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S06.E12: We Made It Through The Night

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But what really amused me was the way she was thrashing around excitedly while holding the baby. I was screaming at the TV, "Good gosh, that's a newborn you're holding!" I was afraid the kid would go sailing across the room, like when I get hyper while teaching and accidentally launch a pencil at my class.


I was terrified when she handed BabyZeek to BigZeek. I was half-convinced he was going to have some kind of episode/heart 'event' and drop the baby.

  • Love 1

The whole Zeke being at the wedding thing caught in my throat.  My father was diagnosed with Cancer and he (we) knew he would not see my sister walk down the isle (which was only 2 months away) and he was right.  Sad to the core for me.  It would have had me crying if I did not find Zeke so self centered especially last episode with Drew. 


I am so over the Bravermen family.  Shouting in the waiting room of the hospital was beyond rude.  Being called to dinner for just the siblings given their father's health should have been a somber serious adult-like dinner but nooooooooooooo the kids just had to act like they were all 12 years old.  I would have appreciated a scene of Zeke actually telling his kids he would not have the surgery and they discuss the next few months and how to make the best of what time they have left with him.  Having the rinse and repeat of the screamfest from the hospital was a waste of time.  Lazy writing.

  • Love 2

The whole Amber pregnancy has put me off this show almost more than anything else.  It's so ridiculous and unfettered to any reality.  Does she know she's now unemployed?  She wasn't working for weeks and now the brothers are closing up shop.  She's mentioned a few times that she's concerned about the economics of having a baby but HELLO?? Moping around in your hipster loft clutching your belly isn't going to make it any easier once the kid arrives.  Her living situation is in jeopardy because no work means no money for rent, food, insurance, clothes etc.  Her car is a death trap and completely unreliable.  She has a high school diploma and very few marketable skills.  Her resume is almost as scattered as her mother's - coffee shop barrista, political aide and receptionist. Woo!  Single with apparently no help financial from Baby Daddy. so while Amber is rightly worried she won't be able to provide for this kid, her hippy-dippy mom tells her "Oh, once you hold the baby, something just clicks! And everything works out!" I don't think Amber was worried she wouldn't love her baby. That wasn't her concern.  I want to ask Sarah aside from the rush of love and emotion toward her new baby, what the hell else "clicks"???  She will get a full time, well paying job, an apartment & a safe vehicle? GAH!


Of course, on this show if you are a Braverman, (or if you've been adopted or taught by a Benevolent Braverman), your life will be perfect.

  • Love 3

The biggest frustration about this show for me is how sentimental everyone is about Zeek. I think he's a terrible person (as I'm sure I've made, heh, abundantly clear), insensitive and thoughtless, sometimes almost to the point of cruelty, and yet he seems to bask in the unalloyed adoration of two generations of his family. (Really, Sarah? He's the best dad ever? We both know that's not even close to being true.) Sarah and her father have always been shown as close, though, so it's not exactly out of left field. And I did find myself moved by their conversation about her wedding to Hank.

In the first season, it seemed there was more allowance for the siblings having different relationships with their parents; Adam in particular seemed to be none too impressed with his father's track record, and that seemed realistic to me. I just wish someone (maybe Julia?) had ever called Grampa out on being a self-adoring clod before he became sick and thus beyond the reach of either reason or criticism.  At least Camille was able to tell him what was what a time or two. As a result of that honesty, Camille's declaration in this episode that she's always with him felt earned to me.

That nasty look of disgust that Max had after his mother kissed him on the head--I just wanted to smack him so hard!  I realize that he has a problem with showing emotion, but they've just made him so hateful that it's hard to feel anything for him.


What I find frustrating there is that Kristina only points out how Max needs to moderate his responses to others when it comes to her expression of affection and devotion. She never (as far as I can recall) seems to counsel patience or urges him build up his social vocabulary when it comes to interacting with his peers, other adults, or even other members of his family -- he only has to "suck it up" in response to her emotional needs. She did this in the first season, when Max was little, and she's still doing it. Nice growth, lady.


