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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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29 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

It looks like everything is running at less than half.  And yet... I see new construction happening all around me.  I know a man currently building the first 3 houses of a new subdivision.  There’s a huge new subdivision of houses between here and the shop - it’s filling nicely and they’ve cleared the roads for the second phase.  

 I heard on the news that a lot people are biting the bullet and buying a house now, because they don't feel as safe in a shared space like condos and apartments anymore.

They'd rather be separate with their own families. Maybe that is driving the new houses construction in spite of covid?

Edited by ChiCricket
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48 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

The new construction makes sense.  Many Americans have been working either at their place of employment or from home.  Those working from home have realized that their homes may not have enough space for them to work comfortably especially if they also have children attending classes remotely.  Real estate has not slowed down outside of major metropolitan areas where people with money have fled to the suburbs.

Yes. Shared amenities and outdoor spaces aren't as attractive as they were a year ago.


For a hot minute my Mom, sister and I (along with the cats) lived in a 3 bedroom 2 bath condo. Everyone had a bedroom and I had my own bathroom but I said that I was so happy this didnt happen when we were living in that condo- WFH would've been a living HELL in such a small space, and the noise.

My sisters noises are driving me crazy NOW and I am in my own place during the work day and most of the work week. So I 100% understand people wanting to move or making the decision to do so to get a private yard etc (assuming of course they have the money).

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1 hour ago, Happyfatchick said:

don’t know what to make of the whole thing.  It’s so bizarre to me I general.  We both took pay cuts (but we own the company).  Delta took cuts across the board (25% I think).  It looks like everything is running at less than half.  And yet... I see new construction happening all around me.

We built our house 4 years ago and were one of the first(some older homes on the street) Since March there have been 8 more houses built, all but 2 are sold. Those two were just built a couple months ago. A builder has started two more. Interest rates were at their lowest not long ago. We refinanced to a 15 year mortgage at 2.125%, the lowest they have ever been.


1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Many Americans have been working either at their place of employment or from home. 

My husband has worked this whole time, at his place of business. They have never slowed down. They furloughed a few people(not him) for a couple weeks back in April and that's been it. They've been so busy that they have had to hire several people. We've been extremely lucky in that department.

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10 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

THANK YOU ALL for well wishes and prayers.  My brother is in recovery!  Now, the healing.  It's going to be slow and painful.  They've told him that.  I appreciate your support!

Glad things went well. Hope his recovery goes well.


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6 minutes ago, Madtown said:

We refinanced to a 15 year mortgage at 2.125%, the lowest they have ever been.


Im in the process of refinancing as well. The rates are just too good not to, not cashing out but putting that difference in savings. 

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@whydoiwatch I’m sorry to hear about your sister. Unfortunately this virus presents different challenges to everyone who contracts it, and it sounds like she got the crap end of the stick. Try to stay patient with her. As she heals and comes along in her recovery it may start to resolve itself. In the meantime I’m sending you a hug because I know this is hard for you. 
@PikaScrewChu Beakups are never easy and I understand how much tougher it is when you can’t resume a new life and even see your therapist in person. Hang in there. I’ve had a few bad ones myself. It takes time, but it all does eventually turn out for the better. You will meet new friends as time goes on and it will lessen your grief. 
@Scarlett45 How brave of your to consider a trip by yourself to Thailand. It’s always great to have something to look forward to. 
@SunnyBeBe I will say some extra prayers for your brother and his upcoming surgery. I’m glad you have your music and have found outlets for your energy and stress. I’ll join you virtually one of these evenings for an adult beverage. After your brother is in the safe zone. Cheers.

