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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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Ugh my dad's now exhibiting COVID symptoms. My stepmom is still having residual symptoms from her bout with it though has otherwise recovered. He doesn't have a fever or the respiratory stuff right now, thankfully, but other symptoms like headache, aches, fatigue. I know everyone says this, but this year can just go fuck off as far as I'm concerned. 

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9 hours ago, Lisa418722 said:

Glad they caught the charges quickly.   A few years ago I was on vacation and I got an email from my credit card that they were questioning some charges.  I called them (while praying for the phone to work since I was in Zion National Park at the time).  No, I had not charged anything on Wal-Mart online at the time because I was on vacation.  Thankfully they did close the account with no problems. My only problem was I was on vacation and could only use my debit card after that point.  I did have to call a couple of places and say "don't use the credit card. Use this card instead."   That was also the year Target was hacked, so I ended up with three different CC numbers in three months.  

Much better than when I still had a Bank of America account and my debit card was hacked.  I noticed there were charges for an online college textbook site and I called the Bank to say it was not my charge.  They were arguing with me that I had charged that.  After I got my money back, I closed the account that I had had for over 20 years.  When asked why was I closing my account after all that time, I just told them poor customer service.  

It seems my credit card gets hacked every couple years on big vacations. Coincidentally, once was while we were also at Zion. We were camping in the park and I know what you mean about cell service! We ate just outside the park and the card was denied at dinner. I called the bank and they cancelled the card immediately. The worst was that we only had the one credit card. The new card would be overnighted, but we were on a road trip and weren't going to be in one spot long enough for the next 4 days. We ended up picking up our new card via general delivery at a post office. I think I know exactly where it was hacked too - a little dive of a burger joint and they took the card into the back to run the check. One of the things they had ordered was a $500 edible arrangement. That's a heck of a lot fruit!

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Zella, I hope your dads ok. Covid is a real a hole. You never know with covid. Some are ok and others really suffer.

I was in my office for almost the entire day, one day this week and I feel anxious about it. I ran this air purifier that a office mate bought for covid, sanitized like crazy, kept mask on, but still.....I met with a new client.  I had her sit 10 feet from me at the opposite end of table.  I sanitized anything she touched before either of us touched it. I think she thought I was a little crazy. Lol

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2 hours ago, realityfan26 said:

The worst was that we only had the one credit card. The new card would be overnighted, but we were on a road trip and weren't going to be in one spot long enough for the next 4 days.

My card was compromised while I was travelling for a long weekend; I explained to my bank that I was travelling and had no other credit card with me.  My hotel and flight were already paid, and I had my debit card, so I would survive until I got home but cancelling the credit card would put a cramp in my shopping plans.   The bank said they would put an alert on the card.  If I wanted to use the card, I was to call a dedicated phone number, answer the security questions and they would unblock the card for that specific transaction.  It was like having a husband in the 1950s.

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@SunnyBeBe I know exactly what you’re saying.  I mostly am at home and (thankFULLY!!!) working again.  The movies are rolling again!!  Being alone all the time makes me a little “meh” about Covid - even though I’m on the compound with 470 of my other “Jeffites” (jk!!) we really don’t interact as much as you’d think.  When I go out, I have to find my mask.  (More than once have had to come back home for it).  Most days I sit here and know Covid is not good - and that it’s out there - (like the zombies up against the window in that commercial and the people are oblivious). 
but then...I have these moments when I go all screwy about it and am the sanitizing Queen!  

I will say this.  My baby son (who is no baby, I assure you) has 2 almost 5 yr olds and one 2 yr old.  And when I really think about it, it hurts my heart that they will really not remember a world pre-Covid.  They won’t know a world of handshakes or hugs all around.  Masks will be a thing engrained.  Isn’t that weird to think about?  I think for several months, I kept thinking this was a giant speed bump and we just have to hold our noses and get over it.  It took me a long time to say “wait... CANADA closed its borders???  Can they DO that??  Isn’t Canada just a really enormous STATE that is really part of the US??”  I only recently found out I don’t really do well with change.  Plus (I’ve bitched about this before, sorry for the repeat) we fired our service manager in February (for cause).  Good riddance.  Except that then: Covid.  So the business has been flat since March, and we couldn’t replace him.  Meaning I’ve been home since March.  WHAAAAAAAAAATTTT?????

