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S07.E02: No Moore Apollogies

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Why in the hell would her mama need a 7 bedroom house with a basketball court?

I hear Mama Joyce has an excellent jump shot.  Or maybe I mean a wedge shot.  So she probably needs a golf course, too.  Unless I mean a wedgie shot, in which case she needs an on-site shoe store.


How does she square this ginormous house Kandi's buying her with her standard story that she has her own money and pays her own way?  'Cause that's what she says every time she's been confronted about living off her daughter.


That was some really ugly, scary face on Mama in the staredown with Kandi.  I wouldn't want to see that face in a dream.  Or peering through my window, which is what I think Kandi and Todd have to look forward to once she's settled in right down the block.  Shudder.

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I'm calling this now: Once Not-My-Mama Joyce gets nice and comfy in her 7-bedroom estate, she will suddenly discover that she needs a full-time maid or assistant to help her around the house.

 I predict MJ will be spending a LOT more time at Todd and Kandi's house breaking up their marriage.

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Trying to offer someone proceeds of the net rather than the gross is pretty much a way to take advantage of them.  And third, she didn't steal Phaedra's idea since people have been making booty videos since Buns of Steel in the 90's.  So, unless Phaedra stole the idea from people before her, Kenya didn't steal the idea from her either.



Kenya expected to be compensated for giving a presentation of her work.  Phaedra and Apollo did not have a written contract with Kenya at that point.  If she hadn't asked for part of the backend, they might have gone with Kenya as their video producer but they weren't willing to agree to it at that time and weren't obligated to.  Kenya got mad and waged war at that point because she didn't get her way.  And the idea of a workout video wouldn't have entered Kenya's mind if Phaedra and Apollo hadn't decided to go with a different producer.  She did it because of sour grapes and basically waged war on the Nidas because of it. 


It was said that Apollo texted Kenya first.  I don't think that's true.  After her meeting with Phaedra where they fell out over Phaedra not wanting to give Kenya a stake in the backend profits of the video, Kenya tried to sneak and get Apollo to seal the deal with her over Phaedra's head.  I wouldn't put it past her to text Apollo at that point.  If I recall, she even went to Todd to find out if Phaedra and Apollo had asked Todd to produce their video.  She was acting like a spurned lover at that point.  When Todd wouldn't cooperate with her, that's when she decided to make her own video and went on a "take down Phaedra" crucade complete with wearing fake butt pads over fishnet leggings to a charity event to make Phaedra look bad.  At that point she was willing to do and say anything to get under Phaedra's skin and began making fun of Phaedra's figure and insulting her any way she could. 


So, I'm confused, is she to be blamed that Phaedra is going to be mad for Apollo apologizing to her?



I never said anything about blame.  I said Kenya is probably getting great satisfaction in this situation because she's made no secret of how much she hates Phaedra.  That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.  ;-)

Edited by swankie
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I agree that Apollo started this whole cluster freak but Kenya knew she and Phaedra were not on good terms by that time as well. There was no  reason for Kenya to text him except to say "leave me alone" or "have your wife text me". Instead she kept up the texting back and forth because she knew it would piss Phaedra off and she wanted to humiliate her badly. Kenya used idiot Apollo to hurt and punish Phaedra all because Phaedra would not agree to Kenya's terms about the DVD and that IMHO speaks to her lack of character. I also believe that Phaedra told Apollo to leave Kenya alone multiple times, which he ignored because he is an ass of epic proportions and Kenya enjoyed his attention because she knew it hurt/humiliated Phaedra. Oh, Kenya was the one that said the texts were about the DVD disagreement several times.


Kenya should have told him to stop texting her & stop replying to him. I would not continue a text or friendship with a married man if his wife wasn't my friend & know about it. Remember when Kandi read the texts, she even said something to Kenya about her talking to him not being cool. Yes, it's up to the married man to stay in his lane but as a woman she should not have continued it.


I agree with both of you that Kenya should have put an end to the texting.  I don't recall if there was one text exchange or if there were exchanges on different days, but Kenya should have said that she didn't think it was appropriate.  It's up for debate, but I don't think Kenya immediately thought she would use the texts against Apollo and Phaedra at a later date.  I think when Apollo was dissing her at the reunion and said he didn't like her, she then brought up the texts as a tit for tat.  Regardless of those things, Apollo initiated the texts and the only thing that makes sense is that he wanted to see how far he could go with Kenya.  Kenya bears some responsibility regarding how she responded to the texts, but they were initiated by Apollo and his motive was to get with Kenya which makes the texts inappropriate.  He was not texting Kenya to try to get her and Phaedra to make up.  He was being sneaky.  He didn't even try to pretend that the text messages were innocent at the reunion.  He then made up the lie about her trying to get with him.  Kenya stated factually that he had been texting her and Apollo brought the salaciousness to it.  Kenya isn't responsible for Apollo's motives and for him initiating contact with her.

