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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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SuzAL, I became somewhat regular in this forum because my very own flesh and blood daughter has LOST HER MIND...I'd caught her a couple times listening to a M.Duggar video about raising Godly children. That led to me trying to find out about what else she's reading and studying and practicing (because they are making some HUGELY QUESTIONABLE CHOICES in their lives right now.) I wanted to know everything I could about what is influencing them. When I first came along, I wasn't watching the show and couldn't identify a Duggar from a paper bag.

What I found was amazing. There are people like me (Christian, and a baptist). People far more conservative, people far less conservative and everything in between. But it is the nicest, calmest most sociable group. I just love it. When I ask questions, someone always answers. When someone posts something different than I know to be true - and I say otherwise - generally someone validates me and we move on. I've learned so so much! I can now name the top six Duggs and and pick 4 of them out. Maybe 5! I've learned about their lifestyle, their beliefs, their quirks and even some quaintness.

And I have to say, NOBODY in my entire world knows how much I've learned, or how I depend on my fellow bloggers to teach me. I feel right at home here, like we're all kicked back with a cuppa something, sharing opinions.

Meanwhile, my daughter, my angel, my baby (only) girl is this minute preparing to move to Nicaragua with her four precious beautiful children. Her husband is a narcissist, and my baby girl has turned into Michelle. Yesterday I saw a book in her home (with page marker) about being a Godly wife. He's a scary moron, and she's on her tiptoes getting ready to jump off that cliff with him....and yes, she's gathering my grands around her for the jump as well. I'm terrified, I'm sickened, I'm helpless to stop this, I'm broken hearted, I'm LOST as to what to do.

I will give you more details as the time draws closer. They leave next week for a 15 day trip. The oldest grand is making this trip with them. Following that, they return to the states to begin selling off all their worldly possessions and to fund-raise for the actual move. The husband will be leaving in August, to secure a dwelling and security for them. She plans to follow him in January with the grands. Every day we find some little tidbit of information that is crazy and doesn't fit the big picture. Every day it gets closer to Bizarre. Every day I sit here drowning in dispair that she's LEAVING, and is essentially a day I can't be supportive for her, or help her gather what she needs to take. It's insanity, and the only coping method I have in My personal arsenal is to not be involved. I can't pray with her, God knows better. I can't help her pack, I'd rather die (and she'd have my snot to contend with while unpacking). I can't offer her hope, I HOPE she doesn't go, and I HOPE she get past her pride and calls me the minute they need help so I can them out!!! I HOPE I figure out which way to tread so I don't break all the eggs and we can find our way back to the close relationship we've enjoyed her whole life. I HOPE she knows I would gladly lay my life down for her or any one of those children in a nano-second.

Most of all, (and this is mean as anything I've ever said or thought), but most of all, I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE that 1) her husband either gets Busted for something gnarly in the states before they leave or 2) he gets kidnapped by the drug cartel the second he steps off the plane in Nicaragua in August.

Wow. That must have been plugged up for awhile, it sure all came rushing out tonight!!! Sorry, guys. Sometimes you just have to let it roll. I said to my DIL tonight: how CAN I make fun of the DUGGARS when they're JUST as nuts?????????

Edited to add: I just love you guys because I know whatever happens, you'll be my support throughout. Hold hands, and hold your noses - I bet this is gonna get smelly before it's over!

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 8

Oh my, Happyfatchick. My heart is breaking for you. It is hard enough when children and grandchildren move so far away without all of the worry and concern that they are making what you are certain are terrible choices. Sending you sympathetic hugs and wishes that their future will turn out much better than you fear. I am glad you have a place to share your concerns. We are here for you.

  • Love 5

Oh that's terrible HFC, all my hugs for you at the moment.  I cannot even imagine...


