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S05.E12: Courting Another Wife

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As for Dayton, he obviously did feel pressured to get on the ATV.  Why didn't Robyn find something else for several of the older offspring to do instead?  I bet that surgeon was not impressed with his handiwork being risked so soon after surgery.


I agree. Even though she didn't outright say something, I really felt like Robyn was silently pressuring him - wanting him to overcome his fear. Like I said in my earlier post, ATVs aren't so prevalent that it would hamper one's life if they were afraid of one. And it's only been a few years. AND he JUST had reconstructive surgery. If it were me, I wouldn't have even taken my son out there. Because either he was going to feel pressured to participate, or just sit there, watching and feeling horribly left out. 


I kind of want to steal Day-un away. 


Kody said they've been having problems for 5 years
That would coincide with when Robyn first appeared on the scene.


Mmmmhmmm. I firmly believe that Christine thought she was the third and final wife and that Robyn's entrance to the family (and how it happened) totally wrecked her world. I don't think she's EVER gotten over that. 

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"Normally when I watch this show I just shake my head. But this episode made me irrationally angry; I just wanted to get in there and slap every adult on the screen. " Obviously you're simply PMS'ing.  Please control your emotions ;-)

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At minimum, I would have asked the camera crews to back off Dayton during the ATV trip. That couldn't have helped him and probably added to whatever pressure that he may have felt. Not fair. Nothing about that situation was fair to that kid. Glad it worked out okay for him in the end, but still.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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"Normally when I watch this show I just shake my head. But this episode made me irrationally angry; I just wanted to get in there and slap every adult on the screen. " Obviously you're simply PMS'ing.  Please control your emotions ;-)


I think you're right. I, too, was feeling like the original poster, last night while watching. But this morning my monthly visitor was gone and I suddenly found all of the Browns so likeable and reasonable. 

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Mmmmhmmm. I firmly believe that Christine thought she was the third and final wife and that Robyn's entrance to the family (and how it happened) totally wrecked her world. I don't think she's EVER gotten over that.

IMO Christine got pregnant with Truly as a reaction to Kody "courting" Robyn.

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Dayton's eye looked pretty good.  You couldn't really tell much was wrong unless he looked up or to the side. 


I also thought it was weird that Robyn was semi-pressuring him.  She said that he knows that when he's feeling anxious to go find a quiet spot.. and he did... LEAVE HIM ALONE!


So neither of those ladies grew up in polygamy... and i think he said he didn't either? or maybe he said he didn't think he'd lead that lifestyle.. but because he met them within a week apart.. he couldn't which one he wanted.. so he convinced them to start a polygamous family.


And did one of them already have kids?? The one daughter said she really only considered her 'blood' her siblings. 

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Why are all these families they visit so creepy.  I thought those wives looked very much alike, sisters, even more creepy.  Dayton is finally getting air time and he is so articulate and mature.  Kody asking this Collier guy so many questions is just ridiculous.  He has been at this longer then marble mouth.  Hated this episode it was awful.  Janelle walking out was an over-reaction.  The conversation was embarrassing

but I don't think she needed to walk out.  Christine is becoming a pain in the ass.

Edited by LucyEth
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I can totally believe that Kody would be douchey enough to attribute Christine's outburst to PMS. What I can't believe is that she would go along with it! Gah. I hate, hate, hate that crap. Yes, some women do experience such strong hormonal surges during PMS that they might become more angry or more sensitive, etc. However, you don't ASK a woman "Is it your time of the month?" - as if there is no other legitimate reason for her being upset. I'm so with Janelle on this one, you are reducing a woman to her biology and her biology alone. Again, even Janelle admitted that PMS is a very real thing, but it's not the ONLY thing. And it seems like such a scapegoat way to go - instead of addressing real feelings and real issues. And here's Christine just going along with it! So if she wasn't PMSing, she wouldn't have become upset about the idea of Kody hanging out with Ken? Okay, right. I was on Kody's side last week, but he's such an idiot. And when he talks to Christine there seems to be such anger and bitterness simmering under the surface. Damn. I firmly believe if it weren't for their religious beliefs, those two would be divorced. I'm on nobody's side. They're all a pack of morons. 