On the holidays. What holidays? Thank goodness my grandies are old enough I can mail them a check and a small something. I usually try to find a pair of funny socks for them. However, I will miss seeing them dearly. The rest of the family (mostly SIL’s) will be there for the family Christmas breakfast. None are mask wearers unless there’s a sign posted requiring them. I am invited, but not comfortable attending. Thanksgiving is always held up at the farm too at his Aunts (SIL refuses to give up his family traditions and do something different like eat with my daughters and our family). I don’t want them to war over this so I always bow down and be cheerful even though I feel like a compromise would be fairer. So since I am not happy about the lack of masks and social distancing I have to forego having time with my family this year. I have spent other Christmas’s by myself so this isn’t a first. I imagine I’ll just cook something special for Mr Chemo (who is anti-Christmas so no jolly Ho Ho ho’s and presents) unless he goes to spend it with his kids. I don’t mind if he does, but then he better find someone else to wait on him hand and foot for two weeks because I don’t want him to bring any illnesses home to me. He is also so so on wearing masks and his grandchildren play on team sports and attend school in person. His immunity is low on chemo. If it’s there he will catch it. So all of you here are going to be my Christmas family. I will have a glass of cheer and toast to all of the best virtual friends a gal could wish for. Big hugs. 

Update to @SunnyBeBe I didn’t realize that I was a day late. Now I’ll change that prayer to one for a speedy recovery with as little pain as possible. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Added an update
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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

The new construction makes sense.  Many Americans have been working either at their place of employment or from home.  Those working from home have realized that their homes may not have enough space for them to work comfortably especially if they also have children attending classes remotely.  Real estate has not slowed down outside of major metropolitan areas where people with money have fled to the suburbs.  

Yep and with some companies looking to make work from home a permanent option for those who want it, people are moving to areas where the cost of living is lower. If you don't need to commute, why live in a shoebox?

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10 hours ago, Girl in a Cardigan said:

I had to talk with my parents last week about it and it was making me crazy. Basically for the first time ever, I'm not going to be with them for Thanksgiving. I'm also having a milestone birthday the week before and I'll be here. After things slow down at work, I can drive down to them  and quarantine for two weeks (it takes two days to get there). Then we can celebrate a holiday a day for a week. But I couldn't forgive myself if I brought the virus into their home.

Luckily, they were fine with all of that and not mad like I thought they might be. They're more worried about me because I'm by myself and while I'll probably be sad to spend my birthday alone, I'm not really big on the whole turkey thing (last year I had pizza at a restaurant!), so I'm not that broken up about it. 

But it still sucks. We've all been living like this for seven months and nothing's gotten better.

You’re doing the right thing. If everyone did as you’re doing, it WOULD be better by now. Hang in there!


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hello friends, i am a bit out of the loop here while trying to recover from this surgery.  briefly read a few posts but not sure of details so distant hugs to all.  

as for me, the recovery has been brutal. after the 3 days of migraine, nausea and vomiting (and the stupid ER visit), now i have an infection in the surgical site or below it or something like that. waiting to hear back from the surgeon as to whether to remain on these antibiotics or try something new. the swelling is increasing and it is rock hard and painful. no breaks for me.

well, i do have some good news...its not cancer. he said they even took lymph nodes and all is clear. so very thankful for that bit of cheer. 

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Not being able to share a meal over the holidays is really getting me down. I don't even like holidays! They usually feel like too much pressure. But apparently, I care about them more than I thought. I asked my parents if they'd have Thanksgiving outside with me if I bought an outdoor heater, but they said no. Which means I'll be alone on Thanksgiving unless my boyfriend agrees to spend it with me instead of his parents (his parents are elderly and high risk because of health issues, so I can't share a meal at their house in good conscience). It shouldn't matter, but it does.



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2 minutes ago, rue721 said:

Not being able to share a meal over the holidays is really getting me down. I don't even like holidays! They usually feel like too much pressure. But apparently, I care about them more than I thought. I asked my parents if they'd have Thanksgiving outside with me if I bought an outdoor heater, but they said no. Which means I'll be alone on Thanksgiving unless my boyfriend agrees to spend it with me instead of his parents (his parents are elderly and high risk because of health issues, so I can't share a meal at their house in good conscience). It shouldn't matter, but it does.



Oh im so sorry! Of course it matters. Are you work from home right now? would you be able to have Thanksgiving with your boyfriend and his parents if you limited your interactions to just your boyfriend the two weeks before Thanksgiving?