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Where to begin with this trainwreck?


Nene:  Good God, she looked enormous in that Zumanity get-up.  My husband was feeling for the guys having to hoist her big ass up into the air.  That should have been some hazard pay right there.  Thank God she'll be back in Atlanta soon to lord it over all the commoners.  I'm honestly at a loss as to how people keep asking her to do these kinds of things.  She's just loud and obnoxious in my book.  I've never found her to be funny and this "no one else is on my level" BS just makes her even more hard to take.  If I was any of the others, I'd have to, at some point, get in her face to let her know she's not the Queen Bee she clearly imagines herself to be.


Cynthia:  Gets on my last nerve.  She has very little personality of her own, so pulls what little she has from whoever she's spending the most time with (seems to be Peter at this moment).  She's certainly beautiful for her age and I agree with other posters that Papa Smurf has a hell of a nerve criticizing her figure, which is keeping him in luxury cars and paying his other bills.  I do have to wonder why she seems to have such low self-esteem .  Most women who look like Cynthia have a huge sense of self-worth. 


Kandi:  Girl, wake up!  You are going to lose Todd if you continue this craziness with your mother.  Her living so close to Kandi and Todd will be the death knell to that marriage.  I don't know any man with any self-respect, much less one who has already been plenty abused by MJ, who would put up with that.  My only hope is that Kandi is just buying the new house for her mother more as an investment.  After all, who else does MJ have to leave it to when she dies?  Kandi trying to buy her mother's love is never going to work.  Not enough money in the world to satisfy that woman.


Phaedra:  Doing her best in a horrible situation.  I admire the way she's raising her boys, and I'd say in some ways, she's relieved that Apollo will be gone for awhile and she won't have to fool with his trifling ass.  She's had to have known this house of cards would be coming down soon, and so it has.  And even if he gets out in 6 or 7 years, he'll be right back in within a few more.  She just needs to protect her assets from him insofar as possible, and I'm sure she's plenty smart enough to do that.  Should she apologize to Kenya?  Probably, but I can't get too incensed about it because I hate Kenya, who encouraged Apollo in both large and small ways, and knew exactly what she was doing.  If I were Phaedra, I would only apologize to Kenya if Kenya apologized for her transgressions toward me.


Kenya:  Try to find a real man.  There have to be a few in Atlanta who can stand you for at least a few episodes.  It's my gut feeling that she is just crazy enough that she scares guys off in next to no time.  She reeks of desperation and men can always sense that, even the dumbest of them. 

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I figure that I have invested two to three years of time and energy into loathing Kenya, and I am not going to throw that all away just because of the truth. Sorry Kenya. I considered it for a second but I think she's annoying enough without the Apollo business.

Edited by yourstruly
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While I'm usually I'm team Kenya, I do think she was rude to the called on WWHL.

However. I'm behind Kenya 100% in the Porsha fight. Sorry, but I think part of why there's so much condoned violence today is that people are not taught how to control themselves NO MATTER WHAT. I was raised that no matter what a person says that's no excuse for putting your hands on that person -- as long as they dont' touch you --which Kenya never did -- you don't put your hands on people. And the scepter was never in Porsha's face NOR her 'personal space.' If anything if was in CYNTHIA'S space NOT Porsha's. It was pointed TOWARD Porsha, but in front of Cynthia.


I was raised that even 'the N word' is no reason to fight. If you know you're not one -- then what are you fighting about- WORDS?  Walking away and taking the high road and NON-violence will show the other person for who they are. But nooooo.......Porsha was too STUPID to let Kenya just look like a fool. And she ended up with a mug shot for her trouble.


I'm through with every other woman on this show.

Kandi -- I can't deal with her continuing to be victimized by her mom and she doesn't even know it. Is Kandi all that, that Todd wants to put up with that BS? Kandi, dear, throwing money at a person does not equate to love. When are you going to wake up and set your momma straight. Damn.


Cynthia. Poor thing needs love so much she puts up with Peter's demeaning comments and utter selfishness. Girl, you dont' think you deserve better than that? His utter disregard for you when you were ill showed me all I needed to know about him. And you said. you need to be glad he didn't cheat while you were sick. Are you that clueless about how you should have been cared for and respected?


Phaedra: Sorry to say she's getting what she set herself up for....with marrying Apollo.


Nene: Sick of her attitude. Wish she'd get off my TV and stay.I think a little humility would do her good.


Porsha: a non-entity


New Girl Claudia: Why, Andy? Why? Not interested in her one iota.

Edited by selhars
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Because Apollo was going on and on about how he didn't like her, so she replied "Then stop texting me."  She showed Andy the texts and there was nothing salacious or sexual about them, but Phaedra & Apollo ran with it.


