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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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15 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

 ***I didn’t tell this as a “pray for me” notice.  I told it because someone -sadly - mentioned upthread I should tell a story.  This’ll teach ya!***

there is sooooo much going on, so many, many serious issues with so many of our posters.  I’m sending virtual hugs, prayers and good thoughts to everybody.  I love this forum, but it still feels kind of impersonal when so many are really in some serious deep poop.  It comes in waves, doesn’t it?  

Thank you HFC. We all needed your amazing storytelling and humor. So sorry you went through such a traumatic time, and hope you heal quickly. I join you @Barb23, and have begged Happyfatchick for a book for years. She could be our Erma Bombeck!

Sending healing and comforting thoughts to all my Prayer Closet friends who are having such a difficult time. It seems we need each other more than ever. Hugs to all.

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2 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

I still cannot watch the Birds.  My much older brother was baby sitting me when I was like 3 and watched the Birds on the TV.  I was terrified of birds for years.  I later wound up with a pet conure and a roomate with a pet parrot, but still not watching that movie

That movie totally creeps me out. And the fact that you can tell it’s mechanical bird effects helps not at all. 

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Hi my dear forum friends,

popping in quickly.  i skimmed the posts.  I'm so sorry everyone is struggling.  I keep you guys (or y'all) in my thoughts.

My family is OK so no news is good news.  Enjoying the summer and trying to clean up my house. I'm disorganized...so yeah... (eye rolling to myself)

Has Arwen posted?  

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I’ve been sick with a stomach virus all week. My brain isn’t functioning well enough to do more than skim the posts yet, but I want to send good thoughts and wishes to everyone who posted their struggles in the last few days. I plan to go back and read the posts in more detail and respond individually later this weekend. For now, I hope everyone is doing better or will be better soon. 

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@zoomama, I can’t get you off my mind.  I’d rather be sick 20 times over than see a sick child.  I hope they get the right meds in him really soon and he starts going uphill.  

@Love2dance, you’re so sweet.  And I think I did Th aw shucks thing to you before about Erma Bombeck.  She was the BEST for sure - high praise.  Thank you so much ☺️

Today the docs office called and said they got the results back from my pee-in-a-cup (I also have a UTI, just to make life interesting I guess).  The original antibiotic isn’t strong enough, so they changed it.  Perfect!  The first one made me nauseated - I can hardly wait to do something stronger!  Anyway, while On the phone, the assistant (whatever she is) mentioned the podiatrist.  Y’all would be proud.  I said, “yeah... about that... I don’t HAVE a foot issue.  I have an ankle issue.  I don’t WANT to waste my time or theirs going to a podiatrist”.  She’s like (in her head “I don’t care whether you go or not: NMP).  I said “can’t I just go for a simple X-ray and let’s go from there?”  She says she’ll ask.  She calls back (she’s now moving into BFF territory, we’ve talked so much lately) and says the doc still wants me to go to the podiatrist, THEY will take an X-ray.  Doesn’t seem likely, but okay.

Another hobbling story:  I haven’t been out much lately, as I work from home and kind of habitually save up my errands.  I had 20 places to hit today.  Off I go with my  gimpy legged self.  I’d marked several stops off and was tired, can feel my leg/foot growing by the second and I’m ready to be home.  But no.  In Target, I realize I don’t have my debit card.  Horrifying thought: the last place I used it was at the bank ATM... she rings me up and does that magic pause thing while I waddle back to the car and search.   I find the card, struggle back inside, pay up and return to the car.  Car is not close, of course, because I’m hurt and it’s hot.  (Otherwise, I’d have curb service).  I’d left my phone in the car, and when I get back, it’s ringing.  I hurry to answer, and it’s a scammer who fumbles with the phone long enough to PISS.ME.OFF., and then speaks terrible English and says he’s Randy.  I was SO MAD!!!  Randy WHO???  “Randy Ross” he manages to stutter.  “You do [pause] em-BRAW-Derry?”  Yes, I do.  WHO ARE YOU??   “Randy!” He assures me.  WHAT DO YOU WANT, Randy?  “Um, weelll, I hab some lots of people’s looking for [pause, big word] em-BRAW-Derry in your town...”.   Yeah, you know what, Randy?  There really aren’t.  Bye!  I think telemarketers (especially foreign ones who scream SCAM!) ought to automatically be drawn and quartered.  grrrrrrrrrrr!!!  And why do I answer, you may ask.  Because I really, truly have clients all over the US and so if there’s a number at all, I answer all calls.  Why isn’t there a law against telemarketers on cell phones.  Why did we get them in the first place?  (Because: no calls I don’t want, that’s why!!)

