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"The View": Week of 12/15/14


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Laverne Cox spoke quite well about racism, the contrast between the way she spoke and the way Whooping did was striking.

I had no idea what Whooping' s point was. Some things are racist, other things are just STUPID. Wait, haven't we been lectured by her about the word "stupid" being the worst swear word you can use? She presents these views, but does not explain, so she comes across as excuse my language, STUPID.

I wonder if Rosie O might have been triggered by the description of Stephen Collins actions with a young girl.

  • Love 10

Laverne Cox spoke quite well about racism, the contrast between the way she spoke and the way Whooping did was striking.

I had no idea what Whooping' s point was. Some things are racist, other things are just STUPID. Wait, haven't we been lectured by her about the word "stupid" being the worst swear word you can use? She presents these views, but does not explain, so she comes across as excuse my language, STUPID.

I wonder if Rosie O might have been triggered by the description of Stephen Collins actions with a young girl.

Oh yes, I think that was probably the "final straw".  Poor RosieO!!

  • Love 6

Looked at another way , Rosie might have an even better perspective to know what racism is. Whooping is Black, reminded us that she's been black nearly 60 years. Rosie is white with kids, one of whom is Black. Rosie is in a position to see first hand how her child is treated differently than she is, differently than her other kids. To me, racism means treating a person differently due to pre-conceived notions about people of the same race.

Maybe Whooping has a different definition of racism. I would be interested in hearing it if she could explain it without yelling at me. (Or talking in her irritating "white girl" voice)

  • Love 17

after Whoopi belittled her for her view of racism and being told her her having children of color means nothing




Whoopi actually told Rosie O that Rosie having children of color doesn't make her understand racism?  I'm a white mother of a biracial son and Whoopi can kiss my ass.  Is there anyone who has the power to tell her STFU and stop being such an obnoxious bitch?  My utter contempt for her has reached Hasselbeck levels and I never thought that would happen.

Rosie is in a position to see first hand how her child is treated differently than she is, differently than her other kids. To me, racism means treating a person differently due to pre-conceived notions about people of the same race.




You are exactly right backformore.  When my son was younger and I would take him to the doctors or wherever I always watched to see if he was treated differently.   I never felt like he was but as he got older he did have to deal with racial issues.  And let me tell you as his mother I most certainly did understand and feel what he was dealing with.

  • Love 20

I didn't see the first part of the show, so I'm a bit lost.


What does this mean?

Rosie is white with kids, one of whom is Black. Rosie is in a position to see first hand how her child is treated differently than she is, differently than her other kids.


Who is Rosie O's black child? Parker, Chelesa, Blake, Vivi and the baby are white. What am I missing?

  • Love 1

So glad I'm working from home today!


As a Latino, two things:

1) i dont believe Perez's story about her sister and I dont believe The Obama's either.

2) I agree with Whoopi on both of her points, that there is a difference between racism and stupidity, and that you must be black to understand what racism really is.  


O'Donnell leaving during the Couric segment was totally unprofessional.  She and Perez both need a lesson in civil discourse.

  • Love 2

I cannot believe what I just watched.

Whoopi Goldberg is so ignorant! I want her off this show. Unfortunately I doubt that will happen.

The Stephen Collins' segment probably did trigger RO. I had a hard time watching him , for my own reasons, I can't imagine watching a person you knew talk about molesting young girls.

And SC can stfu! The idea that a child molester only molested 3 people and then boom, the urges stops. Yeah OK.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 12

That shouting match was really uncomfortable to watch, especially right before Christmas. Tomorrow is pre-taped and I presume next week is repeats, so they all go off for the Christmas break with hot topics fresh in their minds.  I wish they had discussed the story of the guy picking a woman with the same name as his ex to take on a trip around the world, that they previewed before the commercial break, instead.

link: http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/04/travel/free-world-trip-elizabeth-gallagher/

Would have been a nice, light topic.

edit: fixing link

Edited by buffynut
  • Love 3

I didn't see the first part of the show, so I'm a bit lost.


What does this mean?

Rosie is white with kids, one of whom is Black. Rosie is in a position to see first hand how her child is treated differently than she is, differently than her other kids.


Who is Rosie O's black child? Parker, Chelesa, Blake, Vivi and the baby are white. What am I missing?

RosieO has one black (adopted) child.  Don't know which one, but she can definitely speak to the subject of racism!!

  • Love 6

RosieO has one black (adopted) child.  Don't know which one, but she can definitely speak to the subject of racism!!


