Rai November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 There's actually something a little meta about Iris being in danger because of a blog, considering the continuing online controversy about cyber harrassment. A woman writes/records/says something and gets a hailstorm of death threats and viciously ugly insults. So, while it's sort of a dopey hook to get Iris into her future newsreporting career, this guy coming after her for what she wrote about is actually quite topical and done so in a subtle way (probably so subtle that no one in the writing room intended that message, but it still popped up). I dig that, even if I still just sort of tolerate Iris. At least the actress isn't horrible. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-581845
Carrie Ann November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 That's actually such a great point that I didn't consider at all, because it was buried in the usual damsel tropes. I mean, Iris herself rose above those tropes, but I wasn't thinking critically about that side of the story because it was so expected. But again, another situation that just made it clear that whatever danger Iris could face because of The Flash, it's too late. She's bringing the attention her way because of the blog, so why not just tell her it's Barry? Even if she keeps writing about him, which she probably would, how does it put her in any MORE danger to know his identity at this point? 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-581951
cambridgeguy November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) Barry cannot fight at all, can he? I guess Joe didn't get very far with those boxing lessons. Barry should carry around a baton if he needs to hit people given his poor punching skills. Even with his advanced healing he can still feel pain AND burns through drugs too fast for any painkiller to work. Iris not backing down from her story isn't the same as what the guys are doing. Joe and Eddie are cops, trained to deal with baddies. If they knowingly confront someone with superpowers then they're being idiots, not courageous, and even then it's still part of the job description. Likewise, Barry has superspeed and I'd argue his going after Girder at his hideout without a plan was stupid, not brave. Iris is not the Flash's publicist (nor a paid reporter), she's been asked by the man himself to stop writing about him, and she was kidnapped solely because of her blog. Pulling the fire alarm and risking retribution was brave, as was punching Girder. The blog is dubious and will become irrelevant as more people start noticing Barry unless she starts publishing exclusive interviews. Edited November 19, 2014 by cambridgeguy 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582133
Grace19 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 My love for Iris keeps growing. Its funny that a woman that refuses to back down from a story because its dangerous is not seen as brave. Its not like barry, joe and eddie are not in danger, it should appy to them too. I love what the writers are doing. Eddie is definitly reverse flash, I refuse to think different till I see otherwise. Lol. My favourite scenes were: - joe/wells - Iris and barry when he gave her the hint for his name. I was suprised that the chemistry between them here surpassed the iris/flash chemistry last week. - The final scene. Please dont kill joe! This show is just great. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582171
Kromm November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Seems to me that the idea that there might have been an earlier particle accelerator is a FAR less harmful idea for Wells' sake for Joe to be looking into than maybe... a supervillain with the same powers as Barry who can time travel. I suppose we ought to start fearing a season end death for Joe. Something better not happen to Joe, show. I know a lot of people are saying that this is too telegraphed (and that Wells ain't the baddie because it's too obvious), but I think this could be a case where they're not going to pull out a solution from their asses and just go with the obvious. And if so? Joe is toast. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582362
Xenith22 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) I enjoyed this episode but why the hell did they basically make Iris and Barry brother and sister Apart from the fact the actors play it as siblings, it meant several conversations in the episode made little sense or were even skeevy. They are not actually brother and sister. They are not related by either blood or even marriage. Joe took Barry in as a legal guardian for probably about 10 or so years until he was a legal adult. That's it. Not anymore skeevy than any guy who has feelings for someone who was once a gradeschool friend and playmate. That being said, calling out Flash on the blog like that? That was pretty dumb. Establish an email or something. Also Iris being in danger because that ape read her blog? Yea right. Like someone like that would bother reading blogs. I know they're trying to establish the blog was dangerous, but come up with something more believable She does not have the Flash's email and it could be risky to give her one as emails can certainly be traced? Also Tony is not a regular reader of Iris' blog, he just said that after his encounter he looked for information on the speedster. At this point no major media has said anything and Iris is presumably the only one writing about the Central City speedster with any kind of detail, so it certainly makes sense that he would have found her blog. Joe is toast. No doubt about it...this is the CW where the expected lifespan of characters over a certain age is usually quite finite. I think the only question is who gets cooked first Joe West or Quentin Lance on Arrow... Edited November 19, 2014 by Xenith22 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582403
Kromm November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Okay, hello again Ronnie Raymond. Firestorm has entered the building, even if we haven't seen him yet. BTW: Objectively (if there was no history behind either) is The Flash REALLY any better a name than The Streak? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582417
