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S05.E10: House Of Cards

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Kim definitely fell off the wagon but I'm hopeful she got right back on.   She's about 100x better this season where she actually has been sober the majority of the time than she has been any other season.  I checked her twitter link that someone posted and it seems perfectly appropriate and lucid.  She has a guest star gig coming up on Revenge.  You fall down, you get up dust yourself off and try again.  She appears to be trying.


You're right.  Feel bad because I am done with her and her stuff but you are right.  

  • Love 1

I think that Brandi was also acting in the way SHE thought was best for Kim, too.  Brandi was shit-faced, too - just not on any painkillers, unless you include wine.  I think that in her drunken, befuddled mind, Brandi thought she was protecting Kim from something or someone (Kyle or the cameras).  


Of course she was.  I don't think anyone thinks otherwise.  Therein lies most everyone's problems with Brandi.  The fact that she has such an over-inflated sense of importance that she actually thought knowing Kim well for the last 5 minutes meant she was in a position to get in between Kim and Kyle.  She can stand on her soapbox about how she was trying to protect Kim from Kyle but what exactly was Kyle doing that Kim needed protection from her?  She was trying to talk to her, trying to understand what was happening and seemingly very confused.  Brandi is not a member of Kim's family....so for her to get in the way.  What the hell is wrong with you?  My mother always taught me you stay out of family conflicts if they aren't a member of your family.  And even then, stay out of it.  


Kyle wasn't doing anything to Kim that warranted her needing to be protected from it.  


Which is why I'll state again, I would've laid Brandi out had she gotten in my way.  It was none of her business.  I had an addict mother.  I know what it's like to deal with people who are delusional.  Had someone I barely know and didn't really like stepped in my way if that had been my mother?  I wouldn't have thought twice about pushing Brandi off her 6 inch heels and onto her ass.  Wanna press charges on me for assault?  Go ahead.  


And Kyle hasn't done anything to Brandi, she's just the easiest target now.  Brandi tried to get Lisa to bite....no dice.  So she went after Eileen...who is so above it it's not even funny.  And now she's after Kyle because Brandi's "protecting" Kim.  Brandi is one of those people who doesn't know how to exist unless she's pissed off or feuding with someone.  She has no purpose in life unless she is embroiled in conflict.  So full of hate and resentment that she creates psuedo-drama so she can spew out all the hate she has inside her and make it look like she's justified.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
  • Love 14

If she really had been clean and sober and really had JUST relapsed then this was a very dangerous time for her.  When people first start to relapse is one of the most likely times for them to OD as they now no longer have the tolerance to drugs that they had before.

Sure, but even RHOBH viewers know this wasn't the first relapse for Kim post-rehab. She was out of it and giving excuses during the Paris trip, the PR trip, all the absenses because "the dog ate my homework" excuses, etc... This might have been worse, but no way was it her first relapse.

  • Love 9


Hey--how does Miss Vanderfabulous always seem to miss the epic Kim meltdowns? First Game Night and now this...


I think "Ms. Vanderfabulous" (love that) is in a unique position at Bravo with two successful shows.  I think she's able to call at least some of the shots as to what scenes she'll film.


Just read Brandi's blog - she takes another shot at Eileen


"I switched over to white wine, and while there were a few appetizers (one made with kids' frozen mini pancakes and oddly colored salmon), there really wasn't much to eat, and it was dinner time after all."


Of course, at it turns out, there was pizza.  But maybe Eileen doesn't spend $1000 a week on "groceries".

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 9

Sure, but even RHOBH viewers know this wasn't the first relapse for Kim post-rehab. She was out of it and giving excuses during the Paris trip, the PR trip, all the absenses because "the dog ate my homework" excuses, etc... This might have been worse, but no way was it her first relapse.

It doesn't matter if it's her first relapse or her tenth. If she has been off of drugs for any real amount of time then they days when she first starts using again are the times she is most likely to OD.

