers to show themselves in their work. His exit was very classy (most of the designers have left on a classy note) but I especially loved it when he knelt on the runway to hug and kiss Alyssa. I will miss him sooo much.

I didn't get Helen's. I don't hate her as a designer - when she nails a challenge she sends something beautiful down the aisle, and no one nails every challenge - and I think she's grown up a bit since her own season. But I thought her winning design this time was simplistic and a bit dreary.


Dmitri is probably one of the best constructionists/finishers ever on PR, but I agree that he can be very derivative, including of himself, and I, too, am tired of his Neoprene obsession. Remember during his season when he said he was no longer a Neoprene virgin? I wish he had stayed one. The dress was fine, but hardly 'designer' and definitely keyed in to the bride's own taste, as if she was going to be a judge (maybe he thought she would be).  I appreciated the way he hugged Fabio at the end, since it's pretty clear that they Do Not Like Each Other, and haven't since their original season (which, while liking Dmitri's final collection quite a lot, I had thought Fabio's was even better and should have won).


Michelle's was awful. She should have gone home. Everything was wonky or weird. And wtf is going on with her hair??

I thought Sonjia's was the best of a mediocre to bad lot. I predicted Helen's win when it was (again) down to those two because I thought that after giving Sonjia her QVC opportunity, they wouldn't want to give her all that jewelry and dinnerware and so forth, too.

Agree that Alyssa's runway/wedding outfit made her look like a Faberge Egg, but an Egg appearing in someone's nightmare.

Oh, and I quite liked the Marchesa dinnerware.


  • Love 7

Given the pretty good runway walk of the "bridesmaids", plus their extremely evident boredom of the whole thing, I'd say they were all professional models of some sort.


If the bride did all this for a free Marquessa wedding dress, you'd think she'd at least get one that 1) fit her, and 2) flattered her figured.  Nope.

Yeah, some of those "bridesmaids" were really working the runway.  Usually, when there's a "real woman" challenge they're very awkward with the walk.  I call bullshit.


I actually liked Fabio's.  Something about the neckline and shoulders said 1940's to me.  I'd wear it.  I also liked Michelle's.  I know that the fit was off, but at least she tried to do something interesting.  She made a good point about a lot of the photos being from the chest up.  I hadn't thought of that before.  Dmitri's was blah as was Helen's.  Sonjia's was hideous, but maybe I'm biased because I think that jersey knit is the work of the devil. 


And, yes, I believe Helen won jewelry in her original season too.  It was some kind of lame Kay Jewelers challenge or something. 


Honestly, I don't see where this challenge should have been all that hard.  Make a cocktail dress in one of the bride's chosen color schemes and call it done.  They all just overthought the whole thing, IMO.

  • Love 2

Michelle wastes a lot of time snarking about other people's designs and then turns out ugly-azz crap herself. That dress was hideous, from color to shape to fit to lack of tailoring etc

And what bride wants bridesmaids with boobs hanging out?

Good grief, you would have thought she reinvented the wheel by mentioning photos. How stupid are these people?? And they would basically be photos of boobs, good for Page 3 maybe.

As I said before, not having enough time is no excuse for truly awful designs...it is only an excuse for crooked or unfinished hems, shoddy construction etc. But the basic idea of the dress should still be viable. None of these were. It makes me sick that Helen won prizes basically for being the least hideous of the bunch and only because her dress was too basic and boring to offend anyone.

This bride, if she is for real, is a total sell-out. I did not see the "wedding"-when did they sneak that in- but the idea of AM officiating at a "runway wedding" is so ludicrous and ridiculous, it makes me cringe. Please Heidi come back soon...this show is not working. These designers are not "all-stars"...they simply were ones who agreed to go through this humiliation again.

  • Love 8

I'm simultaneously infuriated and beyond bored with both this season, and, in particular, this runway, so I'm not sure where to start.


I said last week I'm starting to fear Helen is the pre-ordained winner of this season. I'm actually thinking that even more now that she won last night with that god horrible dress. It was boring and old lady with the lace trim. It was not even remotely anything I could see someone wearing as a bridesmaid because even though you don't want them to outshine the bride, they are the bride's best buds and even she wants them to look good. Also, for the pictures.


