imjagain January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Kim seemed drunk or altered from jump street. LisaR saw it. That was beyond un comfortable to watch. And Kim pretty much admitted she took something Monty was taking for pain, 8 Link to comment
heebiejeebie January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 That was some fucked up Twilight Zone viewing tonite. I feel horrible for both Eileen and Vince for inviting this group to their lovely home for a fun night, and it dissolved into a pile of shit in a hurry. Brandi needs to enter rehab STAT. She is a flipping mess. And my money is on Oxy being the drug that Kim took from Monty. A large dose of Oxy. Lisa R handled it like a champ - I'd have been outta that car so fast. Being cancer (Monty) I was thinking Dilaudid. But the more I saw of Kim the more I also think she might have taken a painkiller and also migh thave already fallen off the wagon. The weirds back and forth in the limo was beyond chilling in how Kim seemed to flip a switch, convince herself she hadn't then flip back again in what looked like actualy seconds, not just condensed editing. 4 Link to comment
swankie January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she weren't letting Monty stay with her so she can get her grubby little addict hands on his pain medications (yes, my 1st-class ticket to hell is already booked and confirmed). Well I'll be taking the fiery ride with you because I was thinking the exact same thing. Does Monty not have any other family? Kim is the last person who should be looking after him. He might have only given her 1 pill, but I believe she's helped herself to more than that. She needs to be kicked off this show with the quickness before we end up with an "In memory of...." in the closing credits at the end of the show and I'm not talking about Monty. 14 Link to comment
ryebread January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) Something I loved about this epi: Gigi's imitation of Tyra Banks announcing that "the model that will be moving on to the next round of America's Next Top Model is.....Bella." Something I hated about this epi: (Aside from the obvious, Kimdi) That Lisa Rinna admitted her fantasy is boning Brad Pitt. Brad "Billy Goat" Pitt??? Something I both loved and hated about this epi: Eileen's house. Love the design, love that she obviously decorated it herself, but hate the décor. Edited January 21, 2015 by ryebread 11 Link to comment
rehoboth January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 First of all, going back a few weeks - I believe that Brandi it desperate to remain relevant and watchable and is invested in inventing story lines for herself (as she really has nothing else going on in her life). I think that the "Superfan" /wine toss was a complete set up. Maybe concocted by Brandi and a producer (who then talked to Eileen about "superfans", maybe they were all in on it. Tonight, I saw Brandi use Kim Richards' illness to give her (a storyline). Make the use with a capital U. She used Adrienne and now she is using a broke down Kim Richards for some relevance. I mean, you never get between family in a situation like this. Never. Brandi is just disgusting and this show is no longer fun. I just can't watch it with her anymore. 13 Link to comment
poeticlicensed January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) Kim in the bathroom, "I don't drink or do drugs" Kyle says Kim seems out of it. Kim, "Monty gave me a pain pill" WTF? Isn't a pain pill a drug?? I don't know Monty's backstory other than he has cancer and was kind of a fuck up. What kind of a person shares pain meds with someone who is a recovering addict? Sounds like he is as screwed up as she is. Perhaps its not a good idea that they be living together. And WTF was that with drunk Brandi trying to whisk Kim away? I think that Kyle and Kim have a codependent relationship, but Kyle is Kim's SISTER, and has always tried to protect Kim. I'd probably try to keep Kim from leaving with Brandi also. On a lighter note, Eileen lighting the durflame log in her HAND? How dumb is that? And Brandi I think was confusing American Psycho with Hitchcock's Psycho, with Norman bates living among his stuffed animals and flowered wallpaper. God she's an idiot. Lisa R and Eileen crack me up their facial expressions over the other's antics is priceless. Lisa V - nobody cares about your dog Yo - zzzzzzz Edited January 21, 2015 by poeticlicensed 15 Link to comment
Popular Post WireWrap January 21, 2015 Author Popular Post Share January 21, 2015 Kim handled the wine tasting well but after that she went downhill. She can't handle Monty's health and all of the feelings that are coming with it so she takes a pain pill to numb her emotional pain. She on the addict slippery slope indeed. I didn't get the feeling Kyle was calling her out, It looked like real concern from having been in this situation with her MANY times. Brandi please just get off my TV! How about Kim making Monty's cancer all about HER pain in the car with Lisa R! When Lisa said something about how painful it had to be for Monty, Kim said, without hesitation, but what about MY pain, what about ME! Also, Kim said to Lisa that Monty had disappeared a few days earlier and she did not know where he was, so how did Monty give her any of his pain pills if he was not at her house? IMO, Kim was high at that lunch with just Kyle, just not as high as at the poker party, she was getting aggressive and loud. 29 Link to comment