This is making me a crazy woman.  I told my husband today that if he threw a tent (hell, a SLEEPING BAG!) in the the truck and said let’s go, I would hop in like a country dog.  I’m not a fancy world traveler like so many of you - but I’ve sure never had THIS much grass growing under my feet!  I want to GO!  I’ve got places to see and people to meet!

@Quof, you prompted a story.  Over a hundred years ago, I worked in an office with 4 other girls.  Back then we called ourselves secretaries.  I was very young, and surprisingly, very mouthy (!!!).  We had only cubicles separating us.  We could hear whatever was going on around us.  The front girl was the oldest of our group, far more established.  She made quite a few personal calls every day.  Whenever she identified herself to, say, the electric company or a repair company, she ways said “this is Mrs. Samuel L. Robertson and (blah blah)”.   All of us younger smart mouths would roll our eyes and gag.  One girl said “why don’t you give his rank, too?”  Plus, she pronounced Mrs. as “Miz-Rez”.  Eventually one day, she began a call like that and a voice from the corner yelled out “Tell them your name!”  And of course, it became a theme.  Every time she identified herself as a nameless wife, the whole office would yell “tell them your NAME!!”  

I don’t know why y’all read this junk.  I annoy myself rambling sometimes. 

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A couple of months ago, I got a notice from PayPal in French. I didn't click any of the links in the email, but immediately checked my account.  Not only was it all in French, but someone had initiated a thousand dollar withdrawal from my bank account.  I I immediately went into panic mode.  I had to figure out how to get in touch with a live human being at PayPal and then the same at my bank.

Luckily I got it all taken care of. But it all happened the day before I had to have surgery on my foot, and wasn't completely taken care of until the day after. 


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4 hours ago, beckie said:

A couple of months ago, I got a notice from PayPal in French. I didn't click any of the links in the email, but immediately checked my account.  Not only was it all in French, but someone had initiated a thousand dollar withdrawal from my bank account.  I I immediately went into panic mode.  I had to figure out how to get in touch with a live human being at PayPal and then the same at my bank.

Luckily I got it all taken care of. But it all happened the day before I had to have surgery on my foot, and wasn't completely taken care of until the day after. 


I had a bad experience with PayPal this past summer. I was desperate to find a bike (impossible to find at that time) and impulsively purchased one from a FB site (mistake!) I doubted my purchase almost immediately afterward when the “company’s “ web site just disappeared, and immediately filed an appeal with PayPal online for a refund. They made me wait 30 days, then said the company had emailed them a tracking number for the delivery. I never I got any delivery, much less a bike! It was a complete scam. PayPal wouldn’t let me file again and I couldn’t reach them by phone at all. Lesson learned! I will use my regular credit cards from now on and will never again order from a random company advertising on fb!

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35 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I had a bad experience with PayPal this past summer. I was desperate to find a bike (impossible to find at that time) and impulsively purchased one from a FB site (mistake!) I doubted my purchase almost immediately afterward when the “company’s “ web site just disappeared, and immediately filed an appeal with PayPal online for a refund. They made me wait 30 days, then said the company had emailed them a tracking number for the delivery. I never I got any delivery, much less a bike! It was a complete scam. PayPal wouldn’t let me file again and I couldn’t reach them by phone at all. Lesson learned! I will use my regular credit cards from now on and will never again order from a random company advertising on fb!

Did you get your money back?

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I had an experience with Etsy a couple months ago.  Someone ordered all this crazy monogrammed stuff - beach wraps, monogrammed.  Like you might put in a beach bag as a gift for bridesmaids is how it looked to me.  I was jumping up and down screaming for 2 WEEKS about that.  To Etsy, to my bank, to the supposed vendor.  In the end I ate about $400 and changed a bunch of things.  I hadn’t been nearby careful enough with my purchases before that because I’d never been bitten.  Embroidery!!!!!  Of all things.  I was so insulted.  (What I do for a living.  Really??). 

I mentioned the movies have cranked back up. The one I’m doing now (I have to sign NDA’s) apparently has a cameo from Seinfeld (their names are on seats).  Sometimes I want autographs so much!!!

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Today is day 7 out of 21 of my exercise challenge. During the work week I did a 2mile walk away the pounds video before work, and on the weekend I did a 3 mile. Saturday was easier than Friday - I wonder if that’s because I had a chance to eat breakfast/drink water first. 

