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S01.E10: Lovecraft

Tara Ariano
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Awwww, Bruce got his first kiss. His reunion with Alfred was very sweet. I found Alfred convincing Fish to help without having to threaten her very unbelievable, but I get they were going for a different dynamic.


Jim is such a fool. Why didn't he just shoot the assassins at Lovecraft? I did enjoy him telling the mayor to kiss his ass. Sending him to Arkham will no doubt back backfire. Nice development.


I did chuckle when Harvey yelled if he was the only cop in Gotham who waited for back up.

Edited by SimoneS
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Best part of the episode: the promo with Leslie Tompkins/Morena Baccarin.


Harvey, I love you. Never change.


I still don't get with Fish helped Alfred, but I couldn't help but notice they had some sort of chemistry there, which surprised me since Jada's and Sean Peterwee's acting styles are so different.

Edited by Raachel2008
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Assigned to Arkham?  Poor Gordon.  If that means less of Bullock that's too bad.


I enjoyed Alfred's approach to investigating.  He bribed Selina's friend, held Butch down with a knife at his throat, and then sincerely asked assistance of Fish.  I can believe that his tailored approach would work, as long as Fish was not behind the contract.  Fish likes to be flattered.  And he threw the first punch when he realized the assassin wasn't who she appeared to be.


I'm glad to see Bruce and Selina separated for a bit; this is enough interaction for them.


I'm starting to despise Dent.  He's an active hazard.  Is it bad that I wanted Barbara to be the source, even though I know she didn't know about Selina?

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Stupid Canadian channels never air the promos someone fill me in? 


I shouldn't have enjoyed that as much as I did but I did, what did Selina keep at the end?


So I'm guessing they were League of Assassins?  (I'm assuming the gardener wasn't actually killed because that would be terrible writing for them to kill him then to go out of their way NOT to kill anyone else)


Also way to give away the ending in the episode description TV listings.  (I know it's not the mod's fault)

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So . . . that happened. Great for Gordon to tell the Mayor off, but now he's gotta deal with the proto-crazies in Arkham.


Selina and Bruce have great chemistry. This should be something both can laugh about 10-20 years down the line . . . assuming that the show doesn't kill either or both of them up in order to deviate from the formula.


I liked Bullock and Alfred working a "Bad Cop/Rich Butler" dynamic. And Alfred was able to kick some ass, which was fun to watch.


Seriously, when does the Mayor eat a bullet? I figure it's only a matter of time before he gets on the wrong side of somebody.


Hi, Eddie! Bye, Eddie! Speaking of near-absent cast members, Oswald's absence could be felt throughout the episode, but it wasn't too jarring.


Can't wait until January to se how things play out. And no Barbara, which . . . bonus!

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Wow - Alfred, we hardly knew ya! What a kick ass butler. Thought he was amazing and if they are going to go with how Bruce got some of his training, I'm all for it. Thought him awesome. Would love to see a movie that reflects this relationship.


Like Bruce and Selina together - those kids have some acting skills - same with Ivy. Wow. Liked their interactions, but both being so short, jumping talls buildings in a single bound? Yeah, not gonna happen.


Didn't like that touchy vibe that Fence/whatever guy had with Selena, but it's realistic I would think in this dark world. What I thought was awesome is that the kids didn't wait to be saved - no they took care of themselves and figured it out. Loved that.


Poor Gordon - I admire him for fighting against basically everyone. He knows it's wrong and in his own way will make eventual change. I'm going to be interested in seeing what happens in Arkham.


And Harvey, you are awesome. That is all.

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So, in Spartacus actor news: while Naevia 2.0. is currently on Arrow as Amanda Waller, we've got Naevia 1.0. here as assassin lady.   I guess actors from that series just gravitate to comic book series.


Hey, Ivy!  I forgot all about you.  I did love that she was so off, that Selina was like "Girl is crazy!"  I think even Nygma would have been walking on eggshells around her.


