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S05.E13: One More Woman in Kody's Life

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Ok. This is a bunch of bs. Christine made a comment something like, "when people ask me how I can do all the things I do, and I explain it's because of polygamy, they're like, "oh that's how you can get it all done"".... Something to that effect. Did anyone else catch that?

What a load of sh&t!!!!

Her MOTHER is moving in with her, so she can have more help, because her two oldest mini moms (aka daughters), are leaving home!! She is essentially a single mom, with a husband who spends a few hours at her house once every three days. And she even talked about how the other wives can't really help out because "they're all working the same hours" (whatever THAT means). So how in da hell does polygamy offer her so much more free time than what is available to us monogamists?

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my favourite part of this episode was when Mykelti laughed at the idea of being Mariah's sisterwife.


Hunter is awesome.  He reminds me a lot of my brother at that age, and I'm glad to see him so happy as opposed to how he was when they first arrived in Vegas.


Janelle's youngest boy (Gabe?) is really starting to look a lot like Logan.  I noticed it in his couch session.


The adults are meh.  At this point I'm watching it for the kids.  They are the only good thing about this nonsense.

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I thought it was interesting when Christine mentioned that her mother brought up that whatever's going on in Christine's house basically stops when Kody drops by because it's more important that he spend time with the kids.  It just sounds completely disruptive and, well, unnecessary and it clearly illustrates that Kody's needs are more important than anyone else's.  Kody should fit into whatever's going on in each household rather than having all activity stop just because King Kody has arrived to grace the household with his presence.  


I also liked when Annie said something to the effect of, "Kody needs to stop running around like a crazy person and just chill."  I'm totally paraphrasing....that's nowhere near what she actually said, but her point seemed to be (to me, at least) that he's a little too manic.

  • Love 8

Had to laugh at Robyn (on the couch) saying "you guyses houses."  


They probably consider their hours filming as the "work" they all do.


We can all see what they don't do, and that is housework.  Meri's is the only house that is clean, and I know they have a lot of children but geez, Christine's, Janelle's and Robyn's houses are wrecks!


Christine said her mother makes "incredible little bags."  Makes me wonder if she'll try selling them on MSWC website.  Maybe Annie will even be able to help Robyn in her never ending hours of slaving over the business!  She seems more organized and much calmer than the rest of the bunch.

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Christine's mom's bags look like "incredible" crap, but to each his own! So, does the mom kick in rent, or does Christine's share of cash cover Annie?

I just don't understand (like Christine) how a family with that many adults have to have outside help regularly. One would imagine they'd be more organized with schedules and childcare, etc. Man, polygamy sucks.

  • Love 6


And honestly, in my opinion, give Mariah a break. She is overweight, and so are all of Kody's daughters, every single one.

Agree that weight is an easy sore point to push on, especially with the young women, who have our entire society providing the message that they don't measure up. Don't agree that all of Kody's daughters are overweight. Maddie is much smaller than Aspyn, Mykelti, and Mariah; Savannah is still too young to tell; Ysabel and Gwennie are downright slender (sort of like their Grandma Annie), and petite little Truely looks like she'll probably follow in their footsteps. So really, that's only 3 of Kody's 8 daughters who are struggling with an obvious weight problem.

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True but if you remember the first couple seasons when they were in Lehi, the girls were pretty normal weight as I recall. Especially Mariah - it's shocking to see the change. I think a good deal of that has to do with the environment rather than genetics. The boys appear to all be into sports or other organized physical activities of some type - the girls not so much. Logan weight trains, Hunter wrestles, Garrison is ROTC, etc.

Also I'm guessing they were way more active in Lehi - walking instead of driving, being outside more, etc.

Edited by DakotaJustice


I think he actually respects her.

I think he is scared of her. She sees right through his bullshit, she doesn't buy any of his convoluted plyg-speak and he knows there is absolutely no way in hell she will bow down to him. He can puff up and rant about the grandmas moving in, but he knows the one he can't charm is the one at his doorstep right now. 

