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S29.E09: Gettin' To Crunch Time

Tara Ariano

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First up, the immunity challenge was after Tarzan, who'd say "The game is afoot" a lot. Or something. Seriously, I blocked out that season, because it probably sucked copious amounts of ass. But it's probably a diamond compared to this season. Aside from Natalie, I don't think there's anyone worth rooting for. Can somebody make a case for any of the eight other contestants?


Yeah, that was a blindside. Jeremy should've turned on Jon. Actually, Jeremy should never have given up his reward. Now he and Natalie look like chumps giving Jon & Jaclyn their gratitude. And Reed should have been smacked for rummaging through Keith's belongings. (Pause while I spit) I get the whole "I'm gonna burn the camp down before I leave" attitude, but there's some shit you should never do. In a perfect world, Probst would have smacked Reed on the hand for that offense.


As for the immunity challenge? Kind of lame, if you ask me. Maybe they should have used their hands while blindfolded. It didn't make for compelling television.

  • Love 2

I think Exile Island is cruel and needs to go. I also want this blood crap to go. The automatic voting pairings remove some of the fun for me. Despite some of the end votes being a surprise, I feel like the fluidity of the votes and alliances is limited. Also, there just isn't much to talk about with so many people having a companion to keep them grounded. Individuals behave differently, and I think in a more interesting manner.

  • Love 9

Well, I realized that I'm probably rooting for Natalie since my first thought was, "oh my poor Nat!"   It's sort of sad that I hadn't yet really decided on someone to root for until now.  


Jonclyn and Bassy might have made this move to early.  They have no majority without Natalie.  They might be able to recruit Reed since Reed's alliance voted for him, though he'll likely understand those votes were strategic rather than actually flipping on alliance.  Jonclyn and Bassy could also try to team up with Keith and Wes so that it becomes the couples battling it out.  When there are this many variables, you know the move was too early.  Still, Jonclyn was sort of backed into a corner as they risked having their alliance turn on them in the next three days when questions of the exile island idol become more vocal.


It was nice to have an actual blindside.  It really annoys me when players toss out blindside for every little vote.  This time, Jeremy had good reason to think he was safe.  No one but the four knew about a potential Jeremy vote.  Members of both alliances were blindsided.  The editing also allowed the audience to feel a bit of the blindside.  It's the first time in years that I think a #blindside should be allowed.  


I was really hoping Keith didn't play the idol.  The man is a bit of an airhead but I didn't want him to be a complete idiot.  Also, I don't know if this says something about me but I really have no problem with players going through other people's stuff.  If it's not against the rules, it's free game.  Totally different story in real life, same as lying and cheating and all that nasty stuff.  


I hope Natalie can manage to stay in the game.  If she doesn't, I'll be so sad that the only person I grudgingly root for is out of the game.  One good thing about her is that she seems to be doing well with the social part of the game.   She's also not incompetent at the IC's so she has a good shot at winning immunity. I hope there isn't a third HII somewhere in camp.  That's too many HII's at one time, but glad she'll be looking nonetheless.  It might be a good idea for her to team up with the alliance that still has singles left.  She can help them vote of Jonclyn and Bassy and then use Reed and Alec to get rid of Wes and Keith so that the singles battle it out.  The only downside to that is that if it's a final three, Reed would be the only one with a loved one on the jury.  Still, gives Nat a good shot.  

Edited by bluebonnet
  • Love 1
I have been very impressed with Natalie's game play lately.  She was the one who asked Jeff if they could trade the reward with another player, which was a smart move to make.  It wasn't enough to keep John and Jaclyn loyal, but it was still a clever move to make.


Watching season after season, I've seen many contestants try to kiss ass and curry favour from power players by giving them rewards.  I don't remember ever seeing it work for someone.    Am I wrong?  I don't find it clever at all.  How was it smart, and how did it help her?   If Jeremy was just going along with what Natalie did and put no thought behind it, it kind of inadvertently cost him the game.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 7

I think Missy jumped off the board in the IC as opposed to losing her balance. She took the fall for Baylor. When Baylor was sitting in that thick grass that looked like cornstalks I was reminded of commercials for The Bachelor where Chris is out standing in his cornfield. I wouldn't be surprised if Natalie started a stealth alliance with the boys while being faux friends with Missy and Baylor.

