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Small Talk: Reliable Tittle Tattle

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Happy trails beyond Small Talk!

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Can I just say that I'm embarrassingly happy to see some familiar names here?! Like many of you, I'm a TWoP refugee who just wandered in, but I already feel like it has the potential to be my new cyber-home :)

All-time favorite shows include Gilmore Girls, The Office, Buffy, and about a zillion or so. As some of you know, I've recently become merrily obsessed with Brooklyn Nine-Nine :)  

Other random facts I've blathered about elsewhere: I live in New York, I've fallen into an incredibly odd not-even-a-real-job job that somehow allows me to pay my rent while still spending most of the day surfing the web or attached to my beloved Kindle, and I'm less than three months away from turning 40 and surprisingly sanguine about it (though I totally won't be once the actual day arrives; you've been warned!)

I'm looking forward to talking to you guys and am thrilled that we have separate threads now!

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How about "reliable tittle tattle"?


Good thinking :)

I'm not an active TWOP user, but I did spend roughly half my teenage years reading recaps and using the forums back around 2003-2008 so I am a TWOPer at heart I guess!

I actually went over to TWOP (for the first time in about a year) to see what people were saying about B99 after the finale. I was happy to find there was an active thread, tried to login in (forgot all my credentials oops) but then found out TWOP was closing. Outrageous! So perhaps to try and recapture my teen years, here I am trying to be part of a forum community again :) Looking forward to spending too much time here!

A little about me : I'm 27, female, and a big sci-fi/fantasy fan, all the Star Treks, Stargate, Buffy, Farscape, Teen Wolf etc, but I also watch a lot of sitcoms as well (Parks and Rec, Mindy Project). Thats me!

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How about "reliable tittle tattle"?

Love it!

Hi everyone, I'm yet another TWOPper looking for a new forum.  I wasn't all that active of a poster over there (I read more than I posted), but I sometimes posted in the threads for The X-Files, The Mindy Project, New Girl, The West Wing, Downton Abbey, and my most recent love, Brooklyn 99!  Hopefully there will be some fun discussion over here during the (long...why so long? sigh) hiatus. 

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Hi guys! I'm another TWOP refugee. I read the recaps religiously but was more of a sporadic poster. Most recently I've been posting about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but when I saw the B99 forum here I decided to drop in and say hi. Aside from AoS and B99, I'm a fan of Star Trek, Parks and Rec, and Community.

ETA: I love "reliable tittle tattle" as the thread title.

Edited by Sarahastro
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I've been morose most of the day since hearing the TWOP news, as it was my main source of reliving the best moments of B99 over and over.  I am happy to see some familiar faces and feel some hope for the future!

B99 is my main stalker forum, but I also read and occasionally post in Face Off, Shark Tank, Walking Dead, and the Voice forums.

Great thread title as well!

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Hey y'all, I'm happy to see that we have a new home here. So few of my friends watch this show, so where else can I go to fangirl over how unbelievably top-notch Andre Braugher's deadpan is? 

About me: I'm 24 and up until I got to give my two weeks notice yesterday, my job drove me nuts and TV was kind of my refuge. I can typically be found chatting about B99, The Daily Show, Nashville, The Mindy Project, The Americans, and The Good Wife. Glad to (semi) formally meet all of you!

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Hello, from TWoP but branching out here in the B99 forum.  I just got into the show recently since friends were raving about it.  I found this site that graphs IMDB ratings.  You can go to town for any show but it clearly shows an uptick in episode ratings starting with The Vulture episode.  That is spot on for me!  How about anyone else?  Did the pilot hook you or did a later episode?  Also can't wait for the blooper reel!

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The chart is pretty accurate for how I viewed the season.  "The Vulture" was the first episode I flat-out loved, although I did think the episode before it, "M.E. Time", was the first one where I saw the show's potential (due to Jake being flat-out wrong and not Supercop, and Boyle solving the case, therefore, not being a one-dimensional screw-up.) 

As for the entire chart, only real differences is that I would rank "Full Boyle" and "Fancy Brugdom" hiring then IMDB viewers apparently did, but that's about it.  Interesting that, as of right now, the lowest scoring episode is "The Tagger", and the highest scoring one is "The Bet."  Seems on pare with what most have said.

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The chart is pretty accurate for how I viewed the season.  "The Vulture" was the first episode I flat-out loved, although I did think the episode before it, "M.E. Time", was the first one where I saw the show's potential (due to Jake being flat-out wrong and not Supercop, and Boyle solving the case, therefore, not being a one-dimensional screw-up.) 

As for the entire chart, only real differences is that I would rank "Full Boyle" and "Fancy Brugdom" hiring then IMDB viewers apparently did, but that's about it.  Interesting that, as of right now, the lowest scoring episode is "The Tagger", and the highest scoring one is "The Bet."  Seems on pare with what most have said.

Yeah, I was dubious about how much these charts would accurately reflect, because I'd never called IMDB a bastion of good judgement. But they seem about right, for this show at least.

It's good to see that B99 is gathering a loyal following, though. It's a show that absolutely deserves it, and I hope that Fox commit to it as strongly in season 2, giving it the best possible timeslot, and hopefully a strong lead-in as well. I want this show to run for years and years and years.