I can offer you this bit of humor, we could swap out daughters, my all women's college, heathen, uber feminist (which is a pain in it's own way) brand would terrorize the S-I-L into place, and she's bilingual with Spanish being her second language, she's also very good with little ones! She could use a semester abroad. ;)


No wonder you are petrified, what a difficult situation.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 4

Suz, they started as Southern Bapti'sts, he has a MDiv from a SB seminary. And he, in fact, is currently being a youth pastor in a fairly large SB church in our community. He has already resigned as of August. My daughter is an RN, but that's not why she feels pulled to Nicaragua. She won't be using her medical skills. Their oldest child is almost 13, and is above the age requirement to be accepted as missionaries to SB. They then researched and found another org that would "take" them, but wouldn't guarantee sending them to Nicaragua, and apparently, the LORD has dictated it MUST BE Nicaragua.

The end result is that her husband has founded their own ministry, RPMI. THERE IS NO UMBRELLA ORGANIZATION. There is my baby, my four grands and a narcissist. He IS charismatic, and young people feel drawn to him. There is a sister, brother and the brothers wife who are apparently vested in this mission as well. The one girl will travel to Nicaragua with the SIL in August while they secure housing and security. Rachel and the children will follow in January. The younger couple will follow when she finishes school in a couple years. That's the whole team. i have 4 grands: Buggy (13), Emma (11), jack (10) and addy (7).


The mission: to rescue very very young girls from prostitution (RAMPANT in Nicaragua), teach them a marketable skill and show them Gods love. Here's my position: very young girls (VERY YOUNG), sold, bartered or outright kidnapped into a life of prostitution have pimps who belong to giant organizations. I'm fairly confident that these people aren't going to be thrilled that their income is being messed with. I figure they may rescue "one?" without major repurcussions, and even that is iffy. Somewhere around planned rescue number 2, someone is going to be hurt badly. I asked my daughter, "if YOU were the bad guys, what would be the very quickest and most effective way to stop a zealous missionary? WHICH ONE ARE YOU WILLING TO SACRIFICE?????"

And with NO parent organization above them. No real training below them. They DO work with rescue organizations in Atlanta and surrounding areas to learn more. But...I'm thinking Atlanta (the U.S. In general) is behind rescues such as this, and the women they rescue now have self identified they want out, and have programs - and shelters - in place. Nicaragua's top officials aren't all pro-America, and the locals... Believe me, I've read enough blogs and articles to be confident of my obvious misgivings. We even have a family friend in the FBI who has sent us a ton of FBI research. It is TERRIFYING!!!!!! And my BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Additionally, we have 17 years of history with Mr. Narcicism. The pattern is clear, the path is worn and the results are crystal clear. I suffer with depression, and this has kicked my poor squishy brain into overdrive. If I dwell on it, I just have to go underground for a few days. No am using the Scarlett O'Hara method of coping most days..."I'll think about that tomorrow".

My daughters answer: Mama, if God is taking us to Nicaragua, He will take care of us.

Koolaid, anyone? Anyone? No? It's grape. Quite tasty, obviously

She loves him. The kids love him.

Her dad fronted the money for them to have a nice big house (when Mr. Narcicist couldn't be bothered to keep a job - but we've been assured it was always someone else's fault, of course). She went back to school and got her nursing degree BECAUSE we (I) pushed her to DO something steady to support her and the 4 kids. Now they are walking away from the house (that isn't paid for), leaving it to her dad to worry with. Her house (just so you have the whole picture) is a nice big cape cod with 5 br, 3 1/2 baths on 2 acres. 2 acres F.U.L.L. of unfinished projects and assorted crap he collects and hoards. Never finished anything IN HIS LIFE!!! The house itself was never finished, the trim isn't done and the doors aren't painted. They've lived there 10 years. The yard ornament is a GIANT ocean worthy sailboat his uncle gave himthat fills the driveway. [when that arrived, my son texted his sister and said, "carnival called; they're missing a cruise ship".] We don't, as it turns out, have many sailing choices in metro Atlanta. The house is 2 doors down from her dad. The whole street goes like this: my mom, my daughter, my oldest son, their dad, my brother. And SHE is abandoning her house. Yes, the one in the middle.

