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S05.E11: A Family Meltdown

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For fuck's sake, Christine, shut up and let it go! Ken is allowed his opinion (just like you are), he's allowed to voice it (just like you are) and he is not required to apologize for it (just like you are). You want every one to be tolerant of you and your lifestyle but the minute someone voices a differing opinion, they "aren't safe".


I covet Christine's mom's sewing room and supplies.


By my count, this is the 432nd time they have made a "first trip" back to the Lehi house. I guess we are going to be treated to a flashback of the Flight from Utah every eppie this season. Christine was already a pill at that point too.


Now, on to the Gay Mormon Dudes.....

  • Love 12

I thought Janelle's weight loss was more noticeable in this episode. 

I can see how Christine found Ken's message to Kody rude, and I wish Kody would acknowledge that just once (it would be nice to see him defend Christine) but wanting Kody to ask for an apology did seem like too much. Christine was being way over the top. Sometimes I feel she is having mood swings. 

Kody was quite vocal.

These people are in desperate need of storylines.

Edited by purpleflowers
  • Love 5

I hate to say it but I tend to believe Kody when he said Ken was just being a crude dude. Robyn tweeted that Ken's comment was "off" but that he has always been kind and accepting of the family, and they have had several good experiences with him and his family. I wonder if his comment was producer-driven in the first place, just to churn up some excitement in that episode. I also don't recall Christine pitching a hissy fit about his comment in the original episode either.


Noticed there was a LOT of talk and shots of RV sewer line with Kody. I guess he had to prove he really does know what he is doing down there.

Edited by Galloway Cave

Were they saying they didn't know where Christine's mom's stuff would go in Christine's house or am I making this up? I know Cody & Christine were talking about her mom overhearing their fights. Why don't they move her into Meri's Mcmansion since I'm sure she has plenty of room? Then Christine's mom can walk to her new job as housekeeper/nanny at Christine's.

  • Love 8
How perfect is it that a show called My Husband's Not Gay is on right after Sister Wives? Talk about crossover potential.


Is there no forum for it yet?


And back on topic, Kody just keeps getting homelier. Looks like he scrunched up his hair when wet, then the pink cheeks and white skin under those dark shark eyes, he looks bad.

  • Love 3

I kind of understand Christine, but I still fault Kody.  There's no reason he should have shared that text. I think Christine may harp on these things because Kody is always dismissive of her.  If he'd at least acknowledged that the comment was hurtful, and said he understood why she found it offensive, she would have simmered down.  And how odd that he (apparently) told Christine's mom that he didn't want her to be an interloper.  Sure come live in my (actually my wife's) house - but stay out of my way and keep your mouth closed.  Don't worry, Christine's my least favorite and I often go a week or so between visits.


I didn't see Logan or Hunter, and it looked like Mariah appeared once they reached Lehi.  I wondered how they managed to fit everyone in two RVs.  It was weird that it showed that three of Janelle's kids were with grandma, but then Janelle only mentioned being separated from two.


The lady who took their picture at Old Faithful looked like Maddie in a blonde wig.

  • Love 4

Boy, we're really scraping the bottom of the barrel now.  I barely made it through this one.  This was the first night that I've seriously considered giving this show the old heave-ho.  It just isn't holding my interest like it once did, even from a rubbernecking, train wreck perspective.  Nonetheless . . .


* Christine, insisting that Kody's high school friend, Ken, apologize for views he expressed in a text, to the point of almost ruining a vacation?  That's more random than any show topic I could have dreamed up.  Ken has every right to express his opinions, as long as Kody chooses to listen to them.  Christine would be wise to leave the past in the past and focus on the here and now.  My humble suggestion: HER KIDS.


* They made yet another trip back to the Lehi home and treated us to another shameless milking of their oppressive pasts for melancholy tears.  Boo-effing-hoo.


* Janelle is looking great.  Her weight loss was much more apparent in this episode.  


* The marshmallows.  I'm not exactly a "granola" sort of person, but the sight of those marshmallows floating down the creek and being thrown all over the campground made me kind of angry.  My reaction if they didn't clean them up?  To quote Kody, "Now I'm pissed."  *rimshot*

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 5

Oh, Christine... no one cares if you're offended.  You could always concentrate on being less offensive to everyone else, you know -- that should keep you busy for 63 years or so.  Plus, why not be angry at Janelle for bringing Ken up as an option for something to do and then running away, leaving Kody to deal with you? 