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I was a TWoP long-timer, but I'm new to this show. I got my hands on the first season yesterday. And have kind of already watched it all. I'd say don't judge me, but I know you guys get it.

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I love that this show has individual threads...so awesome. So much easier to navigate and/or comment (particularly if, like me, you tend to watch eps a little later...it's hard to catch up to everyone when there's only one thread). I look forward to spending time here...  :)

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I can't think of any other place to put this.  I bought a bottle of wine the other night and opened it and took a drink; after two glasses I felt no effect (usually I'll feel a teeny-tiny bit tipsy half way through the second glass).  Couldn't figure it out, so I went to check the ABV%.  Well, it was "wine product" that I was drinking.  I thought imeediately about "wine drink."

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Just wanted to let any 30 Rock fans among the B99 gang know that my request for a 30 Rock forum has been granted.  Come on over and reminisce about Liz, Jack, Tracy, Kenneth, Pete, Jenna, etc, etc.  Jake Peralta is certainly a fan, too, don't you think?  :-) 

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I have a similar announcement, letting you know that at my request a forum for Happy Endings has just been started. As it's easy for a new forum for a no-longer-current sitcom (which therefore won't appear on the main list of shows) to go unnoticed, I venture to mention it here (and in a couple of other suitable forums). Please join me to talk about Brad, Jane, Alex, Dave, Max, and Penny.

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Samberg back in his auditioning for SNL days.  I know a lot of people are feeling Peralta, but this is more my speed.




Humina humina.


Nick Offerman looking very handsome lately, shaved off his Ron Swanson beard!




This post was only for eye candy, nothing else......   half sorry half #notsorry?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Hey there.


Believe it or not, I only discovered B99 two weeks ago.  I binge watched the entire first two seasons just in time for the awesome "Johnny & Dora" to bring joy to my shippy little heart.  Seriously, that episode!! *sigh*


So anyway, I'm glad to find this forum and hope for some good chat and banter to keep me going until season three.


(seriously though.... that episode!)

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2 hours ago, peeayebee said:

To each his own, but I wonder at which point you bailed. S1 of P&R was a work-in-progress. It got great after that. As for The Good Place, did you watch to the end of S1?

My friends told me Babylon 5 got better in the second season, but it really didn't.  I watched Sister City from the second season of P&R, which only reinforced my initial rating.

I didn't watch The Good Place to the end of Season 1 -- I think I bailed about the time that "Jianyu Li" was revealed as Jason -- but I followed the recaps to a certain extent.  The thing is -- only Eleanor was bad enough to go to The Bad Place -- Chidi and Tahani certainly weren't.  So the three of them (Jason is pretty much a non-entity in the afterlife) don't belong together in any one Place.  The fact that they had to a "reset" (since Eleanor was becoming Good) indicates that they wrote themselves into a corner.  Resets are rarely good plot devices and don't seem to be so here.

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I remember seeing a promo for this show repeatedly while flying on United in the summer of 2013.  It looked awful, and I kept thinking "This is the best option Andre Braugher has???"  I tuned in primarily for him, but it didn't take long for the rest of the cast and the impeccably insane writing to win me over.  4 years later, it is still my favorite comedy currently on TV.

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2 hours ago, jhlipton said:

My friends told me Babylon 5 got better in the second season, but it really didn't.  I watched Sister City from the second season of P&R, which only reinforced my initial rating.

I didn't watch The Good Place to the end of Season 1 -- I think I bailed about the time that "Jianyu Li" was revealed as Jason -- but I followed the recaps to a certain extent.  The thing is -- only Eleanor was bad enough to go to The Bad Place -- Chidi and Tahani certainly weren't.  So the three of them (Jason is pretty much a non-entity in the afterlife) don't belong together in any one Place.  The fact that they had to a "reset" (since Eleanor was becoming Good) indicates that they wrote themselves into a corner.  Resets are rarely good plot devices and don't seem to be so here.

I can understand the reticence with P&R if all you've seen is Season 1...took me until mid-way through Season 2 for it to click with me. Sister City is easily the weakest episode of Season 2 of P&R and is really not indicative of its overall quality. If anything it feels like an episode of Season 1 that somehow got shelved (even though that wasn't the case). 

I will say though that The Good Place has explanations for everything you've referred to, and didn't write themselves into a corner at all...if anything I would call them one of the more tightly plotted shows currently airing.  

Different strokes :) 


1 hour ago, Inquisitionist said:

I remember seeing a promo for this show repeatedly while flying on United in the summer of 2013.  It looked awful, and I kept thinking "This is the best option Andre Braugher has???"  I tuned in primarily for him, but it didn't take long for the rest of the cast and the impeccably insane writing to win me over.  4 years later, it is still my favorite comedy currently on TV.

This is one of the few shows I make a point to watch the night it airs - absolutely love how it has surpassed my expectations from the pilot. 

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2 hours ago, jhlipton said:

The thing is -- only Eleanor was bad enough to go to The Bad Place -- Chidi and Tahani certainly weren't.  So the three of them (Jason is pretty much a non-entity in the afterlife) don't belong together in any one Place. 