On another note, Amber and Sarah singing together? I was a goner. I've had "The Circle Game" playing in my head for hours now.


ETA: Even though (or perhaps because) I can't stop kvetching about Zeek's general awfulness, I have to admit that Craig T. Nelson has been ... effective in the role. AND I AM NOT MADE OF STONE EITHER.

Edited by Sandman
  • Love 7

Okay, ladies who've given birth, was it just me, or did you cringe at Amber sitting cross-legged holding the baby just hours after delivering? Maybe there've been miraculous new techniques to speed up healing, but still....


I thought the same thing as soon as I saw her sitting there.  I liked the realistic touch of having the baby on a pillow, though.  When I had both of my kids I was damn near silent in the delivery rooms so I always hate the over the top screaming all TV shows and movies seem to love.  It's extremely annoying. 

Mostly, I'm glad this show is almost over.  It exhausts me.  I actually stopped watching it about 3 or 4 years ago and then binge watched it on Netflix to catch up and then have watched the past two seasons live (well, recorded on DVR- but not in a binge-way).  I think binge watching is better, for some reason.  They just wear me out week after week.  But, I knew it would end soon so I hung on.  I will be SO happy when I can delete this season pass

The pillow was nice. But I agree about the screaming. I don't remember hearing anyone scream either time I gave birth. Loud groans and moans, yes. But not shrieking.

When Amber went to the hospital in the beginning of the show, and she was yelling at Hank I thought "oh, look, they've got transition right" (thinking back to the time I snarled "I AM breathing " to my concerned husband as we drove to the hospital at midnight). But then, really, gas? They couldn't even go with Braxton-Hicks contractions - which are at least easily mistaken for labor? Sigh...

I did, however, think the camera work and lighting was beautiful on this episode. Especially Joel and Julia in the morning.


Though I'm not a huge fan of LG, she was wonderful in this episode and I finally saw what others see in her. Also, all that talk about how she looked last week - she looked great this time around. Maybe it was just unflattering camera angles.

Edited by clanstarling
  • Love 1

When the show opened with Zeke and Camille trudging uphill, I wondered if they were trying to kill him. A nice walk in the park? OK. Uphill with serious heart failure? Death wish. I do find the way they're dealing with Zeke's end of life issues realistic. The way his doctor explained it, he's probably going to die soon no matter what he does, so I think it's reasonable to decide how you want to spend your final days instead of trying surgery again.


When Kristina and Adam walked into Max's room, I foolishly thought they were going to discuss how rude he was with the boy making the souffle. I actually thought that since he was dealing with another autistic child Adam would realize how Max's words hurt. But no. Another pep talk with no discussion of his behavior.



I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Zeke and Camille slogging up the hill. The man is one cardiac event from a permanent dirt nap and this was their best idea about getting some exercise?   Once again we revisit the "what should we do about Max" problem.  This dipshit of a kid goes around blurting out things that shatter other kid's hopes and all he gets from his idiot, enabler parents is yet another pep talk about how wonderful he is?  This show's handling of Aspergers has been disgraceful.  Max hurts some people with his words, physically assaults others or stalks them and there are virtually no consequences.  Given that, Adam and Kristina, who in the hell do you think is going to hire your son and if they do what makes you think he'll last for more than a few weeks?  I know, if the boss fires Max, Adam will confront him and threaten to kick his ass as he has done in the past.  I don't know who I loathe more, Monica Potter as an actress or the character she plays.  Maybe they are one in the same.  When this show closes out she'll be the one that I'll say good riddance to the most.

  • Love 6

I like this show, but it could've been so much more (given the cast) if the writers would've let it. It has a tendency to pull punches and be schmaltzy. I think that the best 2 seasons might have been S3 & S4. There was a show (that I'd heavily suggest) that was on about 15 years ago called Once & Again that just got pretty much everything right for a 'family drama'. You can find the whole series on youtube. Don't even get me started on Mad Max, Hank or Jasmine. :/

  • Love 4

Random thing that's been bugging me all season, The actors who play Drew and Sarah get into a fight or something? They haven't been alone together since last season, I think. Or even just Amber, Drew and their mother. Odd, considering how close Drew and Amber are.