Popular Post WireWrap January 21, 2015 Author Popular Post Share January 21, 2015 Well I'll be taking the fiery ride with you because I was thinking the exact same thing. Does Monty not have any other family? Kim is the last person who should be looking after him. . Kim, "Monty gave me a pain pill" WTF? Isn't a pain pill a drug?? I don't know Monty's backstory other than he has cancer and was kind of a fuck up. What kind of a person shares pain meds with someone who is a recovering addict? Sounds like he is as screwed up as she is. Perhaps its not a good idea that they be living together. And WTF was that with drunk Brandi trying to whisk Kim away? I think that Kyle and Kim have a codependent relationship, but Kyle is Kim's SISTER, and has always tried to protect Kim. I'd probably try to keep Kim from leaving with Brandi also. Kim told Lisa R in the ride to Eileen's house that Monty had "disappeared" a few days ago! Monty did not give Kim anything, Kim took it without his knowledge IMO! 27 Link to comment
Pattycake2 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I totally agree that Kim had probably helped herself to Monty's meds. And Brandi protecting her because she was the only one who truly loves and understands Kim and can take care of the situation? Pathetic. Addicts slip up. And you have to move fast, if you can, to turn things around. Hadn't any of those women ever played poker before? Or Yahtzee? Or maybe there was just so much inane blabbing going on that no one could understand the directions. I don't play Texas Hold 'Em, but I started watching Celebrity Poker and then the World Series of Poker some years ago and I love it. Love Vince, too. He's a great host. 3 Link to comment
beaker73 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Oh yeah...Kim is totally FUBAR in the car with LisaR. Damn. 7 Link to comment
Deputy Deputy CoS January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) Oh Lord I'm sick to my stomach. Poor Kyle. Kim is a non entity to me most of the time but I strongly disliked her today. I felt bad for Kyle not because of just that poker party, I felt bad because she's lived these moments and would continue to do so as long as she and Kim live. It is a life time sentence. I am so glad Kyle herself has a sturdy support in a very down to earth husband and a her beautiful girls. The Kims in our lives can be soul suckers if the circumstance is right. Gigi is adorable but I see now why he is always in clothes and being carried. Both are necessities. Edited January 21, 2015 by Deputy Deputy CoS 15 Link to comment
Pattycake2 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Kim told Lisa R in the ride to Eileen's house that Monty had "disappeared" a few days ago! IF that's true, I'd hazard that Monty found out Kim had stolen some of his meds and left. 15 Link to comment
heebiejeebie January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Yeah rehoboth, I think Brandi knows her feud with Lisa Vanderpimp only gets her so far as keeping her on the re-signing list for future seasons. Ironically Kyle being willing to interact with Brandi at the top of the season might have played a role in Brandi staying on as full HW and not just a friend since Vanderpimp has been intent on freezing her out. I'm not sure if it is yet another round of Vanderpimp being "over" something and therefore everyone else has to be or whether she finally realized that freezing Brandi out in this manner leaves her little to work with storyline wise and helps open the door to hopefully shove her through it come another season. I wonder if the fact that even if just playing for the cameras, Kyle didn't go into full nasty reality show feud mode and at the very least appears to want some kind of rapprochement with Vanderpimp and Brandi decided to throw herself entirely behind using Kim as her drama/relevance vehicle at the same time getting a dig at Kyle i do wonder what we would have seen if Brandi was not three sheets to the wind herself. Nasty I'm sure. But I think it is telling that Kyle is on Cohen's show tonight. It seems production at the least has chosen a side. Sober Brandi might have read the rest a bit better and not decided to make it all about her. No. I'm serious. 3 Link to comment