So, this was certainly Alfred's episode, with the ass-kicking, gun shooting, and charming Fish of all people.  Really, considering the majority of the GCPD, he'd actually be a decent detective.  The Alfred/Bullock partnership ended up being a hell of a surprise.  I hope they find a way to have them interact more in the future.


Not surprised that everything fell apart with the Lovecraft case, and Gordon took the fall for it.  Shuttered off to Arkham Aslyum, huh?  That should be interesting.  Especially since Morena Baccarin is there!  Go for it, Gordon!  She is way cooler then Barbara. Speaking of which, no update on her or Montoya.  She really doesn't matter much, does she?


Surprised they had Oswald in the background this time.  I'm guessing his story will get ramped back up for the second half.  And, I"m sure the battle between Falcone and Fish is only getting started.


Bruce and Selina are certainly a pair.  I wonder if this show is going to continue to find random ways to have their paths inter-cross.


I'm still not warming up to Harvey Dent.  The actor is just... there.  Ben McKenzie pretty much overshadows him with ease in all of their scenes.

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Hopefully Gordon's assignment at Arkham isn't long and/or they'll still have him team up with Bullock...because if his transfer means way less Bullock, I'll tap out. Bullock is pretty much the reason why I tune in every week, though Penguin and Falcone are close seconds.


Having said that...Alfred Pennyworth, Badass Butler. That on its own would be worth the price of admission. Hopefully this means he'll get more episodes where is more than just in the background.


Liked seeing Selina and Bruce develop their relationship...seems like the Selina/Bruce relationship mirrors the Bullock/Gordon one- Selina is the well-meaning crook that sees some kind of solace and perhaps a chance at redemption in Bruce, while Bruce sees Selina as the one who can bring out his edge and out of his shell. The kiss was pretty nice, though it seemed abrupt, and I liked how it was Selina that went for it- the show didn't treat the kiss like a reward but as a show of affection, as Selina tells Bruce just how important he is to her.


Case itself...well...talk about a lot of things happening with very little actually getting explained. I don't think the assassin lady was ever named, nor were her cohorts and nobody explained why they were going after Selina in the first place. I get that there was also a hit on Lovecraft, but if that was also the case, why go after Selina too? Lovecraft was the only one with information- Selina didn't see the Wayne murders, if this was actually about the Wayne murders. Way too little explained.


I did enjoy the dinner scene with Falcone and the Family...Fish seems to think he is weak but Falcone projects the exact opposite. Him coolly disposing Banion proved that.


Lastly, I have to take note about who was absent. There was no Barbara, no Montoya, no Allen and no Essen. Perhaps the first three are understandable, but why was the Mayor the one to reassign Gordon? Isn't that Essen's job? C'mon Heller, Essen should do more than just bark orders at people.


Overall, this was just "meh". Hopefully January will put the bounce back in the show's step.

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Awesome episode for Alfred, who kicked some serious ass.  The team-up with Harvey was a lot of fun.  I'm curious to see what will happen when Fish comes asking for a favor.  Alfred's reunion with Bruce was touching.


Bruce and Selina do have great chemistry together (although Bruce's inability to keep his identity secret made me want to slap him) and hey, we even got to see Poison Ivy pop up too.  I remember those three in Hush together, which is the comic where Bruce and Selina shack up.


Gordon sent off to work Arkham should be interesting.  I don't know how Jim can be reassigned from being a cop to a bodyguard and he probably should have threatened to blackmail the Mayor.  Him getting taken out in the apartment though was embarrassing.  Just shoot those two, Jim!


I'm sorry but the scene between Gordon and Dent where Jim learns the truth was hilariously and badly over-the-top.  Between Jim's goofy (and unintentionally hilarious) sneers and Dent's unsubtle as hell characterization, it was tough for me to take that scene seriously.  Anyone else feel that way.


The scene with Ed was fun.


Bummed that we have to wait till January for the show to return.

Edited by benteen
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Because it cannot be said enough...Badass Alfred was all sorts of awesome.  Let's see some more of that.