It does not matter which universe you live in, it is always awkward when your sister gives you a box of her "emergency condoms" in your dorm room, with the door wide open.  One of the thing they need to work out I guess ;)

Edited by DarkRaichu

Career day was hilarious!   All those students suddenly enrolled at the small ratio Snowflake School.  The mentors all had groups of students except for Adam who just had the one souffle boy and Hank who just had Max.  


I loved how Max schooled his dad and the souffle kid on how not to pose, NOBODY does thumbs up in real life situations so don't do it for a picture.  Except for Jasmine and Kristina who thumbed upped each other at career day.  Bwahahaha!   Another thing, who shrieks like Adam because a souffle turned out???  Saturday morning cartoons taught me to be quiet.  

  • Love 4

I was running a couple contests in my mind as this episode progressed.  


Which character is the biggest baby?


Zeek's always in contention although he acquitted himself not nearly as badly as usual.

Joel was right in there.

I give Amber a pass because being in the days - even moments - right before you have a baby is truly frightening, lack of preparation or no.

Max, of course, is always a spoiled brat which is the same thing as being a baby.

But the award definitely goes to CROSBY.  ARRGGHH!  SHUT THE FUCK UP!


The second contest was for sappiest moment but there were too many for me to even choose a finalist.  Hated the singing.  Hated the Ave-Maria-ing.  Hated the everyone feeling so bad for Zeek the Terrible.  


On the other hand, I thought the moments between Sarah and her Dad and then Sarah and Hank were beautifully done.  I loved the moment we found out the souffle worked too.


No idea why I'm still here - there are so many characters I can't abide: Zeek, Crosby, MAX!


Unlike most others, I thought Kristina was absolutely right.  (Not to be yelling in the hospital - although Jasmine was yelling just as much as she was - but to point out that Jasmine was thinking only of her own family and Crosby and not at all about the fact that Adam has to prioritize his family over Crosby.  At this point, I'm ready to nuke the freaking luncheonette! )

During the first season I felt guilty about the fact that I found Max very annoying, with a very forced 'cuteness'. Gradually I got over the guilt, because he just got worse, and more out of control. I finally came around to the idea most of you have agreed upon in these forums - Adam and Kristina's inability to see Max as anything but a Special Snowflake who is treated horribly by almost everyone he encounters has taken a boy with a troubling and sad medical condition into something of a monster.

I'm not made of stone either - teared up during the duet between Sarah and Amber, cried a little during the scene with Zeek and Sarah (my parents were both at my first wedding; neither will be at my second and believe me, they will be missed by both me and TudorPrince) and nearly bawled at "Zeek, meet Zeek"'

I like Ray Romano and Hank has his interesting moments, but I agree that he and Sarah have little to no romantic chemistry. Still, I'm not sure she's entirely 'settling'. She and her ex clearly had a very passionate relationship, but he turned out not to be a good husband or father, and lacked any sense of responsibility. So it may be that she sees passion and romance as inadequate reasons to marry, whereas Hank is reliable, responsible and relatively unselfish. He will take care of her and the kids (and grandchild) financially and emotionally.

But I still want her to end up with Mr. Cyr, but if we're going to have the heartbreaking sequence of Zeek giving Sarah away and then dying, it probably won't happen.


I hope Amber has spent the last nine months reading baby care books, lining up day care, and figuring how to support herself and the baby. But probably not. Waiting until you go into labor and then...what was the plan? Positive thoughts?

And strumming the guitar singing Joni Mitchell songs.


I guess Drew's car still won't start and he can't bear to sit through another awkward ride with Hank, so he decided to sit out the whole baby thing.


Totally agree with those who commented Joel and Julia should be in counseling, as should their family.  Strange that it was a big part of their breakup but there's been no mention of it throughout this season, although they've clearly emphasized a need for it with the daughter acting out, the son having a hard time with the adjustment, etc.  