Persnickety1 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) Well I'll be taking the fiery ride with you because I was thinking the exact same thing. Does Monty not have any other family? Kim is the last person who should be looking after him. He might have only given her 1 pill, but I believe she's helped herself to more than that. She needs to be kicked off this show with the quickness before we end up with an "In memory of...." in the closing credits at the end of the show and I'm not talking about Monty. Amen and glory hallelujah to your post. I saw an episode of Intervention where the drug-addicted daughter would literally (I shit you not) slither on her stomach into her cancer-stricken father's room at night or when he was napping to raid his medication cabinet next to his bed. Fuck his cancer pain, bitch needed to get high. I can totally see Kim engaging in this same behavior, except maybe using her mad Ninja stalking skills she demonstrated with Brandi in a previous episode. I really hope Kyle is open and straightforward on WWHL tonight and does not continue to try to cover for Kim. I have so much empathy for Kim's kids right now. I get a cold chill up my spine imagining what those kids must have seen and been exposed to with her behavior growing up (and apparently to this day). How utterly miserable they must have been growing up with this hot mess of a woman for a mother. Edited January 21, 2015 by Persnickety1 13 Link to comment
Almost 3000 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 First of all, going back a few weeks - I believe that Brandi it desperate to remain relevant and watchable and is invested in inventing story lines for herself (as she really has nothing else going on in her life). I think that the "Superfan" /wine toss was a complete set up. Maybe concocted by Brandi and a producer (who then talked to Eileen about "superfans", maybe they were all in on it. Tonight, I saw Brandi use Kim Richards' illness to give her (a storyline). Make the use with a capital U. She used Adrienne and now she is using a broke down Kim Richards for some relevance. I mean, you never get between family in a situation like this. Never. Brandi is just disgusting and this show is no longer fun. I just can't watch it with her anymore. I thought I was all alone thinking Brando and the wine toss was a poorly executed production storyline that Brandi improvised into that sprinkle toss. :^P 1 Link to comment
BluishGreen January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) Wow. Awkward. Kim going from total whackadoo to blaming Kyle for making HER uncomfortable, egged on by typical drunk inappropriate Brandi. Gross. "Victim" match made in heaven. I love how Lisa R didn't beat around the bush in the car though. Just straight out - have you been drinking? Have you taken drugs? Ya know, I always has a leeetle soft spot for Kim because she seemed so lost. No more... She got in that limo with LisaR loaded on Monty's cancer meds and then gets all "what about MY pain? What about I go through at night?" It looked to me like she was spoiling for a fight with LisaR, cursing at her, telling her "you disgust me"-- but it was only an acting exercise, right? I thought it seemed a little too emphatic. She and Brandi then join in an effort to mock and embarrass Kyle; Kyle gets up and goes to the bathroom, Kim follows her. All we hear is Kyle ask Kim if she has been drinking, and then Kim complains to her big bad friend Brandi that Kyle said something to make Kim feel bad. Brandi becomes the attack dog. This will likely be a fertile issue for dispute, but I think Brandi was at fault for getting involved at all, for blocking Kyle and then shoving her. Brandi and Kim both are contemptible. Edited January 21, 2015 by BluishGreen 24 Link to comment
rehoboth January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 The Kim who said that Monty "disappeared" sounded just like the nonsense-spouting Kim in Hawaii with her druggie boyfriend Ken. So similar. Things just happen and she doesn't know why/isn't involved. And that's what life was like a lot of the time for her kids. Poor kids. To those who insist that Kyle needs to just let it all go, I want to offer that I have been in a similar situation as Kyle with a family member and I know that you just can't. The embarrassment, the dread over what they may say or do next just comes over and is always there. 20 Link to comment
Rahul January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Umm, what the fuck was that? Kim has always been an oddball, but she is beyond bizarre when medicated. I wonder if she was coked out of her mind, because prescription meds for "the pain" don't make you act like that. Either that or she's been hitting the crack/meth pipe. I felt sorry for Kyle up until the moment she decided to confront Kim, and at Eileen's house to boot. The best course of action would have been to let Kim go home and then discuss it at a later date. I'm sure the others would have vouched for Kim's bizarre behavior. Brandi is nauseating. Her tits must be fake because there's an unnatural mile wide gap between them in some of those ugly outfits she shows them off in during her THs. Also, making nasty remarks and adding a "just kidding!" to try and negate the statement or shirk responsibility for speaking your mind is the kind of thing middle school girls do. Grow up. Yo is such a stage mom, it's sickening. What would she have done if her daughters had been born homely and overweight? She's so gung ho on modeling careers for both of them she would have likely paid for multiple cosmetic procedures and liposuction or starved them (which I'm not entirely sure she hasn't done, seeing as her answer to weight loss is the Master cleanse or rationing your food to 6 almonds) until she deemed they were camera worthy. If the execs Bravo had souls, they would terminate Kim Richard's contract immediately upon seeing her in such a state. Sadly, they do not. 10 Link to comment
