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S01.E08: The Mask


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Gordon and Bullock investigate a Gothamite who runs a deadly fight club for candidates applying for a job at his financial firm. Meanwhile, Bruce returns to school and gets a visit from a new friend in the all-new "The Mask" episode of GOTHAM


  • Love 3
An underground office supply fight club. That old plot?


I figured the first dead guy was covered in printer toner because there was a paper jam and he had a fight with his printer a la Officespace.


"Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam? I swear to God, one of these days, I just kick this piece of shit out the window."

  • Love 6

Great follow up to last week's episode. I like that we got the fall out from the cops turning their backs on Jim. Jim's anger and distrust of his fellow cops was more than understandable. I am gad that Sarah Essen was ashamed and decided to stand by Jim. I was glad that Harvey came through for Jim. We will see how long that lasts.


No wonder Bruce grows up to be an angry violent barely mentally stable man. I love his relationship with Alfred, but it is not remotely parental or healthy. Alfred is unable or unwilling to set any limits for Bruce.


I so fell for Fish's lie. She is good. That poor girl is dead as a door nail. 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 9

That bully was Tommy Elliot from Hush, wasn't it?  I was wondering if they were going to include him once I read that Bruce was going back to school.  He's a fairly "recent" addition to the Batman mythos.


Really good episode.  Definitely can't blame Jim for being so pissed off at his fellow cops who abandoned him.  Harvey was great as always.  Good episode for Fish, who showed a little development.  Definitely love Alfred encouraging Bruce to beat up Tommy.  The fight club setting was pretty cool.

  • Love 3


An underground office supply fight club. That old plot?


That's what happens when you take away the red stapler.


I enjoyed this one.  I liked the idea that they didn't just reset after the trauma of last episode.  Barbara and Gordon are both a little unbalanced, but in different ways.  And Harvey is the voice of reason, oddly enough.  He seems to feel equal parts loyalty and frustration toward Jim.  He has thrown himself back into being a cop, even if he is still willing to deal with the gray areas of society to bring the blacker parts to heel.


Always fun to see Todd Stashwick villainizing.


I was surprised by Alfred encouraging Bruce to fight.  But I suppose it's better than him going off on his own and doing something worse.

  • Love 7

Great follow up to last week's episode. I like that we got the fall out from the cops turning their backs on Jim. Jim's anger and distrust of his fellow cops was more than understandable. I am gad that Sarah Essen was ashamed and decided to stand by Jim. I was glad that Harvey came through for Jim. We will see how long that lasts.


No wonder Bruce grows up to be an angry violent barely mental stable man. I love his relationship with Alfred, but it is not remotely parental or healthy. Alfred is unable or unwilling to set any limits for Bruce.


I so fell for Fish's lie. She is good. That poor girl is dead as a door nail. 


Oh yeah, Bruce's father helped create this situation with that ridiculous "no therapy" rule and Alfred is pretty much enabling it.  Bruce isn't even close to a mentally healthy individual.


First Barbara pulls that crap last next and now she leaves Jim.  Best thing that could happen to Jim.  Still love Erin Richards though.

Edited by benteen
  • Love 3

Repercussions! Glad that there were some from the mass walkout last week.


Alfred, dude! Please pick up a parenting book. Even he must know that encouraging an angry young man to lash out at others won't end well.


Barbara leaving again? She just got back!


Hey, now we know where Fish gets her love of shiny things! I glad for a minute that we got some backstory for her, but then, not really.


Really, Oswald? Fish is going to know it was you who kidnapped her new umbrella holder. And your mom is crazy.

  • Love 2

So if Barbara has in fact left Jim for good, then she must already be pregnant with Barbara Jr. aka Batgirl/Oracle, because she's one of my favorite comic book heroines EVER.  (And in some ways just as important to Bruce as Selina.)


Oh, Nygma, you are such a freak.