  • Love 1


Unlike most others, I thought Kristina was absolutely right.  (Not to be yelling in the hospital - although Jasmine was yelling just as much as she was - but to point out that Jasmine was thinking only of her own family and Crosby and not at all about the fact that Adam has to prioritize his family over Crosby.  At this point, I'm ready to nuke the freaking luncheonette! )


True, Jasmine perhaps shouldn't have gone to Adam.  But she had a point, too.  If Adam is that easily swayed, he needs to grow a pair.  I think he liked the idea of being the "savior" for his little brother.


I can't stand Kristina.  I hope she has to take care of Max the rest of her life, because she sure hasn't done anything to prepare him for the real world.

  • Love 2
Unlike most others, I thought Kristina was absolutely right.  (Not to be yelling in the hospital - although Jasmine was yelling just as much as she was - but to point out that Jasmine was thinking only of her own family and Crosby and not at all about the fact that Adam has to prioritize his family over Crosby.  At this point, I'm ready to nuke the freaking luncheonette! )


Jasmine never denied that she was going to Adam out of concern for her own family with Crosby -- she flat out said it.  And she only said that she wanted him to reconsider.  Maybe she thought that this was like the last time when Dwayne Wayne was sniffing around and Adam was ready to flip so quickly.  Maybe she thought that The Luncheonette could be a viable option for both Crosby and Adam if they did some slight restructuring like they did in Jasmine's part time work.  She didn't know that they were bouncing checks, nor should she.  That's none of her business.  Adam was the one that knew all of that information and decided that he could take care of both his family and whatever obligation he felt to his brother.  If Kristina had a problem with that, she needed to talk to Adam.  He's the one that ultimately made the decision.  If she still felt like Jasmine crossed a line with her family, there was a better time and place for that discussion.

My problem with Kristina is that the irony of her schooling Jasmine on going behind people's backs and interfering for her own families benefit was astounding.  That's what Kristina has done for the entire freaking run of the show and it made her a very unlikable character for me.  She went after Amber because Haddie got her feelings hurt.  She wasn't at all concerned when Jasmine was hurt by Crosby sleeping with Max's assistant, she was worried she was going to lose that aide for Max.  She has torn Sarah apart because she thought she was a bad mother. How many times has she confronted parents or school officials because they didn't get Max's special awesomeness?   She has no moral high ground to stand on when it comes to interfering for her family's benefit.


Also, when Adam said he hadn't figured out what his passion was, my husband said "Kristina hasn't told him yet". 

  • Love 13
She has no moral high ground to stand on when it comes to interfering for her family's benefit.


I think Kristina's point is still valid.  It's not really about who has the moral high ground here.  I think that's the kind of you only care about if you are going to engage in some long running feud.  I mean, if the argument comes down to "Well, so and so shouldn't be the one making this particular point," then you've conceded the argument, you just don't like the messenger.  Jasmine did butt into a situation to make an emotional plea to Adam.  I can agree that decision is ultimately on Adam, but Jasmine still played her role.  



I hope Amber has spent the last nine months reading baby care books, lining up day care, and figuring how to support herself and the baby. But probably not. Waiting until you go into labor and then...what was the plan? Positive thoughts?

It did seem like Amber's apartment didn't look at all as though it was set up for her to bring a baby home.  Though I'm still hung on up on the fact that she just leaves her door wide open so anyone can just wander in. 


Oh, and I can see the future Max.  It's you living at home after being fired from your 4000th job for being completely awful. 

Edited by txhorns79

As much as this show has annoyed me over the years (and you've all touched on the points that make this show, at times, ridiculous), I have to say that the scenes with Sarah and Zeke, and then Sarah with Hank (talking about getting married right away so Zeke would be there) really got to me. I lost my dad when I was 15, and when I got married that was the one thing that was "missing." So I could totally identify with her feelings. I haven't liked the character of Sarah for the majority of the show (although I'm a fan of Lauren Graham), but in this episode I did.

I thought the same thing as soon as I saw her sitting there.  I liked the realistic touch of having the baby on a pillow, though.  When I had both of my kids I was damn near silent in the delivery rooms so I always hate the over the top screaming all TV shows and movies seem to love.  It's extremely annoying. 