Agreed that the bridesmaids were models and not her actual friends. Unless she herself is a model, I guess. Or maybe they're all actors. I can think of no other reason they would be amenable to Phoebe from Charmed marrying them on the Project Runway stage.


Dmitry was lucky to be safe. He totally glommed onto the dress the "bride" was wearing at the showroom and added a signature Dmitry touch.  Michelle's was awful, too. While I agree with her about the photos being mostly from the waist up, I can't think of many brides or bridesmaids who want want that much skin barely concealed on the bodice. Also, really hated the colour, and normally I don't dislike any colour.  Although, once again, I agree with myself and a lot of posters that at least she IS trying something newish. Fab's was awful and boring. I think he was ready to leave. It had some nice touches, but overall, whoever above said bedazzled flight attendant nailed it.  I'm not sure what to say about Sonjia's. It was almost so bad it was good? It definitely had some disco appeal?? Sheesh, this lot.


Re: bridesmaid's dresses that you can wear again and again (hahahahaha): I have a whole closet of bm dresses from the late seventies to mid eighties that I keep just because they make me laugh. My current fave is a hunter green velvet and satin, strapless and backless, but with corset lacing in the back. Hunter green petticoat under the full, tea length skirt; and we wore it with hunter green stretchy shiny opera gloves and 6 inch stiletto peau de soie heels, with pointy toes no less. I think I'll wear it to work today!!!!


Snap back to reality: this show is just making me sad. Even though I am not despising Helen this series, I still don't want her to win. I hate when someone like her has their behaviour validated by winning anything. I'll not even mention talent, because I can't remember the last time talent played a significant role in any project runway win... probably season 7 of PR original with Seth Aaron.

  • Love 9

I agree with all of the comments about the phony bridesmaids. Those women all had model proportions, knew how to walk a runway, didn't seem to know each other, and had no enthusiasm at all.

If that had been a real wedding party, the girls would have been chatting away and at least one would have worn upward of at least a size 12-14 if not higher.

The shark was definitely jumped last night.

  • Love 10

My first thought when I saw the wedding "guests" was, guess their parents are all in prison.  Definitely FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!


It actually was Helen who made the comment about Dmitry making the same dress that the bride had worn when she met with them.  It was Michelle who called his fabric "pretty" and then made puking faces.

  • Love 1

Boring... boring and annoying. I don't mind a few 1 day challenges, but this is getting ridiculous... of course they are turning out crap outfits when they have no time to make them. Especially for a bridesmaid dress challenge... it'd be nice if they'd been given a little more time, and then everything wouldn't have been so ulgy.


This season of allstars and in the last regular season of PR I feel like nobody should win... the judges should just throw up their hands and say this is all crap... no winner! (though some of that is certainly the fault of the production in not giving the designers any time... but still ugh terrible, terrible, terrible!)


This week especially, no one should have one. helen's dress was okay, but nothing amazing... and totally boring. Sonjia's was at least interesting, but still had some weird drapes going on. I can see why fabio was sent home, but I wish it'd been Michelle instead... her dress was so ill fitting and just weird.


All around, another very dissapointing episode of PR :(   Isaac is kind of a jerk, but I agreed with him this week that all the looks were crap.

  • Love 2

I actually think they come up with the challenges after they've decided what their promoting each week. This week it was the Marchesa jewelry. People think diamonds - love - Valentine's Day or weddings - aw let's let them make bridesmaid's dresses.


Let's face it - 1 in 10 of us could actually afford to buy one of these creations by the designers. (I wanted to buy a purse from one of the designers on Project Accessory - OMG - it was a downpayment on a new car for us - no thank you. )  I don't see those with money - stars, business execs ect . sitting here watching the show - now maybe their social secretaries or personal shoppers are but not the ones who can actually afford it.


