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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

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Yay PixieChicken! Congratulations on your baby boy! I've been wondering about you and hoping all went well. How are the older kids adjusting? That's rough about your husband. I'm sorry his job is an issue right now. It's hard when it's an understandable reason and yet so annoying at the same time. Would he be willing to work half days?

I can (kind of) relate- my husband is going to his brother's wedding out of state for a long weekend and I will be home with the girls by myself. And it's tough because it's his brother so he needs to be there, but I'm still resentful that he's going to be off on a mini vacation while I'm home single parenting. To top it off, they are getting married on my husband's birthday, so the girls and I are unable to celebrate with him. Like you and your hormones, I'm sure my strong dislike of my brother-in-law plays no role in my feelings about this at all :-)

  • Love 9

Pixie I'm so happy to hear from you.  I'd been looking for you, knowing that you were ready to give birth, so that's clearly what you were doing.  Congratulations on your boy.  My neighbors had a little boy, now nearly 3 weeks old.  May he have a wonderful life and know you will enjoy now being the mom of a son as well.

  • Love 3
Like you and your hormones, I'm sure my strong dislike of my brother-in-law plays no role in my feelings about this at all :-)


oh boy, do I know that one! Jenniferbug, what I remind myself is that it could be worse--I could be accompanying DH on the trip to his brother's.  I'd rather be home alone with 19 kids (!) than spending significant amounts of time with the in-laws. 

  • Love 2

Pixie, congrats on your baby boy! Just tell hubby to go work for Wal-Mart. Derick Dullard sure had no problem taking heaps of time off whenever he wanted it:)

HFC, tons of prayers to you and your family. I was watching an MSNBC documentary last weekend on women who were trafficked from Central America to the US to work in the sex trade. It was some seriously scary shit. I hope your daughter has a change of heart.

  • Love 4

Congrats on the new baby boy Pixie - very happy to see that good news.


I'm so sorry HFC - I'm so sad for you.  I wish that idiot could be down there a year or so without your daughter, maybe she would find that life without his drama is a wonderful place to be.  


Had a fantastic time on my weekend with my girlfriend - just what I needed to shake off some of my dust and despair.  She's a sweet thing, it was worth the drive to just have her present me with homemade jellies -- rhubarb and black raspberry, peach and mulberry, pear and rhubarb, and a fruit medley.  Nom nom nom!   

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Congrats Pixie! I totally hear you, vent away. For my first daughters first 8 months starting with week 2 my hubby worked 15 hour shifts, he slept 6 and after the commute he took care of the baby for one hour for me to sleep. Fun times. She had a cleft palate. Took her 1.5 hours to drink a few ounces. She slept for an hour or so while I pumped and we did it all over again I was a freaking zombie. And I got "fired" during pregnancy so we had money problems up the yahoo. Fun times indeed

But back to your precious new son, so happy for your new arrival. I'm so glad he was an easy delivery for you. I hope your hubby's trip goes by FAST!

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Hi there. Dipping my toe into the small talk pool (and PTV) for the first time. I figured this would be the best place to start. I have been a snark fan of The Duggars since the very first special. Hoping to fulfill my snark desires here, as my significant other is sick of me talking about it with him!

welcome! My DH can't stand the Duggars so I hear us!
  • Love 3

It's been so nice hearing of our new babies & keeping up with the old ones. I wonder what happened 9 months ago for this influx of babies. When I worked in the pediatricians office, we would have spurts of newborns & we would try to go back 9 months to figure what was going on then (Holidays, power outages, snowstorms, etc).

(Not)Happy - my goodness! Your posts have read like a Lifetime movie script but unfortunately for you it's the real thing.

Red pony - keeping my fingers crossed. My son is also looking for a job & I know what you're going thru. Nowadays you're lucky just to find a job opening to apply to let alone make it to the interview stage. Just heard on TV that more companies hire the 4th person interviewed than others. Interesting.

Hugs to everyone who may need them.