So when is Oswald at his creepiest?!?  When he's killing people or when he's with his mom?!?

  • Love 1

I'm curious as to what EXACTLY Bruce's story arc will lead to.  I'm not too familiar with the comics, but was this how young Bruce started out?  Was he angry and actually enjoying brutality?  Alfred saying to that kid that he allowed Bruce the chance to kill him was kind of jarring.  I seriously wonder if Bruce's journey will be completely different from what is expected.  Like, will Bruce become a psycho instead of a hero?

  • Love 1

Why do I feel that Bruce would've been considered a "weird kid" even if his parents didn't get killed? So precocious, it hurts . . . and I don't mean the open-handed slapping.


Liked Black Mask as Perp of the Week. Interesting to have a firm with its very own Fight Club. Also liked Bullock rallying the GCPD around Gordon, calling them out on their complete cowardice last week. There might be hope for Bullock yet. And Barbara's gone, so maybe there's hope for Jim as well. She's not as painful to watch as Laurel on Arrow, but she's got the potential.


Hi, Selina! Bye, Selina! Nice that she'll be popping up in next week's episode. Also nice to see Fish munching on scenery some more. She and Oswald make great "frienemies."

  • Love 4

Gordon's facial expression when he realized that Selina was back in the precinct was priceless.

If this wasn't a Batman show, I think I might wonder if young Bruce perhaps had some undiagnosed form of mild autism. But I guess we're supposed to understand that his parents raised him like iconoclast billionaires who read some quacky parenting books. Or else his unusual temperament is because Batman (in all caps). That kid needs some sane, reasonable authority figures in his life. Gordon doesn't count. Alfred, as a guardian, is a danger to children.

Penguin's mom is stone cold, but I like her for it. That lady knows how to get revenge. Her son could learn a lot from her.

It was nice to see Barbara leave the apartment, just to know she's capable of it sometimes

Harvey is becoming my favorite, with Essen right behind him.

  • Love 3

I'm curious as to what EXACTLY Bruce's story arc will lead to.  I'm not too familiar with the comics, but was this how young Bruce started out?  Was he angry and actually enjoying brutality?  Alfred saying to that kid that he allowed Bruce the chance to kill him was kind of jarring.  I seriously wonder if Bruce's journey will be completely different from what is expected.  Like, will Bruce become a psycho instead of a hero?

There actually isn't much in the comics about Bruce's childhood. (That's one of the reason's I was looking forward to this series.) And there are definitely some (fans and critics) who would classify Batman as a psycho.


If they had framed the situation a little differently -- Alfred teaching Bruce some moves to better defend himself -- I could have accepted it more.

  • Love 2

Barbra continues to piss me off. I am so glad to see that worthless woman left.

Do you think she's gone for good?

Gordon's facial expression when he realized that Selina was back in the precinct was priceless.

If this wasn't a Batman show, I think I might wonder if young Bruce perhaps had some undiagnosed form of mild autism. But I guess we're supposed to understand that his parents raised him like iconoclast billionaires who read some quacky parenting books. Or else his unusual temperament is because Batman (in all caps). That kid needs some sane, reasonable authority figures in his life. Gordon doesn't count. Alfred, as a guardian, is a danger to children.

Penguin's mom is stone cold, but I like her for it. That lady knows how to get revenge. Her son could learn a lot from her.

It was nice to see Barbara leave the apartment, just to know she's capable of it sometimes

Harvey is becoming my favorite, with Essen right behind him.

Apple, tree.

  • Love 2

Bullock made me cry. *sniff* Really, he did...what a stirring speech. So true too...and so touching they all jumped behind Gordon. Even Sarah Essen, who had more to do this week and was much more likeable this week. Maybe there's hope after all that things will get better.

Case of the Week- actually interesting. Sure, it's a rehashed storyline, but I thought putting it in an office and have it as part of a job application was pretty neat. When Sionis says this business is cutthroat...he sure means it.