AudienceofOne November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 They are not actually brother and sister They grew up together, living in the same house with the same parent. Biology is actually not as important as that in making people siblings. Also the actors play them as siblings. I see nothing but a sibling relationship between them. It makes the "romance" plots forced to me and I don't see a way out for the writers on this one. Telling us that Barry loves her doesn't help if I don't see it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582423
Kromm November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 I guess Joe didn't get very far with those boxing lessons. Barry should carry around a baton if he needs to hit people given his poor punching skills. Even with his advanced healing he can still feel pain AND burns through drugs too fast for any painkiller to work. This very fact was bugging the shit out of me. Why use his fists at all? That lack is the single worst piece of writing from this show. In the comics Barry punching things never causes him problems, but if they are saying it does here on this show the idiocy of not using some intermediary as a weapon is NUTS. A baton. Brass knuckles. A full Gauntlet. Even just a rock in his hand. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582436
Primetimer November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 A onetime bully of Barry's is now a metahuman. Isn't that always the way? Read the story 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582527
jbrecken November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 BTW: Objectively (if there was no history behind either) is The Flash REALLY any better a name than The Streak?Well, flashing and streaking are both about publicly revealing one's nudity, but flashing implies a sleazier motive. So I'd say it's worse. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582523
SimoneS November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) They grew up together, living in the same house with the same parent. Biology is actually not as important as that in making people siblings. Also the actors play them as siblings. I see nothing but a sibling relationship between them. It makes the "romance" plots forced to me and I don't see a way out for the writers on this one. Telling us that Barry loves her doesn't help if I don't see it. Yet, Iris and Barry do not view themselves as siblings, but rather good friends. Joe does not consider them siblings either. I don't see any sibling vibe either, rather I get chemistry from Iris and Barry. I expect it will explode when they finally kiss. I also think the actor playing Barry does a great job showing the depth of Barry's love for Iris. I don't doubt for a second that he is in love with her. Guess, it is different strokes there. I know a lot of people are saying that this is too telegraphed (and that Wells ain't the baddie because it's too obvious), but I think this could be a case where they're not going to pull out a solution from their asses and just go with the obvious. And if so? Joe is toast. I really hope that they do not kill off Joe. I think that Jesse Martin is the rock of the show. My love for Iris keeps growing. Its funny that a woman that refuses to back down from a story because its dangerous is not seen as brave. Its not like barry, joe and eddie are not in danger, it should appy to them too. I love what the writers are doing. Eddie is definitly reverse flash, I refuse to think different till I see otherwise. This is such a good point. Sometimes I find myself falling into that sexist trap where when the woman acts brave, I yell "why did you do that?" along with others. Iris is writing her blog about The Flash because she believes that it can help change the world. She deserves respect not disdain. So kudos to Iris. Edited November 19, 2014 by SimoneS 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582630
Actionmage November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 What I loved about Iris gushing to Barry about the blog was, when she was telling him about the stories and leads from readers about other sightings and rumors/urban legends- like a man of fire who doesn't burn. She isn't limiting herself to just The Flash, but to the meta-human world. These sometimes scary, sometimes wondrous folks who are like fairy tales come to life. It has grabbed her imagination and is concretely proving that Barry is not a crackpot. My two cents on sib or not: they were tweens and friends when Barry moved in. Iris and Barry had an established friendship. It probably deepened, yes, in a more familial way, but that doesn't exclude the potential of a romantic relationship. I think the only question is who gets cooked first Joe West or Quentin Lance on Arrow... Shut up! ::looks around frantically:: Now it's out in the universe! ;p The thing about Wells is that he'd have to come up with either a plausible reason to get Joe to stop looking, or an equally plausible red herring. Unfortunately, just because Joe's notes said he had crossed Wells off the suspect list, it doesn't guarantee not to be looked at in the future. Also, who said it had to be a particle accelerator that gave the killer those powers? Wells did not cover his bases enough, imo, when he was telling Joe that "we deal in probabilities" speech. "highly unlikely" is not impossible. Detectives of all stripes will take that thread and either tug on it to see what comes next or follow it to an interesting snarl. As much as Wells is scary, what with the shivving, I think he would actually be smarter than to hit Joe and Barry's berserk button by threatening Iris. He has no beef with Iris (...yet), so why play that card now after placating Joe? The timing feels off, even if I am not convinced Wells is a white hat. Wells is playing a long con. Why whip up fear just now, when he'd bought time as Harrison? As for the Bad Eddie guesses, how would Eddie know Joe had the files? Joe was hiding work on the case from Barry this episode. Maybe he could have seen that Joe checked out the files, but why would Eddie be feeling a need to check-up on Joe? They've seemed good on the job, so why would Eddie think this is the time to see why Joe's being quiet? Doesn't Eddie have cases to work on also? Still? I'm loving the mystery. I hope the reveal is spectacular! ( And we keep Joe. And Quentin. Yes, I am selfish that way.) 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-582936