Love Bruce and Selina together.  I'm invested more in this relationship than Jim/Barbara (who thankfully was not in the episode!).


Oh Gordon, you're trying.  You're really trying.  Arkham should be some fun to watch though.

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Stupid Canadian channels never air the promos someone fill me in?

Gordon was in Arkham, looking basically like a prison guard. Morena Baccarin was a doctor.

I shouldn't have enjoyed that as much as I did but I did, what did Selina keep at the end?

I wondered that too. Some kind of keepsake box, with a winged (eagle?) emblem on top. Definitely not a bat though.

Bruce looked a little hesitant to let it go, maybe it belonged to his father?

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Alfred, and Sean Pertwee, are made of win! They walked off with this episode. See, Mr. Dent? That is how you project controlled anger.  Alfred/Bullock/Fish/Butch was my favorite segment. The whole "It was a wind-up nickname" and Butch incredulous someone was callin' him out to his face! There is going to be some freelancing if Fish doesn't keep an eye on Butch. I am so glad that Alfred isn't afraid to punch the shit out of a professional assassin, no matter the gender.


As to that poor gardener:  the lead assassin commanded on of her men to "open him up", we saw a knife cut the gardener's abdomen, and the assassin smear just enough of his blood on her face to give Alfred enough pause. Is he dead? Possible, as he could identify her, but I agree with the poster upthread that it seems unlikely since we have a breathing Bruce around as well. The gardener may have stitches ( if we see him again) or he may have resigned due to unforeseen assassination attempts.


I have come to love the friendship between Bruce and Selina. I liked that Ivy and Cat are friendly, even if Selina is squicked out. Ivy was blunt, but after her update, I can't really blame her. I want to believe that after Bruce was dumb about who he was, that that was primarily why she hustled him away. Not because she actually is scared of Ivy Pepper. That would be so sad, especially after that big, warm hug.


Oh, Jimbo. *sigh* While I love that you told Mayor Whatever to kiss your grits, you don't have to be like Dent, either. I just hope that you get some real answers during your...rotation?...at Arkham. I believe you proved Harvey Bullock's point when you proceeded into Lovecraft's house without calling him! Then? I kept cringing watching the man gesturing and monologuing in front of that huge flipping window! I kept expecting a shot to ring out.


Oswald? You and Gabriel need to plan more contingencies, maybe? Granted, Fish and her group may start overstepping, but unless you know Liza isn't going to tell Falcone about you and Fish? CYA, hon.


Mr. Nygma? Like Austin, keep being weird!


I am hoping that Mayor Whatever told Essen what she was to do, she got pissed and refused, and then he took it out of her hands. Which is what corrupt folks do, right?


As to who leaked the info? Dent was partially responsible. We may have gotten some subtle hints, but I'll have to watch it again to be sure. We have had such nonsense mixed with our  Wayne dead-end case that it's not even enjoyable just yet.


I want to see Bullock drawn, against his will, back to the Wayne murders on his own. The way her responded to Jim at Stately Wayne Manor felt that Bullock might be willing to keep track of potential leads, but very much qt/dl/off-the-books.


Man, even if I watch the shows again over the holidays, it's going to be a long December! 

Edited by Actionmage
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I wonder if Montoya is going to end up partnering with Bullock while Gordon's away.  Montoya and Bullock were long time partners in the comics. Not sure where that would leave Allen though, unless he ends up like in the comics too...


Ivy's little cameo was suitably creepy - I sorta liked that vibe that Selina and Pamela (I refuse to call her Pepper...) had, since they've always had an uneasy relationship in the comics.  In fact most people, bar the notable exception of Harley Quinn, seem to have that with Poison Ivy.  I did like her brief interaction with Bruce, but I have to wonder if they're going way too far in letting little Bruce Wayne interact with all his future villains.  I don't mind so much when it's Gordon dealing with the future Rogues Gallery, since they're Batman's villains not Jim Gordon's villains, but they need to be real careful with how much they're including Bruce in the plot. 