Rosie does not have a black child. She has 5 kids:

-O'Donnell's first child is Parker Jaren O'Donnell,[9][111] whom she adopted in 1995,


-Carpenter and O'Donnell have three children together: Chelsea Belle O'Donnell, Blake Christopher O'Donnell, and Vivienne Rose O'Donnell, who was born to Carpenter through artificial insemination


-O'Donnell and her wife, Michelle Rounds, announced via Twitter that they adopted a baby girl named Dakota.


-Parker, Chelesa, Blake http://instagram.com/p/wSZDbUDmEz/?modal=true

-Vivi and the new baby,Dakota http://instagram.com/p/tHFgY9jmPM/?modal=true

Edited by Vinyasa

Thanks for the link, RogerfromOhio. I went to the site to voice my displeasure with Whoopi as well. I think they have created a monster.

Glad to help :)

Rosie does not have a black child. She has 5 kids here.

-Parker, Chelesa, Blake http://instagram.com/p/wSZDbUDmEz/?modal=true

-Vivi and the new baby http://instagram.com/p/tHFgY9jmPM/?modal=true

I dont know for sure.... but doesnt she have step children as well??  She has been married twice and both of those women had kids

She has been married twice and both of those women had kids


Neither of her wives had children.

 Kelli-didn't have kids. She adopted Parker (who Rosie already had) and they adopted Chelesa and Blake together. Kelli gave birth to Vivi when she was with Rosie.

Michelle-didn't have kids. They adopted Dakota together.

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 1

Wow, that shouting match was crazy. I haven't seen something like that in a long time. Usually, it's just Whoopi shouting and lecturing others, but they weren't going to take it today. Honestly, I'm glad they re-visited Whoopi's stupid comments about "what counts as racism" from the other day so they could talk about how ignorant they are. Who knew Whoopi was this ridiculous? I guess having crazies like Sherri and Elisabeth on the panel helped to disguise it.


I noticed Rosie O let Rosie P and the guest co-host do most of the arguing. Probably because she knew Whoopi would not care what a white woman thinks.

  • Love 15

Holeeee.  During the third segment with Katie Couric, I saw RosieP patting RosieO's arm & then the camera went away from her & when it went back RosieO was GONE!!!  What the hell???  I think she was really upset, because everyone else, except Whoopi, seemed off-balance.  JMHO.


Like a junkyard dog, Whoopi drove off Rosie and that will only increase her sense of dominance and control.  I would feel bad for Katie Couric for being stuck with the fallout, but she was busy giving a child molester a platform to redeem his image, so you're on your own Katie.


Maybe Whooping has a different definition of racism. I would be interested in hearing it if she could explain it without yelling at me. (Or talking in her irritating "white girl" voice)


Oh, this one's easy.  Whoopi:  "Racism is when something prevents me or my rich friends (regardless of race) from getting what we want.  I, and I alone, will judge what is or isn't racism.  Don't tweet me, I don't care.  We don't know, we weren't there .... uh, sorry - that last one was habit".


You are exactly right backformore.  When my son was younger and I would take him to the doctors or wherever I always watched to see if he was treated differently.   I never felt like he was but as he got older he did have to deal with racial issues.  And let me tell you as his mother I most certainly did understand and feel what he was dealing with.


I am an educated white woman, which means I've never personally experienced racism, bigotry, etc.  I always knew it existed, and would never dare tell someone else that they don't understand racism.  I once went to a 24 hour Wal-Mart with two Mexican friends at midnight.  We were followed in such an obvious and offensive manner that it made me want to cry.  My friends didn't notice a thing - it was normal to them.

  • Love 13

I missed the show today due to going back to sleep because I'm sick. It looks like I missed A LOT based on the posts I've read about today's show. Too bad today is Thursday which makes me wonder if there will be any new episodes next week due to the holidays coming up.

but, but, but ..... RosieO explicitly said she had a black child!  What the hell?  Has my hearing gone awry?

There was a little girl she and her first wife had fostered in Florida a long time ago named Mia (I had to look that up) who I think was AA. They wouldn't allow Rosie to adopt her because she was/is gay. I can't find anything online about the child being AA now but I could have sworn reading back then that she was.

  • Love 9

How absolutely disingenuous of Nicholle to state that Obama isn't doing enough to address racism.  The hate and vitriol that exploded from that group when Obama simply said that if he had a son, he would like Trayvon Martin - spoke volumes.  Why is she not confronted on these things?!?


Back to Whoopi's ownership of racism, and her belief that the LGBT community cannot understand - If Whoopi had shut her fat foaming mouth, the only person at the table who has experienced both racism, and LGBT intolerance, could have weighed in on the topic.

  • Love 19

Good Googley Moogley.


So let me get this straight. The World According to Whoopi, says that only Black people know what racism is?




