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S04.E07: The Grimm Who Stole Christmas

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First episode all season that I've really enjoyed. This was funny, and interesting and a good use of all characters. I liked Truble so I'm going to miss her. When Josh started talking, I worried he would betray the gang. I'm glad the resolution kept him good and Truble alive.

I'm getting really tied of the Wu stuff...Nick needs to tell him ASAP.

Forgot to mention, please don't let Juliette be pregnant.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Aw, that was sweet of Teresa to take Josh back to Philadelphia. Nick saying goodbye to her made me a little misty-eyed, and giving her Aunt Marie's truck was a nice touch.


Fruitcake as a solution to puberty! Awesome. I want to give it to every junior high student I know.


I'd glad they actually went with cute instead of creepy like last year. Rosalie falling in love with the models trains was priceless. Monroe's over the top decorating for Christmas still warmed my "must win ugly Christmas sweater contest loving" heart. Juliette and Rosalie using kitchen fu to fight off the munchkins, that was priceless. I laughed so hard.


Juliette's expression was a "shit, I'm pregnant" expression if I ever saw one.


I loved, loved, loved this episode. I just love Christmas episodes in general, and this rates right up there with "A Very Supernatural Christmas" and Eureka's animation Christmas special. And, oh, of course last year's episode.


I still can't get over fruitcake. And the fact that Nick is going to tell Wu!

Edited by mustbekarma
  • Love 10

Josh and Juliette seemed so comfortable and compatible in their scene together it was a bit disconcerting. They really had nice chem much like CC and DG did in their scenes last week. So weird.

Trubel becoming Josh's bodyguard was amazingly sweet and brave and awesome of her but I felt for Nick losing his 'little sister'. She'd become his family.

Nice that there weren't any gender issues with Trubel protecting Josh. He was all too happy for her help and being really practical. Glad that the bit of squirreliness he was showing in the trailer wasn't him contemplating some kind of betrayal. Just Josh being Josh.

  • Love 6

Called it!  Although I will miss Theresa, and I hope she comes back for an episode or two periodically.  They have to resolve the key thing eventually, don't they?


I'm really hoping that tear and sniffle were for a wistful thought of what might have been (a child), and not a pregnancy.  The writers need to just let her and Nick be for a while.


Cute goblins!  And I checked wikipedia -- apparently the Greek community of Mari do have some tales of goblins wreaking havoc for the 12 days of Christmas, but there was very little info.  What kind of wesen were they supposed to be? Any animal or mythological analog?

  • Love 1

I really enjoy Grimm's Christmas episodes, and I was very glad that this one didn't disappoint. So many things to like:


  • The parents didn't keep insisting that their son was a little angel, and worked with the police to try and prevent any more havoc.
  • The children weren't arrested for something that was pretty much out of their control
  • The way the woging was tied to adolescent hormones.
  • Juliette and Josh's conversation about being 'civilians' tied by love to Grimms.
  • Monroe showing a touch of blutbad fierceness when needed
  • Monroe and Rosalie and the trains.
  • The warmth and emotion of Theresa's exit (though I'm actually sad she's leaving and hope she will return some day)
  • The all-too brief exchange between Nick and Renard
  • Love 8

This was probably my favorite episode this season, because it was just so much fun.  The goblins were entertaining monsters, and it was nice that they weren't actually evil, but just kids whose puberty just makes them go insane.  Loved everyone's reaction to them (Hank especially still brings the best WTF?! looks), and all the "fights."  Rosalee practically throwing herself in front of them, to save Monroe's special train slayed me.  Followed by Monroe woging out, and causing them to scatter.  Glad to see a bit more of Scary Monroe.  And, the fruitcake.  Oh, I love that they found some way to get fruitcake involved in this entire thing.


So, as some predicted, now that Grimm Nick is back, Theresa is leaving.  At least they found a decent enough excuse: helping Josh is certainly a worthy goal, plus she does seem to enjoy his company, so I can buy it.  I would not be surprised in the slightest if both come back, but I wouldn't be surprised either if they'll be gone for a while.


Loved Nick and Renard being all "My mom is more badass then your mom!" with each other.


Hey, none of that Adalind/Royals crap.  Did not miss that in the slightest.