I don't have a problem with this. I shrieked like a banshee when I was pushing! At least until the midwife and doctor told me to take the energy I was putting into yelling into pushing. But, I had a very quick progression, and some complications and ended up with forceps and no medication. There is no way Amber would be sitting up cross legged if she experienced that joy!

I agree with many others that Sarah and Hank lack chemistry. They always talk to one another as though they are scared of hurting the other person's feelings. The affection between them seems forced to me.

And, I hated Sarah's advise to Amber. Not only was it useless, it could be harmful. Not all mothers instantly bond with their babies, and that can lead to a lot of guilt and anxiety, which can be made only worse if the mother is experiencing postpartum depression or postpartum Blues.

  • Love 6

Another thing, who shrieks like Adam because a souffle turned out???  Saturday morning cartoons taught me to be quiet.  


Well, I was pretty excited the first time I tried making a chocolate souffle and it turned out right. (Ahem.) I actually thought that the souffle was a better choice than the apparently simple omelet. Omelets are easy to make, but also easy to make badly. So no Mentor Points for Adam there. I think souffles are actually easier than their reputation suggests, and chocolate is like pizza -- even when it's not great, it's still pretty great.

  • Love 1

 I guess the "Career Day" plot was to show how Snowflake Academy will continue to flourish. *rolls eyes*

Once last blizzard of specialness at the Snowflake Academy.


Crosby saying what made the Luncheonette work for him was the bond with Adam surprised me. I don't know if I buy that. But if that's what they're saying, then I guess that explains why no one is considering finding another business manager to replace Adam.

Adam made the Luncheonette special by doing all the drudge work while Crosby got to play. In this economy, you probably could find a replacement business manager, but probably not one willing to come in as a partner, bringing in capital to replace Adam's and working for next to nothing for the foreseeable future.



Kristina is such a bitch. I'm sorry, maybe Jasmine did do something crappy like talking to Adam but seriously Kristina way to MAKE EVERYONE feel like crap. She clearly doesn't care about anyone but herself and the way it affects her plans. I'm sorry that's the honest truth. If Adam keeps the recording studio, it affects her getting him to help with her special awesome school. 

I think Kristina did the right thing, but in true Kristina fashion, in the worst possible way. Adam went back on his original decision for the wrong reasons, and three months from now, the guilt pump would run dry and he would desperately want out again.


And, I hated Sarah's advise to Amber. Not only was it useless, it could be harmful. Not all mothers instantly bond with their babies, and that can lead to a lot of guilt and anxiety, which can be made only worse if the mother is experiencing postpartum depression or postpartum Blues.

I think it's OK to be reassuring, though Sarah's speech did need some word-smithing for the reasons you gave. As long as Sarah was also privately making a commitment to keep a close eye on Amber's emotional state and be there for her.


I thought it was interesting that they revisited/undid some of the resolutions from last week. The Julia/Joel revisit was good. The Crosby/Adam revisit was just argh.


I think Amber should have named the baby Soufflé, because like Adam's project, he will turn out well despite a complete lack of readiness on the part of the "chef". :-)

Well, I was pretty excited the first time I tried making a chocolate souffle and it turned out right. (Ahem.) I actually thought that the souffle was a better choice than the apparently simple omelet. Omelets are easy to make, but also easy to make badly. So no Mentor Points for Adam there. I think souffles are actually easier than their reputation suggests, and chocolate is like pizza -- even when it's not great, it's still pretty great.

Interesting, thanks. They missed an opportunity to intensify the Crosby/Adam feud by having Jasmine's student's jumping around cause the soufflé to fall. :-)

  • Love 2
Although I know Kristina has been annoying many times in this show, I still feel that Jasmine was out of line and Kristina had a good reason to be frustrated. 


I agree, but I also think Jasmine had a point and Adam is an adult who made his own choice. 


She has an unreliable support system in her mother, a very shaky source of income and, of course, she locks her apartment with a bike lock, suggesting it's not a particularly secure place for a baby.