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To my nice fam here in the prayer closet, I don't know what to do. My beloved cat Figaro was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. He's being treated with a loop diuretic and a calcium channel blocker, both of which seem to be working, but I am having a hard time with it anyway. I can't get mad at him for the stuff I normally mad at him for, like jumping on the table and trying to eat my food. He's already acting better, he's not in pain, and he's not unhappy. Yet just typing about him, I get tears in my eyes, like it's the worst thing in the world, or as if he is already gone. I know most of you have worse problems than a sick cat, but this has been my therapy cat since I started getting sick, and my whole world would crumble if something happened to him. If you could keep Figaro in your thoughts and prayers, I would be eternally grateful. He is 13 years old, and I want him to have another happy, healthy 13 years with me if possible. He's stuck by me through every hospitalization, even visiting me at some of them, and my heart is in pieces right now. It's hard not getting upset for his sake, but I do, and then he looks at me like "Mindy, why are you so upset?" So please, keep my little buddy in your thoughts. Next to my wife, he's the most important person in my life, and I want him to be okay. He's my best friend in the whole world, seriously.Any of you with cats know what I'm talking about. So yeah. Please keep my baby in your thoughts. I honestly don't think I could cope with the real world without him.

  • Love 18

Mindy...prayers going up for your furkid...I have one next to me on the couch, one crashed on the cat tree and two on the floor (dogs). I just realized my old man is 12 and that leads me to thoughts I don't want to think...


Figaro is not "just a cat"...and I will pray you have plenty more time with him/her(?). 



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Thank you so much everybody. He really is my baby. My wife has been in his life for five year and got sucked right in, because he is such a wonderful cat. He's the loveliest being you will ever meet, and him being in this position just breaks my heart. I want him to be here forever, but I don't want him in pain either. He's brought so much into my life, and would visit me in the hospital, and is truly the greatest friend anyone could ask for. So now I have to be the bigger person and decide what it is he can comfortably take. Sigh, my poor baby. I feel so pessimistic, and I'm listening to a lot of what Warren Zevon played towards the end of his life, but I want my baby to live. He's my best friend. I can't imagine a life without him. There will never be another Figaro.

Edited by Mindy McIndy
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Lots of love for you and your darling furbaby, Mindy.  Pets are never just a cat or a dog, they are a part of the family and it is terrible when they are in pain.  If something happened to my 8 year old puppy, I would be in pieces on the floor.  I hope that Figaro has many, many, many more happy years to come with you. {{{HUGS}}}

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MINDY my first post didn't go through, so I'm trying again.  There are many of us here who have been what you are going through.  Heart failure in animals can be managed for years with minor meds adjustments.  Other than peeing a lot and having less energy, Fig may be pretty much fine for a very long time.  What Fig needs the most is for you to have a happy and positive attitude because they know what we are feeling and you want to pass on positive things to your cat.  Enjoy Figaro (love the name) with a happy heart and enjoy each other.  Love to you both.

  • Love 3

MINDY my first post didn't go through, so I'm trying again.  There are many of us here who have been what you are going through.  Heart failure in animals can be managed for years with minor meds adjustments.  Other than peeing a lot and having less energy, Fig may be pretty much fine for a very long time.  What Fig needs the most is for you to have a happy and positive attitude because they know what we are feeling and you want to pass on positive things to your cat.  Enjoy Figaro (love the name) with a happy heart and enjoy each other.  Love to you both.

I have been trying to just do "business as usual" with him, but when it comes to med time I feel so bad for him! I mean, I take numerous pills a day and I hate it, I can't imagine how hard it is for him. I try to be normal with him, and any little normal thing he does I praise him for. He's just breaking my heart here. Like I said, he's my best friend and my confidante. I know he can live for years with this, but I am so afraid of him slowing down. His brother Floyd is the one that pointed out that something was wrong, that he was just laying on the floor of the sewing room and couldn't be roused. He wouldn't go up on my bed unless I put him there. I am so afraid for him. I sleep with him every night, and keep waking up to make sure he is still with us. I am so terrified because of his condition. He's had a thyroid issue for three years, but this is so much worse. I just want my baby to be 100%, you know? I can't have children, so all I have is my furbabies. And Fig is the one who made me understand how amazing cats are. But I can't imagine another cat being as incredible as Figaro, and the thought of him gone and replacing him is unfathomable to me at this point.

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You will never replace Figaro.  Fig will be with you forever, part of your soul.  Don't even think the word replace.  It can't be done.  They all have their own personalities.  I don't immediately love an animal.  It grows on me, as we grow on each other.  The time together is too short.  But you must lift your own spirit for Figaro's sake.  Seriously.  Good thoughts and smiles for Fig, and happy words.  You really must no matter how you currently feel.  Your enjoyment of Fig and life will make Fig enjoy life.  The fear is awful to pass to him.  Please feel better for both your sakes.  I really, really wish you well.  I know the loss.  Don't experience it now, while he is still with you, please.