Apollo & Kenya texting WAS inappropriate, even if the texts were just "hi."  Apollo knew Phaedra didn't like Kenya, but he was texting her.  That would be like Gregg texting Cynthia, Marlo or Kenya when he knows Nene doesn't like Cynthia, Marlo or Kenya.  Nene wouldn't like that and neither did Phaedra.



We actually wouldn't be discussing anything if Apollo hadn't been texting Kenya.  The DVD business was over, he knows Phaedra didn't like Kenya, that should've been the end of the communication between Kenya and Apollo.



She was never in L.A. to do anything with Apollo.  That was the lie.  Apollo might've been in L.A. doing something with somebody else, but it wasn't with Kenya.



When Apollo showed up on the scene, Kenya exited stage left.  She waited outside for her car and Apollo followed her.  I don't think that's overreaction; I think that's smart. 



Nene was cool with Cynthia UNTIL Nene called Peter a bitch.  I don't see how Cynthia was being two-faced by not liking Nene calling Peter a nasty name.  Nene certainly wouldn't be cool with Cynthia if she had called Gregg a bitch.  I understand that Nene felt that they had shut that situation down before the show aired and that should've been the end of it.  But let's be honest...if Cynthia had called Gregg a bitch, Nene would still be salty about it months later and would've said something nasty & snide about Cynthia months later.



Well of course Kenya knew he was lying, because she was never in L.A. to offer Apollo fellatio.  But Apollo & Phaedra ran around telling everyone she was a Moore Whore who stalked Apollo in L.A., begged to give him fellatio and harassed him so bad he had to change hotels to get away from Kenya stalking him.    This is what I think happened in L.A.:


Apollo was supposed to be at Hotel A.  Apollo checked out of Hotel A and into Hotel B where he was getting fellatio from somebody else.  Phaedra tried to call him on his cell; couldn't get him.  Phaedra called Hotel A to reach him, was told he checked out.  Phaedra finally gets hold of him on his cell & asks him WHY he's not checked in at Hotel A.  He knows he's busted so he makes up a story about Kenya begging to give him fellatio and that's why he had to check out of Hotel A and into Hotel B, because Kenya was stalking him.


Now Phaedra's attention is over here ---------> (Kenya) when it should've been over there -------->(Right Hand Bitch, Random Stripper/Groupie)



Phaedra knew Apollo was lying but it wasn't in her best interests to find out WHAT he was lying about.  It was easier to believe Kenya was stalking Apollo in L.A. for d*ck than to find out the real truth.  



It's an ego boost to have someone sweating you, especially if it gets under the skin of someone else you don't like.



Andy was asking Kenya about a situation that had nothing to do with Porsha whatsoever and Porsha jumps in the middle of their conversation to confront Kenya (again, about something that had nothing to do with her or even what Andy was asking Kenya about).  THAT'S when things turned sideways between Kenya & Porsha at the reunion.  Porsha has a tendency to butt into conversations that have nothing to do with her & screech her opinions. She did it with Mylittlepony when they were talking about Chuck, Kandi & Phaedra at the bar they went to.


A thousand times, yes! I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you!


I also agree with many posters that are disliking Kandi more and more with each episode. I thought it was out of line for Kandi to question Kenya (even for Bravo/dramatic purposes) about giving the police a statement. Yes, Kenya likes attention, that much is obvious. But if things were reversed and Kenya attacked Porscha, you know Porscha would have reported it and pressed criminal charges with Nene and Phaedra backing her up 110%.

Edited by turbogirlnyc
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But if things were reversed and Kenya attacked Porscha, you know Porscha would have reported it and pressed criminal charges with Nene and Phaedra backing her up 110%.


Of course she would have.  She even said as much in her first season when she and Kenya got into it during Gone-With-The-Wind-Fabulous-gate.  Porsha kept daring Kenya to hit her so she could have her arrested.  I can't stand Kenya, but I don't think Porsha should have pulled her hair. 


That was some really ugly, scary face on Mama in the staredown with Kandi.


What was up with the biting motions Joyce was making toward Kandi?  I was like, "No she didn't!"  She reminded me of a snake trying to bite it's prey. 




Edited by swankie
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She asked if Phaedra would consider a threesome as a joke.  Kenya asks stir the pot questions all the time, she did not ask to have a threesome with Phaedra and Apollo, and she did it at a time when all three were friendly, as a joke.

So her crime is touching a man with his wife sitting 10 feet away when they were playing around a pool?  Do we brand her with the scarlet A now, or later?


Well I would say now but I'm not a sick Psychopath who thinks cheating is so cool.

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Am I the only one who thinks that the whole "Momma Joyce plan to break up Kandi's marriage" is totally manufactured? Last season, I thought it was real, and even when Kandi was on WWHL after the public was giving all kinds of blowback to MJ's behavior, it was clear that Kandi was upset. But now, it just seems fake. And MJ is a really bad actress, hence she has a kind of sneer on her face when she delivers her lines. Kind of like how a non professional actor thinks they are supposed to project anger. I don't see a problem with MJ living close to her daughter, Kandi probably wants her there. I don't think MJ is particularly nice person and has a little crazy in her, but I keep getting the feeling it's all for the drama and a storyline this season.   