Then, later Janelle said that she understands why Christine was upset, because she (Christine) grew up in a "world that was safe".  WHAT???  She must have meant "safe" from the outside world, choosing to conveniently forget any abuse within the AUB.  Gross. 


On another note, stay tuned to see the antics of Kody's ex-plyg MIL... should be storyline inducing!


Lastly, Mykelti acted so much like Kody during her 1-minute TH that I had to do a double-take to see if it was her or her dad.  Yikes.

  • Love 2

I kind of understand Christine, but I still fault Kody.  There's no reason he should have shared that text. 


Bingo.  Christine's response was over the top in my opinion, but I lay the fault for Ken-gate at Kody's door.  He seems to greatly enjoy stirring the pot, and I can just imagine him chuckling with glee as he passed that text around to all his wives.  We saw in this same episode how he doesn't hesitate to cater to his own whims at the expense of others, (switching up the nightly rotation schedule), but heaven forbid anybody try to interfere with his bromance time!

  • Love 7

Am I the only one on Christine's side? Or should I say monogamy's side, because this episode is exactly why I call bullshit on their sales pitch on the wonders of polygamy, that love should be "multiplied," and that their sister wives support eachother. The opposite was on display tonight. If you have one wife or significant other, their feelings matter more to you, and there's more at stake when you mistreat, or even disagree with them. Christine wasn't saying that Kody's friend Ken wasn't entitled to his opinion, she was hurt that he insulted their way of life, and Kody laughed it off, even though she, his wife, was deeply offended. He dismisses and ridicules her feelings, and that's not ok in any relationship. Then seeing all the wives rolling their eyes and laughing at her was even more heartbreaking. But Kody, in particular, does this all the time because he's a selfish prick, and because he simply can. If he gets into an argument with one wife, he can simply shrug it off, call it PMS (he does this next week), and walk away, into the arms of wife #2, or #3, or #4. That's polygamy, and it doesn't sound so great for anyone but the King. They all always say that they vote on things, and all have a say. That's bullshit. It's the Kody Show. Always.


That's the thing that bugged me.  When Christine left Kody and the other wives at that table, it was obvious she was very upset.  Not only did Kody not go after her, the other three wives sit there laughing.  Kody doesn't ever have to pay the piper when his wife is angry because he's got three others who will cluster around him and prop him up. I guess it's good to be the king.

  • Love 13

Another week of Janelle complaining - again - about Meri the meanie.  I've got to believe the constant references are leading up to some type of confrontation.  I continue to think Janelle needs to move on.  One of the reasons I believe Meri being mean to Janelle is far in the past, is the way Janelle's children treat Meri - they like her.  Madison has even attributed some of her positive attributes to being raised around Meri.  And the two of them were cute hugging each other as Meri warned her about sleeping in her pranked bed.  I just can't believe this affection would exist if they felt their mother was being treated poorly.  When the parents were laughing on the couch about Meri roping in Aurora and Gabriel for the marshmallow prank, Janelle could barely force a small smile.

  • Love 5

I admit I slept through almost 100% of SW but from what I did see and piecing it together here, I think Christine has a point.  No Kody, Ken wasn't "joking."  From the scene where Ken was confronting Kody, he was dead serious.  I don't think Ken was being evil or mean, simply trying to direct Kody back to what Ken's faith believes is salvation....so I get that.  However, if my husband's friend told him that he shouldn't be married to me (short of me abusing my husband, which of course I don't), then I too would be pissed. I would want my opinions heard and validated.  I wouldn't stop hubby from hanging out with his buddy, but wouldn't invite him on a trip!  So Christine has a point.  But I do hate the emotional manipulation of her not "feeling safe."  Obviously nobody is going to separate this family...it's 2015 and society is completely messed up already.  Kody is just like so many baby-daddies and I do not believe they are living in fear.

  • Love 5

It was painful watching Kody trying to connect with Madison. Give it up, Kody. That ship has sailed long ago. You don't sit your daughter down in a camper and try to connect with cameras rolling. She looks so uncomfortable around him too. I like how he summed it up later, in typical Kody-speak, saying they talked and all is well. I think she probably told him to get out of her face and rushed back to her apartment.



  • Love 8



Supposedly he sent a text encouraging Kody to come back to the standard Mormon religion, but commented that he would have to leave 3 of his wives behind.  It seems this text was sent some time ago, shortly after the 'class reunion' episode was filmed. 


Ken was up front about his views in the clip they showed from that reunion, with the wives sitting there.  Why would Christine expect his views in a text to be any different?  Of course, as a standard Mormon, he''s going to encourage people he feels have strayed to return to the church and follow the teachings.