I see your point, but I'm willing to fan-wave that. I wouldn't want to watch a show with all despicable people in it. I can, however, see Tahani in The Bad Place because her sin is pride, vanity too, I guess. Everything she did was for herself. Anyway, aside from any problems with realism or whatever, I just love the characters and humor. Jason in particular cracks me up.

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Count me in as one of those people who just couldn't get into P&R in any season.  I'd heard so many good things about it and wanted to like it.  When it didn;t work for me in S1, I figured it might be one of those shows that have slow-season-one-syndrome where it really needed to hit its stride in the back half of S1 or even by S2 (this happened for me with several shows: B99, Community, Legends of Tomorrow).  So I skipped straight to S2 and watched several eps.  But still didn't work for me.

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2 hours ago, MsNewsradio said:

I will say though that The Good Place has explanations for everything you've referred to, and didn't write themselves into a corner at all...if anything I would call them one of the more tightly plotted shows currently airing.  

Different strokes :)

This is one of the few shows I make a point to watch the night it airs - absolutely love how it has surpassed my expectations from the pilot. 

I agree.  The big reveal of season 1 wasn't the writers writing themselves into a corner.  The whole thing was planned in advance, and I've been very impressed watching it all play out.  It's been nothing short of brilliant, in my opinion.  And hilarious.

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6 hours ago, peeayebee said:

Everything she did was for herself.

She HAD to do for herself since no one would do for her.  She may have done Good Things out of pride, but how many people do Bad Things out of pride.  It just doesn't work for me.

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On 10/23/2017 at 4:00 PM, MsNewsradio said:

I didn't watch The Good Place to the end of Season 1 -- I think I bailed about the time that "Jianyu Li" was revealed as Jason -- but I followed the recaps to a certain extent.  The thing is -- only Eleanor was bad enough to go to The Bad Place -- Chidi and Tahani certainly weren't.  So the three of them (Jason is pretty much a non-entity in the afterlife) don't belong together in any one Place.  The fact that they had to a "reset" (since Eleanor was becoming Good) indicates that they wrote themselves into a corner.  Resets are rarely good plot devices and don't seem to be so here.

I think you quit way too soon.

On 10/23/2017 at 4:00 PM, MsNewsradio said:

I will say though that The Good Place has explanations for everything you've referred to, and didn't write themselves into a corner at all...if anything I would call them one of the more tightly plotted shows currently airing.

Yes - it's clearly been very carefully plotted. Great wordplay, physical details, humor, and it still has surprises in its 2nd season.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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1 hour ago, possibilities said:

I love The Good Place for all the reasons others have already mentioned, but even without that, I would probably watch it just for the names of the stores that we only know of because the signs are in the background.

That's the wordplay!

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15 hours ago, MsNewsradio said:

I can understand the reticence with P&R if all you've seen is Season 1...took me until mid-way through Season 2 for it to click with me. Sister City is easily the weakest episode of Season 2 of P&R and is really not indicative of its overall quality. If anything it feels like an episode of Season 1 that somehow got shelved (even though that wasn't the case). 

I don't think Sister City is as bad as the rap it seems to get, but you do have to be into Fred Armisen's schtick.  I thought S2 started out much better than anything in S1 with Pawnee Zoo, but really hit its stride around episode 2-7, Greg Pikitis.  Ep. 2-10, Hunting Trip, is still one of my all-time faves.  Boolah, boolah, boolah!

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You know you're a bit obsessed with B99 when: There was recently a suggestion box put in at work and someone saw it for the first time the other day and said "That's a big box." The first thing that came to my mind was, "Name of Amy's sex tape!!" It was totally involuntary!

So glad this show will still be around next season to influence my every waking thought!

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2 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Did anyone watch Abby’s?  I don’t see a forum created for it yet. 😬

Saw it. Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it. We’ll see once it’s past the pilot stage and “settles in”.  I think that fact that there’s no forum for it tells you what you need to know. You can go to Comedies and start the forum...

Edited by chitowngirl
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22 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

Saw it. Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it. We’ll see once it’s past the pilot stage and “settles in”.  I think that fact that there’s no forum for it tells you what you need to know. You can go to Comedies and start the forum...

Yup.  And nope, I’m not that motivated lol.   

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1 hour ago, chitowngirl said:

Saw it. Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it. We’ll see once it’s past the pilot stage and “settles in”.

I felt the same. I like Natalie Morales (The Middleman represent!) so, if I'm home and remember, I'll watch again. 

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The commercials didn't make it look like anything I'd enjoy, but then I think I saw somewhere that it's a Mike Schur show, and that's always a winner. Still, I couldn't motivate myself to check it out. If it's good, I'm hoping I'll catch wind of that and be able to find the episodes I missed on Hulu or something.

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On 4/1/2019 at 10:45 PM, possibilities said:

it's a Mike Schur show, and that's always a winner.

He's 50-50 for me.  I liked The Office and LOVE Brooklyn 9-9 but hated P&R (I know, I know) and just couldn't get into The Good Place.  This looks more like a bleh one than a good one.

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