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S05.E08: Coda

Tara Ariano
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*settles down with leftover green-bean casserole and a nice glass of wine*


Come on mid-season finale. Don't fail me now.


When Rick Grimes tells you to stop, you fucking stop.


I hope the bumper to the spine was worth it, NotthegoodBob.


Anyone else want to play Tetherball?


I don't want to think too much about that machete kill. It was just awesome.


Michonne and Carl needed to bitch-slap Father Gabriel. Judith can throw up on him.


From three groups down to two. We're making progress!


Michonne's reaction face to finding out Eugene lied is my new favorite thing.


My new theory is that Maggie does care about Beth, she just couldn't remember her name.


If you shove an old man down because he didn't mend your sleeve, you get shoved down an elevator shaft. (splatter) indeed, closed captioning.


Melissa McBride was hands-down the best actress in that Dawn/Beth scene.


Tyreese/Sasha bonding moment? One of them is going to die soon. Damn it.


Talking Dead surprise guest? Color me shocked. 


"Claim" is not a word one should use around Daryl.


That was...abrupt. Damn. Bye, Beth and Dawn.


Maggie made me cry.


Again I repeat, MORGAN! God damn, do I love Lennie James!

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
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That really sucked.  It is also problematic because one of the major league problems with television is an odd hatred by many tv viewers towards young female characters and that plays to the people who tend towards that odd hatred.  It is tough.  On one hand, everybody should be at peril.  On the other hand, it rewards the worst type of viewer. 

Edited by dohe
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The only thing I got out of this is that Rick Grimes post- 'they are fucking with the wrong people' is complex and awesome.


He opens by taking out the escaped cop to preserve the plan.  He ends by offering sanctuary to anyone who wants to escape the hospital and the rapey dictatorship.  Dawn and DVD cop weren't the only problem; they were idiots for not going but then they don't know Rick et.all.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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Damn, poor Beth. She came so close to getting Dawn. Well, her sacrifice freed Noah at least. I was thrilled to see him with Rick's group. I cannot believe those women at the hospital stayed with the raping cops.


Maggie's grief would have been more moving if she had mentioned Beth once since they were separated at the prison.


I think that Gabriel will end up being a great addition. He seems to accept the world as it is.


Morgan! I love him. He now knows that he is on Rick's trail. I cannot wait for him to meet up with the group. I see him catching up saving Rick's people.

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Boring as all hell until the ending. The problem was the people in danger are people I didn't care about. I didn't care about Dawn or Bad!Cop so that fight by the elevator had no urgency. I dont care about FPP so I didn't care about his potential death. Finally I didn't care about Beth so, her death had no impact. Also, they had Maggie ignore Beth being missing so I didn't even care about her sorrow.

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That was awful. I wish I had only watched the last two minutes of the show.

After the awesome season opener, this season was quite the dud. Here's hoping the second half is way better.

So Beth killed Dawn to free Noah? And Reedus cried for a hour because of Beth's death? Just her's?? Meh. I was hoping for more.

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Well, then I must be a sap, because I cried like a baby at the end. I really did. It was so sad. But at least Carol was perfectly fine and I am happy that Orlando/Noah is going on with them. Really like him. Wish the Reverend would've have stuck back at the hospital - he would do better there. Don't know why he didn't.


Rick taking CopBob out in the beginning - god Rick, I love you to death. Also, I think the two cops killed - one by the zombie and the one pushed down the shaft were the rapey cops. I get the impression that things should be much better now in the hospital.


Dawn really made her own destiny. She could have left well alone and let Noah leave, but no - she had to push it one too far. Glad she's dead, sad to see Beth go.


Otherwise it was good, a bit shocking and like I said, sad, cause I cried. I have a feeling I might be the only one.

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 No one wanted to leave Grady?  No one who had been raped repeatedly, no one who had been abused?   Right.  Reminds me of that episode of Star Trek Voyager where they have the opportunity to build a life on a planet of human descendants rather than take a 70 year trip home on a cramped ship.  


 So I'm calling it now:  Maggie is good until November 2015.  I don't know what they're going to do when they're out of Greenes to kill off in the mid-season finale. 

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Ok. So what was the point of the stupid priest leaving the church? To leave and come back to the church with a heard of walkers and put Michonne, Carl and Judith in danger? I don’t know what his personal journey is supposed to be. Was he trying to self-fulfil what he did to his parishioners when he locked them out of the church at the start of the ZA? But he is working my nerves.  Michonne and Carl should’ve left his ass out there to die, but then they’d still have the issue with a heard of walkers hovering outside the church doors.


Maggie finally remembers she has a sister just in time for her to die. SMH. Poor Beth.


Dawn is a tough cookie. It was kind of nice to see someone kick ass without a gun, machete or bow.