I've talked enough, and I have a headache. Honestly, it's not that I fear the worst - I have enough history to expect the worst.

So there you go. That's why I'm nuts.

p.s. I apologize for dumping all that out. Quite therapeutic, however. :)

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 8

They're beautiful, Hfc, and I'm assuming you're the beautiful lady with them?

That sounds like an awful situation, and my heart goes out to you. I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to, but have you considered seeking legal advice? I know grandparents don't have much say when it comes to where their kids take the grands, but this sounds highly dangerous. It might be treated with more weight.

Doing the same kind of work around Atlanta may give them an idea of the work, but at least in the U.S. the authorities are on the right side and invested in protecting the innocent. Not always the case in developing countries.

I'll be praying for you, your daughter, and your grands.

  • Love 3

This can be the place for you HFC. I surely believe the lack of an umbrella organization is the hugest mistake. And, Mr. Narcissist should know this, does know it I'm sure. We'lll all pray for you or hold a good thought in accordance with our individual ways, that this move will simply not happen (but for a happy and healthy reason). Keep us informed. 

  • Love 6

HFC, is there a pastor he can talk to? Maybe someone from an established faith-based aid group who can challenge his assumptions?

And I'm a little confused that your daughter won't be working as a nurse. It's very hard for me to picture teenaged girls defying human traffickers on the word of a resourceless one man "ministry," and even less the traffickers and whoever they own in law enforcement just letting that go. I can absolutely picture them going to a free clinic for healthcare.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 3

HFC, that is terrifying and no wonder you are worried sick. What is the SIL's family like? Are they at all worried about this? Is there a chance that daughter might change her mind between August and January? It sounds like you've made it very clear to her that she will have an excellent support system here if she changes her mind and doesn't want to follow him. My thoughts and prayers are with you in all of this.

  • Love 2

"Oh my goooooo-ness!!!" Said Jill... Thank you so much for the outpouring of support and virtual hugs.

I've sucked up enough space so I'll try hard not to be lengthy, but answer questions without posting quotes.

1). Her father and I did, briefly, consider some type of legal action. I broke off from that before he did (I think he may still have that in the back of his mind). I second guessed myself because we don't actually KNOW where they'll be (other than Nicaragua). Somewhere kind of near Managua ("near" being a relative term). Technically I don't KNOW for a fact that there will be unsafe living conditions. By the time we DO know that, it will be too late to take any action. The children are minors and belong to them. People take their kids out of country every day, it's not illegal. 2). The SIL's parents are drinking koolaid. The dad has actually been down there recently, I'm assuming they were scouting out living quarters. The mom is crazeeeeeee. She talks like she JUST walked off the set of Gone With the Wind, all breathy and affected. She's no help. She actually LOVES her son. (He treats her like last week's garbage, no joke, and she follows him around "swooning" and fanning like he's a celebrity. 3). The pastor (his BOSS) is/was also MY pastor. I was a member of that church when the youth pastor position came open and encouraged the SIL to pursue. Lo and behold, he got the job, but with the understanding they would be leaving to do their mission work in Nicaragua. Last summer (when he'd been there one year), the SIL and my daughter went on a summer trip with the youth. I went to the pastor while they were gone. I did NOT throw my SIL under the bus, this is his BOSS. I asked him one thing: to please step in and make himself a "mentor". Help the SIL think of things he may not consider. Make him think of the HARD THINGS, not just the fluffy "pedestal" items. Tell him the harsh reality of what he's considering. The pastor (MY PASTOR!!!) blew me off, telling me his wife came from a missionary background (her parents). And that I was being over anxious and reactive (as he would expect from a mother/grandmother). He was so dismissive that I cried (HARD!) when I left and have only been inside that building once since (for a grandchild performance). When I left, I told him this: you've had this guy on your staff for one year. I have 17 years of history with him. I would wager that you'll see him differently before his time is up here. [coincidentally - or not - I've noticed that the church has been deadly silent on financial support for this mission. I still get the newsletter and still have 4 active grandchildren there, and the church has offered no support - no fundraisers, no publicity - at all. Huh.]