That said.... I'll wait and see where they go with Juliette's stuff.  If they really are going down another pregnancy story, then the writers clearly don't know how to come up with fresh ideas.  At least next week sounds like they might finally move on the Wu stuff.  I can only hope so.

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 7


Loved Nick and Renard being all "My mom is more badass then your mom!" with each other.

Remember the days when "Your mother wears combat boots!" was considered an insult? ... No, me neither.


God, I'm going to miss Trubel. She better be back, damn it.


All in all, a very enjoyable episode. Nick's delivery of "... fruitcake." completely slayed me. You know when. And Rosalee's fierce protectiveness of the train. And Bud and Trubel working together (he fed her, so that guarantees him an ally for life). And Josh being only MOSTLY useless - I'm sure Trubel will whip him into shape in no time!

  • Love 4
True confession: I like fruitcake. And now I can be happy knowing that Hank and Monroe like it too.

Yay! I'm not the only one! But I am picky about it. I don't like all fruitcake, just certain kinds. I didn't even know until I was much older that people don't like fruitcake. And all that time, I'd always insisted on giving fruitcake to teachers and other people as gifts because I loved it so much and wanted others to have it. I cringe to think that they might not have appreciated it (and that I sacrificed it to people who probably didn't like it). Now I think I need to eat one of the fruitcake cookies my mom made from my grandmother's recipe. I might be luring strange adolescents with their presence.


I'm mildly irked that this episode sort of stole my concept for a mash-up between a SyFy Christmas disaster movie and a Lifetime Christmas romantic comedy. There's a (former -- it grew) small town near me where the old downtown pretty much looks like Monroe decorated it. Last year when I went with a friend to tour it, I started brainstorming the elves/gnomes from the Santa's workshop display (they're seriously creepy) running amok and creating a disaster. This episode was a lot like what I imagined happening.


Glad that the bit of squirreliness he was showing in the trailer wasn't him contemplating some kind of betrayal. Just Josh being Josh.

Yeah, there was a vibe about him that suddenly made me wonder if this whole thing had been a scheme to get to the trailer, if maybe the Hundjaegers had coerced him into doing this, and that's how he "escaped" them. I think I was actually more tense about that than about the main plot. I kept holding my breath to see what would happen.


Teresa's goodbye made me a little sniffly. I do hope they bring her back.

  • Love 1
When Josh started talking, I worried he would betray the gang. I'm glad the resolution kept him good and Truble alive.

Yeah it definitely seemed like they flipped the creepy switch on Josh in the middle of this episode to me.  I was also quite worried that he was going to murder Theresa in the trailer in an attempt to awaken grimm powers of his own or a way to prove to the jundjagers that he is an ally so leave him alone.  I still do not trust him as he seemed to develop an unhealthy case of grimm envy and now he is alone with her in a far away city.  That goodbye scene was just so sentimental that I worry it may truly be the last time Nick sees her alive *shudders*

Somebody please refresh my memory: How did Rosalee get over her dread of Christmas?

Her issue with Christmas was that an beloved Aunt and Uncle were killed while driving to their house on Christmas.  After talking with Juliette she recalled a happy Christmas memory of her aunt always leaving out beer and a cigar for Santa and decided to carry on that tradition with Monroe.  So I guess by focussing on that she was able to get over it being a painful memory allowing her to put up all of Monroe's decorations?

Edited by Xenith22
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Josh and Juliette seemed so comfortable and compatible in their scene together it was a bit disconcerting. They really had nice chem much like CC and DG did in their scenes last week. So weird.


I didn't find it weird. They have being Kehrseite-Schlich-Kennen interwined in a Wesen/Grimm world in common.


Trubel becoming Josh's bodyguard was amazingly sweet and brave and awesome of her but I felt for Nick losing his 'little sister'. She'd become his family.

More  than that, she's his fellow Grimm. Hank's a damn good human partner, but you can see Nick enjoying having a Robin to his Batman.


Nice that there weren't any gender issues with Trubel protecting Josh. He was all too happy for her help and being really practical. Glad that the bit of squirreliness he was showing in the trailer wasn't him contemplating some kind of betrayal. Just Josh being Josh.


...and thinking "WTF have I got myself into, anyhow?" almost hourly.....