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i swear, I hear angels singing LAAAAAAAAAA!!!

i am really sorry to hear you’re having so much trouble with the incision site.  I’m sorry, and I’d certainly hug you if I could (virtual just doesn’t have the same ring to it anymore).  
but I have to say, my sorrow over your pain is SO amazingly tempered by the NOT CANCER thing - I’m almost (not quite) tempted to drop it in the “she’ll get over it” bucket.  I won’t, because obviously this sucks and you’re having a great deal of trouble with it...


i was so worried.  I am so happy!!!!

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3 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:



i swear, I hear angels singing LAAAAAAAAAA!!!

i am really sorry to hear you’re having so much trouble with the incision site.  I’m sorry, and I’d certainly hug you if I could (virtual just doesn’t have the same ring to it anymore).  
but I have to say, my sorrow over your pain is SO amazingly tempered by the NOT CANCER thing - I’m almost (not quite) tempted to drop it in the “she’ll get over it” bucket.  I won’t, because obviously this sucks and you’re having a great deal of trouble with it...


i was so worried.  I am so happy!!!!

truly, that is how i feel too. this will pass!

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Zoomama, please tell me they finally gave you pain meds? Big sorry hugs to you...

I know the holidays are tough to contemplate...a few months ago my BIL invited us to their house for Christmas/Jewish Christmas Eve (Latkes, deli, bagels, DELICIOUS), but it just doesn’t make sense. It’s two flights and three airports. But with my mother’s death this summer it would have been lovely to have everyone together.

But when I read stuff like this...

Small gatherings driving new cases

Teen spreads virus after negative test

...it just makes sense to stay home. I hear they’re producing smaller turkeys this year just for this reason.



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1 hour ago, Tikichick said:

Yep, Dinosaur Day is more likely a kid friendly framework that can be used to achieve other lessons and build various skills.  Wouldn't be one bit surprised down the road to see what Israel decided to bring to show his class as his representation of 100 things for the 100th day of school.  My youngest had the hardest time nailing down what exactly she wanted to take in.  Such important stuff at that age.

I remember 4 things from kindergarten 35 years ago.

1.  I was in kindergarten when I learned I am not a napper.  I remember laying down with my classmates for naptime, but never falling asleep.

2.  Then snow day I had on Tuesday January 28, 1986.  My dad was also home that day and I will always remember him calling my older brother and me into the family room to watch the super cool Space Shuttle launch.  And that did not go as he envisioned.

3.  Friday January 31, 1986.  It was show-and-tell day at school.  I had decided the night before my item was going to be my older brother's Care Bear.  I did not get his permission for this.  I was sitting at my desk in my basement classroom, Care Bear on top when the earth began to shake.  This was in Lake County Ohio where earthquakes were rare.  School administration panics and makes all of the kids leave the building, and we have to trudge through the snow to the bus depot on the edge of the property because that was the only building deemed safe by admin.  In the rush, the Care Bear was left on my desk.  I spent the rest of the day sitting in the bus depot until we were sent home and the rest of the weekend on edge wondering if my older brother would figure out I had borrowed his toy.  I still remember seeing it sitting on my desk on Monday.

4.  The complete and utter injustice of having a summer birthday in school.  All of the other kids who's birthdays fell during the school year got their own special day.  Us Summer Babies had to share.  Such bullshit.

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2 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

The complete and utter injustice of having a summer birthday in school.  All of the other kids who's birthdays fell during the school year got their own special day.  Us Summer Babies had to share.  Such bullshit.

I had such a complex about that too! My brother was born in early January and was also bitter that he missed out on those due to Christmas holidays. 

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8 minutes ago, Zella said:

I had such a complex about that too! My brother was born in early January and was also bitter that he missed out on those due to Christmas holidays. 

I know now schools have figured out how bad this practice was.  I know of many schools where they celebrate birthdays monthly so all of the October Babies get their day.  Much easier to work in the June-August babies that way.  Or even celebrate the kids half birthday to even it out.  The worst part was that my school decided on a random date during the school year for the Summer Birthday celebration and that was after seeing my other classmates get their special day.  I know life isn't fair, but this is not a lesson that should be included in the syllabus during kindergarten.