 I can't remember what I was told when I went to family week, but the average number of relapses was like 7 or 8... Of the 15 people that were involved in family day with my niece, 2 have died in the 2 1/2 years since. Both immediately after a relapse. One onthe the first time he used in about 3 months

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 3

Brandi's blog is actually kind of funny, and dickish at the same time.  Just a bit of it:


"Poker night...Kyle called me and asked me to bring champagne in the car for the ride over to poker night at Eileen's, and we shared one bottle. I generally drink wine, not champagne, and was feeling good. As all of my friends have pointed out to me, it's the third glass that usually takes me to the dark side. Kyle had as much to drink as I did, but it didn't seem to affect her. I guess she must have a really HIGH tolerence. Eileen's house is beautiful on the outside--and it may be a dick thing to say--but creepy on the inside in my opinion. I switched over to white wine, and while there were a few appetizers (one made with kids' frozen mini pancakes and oddly colored salmon), there really wasn't much to eat, and it was dinner time after all."


Funny for her to act as if Kyle has a higher tolerance, which I will assume means she is saying that she drinks more?  Whatever Brandi.


Also, nice dig at Eileen's house and her choice of appetizers.  I will assume that they didn't end the season friends?


Most of  her blog is about how Kyle only cares about Kim when the cameras are rolling. Next week should be interesting. I often wonder about the family secrets that drunk Kim may have revealed to Brandi, and the nasty part of me also wonders if this is why Brandi cuddled up to Kim to begin with. If she has revealed any, I assume we will hear them.

  • Love 4

I remember reading an article that Kim got injured at the start of September and was in the hospital...then frer that article came the article about poker night. I'm guessing Kim was taking pain pills given to her from her hospital stay?

An addict will sometimes latch onto to a.new vice especially if they haven't dealt with the underlying reason for the addiction.

  • Love 1

I think "Ms. Vanderfabulous" (love that) is in a unique position at Bravo with two successful shows. I think she's able to call at least some of the shots as to what scenes she'll film.

Just read Brandi's blog - she takes another shot at Eileen

"I switched over to white wine, and while there were a few appetizers (one made with kids' frozen mini pancakes and oddly colored salmon), there really wasn't much to eat, and it was dinner time after all."

Of course, at it turns out, there was pizza. But maybe Eileen doesn't spend $1000 a week on "groceries".

Reading this delusional bitches blog infuriated me all over again... Brandi we see your skank ass you're not fooling anyone (well maybe 24% of the people).

  • Love 7

LVP was right - it was only a matter time that Brandi screw over Kyle and that Kyle would have learn the hard way.


Lisa Rinna - the Voice of the Viewers in that train wreck of a limo ride.  Her acting skills came in handy this week.


Eileen - love how she doesn't give the power to Brandi by not reacting.  She basically sees her as a delusional fan.

  • Love 10

Brandi's blog is actually kind of funny, and dickish at the same time.  Just a bit of it:


"Poker night...Kyle called me and asked me to bring champagne in the car for the ride over to poker night at Eileen's, and we shared one bottle. I generally drink wine, not champagne, and was feeling good. As all of my friends have pointed out to me, it's the third glass that usually takes me to the dark side. Kyle had as much to drink as I did, but it didn't seem to affect her. I guess she must have a really HIGH tolerence. Eileen's house is beautiful on the outside--and it may be a dick thing to say--but creepy on the inside in my opinion. I switched over to white wine, and while there were a few appetizers (one made with kids' frozen mini pancakes and oddly colored salmon), there really wasn't much to eat, and it was dinner time after all."


Funny for her to act as if Kyle has a higher tolerance, which I will assume means she is saying that she drinks more?  Whatever Brandi.


Also, nice dig at Eileen's house and her choice of appetizers.  I will assume that they didn't end the season friends?


Most of  her blog is about how Kyle only cares about Kim when the cameras are rolling. Next week should be interesting. I often wonder about the family secrets that drunk Kim may have revealed to Brandi, and the nasty part of me also wonders if this is why Brandi cuddled up to Kim to begin with. If she has revealed any, I assume we will hear them.