Not sure how I feel with Morena Baccarin as Leslie Thompkins.  Almost all the casting so far has been spot on towards the comic characters, except now for Leslie.  I'll have to reserve judgement I guess.  I wonder if some other notable Arkham personalities show up, namely Jeremiah Arkham?

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Brilliant episode. Not to fall into the shipping category but all the Bruce/Selina scenes worked a treat. Great actors, great dialogue and character moments throughout the episode.

I liked both of them helping each other and surprising/outsmarting the other as well. Oh and that brief scene with Ivy. Man, is that girl scary or what?

Surprised they kissed though at the end. I wonder if they will interact in the second half of the season.

Alfred was all kinds of bad ass in this episode. I actually liked him and Bullock as a team and him threatening Butch and charming Fish was interesting too. No doubt Fish will cash in her kindness at some point too.

Much as I enjoy Oswald, I'm actually glad he was relegated to two scenes this week. He just about managed to get Falcone off his back and sparing Liza was probably smart too. Loved the dinner scene with Falcone, Fish and the other mobsters too.

Gordon being sent to Arkham wasn't something I expect. Disappointed that Dent was spineless, really want the Mayor to die a horrible death and that Nygma hug was pretty awkward too.

A great mid-season finale episode, helped by no Barbara as well, 8/10

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.The best things about this episode (in no particular order)


1. No Barbara!


2. Alfred in action-man mode


3. Fish being charmed by Alfred's English accent.


4. Bruce's proper English grammar (I noticed he doesn't use contractions when he speaks) and Selina's casual speech reminded me of a 60s Batman episode where Batman uses a bunch of  $10 words and Catwoman tells him that knowing him has improved her vocabulary.


5. Did I mention no Barbara?

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"Everyone, let's eat."

(Despite the dead guy face down in his pasta)

And apparently they *do*.

But seriously, if you're gonna kill a guy, either do it after the delicious pasta dinner, or before.  But to tease a guy with the promise of delicious pasta and then kill him?  Cruel and unusual.

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Not a good episode for Gordon, eh? Called a plank, called a putz, choked out by the assassin lady and finally demoted to Arkham. At least his Girlfriend didn't leave him this week, right? *chortle*


Lots of good guys getting shot on this show, which is refreshing. Not a lot of good guys actually feeling the pain of getting shot, which is a bit contrieved.


Perfect amount of Penguin and Fish for me this week. And the Bruce/Selina romance was a lot more palateable this time around. The characters work when they're adventuring together, not so much when they're playing house.


Really good episode.

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I enjoyed this episode, but then again lately I also wine watch it. Selina was good the actress is getting better every episode.

Ivy however seemed so unnecessary. Maybe I just don't care for what they are doing with her.

Did they ever name Copperhead or were we just left to assume that's who she was, I couldn't remember.

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Pretty good episode! Poor Jim :(. Selina's growing on me. I think it's because she's finally acting more her age. Alfred stole the show! Loved his butler comments. Barbara, Montoya, and her partner were not missed. That hug from Nygma was cute! I wonder how many villains will become "friends" with Jim at some point in the show.

I'm not too fond of the guy playing Harvey Dent, I feel like a lot of his acting is forced. He needs to relax a little, but I guess I should give him a chance to settle into his role

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I enjoy Richard Kind as a comedic actor, so I was surprised to see him on this show.  I assumed "the Mayor" would just be some clueless stooge, doing Falcone's bidding and acting all weak and spineless.  However, he was REALLY good last night as a bad guy.  THAT'S a guy I could see rising through the political ranks in Gotham City.  He was sinister, mean, and not backing down to anybody last night.  Very nice!

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Alfred is the best butler ever.  Seriously.


Bruce and Selina kissed!  Squee!  I love the idea of her lending a hand in his pre-Batman training.


I loved Harvey's "Am I the only one in this damn town that calls for backup anymore?!"  Heh.

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I loved Harvey's "Am I the only one in this damn town that calls for backup anymore?!" Heh.