Hilarious that no one took Rick up on his offer. I mean really who wants to try and brave it out in the wilderness? At least in the hospital they have food and shelter. Though I do think the cycle of tyranny will start all over again for those left there.


Morgan!! So glad he found the map with Rick’s name on it. Hope he catches up with the group by the end of the season. Counting Morgan (though we only occasionally check in with him) we have four black men on the show. I fear that won't last long...


Good episode, not great though. I feel like nothing much happened in this first half, maybe because most of the episodes we got were more so character focused rather than moving the plot along.

Edited by Enero
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Well, that was anti-climatic. Father Gabriel's story was a waste of time and Beth died for petty vengeance. Just aimless and senseless (the writing), the whole episode. Was Noah even with them when the left? And Maggie? She still sucks. Writers ain't gettin' no tears from me. Ugh. Shoulda just played Lightning Returns.

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Father Gabriel is too stupid to live.  Stupid and possibly malicious even.  There is no rational way to explain why he would surreptitiously leave the church, wander over to the school, hang around outside it agitating the walkers inside until they broke out and then lead them back to the church and into the church.   And his explanation that he just had to see it makes no sense either.  He's been there for what,  a year.  He's had plenty of time to go "see it" if that was so terribly important to him.


I think Beth went out in as good a way as she could.  And she didn't get anyone else killed.  

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I am absolutely ashamed of the cheer I let out when Beth got shot in the head. Forgive me, but she just served no purpose in my viewing.

And I'm getting real tired of these Morgan teases. Come on with the Come on!

I will join your shame club...

Did Daryl's tears seem off? Seemed sort of forced to me, and I know Norman Reedus said he was really moved so I'm not sure why. Maybe because I wasn't feeling anything.

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I wonder I was going on in Rick's head when he shot Lamson. He could have put him in the car, but he clearly decided that it was not worth the trouble. Not that it mattered. Dawn was always going to be a hard ass.

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Morgan seems very chipper.  I'm assuming his laughter was at all the zombie scripture all over the walls of the church.


But seriously, I find it unnerving that he seems so happy given how we last saw him.  It makes me think he's Batman villain evil and we won't get the happy reunion with Rick we are expecting.

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Carol and miracle healing.  I know I should have been more concerned about Beth dying but Carol is bugging me.  She some how got out of a coma, got a wheel chair for the hand off, got out of the wheel chair and restrained Daryl, then walked out of the hospital like she wasn't hit by a car a few days earlier...

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Kayma, I liked Beth too. Even if I didn't, I think how she died was pretty stupid.There were many better opportunities to kill her off, like, oh, last season.

Edited by Enigma X
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Did Daryl's tears seem off? Seemed sort of forced to me, and I know Norman Reedus said he was really moved so I'm not sure why. Maybe because I wasn't feeling anything.


I found Daryl's tears to be genuine and heartbreaking. He wanted this hostage exchange plan to save both Beth and Carol. Daryl cared about Beth and losing her when she was so close to freedom broke him. 

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I guess I should stop getting so worried about Carol every time I hear there's a sad twist.

I often forget, Bob's death was also supposed to be tragic.

I was actually starting to like Beth, but when she did get shot, all I could think was "Oh, that's all? I can live with that."

I mean, I liked Axel, too, but the show marches on. Or, plods on, as the case may be.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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That episode was all over the place and only worth watching for Rick being the King on Cool in that negotiations scene, the show off in the hallway and the promo.


Gabriel is a waste of air. At least Eugene is smart enough to teach them about filtering water and stuff like that.


If they had written Maggie worried about Beth ONCE, that breakdown scene would have been way more effective.


Not a Beth fan, but I would rather have Beth than Noah.


Andrew Lincoln is a terrific actor. His face when Beth was killed was more impressive than Laura's and Norman's pain. And Rick was extremely hot tonight.


Most satisfying moment of the night? Daryl killing that bitch.

Edited by Raachel2008
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Very disappointing. The hospital storyline served no purpose other than to force a trade-off of Noah for Beth.

I had no interest in Dawn and her group and their struggle for survival and relevance. And with that in mind, Beth died for nothing. This wasn't suspenseful or gut wrenching. It was a long run for a short slide.

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Not the best mid-season finale. Those hospital scenes....I just can't. It could have been interesting, I wanted to care more. But watching Dawn and Beth is like watching paint dry. Hell, comatose Carol brought more to the scene than those two. It just took up so much of the episode; I was expecting more. 


So I'm glad for the way it ended - no more hospital. No more Beth. I feel mean saying it. I didn't hate Beth. The actress just isn't up to par, IMO, and it takes me out of the scenes. I did cry. I cried for Daryl and Rick and Maggie....for those that lost her. Because she clearly meant something to the group. That final scene was really beautifully shot. And I liked that Beth sacrificed herself for Noah. I really didn't want Noah to go back. 