What I found much more interesting is Kody's comment that one of his sisters also thinks Kody needs to return to the Mormon faith and leave 3 of his wives.  I don't hear Christine comment on that.... it was the first time we have heard that any of Kody's siblings, other than Curtis, were  monogamists. Of course', we have only seen 3 of Kodys' sibings featured on the show. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 5

At the start of this episode I was like - "I just cannot deal with another Brown family RV trip. I just can't". There's the cluster of trying to get everybody organized, the inevitable fights, and the fact that they drag their stupid vacations out over the entire season and drive us all mad. SO I was pleased to see we got through a good portion of their trip in one episode. 


But we still had to suffer through the awkward and uncomfortable fights. Before I weigh in on Kengate, I just have to say that I am SO glad that when my husband and I have an argument there isn't a peanut gallery off to the side with their cackling laughs and their "Oooooohs". 


That being said, while it's nice to know that these women are comfortable speaking up for themselves and being confrontational with their husband, I am on team Kody with this one. It's hard to say whether Ken was joking or not, but I have a hard time believing he'd hang out with all of them if he was really THAT put off by their lifestyle. Was it disrespectful either way? Sure. But it's not like Christine doesn't have her own judgments about other people and their religions; it's not like she's never put her foot in her mouth before. 


But even more than that....how long ago was this? From the footage, it seems like it was several years ago. The guy might not even remember he said it - and you want Kody to call him up and ask him to apologize to you? It just seems silly. IMO, since Christine is the only one who seems to be bothered, she should address it with him - in person, just pull him aside and calmly let him know that it upset her. But that's so not Christine, of course. She's rather get all indignant and hysterical and put a damper on the entire vacation. 


Christine has long been one of my favorites, but she lost me last night. And I'm really over her bringing up the way she was raised as justification for how she acts now. I can understand, to a degree, how she had been indoctrinated to view outsiders as trying to break up the family. But as long as they've been out of that - how long have they been in Vegas now? Surely she should have gotten beyond that sheltered world view by now. 


Two final questions:


1. Does TLC just solicit random Polygamous people for the Browns to go meet every season? Where did they find these people? Plural life Craigslist? I mean, are we really to believe that Kody just stumbles across these people on his own? 


2. What in the seven hells are these people doing taking on a $50-100k loan for a business that no one is interested in, when they are not even paying off ANY of the debt on those monstrous homes??? These have to be some of the most financially ignorant people I've ever seen in my life. 

  • Love 15

I think Christine was a bit over the top and that her anger was probably due to some other issues as well, but if my husband's good friend told him to leave me and our children to be right with God, I'd be pissed too.


Can someone explain to me what the big dust-up was over Kody saying he was going to spend the night at the camp instead of the hotel?

  • Love 3
Kody pontificating about how Christine needs to bring down her pride and ego?  HELLO POT? THE KETTLE HAS CALLED AND LEFT A FIVE MINUTE LONG MESSAGE FOR YOU.


I did have to laugh when he stated that he really hates "hair tossing" and "foot stomping" level hissy fits. Oh, do you mean you only hate it when someone else is doing it? Because, yea, that's his regular MO. 



Can someone explain to me what the big dust-up was over Kody saying he was going to spend the night at the camp instead of the hotel?


He had told the wives he was going to rotate on the vacation based on marriage order. So I assume that meant he was SUPPOSED to be spending the first night in the hotel, as Meri apparently doesn't camp. But....he said he really liked the campsite, so he wanted to stay there instead. And he seemed to give zero figs about how this would fuck up the rotation, or if it bothered his wives. 


Which only reinforced my belief that there generally IS no rotation, and Kody just stays where Kody wants on any given day.

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 9

Why are they so desperate for a credit line all of a sudden? Unlike what Kody pitched to us, I highly doubt it is to order more uninspired jewelry for MSWC. And how come they did not have a ready answer for a collateral? Did they think that their "friend" would just hand them thousands of dollars with no collateral? Not everyone is a naïve business person like they are. *rolleyes* I don't believe that's what the money will be used for. I think they are having cash flow problems, and a $50k-$100k loan will go a long way to helping with their lump sum payment they will soon owe on the Polyg-shacks. I wonder if Christine's mom is moving in to contribute to the rent/mortgage/bills on Christine's house as well. Between the constant parties and celebrations, vacations, and college kids, upcoming balloon payment, etc. they have got to be spliced thin financially. Still don't think anyone has a real paying job besides MSWC and TLC. So they do need cash infusions to keep up with their lifestyle.