AMEN to THAT!  I'll bet Christine went along with it because she thought to herself, "Great, he'll let me off the hook if I can blame it on hormones.  Whatever works!".  But how debasing for her.  In my distant past I can remember men asking me that question, as if they were assuming that I couldn't possibly be legitimately angry at them for any reason so they would ask if hormones had anything to do with it.  It was usually not done with any true concern but in a kind of condescending way, as if they can't expect much more from us "wacky females".  I remember telling them that hormones had nothing to do with it, and that I would be just as upset no matter the time of the month, which was was true in the overwhelming majority of cases.  Let's just say that I never lasted with men that did that to me.  Man, I actually gave Kodouche more credit than that.  The more they try to amp up ratings with "drama" of this sort, the worse he looks!

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I also thought it was weird that Robyn was semi-pressuring him.  She said that he knows that when he's feeling anxious to go find a quiet spot.. and he did... LEAVE HIM ALONE!


Right? It's like he felt like he had to do it because it was being filmed. Poor kid. 


And did one of them already have kids?? The one daughter said she really only considered her 'blood' her siblings.


Yea, they bored me so I was zoning in and out, but I got the impression that the dad and one wife were dating, but she was too young to get serious, so they separated. Then she went off and married someone else and had kids, but it didn't work....so she ended up back with this dude. 


Janelle walking out was an over-reaction.  The conversation was embracing but I don't think she needed to walk out.


Janelle stated that she walked out because they were pissing her off with the PMS talk and she didn't want to say/do something she'd regret. And, frankly, I don't blame her. If she had blown up and called them all idiots, Kody would probably be all, "See? Janelle is PMSing right now!" I didn't think she made too big of a deal about it. And clearly no one else cared. 

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Right? It's like he felt like he had to do it because it was being filmed. Poor kid. 





Yea, they bored me so I was zoning in and out, but I got the impression that the dad and one wife were dating, but she was too young to get serious, so they separated. Then she went off and married someone else and had kids, but it didn't work....so she ended up back with this dude. 





Janelle stated that she walked out because they were pissing her off with the PMS talk and she didn't want to say/do something she'd regret. And, frankly, I don't blame her. If she had blown up and called them all idiots, Kody would probably be all, "See? Janelle is PMSing right now!" I didn't think she made too big of a deal about it. And clearly no one else cared. 

Editing  to say embarrassing not embracing.  I would have rather seen her  tell them they were idiots.  Now that would be good TV.   I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of walking out.  Yes, no one else cared especially her sister wives, it is clear they barely care about each other in general.

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If they lived in my neighborhood, I'd probably enjoy their company as long as we don't discuss religion.


But any time they're talking to other people, their plural marriage/religion is all they want to talk about.  Kody has always been "Look at ME!  I have FOUR wives!"  And then he has to share just how persecuted they all are because of it.


Poor Dayton.  It must be hard for him to find a quiet place when he needs it, thanks to his mother bringing him into a family with 20 other people running around all the time.  I agree with those who said that he is very articulate, and smarter than any of the so-called adults. 

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When Kody said that he isn't responsible for his wives' emotions, I started wondering -- exactly what is he responsible for?  He doesn't have a real job that earns a paycheck.  The wives do all of the child rearing, cooking, cleaning, etc.  What are Kody's responsibilities?


With the Colliers, I had the impression that they were mainstream Mormon, he couldn't choose between the two women and convinced them to do this so that he wouldn't have to choose.  That says a lot about their level of self-respect.

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"Look at ME!  I have FOUR wives!"  And then he has to share just how persecuted they all are because of it.


Followed by how mysterious and difficult a lifestyle it is and only he and his concubines know how to do it right.

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...sexual slavery with the only benefit to them being some sort of planet in the afterlife where they get to continue to serve their Lord and Master for eternity.


I'm going to quibble here and call it reproductive slavery, because it's more about the production of babies than the sex, at least how it appears from the outside.


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When Kody said that he isn't responsible for his wives' emotions, I started wondering -- exactly what is he responsible for?  He doesn't have a real job that earns a paycheck.  The wives do all of the child rearing, cooking, cleaning, etc.  What are Kody's responsibilities?