Cranky One January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I thought I read somewhere that Brandi said the viewers would side with her and Kim after this episode. Um, not a chance in hell. I think Brandi has been drunk in every episode this season. Kim was totally creepy in the limo with Lisa. What was with all the whispering? I was totally waiting for her to say, "REDRUM"! 24 Link to comment
hoosier80 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I found it ironic how Brandi was talking about alcoholism; I think she herself has a drinking problem. Every event she goes to she gets stinking drunk. It's one thing to have a drink or two, but she clearly has no idea or willpower to stop. She is the absolute worst type of person for Kim to be around, as Brandi gives into every freaking impulse in the world. And Yolanda was just so pleased that both girls are going to be models. She could barely contain her joy that Gigi had asked if she had to continue with school, she just wants to work! Why do I think Gigi will be wistful about turning down school years from now, just like Kyle is wistful now. You only get to be young once. Unless you land in a pot of money, most people will be working a long time, so I don't get the rush. Yes, I know a model's career is limited, but still - Yolanda seems to be pushing her girls, very similar to the reports of how Big Kathy pushed Kim and Kyle. Maybe Yolanda is counting on her girls to support her if/when her "king" moves along to greener/younger pastures. Kim pretty much admitted that she'd taken one of Monty's pills (probably more). I don't know how Lisa R kept it together riding in the car with her. I think Vince just gave up trying to explain anything to that group after he saw how far gone both Kim and Brandi were - best to just call it a night and get them out of there. And what a fabulous woman Brandi is - let's insult your hosts' home. I would have said, well thanks, but at least we own it. Or - American Psycho? so glad you'll feel right at home. And what was up with the you all should be better at this - you're all actresses.......? Insecure, bitter, twisted, foul mouthed drunk. I second the motion - get Brandi off this show. And yeah, they're all jealous you won at poker. Kyle has probably been down the now I'm sober road, oops I'm off the wagon routine many times with Kim. I think she did feel sick to her stomach at having to try to deal with it again. Even though I'm sure she knows she shouldn't try and pick up the pieces, it is still her sister. Problems or not, I think those two do love each other. Hard to watch your sister go down in flames. Brandi needed to mind her own business, but she is going to latch onto this for her big storyline (and paycheck). 16 Link to comment
portia7 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 This is a typo but adorbs: Gigi is adorable but I see now why he is always in clothes and being carried. Both are necessities. 7 Link to comment
Katesus7 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 So that was the shove heard round the world? Rather anti-climatic. I expected Brandi to at least go sprawling. Oh, well, maybe next time. Brandi is so easy to read, I can't work up any big hatred. Just disgust. She needs this show. She needs to be the one to pick sides, to blow things up, to encourage others to fight, to be in the middle of it all. She needs that paycheck. She needs more opportunities to be on other lame reality shows like Celebrity Apprentice. Her latest rental will be just as gone next year if this paycheck is gone. She's completely transparent, which makes her boring. Kim is another thing completely. I still want to like her and root for her, but I keep forgetting that she's not just a recovering alcoholic, she's also an incredibly needy, selfish person who will turn on a dime with you if you're not solidly in her corner. She's exhausting to watch, so I can't imagine dealing with her. But unlike Brandi, I find her at least real in all of her craziness. I truly believe she'd be the exact same way without the cameras. It's uncomfortable, I can't say I like her, but I'd rather watch her than the calculating Brandi any time. Kyle has big time family issues, starting with her mother. It was telling to me how