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I wish we could know more about the support group that Annie was part of and what issues were discussed. The commercials for each episode always make things seem so much juicer than they actually end up being. I guess it's even more clear now, at least to me, possibly why Christine wanted to be the third wife.  She has said a few times that being the third wife seemed the easiest position that caused the least amount of conflict; well her mother was first wife and left her marriage and faith completely, and Annie's sister wife (wife #2) entering the picture seemed to cause the downfall. I can see Christine may have gotten some of her logic from this. And maybe she thought, if it's hard enough to manage a plural family with two wives, three is going to max out a family...so four was never expected. 

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My favorite from Sunday night:


Kody (to Truely):  "High five - high five!"

Truely (turning away): "No thank you Daddy".


We also know that Truely declined sitting next to her Daddy on her birthday.  She is always so polite about it.  I'm thinking of how future conversations between those two will go:


Kody:  "Truely, do you want me to take you to the playground?"

Truely:  "No thank you Daddy".


Kody:  "Truely, want me to come to your soccer game?"

Truely:  "No thank you Daddy".


Kody:  "Truely, want me to teach you how to drive?"

Truely:  "No thank you Daddy".


Kody:  "Truely, do you want me to walk you down the aisle?"

Truely:  "No thank you Daddy".

Edited by Xena
  • Love 16

I just don't understand (like Christine) how a family with that many adults have to have outside help regularly. One would imagine they'd be more organized with schedules and childcare, etc. Man, polygamy sucks.

If they can't handle the housework, the kids and schedules then they shouldn't have so many damn kids. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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If they can't handle the housework, the kids and schedules then they shouldn't have so many damn kids.


Christine was very hostile towards Robyn when Robyn entered the family. And she still doesn't seem all THAT warm to her. So I don't really blame Robyn for not wanting her kids partially raised by Christine. And Christine's whole drama around it without acknowledging how she's treated Robyn in the past was ridiculous. Plus, if Christine wants more time with Robyn's kids, she could just invite them over, without all the couch interview crying drama. Same goes for Meri.


I also noticed that Janelle wasn't crying, and for some of the couch interviews, Janelle wasn't even there. And it sounds like Janelle is pursuing the real estate thing, which is awesome. Run Janelle, run.


So both Christine's mother AND aunt left polygamy. Maybe that's why she's so defensive. She knows its not really all that great a way to live.

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I actually thought Ann's bags were cute. And I was impressed with all the moving the got done. They were pretty good at getting it done.

As I said in the Christine thread, I honestly think Chrisine has some sort of health or mental issue going on. She looks off to me this season and she's not always making sense. She's kind of erratic like with the Ken thing from years ago or saying "I'm so hurt you won't let me baby sit your children for you!" And in the same breath saying "my mom has to move in because we all work the same hours and I need help". I feel so bad for her. It can't be easy to have your life change so much, new wife, new city, and your husband getting on twitter and still bitching about it long after the fact when the episode airs. I'd strangle Mr Amers if he did that!

Run, Christine. Or, stay and keep your mansion and pay it off with your TLC money. If she's not legally married to Kody the. Surely she signed her own contract with TLC.


A couple of things don't make sense:


  • If you need help to take care of your own children, why would you be upset if another sister wife doesn't ask you to babsit?
  • If you own your own business, why can't you stagger the hours so the adults don't all work at the same time?


  • Agreed, that makes no sense at all. This is why I think bringing her mom on board for "help" is kind of BS. 
  • That would require logic on the part of the adults, something that seems to be severely lacking in certain areas. 
And no, Janelle does not work  ( i have seen no evidence she has sold even one house)



Selling homes is not the only job in real estate…she could work for a company as a rental agent, or a contractor, or she could be doing the books for a real estate company, etc.


Also, I thought it was obvious that Christine's mom was moving in to provide income so they can hang on to the house, I would bet she's contributing "rent" to them somehow. ALso, its possibel she is now also getting paid by TLC for regulaar appearnaces.

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And no, Janelle does not work  ( i have seen no evidence she has sold even one house) and she is not better than anyone else because she is aloof and uninvolved.