Does Amber have a plan for childcare? Has this been mentioned? If she knows her job is gone she should be worried about money, if she thinks it's safe she should be worried about what to do with the baby when she works.  She can't exactly bring him to a recording studio with her.


No, he didn't sleep w/anyone.  Julia assumed he had been going out on dates and probably slept w/his boss-lady she had suspicions about.


I was surprised Julia assumed that, when we hadn't really been given much indication that Joel had been dating.  There was that dinner with his boss, but he has said (I thought convincingly) that it was just business.  And I don't know who else she thought he'd dated.  They really should have discussed that.


Kristina is such a bitch. I'm sorry, maybe Jasmine did do something crappy like talking to Adam but seriously Kristina way to MAKE EVERYONE feel like crap. She clearly doesn't care about anyone but herself and the way it affects her plans. I'm sorry that's the honest truth. If Adam keeps the recording studio, it affects her getting him to help with her special awesome school.


I think Kristina did the right thing, but in true Kristina fashion, in the worst possible way. Adam went back on his original decision for the wrong reasons, and three months from now, the guilt pump would run dry and he would desperately want out again.


In a roundabout way Jasmine's interference worked--Adam's true feelings became known to Crosby who then could say that he only wanted to work with his brother.  Plus, Kristina and Jasmine thumbs-upped each other at Career Night, so it was kind of like middle school kids who are bffs, sworn enemies, then bffs again all in the same day.

Well, since Julia hopped into bed with at least two guys that Joel didn't know, I guess she assumed he did the same thing too. Sorry, I know she's an adult and I'm no prude, but I thought it was irresponsible for Julia to sleep with guys so quickly after separating and she was never divorced. That said, I did like the realism of their reunion adjustments once the bloom was off.

Hate that they did all the lame TV childbirth tropes. They had a pregnant woman go from everything is fine to full bore labour (yes, it was fake, but still, gas doesn't act like that either); they had the whole hurry, hurry we have to get to the hospital NOW as if the baby is going to fall out after 10 minutes of labour; and they had the whole damn family rush to,the hospital the minute labour starts. I don't know anyone who had their entire extended family keep vigil during labour, who would want that?

Sarah and Hank have such a dull relationship. I feel like their proposal went like this:

Hank: So you, um, wanna get married?

Sarah: Yeah, sure, whatever.

So Zeke doesn't want life saving surgery, why? Because he's afraid? He isn't afraid of dying at a relatively young age and missing out on so much? If he gets the surgery now that Zeke Jr. is here, I guess his message is that a loving wife, four nice kids, a pack of mostly pleasant grandkids and the potential of travel aren't enough to live for. But a vanity descendant is. Okay then.

Edited by Shermie

Maybe Adam will find his passion as a chef. He could go to culinary school and maybe on the side teach the special snowflakes how to cook.


I wish someone not necessarily his parents could tell Max that since he is at the high end of the spectrum that the statistics are meaningless for him and probably most of snowflake academy.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Zeke and Camille slogging up the hill. The man is one cardiac event from a permanent dirt nap and this was their best idea about getting some exercise?




Did Camille make an increase on Zeke's Life Insurance policy?


Maybe that where Amber will get the money to support little Zeke.......

Edited by naeptv

Can anyone tell me what happened to Ray Romano's ex-wife and bitchy kid? Seriously, Hank. Those were supposedly important plot points we were wasting time on in the first half of the season, though we haven't heard a word about them in weeks. Now we've got 43 minutes left and are trying to tie everything up? What next? (Why do showrunners do this?)

  • Love 5

Julia told Joel that she didn't sleep with "people" in their bed.  But I do believe that she did.  Since it would be unBraverman-like to lie, I guess that would be an example of retcon?


I agree that it was ridiculous for Amber to be sitting cross-legged on the bed post delivery. I guess that's how they wanted to set up the shot, but it's totally unrealistic. I still tear up at this show, but it's so badly written that it's frustrating. The music is lovely though.