Me too. I also loved when Oswald told Falcone, “you could have just called.” Leave it to the corrupted to have the most logic in this series. :p

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Ivy however seemed so unnecessary. Maybe I just don't care for what they are doing with her.



She's the anti-Bruce Wayne. We know from other Batman material, Bruce swore to avenge his parents and to fight crime the night his parents were killed. We now know that Ivy has made a similar vow: to avenge her parents. And she's vowed to find whoever killed her father (which will come to a climatic cliffhanger in season 14 when she exacts her revenge on Gordon and Bullock.)


The fact that she has 9 out of 10 toes dipped into the batshit crazy pool adds to the anticipation, imo.

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A fun episode overall, but...


For someone in fear for his life, Lovecraft was pretty OK with not closing the damn drapes. 


I admit, I was fully expecting him to get sniped when he was pseudo-expositioning right in front of the window, so kudos to the show for not going that route.


I say pseudo-- because he was doing the sort of "you won't believe who's behind this" vamping that usually means a character is about to die without actually revealing anything.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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She's the anti-Bruce Wayne. We know from other Batman material, Bruce swore to avenge his parents and to fight crime the night his parents were killed. We now know that Ivy has made a similar vow: to avenge her parents. And she's vowed to find whoever killed her father (which will come to a climatic cliffhanger in season 14 when she exacts her revenge on Gordon and Bullock.)


The fact that she has 9 out of 10 toes dipped into the batshit crazy pool adds to the anticipation, imo.

I don't know that Ivy has made a vow per se. But just as Bruce eventually expands the scope of his vengeance to include all people like the person who killed his parents, I think this Ivy might expand her resentment to the entire human race. That would be consistent with some, but not all, interpretations of the character in the comics.

But seriously, if you're gonna kill a guy, either do it after the delicious pasta dinner, or before.  But to tease a guy with the promise of delicious pasta and then kill him?  Cruel and unusual.

I don't know, didn't Michael Corleone also do his score-settling during the pasta course?

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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Assigned to Arkham?  Poor Gordon.  If that means less of Bullock that's too bad.


I enjoyed Alfred's approach to investigating.  He bribed Selina's friend, held Butch down with a knife at his throat, and then sincerely asked assistance of Fish.  I can believe that his tailored approach would work, as long as Fish was not behind the contract.  Fish likes to be flattered.  



Also the last thing Fish said to Alfred  "Remember this kindness" . As Alfred is Bruce's guardian she expects a favour sometime down the road. 


Edit:  Also I loved  the Mayor in this episode , kept thiking he should  be cast in a Nixon movie


And the silver box had a an Egyptian symbol  the "Winged Sun" on it. 



Edited by The Kings Foot
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I don't know that Ivy has made a vow per se. But just as Bruce eventually expands the scope of his vengeance to include all people like the person who killed his parents, I think this Ivy might expand her resentment to the entire human race. That would be consistent with some, but not all, interpretations of the character in the comics.



When the script reads:


Selina: Stay cool now, Ivy.

Ivy:I am cool. Why are you telling me that? Why are you telling me what to do?

Selina:I'm not.I'm just saying, I don't want you to get mad at him. He's a friend.

Ivy: Why would I get mad at him? It's not his fault, is it? Did you kill my father? Do you make my mother cut her wrists? No.

Somebody did somebody did, but not him.


I get the feeling Ivy wants to find the person(s) who did kill her father (and that she's batshit crazy)


BTW, tell Dr. Doom that I'm one of his biggest fans. :-)

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When the script reads:


Selina: Stay cool now, Ivy.

Ivy:I am cool. Why are you telling me that? Why are you telling me what to do?

Selina:I'm not.I'm just saying, I don't want you to get mad at him. He's a friend.

Ivy: Why would I get mad at him? It's not his fault, is it? Did you kill my father? Do you make my mother cut her wrists? No.

Somebody did somebody did, but not him.