Kyle probably didn't take a liberal dose of Xanax whilst she was sipping her champagne.


STFU, Brandi, you tacky low-brow twat.  

  • Love 18


Just curious, and to hopefully lighten the mood here just a wee bit-


Did anyone like Kyle's gladiator boots?  And would you wear 'em?  They looked very uncomfortable to me, despite being flat.  Weren't they the same ones Yo wore a while back?


I didn't think they looked so horrible on Kyle or even all that unflattering -- just not great either.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2
Kyle had as much to drink as I did, but it didn't seem to affect her. I guess she must have a really HIGH tolerence.


Or maybe, ya know, she actually EATS when she knows she's going to be drinking. 


I gotta stop reading about Brandi. It's making me turn to chocolate chip cookies I don't need for comfort! Lol


Dear God, I just had one myself while reading her blog!!! The struggle is real. 

  • Love 13
It doesn't matter if it's her first relapse or her tenth. If she has been off of drugs for any real amount of time then they days when she first starts using again are the times she is most likely to OD.



Yeah, I don't think this applies to Kim. No way do I think she's been off drugs for any real amount of time. 


Brandi's blog is outrageous but why am I surprised? She actually thinks that we're going to buy her claim that Kyle is the one with the high tolerance? GTFOOH, Brandi. My goodness, I'm like seething over here from reading that nonsense. 


Why is Brandi throwing so much shade at Eileen? What did this woman ever do to her? She's been at her from day one for no reason. I hate being quick to use jealousy as an excuse for why one woman doesn't like another woman on these shows but I can't imagine what else it can be. Brandi seems threatened by successful women.


Oh, and I hated it when Brandi said that the women would have nothing to talk about without her being there to liven things up. It's like she was basically telling us that this is why Bravo keeps her on. 


I agree with those who pointed out that the women need to take the Lisa approach with Brandi and just ignore or downplay most of what she says. Put her on ignore and don't give her any more attention. If she throws or screams to get attention then send her away like a toddler. 

  • Love 7
I strongly felt that Brandi was trying to make herself look better in comparison to Kyle wrt how they deal with Kim. Even the way she kept calling Kim "Kimmie" and how they were so touchy feely, lip-to-lip kissing, Brandi being the most excited that Kim won because she's *such* a good friend, etc. I personally found it to be annoying so I can only imagine how Kyle felt having that sort of deliberate and insincere behavior being thrown in her face.



Yes, and Brandi had been going at the "Kim's MY friend now" even earlier, at the game. She seemed to be into that for a while. I'm not surprised she's now sticking with the story that Kyle only cares about Kim when the cameras are rolling even though Mauricio's probably been giving her money for years. I don't doubt that this is Kim's story when she's using--nobody really cares about her (except the person who's enabling her at that moment), everyone uses her for their own benefit, etc. 


That's hilarious that she's trying to point to Kyle as obviously being the problem drinker because she, unlike Brandi, was not obviously drunk on poker night. I'm sure Kim, too, thinks that everyone has always had "just as much to drink/just as many pills" as she did whenever she's high. What's scary to watch is how easy both of them can get to Kyle because Kyle's the person actually feeling things like a person while Kim and Brandi seem constantly locked in their own world that isn't really connected to reality. So Kim's going through a dozen moods that have nothing to do with what's really happening and so's Brandi--the two of them getting randomly angry and hostile and then laughing at nothing. It was kind of the same thing with Lisa R in the limo and Eileen at the wine-throwing dinner. 

  • Love 10

It is interesting to note that the only indication we have that Brandi has had too much to drink is, she gets nasty.  No slurring, no staggering, no change in personality other than her attitude.  


She definitely slurs, she was doing so before the infamous wine tossing incident.  I'm not sure it was that noticeable in previous seasons, and I actually speculated that Brandi is now mixing in pills.  She acknowledges mixing Xanax with alcohol - I did that once and my face almost landed in my dinner plate.