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I don't think it is for the drama.  Kandi stated that they looked at a lot of houses and MJ refused them all, the one she chose was the only one she even tried to like.  I am thinking because of its proximity to K&T.  The first thing MJ did when she popped over to Kandi's was belittle Todd's manhood.  The problem with Kandi's marriage is not her mother.  It is Kandi and her inability to set bounderies and realize SHE is the mama in this family.

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Am I the only one who thinks that the whole "Momma Joyce plan to break up Kandi's marriage" is totally manufactured? Last season, I thought it was real, and even when Kandi was on WWHL after the public was giving all kinds of blowback to MJ's behavior, it was clear that Kandi was upset. But now, it just seems fake. And MJ is a really bad actress, hence she has a kind of sneer on her face when she delivers her lines. Kind of like how a non professional actor thinks they are supposed to project anger. I don't see a problem with MJ living close to her daughter, Kandi probably wants her there. I don't think MJ is particularly nice person and has a little crazy in her, but I keep getting the feeling it's all for the drama and a storyline this season.

The drama is "heighten" for reality TV - as with every storyline. All these people are essentially playing a character - with bad acting. RH0A (as well as all the "housewive" franchise) is all about the catfights, the drama. That's want viewers tune in for. Love to hate on MJ, love to hate on Kenya, etc. etc. It's the "villains" that are always the most talked about.

There would be no room for MJ on the show (aside from a few cameos) if she and Todd got along.

Edited by twilightzone
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I can't stand Appolo and i really hate that he is acting like he is going to jail for no reason. And come on Kenya, you glossed right over the fact that you pretty much started the crap with him, just like you provoked Porsha, so don't act like you are all that innocent. You need to apologise too. I bet hell will freeze over before Phadera says sorry to you.


Why does Mama Joyce need such a big house?

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Am I the only one who thinks that the whole "Momma Joyce plan to break up Kandi's marriage" is totally manufactured? Last season, I thought it was real, and even when Kandi was on WWHL after the public was giving all kinds of blowback to MJ's behavior, it was clear that Kandi was upset. But now, it just seems fake. And MJ is a really bad actress, hence she has a kind of sneer on her face when she delivers her lines. Kind of like how a non professional actor thinks they are supposed to project anger. I don't see a problem with MJ living close to her daughter, Kandi probably wants her there. I don't think MJ is particularly nice person and has a little crazy in her, but I keep getting the feeling it's all for the drama and a storyline this season.   

I have been saying this from day one.  Mama Joyce is Kandi's storyline.  Without MJ, Kandi would have nothing going on.  Kandi is a brilliant business woman (they cross marketed a stage play using RHOA for goodness sakes), but she is boring to watch.  I think the house is payment for Joyce's work on the show.

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Just finished watching the episode. Apollo is a douche in sheep's clothing. I think he lied mostly to stick it to Phaedra.


I think of him more as a douchebag in dickhead clothing.


I think fellatio is a pretty new word for Apollo. I remember Phaedra asking about or referring to Kenya offering fellatio and Apollo explained "I know she said she would suck my dick!" Phaedra actually physically jumped a bit.


I just can't help but giggle since I think Apollo believes he's being quite the sophisticate when he's using his Eyetalian, "The lady would like a Dubonnet with a twist and I would like Fellatio on the rocks....."

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I think Kandi is generally a very smart woman and that the enabling of her mother, while unhealthy, is understandable from someone who probably grew up feeling like she had to be perfect to make up (for lack of a better phrase) for her brother having died. But she really needs to reevaluate the whole finger in your face business! The reason I believe she meant it when she said she'd have thought Porsha was in the wrong if the roles had been reversed is because I've seen her check her mom exactly two times: when she said Kandi had one REALLY good daughter in front of Kaela, and when she put her finger in Todd's mother's face! Not when Joyce called Todd's dead dad a pimp and his living mom a whore, but the finger in the face! Does this mean these are the only two instances of standing up to her mom ever? Of course not. But coupled with her reaction to Cynthia waving her hands at her (which was obviously not done threateningly or even to invade Kandi's space intentionally), Kandi flipped out! Like, who traumatized her with their face fingering? Aaand that can't be unsaid, ew.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Not when Joyce called Todd's dead dad a pimp and his living mom a whore, but the finger in the face!


It is not normal to call people you barely know who are soon to be part of your extended family pimps and whores. Frankly, I think MJ is mentally ill. I think she has some kind of impulse control problem at the very least. The problem is that Kandi has lived with her crazy for so long that it doesn't even faze her when MJ acts all outrageous. I still think part of it is an act, where she gets egged on by the producers, but I do think there's something not right with her. And of course, there is no way on this earth that Kandi will ever take that on. 