Well that hair isn't going to do itself. 

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Janelle stated that she walked out because they were pissing her off with the PMS talk and she didn't want to say/do something she'd regret. And, frankly, I don't blame her. If she had blown up and called them all idiots, Kody would probably be all, "See? Janelle is PMSing right now!" I didn't think she made too big of a deal about it. And clearly no one else cared. 

This clip from Everybody Loves Raymond came to mind with this episode:


Edited by ginger90
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Maybe it was just me, but I felt that the PMS talk was really about something else. It seemed so weird and vague in parts... And the emotions expressed were odd. That Kody was being strained to the breaking point, etc. It just felt like there was another subject really being discussed under the guise of "you are just so emotional every month".

I knew the Collier wives had to be related. They looked too much alike to not share blood. The dude was so... Ugh.

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Maybe they think that PMS stands for Post Marriage Syndrome?

Okay, I didn't watch because I need to save what little self-respect I have left...where the hell did the "courting the fifth wife" come in?

This show...

Or polygamist marriage syndrome
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I'm not entirely convinced that they weren't reciting their lines from a script, but the scene with the boys on the coach was cute, espescially after the episodes with scenes about Robyn's kids not fitting in.


There are too many worst parts of the PMS conversation to choose just one, but I am still angry that during the time that Kody couldn't deal with Christine's emotional outbursts was when she was taking anti-depresants.  Apparently, his wives don't even get to have feelings when they have a doctor's excuse.  Were we just supposed to forget that?

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When Kody said that he isn't responsible for his wives' emotions, I started wondering -- exactly what is he responsible for?  He doesn't have a real job that earns a paycheck.  The wives do all of the child rearing, cooking, cleaning, etc.  What are Kody's responsibilities?

I also think that when you're married, a husband is indeed responsible for at least part of his wife's emotional well-being, at least if the husband loves and cares about her. Don't you want her to be happy? Don't you care if she's not? If you made her unhappy, shouldn't you listen to her and try to fix the problem?

In other words, if it's a problem in your marriage, then you're partly responsible for it, and you should assume responsibility to address it. Kody is acting like whatever Christine is angry about is her problem alone, like she's mad that her silver pendant didn't sell. But she's mad at him, and it's all about him. But in Kody's world, it's not him, it's Christine. Or the Christine that emerges every 28 days or so. And because he's a) a selfish prick; and b) married to 3 other wives, he simply rolls his eyes, walks away from her, and finishes the day with others. That's the wonderful life of polygamy that Kody has decided to feature on this show.

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What was the new guys job anyway? That huge truck was used for what? Used so often....that there were wasp nests forming in it! At least the guy does have some form of a job to support his family.  The Duggar's and the Bate's fathers have some form of employment other than a TV show. Was the other poly family the Dargers? He had a job. Also, Brady on My Five Wives has a construction company. I know many have been on some form of govt. assistance at one time or another or filed for bankruptcy but Cody has nothing else besides the TLC gig and that failed jewelry business? He really looks like an idiot compared with most of the other men. I mean financially he is not supporting all of his kids or wives. 

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I found Mr. Collier (forgot his first name) to be fairly predictable.  I just KNEW there was a stockpile of guns in that house SOMEWHERE.  ::Eyeroll::


I suppose it goes along with the military truck and the basement doomsday prep storage room (I just know there's one in there somewhere).  ::Double eyeroll::

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Oh gag me. I'm watching the episode just now, and couldn't continue w/o a quick breather here. Goober Collier just said that "if you take social expectations out of the equation, polygamy is completely natural."  Yeah, you could say the same thing about murdering your enemies, Goober. Which "social expectations" do you get to pick and choose, by the way?


Then his brainless sycophants assure viewers that their man needs a lot of people to meet his needs. ACK! ACK! ACK! I need a barf bag. These people don't have enough brain power between them to power a 5-watt bulb.