Yo's fixation on her daughters becoming models is really uncomfortable to me. I'm not entirely sure why. I did some low profile modeling in my time, so it's not that modeling itself bothers me. I think it's more that the photoshoots I've seen the girls do really bother me. I don't like how seductively they are posed and when I saw her watching Bella's shoot with such approbation when the girl's boobs were hanging out, I was aghast. She worries about her daughters being away at school, and, I'm sorry, it just seems to me that if your daughters are away and you want them to be safe, you wouldn't want them seen on national TV semi nude.


And you wouldn't want them partying with the Jenner girls and Smith kids, and making paid appearances while insulting local customs in Middle Eastern countries - especially considering who their father is.  Gigi was barely eighteen when she did the photo shoot with a completely bared breast.  I was bothered and posted so on TWoP, but I'm sure I was just labelled uptight and not comfortable with my own body.

  • Love 6

Did anyone like Kyle's gladiator boots?

Oh, hell no! She is short, her legs are slightly bowed and those sandal-laceup boots didn't do her any favors. She needs to stick to heels when wearing dresses or skirts to elongate her legs. In my opinion, of course. I think she's a very pretty woman so seeing those things on her made me holler at the TV.

  • Love 7

Ok I'm going to say something that will shock the hell out of anyone who knows me on these boards: damn I felt bad for Kyle. What a shit show. God, Kyle's heart must have broken into a thousand pieces that night. She looked sincerely scared. However, Kyle you need to learn to stop being so handsy when fighting, like ASAP. It's tough but Kyle needs to get some therapy and deal with what she brings to this dynamic because her conflict resolution skills are for shit, especially when she's running on pure instinct which I think she was. She has this odd habit of trying to keep everyone in the room fighting and then try to intimidate them into saying she's in the right. I can only imagine this is how her mom did things since it's what Kyle reverts to when she can't think straight...and that makes me feel bad for the house she grew up in, but she's not doing herself any good by letting the ghost of Big Kathy dictate her relationship with Kim. God lord, Kyle may annoy me to the moon and back but she deserves better than this cluster fuck.

  • Love 12

Okay in her blog Kim claims she was in pain from having bronchitis and pneumonia. What kind of pain do you feel from respiratory illnesses? She also twists Kyle's "embarassed" comment into being about her, instead of being about being a lame poker player. So, pretty much everything everyone has assumed about her response to the whole thing would be.

  • Love 6

One minor thing I need to add regarding this bizarre episode. How do Kim and Brandi feel they can just light up a cigar and a cigarette as guests in a fancy home such as Eileen and Vince have? I would have told them both to take it outside.

I saw Eileen with a cigarette too. I just assumed that smoking is allowed on game night since there is a shot of almost everyone holding either a cigar or a cigarette at one point.

  • Love 4

Where/when did we learn that Kim was a kind of "stealing" Monty pain pills ?!? Kim told kyle Monty gave her one (I don't buy it, but it doesn't mean that she steals all his pills FGS !)


Regarding the comments I read about Oxycodone, don't forget that there are diverse "dosages" (does it means the same than in French ?), as a 5mg pill is absolutely not the same than a 50mg one. The only thing those pills have in common is there "are" ONE pill ! Oxycodone is like heroin, but a pharmaceutical one. And yes, of course, it's very potent !


... But there's a thing I still don't get : if Kim only took ONE pill (that I don't believe), and even if it was a "delayed" one, she should have been a little bit down at the end ef the evening, not agressive and high as a kite !


So, for me, and according to my experience in/with addicts/substances, it's like if she added coke/or adderal to it, during the night, because if that kind of length for a high is... unseen and not understood with a "simple" pill (even with the mega dosage !) for me until now !


(I really hope that my post is understandable, as there are words/expression I don't often (never, lol !) use in English when discussing with people :D)

Edited by Diane Mars
  • Love 6

Where/when did we learn that Kim was a kind of "stealing" Monty pain pills ?!? Kim told kyle Monty gave her one (I don't buy it, but it doesn't mean that she steals all his pills FGS !)