She's not using her medical background because she won't have a clinic to practice under, no meds and no supplies. Eventually, I'm thinking she will figure out a way to practice, she LOVES being a nurse. For now, she will be homeschooling the babies and learning to live without a backup plan (her family). Learning to cook and eat what's available and learning the language. Yup, you heard that right. They leave very very soon (to me, anyway!) and can't yet speak Spanish. [heres the good part: they've had a Spanish exchange student living in their home for the last 10 months and didn't use that opportunity to learn Spanish. Furthermore, the church has a Hispanic ministry in the same building, and the leader of THAT church taught Spanish lessons AT THE CHURCH...and still no one learned Spanish. See how prepared we are???]

And thank you Bella, for gently reminding me to always let her know I'll always be there for her. And I will. There is no mistake big enough I wouldn't run to their defense, and she knows this. We've already been working on our "contingencies" list. I know SIL: somebody will take him out pretty quick. THEN WHAT??? And what if YOU (my daughter) are out of commission too??? (What should the grands do???). But. No matter what, I will, I WILL always be there for her and my grands.

I saved this for last: the SIL's name... JOSH!!!!!

(What's in a name, right???). So there IS a pretty nice (huge!) sailboat for sale...

  • Love 10

HFC, they will be gone for 2 weeks, but then HE will leave in August, and she will follow in January.  Just play it cool until August.  A lot can happen between August and January.  Passports can get lost...passports can go missing...


I'm sorry you're going through this.  I'm sure you're heart is heavy.  My thoughts are with you. 

  • Love 6

I think you can also update travel information with the State Department. Maybe you could put in your daughter and grandkids information with them? That way if something horrible happens (which hopefully it won't, but another contingency plan) the State Department already has their information. 

Edited by fireice13
  • Love 6

Thank you for the helpful information! I have to research these things, I know nothing about international cell phones, but will look into that. Also very helpful thought about the state department.

An interesting side note: the pastor (and the SIL and my daughter) all told me that the monetary goal was Fixed and set. GOD gave them this goal. And they HAD to meet the goal before leaving the country. Sort of like GOD mandated that when you have "x" number of dollars in your pocket, you are going to Nicaragua.

I said (the whole time) to all of them, that SIL has never been truthful about anything as long as I've known him. He's a BIG proponent of Omission (it's sort of a baptists 3-second rule - I use it myself). I said OUT LOUD, but if you don't reach the goal, you'll say God changed the number, right? Because that's what you do...

No!!! No no no Mama. That's the goal, and that's what we have to have.

And NOW... Guess what? Koolaid, anyone? Mmmmmm, tasty.

  • Love 3

They've never visited an AG store on the show, like the Gosselins did, but Josie did specifically say she like playing with her American Girl doll(s). Who knows if they bought it straight out, or it was a gift.


Side note: growing up, a friend of mine was a PK from a very normal, down to earth family. Two boys, then a huge (14 year) gap, and then a surprise baby sister. Their parents though their family with 2 boys was complete, and didn't plan a new baby when the boys were starting to head off to college. Some people in their congregation were so enamored with the new baby girl, and that she was FINALLY getting her sweet girl (not that she'd ever said that herself), that without the mother every asking or hinting for anything, people were constantly dropping off gifts. Their mother actually said the attention was overwhelming, but she knew it was par for the course as a reverend's wife. She also said she had never purchased a package of diapers, toys, or a stitch of clothing until she started school, because it almost became a competition between some older ladies as to who could deck out the Baby Girl better. Then it became a competition with some of the men as to who would provide a fancier stroller, car seat, etc. There was so much stuff that she actually initiated a program that donated baby supplies to families in need, so she could shift some of that excess generosity into families that needed it. 