  • Love 9

Mindy, I am sorry to hear about Figaro.  As Micks Picks said, CHF is manageable in cats.  I’m sure the vet told you what to look for as they get the meds dosed correctly.  My former cat Theo (a.k.a. Thelonius, T Boy, the Tedster, Theolicous, The Old Man in the Fur, Bitey, Clawslinger) lived for more than five years with CHF.  He also had severe arthritis and a thyroid condition.  We ultimately lost him to an infection, but it was the end of a very long life.  A couple of tips if you’re having trouble pilling Figaro, you can put them in pill pockets.  However, many cats learn to eat around the pill. Poptart, another former cat companion, would eat around the pill, hold it in her mouth, walk across the room and spit it on the wall.  The she’d tell me off.  (I must admit I miss her litany of complaints.)  So I would crush the pills and put them into a small bit of chicken baby food.  You don’t want to give too much because in excess it can cause digestive issues.  This made the pills into a treat. 


At one point Theo was eating baby food almost exclusively due to a severe tooth infection.  I was stocking up at Target when the cashier decided to lecture me that my “baby” needed to eat more than just chicken; fruits and vegetables are important.  I pointed out my baby was a 20-something year old cat who didn’t really care for strained peaches.  That stopped the lecture.

  • Love 13

I'm praying for Figaro as well, Mindy. We get waaaay too attached (knowing better), but it's something some of us are hard wired to accomplish - have a furbaby for our best, most loyal pal. There's nothing like the bond between you. I'm a dog girl myself, as I'm not patent enough to bond to a fickle cat...but I'm quite sure those who DO are as heartbroken as the rest of us when their lives run down. Is there maybe a chance that Figaro will do so much better on mess that he "uprights", stabilizes and you can delay the downward spiral? Be strong, Figgy! Mama needs you!!!

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It occurs to me I should have made a sarcastic remark about not understanding the need for furbabies in our lives - as I TYPE THIS, I have an 80 lb furbuggar pressed against my left side with his big fat head inching slowly toward my iPad (eventually his chin will be on the screen) and a smaller (20 lb) furbuggar mashed against my right side. The smaller dude has a system - he rolls to his back and pushes my arms up off the keypad to let me know his belly is available for rubbing if I should be inclined... And if I stand for any reason, both are off and on their feet immediately, letting me know they are READY for whatever challenge I present. So yeah, I get it. I hope Figaro is laying on your keyboard (back to normal) shortly.

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! S P E C I A L R E Q U E S T ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

My special friends, I'm coming to you with a devious plan this morning... If you have a Facebook page (and I don't need it) but would be willing to use it for a HUGE HUGE favor, please pm me. This is about my daughter and their disastrous plan to leave for Nicaragua very soon with their four children. (To LIVE and serve Jay-sus). Our (the parents) assumption is that is they've gone to such creative lengths to keep US ignorant of the details, then most likely, the "devoted" ones giving and supporting them probably are more ignorant than we are. I'd like for a some people to drop a few questions on SIL's FB page (it's open) to make the devotees swooning over their devotion sit up and take note. The comments will be deleted and you will be blocked, of course, but he can't watch posts day and night. Obviously it can't be people he can link back to me, and since this group is all over the country, I thought...it might be fun to mess with him. Can't hurt, right? If you'd be willing to help me, and you'll pm me, I'll give you a list of possibilities you can post there. (or you can take the things I've told you here already and run with it). Thanks so much guys. This could be ALOT OF FUN for me, as he'll have some idea one of the parents is behind it - but he won't know who to shoot. While I, of course, don't know any of your FB screen names and can maintain total innocence. I love it!!!

Also, there are some of us that ZZZZZZZZZing our way through every post, tasering every thing in site - and others who have a more gentle approach, gently nudging logic. I want it all!!!!! I want everybody who will to just drop in a comment on his FB. If he doesn't delete you immediately and block you, (YAY YOU!), then you can do it again in a couple days.

Remember the goal here is to let his own leghumpers see the incredible ridiculousness of their (no)plan.

Please help me!!! Are you in???

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 2

Mindy, my heart goes out to you! When you have a special bond with a pet the idea of being without them is unthinkable. I hope you have many more years with your dear Fig. We lost our cat Tuna 12 years ago and I miss him every single day. No cat compares to our winsome and dynamic boy. Enjoy every day you get with Fig and be happy as you reach over and stroke him.