Later...Dayton, wow. That photo of him in the hospital was so scary. I honestly didn't get a sense of him being psychologically pressured to ride (your mileage may vary), but I sure felt what a giant accomplishment it was for him. And Paedon, you are a good brother! Could we just have a new version of SW that's nothing but the kids doing couch scenes? Dayton is so much brighter and more articulate than the rest of that mob. He's quite a guy. And sorry, but the snippet of some Collier children chatting with the Brown kids was NOT HEARTENING.


Comparing a gun collection to a wife collection is actually a brilliant analogy for how Kody and other plyg dudes perceive the role of women in their lives.


Back to Goober: "I could not, and WOULD not choose between these two women." Well, aren't you special? Must make each of them feel so wonderful, knowing that, individually, she just isn't enough for big, virile YOU. And Chris refers to herself as SELFISH because she "wanted more" from her relationship. Oh sure! Expecting to be the sole romantic interest of your life partner is so unreasonable--what a self-centered bitch! And Goober stayed in touch with her while she was married to another man--towering paragon of integrity--which they refer to as "the separation time."


Whoever mentioned wanting a group bitch-slap...I'm right there with you.

Edited by NewBaku
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What I found interesting was Meri warning the Colliers that it would be a bad idea to take a friend for a sister wife.  What she neglected to mention was that this was based on personal experience. Heh.

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PS: Meri, the heavy black eyeliner is doing you NO FAVORS. The overly-shiny self-tanner is also awful, but the harsh eyeliner is aging you terribly and making you look damned near as squinty-eyed as your husband. Our makeup has to soften as we age, or it backfires.


Anybody remember Chris Farley in Tommy Boy, when he puts on David Spade's jacket as a joke and sings "Fat man in a little coat. Fat man in a little coat." Yeah, that, every time Miss Teeny Jacket shows up.

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I am a horrible person because when I saw the Collier wives, all I could think of were the creepy twin girls in The Shining. I didn't even realize that the wives were sisters. I am even more creeped out now that I know. One of the sisters said that she was raised Catholic and basically he convinced her to become part of this lifestyle. I wanted to ask her what is wrong with you and what could anyone say to convince you that this is a good idea. The bigger question is, if you have to become a polygamist for a man, why would you choose this one? Collier doesn't cross me as a fun loving, charismatic type and he isn't hot to look at, so what kind of skills did he have to convince two sisters to be his wives? How low can your self-esteem be to go there with him? I also totally do not believe that there aren't some threesomes going on there. There was just a whole creepy vibe there and it was like everyone had dead eyes. The kids did not see particularly happy either. The one thing I like about the Brown kids is that they really do seem like a family unit. The kids have a bond their parents lack. 


Count me in as on Team Dayton. He never spoke much before but I was surprised how intellegent and well thought out his responses were. I snark on Robin all the time but she must have done something right to raise such a great kid, even though she passive aggressively pushed him into getting back on the ATV. 


I find it funny that the Browns and their polygamist peers talk about how wonderful polygamy is and that monogamists don't know what they are missing. I am still waiting to see a happy polygamist family, obviously the browns are it. Yet, I could probably go to Utah, throw a rock and hit a happy monogamist household before I find a happy polygamist one. 

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KoDouche is the worst husband on the planet. He is a narcisstic jerk who needs constant babying and attention, and only multiple wives could do so for his massive ego. The wasp thing was hilarious----Truely also got bit and took it like a champ while dad is carrying on like a mitch expecting all to cater to him. He did not even ensure that all his children got to safety before he started moaning about the fact that the wasp bit him on the head. WAH---WAH----probably moaned about it all day. He truly is like another child.

The talk with Christine in the beginning was so bizarre, I thought he was going to whip out his belt and spank her for being naughty. I'm glad she didn't back down that he did owe some responsibility toward the Ken thing getting out of control. She tried very hard to keep her voice low and keep her own anger in check especially when he was being an obstinate ass hat. Then, he told her that if she has another tantrum in the future he is just going to ignore her. So no more sleepovers when she's rightfully or illogically mad? Somehow I doubt this is an equitable relationship. Christine only gets to be in Kody's good graces when she is on her best "stay sweet" behavior. Then the PMS stuff---- if my hubby ever used PMS in an argument he would be sleeping in the garage for several nights.