Kim sort of 'outed' herself telling Kim that Monty gave her a pill because she had just told Lisa in the limo that he hasn't been around in days.

  • Love 4

If she really had been clean and sober and really had JUST relapsed then this was a very dangerous time for her.  When people first start to relapse is one of the most likely times for them to OD as they now no longer have the tolerance to drugs that they had before.

Absolutely. Many addicts OD and die after leaving rehab, because their tolerance is back to square one, but they take the same dose as before going to rehab. It's another sad truth about addiction.
  • Love 2

I don't know if it was ever confirmed, but it was speculated that the woman you mention is also an ex-wife of his.  Or at least a wife he is separated from. 



Here's some information about Kim Richards and Monty Brinson from the WetPaint website. G. Monty Brinson is an actor and writer, known for Escape (1989). He was previously married to Terri Lynn Doss and Kim Richards.


"In July of 1985, Kim married the heir to a supermarket franchise, G. Monty Brinson, who is now a professional poker player. Seven months later, in February 1986, Kim gave birth to daughter Brooke. The couple started a production company, Richards-Brinson, and worked on the 1990 movie Escape together, which, despite its misleading title, is not related to the more successful Escape to Witch Mountain franchise. Kim’s sister Kyle also had a role in the forgettable film. Although divorced, Kim and Monty shared custody of Brooke and have remained friends.

Gregg Davis, son of oil tycoon and Dynasty inspiration Marvin Davis, was Kim’s second husband. The two were married for only a short time, and Gregg is the father of daughter Whitney and son Chad. It was interference from Gregg’s parents that drove Kim and the scion apart: Marvin and his wife continually threatened to cut the couple off if they moved out of town. Unlike the amicable split between Kim and Monty, her second divorce was much messier, full of custody and alimony battles.


In 1991, tragedy struck when Kim’s fiance, commodities salesman John J. Collett, was murdered by a hit man in a business deal gone bad. The ordeal had a deep impact on Kim, but she eventually moved on. She gave birth to her fourth child Kimberly — whose father is an ex-boyfriend, aircraft-parts supplier John Jackson — in 1995.


With so much heartache in her past, it’s easy to see why Kim is hesitant to get involved with more romance. In Season 2 of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kim did get involved with Ken Blumenfeld, a man she said she met at her mailbox. Following Kim's stint in rehab in late 2011/early 2012, the two have since broken up.


Monty is not currently married.

Ok I'm going to say something that will shock the hell out of anyone who knows me on these boards: damn I felt bad for Kyle. What a shit show. God, Kyle's heart must have broken into a thousand pieces that night. She looked sincerely scared. However, Kyle you need to learn to stop being so handsy when fighting, like ASAP. It's tough but Kyle needs to get some therapy and deal with what she brings to this dynamic because her conflict resolution skills are for shit, especially when she's running on pure instinct which I think she was. She has this odd habit of trying to keep everyone in the room fighting and then try to intimidate them into saying she's in the right. I can only imagine this is how her mom did things since it's what Kyle reverts to when she can't think straight...and that makes me feel bad for the house she grew up in, but she's not doing herself any good by letting the ghost of Big Kathy dictate her relationship with Kim. God lord, Kyle may annoy me to the moon and back but she deserves better than this cluster fuck.

Fozzy, I feel the same way. I am not now nor ever been a Kyle fan, in fact I have actively disliked her, but damn what a mess. Kyle has comported herself fairly well so far this season, her styling (except for the gladiator shoes) has been much better, and she seems a bit less actively phony. I was also thinking how well Kim had been looking this year, her hair and skin have looked healthy. And then last night happened and I felt terribly sorry for both sisters, I just couldn't help it. Even though I am not a fan of either, as a human being, I had to feel sad for them.

Now, please, make a pact with me: if I should EVER write as kindly about Brandi, alert the authorities because I will have truly gone off the deep end. She I refuse to have any positive feelings for!