And they're being judged by " experts selling their wares in Target and Macy's "  after being only given 24 - 48 hrs to create it. I don't think any of them are really upset if they don't win - they got attention - their name is out there and it will hopefully open doors for them. FYI - I had a friend who worked at Macy's in the jewelry dept for years - she told me never to purchase anything "good" there but to go to a jewelry store as Macy's fine jewelry is little more than an upscale costume jewelry.

  • Love 2

I think my favorite part of part of this entire crap episode was the lack of enthusiasm that the designers expressed when Zanna showed up in the workroom.  I bet she practices those pithy comments she makes in the mirror.  

Yes, but I loved Fabio calling her "Zanni-poo."


Yes, Isaac is becoming even less bearable. I hate people who justify their nastiness in the name of being honest. And put some socks on, for God's sake.



It looked to me like he was wearing lavender (orchid?) colored socks. That, or he has a very weird skin tone.


FYI - I had a friend who worked at Macy's in the jewelry dept for years - she told me never to purchase anything "good" there but to go to a jewelry store as Macy's fine jewelry is little more than an upscale costume jewelry.

As soon as they said sold "exclusively" at Macy's I knew the jewelry line was junk.


And speaking of Marchesa, I only knew that they named the company after the Marchesa Casati last year when I read a book about Casati. Nothing about Georgina's ultra-feminine, overly fussy, badly fitting designs would appeal to the real life Casati. Google her to see her genuinely original and fashion forward style.


Oh, and for bust up wedding photos? 90% of Michelle's dress would be illusion netting and bare skin. Real klassy.

Edited by carrps
  • Love 4

Was it Helen who said "I usually dress the bride not the bridesmaids"?  So, okay, you don't do bridesmaids, ready-to-wear, avant garde, what else?

Separates, I believe.

As for Michele's stunning "insight" into wedding photography, in my EXTENSIVE bridesmaid experience, she's wrong. The bride may be photographed in waist-up shots, usually leaning romantically into the groom, but not the maids.The bridesmaids are in full-length formal shots of the wedding party. Not too many brides want to spend their money on close-ups of the bridesmaids.

Edited by Ketzel
  • Love 12


I'm totally sympathetic to Sonjia's breakdown--imagine having the vision and talent to design beautiful clothes and then being boxed into a few hours for producing crappy unfinished shapeless drapes that you have to defend as representative of your skills to bitchy runway judges, day after day after day. . .


I felt really bad for her. Not only for the exhaustion-fueled breakdown, but because her so-called friends were all sitting around her, staring at her awkwardly while she sobbed, and not one of them tried to comfort her in that moment. I think most of them just kept right on chewing their lunch. The only one who really seemed to reach out, in the end, was Fabio, telling her to go outside to get some air and step away from the workroom to clear her head for a moment, and then it looked like he went with her. But before that, everyone was just sitting there, and I wanted to say, "Somebody give her a tissue, somebody give her a hug! Come on, people! Let's go!"

  • Love 13

Ugh, disappointing. I was only half (quarter?) watching, but did the bride get choked up during the wedding? I'd assumed it was just a fake for the show, despite Alyssa's ordination, but wasn't expecting that. But, well, good for her, I guess, if it made her happy.



If that's what my wedding turned out to be, I would get choked up too. When Alyssa asked her how her plans were going she implied it was a lot of work. The wedding we saw was absolutely no work on her part, so I don't know if she had a real wedding afterward, or that really was her wedding.

  • Love 1


It's not just production costs, it's also time commitment from judges and contestants.  They only want to be away from their homes and/or businesses so long.  Some people won't do it if it's over X amount of time.

Excellent point, but then -- don't have non-elimination episodes!!  There should have been no winner last night.  If the judges can decide there's no loser, then it would follow that it's just as appropriate to have no winner.  

  • Love 3

Ok, count me odd person out but I liked Michelle's dress.  Was it perfect, hardy, but at least it was 'dressy' and had some very nice and interesting details.  Of course it could have fitted better (note how the editing OVER-emphasised that problem) but IMO even with that, it was more event-appropriate than just about everything else on the runway.