ITA with everyone who found it bizarre that Cody would appoint himself the polygamist judge and jury. Why is it his responsibility to see how other polygamists live their lives? I think if Cody ever had to deal with Brady Williams (m5wives) he would be shut down immediately. I really wish someone would call Cody out on all his BS and in my hypothetical scenario Brady would do just that.

So far KoDouche is the anomaly with polygamy husbands; he does not work or provide financially for his household, he does not tuck of other wives in every night (too much walking?), he does not have an equitable distribution of his time spent with each family, barely spends time with his children in groups talk less of one on one, he does not keep to a strict schedule with the wives to ensure that he is spending quality time with each person and developing each relationship independently, and he pretty much just does whatever he wants. Also let's not forget his blatant chauvinistic, borderline misogynistic, idiotic, uninformed, ignorant, judgmental beliefs. So far he is the worst polygamist husband out of all the ones that have been showcased on TLC.

Maybe if he focused more on being a better husband and a better father instead of the Kingbaby, his wives would be happier. Have you ever thought of that? That you're part of the problem? So far his only 'real' responsibility is the septic hose. He comes to each house expecting to not be bothered and to be treated like a king. How many times have we caught him napping? How many times has he ignored a child who just wanted some attention from him or brushed them off? Besides the 1 epi when the wives all left him for a weekend, when has he ever offered a wife to watch the kids? Or cooked dinner? When is he ever gone out of his way to make any of his wives feel extra special? When has he even offered a foot massage or a shoulder massage when one of his wives with having a bad day? These are all the things that a good husband would do normally. but KoDouche believes that his calling means that his wives are the ones who should be catering to him 24/7/ 365.

The more they try to preach to us that polygamy is good, the more obvious it becomes to us that the women are accepting crumbs instead of the whole pie. According to my count, so far we have seen five different polygamist households and none of them are the same. Unless you get a husband like Brady who makes an effort to be consciously engaged with his wives and children (which seems like an ongoing struggle even for him), you are more than likely to end up with a narcissist like Cody or an indecisive dude like Nathan. And as a woman in her right mind, marriage should be a partnership and not just all the work falling on one person's shoulders.

The Collier family seem more like polyamorous than polygamous to me. Twins? Of course they did not have a problem with sharing one man because they were probably used to living similar lives while growing up. But the third wife is going to be a huge problem, esp since she is besties with wife #2. Drama!

Did anyone catch that when Cody was talking to Nathan Collier about the new wife situation, he mentioned that prior to Robin coming into the family the other wives used to joke more/talk more about jealousy. But then Robin joined the family and she did not like that joke at all and essentially shut it down completely. She has truly shifted the family and changed a lot within the family in so many ways to her benefit. She is now also the official family mouthpiece even when they're talking about things that had nothing to do with her or situations that happened years before she ever joined the family. How does the 4th wife carry so much influence in the family? She figured it out very quickly, probably from being around polygamy her whole life. Because she controls Cody and Cody controls everyone else.

*Edited for spelling *

"You all have a PMS Demon", says the Kodester. Keep running Janelle!

Edited by Spiderella2
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Janelle getting up from the table made me wonder how many times she's done that when the cameras aren't rolling.  I agree that she should just keep walking.  She has sacrificed too much of her life and peace of mind to stay with the rest of these morons.  No wonder she is having so much trouble losing weight.  The stress must be overwhelming.


I also had the thought that the Colliers are more like polyamory than polygamy.  OK, Nathan was originally a Mormon, but not even from a polygamous background, and despite him mentioning finding justification in the Book of Mormon, I don't see that they got into this lifestyle for primarily religious reasons, so it's more like polyamory to me.  As repulsive and anger-inducing as Kodouche is, I still feel that the Colliers' and the Brown's marital relationships are a little bit different.  I don't know, there's a slime factor with the Colliers that I don't feel with the Browns.  With a rationale like Nathan offered about polygamy being "completely natural" in the absence of "social expectations", how much of a jump is it from there to justifying two women in bed with him at the same time?  Especially when they've already admitted that it takes "more than one woman to satisfy his needs"?  Ewwwww, pass the barf bag, STAT!!!!