she talked about her mother covering up Kim's addiction, which Kyle said made it easer for Kim to get away with things (and agree with others - NO KYLE! Don't talk to Brandi about this!!). I think that moment in the limo, while she completely regrets it, and she should, was her way of somehow standing up to her witch of a mother and finally making the truth known. It was a shitty way to do it, and the whole family is seriously fucked up, but I got it a little more after tonight. And didn't see one damn thing Kyle did tonight that caused Kim (and her willing sidekick Brandi) to get all up in arms about. Also, Yolanda compared her daughters to the White Swan and Black Swan. So that happened. And yes, I know she was probably just using their hair color as the refernce, but I kind of doubt it. 14 Link to comment
jinjer January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) I think Brandi was right to get Kim out of there and Kyle was totally wrong to try to get Kim to stay and eat pizza knowing that Kim had taken drugs. Brandi was walking Kim out to the car with a wine glass in her hand, she was escorting her to the car, she wasn't leaving with her. She didn't come with her. Why would Kyle want her to stay around and continue to be filmed in that state? It's more of Poor Put Upon Kyle, Sister of Kim the Alcoholic. It reminds me of season 1 when Kim tried to leave and Kyle had to jump in the limo and have the fight with her. Brandi was drunk and obnoxious. But her instinct to get Kim out of there was right. ETA WWHL just showed a preview, so the battle continues in the driveway, and Brandi accuses Kyle of not being there for Kim like Brandi. Brandi speaks to Kim everyday, not Kyle. That's the big problem that Kyle has with Brandi I think, not the shove. Edited January 21, 2015 by jinjer 8 Link to comment
Rahul January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Kim in the bathroom, "I don't drink or do drugs" Kyle says Kim seems out of it. Kim, "Monty gave me a pain pill" WTF? Isn't a pain pill a drug?? I don't know Monty's backstory other than he has cancer and was kind of a fuck up. What kind of a person shares pain meds with someone who is a recovering addict? Sounds like he is as screwed up as she is. Perhaps its not a good idea that they be living together. And WTF was that with drunk Brandi trying to whisk Kim away? I think that Kyle and Kim have a codependent relationship, but Kyle is Kim's SISTER, and has always tried to protect Kim. I'd probably try to keep Kim from leaving with Brandi also. I'm guessing that's one reason why Kim volunteered to care for Monty; she knew she'd have relatively easy access to his potent pain meds. It was a nice gesture but if he's to stay under her roof those pills shouldn't be in the house or only be administered by a visiting nurse. Even if they were kept in a secure safe I'm sure Kim would manage to get her hands on them. 9 Link to comment
jinjer January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Also, Yolanda compared her daughters to the White Swan and Black Swan. So that happened. And yes, I know she was probably just using their hair color as the refernce, but I kind of doubt it. I think the girls play up their roles too as Bella always wears black apparently. Kim doesn't do drugs! For shame! She only does medication prescribed by a doctor because she is in such pain! Shame on you for saying she is on drugs! Lol. 6 Link to comment
howivesforever January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I think Brandi was right to get Kim out of there and Kyle was totally wrong to try to get Kim to stay and eat pizza knowing that Kim had taken drugs. Brandi was walking Kim out to the car with a wine glass in her hand, she was escorting her to the car, she wasn't leaving with her. She didn't come with her. Why would Kyle want her to stay around and continue to be filmed in that state? It's more of Poor Put Upon Kyle, Sister of Kim the Alcoholic. It reminds me of season 1 when Kim tried to leave and Kyle had to jump in the limo and have the fight with her. Brandi was drunk and obnoxious. But her instinct to get Kim out of there was right. ETA WWHL just showed a preview, so the battle continues in the driveway, and Brandi accuses Kyle of not being there for Kim like Brandi. Brandi speaks to Kim everyday, not Kyle. That's the big problem that Kyle has with Brandi I think, not the shove. This is not the impression I got. Brandy was leaving with Kim and I'm pretty sure they we're going drink and do drugs. It was not Brandy's place to get in between siblings and I certainly did not take away that Brandy had Kim's best interest at heart. Kyle should have knocked her out! 12 Link to comment