Mama Cobblepot will always make me smile...no matter what.

(I do wonder when someone will realize she's Penguin's weakness...but I digress)

No Falcone, but I can't help but think Fish Mooney is in way over her head. Kind of doubt Falcone would leave his most sensitive information on a small sheet of paper. Methinks she's getting played.

Barbara's and Jim's storyline...yawn. Until I see Kean get some real independence, I have no reason to believe this is nothing but an act.

Finally...it seemed jarring to see the normally innocent, sweet Bruce Wayne turn into such a cold-blooded attacker...but, this is the guy who will be Batman, so I let it go. Good to see his edge come out.

Excellent episode overall.

Edited by Danielg342
  • Love 3


This episode was totally made by Bullock openly calling Gordon an asshat while calling out his fellow officers for not helping him. And then of course Gordon basically thanking him for it. Adorbs.

That was not only awesome, but very telling since they all sat there looking at Bullock as if he were nuts.


Why did the writers even bother with Barbara? Seriously, every scene is her in that high rise apartment with the  pretty gown and a liquor cart.  I hope they are going somewhere with the character. Otherwise, I really don't see the point.

Edited by CatMomma
  • Love 3


Why do I feel that Bruce would've been considered a "weird kid" even if his parents didn't get killed? So precocious, it hurts . . . and I don't mean the open-handed slapping.


I think asking Alfred to make a case for normal as a lifestyle choice is a hint.  Bruce wants to be heroic, and not to conform, but he really doesn't know what it takes.  Right now he feels like he is closer to an Oswald or a Nygma than a Batman.  He's a loner, he's awkward, and he's angry.  Oswald is all of those things, and he's killing people.  Of course his dear mother denounced her enemy to secret police and talks to the rats she catches in her kitchen, so he comes by it honestly.


Bruce has Gordon and Alfred for role models.  Gordon is a strict moralist, while Alfred is clearly comfortable coloring outside the lines.  It will be interesting to see where Bruce ends up.  At least he was talking to Alfred about how he feels, even if they are not good feelings.


This was kind of an episode about role models and about growing up on all sides.  Bullock has stepped into a protective role for Gordon.  Then there's Bruce and Alfred.  Oswald and his mother.  Fish and hers.  And Fish called/calls herself mother to Oswald, her Secret Weapon, and the late Timothy.  Killing him almost seems like jealousy from Oswald. 

  • Love 8


Finally...it seemed jarring to see the normally innocent, sweet Bruce Wayne turn into such a cold-blooded attacker...but, this is the guy who will be Batman, so I let it go. Good to see his edge come out.

I don't like the idea that "well, BATMAN" excuses everything the show could be doing better.

Oh and Essen? Are you captain, or are you captain? Because I thought she should have been the one to yell at everyone to suck it up and find one of their own. Let the woman in authority show some authority, show.

  • Love 7


I so wish she stays gone BUT I know that is only wishful thinking.


She will do something stupid. Gotta have the damsel in distress.  



Gordon is a strict moralist, while Alfred is clearly comfortable coloring outside the lines.


It's really interesting because Alfred is raising Bruce as the man he needs to be right now and Gordon wants to create a world where Alfred's version of Bruce isn't necessary.  Alfred is a realist while Gordon is an idealist. But, Alfred is way more fun.

  • Love 4

Todd Stashwick really has a punchable face, right? Still, he's money playing this type of role. Thanks, Mr. S!


Gordon and Bullock, getting it done. Harvey can be so cool; I felt so badly about it when Jim refused to bend on the underground doc. You could see Jim was thinking it over.  It's Jim hope of getting the city back to Clean that keeps him on the hard road. It's already costing him, so Jim isn't blind to the consequences of being disliked by his fellow cops.


I could watch Fish and Penguin talk every episode. Jada and Robin feel like they could recite the characters' history. They are great and I hope they are both around after this season. ( Oswald's mugging of that society lady was amusing. It was his "please" that tipped it.)