wingster55 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Even if she keeps writing about him, which she probably would, how does it put her in any MORE danger to know his identity at this point? That's the point I think. IMO the show's POV supports Iris, all the while sympathizing with Barry and Joe. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583013
Pyewacket November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 From the recap: Joe, if you really want him to hear this put-a-button-on-the-episode wisdom, you might want to repeat it when he's not seething from losing to his sister. Boys are sensitive that way! True, but I loved the way that Joe worked it so that Barry didn't have to look him in the eye when he said it. It's hard for me to get away completely from the knowledge that the director thought it looked good so that's how they blocked it but for me, anyway, it came across as a very sweet way not to embarrass the kid any more than necessary. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583143
ribboninthesky1 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 My two cents on sib or not: they were tweens and friends when Barry moved in. Iris and Barry had an established friendship. It probably deepened, yes, in a more familial way, but that doesn't exclude the potential of a romantic relationship. That's the way I see it as well. If Barry moved in when they were younger, I could see the sibling only vibe. But he was 10 or 11, I think, and they were already friends. Also, it's entirely possible that Barry had a crush on Iris before he moved in with them. It just developed over time. I'm not invested in their future relationship as I think Barry is a bit cowardly and immature, but...superhero tropes and such. Eddie's the only one who treats her as an adult AND respects her, so I'm fine with the two of them as a couple, even knowing it won't last. I hope that, when Barry and Iris get together, he treats her the same. I don't really see respect from Barry towards Iris, especially since it seems like he only ended their "break" because she was in peril. Agreed with Caitlin on how creepy it is that he still chose to interact with her as The Flash. The adult thing to do would be to let Joe know he would tell her the truth, and do just that. But...yeah. I'm giving this show another shot after the first 4 episodes. Joe annoys me most of the time (and it's more than a little ridiculous that Joe and Iris shared no scenes despite her actually being in danger), but my niece thought I should give it another shot. Frankly, I'm more interested in the Wells mystery than Barry as the Flash with the Scooby gang. I'll stand alone in my corner with being perfectly content if Joe bites it. Maybe Iris and Barry can be actual adults when he's gone. As for Iris, the only thing I thought was dumb was contacting the Flash through her blog. I know she had no other way to contact him, but the villain had already admitted that he read her blog, so why wouldn't he read it again? Hopefully, they'll rectify that, but I won't get my hopes up. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583175
ybrik November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 I had forgotten one of my favorite parts was just tbe short conversation with Cisco and Caitlin trying to figure out how many bugs Barry eats a day. I keep imagining them coming up with completely weird things every day to try to figure out. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583265
Shanna November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 As for Iris, the only thing I thought was dumb was contacting the Flash through her blog. I know she had no other way to contact him, but the villain had already admitted that he read her blog, so why wouldn't he read it again? Hopefully, they'll rectify that, but I won't get my hopes up.That annoyed me too. That was legit stupid, because she gave that guy, who was already focusing on her, a reason to attack. Dumb.I also don't like that she continues to focus on this guy who asked her specifically to leave him alone but that at least is not dumb. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583298
SimoneS November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 As for the Bad Eddie guesses, how would Eddie know Joe had the files? I think that "Bad Eddie" is partially based on speculation from the comics. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583347
Chicago Redshirt November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 This brings one thing up that I'm wondering about: what exactly does the press/public or even the average copper know about all these incidents? I mean, so far we've had metahumans create tornados, clone themselves a gazillion times, freeze people to death, choke people to death by turning into poison gas, blow up real good on the river, turn into metal and steal stuff. (Not to mention Barry's own actions, plus the reference to Firestorm being around, plus Grodd doing something or another, plus various metahumans who we haven't yet seen but who presumably have been doing stuff for quite some time.) Is the Central City Citizen covering this? Is Iris the only reporter-adjacent person looking at any of these freaky circumstances? What do to the police have to say all this weird stuff? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583480