I also want this blood crap to go. The automatic voting pairings remove some of the fun for me. Despite some of the end votes being a surprise, I feel like the fluidity of the votes and alliances is limited. Also, there just isn't much to talk about with so many people having a companion to keep them grounded. Individuals behave differently, and I think in a more interesting manner.


Couldn't agree more. The idea was only mildly interesting the first time around. I have no idea why they went back to the well. It really seems like they want to manufacture drama and have relatives turn on each other, but that's not going to happen. 

  • Love 3
She was the one who asked Jeff if they could trade the reward with another player, which was a smart move to make.  It wasn't enough to keep John and Jaclyn loyal, but it was still a clever move to make.



When she first asked it, I thought she was doing it to make sure that J&J weren't left with Keith, who might have tried to get them to flip again.  I was surprised when they said they were doing it to thank them for their loyalty.  I do think it would have worked to keep J&J loyal to them, though, for a while at least.  Where it went wrong was in Jeremy letting Jon know that he was wondering if Jon had the idol.  It would have been better if Jeremy had come back from EI saying he didn't find the idol and that they'd better continue to make sure they sent a member of their alliance to EI next time to look again as if he had no suspicions that Jon might have the idol.

Edited by ElleryAnne
  • Love 3

As for the immunity challenge? Kind of lame, if you ask me. Maybe they should have used their hands while blindfolded. It didn't make for compelling television.


I kind of liked it.  I knew Baylor would probably win, shorter legs and smaller feet had a definite advantage.  I have long legs like Reed - they would have been under my chin.  I'm not complaining though, most challenges are geared at strength.  My only complaint was the close ups of those feet.  Yuck!  Someone had a giant big toe that crossed over one of the other toes.  Very distracting.


I enjoyed the reward challenge.  Loved Jaclyn shoving at Natalie, then falling off while Natalie doesn't budge.  That girl is athletic and solid.  Also liked dumb Alec tipping over backwards like a board.  Did not enjoy another mother (who's clearly stronger than her daughter) take a dive for their spoiled brat.  My dad never let me win at board games - ever.  When I was about seven, my mom explained during a kickball game that she was the catcher, and she will tag me out - regardless of how cute I was.  These mothers do these young women no favors.

  • Love 7

Keith might be the worst Survivor player I have ever seen. I think its a dumb move for both Keith/Wes and Jaclyn/Jon not communicating with each other. Survivor is a SOCIAL GAME you should have good relationships with everyone. Natalie's what the eff Missy was hilarious.


True, but Jaclyn kills me cause she feels entitled that people have to approach her and this is the second episode where she's mentioned this and she's not taking any initiative herself to speak to either Wes or Keith. When Jon was on Exile, she was expecting Wes, Alec, and Keith to approach her, why didn't she approach them to see where they stand since Jon was in an alliance with them. She could have went to them and validated some things on where things stand and whatnot. She just feels entitled because her and Jon are the "power couple" who can turn the game around just like that with their voting. As Wes turned the question back on her, why didn't she come to them.


As mentioned at TC tonight by Jon, Wes and Keith have approached Jon and Jaclyn before in asking for their votes. So they've at least done it once but Jaclyn has never done it. So she can take several seats with her entitled ass acting like she's on a throne and people have to come throw themselves at her or else be sent to the dragons to be eaten.

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 4


True, but Jaclyn kills me cause she feels entitled that people have to approach her and this is the second episode where she's mentioned this and she's not taking any initiative herself to speak to either Wes or Keith. When Jon was on Exile, she was expecting Wes, Alec, and Keith to approach her, why didn't she approach them to see where they stand since Jon was in an alliance with them. She could have went to them and validated some things on where things stand and whatnot. She just feels entitled because her and Jon are the "power couple" who can turn the game around just like that with their voting. As Wes turned the question back on her, why didn't she come to them.