I get the feeling Ivy wants to find the person(s) who did kill her father (and that she's batshit crazy)


BTW, tell Dr. Doom that I'm one of his biggest fans. :-)

Oh, I'm sure Ivy would be happy to extract revenge if the opportunity arose, but I don't think she is structuring her life around hunting down Gordon and Bullock. She's structuring her life around not taking crap from anyone ever again.


BTW, Dr. Doom knows all, and while he is immune to flattery, your remarks may have purchased you a slightly increased chance of survival in the new order. :-)

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From the recap:


"If you'd died...well, who employs butlers anymore?" OUR HEARTS, ALFRED. OUR HEARTS.


Totally THIS!


3. Fish being charmed by Alfred's English accent.


I think she was charmed by the cut of his suit, if you know what I mean. Alfred isn't chopped liver!



Ivy however seemed so unnecessary. Maybe I just don't care for what they are doing with her.



That's the sad thing; this is her second appearance. They haven't done anything with her except for an off-stage mom "suicide" (she seemed like a fighter to me) and people wanting her to not be anything comfortable or herself. Granted, that is coming off as weird, but she's been as orphaned as Bruce, just poorer and without an awesome Alfred in her life.


Did they ever name Copperhead or were we just left to assume that's who she was, I couldn't remember.


I know we didn't hear her name in the episode (mixed feelings on that), so I went to IMDb and saw the character's name, Larissa Diaz. I went to look her up and came across stuff about how she was Copperhead.  Personally, I liked the character. She was pretty badass, as you would expect a contract killer to be.  I have a feeling there may be a Round Two for Ms. Diaz and Alfred. They were great.


  I thought, primarily due to the high ponytail, that she might have been a reworked villain, Godiva (link:http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Godiva_II_(New_Earth); the link is primarily for the picture; it is from the DC database and has Godiva's history to date.)


What is up with the Costume Department? They must love Jada because they continue to give her some of the best, and wowza, outfits! Pink and glittery with cleavage doesn't ping 'scary mob lady' but damn.


BTW, Dr. Doom knows all, and while he is immune to flattery, your remarks may have purchased you a slightly increased chance of survival in the new order. :-)



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...I loved Harvey's "Am I the only one in this damn town that calls for backup anymore?!"  Heh.

Also very sad because that's how his original partner got killed--when the still good guy Harvey didn't wait for back up.

Sean Pertwee brings so much to this role. I was part of the fandom that adored Alfred on the Birds of Prey series, but this Alfred is light years ahead of any that came before.

And Richard Kind is the best evil Mayor ever. Who knew?

The one scene that didn't work was with Jim and Harvey Dent. It just seemed like they were rehearsing.

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Sean Pertwee brings so much to this role. I was part of the fandom that adored Alfred on the Birds of Prey series, but this Alfred is light years ahead of any that came before.

Ian Abercrombie was so fantastic as Alfred it's easy to imagine this Alfred growing into that one who similarly basically did what he thought needed to be done instead of sitting on the sidelines. ("Buttle this," cocks shot gun.) As an aside Ian was also very active in the fan community.

Birds was years ahead of it's time I think and if it had come within the past few years of quality shows, (Arrow, Gotham, Nikita and the like) I think would have been hugely successful.

Edited by Delphi
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Did they ever name Copperhead or were we just left to assume that's who she was, I couldn't remember.


I know we didn't hear her name in the episode (mixed feelings on that), so I went to IMDb and saw the character's name, Larissa Diaz. I went to look her up and came across stuff about how she was Copperhead.  

FWIW, when confronting Bruce near the end, she indulged in some fairly serpentine movements, and there was a rattlesnake percussion sound in the soundtrack. Wrong species, I know, but "Dammit Jim, I'm an incidental music composer, not a herpetologist!" as the saying goes.

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For me, it was the leg-over-the-railing when she had Bruce on the stairs at the end, like you were saying. It was such a delightful introduction, even if she was a hired assassin. She's badass enough to not care if folks see her damn face!