Popular Post princelina January 21, 2015 Popular Post Share January 21, 2015 To those who insist that Kyle needs to just let it all go, I want to offer that I have been in a similar situation as Kyle with a family member and I know that you just can't. The embarrassment, the dread over what they may say or do next just comes over and is always there. In addition, when the addict has been through rehab and been sober for a while, that first time seeing them fucked up again is unnerving - it does make you sick to your stomach in an "Is this what I am seeing?" kind of way, and puts you in a little bit of a shock reaction at first. I could totally see it in Kyle's face - have been there, done that. And if Kim is admitting to taking one pill, you can bet all of those poker winnings that it was more than that. 35 Link to comment
crgirl412 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 People react to narcotics differently if they aren't used to taking them. Even though Kim is an alcoholic and has a tolerance for it, she doesn't for narcotics so it wouldn't have needed to be that big of a dose. I am an RN who gives a lot of pain meds on my post-op unit. It is illegal to take other people's prescription meds also!!! 3 Link to comment
rehoboth January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 This was just a scary, scary episode. The limo ride with Lisa R showed us exactly what goes on inside Kim's head. No wonder she needs to escape from it from time to time, 7 Link to comment
cooksdelight January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Hadn't any of those women ever played poker before? No, I don't think so. One of them yelled "Go Fish!" and other than Old Maids, I think that's the extent of their card-playing ability. 2 Link to comment
ryebread January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 If you watch again (I seeee you) take notice of when Kyle goes into the bathroom and Kim starts to follow. Brandi asks Kim if she's okay, if she's got it. Tries to restrain her from getting up. Kim leaves the table and Brandi looks off camera, makes a slashing motion across her throat, 3 times, indicating to the producer or camera guy, "cut, cut, cut". Very, very interesting. I am not defending Brandi. Nor does Kim deserve protection because her behavior is beyond the pale. But I believe Brandi was trying to protect Kim from being exposed again by Kyle and Bravo. She was trying to get them to stop filming Kim. She wouldn't let Kim out of her sight when she came out of the loo, insisted on escorting her to the car, told her it was a bad idea to go back in, kept telling Kyle to 'stop it, stop it, stop it' while Kyle was trying to further stir things up. Yes sir, in my opinion, Kyle WAS trying to open up that big can of mess (again). Not that Kim doesn't deserve to be exposed but Kyle has an agenda and she wanted to go there. (again) Paying attention to Brandi's actions from the minute Kim left to go to the bathroom up until the scuffle on the steps was interesting. And imo, Kyle grabbed Brandi first. God. I swear I'm not defending Brandi. Just calling it like I saw it. THIRD TIME rewatching that segment. Really? 20 Link to comment
BluishGreen January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 This is not the impression I got. Brandy was leaving with Kim and I'm pretty sure they we're going drink and do drugs. It was not Brandy's place to get in between siblings and I certainly did not take away that Brandy had Kim's best interest at heart. Kyle should have knocked her out! This is what I thought as well. Brandi got into the limo with Kyle holding two bottles and two glasses and I would have thought she fully intended to do some more drinking with Kim. If I was Kim's sister, I would have been trying to get Kim some food, maybe see her get her stabilized a bit, and definitely keep her away from drunk-ass Brandi 11 Link to comment
njbchlover January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Being cancer (Monty) I was thinking Dilaudid. But the more I saw of Kim the more I also think she might have taken a painkiller and also migh thave already fallen off the wagon. The weirds back and forth in the limo was beyond chilling in how Kim seemed to flip a switch, convince herself she hadn't then flip back again in what looked like actualy seconds, not just condensed editing. It was weirdly, scarily reminiscent of the limo ride Kim took with that guy, Ken she was dating/living with/using as her dealer/enabler. I was feeling very tense and anxious during almost all of the show tonight...let's go back to overwrought tears and sobbing over leaving your daughter at college, please!!!! 6 Link to comment
Popular Post Rina99 January 21, 2015 Popular Post Share January 21, 2015 Tonight was really hard to watch, as I'm going through a similar situation with my own sister as Kyle is. I know exactly what feeling Kyle was describing when she just KNEW that Kim wasn't sober. And it doesn't seem to matter how many times it happens, the first slip after a sober period always hurts. I'll bet she was worried what else Kim was going to take once she left, with the state she was currently in. I didn't get the impression that Brandi was leaving with her, but just walking her to the car. Brandi is a piece of shit. That's all. Lisa R. knew what was up from the moment she got in that limo, and good on her for cutting straight to the point. 26 Link to comment