As mentioned at TC tonight by Jon, Wes and Keith have approached Jon and Jaclyn before in asking for their votes. So they've at least done it once but Jaclyn has never done it. So she can take several seats with her entitled ass acting like she's on a throne and people have to come throw themselves at her or else be sent to the dragons to be eaten.

I agree. Jaclyn is getting way too comfortable. I think Jon & Jaclyn really burned some bridges. Granted I have been wrong all season with my predictions.

  • Love 4

Poor move by Jon and Jaclyn. They potentially alienate Natalie. They only had a 6-4 advantage. If Natalie joins up with Wes, Keith, Alec and Reed, now Jon/Jaclyn and Missy/Baylor are in the minority. All this because he didn't want Jeremy to know he had the idol. Should have waited one more vote before getting rid of Jeremy. Or, you know, just share with him that you have it. He was one of their closest allies after all.

  • Love 8

I think Natalie is playing a much more strategic game than we're being shown.  I wish we had more talking heads from her (and this is coming from someone who could not stand the Twinnies on AR).  


I was really hoping for the Nat/Jer alliance to turn on Jon because he lied about the idol, and I was really disappointed that they didn't  Actually, I'm pissed, and I'm a little concerned about how upset I am over a tv show.

I want to think that J&J and M&B just screwed themselves.  Reed voted with them tonight because it saved him from what he thought was a sure boot, but I didn't get the impression that he felt any loyalty to them; after all, they were the ones behind Josh's boot. We're getting close to time for people to start thinking about F4 or F3, and having any couples around at that point is obviously a terrible idea for any singles left.  With those two couples aligning in to a foursome, they become a major voting block, and so they should be huge targets.  I hope that the others realize that and band together and start picking them off.  Nat, Reed, Keith, Wes, and Alec tops their 4 votes. Jon's idol requires a little more nuance to pick them off, lest he plays it and the votes come back to one of them, but if Reed and/ or Nat can convince the foursome that he/ she is still voting with them while actually planning to vote against them, it could work.  And it would make me very happy.  I cannot stand J&J and M&B.  M&B seem like just horrible people, and J&J seem to be a combination of entitled and self-congratulatory and stupid.  


Unfortunately, I'm not sure any of these people are smart enough to do anything other than get passively voted off.  

  • Love 5

It made my stomach a little queasy when Josh came in for "jury duty" and Reed was looking him up and down like in the cartoons when someone looks at a character and just sees a huge steak... and their constant winking and eying back and forth was even worse imho than the constant PDA parade that is J&J. Just another reason to love this terrible BvW set-up.


J&J are officially flip floppers since they just flipped to go with one alliance then they flip on the alliance they just flipped to. The hell?? Just so big dumb Jon doesn't have to share that he has an idol with his so-called alliance. A little "Aw shit man, there was no good way to get to you before you went to exile that i got the idol so I know you had a shitty couple of days but realize we have an idol and if I get any wind of you being in trouble, it's yours. I'm really sorry about that."


But instead flip flop like the fish at the end of that Faith No More video. Stupid! At least try to run it past him and if he doesn't seem to be holding a grudge you're good. He makes a fuss etc. then you vote him out next time... soon they'll be on an island with nothing but burnt bridges to escape. Having only one idol ain't gonna do ya any good at that point so where did this reallly get you??


Congrats, you two are boneheads drunk on your own "power".


Oh and I thought partially reclined with your legs outstretched was an awkward angle to be shooting female contestants but maybe it was only me.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 3

I'm sorry if I missed it, but how was the foot challenge a tribute to Caleb? Is there some obvious link that I'm missing? Also, I think 2 nights in exile is way too long.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I was answering whether or not they found out about Caleb during filming, which: yes, they did. That the challenge was a "tribute" to a previous player was a separate issue, and I think, perhaps an off-hand joke by Probst.