Rai November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 BTW: Objectively (if there was no history behind either) is The Flash REALLY any better a name than The Streak? Well, they're both better than the Whizzer. MARVEL. Excellent point too, Grace19, regarding Iris's bravery. It's easier in some ways to be brave when you are the Flash and have powers, whereas Iris out there alone as far as she knows. Also, common sense and bravery aren't always the same thing. As far as the blog goes, I have no real beef with it or her doing it, but I really hope Barry kicks himself hard daily for having ended up encouraging her to sign her actual name to it. Good going, guy. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583669
Kromm November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 I think that "Bad Eddie" is partially based on speculation from the comics. I think we've seen ample evidence in the show itself that "Eddie" can be pretty bad. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583758
cynic November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 I'm really enjoying this show. The scenes between Jesse L Martin and Tom Cavanaugh were fantastic. I continue to be intrigued by the mysterious Dr. Wells and Joe is the heart of the show. I hope nothing happens to either of them. I'm also really liking Iris and her dynamic with the Flash. I loved that she showed some gumption with the fire alarm and getting the last punch in. I thought it was great that both she and Barry both apologized and how they really seem like they care about each other. I think they have good chemistry. Also, it makes me smile everytime the Flash breezes past her. She gets the cutest look of pleasure on her face when she realizes it's him as her hair whips around her. In contrast to most posters it seems, the only characters that haven't won me over yet are the Caitlin and Cisco. I just don't find them adorable and amusing like others do. It might just be a thing for me though. I just don't tend to like these types of characters. I also don't particularly care for Felicity or FitzSimmons. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583780
Terrafamilia November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 Okay, so hitting a steel bully at regular superspeed will break your hand but hitting the same guy at supersonic superspeed won't?!? Unless the guy is really heavy you'd think Barry could have at least knocked him over at regular superspeed or done a leg sweep or something. During the buildup for the supersonic punch I was half expecting that Barry would get back to the school to deliver the blow only to find that Iris was now in the way. Oh, Barry, you are such a dumbass. NEVER let the bad guys know your secret identity especially when you are doing it just to stroke your own ego and rub the other guy's face in it. I'm waiting for Gorilla Grodd and Dr. Tina McGee to make their appearances. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583896
XtremeOne1 November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 I like Iris. She's actually doing what journalists do; going after the story and now she isn't even just concentrating on The Flash. She wants to search for meta humans. Yes, it's dangerous but I didn't hear anyone saying, "Hey Rory Gilmore, you can barely function without your mommy or boyfriend, maybe being a war correspondent is a bitch too dangerous for you!"....Journalist, is, at times, dangerous. And just because Barry and her father think, "You're putting yourself in danger, stop" doesn't mean she should. Nor should the Flash telling her, "Stop covering me" because she isn't approaching this as a (complete) fan girl, she's approaching this as a way of informing the public about what's happening, giving them hope. So no, I don't think it's stupid she continues to report on him despite his protest. Again, that's a part of journalism. The whole fact that they think so is sexist. First, having a cop father, also kind of dangerous. Wouldn't people who want to hurt her dad want to hurt her? So how is her blogging, being proactive, finding a passion for something dangerous too? She has self-defense training, so she isn't 100% a damsel. And then there is the fact that no one is telling her the truth. If she was being told the truth, maybe she could work out a way to both pursue her passion while also setting up more safeguards around both herself and Barry. Except everyone is choosing to lie to her, to treat her as if she's some delicate flower. So yeah, none of my issues are with Iris as a character. I like Iris a lot. She's a lot like her comic character(who is a less in your face Lois Lane but also still a dogged journalist) and she's doing what journalist do(it's much better than her, "I'm dumb, teach me how to science!" that she did a few episodes ago. What I don't like is how the show and the men in her life seem to view Iris. Give the girl some respect. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-583983
ribboninthesky1 November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 (edited) This brings one thing up that I'm wondering about: what exactly does the press/public or even the average copper know about all these incidents? I mean, so far we've had metahumans create tornados, clone themselves a gazillion times, freeze people to death, choke people to death by turning into poison gas, blow up real good on the river, turn into metal and steal stuff. (Not to mention Barry's own actions, plus the reference to Firestorm being around, plus Grodd doing something or another, plus various metahumans who we haven't yet seen but who presumably have been doing stuff for quite some time.) Is the Central City Citizen covering this? Is Iris the only reporter-adjacent person looking at any of these freaky circumstances? What do to the police have to say all this weird stuff? And why are there no news reports of citizens who have been saved by The Flash? This is why I didn't understand why Joe denied the existence of The Streak to Iris in the previous episode. It's not like freaky things haven't been happening, and so what's the point in lying about his existence? It's so asinine. It's also why I'm not bothered by Iris' blog, and didn't think it was selfish of her to continue. Barry is doing his thing out in the open, day and night, with PLENTY of witnesses. This bullshit about Iris not blogging about it when any regular old newspaper or TV station would be all