  • Love 2

Aw, I'm sad to see Theresa go.  I guess it's better to leave 'em wanting more (those of us who like her, anyway) than have her stay until everyone is sick and tired of her and wish she'd go away.  Still, I got a little a choked up there.  I do hope she (and hey, why not, Josh too!) can come back now and again.  There are still some lingering problems that could be addressed - Agent Chavez and whatever is going on with her, the Hundjagers who are after Josh/the keys.  I hope we get to see that.


A resolution on the keys may be too much to hope for though.  Just the whole thing with the Royals seems to be moving at a glacial pace, so by the time they get around to addressing the keys, the show will be off the air.


Well, something is wrong and I'm thinking it's pregnancy because of the ominous music while they were showing Juliette.  I almost expected her face to morph into Adalind's.  I think it could be interesting although if the end result is a baby, that could get tedious.  There are only so many times the baby can be "upstairs sleeping" or "spending the night with Uncle Monroe and Aunt Rosalee" or "playing with Bud's kids," and Juliette and Nick will be constantly worried about attackers.  The baby would no doubt turn out to have some kind of cosmic mind-blowing combination of powers because of the circumstances of its conception - no baby of Nick's can allow itself to be outdone by a baby of Adalind's!  LOL.

Edited by Blue Plastic
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Woohoo, Juliette actually had a purpose this episode.  Her career was used to get tranquilizers!  This is the most helpful her character has been ever.  I'm sad to see Trouble leave but I think we might see the mighty moms do battle, so I'm okay with that.  No Adalind so that's also positive.  I did like this monster of the week episode even though this show has horrible lore.

Also, in that last scene where Theresa thanks Nick for her life, I looked at David and thought how beautiful he was. Just his features are outstanding. Then I think of how so many people think he's a little too normal guy, and I have to wonder if it's somewhat to downplay just how freaking gorgeous he is. If he was this dynamic charmer, people would be wondering why he's not beating them off with a stick.


Oh, I've noticed this from the beginning.  I spend a lot of his screen time thinking "he is such an attractive man", not even  (or at least not always ;-P ) in a lustful way, but just getting taken in with it.  Not that there's a shortage of attractiveness on this show, but something about his features catches my eyes even more - more striking or something.

  • Love 3

I'm glad they're finally sending Trubel away. Not because I didn't like the actress, just because the show is already too cluttered. Even in this episode I was thinking, geez, now they've got this thing with the Wesen KKK burning crosses on Monroe and Rosalee's front yard and this thing with the Jundhagers after Josh and this thing with Wu collecting evidence about Wesen on top of all the crap with Adalind, the Royals, the baby, the keys, the coins . . . and the usual Crime of the Week. It's too much. They need to trim the fat.


Fortunately, no Royals/Adalind crap this week, which did help a lot, but please don't let Juliette be pregnant with a Hexenbiest baby. That's all we need on top of everything else.


I feel like the writers have a serious case of ADD.

  • Love 2

Rosalie falling in love with the models trains was priceless. 

As if Monroe needed more evidence that she's a keeper. :-)


The timeline was a little strange. The twelve days of Christmas run from Dec 25 to Jan. 5. So when they were saying there were five more days after the attack on M & R's place, that meant it was New Year's Eve (no mention). And the tree lighting at the church was on New Year's day (no mention), which seems a little weird. Also, a bit late to be selling fruitcakes. I would have liked to see someone in the cast whip out some mad baking skills instead (Renard? -- "Hey, it helps me relax, and I'm very proud of my magical baking hat!"). 

  • Love 4
The timeline was a little strange. The twelve days of Christmas run from Dec 25 to Jan. 5.

Yeah, that bugged me, too. Technically, this is Advent. Christmas doesn't start until Dec. 25. And they were Greek Orthodox, which moves it even later, with Christmas coming in early January.


Maybe we can just handwave and say "Twelve days during the Christmas season." Did the reference they were reading from come before or after the big calendar shift? I don't know which way that would affect the dates -- or is that why Orthodox Christmas is different, because they didn't recognize the shift?

  • Love 2

Loved this episode, plus it was funny too.

I'll miss Trubel, she grew on me, but I think she might be back. Maybe there will be a Josh and Trubel romance. Maybe Josh will find his Grimm-ness and they can be their own team.