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At Mama Joyce's age, she should be downsizing, not moving into a 7 bedroom home with courts, pools, etc. WTH does she need with all that?? For

Phaedra at the dentist office. I loved her dress. Loved it. It also looked fantastic on her. It had a retro 1960's housewife feel to it but yet still modern because of the pattern and color. Finally something that flatters her figure and didn't give her struggle titties. She should order several more in different colors and patterns. I did wonder why the hell she was so done up to take her kids to the doctor and then I saw the doctor. Now I get it!! LOL!

YES! Gorgeous dress!!!

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I have my suspicions the only reason MJ liked that place was because of its proximity to Kandi and Todd, for easier marriage-wrecking.


And I have my suspicions that Kandi bought it as an eventual house for Riley, after Mama Joyce kicks off.



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What confuses me.... there is that HUGE guest house right next door, which MJ wanted to move into but Todd and Kandi said no. Now, out of nowhere, she's getting a house down the road. Excuse me, but I think there's some serious manipulation going on and it's not them. It's us. I will bet you anything that this is all for a storyline. In fact, they could be renting that house just for the show. Just like Kenya rented hers and Nene and Gregg rented their first place.

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@ cooks, that struck me at first too but memory jog with me back to:  during the manner to which he's become accustomed to speech, remember that Joyce was all about having a place that Todd couldn't put her out of if and when Kandi, how did she so eloquently put it, ah yes, choked on a chicken bone.  Maybe she never signed over the deed on the house she gave Joyce into her mother's name.  And maybe ole evilass' stipulation is that this house must be in her name.  Aside from that, let's say it's not a storyline and the bitch is stone cold scary.  Having your mother/mother in law live on your property, no matter how large the house, really has to be a no for most.  I think this was even brought up at one point and in a TH Kandi said Todd had straight shot her down about it. 


p.s. somebody upthread (swankie?) asked about the faces she was making while they were talking, the biting noises and shit.  Kandi asked her what she would do/how she'd feel if Todd's mother put her finger in Joyce's face and she responded by demonstrating a Mike Tyson.  Oodles of charm, that one.

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I'm calling this now: Once Not-My-Mama Joyce gets nice and comfy in her 7-bedroom estate, she will suddenly discover that she needs a full-time maid or assistant to help her around the house.


You don't think she assumed that a maid and personal assistant came with the house?

What confuses me.... there is that HUGE guest house right next door, which MJ wanted to move into but Todd and Kandi said no. Now, out of nowhere, she's getting a house down the road. Excuse me, but I think there's some serious manipulation going on and it's not them. It's us. I will bet you anything that this is all for a storyline. In fact, they could be renting that house just for the show. Just like Kenya rented hers and Nene and Gregg rented their first place.


That totally makes sense since Kandi already had the key!

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I figure one day in the future, I'll be unable to sleep so I'll turn on the TV and flip to the I.D. Channel, and hear the announcer's voice talking about some batshit crazy woman in Atlanta who tried to kill her son-in-law, yet she winds up dead. Floating face down in her swimming pool, her Dora the Explorer wig waving around her head like some superfreak fish. And like William Holden in "Sunset Boulevard", the camera will pan up, and you'll hear her screechy voice saying "I told her not to marry him! I told her I would have his ass one day!"


Cooksdelight, you are WRONG for this! I just let out an involuntary snort and giggle in a very quiet office. I am in tears over here!

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Kandi could be buying Mama Joyce a house as an investment. It is one thing to have Mama Joyce's name on the deed. It is another to have her simply live there while the property appreciates in value.

Kandi, does invest in real estate, and classic cars.

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It was said that Apollo texted Kenya first.  I don't think that's true.  After her meeting with Phaedra where they fell out over Phaedra not wanting to give Kenya a stake in the backend profits of the video, Kenya tried to sneak and get Apollo to seal the deal with her over Phaedra's head.  I wouldn't put it past her to text Apollo at that point.  If I recall, she even went to Todd to find out if Phaedra and Apollo had asked Todd to produce their video.  She was acting like a spurned lover at that point.  When Todd wouldn't cooperate with her, that's when she decided to make her own video and went on a "take down Phaedra" crucade complete with wearing fake butt pads over fishnet leggings to a charity event to make Phaedra look bad.  At that point she was willing to do and say anything to get under Phaedra's skin and began making fun of Phaedra's figure and insulting her any way she could.



WRONG, Apollo did text her first because last season Kenya was with Kandi and they were reading the text together. Kenya reads out loud, with Kandi looking at the text the same time, Apollo's email. She reads the first email from Apollo who says, "Hey Kenya, how are you?" Kenya responds, "I am fine but surprised you are texting me, what's up?" She goes on to read a few other exchanges between them. Again, she is reading this in the presences of Kandi so she's not making it up. It was Apollo who was still trying to make a deal behind Phaedra's back because one of his text messages to her reads, "I have some business I want to discuss with you."