over it just makes Joe and Barry look petty and foolish. Not to mention that if Barry had just told Iris from the beginning, there may have never been a blog. So yeah, none of my issues are with Iris as a character. I like Iris a lot. She's a lot like her comic character(who is a less in your face Lois Lane but also still a dogged journalist) and she's doing what journalist do(it's much better than her, "I'm dumb, teach me how to science!" that she did a few episodes ago. What I don't like is how the show and the men in her life seem to view Iris. Give the girl some respect. All of this. Setting aside the chemistry debate, I think Iris deserves better than Barry at the moment. Which she has in Eddie. It's funny - I realize there were/are debates about the Barry/Iris vs Barry/Caitlin or Barry/Felicity pairings due to canon, but I keep wondering why Iris wouldn't stay with Eddie? Unless he's revealed to be a bad guy (or at least a liar), there's no reason for her to end up with Barry outside of the writing mandate. Edited November 20, 2014 by ribboninthesky1 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-584331
ribboninthesky1 November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 (edited) Double post. Edited November 20, 2014 by ribboninthesky1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-584368
slayer2 November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 Oh show, how I love you. I just mean.every.single.one. of your characters is inherently fascinating and/or sweet or fun or genius or twisted. I love how Detective West is still so good at Detecting. I love how Iris wasn't the typical snivelling, crying DiD. I loved Eddie coaching Barry (such sweet scenes) and the ultimate sonic boom (also the name of my favourite record shop). I loved Team Flash, Caitlin and Cisco have a wonderful working chemistry that is a thrill to watch I think Agents of Shield was shooting for with FitzSimmons and didn't quite get there without being annoying. I adore Cisco, I actually laugh out loud at his commentary which I rarely do on a show. I adored the Detective and the Doc scenes. So well written and so well done unsurprisingly. I adore watching Iris interact with The Flash and pretty much everyone. I can see the chemistry between her and Barry now that he's acting more like a man a less lovesick schoolboy. Even the villain of the show was a hottie. I just love, love, love this show. It's quickly surpassed Arrow as my show to watch and the characters are like being home. If I had to trade The Tomorrow People for this then I'd say I more than got my money's worth. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-585245
In2You November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 Barry's secret identity story is dumb. He's basically been revealing it to everyone but Iris. And Iris was there for him long before his team and random metahumans. Still not feeling any dynamic between Barry's team. Its like they're only around to tell corny jokes without the comedic timing. Neither Cailtin nor Cisco impresses me as their actors say all their lines with the same wooden tone. I really don't like that horrible actor who played this week's villain so i hope he doesnt return any time soon. Didnt like him on StarCrossed, didnt like him on Secret Life, don't like him here. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-585265
Lovecat November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 Why not just get a damn magnet. Dude is made of steel ffs. MAGNETS, YO! YEAH, SCIENCE!!! Sorry, had to say it. On topic, my impression wasn't that he was *made* of steel, but that he could turn himself into steel at will. Though there was probably some sort of submolecular bonding with steel particles as a result of the particle accelerator accident mumbo-jumbo explanation that got skipped over because we know the drill by now, though, so one could argue that the steel *was* part of his overall makeup. *shrug* It's a fluffy fun comic book show, so I'm willing to suspend disbelief on a lot of things. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-585381
shapeshifter November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 MAGNETS, YO! YEAH, SCIENCE!!! Sorry, had to say it.... Somewhere there's a fanfic being written in which Jesse Pinkman drives up in a panel truck and throws the switch on a ginormous electromagnet at just the right moment so Joe can cuff Tony. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-585398
Lovecat November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 Somewhere there's a fanfic being written in which Jesse Pinkman drives up in a panel truck and throws the switch on a ginormous electromagnet at just the right moment so Joe can cuff Tony. Well *NOW* there is...BRB. :) 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-585411
wayne67 November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 First the good parts of the episode. The science team are hilarious and seriously concerned about Barry which is sweet. The scene featuring Barry's arm being un-dislocated? after lying to Caitlin? was funny. Joe and Wells chatted... Eddie and Barry had more chemistry in that locker room boxing scene than any other scene in the show YMMV. Dude was knocked off his feet by Barry... Downsides Barry chose to engage a random villain in fisticuffs then broke his hand, then tried again and nearly got himself killed. Luckily the villain of the week didn't seem overly concerned with A) finding out who the random red guy was (even after his previous effort to) or B) finishing the job with another punch. The final solution to defeating metal man. Punching him faster? Seriously? They couldn't have tried a more imaginative solution as in pushing him into a pool or ocean, using electro magnets, tying him up with 500 metres worth of steel cabling , dropping him off a cliff, acid, super speeding him into a prison cell while conscious, Barry super dodging the guys punches until he wore out and punched a wall with his normal fists. Glue? (I could go on for ages) That prison is a civil rights violation and worse a ticking time bomb. At some point in the future