I cringed at all the Snowflake Academy stuff - enough!  I hope we've seen the last of it, but I doubt it. We'll probably get another 10 minutes of it in the finale.

So Zeke doesn't want life saving surgery, why? Because he's afraid? He isn't afraid of dying at a relatively young age and missing out on so much? If he gets the surgery now that Zeke Jr. is here, I guess his message is that a loving wife, four nice kids, a pack of mostly pleasant grandkids and the potential of travel aren't enough to live for. But a vanity descendant is. Okay then.


If I remember right, the doctor had told him there was a good chance he wouldn't survive the surgery or recovery period.  I would honestly say this isn't a case where Zeke is being selfish, so much as there are no good solutions here.        

  • Love 9


Single with apparently no help financial from Baby Daddy. so while Amber is rightly worried she won't be able to provide for this kid, her hippy-dippy mom tells her "Oh, once you hold the baby, something just clicks! And everything works out!" I don't think Amber was worried she wouldn't love her baby. That wasn't her concern.  I want to ask Sarah aside from the rush of love and emotion toward her new baby, what the hell else "clicks"???  She will get a full time, well paying job, an apartment & a safe vehicle? GAH!

Well, to be fair, Sarah raised two kids without a "normal" full time job, apartment or safe vehicle.  It would be unusual for the extended Braverman clan, who are all solidly middle class, but not that unusual for Sarah's branch of the family - we've seen a lot of references over the years to Amber and Drew's totally financially unstable  upbringing.  The one that springs immediately to mind is Amber making paper turtles with Sydney because when she was growing up she had no other toys, but there have been references to moving from place to place and Sarah's crappy car breaking down constantly and her fixing it herself because she couldn't afford a mechanic.  From that perspective, I don't think it's crazy for Sarah to say, "I've been where you are and you'll be able to figure it out."


Besides, I think Sarah did try to have a more realistic conversation with Amber in the beginning of her pregnancy and got shot down - at this point, when the baby is imminently due, it would be nothing but cruel for Sarah to say, "You're right: you're totally unprepared and if the baby doesn't starve to death it will probably die of lead poisoning in this hellhole of an apartment."  And, after all, Camille will still have a ginormous house that will be mostly empty after Zeke kicks it next week, Adam and Kristina have an empty room where Haddie (who?) used to live, Crosby and Jasmine have the room where Jasmine's mother stayed, Joel and Julia could make space if need be, heck - even Sarah and Hank could probably let her stay with them when Ruby isn't there (or move into a bigger place now that they can let Sarah's apartment go) - she's a long way from homeless and starving, even if none of those circumstances would be ideal.

  • Love 5


hurry we have to get to,the hospital NOW as if the baby is going to fall out after 10 minutes of labour

Timidly holds hand up - that was pretty much how my first delivery went - and I was terrified with the second one that I would end up being one of those ladies on the 5 o'clock news who gave birth while pulled over in the shoulder of the highway. BUT, I did call the doctor first and she told me to get to the hospital immediately. It bothered me that they didn't call a doctor.


Like everyone else, it also bothered me that there were absolutely no preparations made for the baby ahead of time. Now, you don't have to have everything babyproofed and perfect when they can't actually move anywhere, but still. Some things can be managed ahead of time. Like, hey Grandpa & Grandma who think I'm wonderful and live in a huge house, can your first great-grandchild and I live with you for a little while??


And no, something doesn't just shift. At least not for everyone.

Edited by clanstarling
  • Love 1

Assuming she has clothing, diapers, and wipes, what else does she need? How else would her apartment need to change, other than the whole leaving the door open issue? Her dad sent a crib, so she has a safe place to set the baby down. If breastfeeding doesn't work out, she can cross that bridge and get some formula and bottles when she gets to that point. I don't understand what else people think they need to see in her apartment.

Edited by truebluesmoky
  • Love 3

When the show opened with Zeke and Camille trudging uphill, I wondered if they were trying to kill him. A nice walk in the park? OK. Uphill with serious heart failure?