  • Love 1

As much as I'm glad Reed is still around, he lost lots of points with me for going through Keith's bag. It might be allowed within the rules, and all's fair in love and war in the altered "reality" of the game, but it's still mean. But then again, if Keith is stupid enough to leave the rules AND the idol (He said it was wrapped in his jeans.) in his bag for anyone to rummage, especially after everyone went through Julie's bag, then he deserves to have that knowledge go public. Burn the clue like Jon did and hide the idol somewhere.


Jeff, now *THAT* was a blindside, hashtag and all, Yet, because you hardly mentioned, it's hardly referenced as such by the show. And it was the biggest blindside this season, and better than many others you've labeled a blindside. it blindsided the victim, the other side, and the audience. Or at least, I didn't see that coming and was going "WTF?!?!" right along with Natalie. Kudos to the editors for not giving that away, but bad on them and the graphics department for not giving it the labeling it deserved.


Finally, while I didn't like Jeremy for several reasons, his body was rockin' those boxer briefs during the reward challenge like no one's business. I was shocked he didn't get the bulge blur of doom like most guys. I eagerly await the screen captures and videos. I almost felt sorry for him being voted out after giving up the reward.


See folks, this is why you vote out the wibbly-wobbly ones first. Because eventually, they'll teeter back to the other side when it suits them best despite your alliance. And Jaclyn, honey, Keith is just not that into you. OK? Get over it. He doesn't want to talk to you and I don't blame him one bit. That said, the neanderthals sure turned on Reed quickly, for all the good it did them.


Overall, that surprise ending made up for a relatively boring episode.

  • Love 6

I have no idea why Jaclyn kept flinging herself at Natalie during the reward challenge. She's larger, and has a much lower center of gravity, there's no way J windmilling her toothpick arms was going to budge her from that platform. I like how Keith knew all he had to do was stand there and let Alec wear himself out. 


Damn, take their reward and promptly stab them in the back. It would have been a good move in a few weeks, imo. Now there are too many moving parts, and the entire tribe has open wounds from when J&J backstabbed everyone, repeatedly. They gave it no time to settle down, or build back up credibility before they launched another backstab. As stated above, one idol can't save two people. 


Ugh, so lame. Natalie and Jeremy were my favorite suballiance left. They hustled like champs, but not much you can do when your side is full of weasels. Glad Missy got coated head-to-toe with mud, I'm so sick of her. She gave Baylor a pretty serious death-glare when Baylor gave her a helping shove into the mud on the first round. I don't think she threw this one. 


If Natalie gets taken out next, I am again done with the Survivor season. It's like Tasha getting voted out all over again. Ughhhh.

Edited by rozen
  • Love 2

This season just got AMAZING! I was thinking just before I watched, "Man it would be good to see Jeremy get voted out, just to see the two "power" players voted out 1-2.  Ain't gonna happen though." And it DID!  And now I want to see power player #3 John out next, then Reed, and in the end I want to see Keith win because he is hilarious and that would be a hilarious ending.  Except that I do hate that Natalie is screwed now (Twinnies for life man, twinnies for life!). Anyway, this show always gets good at the merge. I'm loving it, and I still like all the players except that dumbass Alec (Alex? whatever).

  • Love 2

Oh, but I was thinking: were the alliance of 6 really planning on splitting the votes between Reed and Keith?  Because they didn't have enough votes to make that happen.  If they split it 3-3 then Reed's group of 4 could have voted out any of the 6 without even having to play an idol. They would have had to put at least 4 votes on Keith to get the idol out, but even then if Keith played the idol then Reed's group could have voted out one of the 6.  There was no safe move at that TC.  I wonder what Jeremy and Natalie's plan was -- they both voted for Keith.

  • Love 1

I'm not sure why Jon thinks voting out Jeremy keeps his idol a secret.  Doesn't he realize Jeremy and Natalie are tight?  I hope Natalie sings it from the rooftops.

Yep, it's time for Natalie to do to Jon what she did to Rocker, call him out in front of everyone. She's got nothing to lose at this point and it might gain her some allies from those who've been trusting Jon blindly.