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16 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

No kidding...and POST post-op! I had both knees replaced, and getting out of my tub is horrible. Nobody tells you before the surgeries that you won't be able to kneel properly ever again. I mean, you can crouch, but getting down on your (new) kneecaps is agony.

I had to install an old lady grab bar on the outside of my tub, and I still struggle to get out.  (being overweight doesn't help, I'm sure.)

PS I still would have gotten the surgeries..it was SO worth it! My knees are now pain free. 


Yeah, it's the fact that they actually remove your old kneecaps and the replacement joint doesn't have an actual kneecap, making it exceedingly difficult to kneel that screws it up.  When the surgeon told me I shouldn't kneel postop, I thought  it was just one of those things surgeons say.  In fact, I cannot kneel on that knee, even if I wanted to.  It's like kneeling on a bunch of sharp pieces of metal-literally.

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4 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I know now schools have figured out how bad this practice was.  I know of many schools where they celebrate birthdays monthly so all of the October Babies get their day.  Much easier to work in the June-August babies that way.  Or even celebrate the kids half birthday to even it out.  The worst part was that my school decided on a random date during the school year for the Summer Birthday celebration and that was after seeing my other classmates get their special day.  I know life isn't fair, but this is not a lesson that should be included in the syllabus during kindergarten.

I like the idea of the monthly birthdays rather than the individual ones since that can be a minefield too. I have a real complex about birthdays. I was literally the one kid who was not invited to someone's birthday party in 3rd grade. I still remember that bitch. Her name was Natalie, and she passed out an invitation to everyone but me. And she made super aggressive eye contact with me while she was doing it. By the time the teacher saw what was going on and stopped it, the damage was already done.

That was actually part of why I didn't mind being homeschooled afterward. I had one of those personalities that is very weird on a kid. I wasn't bullied--I was just ignored. I'm still a weird adult, but it is less off-putting to people. I was genuinely bewildered when I went to college and people wanted to be friends with me after my experience in elementary school. 

Edited by Zella
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11 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I remember 4 things from kindergarten 35 years ago.


2.  Then snow day I had on Tuesday January 28, 1986.  My dad was also home that day and I will always remember him calling my older brother and me into the family room to watch the super cool Space Shuttle launch.  And that did not go as he envisioned.

3.  Friday January 31, 1986.  It was show-and-tell day at school.  I had decided the night before my item was going to be my older brother's Care Bear.  I did not get his permission for this.  I was sitting at my desk in my basement classroom, Care Bear on top when the earth began to shake.  This was in Lake County Ohio where earthquakes were rare.  School administration panics and makes all of the kids leave the building, and we have to trudge through the snow to the bus depot on the edge of the property because that was the only building deemed safe by admin.  In the rush, the Care Bear was left on my desk.  I spent the rest of the day sitting in the bus depot until we were sent home and the rest of the weekend on edge wondering if my older brother would figure out I had borrowed his toy.  I still remember seeing it sitting on my desk on Monday.


I was a resident when the Challenger blew up, the OB/GYN residents were in their outpatient clinic seeing patients at the time.  To get to the clinic, we had to walk past the residents' lounge.  The senior internal medicine residents spent much of their days playing pool and watching TV down there because that is what medical residents do best.  As we walked past the lounge, a bunch of them were huddled around the TV and when we asked what was up, they told us the shuttle blew up.  We immediately told them that joke was not funny and they were a bunch of sickos (medical residents have a rather dark sense of humor).  We soon found out they weren't kidding.  Isn't it funny how clearly we remember things like that?

I didn't feel the earthquake because I was living in Columbus at the time, but my youngest sister was 12 and in middle school and she certainly felt it in Mentor, Ohio.  I remember the national news had a film of the high school library with books and bookcases all over the floor.

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7 minutes ago, Zella said:

I like the idea of the monthly birthdays rather than the individual ones since that can be a minefield too. I have a real complex about birthdays. I was literally the one kid who was not invited to someone's birthday party in 3rd grade. I still remember that bitch. Her name was Natalie, and she passed out an invitation to everyone but me. And she made super aggressive eye contact with me while she was doing it. By the time the teacher saw what was going on and stopped it, the damage was already done.