apologies to anyone who makes your living that way, although I doubt anyone here is in Randy’s league.  

No word from @Arwen Evenstar, I look for her every day.  :(((

Edited by Happyfatchick
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Praying for everyone who is struggling.  Still feeling pretty good.  I'm feeling kind of amused (in a wistful sort of way) that for the first time since my husband and I separated, my mother-in-law is introducing me to people as her daughter-in-law, just as I've found out that my husband has a girlfriend (which I suspected, but it hurts a little to have it confirmed, and I still can't help feeling like he's cheating on me).  Even so, back in March, I would have been a blubbering mess and contemplating all kinds of crazy things.  Now I just feel kind of sad, but I'm going on about my business just fine.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.  We couldn't take our summer camp kids outside yesterday because there was a homicide in the neighborhood, as well as intermittent flashes of lightning.  Today we spent a lot of time outside, but I've got swollen hands and feet from the heat and being somewhat dehydrated because we didn't have any cold water in the fridge at work.

You know I've been reading this forum for too long when I got the giggles reading this sentence from a magazine:  "The shower curtain falls as a murder victim collapses in a motel bathroom.  A nod to Psycho?  Why not?"  I wanted to say, "Or inspired by somewhat recent events in Danger America?"

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20 minutes ago, Catfin said:

Is anyone dropping kids off at college soon? Dorm move-in in ten days for my freshman daughter. I’m going to miss her so much. 

Leaving tomorrow morning to help take my wonderful granddaughter to college. She's a freshman; it will be her first time away from home. We're going to miss her so much!

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7 hours ago, Catfin said:

Is anyone dropping kids off at college soon? Dorm move-in in ten days for my freshman daughter. I’m going to miss her so much. 

No but I remember when the first one left with his father the ex mr lookeyloo to drive across country to drop  him off and get him settled. And when we took the second one to the airport.  He wanted to do it himself.  First was hard enough but second was still home. So second one’s departure was much more traumatic. And they both went far away so there were no home for the weekends.  Sending understanding hugs your way. Bring tissues. 

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2 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

No but I remember when the first one left with his father the ex mr lookeyloo to drive across country to drop  him off and get him settled. And when we took the second one to the airport.  He wanted to do it himself.  First was hard enough but second was still home. So second one’s departure was much more traumatic. And they both went far away so there were no home for the weekends.  Sending understanding hugs your way. Bring tissues. 

Bring tissues, but also bring the pride you have in knowing that you've gotten him/her to this point.  That you've raised a kid to value education and to want to go out into the world and experience it.  That's the best gift a parent can give their child and you've done it!

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I had a harder time leaving Son of Barb, an only child, when he spent the night on orientation day. I think it really hit me then that basically this would be his new home  for the next 4 years even though he came home for weekends. 

This was funny. I packed him up like he was going to school where there was no access to a store. There were some things I bought that i thought

4 hours ago, doodlebug said:

Bring tissues, but also bring the pride you have in knowing that you've gotten him/her to this point.  That you've raised a kid to value education and to want to go out into the world and experience it.  That's the best gift a parent can give their child and you've done it!

were neat, like a fancy corkboard that was never used & may be in our junk room. One functional item I did get for him was a small tool set. Just the basics but he did use the screwdriver a lot.

My niece was like a freed bird when she left for college.  Shes a very social girl. My sister said it made her feel better but it did get to the point that she wondered if my niece even remembered she had a family at home.