  • Love 4

Okay in her blog Kim claims she was in pain from having bronchitis and pneumonia. What kind of pain do you feel from respiratory illnesses? She also twists Kyle's "embarassed" comment into being about her, instead of being about being a lame poker player. So, pretty much everything everyone has assumed about her response to the whole thing would be.

Such BS. Just STFU, Kim! She wanted to get fucked up, plain and simple! I've known recovering addicts that went thru major surgery without narcotics! Pneumonia and bronchitis, my ass! This just pisses me off! I've had spinal fusion without narcotics in order to protect my recovery, and this bitch needs pain pills for bronchitis? Fuck her and the horse she rode in on!

Edited to apologize for losing my temper. In my defense, I'm a redhead AND in recovery! LOL!

Edited by farmgal4
  • Love 15
Okay in her blog Kim claims she was in pain from having bronchitis and pneumonia. What kind of pain do you feel from respiratory illnesses? She also twists Kyle's "embarassed" comment into being about her, instead of being about being a lame poker player. So, pretty much everything everyone has assumed about her response to the whole thing would be.


I think it's possible to cough so hard you can crack a rib from coughing so hard. But she certainly wasn't coughing that night. 


Kyle was definitely embarrassed about the cards. I could feel her pain. She wasn't catching on real quickly, and Brandi was gloating about it. I felt so uncomfortable. 

  • Love 4

Oh, hell no! She is short, her legs are slightly bowed and those sandal-laceup boots didn't do her any favors. She needs to stick to heels when wearing dresses or skirts to elongate her legs. In my opinion, of course. I think she's a very pretty woman so seeing those things on her made me holler at the TV.

Ugh, I had to look away when she was wearing them.  I rarely think they look good on anyone, but someone of her height cannot pull them off.  In contrast to that, she had on some killer heels last night on WWHL and her legs looked amazing.  

Okay in her blog Kim claims she was in pain from having bronchitis and pneumonia. What kind of pain do you feel from respiratory illnesses? She also twists Kyle's "embarassed" comment into being about her, instead of being about being a lame poker player. So, pretty much everything everyone has assumed about her response to the whole thing would be.


I've had bronchitis and pneumonia at the same time and damn, does it suck.  I remember the body aches, the fever and the general discomfort and pain you get in your back and chest from coughing and from the fluid.   I can safely say this though - - I was never prescribed any pain killers (and I do not have an issue with addiction.)  I got antibiotics and was likely told to take Tylenol or something like that for any pain.


I also was in absolutely no shape or have any ability to go to a poker night.  I was pretty much bedridden for a good week and even after that, was fairly weak until I got back on my feet.


I think Kim's full of crap on that one.

  • Love 10

Okay in her blog Kim claims she was in pain from having bronchitis and pneumonia. What kind of pain do you feel from respiratory illnesses? She also twists Kyle's "embarassed" comment into being about her, instead of being about being a lame poker player. So, pretty much everything everyone has assumed about her response to the whole thing would be.

In Brandi's blog, she claimed Kim hurt herself coughing and that is how she got "hurt" (insert eye roll). Kim also claimed she was really too sick/ill to go on spa day but went anyway, she was smoking an e-cig when she was outside on her cell phone! If she was that ill and coughing that bad, smoking an e-cig would have triggered a bad coughing spell and she would have also had trouble breathing, laughing/talking in all the scenes that day as well as poker party day, she did not cough 1 time nor was she ever short of breath, it is a lie/excuse.

Where/when did we learn that Kim was a kind of "stealing" Monty pain pills ?!? Kim told kyle Monty gave her one (I don't buy it, but it doesn't mean that she steals all his pills FGS !)


Regarding the comments I read about Oxycodone, don't forget that there are diverse "dosages" (does it means the same than in French ?), as a 5mg pill is absolutely not the same than a 50mg one. The only thing those pills have in common is there "are" ONE pill ! Oxycodone is like heroin, but a pharmaceutical one. And yes, of course, it's very potent !