I am not a Kenya fan but many people are attacking her based on false information. Don't have a problem with anyone disliking Kenya but just want to make sure their justification is accurate.

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Honestly, I'm going to always have sympathy for Kenya because of the tragic way her beloved dog died and how I grew to appreciate it on the show, I cried for an hour watching Kenya discuss discuss the loss and her grief. I know she loved Velvet and that dog was cute as shit and smart. So for that I will always be more empathetic towards her. Then I saw how slut shamed and bashed she was over that complete piece of shit Apollo.

I do think she instigated Porsha and deliberately pushed her buttons but in a fight when both people are scrapping it was bogus no one gave a damn if she was ok. But she needs to process it and not really bitch about it like Maya Angelou said, "when people reveal their true selves for the 1st time, believe them." They revealed they don't give a damn about her so dwelling on the matter isn't going to change it.

The only reason Apollo apologized was to humiliate his wife Phaedra.

These women may be the most articulate and sane of the HW franchise but damn the makeup is garish. The loud colors and false eyelashes so thick, dense, and long they look like black Lee Press On nails attached to their eyes.

Shut the fuck up NeNe with that braying donkey voice and camel nose. She said she looked like tranny city and bitch no, most trannies look better.

Edited by Petunia13
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Back when Kenya's disagreement with Phaedra originated, how exactly did she "wage war" on the Nidas? From what I recall, she was very vocal about her discontent with the manner in which their business transactions concluded. However, I don't remember any hyperbolic aggression on Kenya's part until Phaedra appointed herself a psychiatric medical professional and diagnosed her as "bipolar" and suffering from a drinking problem. This is not to say that Kenya is not generally weird and contradictory; at times, I find her quite creepy (not to mention poorly socialized). But I genuinely don't think any of her displeasure with Phaedra qualified as such until Phaedra leveraged Kenya's confidences about her family history against her. That's when the shots against Phaedra's weight began, and Phaedra's hypocritical "are you a doctor" retorts just illustrated for me how maladroit she herself is at debate.

Similarly, Kenya introduced the subject of the texts during the season 5 reunion, and while I agree she did so with the intent to imply they were suggestive in nature, she backtracked in the next breath by describing them as "perfectly innocent." The very fact that Apollo was texting her apart from his wife connotes impropriety, so I don't see how it's analogous to fabricating a fiction whole-cloth about Kenya beginning for the opportunity to provide fellatio. One event happened, the other did not.


Kenya never initiated interaction with Apollo at Bar One. In fact, she very actively tried to avoid it. He's the one who approached her twice while she was waiting for a (obviously production-delayed) car.


With respect to Ayden's "uh oh, uh oh": 4 million plus Americans have seen Apollo shoving his wife in front of their assorted friends, so who knows what the Nida children have watched. Phaedra's continued defense of her husband after that episode at the lingerie party and the escalation of her "whore"-centric Tourette's is a big part of why she is so disgusting to me.

Edited by lunastartron
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Todd: nominate him for sainthood. Jesus Christ that mama joyce is a shit bird.

I wish that Phaedra would calmly & quietly say to Kendra “I want to apologize. I was going through hell with my huzzzzbind and lost it. I am sorry that I hurt you.” And be done. That fucking ugly skinned Kendra would NEVER be able to accept the apology or let it go, but if Phaedra could, and could be the ‘bigger person’, she would come out smelling like roses & Kendra would smell like she looks.

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Phaedra is hardly the innocent, put upon deceived wife, saint of a mother that she wants to portray herself as.

She is so hell-bent about her public image - which makes me wonder, "What is it that she is hiding"?

This is the woman who pretended she did not know her due date - and dumb enough to think others believe she was telling the truth.

Edited by twilightzone
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Back when Kenya's disagreement with Phaedra originated, how exactly did she "wage war" on the Nidas? From what I recall, she was very vocal about her discontent with the manner in which their business transactions concluded. However, I don't remember any hyperbolic aggression on Kenya's part until Phaedra appointed herself a psychiatric medical professional and diagnosed her as "bipolar" and suffering from a drinking problem. This is not to say that Kenya is not generally weird and contradictory; at times, I find her quite creepy (not to mention poorly socialized). But I genuinely don't think any of her displeasure with Phaedra qualified as such until Phaedra leveraged Kenya's confidences about her family history against her. That's when the shots against Phaedra's weight began, and Phaedra's hypocritical "are you a doctor" retorts just illustrated for me how maladroit she herself is at debate.

Similarly, Kenya introduced the subject of the texts during the season 5 reunion, and while I agree she did so with the intent to imply they were suggestive in nature, she backtracked in the next breath by describing them as "perfectly innocent." The very fact that Apollo was texting her apart from his wife connotes impropriety, so I don't see how it's analogous to fabricating a fiction whole-cloth about Kenya beginning for the opportunity to provide fellatio. One event happened, the other did not.