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Thank you again everybody for your kind words. I just need to drill it into my head that he's not suffering right now, he can live a long time with this condition, and that he is still here. I can't mourn him while he's still alive, that's morbid. I just remember when he first came into my life. He found me at a time when I really, really needed him. Like, he literally was at the back door pawing to get in while I was at one of the lowest parts of my life. He's not my rescue cat, I'm his rescue human. I just want to have many, many more good years with him. He found me when I was sixteen, and I'm turning 29 next month, so that's nearly half of my life that he's been there.

  • Love 11

Trying to paste the links to the ministry page and the FB page.  You'll have to put comments on the FB page (if so inclined... no pressure...) because there isn't a comment section on the website.  (Otherwise, it would already be full of my comments - I think it might be unacceptable to delete and block your mother in law...)






If you go to the photo section in his FB page, you can see some good shots of my grands.  The guy who looks like a terrorist... that's Josh.  The beautiful woman that makes you wonder how she ended up with that goon... that's my daughter.  About halfway down in photos are some shots of a bride with some children, and one of the bride, groom, a guy to the right who looks a lot like the groom but older, and another 30ish beauty on the left.  These are my children at the wedding of my baby.  The bride wasn't officially mine until that day.


Thank you guys, whoever feels like helping me on my mission, I appreciate it more than you know.  You can find some Bible verses that oppose his position (like the ones where Jesus called the disciples and they DIDN'T bring their families...) or quotes about dad's in general (he missed THOSE classes when pursuing his MDiv) or just a jab about how the grandparents of those children must be crying blood.  Don't need to know what you feel like saying, don't even care.  (Just don't mention me! - I stay in enough trouble all by myself!).  Thanks again so much!  (I personally think this is GENIUS!!!)


p.s.  I really, really love you guys!

OH!  And I can screen shoot any responses, so PLEASE block him after you post - just so he won't be snooping your page!

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 1

Trying to paste the links to the ministry page and the FB page. You'll have to put comments on the FB page (if so inclined... no pressure...) because there isn't a comment section on the website. (Otherwise, it would already be full of my comments - I think it might be unacceptable to delete and block your mother in law...)



If you go to the photo section in his FB page, you can see some good shots of my grands. The guy who looks like a terrorist... that's Josh. The beautiful woman that makes you wonder how she ended up with that goon... that's my daughter. About halfway down in photos are some shots of a bride with some children, and one of the bride, groom, a guy to the right who looks a lot like the groom but older, and another 30ish beauty on the left. These are my children at the wedding of my baby. The bride wasn't officially mine until that day.

Thank you guys, whoever feels like helping me on my mission, I appreciate it more than you know. You can find some Bible verses that oppose his position (like the ones where Jesus called the disciples and they DIDN'T bring their families...) or quotes about dad's in general (he missed THOSE classes when pursuing his MDiv) or just a jab about how the grandparents of those children must be crying blood. Don't need to know what you feel like saying, don't even care. (Just don't mention me! - I stay in enough trouble all by myself!). Thanks again so much! (I personally think this is GENIUS!!!)

I see he's got an American flag as his profile picture. Is he susceptible to 'rah rah USA #1' nationalism?

He's susceptible to whatever gets him the biggest bang for the fewest bucks.  He did serve in the U.S.Army for awhile (in Intel, of all things, so he said - my oldest sarcasm king son said he thought Josh worked at the snack bar in the PX).  Whatever he did, I gather it was too much like "work" and he came out after his five years were up.  Went back later into Army National Guard (when he couldn't keep a job anywhere else), but had a "heat stroke" and was releaved of his duties. 


Sorry to bug you with details, but one of my favorite tales-from-the-past goes like this:


When he was in Army in Texas, his unit decided to roast a pig.  (In the ground, overnight).  He (somehow, because he's ALWAYS got to be the big man...narcissist pig) raised a piglet to adulthood for this adventure.  Killing time, HE didn't have anywhere to string piggy up to gut it.  So he takes it to his landlord's barn and strings it up in the door.  Guts it, big pile of nastiness.  Puts pig in truck.  Comes to my daughter (who was 8 1/2 months pg) and says he's had a call from the Sergeant (or whoever) and that he has to report to base right away, they're going to fly to Russia and "take out a target". 