1. Helen: dreadful.  I wouldn't wear that to a funeral.  It had NO PLACE at a wedding and was incredibly matronly (although none of my friends-of-age would be seen dead in that monstrosity)

2. Dimitry: what was with the belt? Ugh.  And yes, completely derivative and beyond boring.  Was it intended for a second-third marriage or vow renewal ? It was worse than matronly

3. Sonji:  Nothing like looking like a slut at someone's wedding.  I actually quite liked the dress but not something for a wedding

4.  Fabio: Sorry, but just no.

5. Michelle:  Right direction but the top needed some moderating.  And yes, it could have fit better, but I don't believe the fit was as bad as the editing made it out to be.


BTW, have you seen what dross people are wearing at weddings today (based on watching Say Yes To The Dress, and 4 Weddings):   I know I'm an old fogey but I don't believe weddings are the place to show off your (or your bridesmaids) sexiness.  I am a firm believer that good taste must be a dying art.


Oh, and count me in that this whole wedding thing was a complete fake.  Those bridesmaids were all models or professionals in the industry, and I seriously doubt there was any actual wedding.  As already mentioned, the wedding dress was not custom made/fitted and I think if it was supposed to promote Marchesa Bridal, Georgina should be seriously embarrassed.


OK enough.


Oh, how many people like the dress Heidi is wearing in the casting promo for the new PR?

Edited by DHDancer
  • Love 3


3. Sonji:  Nothing like looking like a slut at someone's wedding.  I actually quite liked the dress but not something for a wedding


How on earth was that dress in any way "slutty"? I may not always like Sonjia's aesthetic (and sometimes her choices are way too short for my taste), but her dress for the bridesmaid was the only one with long sleeves and generally full coverage. 

  • Love 7

How on earth was that dress in any way "slutty"? I may not always like Sonjia's aesthetic (and sometimes her choices are way too short for my taste), but her dress for the bridesmaid was the only one with long sleeves and generally full coverage. 


Very tight and body-hugging, cleavage, short skirt.  I didn't hate the dress at all, but not for a bridesmaid!   Yeah, I'm a bit old-fashioned when it comes to appropriate clothing for a wedding.  As I said above, based on watching wedding programming on TV, I think good taste for selecting appropriate clothing seems to be dead.

  • Love 1
BTW, have you seen what dross people are wearing at weddings today (based on watching Say Yes To The Dress, and 4 Weddings):

My guilty pleasure is Platinum Weddings.  Every single one has the bridesmaids in absolutely plain, long, shiny strapless sheathes, with a big waist sash with a bow in a contrasting color.  I'd have loved to have seen all five designers do exactly that, one in each of the colors in the palatte.  They could mix and match up the main/contrasting color.


I have to confess I did not get the penis reference to Michelle's dress.   What was that about?


Very tight and body-hugging, cleavage, short skirt.


Maybe I'm confused, but in the pictures I'm looking at that skirt was just above the knee, and then had a draping that went almost all the way down to her ankles, and very little if any cleavage showing at all. Other than the odd twists in the front, it actually seemed kind of matronly to me. Some of the others had shorter, tighter dresses than hers, so I'm baffled. (But then I really hate the term "slut" so I just find that really upsetting all around.)

  • Love 9

Maybe I'm confused, but in the pictures I'm looking at that skirt was just above the knee, and then had a draping that went almost all the way down to her ankles, and very little if any cleavage showing at all. Other than the odd twists in the front, it actually seemed kind of matronly to me. Some of the others had shorter, tighter dresses than hers, so I'm baffled. (But then I really hate the term "slut" so I just find that really upsetting all around.)


Can understand about certain words being hot buttons but just go ahead and substitute whatever word that inflames you less.  Trashy?

My guilty pleasure is Platinum Weddings.  Every single one has the bridesmaids in absolutely plain, long, shiny strapless sheathes, with a big waist sash with a bow in a contrasting color.  I'd have loved to have seen all five designers do exactly that, one in each of the colors in the palatte.  They could mix and match up the main/contrasting color.


I have to confess I did not get the penis reference to Michelle's dress.   What was that about?