Kenya never initiated interaction with Apollo at Bar One. In fact, she very actively tried to avoid it. He's the one who approached her twice while she was waiting for a (obviously production-delayed) car.


With respect to Ayden's "uh oh, uh oh": 4 million plus Americans have seen Apollo shoving his wife in front of their assorted friends, so who knows what the Nida children have watched. Phaedra's continued defense of her husband after that episode at the lingerie party and the escalation of her "whore"-centric Tourette's is a big part of why she is so disgusting to me.

Actually Kenya immediately started telling everyone, including her talking head/interview, that Phaedra was not going to pay her at all.  Phaedra refused to accept the terms that Kenya laid down about the promoter she found, something she did on her own without approval from Phaedra/Apollo, and the % of the sales she added on, again without prior approval. When Phaedra refused those terms, she said the % was too high, Kenya got mad and refused to negotiate terms acceptable to both parties and started to tell all the HWs that Phaedra refused to pay her. She went from HW to HW making it sound like Phaedra used her then refused to pay because she was cheap/liar/thief. Of course, when Kenya was retelling the story she always failed to mention that she change the terms without approval/consent first and that she refused to negotiate! LOL

Phaedra is hardly the innocent, put upon deceived wife, saint of a mother that she wants to portray herself as.

She is so hell-bent about her public image - which makes me wonder, "What is it that she is hiding"?

This is the woman who pretended she did not know her due date - and dumb enough to think others believe she was telling the truth.

Phaedra is concerned about her image, as is Kenya, as they all are to 1 degree or another. LOL  She did not think anyone would/could figure out that she got pregnant before they got married! LOL

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I agree with both of you that Kenya should have put an end to the texting.  I don't recall if there was one text exchange or if there were exchanges on different days, but Kenya should have said that she didn't think it was appropriate.  It's up for debate, but I don't think Kenya immediately thought she would use the texts against Apollo and Phaedra at a later date.  I think when Apollo was dissing her at the reunion and said he didn't like her, she then brought up the texts as a tit for tat.  Regardless of those things, Apollo initiated the texts and the only thing that makes sense is that he wanted to see how far he could go with Kenya.  Kenya bears some responsibility regarding how she responded to the texts, but they were initiated by Apollo and his motive was to get with Kenya which makes the texts inappropriate.  He was not texting Kenya to try to get her and Phaedra to make up.  He was being sneaky.  He didn't even try to pretend that the text messages were innocent at the reunion.  He then made up the lie about her trying to get with him.  Kenya stated factually that he had been texting her and Apollo brought the salaciousness to it.  Kenya isn't responsible for Apollo's motives and for him initiating contact with her.

What I don't get about these shows, not just this one, is people keeping texts that don't mean anything. It's like they are waiting to use them as ammo down the road. We've seen in on the cities of this franchise as well. It amazes me that people don't think more about what they text knowing it can be used down the road.

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p.s. somebody upthread (swankie?) asked about the faces she was making while they were talking, the biting noises and shit.  Kandi asked her what she would do/how she'd feel if Todd's mother put her finger in Joyce's face and she responded by demonstrating a Mike Tyson.  Oodles of charm, that one.



I wish I had a gif of Joyce making that ugly face and biting imaginary fingers!  I can't imagine her feeling proud of herself when she watches the show and sees how ridiculous she looks most of the time.  Of course, she'll probably swear she doesn't watch the show.  lol

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This episode cinched 2 things:

Todd is the best HW husband on the show.And...

Apollo is not that pretty. I concluded the way people rave about him and act I expect young Shemar Moore or James Dean. His looks are all he has since he has no work ethic or brains and is nasty mean and those looks are just B/B +.

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This episode cinched 2 things:

Todd is the best HW husband on the show.And...

Apollo is not that pretty. I concluded the way people rave about him and act I expect young Shemar Moore or James Dean. His looks are all he has since he has no work ethic or brains and is nasty mean and those looks are just B/B +.


I agree.  He actually has some almost ugly features that come together in the right way.  His nose has a slight hook to it and he has beady eyes even if they are large and sparkle.  His body is okay but its got the same "got nothing else to do and I have no imagination so I go lift....because it makes me feel I'm hot" . And I thought that when he was still a "former felon" not a "current felon".


Buuuuut.  Look at Phaedra's budget.  I think for what she got exactly what she paid for.

Edited by heebiejeebie
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This episode cinched 2 things:

Todd is the best HW husband on the show.And...

Apollo is not that pretty. I concluded the way people rave about him and act I expect young Shemar Moore or James Dean. His looks are all he has since he has no work ethic or brains and is nasty mean and those looks are just B/B +.


Buuuuut.  Look at Phaedra's budget.  I think for what she got exactly what she paid for. 