Now, my Daddy, who was a Command Sergeant Major when he retired, when told this story, called BS on several fronts.  FIRST (and TOP of the list:  they don't TELL you you're flying to Russia, they say "be here at 1400 and bring your weapon (or whatever you'll be using)".  SECONDLY, they would put him in chains if he reported to his WIFE that he was going to Russia, or any specific mission.


So off he goes, leaving 8 1/2 months pg wife to clean up the pig guts.  (So not kidding). 


He's back 8 hours later, all smiles, mission accomplished. 


So in 8 hours, they packed up the super dooper amazing whoosh jet with his unit, FLEW to Russia, FOUND the "target", took him out, and flew home in time for breakfast.     Couple days later, my daughter calls and is breathless with excitement because (then) President Bush called the team on the "red phone" to congratulate them, and thank them for a job well done.


There are 2 people (and 2 ONLY) who tell that story as anything other than a joke.  My daughter, and his mother.


All that to snark, but this NOT snark:  all due respect, Kokapetl, but I love my country and am so incredibly proud to be an American.  (I'm not saying you were being disrespectful - you are most welcome to your opinion!)  My dad served 23 years; I grew up Army.  My youngest serves as we speak.  We have our faults, I'm not blind.  But I love this place.  I AM one of those geeky people who stand with my hand over my heart when I hear the national anthem.  And my dad... well, he lived to be 86, and I swear, if on his deathbed the national anthem played, he would have stood up with his shoulders back, hands clenched by his sides and his toes out.  (Little penguin).  He wasn't loud (in fact, supremely softspoken) about it, as I am.  But I have a flag on the front of my house, too.   And our biggest family event of the year besides Christmas is Independence Day  :)  I will never, ever be one to fault another their beliefs (unless they're ISIS trying to KILL me!) or assumptions about 'Merca, but I am undeniably happy to be one.

  • Love 2

HFC....your SIL is full of shit...I'm the daughter of a USAF Master Sergeant (retired, deceased), wife of a USNavy HT 1 (retired), mother of a USArmy Sergeant (retired, medical) and there ain't no way in hell that your SIL is telling any sort of truth. AT ALL. He's the type that I'd like to go find in a dark alley and have a little "chat" with.


I'm not much of a patriot anymore...I'm disgusted with what this country has become...but....those sorts of people make me rather stabby...like...nuts stabby...

  • Love 1

He's susceptible to whatever gets him the biggest bang for the fewest bucks. He did serve in the U.S.Army for awhile (in Intel, of all things, so he said - my oldest sarcasm king son said he thought Josh worked at the snack bar in the PX). Whatever he did, I gather it was too much like "work" and he came out after his five years were up. Went back later into Army National Guard (when he couldn't keep a job anywhere else), but had a "heat stroke" and was releaved of his duties.

Sorry to bug you with details, but one of my favorite tales-from-the-past goes like this:

When he was in Army in Texas, his unit decided to roast a pig. (In the ground, overnight). He (somehow, because he's ALWAYS got to be the big man...narcissist pig) raised a piglet to adulthood for this adventure. Killing time, HE didn't have anywhere to string piggy up to gut it. So he takes it to his landlord's barn and strings it up in the door. Guts it, big pile of nastiness. Puts pig in truck. Comes to my daughter (who was 8 1/2 months pg) and says he's had a call from the Sergeant (or whoever) and that he has to report to base right away, they're going to fly to Russia and "take out a target".

Now, my Daddy, who was a Command Sergeant Major when he retired, when told this story, called BS on several fronts. FIRST (and TOP of the list: they don't TELL you you're flying to Russia, they say "be here at 1400 and bring your weapon (or whatever you'll be using)". SECONDLY, they would put him in chains if he reported to his WIFE that he was going to Russia, or any specific mission.

So off he goes, leaving 8 1/2 months pg wife to clean up the pig guts. (So not kidding).

He's back 8 hours later, all smiles, mission accomplished.

So in 8 hours, they packed up the super dooper amazing whoosh jet with his unit, FLEW to Russia, FOUND the "target", took him out, and flew home in time for breakfast. Couple days later, my daughter calls and is breathless with excitement because (then) President Bush called the team on the "red phone" to congratulate them, and thank them for a job well done.

There are 2 people (and 2 ONLY) who tell that story as anything other than a joke. My daughter, and his mother.