Today I wasn’t feeling it when I got started but of course I did it. 

My mom’s surgery is on Tuesday so I will workout after I come back since she’s first up. 

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18 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

If you could send some get well soon vibes I’d appreciate it. Not doing well at all. Hoping all the medical procedures will work out in my favor.


Do not take good health for granted.

Definitely sending good vibes your way.

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1 hour ago, iwantcookies said:

If you could send some get well soon vibes I’d appreciate it. Not doing well at all. Hoping all the medical procedures will work out in my favor.


Do not take good health for granted.

Hope you start feeling better. What is the status of your upcoming surgery?

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4 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

If you could send some get well soon vibes I’d appreciate it. Not doing well at all. Hoping all the medical procedures will work out in my favor.

Do not take good health for granted.

I sent some good vibes and hope your situation improves soon.

On a more frivolous note, it's colder than a witch's teat in a brass bra outdoors. And snowing. I'm happy to be indoors, thank you very much. I'm cooking - vegetables.

So, it's like this. I've never liked beets. Just - ick. 

And - day before yesterday at Costco I bought a big pack of various sliced/cubed veggies for roasting; a good price for everything. Somehow it didn't really hit me until this afternoon when I went to cook them, that in one of the compartments of the package were - cubed beets. I rolled my eyes, separated the beets out, and got the rest of the veggies oiled, seasoned, and spread on the cooking sheet for oven roasting. Then it occurred to me, I'm not sure I've ever had roasted beets. Maybe they'd be like brussels sprouts; I hate them boiled but have learned that I like them okay if they are roasted. So, I pulled out a smaller cookie sheet and baked the beets on that. 

Half an hour ago the veggies were done. I took them out of the oven. They are all nicely roasted and overall lookin' good. Well, except the beets; they didn't look any better cooked than they did raw. Kind of the color of raw beef that you forgot about in the fridge which shoulda been cooked five days ago, only darker when cooked. I let them cool a few minutes, and picked up a little piece of roasted beet to taste. 

Oh Em Gee! It's as horrible as any other version of beets. Yecch! I spit it out and bundled the beets straight into the trash.

Then I enjoyed a delicious bowl of freshly roasted red onions, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and brussels sprouts. I'm glad I didn't pollute the cookie sheet of good veggies by roasting the beets on it.

I'm not all about me, honest. On Friday  helped out a friend who because of her chronic illness is practically quarantining herself in her condo. And TBH she's not nuts; I doubt she'd survive COVID, she's so vulnerable. We were chatting on the phone and she mentioned she was nearly down to her last roll of TP and box of Kleenex. I was going to Costco and the grocery store anyway so I brought her a huge pack of Charmin, a Costo mulitpack of Kleenex, some bread and a few other things. I was happy to do it, and just hope she dodges this virus.

I've let my local family know that whatever "we" are doing for Thanksgiving, I won't be joining them. The numbers in our state aren't looking good and TBH I don't know what is the more awful idea for me: getting COVID myself, or transmitting it to someone else. 

And I'm telling all this to people I don't know on the internetz. Well, I sort of don't know you and then I also do know you. If that makes sense.

Take care, friends, and I hope everybody finds at least one thing to giggle or even laugh about today. Feel free to laugh at me about the effing BEETS. 

Edited by Jeeves
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So for good news Sunday, last Saturday we started our Fall flow at work, this means changing where the shoes live. We have over 3000 womens shoes and in the course of the move we had to move them at least twice. Thats a lot of shoes . Well we are almost finished just a slight adjustment tomorrow and we will be DONE. That is very good news

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It's about to get cold and rainy in my area for the next few days, yay. I love weather like this. I have one container tomato plant that is still producing so I moved it, my basil, and rosemary into the garage. I plan on making soup and working in front of the fireplace this week. 

I can't believe we're 8 months into Covid and it's only getting worse. I'm losing hope in the vaccine as days go by, there never seems to be good news. I can't see anything going back to normal anytime soon, if ever.

Edited by emma675d
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Good news Sunday!