I'm not looking forward to more baby mama drama but Rosalie did say the baby would not be Adalind's.

I'm glad Wu is finally being told the truth next week. It's way past time!

Yeah, that bugged me, too. Technically, this is Advent. Christmas doesn't start until Dec. 25. And they were Greek Orthodox, which moves it even later, with Christmas coming in early January.



Some Greek Orthodox churches use the revised Julian calendar, which (temporarily) puts Christmas back on the Gregorian Dec 25, though Easter still ends up usually different than the Gregorian Easter.So this church could have been one of those.


It's all very complicated--moveable feasts sound fun, but it turns out to be mostly about lots of fussy arithmetic :-) 


They also had the tie to the solstice, which is a few days before Christmas, so they could have just exploited that and  left the twelve days out of it, though beadgirl pointed out the 12 days of Christmas thing might have been a part of the myth they drew inspiration from.

When Theresa and Josh left I kept thinking that they should stay and help with the interspecies hating group first, then take off.  After all, with that mix of wesen involved in the hate group, two grimms would be so much more helpful than one.

Nick still seems to trying to deal with it through legal means for now. Theresa can't help with that.

Greek Orthodox churches have tree-lightings and Christmas concerts in mid-December, so the timeline didn't bother me from that perspective.  As to the historical celebration dates of the twelve days, I don't know, maybe that didn't uniformly begin on Christmas Day in every country.


This episode was so much fun I might watch again, which I seldom do with any show.  Yes to the fruitcake, I like it but not all fruitcakes are equal, some are pretty bad.  I tend to think those that come from a Portland food truck are going to come down on the side of delicious.


Loved everything Monroe and Rosalie.  I already like Juliette and now even more.  Theresa needs to reappear soon, she is a force to be reckoned with.  I'm a little suspicious of Josh, the eagerness to be taught by Theresa can be taken a couple of ways.  That dynamic is too interesting to just fizzle out.  Come back soon, kids.

When Theresa and Josh left I kept thinking that they should stay and help with the interspecies hating group first, then take off.  After all, with that mix of wesen involved in the hate group, two grimms would be so much more helpful than one.

Yeah, I still wouldn't have minded if they squeezed her in for at least another couple of episodes.  They could have put some of the other plots on the back burner, kind of like they did with Adalind/Royals in this episode, and focused on the Scoobies working against the Wolfangel group.  But I guess they're planning to drag that plot out for a while.  I hope it doesn't go on as long as the Royals plot has.


Maybe we can just handwave and say "Twelve days during the Christmas season."


I thought that WAS what happened. I'll have to re-watch, but I thought the book they were reading from said that it affects the kids for 12 days around the Winter Solstice (the mythology would have pre-dated "Christmas," right?), which was nice and vague, and then someone (Monroe?) explained it to the others as being "for the 12 days of Christmas" sort of as an offhanded "Can you believe this?" kind of joke. So, the show wasn't trying to definitively state that these WERE the official 12 Days of Christmas, but rather that they might as well be, because that's how ridiculous the situation was, topped off with fruitcake being the cure.



Oh dear Lord, just what this show needs - more baby drama.


I know! If they want a baby on the show so badly, they should have just kept Josh around!

  • Love 2


I am so glad Truble is gone. I appear to be in the minority here, but she grated on my nerves like no character on any show has in a long time. I think she would've been more tolerable if they had dropped the "Trouble" nickname. It was beyond stupid, IMO.


So true!  All it would have taken for me to like the character would have been one sentence to the effect that, "Trouble was an appropriate name when I was on the street, but I'm not anymore and would like to be known as Theresa."  That would have emphasized the character growth.

Otherwise, except for the possible J baby drama, I liked the episode, especially for the reminder that not all Wesen species are troublesome.   I also liked Hank taking the fruitcake.

  • Love 2

I'm one of those who is relieved that Trubel moved on.  I think the idea of her character was a good one (I do think she'll reappear at some point), but the actress was just too monotone for me.  She did improve during her time on the show, but not to the point where I would think a series regular would be.