So, then, being East Indian, and told that you aren't allowed in any establishment because you had brown skin, and weren't British, and treated like a dog, beaten, tortured, just because of the color of your skin, for just not BEING WHITE, means I can't talk about/to racism?  What about the many, many, many Native Americans? Oh wait, is that too far back for you, Ms. Goldberg? Then I suppose the late 1800s/1900s is also too far back when it was prevalent that "Irish Need Not Apply."


What's that, if not racist?


Or the many, many Jewish people, who were actually slaughtered during WWII? The Japanese also during WWII?


Jeebus Cripes.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 21

Please remember to step back from the computer and breathe a bit. I have hidden a few posts and will review them with CuriousParker later. Everyone is welcome to express their opinion on this site without being called out and you do not need to act engage in negative posting, please ignore posters you disagree with or report posts to us. Thank you.

  • Love 1

Today Whoopi YELLED at the viewers to "Keep your Tweets to yourself!"  Wow.   Every other show I watch promotes the (now) standard "Follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, etc"     I guess ABC doesn't give a shit what their audiences think. 


Well, just keep shouting at people Whoopi, and denouncing any view that is not your own and you won't need to worry about anyone following this show on Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere else. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 18

How absolutely disingenuous of Nicholle to state that Obama isn't doing enough to address racism.  The hate and vitriol that exploded from that group when Obama simply said that if he had a son, he would like Trayvon Martin - spoke volumes.  Why is she not confronted on these things?!?

I thought she was confronted today about that comment, when the guest co-host said something about how Obama had talked about a black man who was harmed by the police when trying to get into his own apartment and then received a huge amount of hate for it. Like someone said in one of the earlier episode threads, Nicolle says this kind of thing hoping Obama will speak just so he can get a backlash for it.


Re:Whoopi's comments--I hope the next time they talk about discrimination against the LGBT community, she keeps her mouth shut. But we know she's a hypocrite, so she won't. She will know more than Rosie O because she's had lots of LGBT friends. Bleh.

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Just re-watched the scene between the Rosies during the KC interview, and I was impressed by Rosie P's professionalism.  It looks to me like she signaled  to a producer, and when the camera turned to her she lowered her hand and patted Rosie.  Other than what the in studio audience saw, RO's departure was very smooth.

  • Love 8

I also went to the ABC site to complain about Whoopi.  Second time this week!  

Laverne Cox should be made a permanent post.  She is so gorgeous, eloquent and composed!  She is able to express her opinion without lecturing.  Loved how well she did hosting the product segment.  Best guest host in a long time.


Was Michelle Obama wearing a red shirt when she was mistaken for the help at Target?  I am a white woman, but many times people ask me where something is when I am at stores.  I just figured, since I am a nurse, I just look helpful.  LOL  I know personally, I make sure someone is really an employee before I ask them something at a store.  Sometimes it's hard to tell.  I have asked other customers thinking they worked there.  That is not saying that what the Obama's experienced was not racism.  

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Saw the Hanukkah sweater with a rabbi, a play on the current "holla" (Challah...a type of bread) and thought it would be fun to wear to a Winter Solstice party. When it was pointed out that Whoopi probably wore that sweater for the "hands up" gesture, I decided not to buy it.

She made a point to say it had nothing to do with the protest.

And that did not shock me at all.

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Did Whoopie actually say that only the N word is racism (that's how I heard it) and anything else like following in a store is just boneheaded?  Can't such an action be both?  I think that was what Rosie was trying to say. 

That's exactly what she said before Whoopi shouted her down.   RO said, "It's racist AND it's stupid." 


I laughed (not out loud and not in a good way, more like a smirk) when Nicolle declared that any country that elects a Black president cannot have race issues/be racist.  Geezus, her world is small. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 11

Part of the problem I think is that Whoopi misinterpreted the axiom prevalent several years ago that went something like, blacks can't be racists because they lack power. ("Critical Race Theorists reject the dictionary definition of racism and use this instead: 'racism = prejudice + power.'") But that doesn't mean that whites can't recognize racism when they see it. What Rosie said was " You don't have to be black to know what racism is" which is a different thing. 

  • Love 6

Whoopi would not have worn anything in solidarity with protesters. Wasn't she complaining about the protests? If she had worn the sweater in solidarity of the protesters, it would have been the only decent thing she had done in a long time. It would have shocked me.


ETA: I thought Laverne Cox is wonderful and would be a great replacement for Whoopi-or better yet, she needs on her own show and they need to cancel this mess. At this point one of those Safety Dolls they used to sell in catalogs to make women appear to not be driving alone would be a better host that Whoopi and would likely be better informed than Whoopi.