... But there's a thing I still don't get : if Kim only took ONE pill (that I don't believe), and even if it was a "delayed" one, she should have been a little bit down at the end ef the evening, not agressive and high as a kite !


So, for me, and according to my experience in/with addicts/substances, it's like if she added coke/or adderal to it, during the night, because if that kind of length for a high is... unseen and not understood with a "simple" pill (even with the mega dosage !) for me until now !


(I really hope that my post is understandable, as there are words/espression I don't often (never, lol !) use in English when discussing with people :D)

She told Lisa R in the ride to Eileen's house that Monty had disappeared a few days before. Then at the party, she told Kyle that Monty had given her a "pain pill" that she had been prescribed before. Either Monty is complicit in helping Kim get high or she stole his meds. That he was not home, according to her, when she took the pill suggests she helped herself to them, in essence, she stole them from him. Later when she wanted to leave, she said that Monty was now home and she wanted to go home to be with him.

  • Love 4

Kyle even said in her blog that she was relieved that Kim owned up to being on something. She said in the past, Kim would never have done that, and she felt that her honesty was a good thing. She wasn't even mad that she relapsed. I think Kim would have been forgiven, even if she'd just left the party without saying anything, but she instead felt like she needed to get in Kyle's face one more time. Brandi was just far too gone herself to be helpful. I'm not sure if she was trying to throw Kyle under the bus or was genuinely trying to keep Kim off camera. I'm going with the latter given her "cut" slashing motion to her throat to tell the cameraman to stop. I hate to say it, but I've been there, where I'm pretty much three sheets and trying to tell the other person that they are the ones who are too drunk and need to get it together/hail a cab. I seem to think I know everything when I'm drunk. It was the drunk leading the pill popper and it was just stupid - to use a word that Brandi kept using on this episode.


In other news about the other storyline that was just too boring for me - the white swan and the black swan - at least now we have confirmation that GiGi dropped out of college. I found it impossible to believe that a girl who's doing that much print work for Guess plus her other shoots could possibly be carrying a college course load. Instead, she dropped out because yes, that girl is definitely making more than six figures. It's okay if Yolanda's preference is that her daughters do modeling. Hey, it's not something I'd want for my own kid because I think it leads to body dysmorphia and opportunities to end up with some serious creepos. But, I just wish Yolanda would be more honest that she is not sending her kids off to NYC for school - because if she were, they'd be touring the school and looking at Bella's class schedule instead of determining which modeling shot would look best in her book.

  • Love 4

I've known plenty of people who have been prescribed pain killers for respiratory infections. Plus most RX cough medicine has pain killers in them. However, I don't think that's what happened. Kim seemed perfectly healthy otherwise. Most times I've seen someone get a RX pain killer for something like that they are in bed with the covers up drooling on a pillow.

So what the fuckity fuck was Kim talking about in the limo? Monty disappeared? Where did he go? Did he move out, check into the hospital, die? What was she talking about?

  • Love 1

I saw Eileen with a cigarette too. I just assumed that smoking is allowed on game night since there is a shot of almost everyone holding either a cigar or a cigarette at one point.


I think that some of the ladies were using e-cigs (shades of Allison DuBois, anyone??).  I know I saw Kyle with one, and at one point, she was sort of twirling it through her fingers.  Kim was definitely smoking a cigar, and not sure about Brandi.

Maybe Eileen and Vince's card room, or poker room, or wherever they were, is a room in their home where they allow smoking?  I know several people who have that sort of "man-cave" room, where brandy and cigars, along with poker and card playing is allowed - in THAT room only.

  • Love 1

Ah, thanks that makes sense. I just associate pain meds with chronic pain, but yeah coughing can be a bitch. (Not that I believe Kim but whatever.)

Taking a cough suppressant, a narcotic one, is usually given in liquid form, it sooths/calms, numbs the throat. It is not something most Dr.s will prescribe to an addict/alcoholic. Kim said that she took a "pill" and she also said that it was Monty's pain pill and that he gave it to her even though he had not been home for a few days. Kim is lying and making excuses just as an active addict does when they get caught.