All in all, I enjoyed the show, even if I found it a bit light.  My husband did, I kid you not, squeal like Rosalee over that train--whatever.  Also, I wish the director had a bit of forethought about filming this episode.  I know that they have to film these episodes weeks in advance, but I wish they had shot all the outdoor scenes at night.  As it was, it looked like late-summer instead of December with all the trees in full-foliage and blue skies.  This was the same issue with the Christmas episode back in Season 1, although I think they spent most of the Krampus episode at night.

As if Monroe needed more evidence that she's a keeper. :-)


The timeline was a little strange. The twelve days of Christmas run from Dec 25 to Jan. 5. So when they were saying there were five more days after the attack on M & R's place, that meant it was New Year's Eve (no mention). And the tree lighting at the church was on New Year's day (no mention), which seems a little weird. Also, a bit late to be selling fruitcakes. I would have liked to see someone in the cast whip out some mad baking skills instead (Renard? -- "Hey, it helps me relax, and I'm very proud of my magical baking hat!"). 


Well, I think that we can assume (and safely assume) that the Christmas Tree lighting at the Greek Orthodox Church could be in celebration of the Greek Orthodox Christmas, which starts on (or near) Jan 7. So maybe they had this tradition, within their church's congregation, that around New Year's they light their Christmas Tree as an offical start?

I want to put an addendum to my earlier hope that Juliette isn't pregnant. If the baby comes out of her Alien-style, Then it will be AWESOME. 


Especially if it happens in her kitchen, because she'll stun it with a skillet and toss it into the microwave so it goes splat like in Gremlins.  Meanwhile the birth will give her super Hexengrimm powers so she'll regenerate and then take over as the title Grimm character just because the showrunners want to laugh at your tears.


I loved that gang essentially beat up and drugged a choir boy.  That's okay, though, because choir boys are evil. Everyone knows that. The little bastard deserved it. Juliette continues to impress me with her tactical combat sense. "They're coming in!  Find something to hit them with!"

Edited by johntfs

I thought that WAS what happened. I'll have to re-watch, but I thought the book they were reading from said that it affects the kids for 12 days around the Winter Solstice (the mythology would have pre-dated "Christmas," right?), which was nice and vague, and then someone (Monroe?) explained it to the others as being "for the 12 days of Christmas" sort of as an offhanded "Can you believe this?" kind of joke. So, the show wasn't trying to definitively state that these WERE the official 12 Days of Christmas, but rather that they might as well be, because that's how ridiculous the situation was, topped off with fruitcake being the cure.


That's exactly what I saw and how I understood it too.  The text they were reading specifically mentioned the solstice, not the "Twelve Days of Christmas".  And I interpreted the rest the same as you.


... Also, I wish the director had a bit of forethought about filming this episode.  I know that they have to film these episodes weeks in advance, but I wish they had shot all the outdoor scenes at night.  As it was, it looked like late-summer instead of December with all the trees in full-foliage and blue skies.  


I noticed this too.  It was really green and dry (not arid dry, just not rainy or snowy) and not looking very cold at all.

  • Love 1

I want to put an addendum to my earlier hope that Juliette isn't pregnant. If the baby comes out of her Alien-style, Then it will be AWESOME. 


I really don't want Juliette pregnant (but it would be nice for Nick to eventually have a family, and if it has to be with Juliette then fine, but I was hoping that maybe we won't have to worry about any potential Grimm babies till the last season or just tag on a line/screen  that states/shows that Juliette and Nick has a kid and all Wesen in Portland are fine....) and I was hoping that the previews were just a misdirection and Rosalee was the one who is really pregnant!

  • Love 1

So many good lines and even just non-verbal.   "Big Johnson" Smack in the head.   "How is that spelled?"  "Sch ... how it sounds."   And boy did Nick look pissed when he found out that Bud had endangered Theresa.   Which, btw, they could have solved the whole issue of her name but just NOT calling her Trouble anymore and using her real name.


Did love how the story from 1215 was written in modern English.   Guess it had been updated.   Nick is not the first Grimm to find non-"and then I cut off his head" solutions to problems.   "I guess it's that or acne"   


Renard talking about his child is hot.   Nick when he smiles is even hotter.   


Great light episode for the holidays.   Except for the end.  Nick was so sorry to lose his protege.   But he knew she had to do what she had to do.

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