those super powered villains will be crowding the cells and whenever someone visits them they'll break loose. I still dont understand how gas guy is contained in a room. If it's air tight he'd suffocate in his human form and if it's got any sort of ventillation at all he'd just seep out... Steel guy only has to keep punching a single spot over and over again for a few hours and he'd damage the containment. Iris is still in the dark even after being exposed to danger due to the Flash. Guys she's already been a target . TELL HER ALREADY. Apparently after Joe gave Barry his first lesson in punching and he proceeded to get punched down by young Iris he didn't get any follow up lessons for the next 10 years till Officer Hunky gave him another one. I've always found beating up your bully once you get super powers kind of a cheat. You haven't actually taught them anything they didn't already know which is Might makes Right. The only real difference is your enjoying their suffering instead of them enjoying yours. Also Girder stole ATM's and presumably had at least 200k of money couldn't he have bought a nice place and a fancy new car if he wanted to impress girls insteading of kidnapping a girl from his highschool to take back there. *sigh* Barry's final confrontation. Why did he super speed Iris another 10 metres away from the VOTW instead of simply out of the building, police station, her home? Why did he think he could build up sufficient speed for 5 miles without his target moving an inch? What was up with that weird dive thing ? Did the supersonic punch break VOTW's super power to allow Iris to punch him? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-588231
Locutus November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I wonder why Joe didn't think of the time travel element? He and Wells danced around the topic and yet wasn't mentioned. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-588247
shapeshifter November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I wonder why Joe didn't think of the time travel element? He and Wells danced around the topic and yet wasn't mentioned.Joe doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would even consider that--but he's a great detective, so he'll get there--he doesn't trust Wells. wayne67, while all of your "downsides" are indeed silly plot points, they are also traditional superhero comic book plot points, so I'll give them passes. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-588308
Oscirus November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 (edited) Also Tony is not a regular reader of Iris' blog, he just said that after his encounter he looked for information on the speedster. At this point no major media has said anything and Iris is presumably the only one writing about the Central City speedster with any kind of detail, so it certainly makes sense that he would have found her blog. So Tony the meathead after making Flash run away like a "little girl" decided to look him up on the internet that he didn't have access to as opposed to going back to his cave and drinking beers in celebration? Even if I believed that, what search parameters did he use because up until she came out with the Flash nickname, Iris's blog wasn't even popular enough to garner 1,000 followers. I get what they were going for but this seems contrived way to do it. As for the Bad Eddie guesses, how would Eddie know Joe had the files? Eddie wouldn't have to know Joe had the files all he'd have to know is that Joe is investigating the case and since Joe was smart enough to watch that interrogation tape in the middle of the precinct with headphones on thus making it easy for him to be snuck up on, it wouldn't be too hard for Eddie to see what he was up to. He goes to Joe's house at the first available opportunity to see what he has so far and reacts accordingly. The sibling argument is interesting. On one hand, you have the Brother-sister argument, on the other hand the question is how does their growing up together in the same house differ from their growing up in the same neighborhood. I actually have to think about it more, but for now, I err on the side that they're really good friends who just happened to partake in an extended sleepover. Finally, something else occurred to. All this hubbub about the supersonic punch and all it did was knock Girder on his ass, if Iris wasn't there to deliver the knockout punch, it would've been curtains for Barry. As for those who wonder why Iris was able to hit him and not Barry, Iris was in his blind spot and was able to hit him before he thought to get his armor up. Edited November 21, 2014 by Oscirus 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-588340
Kromm November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Barry chose to engage a random villain in fisticuffs then broke his hand, then tried again and nearly got himself killed. Luckily the villain of the week didn't seem overly concerned with A) finding out who the random red guy was (even after his previous effort to) or B) finishing the job with another punch. The final solution to defeating metal man. Punching him faster? Seriously? They couldn't have tried a more imaginative solution as in pushing him into a pool or ocean, using electro magnets, tying him up with 500 metres worth of steel cabling , dropping him off a cliff, acid, super speeding him into a prison cell while conscious, Barry super dodging the guys punches until he wore out and punched a wall with his normal fists. Glue? (I could go on for ages) Yes, and as I've said elsewhere it's the single worst bit of writing on an otherwise pretty good show, because it's not even some kind of "science fail" we can ignore or fanwank, it's a basic human LOGIC fail. When the most ignorant of your viewers, ones with no comic background, no science background, nothing, can probably pipe up and say to their TVs "why didn't he just pick up a crowbar or just a rock and beat him with that..." then you have a real writing problem. You as the writer, and you as the showrunners look like MORONS. That prison is a civil rights violation and worse a ticking time bomb. At