When Kristina and Adam walked into Max's room, I foolishly thought they were going to discuss how rude he was with the boy making the souffle. I actually thought that since he was dealing with another autistic child Adam would realize how Max's words hurt. But no. Another pep talk with no discussion of his behavior.

Yes and yes! Edited by Red Fields
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The only sense I can make out of the Jasmine dance class set-up is that most of the students were "real" dance class students that came in to dance with the 2 or 3 snowflakes who wanted to dance.

I am at the age where I gave seen a number of older family members and friends who have said "enough" to more medical intervention. It has never been anything to do with selfishness, IMO. Recovering from the type of major surgery Zeek had is grueling. His health now is worse than it was before the first surgery, which the doctor quickly pointed out. At some point the exhaustion, which was obvious on Zeek during his uphill march with Camille, just becomes never ending. My impression is that Zeek could live for months or die tomorrow and he is basing his decision on how he feels now. I don't think rejecting surgery now closes the door forever.

I think I said this before, but I would rather the birth and death taken place at the beginning of the season. The moments aren't that interesting but the aftermath is much more so. Where is Amber going to live and work? Will Ryan show up? If so, how much of a help or hindrance will he be? How will Camille deal with life as a widow? Sell the house and buy a downtown condo? Move to Europe to paint? Will Adam feel pressured to become family patriarch? Will Crosby tell him to get over himself? Those would have been, IMO, more interesting stories than Ruby, Dylan, Snowflake Academy and the Luncheonette.

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math is much more so. Where is Amber going to live and work? Will Ryan show up? If so, how much of a help or hindrance will he be? How will Camille deal with life as a widow? Sell the house and buy a downtown condo? Move to Europe to paint? Will Adam feel pressured to become family patriarch? Will Crosby tell him to get over himself? Those would have been, IMO, more interesting stories than Ruby, Dylan, Snowflake Academy and the Luncheonette.


Yes, I think the show runners missed a major opportunity in showcasing life cycles.  I would have enjoyed seeing Amber as a mother and Sarah as a grandmother. So dumb. 

I would have enjoyed seeing Amber as a mother and Sarah as a grandmother


I can already imagine what that would be like: 

Amber: "Mom, you are so good with baby Zeke, you should open up your own day care center!" 

Sarah: "You are right, I totally should." 

...The Next Day...

Sarah: "I can't believe I've only been operating this day care center for an hour, but I've already won an award from the state for being the best day care operator ever.  Oh well, I'm bored now, I guess I'll go find something else to do with my time."



Assuming she has clothing, diapers, and wipes, what else does she need?


Given Amber's track record, why would the assumption be made that she has any of those things?  For me, I think I just would have liked a scene where we saw Amber discussing what her plan was for when the baby actually came.  You obviously can't plan for everything, but it would have been nice to see her doing something.  I mean, I guess Hank helped her build the crib, but that seemed to be the totality of her efforts.    

Edited by txhorns79
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I can already imagine what that would be like: 

Amber: "Mom, you are so good with baby Zeke, you should open up your own day care center!" 

Sarah: "You are right, I totally should." 

...The Next Day...

Sarah: "I can't believe I've only been operating this day care center for an hour, but I've already won an award from the state for being the best day care operator ever.  Oh well, I'm bored now, I guess I'll go find something else to do with my time."

This made me LOL.  I enjoy both watching this show and hating on this show but I think it was a missed opportunity. This is an excellent cast and an excellent premise-- it's too bad the writers weren't up to par. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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Given Amber's track record, why would the assumption be made that she has any of those things?

I hate to say it, but I'm glad the show didn't go there.  If you are actually pregnant and expecting your first child, acquiring diapers and onesies and whatever else is the kind of thing that is 100% engrossing (I imagine - I have no children), but for the outside world, that is terribly, terribly mundane and boring to watch.  She went to a baby store, has a crib, had a baby shower, I think it's safe to assume she has diapers without having to watch the trip to Babies "R" Us or whatever the hipster Berkeley equivalent is. (Delivered by Amazon drones?) 


Of course, "mundane and boring to watch" could have been this season's catch-phrase, so what do I know?

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