She has sold exactly 2 homes... but definitely NOT what I would consider "working".


Can anyone tell me why Christine pronounces words containing the suffix "ING" with a hard G sound?  For example:  ThinG.  I've heard people do this (on TV), but I cannot narrow it down to a particular region or age group.  Nobody I know personally speaks in this way.


I would appreciate any insight.  I'm really baffled by it.

  • Love 1

She has sold exactly 2 homes... but definitely NOT what I would consider "working".


I admittedly have a soft spot for Janelle but I give her credit for this. It's more than others are contributing to the family. She took an interest in real estate, pursued becoming an agent, did so and is making some money. Contrast her to Meri who can't decide if she wants kids or to help with MSWC or going back to school and turns everything into a production. I root for Janelle. Edited by mamey2422
  • Love 5


A couple of things don't make sense:


    If you need help to take care of your own children, why would you be upset if another sister wife doesn't ask you to babsit?

    If you own your own business, why can't you stagger the hours so the adults don't all work at the same time?


This is how I think it works in the Christine psyche:

1. She hears that arch-nemesis...er, sister wife Robyn now has a live-in helper.

2. Her spleen shoots out the following message: "WHAAAAAT???! Why the fuck does Robyn get a helper? I don't have a damned helper, and I have more kids than SHE does!! No one is playing by the sister wife even-steven share/share alike code!! Bitches!!!

3. As this black bile rises from gut to brain, it passes through the Keep Sweet Plyg Filter.

4. By the time it reaches Christine's head, the message has changed to: "Oh gosh, I'm so hurt by this. If only sweet Robyn, my beloved sister wife, would come to ME for help with her children. That's how we did it in the good old days. *sigh* "

5. She tucks that little tidbit into a corner until, if the stars align, she can blurt it out on national television, the better to make her nemesis...DAMN, I did it again...to make Robyn look like a selfish cow and herself look like a self-sacrificing martyr who only has the best interest of the family at heart.


And NONE OF IT has a thing to do with logic.

Edited by NewBaku
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I admittedly have a soft spot for Janelle but I give her credit for this.


As do I.  She may not be a top of the line saleman yet but from what I read about the LV housing market any sale is a miracle.  She is the only one putting any effort whatsoever into adding money to the family coffers separate from the TLC bucks.  MSWC is a total failure so you have to give Janelle credit for the single person in the family to accomplish anything positive.

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Yeah. I'm desperately curious about these so called jobs that are keeping them all so busy all the time. Could it be "storyboarding" for the show and filming it? Because apart from MSWC which can't sell much and maybe Janelle, they don't do much else.


I think Christine loves her idea of a plyg family, but this currently is not it. If you've been brought up with it, I get the 3rd wife thing. Everyone's used to having another wife and 3 is the magic number to get to your personal celestial planet, so everyone wants to get there but more likely they'd stop after that (as they did for 15 years) as the AUB is supposed to okay any further wives and 3 is expensive already. She had Kody's attention because she was still having kids and was the youngest, even though he's admitted some reluctance to marry her on TV. Once Robyn came it all blew up for her. I imagine the "courting whilst she was pregnant" and "kissing" (no way it was just kissing) really bought home the reality of the situation, that she instantly moved down the ladder in importance to him. But now she's stuck in the "double down on what you KNOW is still right, even though you're terrified its not" even more so when her mother and aunt visit. That;s why she sounds crazy and blows up at the slightest hint that someone doesn't agree with polygamy.

Edited by Featherhat
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When Christine's daughters were moving out the first thing we hear her say is how she will miss them helping. Not, missing them. I don't see why she needs to much help. She only has 4 kids at home, 3 go to school all day. Then when mentioning her mom moving in, it wasn't "I'm so happy to have my mom around & she can get to know her grandchildren", nope it was "she can help". I just don't get it. What does she need help for? Why have kids if you can't take care of them? Especially when you work from home & have 3 sister wives. I also noticed both Christine & Robin's homes looked filthy. I guess when you 2 oldest slaves, I mean daughters move out the house falls apart.