Sorry @doodlebug post ended up in middle of  mine.  Just wanted to say @doodlebug your post was great  & as a proud parent, it couldn't have been said any better.

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We took our kitties to the vet for scheduled maintenance this morning. The younger two were a bit freaked out (two year-old) and very very freaked out and panting (three year-old). We also got our oldest kitty (eighteen+) checked and got a really good bill of health. She has early stage kidney disease but she has gained almost half a pound since May (a big deal when she only weighed 6.1 pounds then). I asked them to trim her claws and that is where the adventure started. I had asked them to do it in May but they were not able to because she fought so hard. This time, it took a muzzle, a towel around all of her except the paw that was being worked on, and three people holding her to get her claws trimmed. I'd never seen a cat in a muzzle. I don't feel so bad now about not trimming her claws myself. Hillary may be old but she's still feisty!

Sorry for the random cat anecdote. I just thought I'd share.

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5 minutes ago, jcbrown said:

We took our kitties to the vet for scheduled maintenance this morning. The younger two were a bit freaked out (two year-old) and very very freaked out and panting (three year-old). We also got our oldest kitty (eighteen+) checked and got a really good bill of health. She has early stage kidney disease but she has gained almost half a pound since May (a big deal when she only weighed 6.1 pounds then). I asked them to trim her claws and that is where the adventure started. I had asked them to do it in May but they were not able to because she fought so hard. This time, it took a muzzle, a towel around all of her except the paw that was being worked on, and three people holding her to get her claws trimmed. I'd never seen a cat in a muzzle. I don't feel so bad now about not trimming her claws myself. Hillary may be old but she's still feisty!

Sorry for the random cat anecdote. I just thought I'd share.

I love your cat anecdote!  We had a tiny cat back when and while she was sweet with us she hated anything related to the vet.  One time we brought her in for them to check her ears and she was so uncooperative that they semi sedated her and through the sedation she growled and some how ate through the tubes while she still tried to thrash about.  The vet and helpers were very patient and almost proud of her technique!

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3 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

I love your cat anecdote!  We had a tiny cat back when and while she was sweet with us she hated anything related to the vet.  One time we brought her in for them to check her ears and she was so uncooperative that they semi sedated her and through the sedation she growled and some how ate through the tubes while she still tried to thrash about.  The vet and helpers were very patient and almost proud of her technique!

Hillary chewed through her breathing tube when we had her spayed as a little thing. She was coughing when we brought her home and they called and asked us to bring her back. They noticed the chewed off end of the rube when they were reconciling the surgical supplies. The vet had to sedate her a bit and reach down her throat with forceps to get the piece of tubing. He was lucky to be able to retrieve it. She was a lot more easy going about the vet when she was younger but she's gotten a bit crotchety about it in her old age. And she is my velcro girl--if you need to find her, look for my lap. Our middle cat is the one who is a total sweetie with us and a demon spawn at the vet.

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23 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

@zoomama, I can’t get you off my mind.  I’d rather be sick 20 times over than see a sick child.  I hope they get the right meds in him really soon and he starts going uphill.  

@Love2dance, you’re so sweet.  And I think I did Th aw shucks thing to you before about Erma Bombeck.  She was the BEST for sure - high praise.  Thank you so much ☺️

Today the docs office called and said they got the results back from my pee-in-a-cup (I also have a UTI, just to make life interesting I guess).  The original antibiotic isn’t strong enough, so they changed it.  Perfect!  The first one made me nauseated - I can hardly wait to do something stronger!  Anyway, while On the phone, the assistant (whatever she is) mentioned the podiatrist.  Y’all would be proud.  I said, “yeah... about that... I don’t HAVE a foot issue.  I have an ankle issue.  I don’t WANT to waste my time or theirs going to a podiatrist”.  She’s like (in her head “I don’t care whether you go or not: NMP).  I said “can’t I just go for a simple X-ray and let’s go from there?”  She says she’ll ask.  She calls back (she’s now moving into BFF territory, we’ve talked so much lately) and says the doc still wants me to go to the podiatrist, THEY will take an X-ray.  Doesn’t seem likely, but okay.