If the credit line is going to be used for their business, ordering more stuff isn't the solution. People are not purchasing the crap that is on their online store because it is grossly overpriced and not special. Plus they have alienated majority of their market with the branding of sister wife. I don't think Robyn is a talented designer at all. I wouldn't even buy their stuff if it was at Claire's prices. I truly hope that pawn shop owner agreed for the sake of the cameras only, and is not going to go through with giving them a credit line---he probably won't see a penny back for some time.

For them it makes sense to have a business of some sort so they can pass off certain personal expenses as business expenses and take a loss on their taxes, thereby owing less taxes overall on their TLC money. Hopefully, the business will hit its third year soon or get audited and the IRS can re-classify it as a "hobby" since it is not generating any profits and we don't have to hear about it again next season.

ITA with previous posters that said this is a recycled storyline (minus the Ken apology bit). Kody was so mean to Chrstine. He could have prevented her blowup just by validating her feelings. Instead he degrades her emotions. Ascribes it to her biology, called her out in front of the other wives, and basically showed no partnership-caring at all. He really is a shoddy husband and that King complex makes me want to put a sock in his mouth. Too bad none of the other wives knows how to stick a pin in his inflated ego balloon. Still not seeing how polygamy benefits the woman, esp if married to Kody Brown the asshat.

I think Christine was a bit over the top and that her anger was probably due to some other issues as well, but if my husband's good friend told him to leave me and our children to be right with God, I'd be pissed too.


Can someone explain to me what the big dust-up was over Kody saying he was going to spend the night at the camp instead of the hotel?

Because it would throw off the sex overnight schedule, since some wives stay at the motel, and some stay with the RVs. The original plan was that The Kodester is sleeping with them in order of marriage, and Meri (motel sleeper) would either have to go sleep in the RV for her night to be with him, or he would be cuddling with another RV wife that night. (I assume Robyn since she was the only one that wasn't bothered by the change.)
  • Love 6

For someone so set on demanding tolerance, Christine certainly is incredibly INtolerant. Have always hated her sense of entitlement over the very things she refuses to offer others.

I realize she's not very clear about the ways of the world (apparently even the good stuff, like how one actually earns the respect she's always demanding). I also realize she's not the brightest bulb in the box. But c'mon, woman.

I know the "princess" comment was a dig from Kody. He's not off the hook for that. But I also wonder about the percentage of truth as well. Why is she so sure she gets to make the rules for the rest of the world?

Ugh. I read the live comments last night while watching the Globes. And yet I still sat through the recording this morning. I pretty much asked for the aggravation that I got.

  • Love 8

Christine's point was that she told Kody she was uncomfortable around the friend and Kody ignored her feelings and called him anyway.  That's why she was so upset. And I do see her point in that.  All Kody has to do was say "I'm sorry I wasn't thinking about your feelings" and it probably would have been smashed.  But he can't seem to do that. 


I do think she went a bit overboard in her anger... but like she said - she grew up being taught to fear people like that.  I think she needs to get over it.. but I guess she's entitled to feel how she does. I think Kody could have handled the situation better.  All he had to do was say he was sorry.


Her mom had a HUGE 'craft' room.  Actually two. The one room they showed where she kept all of the fabric and then in the background you could see an entire other room filled with thread and god knows what else. All of that would easily take up the two rooms she's getting at Christine's house.  But if she were downsizing to an apartment she'd likely having to get rid of the same amount of stuff anyways.

  • Love 2

I guess all of us on here owe Christine an apology, cause we don't agree with polygamy and we think they're all nutty. If her "acting" wasn't so over-the-top, I might actually feel sad for her, for so easily perceiving threats against her. Its not normal. I agreed with Jody on this one.

Those idiot "moms" rearranging everything in Maddie's apartment was not cute or fun. Meri said it was an expression of love. These people are so hard to understand.

Ditto on the marshmallows. There's no way those a-holes cleaned them up. I wonder if they were actually in a State or a National Park when they littered/polluted.

  • Love 6

I think that Kody doesn't say he's sorry because he's not sorry.  He's got an idiot for a wife that he's not into any more.  She did her part by marrying him and spitting out children, but he's over her.  He can't tell her to pack it in and leave because his ego's tied up in having 4 wives and X number of children, not to mention that the other wives might decide to follow suit.