That was actually part of why I didn't mind being homeschooled afterward. I had one of those personalities that is very weird on a kid. I wasn't bullied--I was just ignored. I'm still a weird adult, but it is less off-putting to people. I was genuinely bewildered when I went to college and people wanted to be friends with me after my experience in elementary school. 

I was in second grade when that happened.  It was an end of year pool party and I was dumbfounded that all of the girls in my class got invitations except for me when I was invited to her birthday party earlier in the year.  I can't remember the bitch's name, but I do know my mom had a few words with my principal.  I also remember Suzanne the bitchiest kid I have ever met who lived in my neighborhood.  We did go to school together and she was friendly with me outside of school, but never once we got off the bus.  With the way our neighborhood was designed, I could see her backyard from my backyard.  I remember the summer night when she had a sleepover for her birthday, but it was only a handful of girls not the whole class.

I was also a little bit different, and really didn't have that many friends back then.  I know now, their loss.  

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16 minutes ago, Zella said:

I had such a complex about that too! My brother was born in early January and was also bitter that he missed out on those due to Christmas holidays. 

My brother was born December 26, fourth of six kids.  He not only didn't get to celebrate his birthday at school, but he was 12 before my mom let him have his friends come for a birthday party.  The last thing she needed was more kids in her house over Christmas break.  I also remember being less than enthused over cake and ice cream the day after Christmas when we'd been eating nothing but junk for a couple days already.

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Just now, Ohiopirate02 said:

I was in second grade when that happened.  It was an end of year pool party and I was dumbfounded that all of the girls in my class got invitations except for me when I was invited to her birthday party earlier in the year.  I can't remember the bitch's name, but I do know my mom had a few words with my principal.  I also remember Suzanne the bitchiest kid I have ever met who lived in my neighborhood.  We did go to school together and she was friendly with me outside of school, but never once we got off the bus.  With the way our neighborhood was designed, I could see her backyard from my backyard.  I remember the summer night when she had a sleepover for her birthday, but it was only a handful of girls not the whole class.

I was also a little bit different, and really didn't have that many friends back then.  I know now, their loss.  

Ouch that would really sting with you two being neighbors and being able to see the yard. I was raised on a county road with a good 1/2 mile of woods between me and the next neighbor. There weren't other kids on the road really. In retrospect, with both my parents doing shift work, I probably couldn't have attended the stupid birthday party if I wanted to, but that would have traumatized me a lot less than just pointedly not being invited. 

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7 minutes ago, Zella said:

Ouch that would really sting with you two being neighbors and being able to see the yard. I was raised on a county road with a good 1/2 mile of woods between me and the next neighbor. There weren't other kids on the road really. In retrospect, with both my parents doing shift work, I probably couldn't have attended the stupid birthday party if I wanted to, but that would have traumatized me a lot less than just pointedly not being invited. 

Honestly, Suzanne was such a bitch that I wasn't that upset about not being invited.  It was actually pretty funny.  We watched what looked like a lame party from a distance.  Also, because she was a bitch her birthday parties were not that fun.  

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Just now, Ohiopirate02 said:

Honestly, Suzanne was such a bitch that I wasn't that upset about not being invited.  It was actually pretty funny.  We watched what looked like a lame party from a distance.  Also, because she was a bitch her birthday parties were not that fun.  

Haha that works too! I honestly remember nothing about Natalie other than her birthday uninvite. I never remember any encounter with her prior to that or anything else about it. I still remember her horsey face, and that's all I got.  

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@doodlebug, one of my grands’ bday is Dec 27.  I HAAAAAAATE that for her.  It’s hard to get back in the saddle and celebrate when you’ve been junking out since thanksgiving, and coming up with another present idea is dang near impossible.  In years past, we all meet at their house (part of the compound, of course) and sing happy birthday, give her a present, ignore the treats and walk back home.  Seriously, poor baby, we smile - but we’re all thinking “UGH!!!”  She’s a very very agreeable and well adjusted child.  Laid back and happy most of the time.  I rarely ever see her cross-ways.  

that being said, it’ll be interesting to hear what she ways about that December birthday when she’s grown.  

also, just because I ALWAYS tell this story - she was born in the car on the way to hosp.  She was #4, too.  You wouldn’t really think the feel of labor would have been a surprise.  