I loved when Rick called for anyone who wanted to join them to step forward. It was like Woodbury all over again. He may be a neck-biting asshole, but he still has a heart. I hope Mr.Strawberry Lover comes with them. 


FPP better really step it up, because he is currently dead to me after he brought all those walkers down on the church. What kind of asshole does that to a sanctuary where a baby is being kept? I was hoping he would get the ultimate justice and die outside his church, just as his parishioners did. But alas, Michonne is too good to do that. 


Thank God for Abraham and his fortuitous timing with the fire truck. I LOVED the reunion between Michonne and Maggie. Also, the walker hands coming out of the barred church doors - another call back to season one. 


More Morgan!!! 


SO glad it wasn't Carol that died. 



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Season premiere = great episode, with great pacing. This episode = crapfest. Ugh, it was just bad and a total letdown.


The hospital storyline could have been great, if it made any sense. I still have no idea what was going on with Dawn and the cops there.


i never cared about Beth, and so I'm just happy I'll never have to hear her singing again. Also, I would care more about Maggie's grief if she didn't completely forget her sister existed because all that's mattered was Glenn, Glenn, Glenn since the end of Season 4. Lauren Cohen totally imitated Andrew Lincoln's collapsing with grief thing from Season 3 when Lori died - the only difference was that you actually knew Rick cared about Lori no matter how dysfunctional their marriage was. Maggie not so much about her sister.

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I was neutral on Beth, knew her time was probably up, but didn't want her to die.  But what got me about it was Daryl's face and Rick's face. God, they just watched sweet little Beth, who they were so happy to have just gotten back, get shot in the head. Just like that. Right in front of them.  Brutal.  Rick's face killed me.


And yes, Rick was especially hot in this episode.   


I think Morgan is still some time behind our group--the grass had grown up around the bbq pit, I thought.


Yes!  Who was it who called that the map would show up and Morgan would follow them? I love it!

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Auugh why Beth? Why did you and Noah need to create the goodbye between Dorothy and the scarecrow? Why didn't someone tell Cindadumbrella to just keep it moving? Allow me to quote Officer O'Donnell "stay in your lane bitch"

Edited by Boofish
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Oh, well, at least Dawn got a bullet to the head.


However, I don't buy that the two rapist cops were the only problem. If there were only two bad seeds, then a bullet to the head would have taken care of that. They were outnumbered by the "good" cops, then. I can't believe they weren't taken out if it was that much of an issue. In that context, people staying at the hospital did not make any damn sense, except for possibly "the devil you know."


I'm not heartbroken that Beth is dead, just pissed off. I didn't love her, but I really liked her. I love Maggie, and her having to lose another family member just sucks.


I can't wait for Gabriel to die.

Edited by mustbekarma
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The only thing that caused me to tear up was Daryl's reaction, and I really didn't hate Beth. I was actually looking forward to her going from annoying to a badass, kind of like Carol and Carl, but I'm not broken hearted like I was about Hershell. The only thing that made me happy was Carol walked out and Noah went with them.

Edited by TexasChic
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Young female characters like Maggie, Tara, et cetera?

Maggie is a not a teen character.  Neither is Tara.  Beth, while played by a woman who is not a teen, is presented as a teen.  Big difference.  Anyways the show will, in this instance, give many viewers inclined towards hostility to teenage female characters pleasure.  I know that is not the intent but sadly that odd twisted hatred of young female characters will be rewarded when it comes to certain viewers.


Of course there is that denial that the hatred is not, in many cases, due to the typical, predictable hatred of teen female characters.  For the most part, I am not buying. 

Edited by dohe
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Carol miraculously healing was weird. Maybe next episode Carol is going to admonish them, claiming it was all an act for them to think she was under, and then slaughter them al, and then they had to come and fuck it up and get Beth killed. I dunno, only thing that makes sense to me, except for the surgery bit i guess

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That really sucked.  It is also problematic because one of the major league problems with television is an odd hatred by many tv viewers towards young female characters and that plays to the people who tend towards that odd hatred.  It is tough.  On one hand, everybody should be at peril.  On the other hand, it rewards the worst type of viewer. 

I'm glad Beth is dead, but not because I hate young females. I really enjoyed Dale's death, the Gov. death, Dave-and-Tony's deaths, lots of deaths!

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I'm angry. Aside from Rick's effortless sass ("shut up", "they're close", "I'll wait"), the last 10 minutes, and Morgan, this episode was boring. I don't hate Beth but her death was dumb and I didn't buy Maggie suddenly giving a shit. Really would love to see TWD with officers Key and Peele, though!

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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