Happyfatchick, you may be pleasantly surprised with the podiatrist!  Their scope of practice has been expanding, and most have significant training in foot and ankle.  There are some turf wars with some orthopedic surgeons, because they do surgery too.  Not just bunions anymore!

That being said, the falls you describe and the symptoms you mentioned earlier sound more like nerve issues to me.  I think it's possible that in your fall in the shopping mall you pinched a nerve, and the ensuing numbness and weakness is due to the nerve not properly innervating its distribution anymore.  Regardless of what doctors you see, I think you should ask for a physical therapy referral.  That many falls is troubling, as is one sided weakness.  But you're young enough that if you get the right treatment, you should live to laugh and safely walk another day.  If you don't get any answers from your podiatrist or your PCP, potentially ask for a referral to a PM&R (physical medicine and rehab) doctor, otherwise known as a physiatrist.  They are the specialists in muscle and nerve concerns.  Then they could direct your rehab.  

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My husband clips our cat's claws because I am afraid of hurting them. Smokey had a few problems with her claws, so we had to take her to the vet. She was not too happy about it, but we all survived. She was almost 19 years old when she passed away from old age. Our only male cat Ace had some dental problems, so we had to attempt to brush his teeth. I was able to do it for awhile, but he hated my husband trying to do it. He also tried to get out of his cage at the vets office after he was neutered. Ace was a tough little guy. He was only nine years old when he died from his kidneys shutting down. Tia did okay at the vets office. I got a few compliments from the staff because she was so well behaved. She lost a few teeth and an abscess in her mouth from playing and biting down on the pine cones in our yard. She was my sweet fur baby. Sassy does not care for the vet office either, and she lets us know by coming home and pouting about it.

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37 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

My husband clips our cat's claws because I am afraid of hurting them. Smokey had a few problems with her claws, so we had to take her to the vet. She was not too happy about it, but we all survived. She was almost 19 years old when she passed away from old age. Our only male cat Ace had some dental problems, so we had to attempt to brush his teeth. I was able to do it for awhile, but he hated my husband trying to do it. He also tried to get out of his cage at the vets office after he was neutered. Ace was a tough little guy. He was only nine years old when he died from his kidneys shutting down. Tia did okay at the vets office. I got a few compliments from the staff because she was so well behaved. She lost a few teeth and an abscess in her mouth from playing and biting down on the pine cones in our yard. She was my sweet fur baby. Sassy does not care for the vet office either, and she lets us know by coming home and pouting about it.

Oh my gosh, I could not brush a cat's teeth without damage (to me).

I have not cut claws since I cut one too short for our incredibly tolerant boy kitty that we lost 17 years ago. He started bleeding and just looked at me sorrowfully, like, "Mom, why did you do that?" Nope. No more claw trimming for me.

I gotta say, I am impressed that my 18 year-old Hillary is such a badass it took three people, a towel, and a muzzle.

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The worse trip to the vets office was for our Misty. We adopted her from a cat rescue place. She was already sick when we got her. She was with us for five days before she got worse. My husband found her on the chair with a faint heart beat, so we rush her to the vet. Poor little thing was dying, but they were able to bring her heart rate up. They said she would suffer and need a lot of medical care. We made the heart breaking decision to have her euthanized. It broke our heart, but we knew it was the right thing for her. She was loved, and Tia thought of her like her own little kitten. At least she was out of the rescue place and had five days with us. When we took Tia in to be euthanized last September, the vet techs ask us if we had been through this before. We said it was our fourth time, and it gets worse each time. R.I.P. Ace, Smokey, Misty and Tia. We love you and miss you.