There was an applique on the front that kind of looked like a penis pointing up towards the chest.  I really didn't think it did, but whatever.

Tawdry, lol, is my impression of some of these dresses, i.e Wait, well all of them really except for maybe Helen, which was too boring to even be that. Did not see what the bride wore...was it the usual bridal strapless look? Which I hate?

I would rather see a smaller prize package with fewer sponsors if it would somehow cut back on some of the inane tie-ins. Just give them a cash prize donated by whoever are the hair and make-up companies...they all want the cash anyway. But it is just a pipe dream and a wish for the original PR, many years ago...

Very tight and body-hugging, cleavage, short skirt.  I didn't hate the dress at all, but not for a bridesmaid!   Yeah, I'm a bit old-fashioned when it comes to appropriate clothing for a wedding.  As I said above, based on watching wedding programming on TV, I think good taste for selecting appropriate clothing seems to be dead.


Can understand about certain words being hot buttons but just go ahead and substitute whatever word that inflames you less.  Trashy?


Are we talking about Sonjia's dress from this episode? This one? Personally, I don't have the legs for it, but the underskirt is perhaps ten inches above the knee, which isn't all that revealing, I wouldn't think.


And for the record, I agree that attributing sexual promiscuity based on women's clothing is seriously problematic, so perhaps it's the word and not the reader's sensibilities at issue?

  • Love 5


And speaking of Marchesa, I only knew that they named the company after the Marchesa Casati last year when I read a book about Casati. Nothing about Georgina's ultra-feminine, overly fussy, badly fitting designs would appeal to the real life Casati. Google her to see her genuinely original and fashion forward style.


I Googled...how the heck did Georgina use that woman as her inspiration and come up with all that fussy, frilly crap?


You want to see someone with Taste Issues, Bridal Division? For your consideration, Pnina Tornai.

Edited by designing1
  • Love 1

I fell asleep in the middle of this - did I miss an actual wedding with Alyssa Milano, dressed as an Easter egg, officiating or was that a very odd dream I was having?

Isaac Mizrahi is deteriorating into a petulant troll doll even as we watch.


Ha... I'm enjoying the fact that I'm not the only one who fell asleep in the middle of this and had odd dreams.  I actually thought Alyssa's wardrobe has been getting better - still awful, but improving.

I Googled...how the heck did Georgina use that woman as her inspiration and come up with all that fussy, frilly crap?


You want to see someone with Taste Issue, Bridal Division? For your consideration, Pnina Tornai.


Pnina has perfected the art of selling nudity as wedding gowns in my opinion... here, wear nothing, but pay me $10k for it! Maybe that's what this show is going for too - no budget, no time, might's well send your models down the runway mostly naked.

  • Love 1

I thought that Dimitry's was the only one that looked like it could be a bridesmaid dress to a Marchesa gown.  It looked dressy enough and appropriate to the occasion.  Boring and derivative, yes, but pretty and wearable. Helen's was funeral wear, spot on with that one, and Fabio's was sadly awful. I liked the color and idea of Michelle's, but it needed a lot more time to improve on the concept.  I also liked Sonjia's but couldn't see it next to an ornate Marchesa gown.  It sort of reminded me of some of the gowns of the 30's; in an off white color I think it could be a very chic wedding dress on its own.


Dimitry wears leather pants very well, or perhaps they are his own neoprene designs?  I still like looking at him, though.  I'd like to see him on Dancing with the Stars.


Darrrrling's, I am over Moon Unit Mizrahi.  Critiques that are not constructive or consistent and I am yucko on his personal sense of style for himself.  I don't mind The Beautiful and I liked Cat Deeley.


I don't know how I could have gotten this idea, but darned if I don't think Helen or Sonjia have this in the bag! 

  • Love 2

I agree the "wedding" was a sham.


I think production called the boutique & said "Who's wedding dress is arriving on this date? Can we use her for our runway show? No, the dress doesn't have to be tailored yet, just throw some clothespins on the back & we'll make her hold her fake flowers really close to her chest. It's all just pretend anyway!!!" 

  • Love 4

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