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39 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

I was a resident when the Challenger blew up, the OB/GYN residents were in their outpatient clinic seeing patients at the time.  To get to the clinic, we had to walk past the residents' lounge.  The senior internal medicine residents spent much of their days playing pool and watching TV down there because that is what medical residents do best.  As we walked past the lounge, a bunch of them were huddled around the TV and when we asked what was up, they told us the shuttle blew up.  We immediately told them that joke was not funny and they were a bunch of sickos (medical residents have a rather dark sense of humor).  We soon found out they weren't kidding.  Isn't it funny how clearly we remember things like that?

I didn't feel the earthquake because I was living in Columbus at the time, but my youngest sister was 12 and in middle school and she certainly felt it in Mentor, Ohio.  I remember the national news had a film of the high school library with books and bookcases all over the floor.

I was in high school when the Challenger blew up. And my psychology teacher was the runner-up for that “teacher in space” spot. So we all watched it live in his class. Terrifying.

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Have you all ever heard of Family Search? It's a website sort of like Ancestry.com but it's run by Mormons, so it's SUPER extensive and all free. I fell down a rabbit hole on Family Search last night because I kept finding more and more on my family.

I don't know anything of my family history beyond my parents and some of my grandparents, because many relatives were killed in the Holocaust and/or were orphaned and their backgrounds were unknown. But there were all kinds of awesome records on Family Search -- scans of the original, hardcopy passenger lists from the ships that my grandparents immigrated to the US on, marriage records from small-town Germany at the turn of the century, birth records from 1868 Ohio! All scans of the original documents! If you're interested in history, I really recommend checking it out. It's wild the stuff that's on there.

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9 minutes ago, rue721 said:

Have you all ever heard of Family Search? It's a website sort of like Ancestry.com but it's run by Mormons, so it's SUPER extensive and all free. I fell down a rabbit hole on Family Search last night because I kept finding more and more on my family.

I don't know anything of my family history beyond my parents and some of my grandparents, because many relatives were killed in the Holocaust and/or were orphaned and their backgrounds were unknown. But there were all kinds of awesome records on Family Search -- scans of the original, hardcopy passenger lists from the ships that my grandparents immigrated to the US on, marriage records from small-town Germany at the turn of the century, birth records from 1868 Ohio! All scans of the original documents! If you're interested in history, I really recommend checking it out. It's wild the stuff that's on there.

I have played around a bit on Family Search.  Ancestry is the commercial arm of Family Search.  Once the Mormons realized that non-Mormons were also interested in genealogy they created Ancestry to get our money.  

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I did something today that I had to wait 2 hours and 20 minutes to do.  I'm not sure I can post it here, so, that's why I wrote it out this way.  You can PM if you want to know.  lol  I don't want to violate any rules, though, I don't think this would. Just being on the safe side. 

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19 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I did something today that I had to wait 2 hours and 20 minutes to do.  I'm not sure I can post it here, so, that's why I wrote it out this way.  You can PM if you want to know.  lol  I don't want to violate any rules, though, I don't think this would. Just being on the safe side. 

I was going to do the same today,  but the line at the closest place was too long after work.   I will try tomorrow or next week.  

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3 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Zoomama, please tell me they finally gave you pain meds? Big sorry hugs to you...

I know the holidays are tough to contemplate...a few months ago my BIL invited us to their house for Christmas/Jewish Christmas Eve (Latkes, deli, bagels, DELICIOUS), but it just doesn’t make sense. It’s two flights and three airports. But with my mother’s death this summer it would have been lovely to have everyone together.

But when I read stuff like this...

Small gatherings driving new cases

Teen spreads virus after negative test

...it just makes sense to stay home. I hear they’re producing smaller turkeys this year just for this reason.



Sound advice. I just read an article about a married couple who invited both sets of parents over for a visit. (I'd link they article but it mentions politics) All six of them ended up getting covid, no one knows who was patient zero, plus eight more relatives. One of the parents and a grandparent, who didn't attend, died.