It was sort of like during the Depression, when families were starving, but would send Shirley Temple scads of toys, because she was so adorable (which she also donated)


Anyway...........I wonder if the Lost Girls' AG dolls came from admirers or fans. If the family truly does not have television, homeschools, homechurches, buys used, etc., I don't know how those little girls would be aware that AG dolls are really desirable and that they'd want one. IMO, they're 99% prestige symbols, and don't look an more entertaining or worthwhile that all the dolls at Wal-mart or whatever (although I loved the historical books when I was a kid, but the dolls were just way too expensive for our large family).


My two girls were born kind of like your friends...(DS was 17 when one was born, and 19 when the other was born!)

But to the AG dolls....you're right...they're a status thing.  Thank goodness my girls are satisfied with Walmart's knockoff -- MyLife dolls. :) They're only $20.

  • Love 1

omg, omg HFC.  Pulling a Scarlett O'hara seems like the best thing to do.  You'd go nuts otherwise.  I really find it ao very strange to have God interfering in and micro-managing lives like that.  God gave free will for a reason.  


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope you find peace, maybe along with some nerves medication.  Too bad God doesn't bonk them on the head and tell them to get real.

  • Love 7

Oh my god, Happy, I had no idea it was like that! no wonder you're scared. I'm so sorry about SIL the narcissist; I've had far too much experience with them and there's almost nothing you can do. You can't get through to them, they just change the narrative of whatever lie they're telling (to themselves and to everyone else), and they can. not. be wrong. Argh! But sometimes you can get through to the people in thrall to them. Your daughter is hearing you, even if she isn't ready to admit that. When things get dangerous, we can hope that it will "click" for her and she'll snap out of it. And get out of it.

I hope they don't go, because it sounds like one of the worst plans I've ever heard. If they do go, I can only join with the rest of us in hoping and praying that they get back safely. I wish I had anything better to offer. You know we will be here to listen whenever you need it. Hold onto hope, as much as you can, and don't forget to take care of YOU, too.

  • Love 9

Good grief, Happy. I can only echo what everyone else has already said. What an effing nightmare! Most of the time I feel badly that I don't have kids of my own, because I know I missed out on a lot of wonderful things. But a story like yours puts being childless in a little perspective too. It would be just my luck to end up in a situation like this. I think you're bearing up very well, considering. I'd be twice as mental. Hopefully this whole deal will not work out in some way and your daughter and grands will remain Stateside. The SIL can go wherever he wants, however. As my best friend's Jewish grandmother always used to stay [about her ex-husband] "Wherever he is, he should only stay there..." Take care and God bless.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 7

Thank you for the helpful information! I have to research these things, I know nothing about international cell phones, but will look into that. Also very helpful thought about the state department.

An interesting side note: the pastor (and the SIL and my daughter) all told me that the monetary goal was Fixed and set. GOD gave them this goal. And they HAD to meet the goal before leaving the country. Sort of like GOD mandated that when you have "x" number of dollars in your pocket, you are going to Nicaragua.

I said (the whole time) to all of them, that SIL has never been truthful about anything as long as I've known him. He's a BIG proponent of Omission (it's sort of a baptists 3-second rule - I use it myself). I said OUT LOUD, but if you don't reach the goal, you'll say God changed the number, right? Because that's what you do...

No!!! No no no Mama. That's the goal, and that's what we have to have.

And NOW... Guess what? Koolaid, anyone? Mmmmmm, tasty.

I'm a Methodist so maybe it's a language thing (lol) but I can't figure out what Omission -- Baptist 3 sec. rule is. 

  • Love 2

Oh, YOU know:  the SIN of Omission is the Baptist's best friend.


as in:

Did you go by the bank today?    I sure did!!!  (Forgot to stop, but drove "by").  I'll do it tomorrow and no one will ever know...