I've been thinking the same thing. With the beard, Apollo isn't cute, at all. In fact, he looks like some sort of animal I can't quite place. He looks much better with his mouth closed, no facial hair, and shirt off. 


She needs to demand a refund. Defective product! Wait, her goal was to have pretty babies, I guess she figured she had enough brains for the two of them. Therefore, he served his purpose. Those babies are cute. I don't know if I would've rolled the dice, I would rather have smart, intelligent (which they seem) than cute. In other words, Apollo wasn't worth the chance, things could've turned out a lot differently.

Edited by Queena
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I've been thinking the same thing. With the beard, Apollo isn't cute, at all. In fact, he looks like some sort of animal I can't quite place. He looks much better with his mouth closed, no facial hair, and shirt off. 


She needs to demand a refund. Defective product! Wait, her goal was to have pretty babies, I guess she figured she had enough brains for the two of them. Therefore, he served his purpose. Those babies are cute. I don't know if I would've rolled the dice, I would rather have smart, intelligent (which they seem) than cute. In other words, Apollo wasn't worth the chance, things could've turned out a lot differently.


I don't remember the thread I mentioned it in but that animal is a primate.  The downturn of his mouth when it's closed?  Unfortunate but definite gorilla resemblance.   He looks pretty decent when he smiles or his mouth is opened but then there is the risk of what comes out of it. 


Good point girl.  If it occurred to her, you can improve smart, ain't no changing cute though.  Lol.

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What confuses me.... there is that HUGE guest house right next door, which MJ wanted to move into but Todd and Kandi said no. Now, out of nowhere, she's getting a house down the road. Excuse me, but I think there's some serious manipulation going on and it's not them. It's us. I will bet you anything that this is all for a storyline. In fact, they could be renting that house just for the show. Just like Kenya rented hers and Nene and Gregg rented their first place.

if memory serves, that was Kandi's previous house.
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Phaedra is hardly the innocent, put upon deceived wife, saint of a mother that she wants to portray herself as.

She is so hell-bent about her public image - which makes me wonder, "What is it that she is hiding"?

This is the woman who pretended she did not know her due date - and dumb enough to think others believe she was telling the truth.


That's why I can't with the whole "wronged wife" facade that Fakedra attempts to cultivate.  She's as big a liar as he is; she's just more slick with her shit.  That is, until someone refuses to play along, like the OBGYN who delivered Ayden.  It's amusing to me (and not in a Ha ha! way) how a woman who filed a defamation lawsuit against her HUZZBIN'S co-conspirator, would gleefully and deliberately go around slandering someone else.  And, I say deliberately, because there is nothing that I have seen or heard that will ever convince me that Fakedra didn't know that Appalling was lying.  One of the best lines of defense is to deny, justify and vilify.  And, when that plan doesn't work, the next step is to outright lie.  Both the Nidas have done just that.


Interesting.  According to Appalling, lying about Kenya wasn't a part of the "plan."  What plan was that, bruh?


She [Fakedra] needs to demand a refund. Defective product! Wait, her goal was to have pretty babies, I guess she figured she had enough brains for the two of them. Therefore, he served his purpose. Those babies are cute. I don't know if I would've rolled the dice, I would rather have smart, intelligent (which they seem) than cute. In other words, Apollo wasn't worth the chance, things could've turned out a lot differently.


Hmmm... it seems that Wile E. Coyote had better luck with those Acme products that didn't always quite work out for him.  A sperm donor who sires cute babies;  some arm candy that Fakedra foolishly believed inspires envy from other women; and someone that she thought should feel so grateful that he would willingly let her lord it over him.  Instead, she ended up with a product that she can't trust and whose speech and grammar she always has to correct.  Not to mention, he's violent, disrespectful, openly hostile towards her, and calls her vile names whether the cameras are rolling or not.  Not to mention, he's an entitled sociopath.

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if memory serves, that was Kandi's previous house.

She was living in the guest house that is attached to the home she's in now? The previous place she lived and worked in was the ranch-style house that her mom has now. Right? I thought she moved from the ranch house to the big mansion. But I could be wrong.

At any rate, Kandi having the key and them going over there at night just strikes me as a house she's rented just for the show and MJ's storyline.

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She was living in the guest house that is attached to the home she's in now? The previous place she lived and worked in was the ranch-style house that her mom has now. Right? I thought she moved from the ranch house to the big mansion. But I could be wrong.

At any rate, Kandi having the key and them going over there at night just strikes me as a house she's rented just for the show and MJ's storyline.

You are correct. Kandi lived in the ranch until she and Todd got together. MJ found an estate for Kandi to purchase that had two homes on the property.MJ's master plan was Kandi and Todd to live in the big house and for her to move into the smaller home. After Kandi and Todd moved in, Todd said no to MJ moving in. That's why Kandi gave her the ranch house (that she renovated but didn't move into) That's where MJ's hatred of Todd started IMO.

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