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I enjoyed Alfred's approach to investigating.  He bribed Selina's friend, held Butch down with a knife at his throat, and then sincerely asked assistance of Fish.  I can believe that his tailored approach would work, as long as Fish was not behind the contract.  Fish likes to be flattered.  And he threw the first punch when he realized the assassin wasn't who she appeared to be.



He was so great! I especially loved his "I'm in hurry, how much" approach to the kid--why waste time with threats and violence when you've got green and the kid's willing to sell? So practical. And his stone cold throwdown, then assistance up, with Butch. "Nothing personal, mate. Just was aiming for that carotid as a professional maneuver." Fish appreciated it, as well. Her body language was snarling "At last, a real man" loud and clear. Mmmph. Alfred, you can buttle me anytime.


Speaking of Fish, I am adoring her wardrobe--the supervampiness combined with collars and chains--how she flaunts her power but still feels controlled and resents the hell out of it all at once. I did wonder why Falcone had such reluctance to believe Oswald, but as he said, he didn't get where he is by charging ahead to the nearest threat and leaving his flanks exposed. Instead, he shoots the one guy he's pretty sure wasn't betraying him, not only to put Fish on edge but to rattle everybody's cage. Whoever groups around Fish is a weakness to be eliminated. 


I did protest, though, at the killing of the poor bastard before he got his delicious spaghetti, and the fact that Falcone is all down to eat next to a fresh corpse. Not out of any moral code but--to put it as delicately as possible--errr...evacuated bowels. NOBODY, no matter how stony-nerved, was going to have much appetite. 


Loved crazy little Ivy--all her twitches and too-rushed talking style. How even Selina was all "dude, seriously, don't, she'll cut you" about her and Bruce was just so clueless. That actress is a find.


The one scene that didn't work was with Jim and Harvey Dent. It just seemed like they were rehearsing.




The actor playing Dent is leading the end result of his character way too much. He's effective at the explosive crazy but the whole righteous crusader isn't selling. He comes across as much more of a dummy for thinking this would ever work then a guy who's so driven he's willing to try a high risk maneuver. I can't buy Gordon trusting this person for a second, even if Montoya and Allen are all "he's great!" 

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The actor playing Dent is leading the end result of his character way too much. He's effective at the explosive crazy but the whole righteous crusader isn't selling. He comes across as much more of a dummy for thinking this would ever work then a guy who's so driven he's willing to try a high risk maneuver. I can't buy Gordon trusting this person for a second, even if Montoya and Allen are all "he's great!" 


I actually think it's the way the character is written or maybe the way the direction is being given. I agree the approach is over the top, but I'm not certain all of it can be laid at the actor's feet. I doubt the character could be this campy without the director's and writer's approval. I feel sort of the same about the other Harvey. I didn't see any real conflict in Bullock in the first episodes; I think he seemed quite content with the way things are in Gotham, "working" a case by going to his contacts (mostly Fish) and going along to get along. I think Donal Logue can be great, but I don't find the character all-out awesome. In fact, I think he's kind of trying. (I feel like a minority of one in that.) But I'm coming around, as Bullock is becoming less of a Wise Guy and more of a person.


I feel certain the Mayor is headed for a gruesome (and possibly entirely deserved) end.


I enjoyed this episode immensely; Alfred Pennyworth the Badass Butler is beyond price. And Selina and Bruce continue to be adorable.

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I want to see Bullock drawn, against his will, back to the Wayne murders on his own. The way her responded to Jim at Stately Wayne Manor felt that Bullock might be willing to keep track of potential leads, but very much qt/dl/off-the-books.

For any number of reasons I hope this too.  I feel like this episode set this up as a possibility - with Jim in Arkham he wouldn't have any reason to turn to Alfred - unless he'd already had this episode's experience of Alfred's awesomeness.  


Looking forward like nobody's business to Morena Bacarin.  


In other news I was thrilled to see John Enos, even in a small part.  I love him so much on the greatly underrated World's Dumbest.

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