some point in the future those super powered villains will be crowding the cells and whenever someone visits them they'll break loose.Unlike the above situation this is possibly actually based in writing cleverness IMO and not stupidity (remember they have individual often stupid individual writers for episodes and consultants from DC comics and fairly smart showrunners writing at different levels). One of the big theories, and I don't think we need spoiler tags for it now because it's basically expressed fairly clearly on the show itself now, is that Wells is a secret baddie (I won't say who). One of the big villain things is often to "test" the heroes by arranging some kind of massive calamity. The prison is Wells idea. Similarly, a disaster with all the villains getting out at once (season ender anyone?) would similarly be his idea, although perhaps cloaked as an "accident". So I can't see this as the writers being stupid here. They WANT this situation, and Barry and Joe going along with it, while it stretches credibility a tiny bit, doesn't totally, because they're so isolated from the legal system here (who unlike in the comics has no official way of dealing with stuff like this--other than guys like that General who would clearly abuse the situation). Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-588511
twoods November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I really hope that they keep Eddie as being a nice guy because it's refreshing for the love interest's boyfriend to be a good guy that you can root for instead of a douchebag. They better not kill off Joe. No matter how much I like this show, I probably won't watch anymore because he is the best part. That ending was creepy. Lucky for Iris that she just had a hand sprain instead of a fracture. I love how she continues to support and care about Barry, and the punch was more for all those times Tony tourmented him. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-588724
Raja November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I have to admit it. I was all in with Cisco upon hearing that the tactical retreat was 5.3 miles Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-589790
wayne67 November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 (edited) Unlike the above situation this is possibly actually based in writing cleverness IMO and not stupidity (remember they have individual often stupid individual writers for episodes and consultants from DC comics and fairly smart showrunners writing at different levels). One of the big theories, and I don't think we need spoiler tags for it now because it's basically expressed fairly clearly on the show itself now, is that Wells is a secret baddie (I won't say who). One of the big villain things is often to "test" the heroes by arranging some kind of massive calamity. The prison is Wells idea. Similarly, a disaster with all the villains getting out at once (season ender anyone?) would similarly be his idea, although perhaps cloaked as an "accident". So I can't see this as the writers being stupid here. They WANT this situation, and Barry and Joe going along with it, while it stretches credibility a tiny bit, doesn't totally, because they're so isolated from the legal system here (who unlike in the comics has no official way of dealing with stuff like this--other than guys like that General who would clearly abuse the situation). I know that the Super prison is meant to be a Pandora's box that is probably going to be opened at the end by either Wells or Captain Cold's gang later on but it still doesn't excuse that the Prison doesn't make any sense now. Why don't the other 3 people have any issues locking up supervillains that they incidentally created in the first place? I'd just like an ocassional mention of tests they're running on those guys. I mean if they're going to ignore civil liberties they might as well surrender to their amoral scientist urges and study the other meta humans they have in cages. Is Joe cool with the meta human prison run by super scientists that failed to protect a cold ray gun and work a super particle accelerator. wayne67, while all of your "downsides" are indeed silly plot points, they are also traditional superhero comic book plot points, so I'll give them passes. I have a feeling its a good thing I avoided comic books as a kid and read novels instead because illogical contrived behavior shouldn't be a genre staple that carries over to tv shows. Nitpicking aside I do like the character moments minus the lying to Iris for no apparent reason but the formulaic 3 tries and hero wins gets old fast. Edited November 21, 2014 by wayne67 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-590061
FishyJoe November 22, 2014 Share November 22, 2014 (edited) Barry doesn't seem very smart when it comes to fighting. There are other things you can do besides throwing a punch. How about throwing something? Or hitting from behind where he can't see you? Barry could probably even bury somebody in the ground with a shovel without even touching him. Edited November 22, 2014 by FishyJoe Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-591532
Cosmosgravitation November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 (edited) If Barry was smart about fighting there wouldn't be any real conflict because he can move faster then the speed of sound. I suspect we'll see him fight smart when they all break out of their lab and he has to fight them all at once, but next season when it's back to 1 vs. 1 he'll fight stupid again. Edited November 23, 2014 by Cosmosgravitation Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-592682