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You know you’re a grandma when you never pick up your iPad without wiping off the sticky fingerprints first.  Or when you know for a fact your 2-yr old can get to pj masks on YouTube faster than you can.  Or when you have iPad password protected but every reading/writing grand k own your password.  Two weeks ago, the 2-yr-old had the iPad watching pj masks.  She looks up at me with her brow furrowed and true concern and says (quote) “Owlette sucks”.  My FACE.  (I mean she’s right, but where did she hear that?).  My brain:  she didn’t just say that.  What else sounds like that?  What did she say?  But then she repeats - because I didn’t respond - “Owlette sucks”.   I had to go in the kitchen to laugh.  

Also (it must be grand day):  when my husband is home, we go 20 rounds about A\C all day.  I’m always cold, he’s always hot.  He goes past the thermo and reaches out real quick and bumps it down.  Soon as the coast is clear, I tiptoe down the hall and bump it back.  (He swears I have it spring loaded to bounce back up).  

Just so happens my sons AC is out and they are broiling.  Bedrooms upstairs, and upstairs is a walk-in pizza oven.  It’s hot.  So my grandson comes in last night with a bag and says “I’m sleeping here”.  Within 2 minuets, he’s telling me it’s hot here.  (Its not, it’s quite comfy!).  When we all went to bed, I stopped at his door and said “I know you’re hot, I bumped the air down some for you”.  Continue walking and into my bedroom where my husband is standing, pants in hand, staring at me.  “You did NOT just  Bump the air down because he’s HOT”.  Oh, I soooo did.  In your next life, you should ask to be my grandchild.  If that grand asked me for a fresh chocolate cake, I’d have made it.  

speaking of, @zoomama, how about an update?

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Well summer is officially over. The boys and their friends had their annual last weekend before school sleepover at their uncle's Ranch. And as usual boy Tron got his older brothers fourth grade teacher the teacher will be very surprised as he is totally different than his brother is. Every since kindergarten boy Tron has gotten his older brother's teacher.

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2 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

Well summer is officially over. The boys and their friends had their annual last weekend before school sleepover at their uncle's Ranch. And as usual boy Tron got his older brothers fourth grade teacher the teacher will be very surprised as he is totally different than his brother is. Every since kindergarten boy Tron has gotten his older brother's teacher.

How many years in between?  I was a year behind my older brother in school, and it was not fun.  I always had the same teacher in elementary school because we went to Catholic school.  Even in high school I usually ended up with the same teacher.  

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Just now, Ohiopirate02 said:

How many years in between?  I was a year behind my older brother in school, and it was not fun.  I always had the same teacher in elementary school because we went to Catholic school.  Even in high school I usually ended up with the same teacher.  

My first elementary school was the one where my mom had taught before she left her job to stay home with me. Every year, it was, "oh! you're <mom's name>'s daughter." No pressure there.

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23 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

How many years in between?  I was a year behind my older brother in school, and it was not fun.  I always had the same teacher in elementary school because we went to Catholic school.  Even in high school I usually ended up with the same teacher.  

5 years.

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26 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

How many years in between?  I was a year behind my older brother in school, and it was not fun.  I always had the same teacher in elementary school because we went to Catholic school.  Even in high school I usually ended up with the same teacher.  

When I was  in 5th grade I had a teacher  that had taught  my mother and remembered her. Yes it was  a small  town why so you ask?

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4 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:


speaking of, @zoomama, how about an update?

thanks for asking!

well.....he went back to the dr yesterday and the nasal swab was negative for viruses. that means its an 'atypical bacterial infection'. his ears and sinus' were full of fluid and drainage as well as his lungs had pockets of fluid. his 02 is stable at about 92 so they sent him home with a new antibiotic, probiotics, continuing breathing treatments and steroids. they no longer prescribe cough meds for under 18 (codeine is a no-no) so he is still coughing up what is left of his lungs. he is released from p.e. for a month, has open potty privileges at school due to the meds. (school starts wednesday but i am not sure he is gonna make it). he will need an inhaler for school too. and....he sees the doctor on wednesday afternoon to decide if the other antibiotic is necessary. i did notice an improvement in his demeanor today -- more energetic and social. that said, he put himself to bed at 7:30 tonight. no 12 year old does that!