All that to snark, but this NOT snark: all due respect, Kokapetl, but I love my country and am so incredibly proud to be an American. (I'm not saying you were being disrespectful - you are most welcome to your opinion!) My dad served 23 years; I grew up Army. My youngest serves as we speak. We have our faults, I'm not blind. But I love this place. I AM one of those geeky people who stand with my hand over my heart when I hear the national anthem. And my dad... well, he lived to be 86, and I swear, if on his deathbed the national anthem played, he would have stood up with his shoulders back, hands clenched by his sides and his toes out. (Little penguin). He wasn't loud (in fact, supremely softspoken) about it, as I am. But I have a flag on the front of my house, too. And our biggest family event of the year besides Christmas is Independence Day :) I will never, ever be one to fault another their beliefs (unless they're ISIS trying to KILL me!) or assumptions about 'Merca, but I am undeniably happy to be one.

I was mainly thinking that he possibly could be deterred from leaving America if he was told that would make him an unamerican traitor.
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Has anyone here read the story about the Marcy's Diner in Portland.  Apparently, a couple brought a 20 month old into a crowded diner on a Saturday morning.  The toddler (from stated reports) screamed and cried for 40 minutes.  According to some of the news articles, the owner pretty much asked them to leave by giving them to go boxes- as the child was disturbing 75 other people.  They did not leave and the owner finally slammed her hands on the counter (five feet away) and shouted, "This has got to stop." and pointed at the child.  I guess the child stopped her fuss.  Parents got pissed and the mother posted a comment on the diners Facebook page that went viral.  


I've been to the Facebook page and have even posted there. I believe the reason this story is getting so much attention is that there are so many negligent parents that care nothing about other people and their dining experience.  I'm of the opinion that they should have taken the child to the car and got the food to go.  So many people have had horrible experiences in restaurants, movies, airplanes, etc. because some parents care nothing about controlling their children but more importantly for the other people at the establishment.  Very sad.


I was recently on an airplane and was seated next to a young guy with a laptop.  We had a mother and father with a toddler in front of us.  The toddler continually threw his sippy cup in the aisle- even before take off.  The mother kept picking it up and giving it back. He continued to throw it.  OMG.  Over and over!  Finally he turned around and threw it on the guys laptop next to me.  The cup spilled all over his laptop.  Bad parents!!!  I got up and asked the flight attendant to move.  I told her I was having a panic attack- which was not a lie. 


I think we have all had these experiences and this is the reason this story is causing such a response.  Curious as to what you guys think. 



  • Love 1

Truth talk, I've raised 3 kids (Number 2 was my SCREAMER) . I've BEEN that parent, and was MORTIFIED!!! I think you're absolutely right, they should have taken their food and departed rapidly. I cannot even BEGIN to count the times I've left a restaurant because MY kid was being THAT KID. why should other diners have to suffer through a meal (NOTHING will make you lose your appetite more quickly!) like that? It drives me CRAZY! And if the parents wouldn't think I was completely psycho, I would offer to (and HAVE ANYWAY) take the kid and walk with it (in plain view, of course). They can't be enjoying their own outing either. I just think it's so rude!!!

I flew to California with my son and his infant son once, and when we took off and his ears did the pop thing, he started screaming bloody murder. As soon as we leveled off, I picked him up and walked up and down the aisle for nearly 3 hours (disregarding peanut service...). I know the parents can't help it, and I know it's humiliating and embarrassing - but it is what it is and should be dealt with appropriately.

How many people were there that maybe enjoy going "out" once a week, or once a month, or even hardly ever? And guess what THEY talked about all week? Not the meal! I'm sorry this isn't working out for you...and I'm sorry you're miserable and your baby is miserable...but I don't think that gives you the right to make everybody else miserable with you.

Sorry, all the new mothers, I loooove babies and this sounds harsh, but it's just how the life cycle works. But as it turns out, my own peeves are my kids' as well - and I babysat a WHOLE LOT so they could have some normal time.

I was mainly thinking that he possibly could be deterred from leaving America if he was told that would make him an unamerican traitor.

I guess workin' for Jay-sus trumps the expat stigma. Ooooh, I guess I can get down off my stump now... Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 4

Before we went to Ireland we spent every summer in Maine. They were in that diner because it was trendy. The owner was way out of line, but no, they could easily have found pancakes in the rain in PORTLAND without a 30 minute wait. But it wouldn't have been a diner they could have said was well known and avoided by anyone who actually knows anything about Maine.

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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