When Bruce was talking about how much he enjoyed putting the hurt on that assy kid, Alfred, besides the 'he had it coming' part, maybe add that beatdowns are a last ditch? I love Alfred, but maybe finding someone with less on their plate (Gordon) to talk about the trauma Bruce is going through (still) would be a thing to do now?  I do appreciate Alfred letting Bruce handle the situation. Punks know they shouldn't go after guys' moms. This Tommy apparently needed a refresher course.  Bruce didn't ' almost kill' you, punk. If it was closer to that, you couldn't say 'boo', much less whine. ( I am betting that there will be repercussions; rich folk don't want orphan children beating up their angels while a servant is standing by and getting mouthy at said angels.) 


I hope Barbara is getting double-miles on her credit card, the amount of travelling she's done the last two episodes.


Captain Essen? Loving her. Glad she articulated that she felt cowardly for leaving, even after Gordon said she needed to go. I think what she saw in Gordon, at the Office Fight Club, was his acceptance that he's going to be alone if Bullock isn't there with him.  While I didn't think Gordon was going to fatality The Mask, I wasn't sure what else Jim would do.  Saying that, though? Jim, hon, don't throw away a perfectly good weapon if your suspect/perp isn't handcuffed and immobilized! Yes, you have bricks for fists, apparently, but still. Don't be wasteful. ( Too bad you couldn't figure out how to get that million for knocking out all three applicants and the Boss. You could get your own swanky place, with or without a clockface window!)

  • Love 4

I don't like the idea that "well, BATMAN" excuses everything the show could be doing better.

Oh and Essen? Are you captain, or are you captain? Because I thought she should have been the one to yell at everyone to suck it up and find one of their own. Let the woman in authority show some authority, show.

I look at it by showing that Bruce at least has that edge...he just now has to hone it.

While I'm inclined to agree with you about Essen, I think having Bullock deliver the speech made sense. Essen stood with Gordon, so likely the cops would have seen that and not listened to her; furthermore, Bullock still has the ear of the cops...he's as corrupt as the other cops are so they'd listen to and respect him.

  • Love 1

I was distracted by a few things so I didn't as much attention tonight but I did like that police dept kind of woke to "oh yeah...we left you when you needed us. Friends?" "No!"

As I feel so smart into thinking that Fish was making up a really good story to have that girl believe this was all about parental revenge. It helped that I thought "Unless she's related to Fish, that old lady singing would have been gone after the first note."

Finally, nothing stirs up your destiny like bitch slapping a snotty cretin who talked bad about your dead mother.

  • Love 4

Office fight club was certainly an interesting scenario.  Gordon brawling with everyone was pretty awesome (I wonder if that was the scene where Ben McKenzie got a minor injury, that I saw on Twitter or something), and Todd Stashwick was fun as the villain.  Overall, it was back to the procedural stuff, but, as usual, I love the Gordon/Bullock pairing.  Really liked that Gordon held a grudge against the other cops for abandoning him, and that Bullock told them off as well.  Despite his blustering, Bullock really does care for Gordon.  I also thought this was the best use of Essen so far.


Meanwhile, Barbara just gets even worse.  Now she decides to leave?  This character just fell apart these past few episodes.  Close to a disaster.  I would be perfectly fine with her never showing back up: 

especially since Morena Baccarin is going to be showing up as a potential love interest.


So,  it looks like Bruce is going to get trained by Alfred, now.  This is pretty messed up, but kind of fascinating to watch.  This clearly isn't healthy, but Batman always had a bit of a screw loose, and Alfred always did enable him, so I think this makes sense.  They might have finally gotten me interested in the Bruce story-line.


Selina is back!  I can't wait: love Selina/Gordon.