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10 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

5 years.

That sounds like enough time for the teacher to forget a bit unless your eldest was very memorable.

10 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

When I was  in 5th grade I had a teacher  that had taught  my mother and remembered her. Yes it was  a small  town why so you ask?

That happened with my aunt and grandfather.  Small mining town in central Pennsylvania and my grandfather was the class clown.  From what I've heard, the teacher was usually more upset with my grandfather than my aunt. 

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My uncle and I had the same teacher despite the 30 plus years between us by the time I started kindergarten she was still teaching at the same elementary school. She didn't end up retiring until ten years after I graduated high school when that elementary school closed. 

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40 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

It’s my BD today.  The last in the 50’s... I’m OLD!!!  FB is alight with birthday wishes and I’m going to lunch with just my 3 offspring.  It’s rare I get to be with JUST them, and I’m REALLY so excited about that!!!  And my daughter came and stole my car earlier (I didn’t even notice it was gone!) and WASHED it!!!  I’m having anGREAT day so far!!!

Happy birthday!

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2 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

It’s my BD today.  The last in the 50’s... I’m OLD!!!  FB is alight with birthday wishes and I’m going to lunch with just my 3 offspring.  It’s rare I get to be with JUST them, and I’m REALLY so excited about that!!!  And my daughter came and stole my car earlier (I didn’t even notice it was gone!) and WASHED it!!!  I’m having anGREAT day so far!!!

Happy Birthday!

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well happy august birthday to you HFC!!! i am a virgo too (and very much as a virgo is described). however, if you saw my house about now, you would disagree.  


doctor called this a.m. unexpectedly and said we need to come in this morning for another x-ray. also said its gonna be a day-by-day thing for wyatt. not sure he will start school on wednesday now; waiting for the follow up phone call about the x-ray. then i am driving tot he school to make whatever arrangements the doctor suggests.

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On 8/10/2018 at 8:30 PM, Catfin said:

Is anyone dropping kids off at college soon? Dorm move-in in ten days for my freshman daughter. I’m going to miss her so much. 

No but good luck!  I work move in weekend at our school and it always makes me smile.  There are those kids who cannot wait for their parents to go and there are those that its a hard transition.  I personally love seeing the kids whose entire family, from grandparents to aunts and uncles and all the littles, come to drop the student off.  Its a fun day and just know that the dorms will have loads of activities to keep them busy those 1st few days.  For me, its fun as well because my events start up so I see these babies at their 1st college dance/party.   I am not sure if her school has it but make sure she knows if there is a program that she can call to walk at night.  We have an escort program (bad name) through our police dept where student's can call for late night escorts anywhere on campus.  Tell her to have an old ugly bike and to get it registered if they do it where she goes to school.  Bikes get stolen all the time but if its registered they may be able to find it and there will not be an ownership dispute.  I have worked in undergrad advising, with the police dept managing those students who escort (among other duties) and now in events.  I have seen move in from all angles!  

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natalie, i hope you dont mind but i shared a bit of your post with an online friend who child is coming all the way across the usa to my neighborhood to go to college. i thought your words would be an encouragement to her.

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3 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

It’s my BD today.  The last in the 50’s... I’m OLD!!!  FB is alight with birthday wishes and I’m going to lunch with just my 3 offspring.  It’s rare I get to be with JUST them, and I’m REALLY so excited about that!!!  And my daughter came and stole my car earlier (I didn’t even notice it was gone!) and WASHED it!!!  I’m having anGREAT day so far!!!


7 minutes ago, zoomama said:

natalie, i hope you dont mind but i shared a bit of your post with an online friend who child is coming all the way across the usa to my neighborhood to go to college. i thought your words would be an encouragement to her.