  • Love 6
It made my stomach a little queasy when Josh came in for "jury duty" and Reed was looking him up and down like in the cartoons when someone looks at a character and just sees a huge steak... and their constant winking and eying back and forth was even worse imho than the constant PDA parade that is J&J. Just another reason to love this terrible BvW set-up.​


Reed was like a cartoon character looking at a steak?  I have to disagree.  Reed and Josh did look at each other and make some facial expressions to express their feelings, but it wasn't cartoonish; it was no different than other loved ones have looked at each other in these situations.  From what I saw, they didn't do anything to induce nausea.  Jon and Jaclyn were much more over the top with the PDA in this episode (and most of the others).  How is Reed and Josh acknowledging each other during tribal with a wink and a smile worse than J&J smooching and rubbing on each other all over camp and on the reward?  Does them being gay make it worse for you somehow?  


Edited by Turtle
  • Love 15

Finally!  This season finally got interesting.  Jon and Jaclyn really do believe their self proclamations of being the 'power couple'.  Jeremy overplayed his strategy of trying to figure out if Jon had the idol.  Mention it once and move on; instead he kept digging because Jon didn't give him the answer he wanted.  Just a casual toss out may not have alert Jon that Jeremy suspected that he had the idol.  But, Jeremy just couldn't let it go.  Jeremy also believed his self proclaimed title of 'being the only one playing the game {after Josh was voted out)'.   And, I agree with others that Jaclyn totally has a self entitled perspective and has probably always had people seeking her out and is dumbfounded that the guys on the other alliance aren't all after her and begging for her attention.  I couldn't believe that she brought it up during this tribal council after beating it to death at the previous one.


I think that Missy and Keith may have a secret alliance.  Not a primary alliance; I think they do talk with each other outside of yelling at each other.  Keith has certainly watched out for her-he helped her out of the mud pit and last week he said not to send Missy to Exile Island when they were talking about who to send.  I also think that Keith is trying to figure out strategy and quite frankly, I would like to see him win especially due to how it looks like the main alliances have treated and viewed him.


Hopefully Natalie will join the other alliance after having her own alliance turn on her by voting out Jeremy.  And, although she made several attempts to cement loyalty, everyone knew exactly what she was doing and she did not cement any alliances with her self-sacrifice.


This season now has the potential to get really interesting...

  • Love 2

Remember that cheerleader's mother who was in the news a few years back?   She impersonated a teenage boy online and drove one of her daughters' high school rivals to heartbreak and suicide.


That's who Missy brings to mind.   Can't stand her.  


The John and Jaclyn show must end.   I'm sick of their PDA's and the way they present themselves like they're so upstanding when in fact they're a couple of treacherous weasels.    How many people have they stabbed in the back now?   This time they did it to a guy who gave up his reward to thank them for their loyalty. 


By the way, Jeremy, that was pretty stupid.   No good deed on Survivor goes unpunished.  Never give up a reward.   Never give away your immunity to another.   And never ever take a Tina or Tony to tribal because it's the "honorable" thing to do. 


Hate Reed.   Hate anyone who goes through other people's bags.    Talking about it like you're so fucking precious doesn't make it any better. 


I don't like anyone this season.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 8

Let me make sure I have this right.  Votes were:

for Jeremy:  Jon, Jaclyn, Missy, Baylor, Reed

for Reed:  Keith, Wes, Alex

for Keith:  Jeremy, Natalie


Keith suspected that Reed was gone or he would have played the idol.  Reed figured he was safe because he went over to the J&J crowd.  One thing you can say about this season (maybe B&W) is that the alliances are very fluid.  The merge was 2 weeks ago and everyone except Jeremy and Natalie threw someone of their own alliance under the bus.  It's only the couples (maybe except for Keith and Wes) that are bonded.  What will Nat and Reed do next week?  Stick with their original alliance or jump to the other after being betrayed?  Maybe every one of the players is unlikeable but at the point it's anyone's game.  Keep us viewers guessing.  It's a lot more interesting than a pagonging.