Edited by Snarklepuss
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So far his only 'real' responsibility is the septic hose - HA HA HA, GREAT LINE!


Now that people are mentioning it, yes, I can see how the Colliers are more polyamory than polygamy.  YUCK.  It is because he didn't realize he wanted to be polygamous until he couldn't decide between the 2.  That is NOT a religious calling.  That's having your cake and eating it too.  

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Just curious, bigamy is still a crime.  Is that correct.  So if a guy married a woman while he had not divorced his first wife, he would be in legal hot water( same for a woman)?  


Is this because he duped another person into marrying him?  I guess my question is the deception the reason this person has committed a crime.  

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Applecrisp, you're alluding to something that was on by mind.  I didn't understand why Collier was saying the sheriff could kick his door in and take him to jail any moment for their polygamist lifestyle.  If they're all just living together, why?  Or is he a bigamist?


Also, all I could think when Kody and Christine were having their picnic table conversation was that Kody despises Christine and she's getting pretty close to being over him.

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Bigamy is two or more state-recognized marriages.  The Browns only have one legal marriage (Kodoofus and Meri) and the rest are all "spiritual". Bigamy is illegal.

What these shysters are practicing is one man humping as many wimpy, submissimve woman as he can lay hands on and calling it a religious choice.

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I specifically heard Collier saying he had the one legal marriage and the other was a commitment ceremony or spiritual marriage...along those lines.  Don't remember verbatim, but do recall that he made the distinction. 

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Dayton's eye looked pretty good.  You couldn't really tell much was wrong unless he looked up or to the side. 


I also thought it was weird that Robyn was semi-pressuring him.  She said that he knows that when he's feeling anxious to go find a quiet spot.. and he did... LEAVE HIM ALONE!


I have a strong suspicion that if she had not gone to check on him she would have taken even greater flack and had shade thrown her way for being uncaring and neglectful.  Consider reactions when one of the wives leaves a situation/discussion and the criticism that follows when none of the other wives or Kody go after her.


Later...Dayton, wow. That photo of him in the hospital was so scary. I honestly didn't get a sense of him being psychologically pressured to ride (your mileage may vary), but I sure felt what a giant accomplishment it was for him. And Paedon, you are a good brother!


Amen!  As a mother of a 14 yr old special needs son, I can tell you that without encouragement and support my son would rarely try anything new much less try to overcome a fear.  The ability to face one's uncertainties and push forward to accomplish whatever is before you is paramount in bolstering self confidence, learning that you can be self reliant, and goes a long way toward the ultimate goal of independence and living a self sufficient life (or at minimum semi-self sufficiently).


Count me in as on Team Dayton. He never spoke much before but I was surprised how intellegent and well thought out his responses were. I snark on Robin all the time but she must have done something right to raise such a great kid, even though she passive aggressively pushed him into getting back on the ATV. 


I couldn't agree more regarding the sentiment that Robyn must be doing something right to raise such a great kid.  And I know this will be a wildly unpopular statement but I would go so far as to extend that conviction to the family as a whole considering how great all the kids are.  I just don't see how all the kids can be so well adjusted with the often spouted "in spite of their parents".  I would buy into that if the well adjusted kid was an anomaly of one or two or even 5 but for ALL of them at least on the surface to be emotionally, behaviorally, and morally  happy, stable, and secure says something.

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With a rationale like Nathan offered about polygamy being "completely natural" in the absence of "social expectations", how much of a jump is it from there to justifying two women in bed with him at the same time?  Especially when they've already admitted that it takes "more than one woman to satisfy his needs"?


I got the ice factor from the Colliers, thinking that they probably have threesomes.  I've not felt that way about any of the other poly families.  And their kids just seemed so unhappy.  Sad.

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I have a strong suspicion that if she had not gone to check on him she would have taken even greater flack and had shade thrown her way for being uncaring and neglectful.  Consider reactions when one of the wives leaves a situation/discussion and the criticism that follows when none of the other wives or Kody go after her.