Its stories like this, that keep my head swirling regarding the upcoming winter holidays.

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Honestly, Suzanne was such a bitch that I wasn't that upset about not being invited.  It was actually pretty funny.  We watched what looked like a lame party from a distance.  Also, because she was a bitch her birthday parties were not that fun.  

I don't really remember being invited to birthday parties, but, honestly, I don't think they were much on my radar. I suppose kids probably had them. I had a couple that my parents made me hand out some invitations for, as I recall, but I certainly didn't invite everyone, because the thought of a crowd was pretty panic-inducing. It's entirely possible that I declined going to some that I was invited to because the thought gave me too much anxiety. I have practically no recollection of parties at all.

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6 minutes ago, Zella said:

I'd played around with Family Search before and liked it (for sources, NOT its family tree function), but had no clue it was connected to Ancestry after all. 


Yeah. Ancestry is based out of Salt Lake City.  I do get the reason for charging because creating and maintaining databases isn't cheap.  Also, Family Search started off as just free databases for searching and the actual records were on microfilm.   You then had to have those rolls of microfilm sent to your local Mormon community who had the resources for you to look.  The reasons why the mormon church collected these records is extremely suspect.  

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I have a neighbor who's granddaughter got married recently.  We had heard about the upcoming wedding, then saw photos online.....well....it was a rather large outdoor wedding, maybe.....80 people.  Photos showed them all close together posing, no masks.......:(     My mom was showing me photos saying, isn't she (the bride) pretty?  Uggghhh, how do I answer that?  It just makes me a little sick.  

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My daughter is engaged and her and her fiancee have set a date for Jun 2021.  But they have also started to talk about a contingency plan if North Carolina is still limiting large gatherings next year.  They will "elope" on the planned wedding day with parents, and siblings in attendance.  No more than 10 people tops.  Then once they are able to have a party then they will get married again, this time by her uncle and have the reception.  I am proud of them for thinking about this already.  Her ex is getting married this weekend and is not limiting attendance. Hopefully it won't be a spreader event.

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I was in the grocery store a month or so ago and there was a big family group shopping together, one guy was on the phone telling someone, they were shopping to buy food for all the family that was in town and that they would send a message with directions to the new wedding location because someone had reported their venue for hosting large groups and the place was closed.

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I get so tired of..I guess the lack of respect.  Even if you don't agree with the group size limits it seems rebellious?  disrespectful?  to ignore what you are told to do.The thought in my head would be  What if I am wrong, what could happen? 

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1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

That would be a guilt trip I could never live with. 

That's exactly what the guy in the article said. He said he feels responsible for his FIL's and grandmother's death. All he did was invite his parents and inlaws over.

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That’s what I say about various churches, like my parents’, that have indoor, unlimited numbers, no mask required, no distancing, etc.  So, what is the legacy of your church if you have a cluster that wipes out several of your deacons, seniors, kids, even the pastor! All those deaths because you were blatantly refusing to follow precautions....strikes me as terribly ignorant and cruel.  Nothing Christian about it. It’s infuriated me so much that I have vowed to never return.  It’s fundie, so bad memories anyway.  

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7 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I was a resident when the Challenger blew up, the OB/GYN residents were in their outpatient clinic seeing patients at the time.  To get to the clinic, we had to walk past the residents' lounge.  The senior internal medicine residents spent much of their days playing pool and watching TV down there because that is what medical residents do best.  As we walked past the lounge, a bunch of them were huddled around the TV and when we asked what was up, they told us the shuttle blew up.  We immediately told them that joke was not funny and they were a bunch of sickos (medical residents have a rather dark sense of humor).  We soon found out they weren't kidding.  Isn't it funny how clearly we remember things like that?

I was waiting tables at a Mexican place that had the TV on in the bar and watched it. I went back to my table of guys on lunch break from somewhere and told them because I was so shocked. They looked at me like, "and where is my margarita?" Then I called my boyfriend at the time and woke him up. When the Columbia broke up on reentry in 2003, my now ex-boyfriend called me (my husband and I were in California by that time) and woke me up, saying he hoped it was not a tradition we would continue.