  • Love 5

I think "Ms. Vanderfabulous" (love that) is in a unique position at Bravo with two successful shows.  I think she's able to call at least some of the shots as to what scenes she'll film.


Just read Brandi's blog - she takes another shot at Eileen


"I switched over to white wine, and while there were a few appetizers (one made with kids' frozen mini pancakes and oddly colored salmon), there really wasn't much to eat, and it was dinner time after all."


Of course, at it turns out, there was pizza.  But maybe Eileen doesn't spend $1000 a week on "groceries".


Because we can all see that Brandi does enjoy food as much as she does wine....her figure bears testament to that...seriously, I don't think that girl ever eats anything!!

ETA:  Maybe she just has a wonderful, fast metabolism and my jealousy is showing - or, maybe not!!  ;-)

Edited by njbchlover

You don't smoke a cigar, or anything, when you are suffering from bronchial issues. But, that's just me. I guess the ass-covering has officially begun by everyone involved.


If you're a hard core smoker, you'll try - again & again.  You must be a fucking lightweight, cooksdelight!  :-D


I don't believe anything Kim or her defenders say - ever.

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... But there's a thing I still don't get : if Kim only took ONE pill (that I don't believe), and even if it was a "delayed" one, she should have been a little bit down at the end ef the evening, not agressive and high as a kite !


My dad has been in the hospital with pancreatitis numerous times over the last few years.  They give him dilauded (sp?) to ease the pain.  To say he's high as a kite when he's on it is not an understatement.  And now that I think about it, he's also very aggressive, when he's not asleep.  My mother was on fentanyl (sp?) patches up until her death and to say she was aggressive is an understatement.  She was mean, all the time, there was no letup.  And EVERYTHING was about her.  The smallest comment made (my aunt made the mistake of saying something about the house being messy and my mother lost her collective shit about it, so much so that my aunt packed up and left that day) was turned into a huge deal and she NEVER let it go.


Seeing Kim last night was 100% what I have seen out of both of my parents while on pain killers.  I can absolutely believe if she took something it had to be more than one and that she had done it at least a couple hours before she left the party.  My dad has said some hilarious stuff while high on pain killers, we make fun of him for it now....but when it's happening it's very surreal.  He went off on my brother and I about people talking outside his window and screamed at both of us to tell them to shutup....his room was on the 9th floor of the hospital.  

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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Brandi's blog is actually kind of funny, and dickish at the same time.  Just a bit of it:


"Poker night...Kyle called me and asked me to bring champagne in the car for the ride over to poker night at Eileen's, and we shared one bottle. I generally drink wine, not champagne, and was feeling good. As all of my friends have pointed out to me, it's the third glass that usually takes me to the dark side. Kyle had as much to drink as I did, but it didn't seem to affect her. I guess she must have a really HIGH tolerence. Eileen's house is beautiful on the outside--and it may be a dick thing to say--but creepy on the inside in my opinion. I switched over to white wine, and while there were a few appetizers (one made with kids' frozen mini pancakes and oddly colored salmon), there really wasn't much to eat, and it was dinner time after all."


Funny for her to act as if Kyle has a higher tolerance, which I will assume means she is saying that she drinks more?  Whatever Brandi.


Also, nice dig at Eileen's house and her choice of appetizers.  I will assume that they didn't end the season friends?


Most of  her blog is about how Kyle only cares about Kim when the cameras are rolling. Next week should be interesting. I often wonder about the family secrets that drunk Kim may have revealed to Brandi, and the nasty part of me also wonders if this is why Brandi cuddled up to Kim to begin with. If she has revealed any, I assume we will hear them.

All of her friends have pointed out to her that on her third glass she gets nasty.  She always also blames the lack of food for her getting drunk and misbehaving.  Hmmmm....if only there were some way Brandi could stop this from happening.  Like eating.  Or stopping at 2 glasses.  Such a hard thing to figure out.

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