Pattycake2 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Kyle said on WWHL that Brandi was drunk and the last person Kim needed to be with. The preview Andy showed - Brandi was disgusting. 15 Link to comment
ToukieSmith January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 This is not the impression I got. Brandy was leaving with Kim and I'm pretty sure they we're going drink and do drugs. It was not Brandy's place to get in between siblings and I certainly did not take away that Brandy had Kim's best interest at heart. Kyle should have knocked her out! Cosign. Kyle should have knocked Brandi on her ass. When Brandi has decades of time invested in picking up Kim's messes, then she can have something to say about Kyle's actions. Kyle has probably made some mistakes regarding Kim, but Brandi is not the one to call her out. 23 Link to comment
Popular Post heebiejeebie January 21, 2015 Popular Post Share January 21, 2015 What is so disturbing about Brandi is how incredibly destructive and harmful her behavior is beyond the silly caught on camera intrusive and inappropriateness of it all. The last thing an addict who has fallen needs it someone isolating them. Making them feel like everyone else around them is "against" them. Enhancing and encouraging their feelings of entitlement and justification for bad choices made. Addiction specialists around the world should unite and beat Brandi like they are Russians and it is Baby Seal season. Whether Brandi is identifying her own addiction with Kim's or worse, it is exploiting a moment for her own advantage, well being of others be damned. This is toxic and even potentially fatal behavior. The show needs to start addressing that shit stirring is one thing. Feeding into an addict's fall from grace on camera is something else entirely. 26 Link to comment
jinjer January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I wonder how long Kim had been using Monty's pills. I wonder if/how long Brandi knew. I don't think Brandi realized how fucked up Kim was until Kim insulted Kyle because Brandi was drunk and being obnoxious herself. 4 Link to comment
njbchlover January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Kyle needs Alanon. She can't control Kim's addiction or recovery. She needs to detach. I guess this is real, reality TV. I can recall saying this exact thing back when Kim's addiction problems first came out. I think that even though Kim is older, Kyle feels a great sense of responsibility - I think there was something mentioned at one point about Big Kathy making Kyle promise to always look after Kim~~and we all know that Big Kathy has a grip from the grave over those sisters!! 5 Link to comment
howivesforever January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Tonight was really hard to watch, as I'm going through a similar situation with my own sister as Kyle is. I know exactly what feeling Kyle was describing when she just KNEW that Kim wasn't sober. And it doesn't seem to matter how many times it happens, the first slip after a sober period always hurts. I'll bet she was worried what else Kim was going to take once she left, with the state she was currently in. I didn't get the impression that Brandi was leaving with her, but just walking her to the car. Brandi is a piece of shit. That's all. Lisa R. knew what was up from the moment she got in that limo, and good on her for cutting straight to the point. I am going through the same situation with my sister as well.People like Brandy who do nothing but enable and try to make the people who truly care out to be non supportive and judgemental really piss me off. 22 Link to comment
mbaywife123 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Poor LisaR in the limo with Kim. I don't know what I would have done in her position. Maybe tell the driver that I was sick and turn the car around to go home and by the time I was there it would have been too late for Kim to arrive at the poker party and she would have been taken home also. Once I was home maybe call Kyle off camera and tell her what transpired and why they didn't show up for the poker game. Just dont't know, really sensitive situation. 4 Link to comment
Almost 3000 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I can recall saying this exact thing back when Kim's addiction problems first came out. I think that even though Kim is older, Kyle feels a great sense of responsibility - I think there was something mentioned at one point about Big Kathy making Kyle promise to always look after Kim~~and we all know that Big Kathy has a grip from the grave over those sisters!! Kyle said in an interview that what Big Kathy wanted was for the sisters to look out for each other. Now why she felt the need to clarify is up for speculation. 2 Link to comment