  • Love 6
I agree 100% with both statements.  It was at least one vote too soon to turn on the alliance of 6.  They needed to take out more people on the other side so that they could keep the numbers.  Now, the tribe split is 5-4.  That leaves them dangerously vulnerable to an idol.  It also leaves them vulnerable to a defection, which is very possible because Natalie just lost her #1 ally and may flip simply out of spite.  I wouldn't blame her.


Missy, Baylor, Jaclyn and Jon still are in the majority since Reed could very well be their fifth now, as he voted with them to oust Jeremy.  So it's those five against Natalie and the three boors, with each side still having an idol.  It's interesting, Missy/Baylor and Jon/Jaclyn could each see the other pair as their goats --- nobody seems to care for M/B and now J/J have backstabbed everyone at least once, so each couple may think the other is persona non grata.  It's the Tony Vlachos/Brian Heidik move of "you may hate me, but you hate my F2/F3 competitor even more, so I'll get your vote."


I've got to say, the last two episodes have really gotten this season on track.  This is still far from being a classic, or even a good, Survivor season, yet when you build most of the pre-merge narrative around two people and they're the first two voted onto the jury, that definitely throws things up in the air.

  • Love 4

It really seems like they want to manufacture drama and have relatives turn on each other, but that's not going to happen.

Cierra, in the original Blood vs. Water, voted her mom out and she didn't even really have to because all the votes were already going to Laura. But she wanted to show her alliance how loyal she was to them, that she would even vote her own mother out.

I don't think Reed was ever locked into the guys alliance or they to him.  They were Josh's crew and Reed just attached himself to them once they merged.   


It can't be said enough what a dumb move it is to give up rewards/immunity on this show.  The desired result is never achieved.  Missy obviously did not appreciate Jeremy & Nat's attempt to build loyalty with J & J either.  Every single person out there saw through it.  I thought it would work for at least one tribal though!  Despise Missy but getting Jeremy out was good for her game.  



  • Love 1

I will be curious to see the Missy & Natalie fall out. I always thought that Missy liked Natalie & has been working with her from the beginning, right? Is Missy totally cutting Natalie out? Will she still work with her? Will Natalie go rouge? The one thing we can depend on is that Baylor "love you, Bay" will do exactly what Mamma says. Gawd! I hope Baylor doesn't make the finals. I'll give her credit for wining Imunity but I can't stand her.

The bad news for Natalie is she doesn't have anywhere to go. It's not like she's gonna go team up with the fart and spit bros. Her best bet is to stick with Missy, who I don't see cutting her out.

Why not? I think it was inferred even during the "the guys are gross" segment that they actually get along with Natalie and last night during the Tribal Council discussion, I swear both Keith and Wes mentioned her as one of the women they talk to. And I can see that. Natalie does have something of a tomboy personality about her and comes across as what people would call a guy's girl. So, and especially with how unpredictable this episode was, I wouldn't be so quick to assume she wouldn't work with them if she had to.

  • Love 5

BEST EPISODE OF THE SEASON! Wow! So first of all the mud challenge neck and neck the whole time and Jeremy and Natalie make a great move by giving up there reward for Jacklyn and Jon to further them in the game very smart move on their part (at least I thought so at first lol) Then the immunity challenge building a stack using only your feet seriously!! That was insane they need to have more feet challenges on Survivor I really enjoyed that. Now its time for Reed to stir up chaos at the camp. While it may have been wrong for him to go into Keiths bag its survivor and Reed did what he had to do. Reed reminded me of Spencer from last season " never go down without a fight". Then its tribal council oh yeah baby biggest blindside of the season Jeremy voted out! I know there are many Jeremy fans around here but I was NOT one of them the guy played with too much emotion. Kev89 and I were just talking a few weeks back how Jeremy would be an early jury boot and thats exactly what happened. I love big moves and this was a big move. Yeah it sucks that Jeremy gave up his reward to Jon and Jacklyn and they burned him but hey its survivor baby if you cant handle lying and manipulation dont come on the show!!! Josh and Jeremy the two leaders of the game are both out. So next Id like to see Jon or Jacklyn go. They are clearly running the show and Ms Jacklyn is waaaay to comfortable! Im really looking forward to the next episode. Will Natalie get revenge and take out a huge target like Jon? Will the idols finally be put into play at tribal? And who will win the next immunity challenge oh the suspense. Great episode!