Loved the Fish/Oswald scene: I think Jada Pinkett Smith's scenery chewing works best opposite of Oswald.  Also, her story about her "mother's death", was well done.  And, she's got some of Falcone's ledger now, so that's moving forward.  But, I have to think Oswald finding out she has a mole of some kind, is going to be coming into play.


OK, I'm starting to think that the M.E. is going to be Nygma's first victim.  He clearly doesn't respect him, and Nygma is.... well, kind of a nutter.


Good episode.  Not the best, but I'm really enjoying the show.

  • Love 7

I guess since Liza (Fish Mooney's "weapon" girl) doesn't even have a last name, there's no way that in 20 years she'll be running the outfit after killing her boss?

Who played Fish Mooney's mom who sang?

Always fun to see Todd Stashwick villainizing...

He does it so well that it makes me wonder if he makes babies cry and pulls kittens' tails to warm up for the parts.
  • Love 1
First Barbara pulls that crap last next and now she leaves Jim.  Best thing that could happen to Jim.

Seconded. Barbara is so idiotic, helpless, needy and hypocritical, all the worst possible traits that could possibly be wrong with any human being much less a fictional woman, Jim would be WAY better off without her. I keep hoping somebody on this show will call Barbara out on her mind numbingly stupid actions last episode and her rampant hypocrisy thus far, but so far nobody has. Obviously Gordon isn't going to do it, but if not Gordon then Bullock or Montoya or somebody because it really needs to happen.

Edited by immortalfrieza
  • Love 3


Office fight club was certainly an interesting scenario.  Gordon brawling with everyone was pretty awesome (I wonder if that was the scene where Ben McKenzie got a minor injury, that I saw on Twitter or something),

It probably was! (Article about his injury) Although you only see the wound in Ben's last scenes at the police station. I've been waiting to see which episode it would turn up in.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 2

Barbara: More useless and annoying each episode.  It's too bad we darn well know she won't stay gone.  My prediction?  If she doesn't shack up with her Lesbian Lover, then we instead will see her again for sure when she next gets herself into trouble/danger again.  Because she serves no other purpose apparently.


Edward and his proto-Riddlerness was interesting.  Fish and her "weapon"?  Not so much.  We might as well call Miss Weapon "Exposition Girl", for all that Fish explains to her.


Bruce and his bullies?  A bit predictable, I guess, although of course we get the new twist that Alfred is the start of Bruce enjoying beating up bad people rather than him objecting to it.


Printer toner = 80s or later reference (whereas if it had been Copier toner it could have been an even older one).  They did exist in the 70s, but were so rare I doubt they'd be talked about so informally by a CSI tech to a cop.

Edited by Kromm
  • Love 1

I wish Barbara would stay gone. Good riddance I say. What an annoying character. Really... you leave a man because he couldn't talk to you in the middle of his work day knowing the kind of work that he does. Her presence just drags the show down IMO. I so wish she stays gone BUT I know that is only wishful thinking.

Barb almost shooting Gordon was it for me.

Not my favourite but actually better than expected.

The Black Mask is not one of my favourites from the Rogue Gallery and I'm not fond of these Fight Club type of episodes that nearly every genre show seems to do nowadays but this one worked a little better than expected.

The scenes with Gordon and Sionis were pretty great actually and I liked that both Bullock and Essen had his back properly this week.

Businessmen being caged up and then fighting each other. Certainly took the cutthroat that extra mile.

Bullock's speech about Gordon was priceless. I'm really liking him a lot.

Fantastic that Edward got more screentime and I enjoyed the Oswald and Fish bits as well.

Selina's reappearance was a little unexpected but it was fine enough.

Alfred encouraging Bruce to beat up Tommy - not too sure how I feel about that one really.

Bored of Barbara at this point. Unless the writers give her something interesting to do, she can stay gone.

More of Oswald's mother please, 7/10

  • Love 1

I am really liking this show.  In the summer, I did not think I would watch it because I thought it would be too hard watching what is basically a set-up to the Batman tale. I am so glad I caved.  I am liking all the characters, the feel, and the cases.  I am happy they did not gloss over the fact that the cops turned their back on Jim.  I liked the different ways they showed how that impacted everyday interactions.