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7 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Zoomama, please tell me they finally gave you pain meds? Big sorry hugs to you...




nope never ever got an rx for pain meds. told me to take tylenol or motrin over the counter strength.  i have allergies to several and so this is what they left me with - nothing!

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

That’s what I say about various churches, like my parents’, that have indoor, unlimited numbers, no mask required, no distancing, etc.  So, what is the legacy of your church if you have a cluster that wipes out several of your deacons, seniors, kids, even the pastor! All those deaths because you were blatantly refusing to follow precautions....strikes me as terribly ignorant and cruel.  Nothing Christian about it. It’s infuriated me so much that I have vowed to never return.  It’s fundie, so bad memories anyway.  

I took a virtual walking tour of London today and one of the places she showed us was a church in the city of London where you have to walk down stairs to get to the front door of the church. Because so many people in that parish died of the plague that they had to raise the ground. Fourteenth century Londoners didn't necessarily have the means to know better (definitely not germ theory!), but we do. And yet, it's still happening all over this country. (Not the photo, but you can still kinda get the picture LOL)

Edited by Girl in a Cardigan
Adding link to photo of what I'm talking about
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12 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

I don’t know what to make of the whole thing.  It’s so bizarre to me I general.  We both took pay cuts (but we own the company).  Delta took cuts across the board (25% I think).  It looks like everything is running at less than half.  And yet... I see new construction happening all around me.  I know a man currently building the first 3 houses of a new subdivision.  There’s a huge new subdivision of houses between here and the shop - it’s filling nicely and they’ve cleared the roads for the second phase.  One of our main customers at the shop is a shuttle service for Medicare/medicaid patients and they are running less than 50%.  Our main shuttle service for airport parking is running 7 buses out of 100.  Hotels are empty.  Restaurants have adjusted to delivery but aren’t nearly at full speed.  But.  The construction.  Who IS it functioning at full speed buying up new construction???  Near my son, three brand new houses have just completed and sold.  Since March.  And all this other new stuff.  

I must not be a risk taker in my heart.  It actually gives me some anxiety when I see them breaking ground for new construction.  I’m all about growth - but I’m far more into security.  If someone even lightly suggested right now “let’s build a new house” or buy a car (and I neeeeeeeeeeed a car, I truly do!) I just can’t!!!!!  I would laugh for DAYS if someone told me I had to commit right now.  In fact, we had a muuuuuuuuch nicer, roomier, upscale house before buying my parents place and moving to a shoebox -  but ended up with half the note in the process (and There is some vindication in THAT!!!).  
I just don’t understand.  With the guy entire country operating at 30-50%, why aren’t we in far worse trouble financially???  Anyone besides me remember the interest rate being 22%?  Gas prices shot through the roof and crippled the entire country.  I can’t wrap my head around this dichotomy of having no money but getting in position to spend money. 
This always reminds me of My years in HR.  (Which is where I learned the art of breathing under pessimism in the first place probably).  If someone was really truly struggling in a job, just not making the changes, or just not quite able to perform, and people were meeting about them - maybe their boss was coming to see me, lining up the “squad” - that PERSON would come driving in to work in a brand new car.   The logic escapes me.  Alligators up your BUTT, dude, and you’re over at the dealership that night.  They LEFT in style I guess...

I know there IS an explanation,  I know my brain just doesn’t work that way.  

Well, my new house closes in two weeks.  The entire project is sold out, and they are so busy there are extra crews working.  My house was supposed to be done a month ago, but the slow supply chain made getting needed items very hard.  So now they are working at least double time to finish.  My former house sold very quickly (faster than I expected) so I have been "camping" in my parent's empty house.  So I am ready for my move.  I still have to make the four hour drive three more times for the walk-through, closing, and meeting the movers, but, at last, the end is in sight.  Then I can spend the next 5 months emptying the 200 hundred thousand boxes (It really does   seems like that many).  I'm old, and decided that I'm ready for a new adventure, so off I go!   I just hope my cats do ok on the move.

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