wayne67 November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 If Barry was smart about fighting there wouldn't be any real conflict because he can move faster then the speed of sound. I suspect we'll see him fight smart when they all break out of their lab and he has to fight them all at once, but next season when it's back to 1 vs. 1 he'll fight stupid again. I've always found dumbing down a hero who has a super power that's a near storybreaker a cheap way of creating artificial drama. It just makes me wonder why the hero is so stupid all the time. (and why he's so lazy about dating) It's especially grating that the first few episodes introduced Barry's intelligence via Sherlock Scan and revealed his backstory involving him outsmarting or outrunning his enemies since he was 10 ! That means he has 15 years of experience of surviving conflicts with opponents bigger and more numerous than him. For instance instead of Barry trying to punch the guy out after it failed the first time, he could have tried something else the second time such as a net and Girder could have broke free and Barry could have bailed to the HQ to regroup and then they could have tried the super sonic punch or steel cabling, a pool, cliff, rock, energy gun for the final confrontation. Instead Barry's approach reeks of the worst kind of military planning, hit him, it didn't work, hit him harder, didn't work, nuke him. It's not like Barry's unconsciousness added any real drama, he can't die, it's not a season/series finale yet and it made the villain seem even weirder for not being curious about who was under the mask after hunting down a blogger for further information. Hell that would have added drama if Barry woke up to find his mask gone and then he would have had more motivation to get Girder under wraps before his secret was revealed to the whole world or Girder added a comment to Iris's blog. Now that would be real conflict not this whole don't tell the love interest your alter ego to "protect them" trope that's been done to death. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-592835
Lady Calypso November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 I actually don't mind the fact that Barry is making a bunch of mistakes. Just because he has super powers, doesn't mean he's going to automatically know what to do with them. He's shown to not be a fighter in any way, so for him to actually be losing fights is realistic. Same with Barry continuing to lie to Iris and revealing his identity to his childhood nemesis. Those are big mistakes on his part, but it makes sense. Barry thinks he's protecting Iris by lying to her (which is not working) and also getting a one up on his bully by showing him how much better he is now than him (which will come to bite him in the ass). Two normal reactions by someone still learning the ropes of the supernatural world. I'd hate if Barry could win every fight and protect his identity and know when to actually reveal his identity to someone. Barry's been getting better and he has his team to help him win these fights, but he's certainly not doing it on his own, which is nice. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-592955
manticoraus November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 That was incredibly stupid of Wells. After getting himself OFF the suspect list he threatens with a timing that does nothing but make him one The ONLY thing that has changed in the WEEKS Joe (and years before with Barry) investigating the case is confronting Wells and the guy is observing him enough to threaten his daughter means its either a spy or, likely, someone he knows. That leaves Wells OR Thawne. And Thawne doesn't know or interact with Joe at all. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-593520
Maverick November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 Team Flash has probably rationalized the prison because the government wouldn't give these people due process either. They would be classified as threats to national security, locked away in a secret facility and tested to determine how to weaponize their powers (or the criminals themselves)...see Eiling, General. They are probably studying them to determine how to cure them, at least that's how they're justifying it to themselves. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-593993
wingster55 November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 And Thawne doesn't know or interact with Joe at all. He didn't have much this week but Eddie's had scenes with Joe fairly consistently..they aren't friends and Eddie (from what we've seen) doesn't know of Joe reopening the Nora Allen case but he has interacted with Joe often. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-594423
wayne67 November 24, 2014 Share November 24, 2014 Team Flash has probably rationalized the prison because the government wouldn't give these people due process either. They would be classified as threats to national security, locked away in a secret facility and tested to determine how to weaponize their powers (or the criminals themselves)...see Eiling, General. They are probably studying them to determine how to cure them, at least that's how they're justifying it to themselves. So to stop the government locking them away without due process... They're doing it for them ? At least the military would have 24 hour armed security supervising them. So the Team Flash guys would be experimenting on these people without consent as well then ? Considering that Barry essentially kidnapped them I'd doubt they'd be cooperative. They have 4-5 people at that facility. Only 3 on the payroll and one is supposed to be in a wheelchair and the other 2 presumably have homes they go to at night. So 1 guy in a wheelchair overlooking super villain prison at night ? And Flash is basically being weaponised as a vigilante super weapon anyway. Only one military person was seen to be of dubious moral integrity in relation to Wells... So there's still the rest of the military to check up on. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-594901
The Kings Foot November 24, 2014 Share November 24, 2014 BTW Girder wasnt the villain. Girder was the rock em sock em robot that they built for Barry to train on . Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-596992
flashfast November 24, 2014 Share November 24, 2014 Notice how RIGHT after flashes old suit exploded thats when he started asking all the questions about The Flash. That could be a clue... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18338-s01e06-the-flash-is-born/page/2/#findComment-597793
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