  • Love 1

I still think Missy fell off the board on purpose and it's not because it's "what I wanted to see", as someone said above.


However, I wonder if Natalie will start playing both sides.  She could go to the Fart Team and say how she feels betrayed by Jon and Jaclyn and make plans to vote Jaclyn out.  Then she could go to Reed, Missy and Baylor and say how she and the Fart Team are thinking about voting Jon out.  Either Missy can tattle to Jon about this or Natalie can tell Jon that the Fart Team is going to vote for him.  The goal is to make Jon get scared and play his idol, but actually Jaclyn gets voted out.  Natalie, Wes, Keith, Alec and Reed would be enough votes for Jaclyn.  The key to making this work is to keep the Jaclyn vote secret and to let Jon believe he is going to get voted out.  Of course if either win immunity then the plan has to change.  I think Natalie is enough of a strategist to make this work.  Now the show's really interesting!

  • Love 1

I have no idea why Jaclyn kept flinging herself at Natalie during the reward challenge. She's larger, and has a much lower center of gravity, there's no way J windmilling her toothpick arms was going to budge her from that platform. I like how Keith knew all he had to do was stand there and let Alec wear himself out. 

Have you ever hit someone in the back of their knee and watched as their leg buckled?  I kept wondering why no one tried that move.

  • Love 2

I didn't mind Reed going through Keith's bag.  This is for $1M.  It's not against the rules.  Keith was stupid to keep that paper in there.  Why not just keep the idol in there, too, if you're going to keep proof you have it?  Or keep an eye on your bag if you have important game intel in it.


I don't mind it either. This is a game in which abuse of trust is accepted. All that matters is how a player mitigates the repercussions of their actions, and Reed managed to violate someone's privacy without being caught. So within the game, it's no worse than lying without getting caught. Actually, this game has evolved to the point that the harshest deception imaginable would still be considered gameplay because it's accepted by the people who make the rules (up as they go). I don't understand why going through someone's stuff, when this has been accepted by production all along, is anything other than a game move. Are we back to judging game moves as if they were real life actions? If so, why pick and choose? Is lying and betrayal not offensive in normal life? Why is property so sacred? Why is the sky blue?

Edited by Liqidclark
  • Love 10

This season. Oof. What a train wreck.

It really is. The editing is insanely terrible. But honestly now I'm thinking this season is kinda awesomely bad. Everyone is really dumb and they are all making bad moves, which is kinda fun. And not really caring about any of them makes it easier to watch because I'm not worried about my fave getting booted.


Didn't like Reed going through Keith's things, if he's playing the game come up with something else or start a rumor or something but don't go through someone's bag. I agree with Keith right there on that one, but I can't remember if he went through Julie's stuff or not, mostly seen Baylor and Alec do that.


The only person I remember seeing actually get in Julie's bag was Jon. But every single person not named Julie was in on it, so Keith can get off his high horse.


I'm sort of excited about the prospect of watching a bunch of horrible people turn on each other but worry too that somehow this bunch will make even that boring.


Yea, I'm kind of afraid that these people will just go the boring route, but there is actually a lot of potential for this season to be interesting now. For one, the two people with the big, obvious winner's edit are now both gone. Hopefully Jon goes next and then who knows who wins! I can't decide if the editing is so bad on purpose or not.


Finally, while I didn't like Jeremy for several reasons, his body was rockin' those boxer briefs during the reward challenge like no one's business.