jinjer January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) What's the point of having Kim sit and eat pizza after she has behaved horribly, especially since someone made her food to go? Kyle is fucked up about Kim. The best think she could have done was said, "Let's go, I'll take you home." Not, "Come in here and sit with these women, and we'll film you acting bizarre." That's not good. The whole thing about her being afraid of Kim leaving with Brandi is bullshit. She didn't care about Kim leaving w or w/o Brandi. She wanted to find out what Kim had just accused her of. Kim had said something along the line of, "Thanks!" She was MAD at Kim for accusing her of something and wanted to get to the bottom of it. It had NOTHING to do with her being with Brandi. That's just an after the fact excuse by Kyle for why she was following Kim. Edited January 21, 2015 by jinjer 5 Link to comment
Persnickety1 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 People react to narcotics differently if they aren't used to taking them. Even though Kim is an alcoholic and has a tolerance for it, she doesn't for narcotics so it wouldn't have needed to be that big of a dose. I am an RN who gives a lot of pain meds on my post-op unit. It is illegal to take other people's prescription meds also!!! Oh, I have a feeling Kim has a tolerance for a lot of substances that haven't been made known to the audience. That was some wicked shit she was all fucked up on during the Hawaii trip as well. And as frequently as she injures herself or has elective surgery, she's definitely not opiate-naive. 21 Link to comment
ToukieSmith January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I am going through the same situation with my sister as well.People like Brandy who do nothing but enable and try to make the people who truly care out to be non supportive and judgemental really piss me off. Yep. They have plenty to say, but no contribution to the bills. 8 Link to comment
Higgins January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Addiction is a long hard road.. I am sad for the whole family. 18 Link to comment
larapu2000 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I could understand Kyle not wanting her sister to get into a limo, in the state she was in, and have the driver take her to god knows where-another bar? Home to drink more or do more drugs? Encouraging her to eat something to sober up, covering up her mic and whispering in the bathroom (that Kim followed her into) to do her best to keep production from hearing the conversation, are both actions that I think indicate genuine concern and love, and I find it hard to judge anyone that clearly cares about her sister. I love Lisa Rinna, even if I didn't need to know that Mr. Hamlin is a fan of au natural. The only bright spot of Yolanda's camera time tonight was the relationship between Gigi and Bella. They were sweet when they were picking out the pictures for Bella's book, and how excited Gigi got about how good they were. The contrast of sisters tonight was especially jarring. 21 Link to comment
Cranky One January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 The Lisas and Eileen have their blogs up. Lisa R talks more about the limo ride. I love how they all blast Brandi in their blogs. 9 Link to comment
heebiejeebie January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Yep. They have plenty to say, but no contribution to the bills. Not to mention not paying a cent of true emotional cost when the giddy "fun" turns destructive and dark and despairing for all truly involved. Brandi wasn't doing shit for Kim. Brandi was trying to do shit for Brandi. I bet if the cameras had not been there Brandi would have been too busy sitting her black hole of a sagging ass at the kitchen counter topping her wine glass. 18 Link to comment
ryebread January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 (edited) I am going through the same situation with my sister as well.People like Brandy who do nothing but enable and try to make the people who truly care out to be non supportive and judgemental really piss me off. I absolutely agree Brandi is an enabler. Add that to the list of vile things she is. I'd like to ask the posters who are going through a similar thing with their siblings, if in Kyle's shoes would you have handled this in the same way as she did in this episode. It seemed to me that once Kim admitted to taking the pill(s), that Kyle was like a dog with a bone in front of the camera. Even walking directly toward a camera as she pulls Kim along, to 'talk'. That's where I see Brandi really step in - in which appears to me, an attempt to stop another filmed shit fest like we got last time. I guess I really didn't want to see that again. And if it took the likes of Brandi to prevent that, I'm onboard. Maybe not Brandi's place but I didn't see Kyle trying to protect Kim from over exposing. As a sibling of an addict, did you think Kyle was being protective? Edited January 21, 2015 by ryebread 8 Link to comment
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