I think Kody views Christine as mostly an encumbrance, but she and her children are required for the show.  He can't just treat her with respect and conduct the 'marriage' as more like a business venture, because Christine doesn't want a business partnership, she wants a husband.  I think that Kody sees himself as the victim, the man who's stuck with a wife he can't get rid of.  So he does his husbandly duties when it suits him, ignores her when it suits him, and tortures her the rest of the time.  Christine isn't that bright, and she has big ol' buttons he can push whenever he feels like it. 


The other wives realize this and so they laugh along with him.  They're like kids in a dysfunctional family who've realized their parents have picked out a scapegoat child to take out all their frustrations on.  They join in or stand back, but they don't intervene, because if Christine left Kody might turn on them next.  It's pretty much an empty life being married to Kody.


Just my opinion.

  • Love 10

Those idiot "moms" rearranging everything in Maddie's apartment was not cute or fun. 


I guess it just goes to show that victims of kitchen abuse often go on to abuse others' kitchens.


(I'm poking fun at this bunch of thoughtless maroons who can't keep their stories straight, not at any survivors of legitimate abuse.)

  • Love 15
Those idiot "moms" rearranging everything in Maddie's apartment was not cute or fun. Meri said it was an expression of love. These people are so hard to understand.


I actually didn't mind that part, minus Robyn and the bed. We live an hour out in the country, and when we come into shop we make a day of it - hang out with my mom, have lunch, then she watches the kids while I shop. One weekend she was out of town, but she said we could eat lunch there in between our activities. I rearranged a few things in her apt, put her clock upside down, etc. She thought it was funny, because I'm just a wacky person like that. The older Brown kids seem to know, and embrace, their parents wackiness. Moving some of the drawers around was no big deal, but I did think actually short-sheeting the bed was going overboard - as making the bed is not my favorite chore and who wants to do that all over again?

  • Love 1

I loved the blank stares when the pawn shop guy asked what they would use for collateral.  The have NO collateral!  I do hope that was just for the show and he isn't handing money over to them.  


I wonder if part of Christine's over the top reaction to Ken saying that Kody should leave 3 wives is that she would be one of those wives.  Knowing that you are not the legal wife has to be in the back of their minds and rise to the surface now and again.

  • Love 6

And how odd that he (apparently) told Christine's mom that he didn't want her to be an interloper.  Sure come live in my (actually my wife's) house - but stay out of my way and keep your mouth closed. 


I took this as Kody knows that Annie is no longer a champion of polygamy and when she sees just how terribly he treats her daughter, she's going to start working the "it wasn't easy to leave, but my life is 1000x better" angle.


What I really got a kick out of, was Kody saying in his TH that Christine's request for an apology was "very reasonable" only to follow that up with "but it's not reasonable for me". Because the only thing that is reasonable for Kody is that he gets whatever he wants and doesn't have to respect his wive's wishes. Except for Meri, give that woman a wet bar!

  • Love 4

I'm trying to figure out how you give yourself permission to get so riled up over a commen that wast made over a year ago, while you are on vacation with your family.  The kids are around and listening, but the hey with that. It's my right to have a hissy fit. Really? She seems unstable to me.
 I suspect that Kody enjoys seeing her get her buttons pushed.  She's so sensitive.  in fact, all the wives are so super sensitive.  My normally favorite Janelle, seeing a therapist over twenty year old wounds inflicted in the kitchen by Meri.  Then there's Meri who is so sensitive that even talk of her wet bar could push her over the edge. Then Robin, who has such conviction about t jewelry designs that it causes her to question her integrity.  It's bizarre.  The emotional maturity is around age 12.........  What examples for your kids. 
It would seem to me that when you are that super sensitive, you might not be well suited to be in a polygamous marriage.

  • Love 7

I think that Kody doesn't say he's sorry because he's not sorry.  He's got an idiot for a wife that he's not into any more.  She did her part by marrying him and spitting out children, but he's over her.  He can't tell her to pack it in and leave because his ego's tied up in having 4 wives and X number of children, not to mention that the other wives might decide to follow suit.



He doesn't have to be sorry - but obviously he's not smart enough to realize that if he just said it then she would probably drop it. 

Isn't that Husband 101?

I don't know where to put this.. but where did the "my husband's not gay" thread go??

I thought that about the collaterall too. Did they really think they would just walk in and put their hand out and he'd give them the money? And the collaterall being the business and merchandise... What kind of crap is that? He wants to protect his money, not get loaded with a bunch of crap nobody wants.

My issue with Christine's hissy fit is how intolerant she is of monogamy. Her and Robyn take every chance they get to knock others beliefs, but get all but hurt when theirs isn't respected.

  • Love 6

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