Now we hear that Robin needs a nanny, even if she is family. Why does she need a nanny. She only has 1 kid at home all day. I had 3 kids, worked 2 jobs sometimes, was team mom, class mom, all without a nanny. Oh, I forget, Robin's busy trying to hock her jewelry that no one wants. Is Janelle the only one with a real job? She worked hard to get her real estate license, gets a job & has to pay for everyone else. I would not be happy. 


I don't understand why they all had to get these huge, almost 1/2 million dollar homes when all of their older kids are or will be moving out. Why in the world did Meri who lives alone, need a house that size? The sisterly thing would have been to get a smaller home & leave more funds in the family pot. Plus, why can't she babysit?


I just don't see anything sisterly about them. I think that in the beginning they were more "sisterly". Christine stayed with the kids while the other worked. They all lived in 1 home divided into 4. But then Robin came along & they had to get another place, which then led to a move & then to them all living separate lives. I don't even get the impression that they like each other. The only one that is getting the good deal here is Cody. He gets to go from house to house & they all have to be nice & play sweet so he won't like another's house better. Then any little thing he does for his kids, he acts like he moved the world.

  • Love 8

my favourite part of this episode was when Mykelti laughed at the idea of being Mariah's sisterwife.


Hunter is awesome.  He reminds me a lot of my brother at that age, and I'm glad to see him so happy as opposed to how he was when they first arrived in Vegas.


Janelle's youngest boy (Gabe?) is really starting to look a lot like Logan.  I noticed it in his couch session.


The adults are meh.  At this point I'm watching it for the kids.  They are the only good thing about this nonsense.

I agree about the kids & Gabriel. At first I didn't even recognize him. The kids are honest & I'm glad they are allowed to be themselves for the most party anyway. I really like Dayton too, his comments are sweet & he seems like a nice kid.

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Not that I like or feel sorry for Koduche but it can't always be a picnic for the men either, especially if they went into it for even quasi religious reasons but find out too late they aren't cut out for it (which Kody definitely isn;t IMO, not that he will admit it). Even if they had "testimony of the pants" and it backfired, you've still got another 6 children by then. OTOH Joe Darger seemed better at organising but his wives didn't seem happy either (don't blame them). You're supposedly "on duty" to perform emotionally and sexually most if not every night. Never defending him, but it's a superhuman task to accomplish and we have national TV shows that prove he can't. Though I think the Kodster mostly sleep these days and has no idea about what any of his wives are thinking.


Meri "needed" a home that size because they had decided to get adjoining McMansions and through builders plans and manipulation she got the best house. I do agree that it would have been very difficult logistically and emotionally if she had gotten an apartment for 3 a few minutes away whilst the wives with loads of kids planned massive houses. In LDS cultures that's a symbol of failure right there, less kids. Not to mention Kody wasn't going to have his name on a smaller place than his "single" wives. I think their best option *would* have been a house with 4 separate wings for wives (that could be split up when they move) but after renting separately it was never on the table. Wasn't there talk about Kody liking to "crash" at Meri's because it was kid free and comfortable? It might be from something else but I remember that quote from the show blogs. 

Edited by Featherhat
  • Love 2

She has sold exactly 2 homes... but definitely NOT what I would consider "working".






That's not necessarily the only two - those seem to be the two that she was the listing agent on.


She could have been the buyers agent on 148 homes and it wouldn't necessarily show up on a map on her webpage - but she would earn 1/2 of the fee. (After the brokerage(s) take their cut of course.)


Janelle could also be part of a team - where one agent gets the "credit" but they split  the cash.


The map on her site may not be the full story.

Edited by chuckity
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Correct me if I'm wrong... But I think she means that she uses a hard g sound... Kinda like "thinkin-guh".

I think the OP is talking about the "ink" pronunciation. I heard Maddie doing it too during her moving-to-college episode and even Annie did it once. It's a Utah thing; I live here too and hear it all the time. It drives me nuts.