Amen!  As a mother of a 14 yr old special needs son, I can tell you that without encouragement and support my son would rarely try anything new much less try to overcome a fear.  The ability to face one's uncertainties and push forward to accomplish whatever is before you is paramount in bolstering self confidence, learning that you can be self reliant, and goes a long way toward the ultimate goal of independence and living a self sufficient life (or at minimum semi-self sufficiently).


I couldn't agree more regarding the sentiment that Robyn must be doing something right to raise such a great kid.  And I know this will be a wildly unpopular statement but I would go so far as to extend that conviction to the family as a whole considering how great all the kids are.  I just don't see how all the kids can be so well adjusted with the often spouted "in spite of their parents".  I would buy into that if the well adjusted kid was an anomaly of one or two or even 5 but for ALL of them at least on the surface to be emotionally, behaviorally, and morally  happy, stable, and secure says something.



I don't think they are all well adjusted though. I think they spotlight the ones who will tow the party line and not say anything they don't want on television. Mariah either had an awful year last season or was edited badly, but sure notice we haven't seen her much yet this season, if at all.

I like Janelle's kids a lot and think she has done a fine job with them, but you can tell Hunter is smirking when he is in the THs..much like Madison did. It's like they play along for the show, but it is not always what they are thinking...I see hope in those kids for sure. :)

That older girl of Robin's seems to be in every scene and oh so needy, which is sad as it shows she is not well adjusted at all. I think taking her kids into that huge family was very difficult for Robin's kids. I always wonder about how their Dad thinks of seeing them identified as " Dayton Brown - Kody and Robin's son" on the program as well. I wonder if he didn't make some sort of Jon Gosselin-type deal with Robin...just weird he allows it.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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I don't think the Browns are bad parents. I just think they have an incredibly crappy marriage. Using PMS to explain away your complete inability to have a real conversation with your husband is just offensive. And I think the kids are more a product of their mothers than their father. From what we've seen and things that Christine especially has said, it seems like Kody is more of a visiting parent these days than a really involved parent. Although in the first season, things seemed a little better than they appear to be now.


I laughed out loud when Nathan said he wouldn't bring in a third wife unless he was sure the other two wives accepted her. Maybe Kody should spend more time with Nathan.


And has anyone in recent history actually been arrested just for being in a polygamous marriage? Can they cut out the "cops are coming after us" crap?


I would love a whole episode devoted to why the plyg kids in both families all seem against polygamy for their own futures. If its so great, how come Mariah is the only one interested in signing up?

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And has anyone in recent history actually been arrested just for being in a polygamous marriage? Can they cut out the "cops are coming after us" crap?


No and no.  They can't abandon the "fleeing into the dark of night" crap because it's one of the old moldy plot points they have to dig out a few times a season.  Along with how persecuted they are.   What a load of horse doody.

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It's my belief that the kids turned out well in part because the oldest helped raised the others and because before Robyn and TLC, they had a pretty stable pseudo family with at least two mother figures who were paying attention and lots of extended family and friends. Lots of kids turn out fine who have self-involved idiots as fathers or who have no father whatsoever.

Post TLC...not so much.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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Janelle is getting an interesting edit this year. Showing her at the therapist, the dance thing, walking out, (no one seems surprised) so my question is why now? If this is the normal Janelle why are they showing her in that light now?

Christine and Kody look done for. Perhaps this is the year two wives leave.

Or, Maybe it is a dream I am having....

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I got the ice factor from the Colliers, thinking that they probably have threesomes.  I've not felt that way about any of the other poly families.  And their kids just seemed so unhappy.  Sad.

Although the Richards in Missouri (that other random poly family the Browns visited) did admit to all sharing a bed...I got a feeling that was an insinuation of threesome as well. 


Perhaps the kids being well-rounded good people is partially due to good parenting and partially due to a need for supporting each other as siblings. I think all the adults in the family are really dysfunctional with one another but have managed to be there for their children. How much time Kody spends with each individual child is questionable, but I think despite his cluelessness as a husband he is fun-loving with his children and cares about them a lot. I get the sense the kids know he wants the best for them and has good intentions but don't take him too seriously because of his immaturity. I think Kody loves attention but the reality is he probably would have been a much better husband and father with fewer kids and wives. The wives all strike me as good parents for the most part. 

Edited by purpleflowers
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