What are you doing today?  Well, I need to vacuum, do the wash and get some paperwork done.  (I'm going to be on the Duggar forum all day).

Have you seen my blue Hard Rock T-shirt?  I saw it just last week, it can't have gone far.  (I threw it out last week, "saw" it on the way to the trashcan).

Have you paid this bill yet?  Yep, I did!  (Its on the bottom of the paperwork pile, but I paid it...)

Have you been keeping up with all that Duggar mess?  I've seen some stuff on the internet... (Are you kidding me??  I know Josie's MIDDLE NAME and Jenny's favorite color!!!)


And this is Josh (our narcissist):

Where will you live in Nicaragua?  near Managua (I have no idea).

How will be you keep my babies and my daughter safe?  Oh, we'll have round the clock protection.  (I have no idea).

How are the local authorities help you?  Oh, the government is all on board.  They WANT our help!  (I have no idea).

How will Rachel pay bills and eat when you leave to go down there in August?  Oh, that's ALL in our budgeted money.  (I have no idea, but I'm guessing you won't let her go without heat, and you will SURELY feed and clothe your grandchildren).

What will you DO there, really?  The ultimate goal is to spread the Word, but our mission is to rescue these girls from prostitution.  (I have no idea).

What will you do with Lucy?  If you take her down there, how will you keep her shut up and protected; how will you feed her?   [the big fat lazy basset who is the PET to my babies.  The villagers in Nicaragua are poor, they don't OWN dogs for pets.  There ARE some dogs, for protection.  This is NOT Lucy.]  The kids LOVE her, they'll keep an eye on her.  Lucy?  Who's Lucy?

How will I communicate with Rachel?  We'll have internet and when in Managua, we'll have phone service.  I'll make sure you get to talk to her all you want.  (That's a joke, right?  Because I'm a NARCISSIST, and my whole GOAL here is to get Rachel AWAY from her family.  I don't care if you only talk to her once in 6 months, or if you NEVER talk to her!)


Omission:  the 8th deadly sin.  The Baptist 3-second rule:  if you can keep your face straight and go on talking about something else within 3 seconds, it's the same thing as telling the truth.  We didn't LIE, after all.  "Lying" and "not telling the truth" are not the same thing.  See?

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 11

I have probably mentioned this before, but I do embroidery (like with big monster machines). It's my binness. I've sent the mods a note asking permission to do a Maisie shirt - trying not to break rules or step on toes. Will post when I hear back!

I don't know how to do that either, Next. And sometimes I'd like to underline something. I only JUST figured out how to post a pic, and am feeling quite proud of myself. I need a booklet: posting for dummies.

  • Love 4

HFC, I am so sorry about how badly your SIL, daughter, and pastor have handled this. Sending you a virtual full-frontal hug!

Aside from all your legitimate concerns, there's a reason the SBC doesn't send families with older children on assignment. They struggle more with the adjustment to living in a completely foreign culture away from their friends and everything they are familiar with. Your pastor, daughter and SIL are completely disregarding the adjustment and well being of your grandchild that could have devistating ramifications now and later on. They are essentially saying they know better than the IMB (who has extensive experience with this) and are willing to put your grandchild at risk. Not to mention that they're going over there as lone rangers without the covering and support of a stable organization who they can lean on when and if they get over there and find themselves completely overwhelmed or in trouble.

I think the one thing you can do is to remain calm and let your grandchildren and daughter know that you love them and keep the channel of support and communication open so that your daughter can turn to you when she needs your help and confide in you if she should ever begin to have second thoughts either before or after she and the kids leave in January. You're in my thoughts & prayers❤️.

  • Love 6

My youngest Grandson just said the funniest thing. He was hungry and asked for a Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich without bread. I started laughing and said ok 1 PB&J with no bread coming up. He said no Grandmama I meant without crusts.


hehe, that's cute. I would've been so tempted to give him PB&J all by itself on a plate. (ETA: with  bread on standby of course!)