After hearing Christine's mom's story I'm even more convinced that Christine's vehement defense of polygamy comes from wanting to "make right" the wounds she felt from her parents' break up.  She's trying to rewrite the story in her own life in order to heal the wounds she felt as a kid.  I can just hear her saying to herself, "I just know I can put mommy and daddy back together again if I can make it work in my own life, oh yes I will"!   I also think that part of the reason she wants her mom living with her is because her own attempt at being successful that lifestyle isn't working out quite as planned and she is desperately trying anything to make herself feel like it is.  Bringing her mom into the fold will feel like coming full circle to her.  She may be losing some of what made her feel connected to Kody and the others in having Aspyn and Mykelti move out, but she won't feel as much a loss if mom moves in.  So I see this "help" she talks about from her mom as being more psychological than anything else.  And after all, Kody isn't providing that support.


Regarding the jobs, I always had a feeling that perhaps some of them are quiet about working because of being afraid of losing the job if they made it part of the storyline.  We know they've left things out before, so why not this?  Some employers might be a little cagey about having their business be known for having a polygamist working for them.  I work in the corporate world and I definitely can't see my company being comfortable with that.


And regarding Janelle and the real estate - I've known women that have gone into that mid-life and it's not uncommon for them not to make many sales, especially starting out, and especially if they're only doing it part time.  It doesn't surprise me at all that Janelle has only sold a few properties since she started.  That's the whole reason so many moms go into the field, so they can have the time to devote to raising kids.  But they're usually moms that don't need to depend on that for income.  It might take several years before she builds up any kind of real income from it.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Regarding the jobs, I always had a feeling that perhaps some of them are quiet about working because of being afraid of losing the job if they made it part of the storyline.


I suppose anything is possible but what job could any of them possible be suited for?  We know that their business acumen is non-existent across the group with the possible exception of Janelle who managed to not only complete her Realtor training but put it into use.  Christine managed to squeak by with that as well but bailed out in when (horrors) she actually had to work on weekends which would take her away from caring for her children (as though she wasn't home the other 5 days of the week).  And Meri is supposedly going back to school.  Leaving Sobbin to bring up the rear and we know SHE is already slaving away pouring untold hours into the joory empire and Kody with his sweatband.


This group is toxic and idiots to boot. None of them could possible have a skill that any reliable employer could want in their office unless it's another fly by night outfit that wants to advertise that they employ the Famous Brown Clowns.

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We at least know Christine has been able to hold down a job in the past, pre-Las Vegas.  If I recall correctly wasn't she the wife that lost her job because of the show notoriety?  Or was that Meri?  I don't doubt that there is some idiot company that might be willing to hire her for an idiot job.  It could account for some of her whining about "needing the help" at home and bringing her mom in to assist.

That was Janelle who lost a nice state job when the show aired.  I remember because when Douche insisted on moving to Las Vegas, she had to cash in her retirement to finance the move.


Actually, Janelle didn't lose her job, she just left it when the family moved to Las Vegas.  After some research I found that it was Meri who lost her job when the family went public.  See this:  http://starcasm.net/archives/157029


Perhaps Christine is going to attempt to sell the family's awful "joory" at that store run by the Lesbian polygamist, LOL.  Then again, they would have no problem if she went public with that.

Edited by Snarklepuss

Janelle has always been upfront about that fact that there is a mortgage payment, that there is tuition, fees and room and board required for college, the kids do need tennis shoes, and so forth.  She (and her children) are the ones most likely to land on their feet when the show goes bye-bye.  I fully expect that she will be the only one to keep her home - because I think she has been saving some of her family share of the TLC money in an emergency fund .  Of course, she will move Kody in with her.  I am sure she will also move the Kodettes, and the other offspring in to0.  After all, it will be another year or two, so a couple more children will have left.  

Edited by mythoughtis

Also, re: Christine - I don't necessarily blame her for wanting some help with her house and children.  She hasn't been exactly lazy for 20 years.   She's put everything into her family, and didn't she also help with Janelle's kids when she worked?  I don't blame her for wanting somewhat of a break from all that by now, job or no job.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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