My boyfriend, dog, and I went to Shenandoah National Park for some hiking and beautiful driving today. It’s peak weekend for foliage, but it was very foggy and rainy, so we couldn’t really see any of the vistas. I thought it was even more beautiful this way, though. You could still see glimpses of the black tree trunks and flame-orange leaves through the white mist, and it was very atmospheric.

Also, my dog is a rescue who was found by the side of the road in a rural county last year. And I guess she really is a country dog, because she was SO at home traipsing through the woods! She loved hiking and to see her so comfortable in this totally new place was amazing. We’re city people, and even though I take her to the park every day, this was a whole side of her that I’d never seen! I will have to spend more time out in the country with her 🥰

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Good news Sunday, although it happened yesterday. Son & DIL hosted our immediate family for their own birthdays. My family has a tradition of “birthday parade” where we all walk in from a different room carrying cards, gifts & cake & singing happy birthday. 4 kids 3 and under took part & it was adorable!!

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Beets taste like dirt. Roasted beets just taste like roasted dirt. Sorry you had to find out the hard way, @Jeeves. Thank god the other vegetables weren’t tainted by the beety foulness.

My Sunday good news - the second new cabinet for my basement came this week, so I spent some time organizing it today. It looks so nice, and everything fits. It’s the last week of my sabbatical, which I am devoting to cooking, baking, and sitting with my cats. I am 3/4 of the way done with my sabbatical to-do list, and it looks like I’m going to clear off most of the items. It been a nice combination of productive and lazy. 

Tomorrow I’m making French onion soup, baguettes from scratch, and a tarte tatin. I’m also starting the dough for cardamom brioche rolls, which will take a couple of days because of all the resting and dough laminating. Not a lot of hands on time when you add it up, but it’s definitely a multi-day project.

Edited by MargeGunderson
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I love roasted and pickled beets, too.  I’m not too fond of plain canned beets, but will eat them.  The golden beets are really quite yummy when they’re roasted..  Roasting actually improves the flavor of most vegetables.  
This fall, I’ve made garlic dill pickles and pickled carrots.  The dill pickles should be ready to try in about 2 weeks.  I saw the recipe for the pickled carrots on the side of the mason jar package.  The carrots were quite yummy, but VERY vinegary.  I had misread the recipe for the brine and neglected to put in  water with the vinegar.  Solved the problem by dumping out about a third of the brine and replacing it with water.

Next week I hope to make the bread and butter pickles, followed by the cherry jam and berry jam in November and finally the vanilla, lemon, cinnamon and coffee extracts in December.  I use all this to put together gift baskets for my family and friends for the holidays.  I promise to make a large basket for the Prayer Closet....

My Sunday blessing was that my dear sweet brother in law was able to find me another case of canning jars at his local Tractor Supply store and sent them overnight to me.  I think he wants another jar of the berry jam...I’ll send him 2 😊.


Edited by marypat57
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5 hours ago, Jeeves said:

Take care, friends, and I hope everybody finds at least one thing to giggle or even laugh about today. Feel free to laugh at me about the effing BEETS. 

I'm like that about LIVER (and no, don't tell me I'm cooking it wrong)🤢

2 hours ago, frenchtoast said:

It's misty, cloudy and cool and I am so very thankful. Moving from MA to TX is a change and it's just such a nice return to what feels like fall weather.  

  When I moved to Florida from Illinois, the lack of seasons was the worst.

I was so glad to move back to Illinois after nine, hot, humid, buggy years in Florida.

Hopefully you'll like your move better than I did.  

I was thinking about this the other day, and the major thing I hated about being in Florida was sawgrass, grass-burrs, and fireants!  Not good for someone who likes to walk barefoot in nice weather.

Give me soft green Illinois grass in my yard, any day. (and no sand for all the kids to track in.) Trying to keep sand out of the beds..ugh.😨

(I'm sure the fact I moved there against my will didn't help)

Oh...it's Sunday..umm..my good news is I don't live in Florida anymore!😁

Edited by ChiCricket
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2 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I'm a supertaster. Most veggies taste like dirt to me. Beets are the worst offender.

Supertaster here also.

They taste like dirt to me too. Cilantro is the worst tasting thing to me.

How about smells?  Do they bother you more than other people?

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1 minute ago, ChiCricket said:

Supertaster here also.

They taste like dirt to me too. Cilantro is the worst tasting thing to me.

How about smells?  Do they bother you more than other people?