I don't understand why going through someone's stuff, when this has been accepted by production all along, is anything other than a game move. Are we back to judging game moves as if they were real life actions? If so, why pick and choose? Is lying and betrayal not offensive in normal life? Why is property so sacred? Why is the sky blue?

That's the thing though. Everyone has their limits. Some people don't even accept lying in the game, some think going through bags is a step too far, some think anything goes. Within the game, the players have to determine what each person's limits are and use that to get votes to win. I love that.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Having to do the puzzle using only their feet made me think the producers saw a clip of Bethany on The Amazing Race using her feet and decided to copy that idea. But, since both shows are airing now, guess I'm wrong.

Well the World Cup was this year, so "no hands" contests got a lot of press recently :-)

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That was a strange episode with dumb moves all around. Jon and Jaclyn notice that there are still people they haven't flipped on so they decide to get on that right away. Jeremy and Natalie giving up their reward to J&J may have antagonized Missy, at least judging by the look on her face when it happened and whenever anyone talked about it. Missy betrays her earliest and closest allies either because of that or because Jon, who's still technically single and a boy, paid attention to her. Baylor takes her thumb out of her butt long enough to vote for who her mom tells her to vote for. And then Keith, Wes, and Alec do the smart thing in considering what the other side will do and adjust accordingly. It didn't go the way they expected because they were out of the loop, but when Team Fart seems to be executing more strategy than the rest, you know it's not a good season.


I didn't love Jeremy, but I disliked him less than most of the rest of them, so I was sorry that he was voted out. I do still like Natalie (I feel weird saying that), but I almost hope Alec wins because he would be a fitting winner for this terrible season of boring, bonehead, obnoxious players.


I wish that woman who buried Special Agent Phil's swim trunks would show up and bury Missy's fringed bikini. Stupidest swimsuit ever.

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I wish the couples would all be broken up.  While having people voting in pairs changes the ways to strategize, which should put a new spin on the gmae, it doesn't seem to make things more interesting.  But I don't see the couples breaking up.  There are 3 couples left in the game, how do you convince a couple that it is a good idea to break up a couple.  I don't think voting out Keith/Wes will be a problem, because they are in the minority, but Missy/Baylor and J/J are destined to make it to the end. I suppose Alec would be dumb enough to go to one of the couples and say "Hey, no one else has the balls to say this, but we should break up all the couples."  My only hope is that Natalie and Reed join the farters and burpers.



I liked Jaclyn until tribal council.  We picked the right side because the others wouldn't have given up reward for us? That shouldn't be the basis for picking an alliance it is all about getting further in the game.  I think it's started to go to their heads.


I think Jaclyn was busy getting a pedicure (how can you expect people to kiss your feet if they aren't properly groomed?) while Jon watched Survivor.  She doesn't seem to understand the game.  


I have no idea why Jaclyn kept flinging herself at Natalie during the reward challenge. She's larger, and has a much lower center of gravity, there's no way J windmilling her toothpick arms was going to budge her from that platform. I like how Keith knew all he had to do was stand there and let Alec wear himself out. 


Apparently, Jaclyn assumed Natalie would do the same thing everyone else does when Jaclyn waves her hand in the air - bow to her. The bowing would make Natalie lose her balance and fall off the log. 

I don't understand why going through someone's stuff, when this has been accepted by production all along, is anything other than a game move.

I'm not sure that is has been accepted all along.  I was sure that this was really verboten when the show started, along with stealing things and making personal threats.  We've seen stealing many times now and even the odd direct threat (which was dealt with by production, albeit not exactly swiftly). 


If it is was forbidden before but allowed now, I can see why.  It does add something to the mix, but I remain convinced that such acts have to be cleared first.  Going though other folk's stuff is just too good a move to simply do every now and then - I'd be searching every chance I got.  I mean why not?  You might find something game-changing.  


Along those lines, why did that guy with the idol (bad with names, old guy) keep the farking clue? He knew it was tantamount to announcing that he probably has an idol (which paints a target on him) so why not throw it away?  It's things like this that make me wonder what's really going behind the scenes.

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