Edited again because of so many errors!

Edited by GiveMeSpace
  • Love 12

Part of the problem I think is that Whoopi misinterpreted the axiom prevalent several years ago that went something like, blacks can't be racists because they lack power. ("Critical Race Theorists reject the dictionary definition of racism and use this instead: 'racism = prejudice + power.'") But that doesn't mean that whites can't recognize racism when they see it. What Rosie said was " You don't have to be black to know what racism is" which is a different thing. 

I don't think Whoopi is that deep but even if your explanation is correct merriebreeze,  it doesn't change my opinion that Whoopi wasn't listening.  She could have explained her definition of racism, she could have let RO (or anyone) finish her thought.   She could have acted like she  cared what anyone else thought. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 13

This really is the Whoopi Goldberg View on ABC.  


I hate Whoopi Goldberg vehemently now.  I won't spend any of my hard earned money on anything that has anything to do w/her any longer.  Her whole viewpoint of if it doesn't come out of her mouth or if you don't agree w/her you are wrong is just...ugh.  After that screaming match you could tell how much Rosie O, well hell both Rosie's just wanted to leave.  I really wish Rosie P had gone over there and slapped that soul/stupid out of Whoopi.  How dare Whoopi decide that Rosie P's story about what happened to her and her sister at a hotel wasn't racism.  How dare Whoopi state that only a black person can honestly know what true racism is.  How. Dare. She.


The Katie Couric segment, you could really show her support for Rosie O and her connecting w/her before she had to step away b/c of the subject matter.  After that segment when Rosie P left the stage, i'm guessing she told Whoopi that she was going to check on Rosie O.

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 13

It's absolutely unbelievable that Whoopi is so egocentric that she can't look beyond her own nose to see how other people are treated besides her and that she is too ignorant to relate to other's opinions and life experiences. Rosie P told a story that had obviously affected her deeply about having VIP tickets to some fancy gala event, given to her because of her status in the entertainment biz, and her sister being asked if she was there to wait tables. I mean, Rosie has worked very hard to get the respect she deserves and to run into such a discriminatory situation must take her back to her childhood when she was a nothing and was treated like a speck of dirt. The hurt in her heart must have been more acute than most of us can understand.


It isn't just Whoopi being too ignorant to understand other peoples hurts and joys, it's her antisocial behaviour towards others that is scary. She's psychopathic (from Wikipedia: Psychopathy is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, lack of empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior.) and she just doesn't belong on this show.

  • Love 17

I thought she was confronted today about that comment, when the guest co-host said something about how Obama had talked about a black man who was harmed by the police when trying to get into his own apartment and then received a huge amount of hate for it.


He wasn't harmed by the police, but it was news because he was the hugely prestigious Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a Harvard professor and host of several PBS series.  He had just returned from a trip overseas and couldn't get into his home.  He and his driver tried to break in, a neighbor reported a burglary in progress to 911, and it opened a huge brouhaha about whether the police treated him differently or made assumptions about him because he is African-American.


Here is the feedback page for ABC.... http://abc.go.com/feedback


I should have read this board before I went there myself, RogerFromOhio.  I actually scouted around the ABC website to find it because this was the final straw for me.  I'm not at all a "let me speak to a supervisor" person, but I'm sick of being yelled at by Whoopi, by being told anything I think that differs from what she thinks is wrong, and that I'm not allowed to tweet her.  Damn, I'm at the point of not being able to stand that woman any more.

Edited by ChicagoCita
  • Love 7

Nicholle asked "is America a racist country?"

When others answered yes, she said that the fact that Obama was elected means that not every American is racist.

That argument might have made sense in her head, but she was defining "racist country" as EVERYONE in the country being racist, which is not what anyone else was saying. It is, however, a right wing talking point, that racism was over once Obama was elected.

I am floored by Whooping thinking that assuming a Black or Latino person is "the help" is NOT racist. But then, I'm white, so I guess I can't have an opinion on the subject.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 17


Was Michelle Obama wearing a red shirt when she was mistaken for the help at Target?


I agree about this, when I go to a store where the employees have a set uniform/shirt color I always have to pre-plan when I go to that store not to wear the same type of shirt.  I've been asked in Target and Wal-Mart to assist in finding something just b/c i'm wearing a red or blue shirt.

The story about Michele Obama in Target makes absolutely no sense if it was supposedly while she was First Lady. She would be surrounded by Secret Service agents, press people and at least one assistant. The area of the store she planned to visit would also be cleared out except for people chosen to be there to provide a crowd for a photo-op. I worked on Capitol Hill and with politicians way too long to buy that story.

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