Certain smells give me migraines. 

And cilantro tastes like soap! 

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My parents were both HUGE veggie eaters, thankfully neither liked beets.  That’s something that never makes my shopping cart.  There are a couple other things that I promised myself as a child I would never ever eat as an adult.  Squash.  (The kind, in the south, made with onions in a skillet and come out squishy and disgusting).  Rutabagas.  Ewwwwwww.  Greens: any greens.  No collards, turnips, spinach, none of it.  Nope.  Neeerrrrp.  I don’t like them, Sam I Am.  
@ChiCricket, no kidding, I remember very well CRYING when I stepped in the house after school to smell LIVER cooking.  And then having to hide from my mother so she wouldn’t know I was crying.  

I don’t think I’m a supertaster, it’s all about texture for me.  Most veggies are much better to me raw or nearly raw - grilled is not so offensive.  My mother AND my grandmother, and my MIL for that matter cooked green beans past all recognition as an edible food.  Roast them, steam them, sauté them - but don’t boil them to oblivion.  

Edited by Happyfatchick
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I'm not sure I've ever eaten beets, although I do think beet juice is used for coloring some foods. Cilantro is for sure a hard no. I do love veggies though.

I'm not fond of cooking at all, so I'm thinking of trying some crockpot recipes this winter. I've only really used them for sauces and chili, so this will be new. One of our kids bought us an off-brand Instant Pot a couple of years ago, so I guess its time to dust it off.

I'm soooo tired of eating the majority of our meals made at home. Things were so different when my husband and I worked outside the home and would pick up a variety of different meals on our way home from work, a few times a week.

We still eat take-out, just not as often and only from a few places because we're not out and about like we used to be. I'm anticipating once the cold and dark settle in, we'll be out even less often.

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I love cilantro.


Friends- I swear my idiot cousin is going to give me a heart attack (this is the one who lives with her mom, my great aunt with dementia and it looks like an episode of hoarders, and I am trying to work with her to keep it THIS SIDE of the line so I dont have to call adult protective services).

Anywho, my mom's is first up for surgery tomorrow, so I was going to go over there while she was in the OR and take them some takeout from a nearby breakfast place. My cousin tells me she almost got her finger ripped off because she let her UNNEUTERED male dog, play with two female dogs- "I thought the dog was being mistreated so I let them play." The strange dog tried to attack her dog, and she got in-between them. I SWEAR she is too dumb for words. she sent me the photographs of her hand. If she had gotten really hurt who would care for her Mom?

Of course I know accidents happen, and Im glad she and her dog are OK, but she is SO stupid and irresponsible. I know she doesn't want me in the house, but I have a moral obligation to go and check on my Aunt. Make sure she has some decent food, they still have NO FRIDGE.

I swear, my sister is a handful but at least she doesn't talk back! 

Pray for me. Yes I did work out this morning. Day 8 of 21.

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40 minutes ago, beckie said:

Here's a picture of my sweet puppy that died. Testing to see if it works. 


She looks like such a sweetheart!


I am not a big veggie eater, but love almost any as long as they're grilled.  Roasting with a little olive oil also works.

I, too, detest liver.  My uncle used to refer to it as 'fried basketballs' and I agree.  Yuck!  When I was a kid, we were supposed to eat what was in front of us, but my mother allowed us to have a couple of foods that we just didn't eat.  Liver was one of mine.  When we had it for dinner, I was allowed to eat just the side dishes.  My mother wasn't one to make a separate meal for the objector, of course.

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm not sure I've ever eaten beets, although I do think beet juice is used for coloring some foods. Cilantro is for sure a hard no. I do love veggies though.

Not even the infamous borscht?

Beets are in a lot of things surprisingly. If you look at the ingredients of a lot of mixed juices and store bought smoothies, you'll normally find beets.

It's getting harder and harder to find decent meals while keeping within dietary requirements. I don't eat meat whatsoever and I've cut out all dairy except for cheese. I will eat eggs on occasion but there was one point in my life that breakfast was a piece of cheese, two hardboiled eggs, and a banana.

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6 minutes ago, PikaScrewChu said:

Not even the infamous borscht?

Beets are in a lot of things surprisingly. If you look at the ingredients of a lot of mixed juices and store bought smoothies, you'll normally find beets.