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 3

Since I never have watched Game of Thrones when I see the name Maisie I always sing the song from the old Dr. Seuss short cartoon, "Daisy head, daisy head, daisy head Mayzie" in my head. My kids watched the Dr. Seuss cartoon over & over when they were little. Reading the name, either spelling, makes me smile thinking of those days with my kids.

  • Love 1

Sometimes, it is good to get away from the Duggar  BS.


I have a question for our wonderful moderators.  I also understand that you guys are crazy with all the recent posts.  


When you have time, I am very curious how you became mods for this forum - or other PTV forums.  Did you have an interest in the Duggars?  Watch the show? I feel like Barbara Walters- but I think that when you have time, enquiring minds would love to know.  


Thanks again for all you do!!!

  • Love 3

Speaking just for myself, there was a call for mods in April 2014, which I answered. I had quite a bit of experience modding elsewhere online. Here I do only reality TV shows, mostly cooking competitions, as lead. When my workload slowed a bit this spring, I volunteered as an assistant on some other shows, this being one of them. I've watched just enough to have a feel for what the show is about, but I wouldn't call myself a fan.

  • Love 5

Holy shitburgers HFC, I am really really sorry for your situation and if I had any advice I would give it but I'm stumped.  My husband is an ex-Catholic and I'm one hundred percent certified heathen so there's no religious anything going on here, which I'm thankful for.  He is a conspiracy theory nut though, but he tends to keep that sort of discussion within his circle of conspiracy nut friends.  


I just don't get that shit myself - I mean if you want to go on some mission because you feel the need to then do it, but leave your kids out of that.  


You have my complete sympathy.

  • Love 4

Jumping off what Bella said, I came on as a mod at the beginning of August when they put out a call for more mods. I was a frequent poster on TwoP back before Bravo took over and also participated in a few forums on here before becoming a mod. I'm only over in this forum for about another week. When the scandal broke, I was just finishing my last day of work and knew I wouldn't start my new job for a few weeks, so I had a lot of time to read every post on this forum. My mom is an avid watcher of 19KAC, so I had enough peripheral knowledge to help out. I normally stick to modding for scripted shows, including several on ABC Family.

  • Love 5
I just woke up from a dream where we had all gotten "Team Maisie" t-shirts. Now I really want one. <3

Lol! That is funny!

My husband has been sort of knocking around the idea of hosting some of the deaf children we have met in the NICU support groups and the greater deaf community at our home for a camping experience. I stupidly asked him what he'd call it and he said, "Camp Maisie, duh." I love that man o' mine. Unfortunately, I think we'd be fighting an uphill battle we're not ready for just yet. But, I am very glad he's thinking of things to improve her life and the lives of others. We've seen her blossom in our environment! She is hearing sounds city kids might not get to hear. One day...

  • Love 6

As sweet as the idea is, and as much as I love the show of support, I would so prefer everyone think about putting that effort and expenditure to a March of Dimes shirt. They really do amazing research and had a direct hand in making sure lil' miss, dh, and I were taken care of. We have great insurance and I think knowing that another Maisie might benefit from help would be more amazing than a shirt. But, I do love the idea! I'm going to do a fundraising run in August in memory of little man and in tribute to Maisie, so I may hit you guys up for shirt ideas then. :)

You guys are awesome just for thinking it. FWIW, we have a little drawing of a wolf puppy encircled by a daisy chain that was on her isolettte and I, too, associate her name with daisies.

  • Love 11

Dh watches Fox News & was completely taken in by the interview. He said "it's a private matter & they dealt with it as a family". I agreed only that the victims names never should have been released, but in all other aspects I think he is wrong. He even thinks the girls should have their own show if they want. UGH!

I pay for our cable so I block Fox News on all our TV's...because my husband believes everything they report, and I...don't.

(we argue much less now)

Edited by ChiCricket
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Message added by Scarlett45

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