Please do!  If you have ANY questions, let me know.  I have worked at this school for <JEEZUS!> almost 26 years and have seen it all.  We are used to homesick students, students having issues in classes, students coming out, and we are more than happy to help them acclimate.  I know there are a lot of services at our school for international students and they are a pretty tight group.  Every Winter they have a welcome back banquet/music event and I am working with a group of students from China who are trying to get experience as concert promoters.  The students really can find a family among other students.  Our school has over 500 student orgs to choose from so you can really be a part of anything.

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22 minutes ago, zoomama said:

well happy august birthday to you HFC!!! i am a virgo too (and very much as a virgo is described). however, if you saw my house about now, you would disagree.  


doctor called this a.m. unexpectedly and said we need to come in this morning for another x-ray. also said its gonna be a day-by-day thing for wyatt. not sure he will start school on wednesday now; waiting for the follow up phone call about the x-ray. then i am driving tot he school to make whatever arrangements the doctor suggests.

Me as well.  I am turning **50** on 9/11.  

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15 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Me as well.  I am turning **50** on 9/11.  

oh that is a BIG day in our house!!! we were  married that day in 1999, then on 'the' 9/11, we were blessed with our first grandchild.  ( unfortunately we did not get to share in her childhood...long story there).  

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18 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

When I was  in 5th grade I had a teacher  that had taught  my mother and remembered her. Yes it was  a small  town why so you ask?

I grew up in downtown Cleveland in an ethnic neighborhood filled with first and second generation immigrants, mainly from Central/Eastern Europe.  I attended the same grade school that my father did, had some of the same nuns.  In addition to my father, all 6 of his siblings and about a half dozen of my cousins had also attended that school.  Several of the kids I went to school with were the children of my father's classmates.  It happened a lot in that neighborhood, someone would hear your last name and ask, 'Oh, you must be related to so and so.'   Yep, I was related to all of 'em.

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This is my last year as a 50-something.  Is it just ME, or does 59 actually sound so much older than 58??  It could be me... I always try to go ahead and move up a year long before I get there so I get used to saying the next number.  Well, i guess I had too much runway time on 56, and started saying 57 too early.  When I actually turned 57, I started saying 58.  One day, I said something about being 58,and my cousin said “you’re 57”.  I AM????  I did the math, and woop woop!!!   I felt like I’d been given a free year!!!  I was 58 for a looooong time, so maybe that’s why 59 seems like a hike upwards.  I don’t really recommend that approach to aging - sometimes I have to look around for help to remember what year I’m actually in.

@zoomama do you think Wyatt actually feels well enough to go to school?  I think I’m actually a Leo - your birthday must be later in the month.

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I am seeing my physician assistant tomorrow afternoon. Last night I started getting bad stomach cramps again, and the chest pain and tightness are still hanging around.

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24 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I am seeing my physician assistant tomorrow afternoon. Last night I started getting bad stomach cramps again, and the chest pain and tightness is still hanging around.

I hope that he can help you. I hate how these symptoms are lingering and coming in spurts for you. *hugs* 

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1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

I hope that he can help you. I hate how these symptoms are lingering and coming in spurts for you. *hugs* 

It is so weird how it started last Monday night after I took my three night meds. One was for the Asthma type symptoms related to the Acid Reflux Disease, another one for high blood pressure, and the last one for stomach cramps due to the borderline slow stomach digestion issue. No stomach cramps or chest pain and tightness for a long time until last Monday night. So weird how it happened after getting the first allergy shot. I was fine last Monday until I took the meds.

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2 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

It is so weird how it started last Monday night after I took my three night meds. One was for the Asthma type symptoms related to the Acid Reflux Disease, another one for high blood pressure, and the last one for stomach cramps due to the borderline slow stomach digestion issue. No stomach cramps or chest pain and tightness for a long time until last Monday night. So weird how it happened after getting the first allergy shot. I was fine last Monday until I took the meds.

Make you Dr aware of this. I know that it hasn’t been easy for you to have to keep trying medications and now these allergy injections to try to feel well enough to live a full life. Just keep at it as eventually they’ll figure out the right combination for you. It doesn’t sound like the current ones are liked by your body. I look forward to the time when you can say that you’ve had a good day. Fingers crossed. 

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