It's getting harder and harder to find decent meals while keeping within dietary requirements. I don't eat meat whatsoever and I've cut out all dairy except for cheese. I will eat eggs on occasion but there was one point in my life that breakfast was a piece of cheese, two hardboiled eggs, and a banana.

I've eaten borscht in Russia, and must admit that sour cream is one of those miracle foods.  Anything you add it to becomes edible.  I can do borscht with fresh sour cream-in Russia.  Does that count?

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1 minute ago, doodlebug said:

I've eaten borscht in Russia, and must admit that sour cream is one of those miracle foods.  Anything you add it to becomes edible.  I can do borscht with fresh sour cream-in Russia.  Does that count?

Sure. Why not? I find a lot of eastern European foods bland unless you add your own twist to it. 

Borscht is just culturally ingrained though. I haven't prepped it myself but it's my goal to learn how to make it.

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I’ve mentioned before that I have an entire group of ex Amish cousins who’ve moved near me from Ohio.  And because they’re transplants (and because we’re all close in age and grew up with that weird cousin-bond) were all extremely close now.  We don’t get together as much since Covid broke all our weekly ritual habits, but still I see them regularly.  

one of them (we’ll call him Bill because coincidentally, that’s his name) has a couple screws that just need to be tightened up a bit.  He’s not developmentally off - he’s kind of an “Amish” off.  When I was a kid, I thought some of the louder Amish who orated frequently but incorrectly about world events were just “news blocked”.  They only had newspapers and word of mouth.  And so I mentally “gave” them points for even being in the conversation, you know?  Some are QUITE vocal about politics, you’d be surprised.  Bill, however, lives HERE.  In metro Atlanta.  Has cable, internet, an iPhone, a fb account.  He is a JUNKIE.  Always always attached to some form of communication to the news world.  
but Bill (because he’s Bill) is always a hair sideways.  Sooooo close - but his feet are never exactly on the mark.  For example, whenever he refers to the plastic comfy fat shoes everybody in the entire world knows as CROCS, he calls them “gators”.  This slays me every time.  
So much is he always always a hair off that my husband (who employs Bill at our shop) always says “Dammit, Bill!!!” When something goes wrong, even if Bill is in his own apartment 4 miles away.  That’s his go-to swear phrase “Dammit, Bill!”

ANYWAY long way to get you to know Bill... bill doesn’t believe Covid is real.  I don’t mean he thinks we play it up too much or it’s time to open up or he thinks hiding from it is ridiculous.  BILL is anti-Covid.  

It.Is.Not.Happening.   Now it just happens that Covid is running rampant through their home base in OH.  The 2 other cousins are worried SICK for their 90 YO mom, who is restless and lonely and wants OUT of Covid jail.  

we got together last night for a birthday in the group.  As I walked up to the group of them the FIRST sentence out of Bills face was something sniping about all the stupid people who think Covid is real.  And his ATTITUDE and his DELIVERY and his SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS makes me want to throttle him.  There’s no “can we discuss?” Or “can you tell me how you reached that conclusion?”  It’s just BAM.  That’s what I think: therefore, it IS.  

As I’m walking up and hear that, my “greeting” came out “G-DAMMIT Bill, don’t start that SH-T!!!!!!!!!”.  I’m saying this just as I’m walking up to the circle.  I was watching my feet as I’m talking - when I looked up, all eyes were on me (including my husbands).  👀  

that bothered me a lot.  I broke my own rule.  I’m always telling my husband, just let it go.  Give him the _____. (Whatever craziness he’s stuck on today).  It doesn’t matter.  Who cares, really?  Crocs/Gators it’s all the same.  But I felt bad.  Like I Beat a dog or something.  Then this morning, I got this from another escaped Amish cousin.  

to get to our “circle” connection, you have to go backwards to our parents.  In our circle would include 3 siblings and their first cousin.  I wonder if they’re all gathered in a group somewhere marveling at the connection we’ve all maintained all these years.  Who knew??


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4 minutes ago, Zella said:

I think there's a pretty big difference between someone mispronouncing the name of a product and denying the existence of a disease that has killed hundreds of thousands of people. Yeah don't shame Bill for calling crocs gators--that cracked me up, I liked his name for them--but he deserves to be called out for his shit on COVID. 

Agree. Would it be ok to deny the Holocaust?

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