  • Love 2

I'm guessing Alfred's reasoning for teaching Bruce himself is he can clearly see how determined and driven the kid is. Once he puts his mind on something he's going to do it no matter what. It's better he (Alfred) teach Bruce self defense/fighting in a controlled environment where he can monitor and help him out.

After Cobblepott, you'd think Fish would think twice about bringing someone in close and telling them you secrets and plans. If Liza has half a brain in her head, as soon as the heat gets to be too much all she has to do is snuggle up to Falcone and tell him everything Fish is doing.

  • Love 6

BM as Jim Gordon was the standout of this episode.  Like others here, I like that they showed the repercussions in the police precinct from last week when all of the other cops deserted Gordon.  BM is very good at portraying seething anger and repressed violence.  The climactic scene in the office 'fight club' where he defeats the three job applicants and then the boss was great.  This show is doing a good job of showing a Gordon who eventually becomes so disillusioned by the system that he welcomes the idea of a vigilante superhero fighting criminals outside the law.


Bullock was almost too supportive of Gordon, in an abrupt about-face from the beginning of this series.  I kept waiting for a scene where it would be revealed that he was secretly working for one of the villains.  But nope, it didn't happen.


Every scene with Bruce and Alfred was good, as usual.  Was Alfred's method of combatting schoolboy bullies the right one?  Debatable, but insightful in rearing the child who will become Batman.


The scene between Oswald and his mom was creepily enjoyable.  Madeline Kane is always great.


The Selina scenes seemed like throwaways just to get her in the episode.  It's still disconcerting how she has a 30-year-old face on a 13-year-old body.


When Fish Mooney was telling Liza the 'sob story' about her prostitute mother's death,  I thought 'what a cliche back story'.  So it was great when it turned out she made the whole thing up.


I don't understand the Barbara character at all.  When she was demanding reassurance from Gordon that he would protect her, I cringed.  Was she suffering from PTSD because she was threatened with death last week?  Why did she leave at the end?  I can't help thinking that Gordon deserves someone stronger.


The visual look of the show continues to impress..  And the acting on this show is really strong (with one exception), which elevates the material.  (I think BM injured himself while filming the pilot episode - I believe you could see his head injury during that episode.)

  • Love 1

Didn't we already know that last week when they revealed Oswald's double (triple?) cross?

I think this shows that Falcone has a plan of his own, and isn't just waiting for the right moment to tell Fish he knew her plan all along. I never doubted that Falcone was two steps ahead of everyone- including, perhaps, Oswald- it just seems that now Falcone is putting a plan of his in motion.

  • Love 2


BM as Jim Gordon was the standout of this episode.  Like others here, I like that they showed the repercussions in the police precinct from last week when all of the other cops deserted Gordon.  BM is very good at portraying seething anger and repressed violence.  The climactic scene in the office 'fight club' where he defeats the three job applicants and then the boss was great.  This show is doing a good job of showing a Gordon who eventually becomes so disillusioned by the system that he welcomes the idea of a vigilante superhero fighting criminals outside the law.


What I also love is that they're showing and not telling us how awesome Gordon is not only as a physical fighter but a mentally tough one as well as a Big Damn Hero who does.not.compromise. We know his background as a solider and that he's straightlaced but in every episode we see him in action backing up the words and reputation.


He could've let Balloonman drift to his death but he boldly jumped up to hold onto the man to try to save him.

He could've shot Oswald to save his own skin, but didn't. Could've killed him when he returned, but didn't.

Rather than run and hide when Falcone and Co. came for him, he stood his ground and brought the fight to them.

He could've caved to Harvey's plea to let the Snitch Doctor go and he said 'Nope'.

He fought off a group of blood thristy psychos with his bare hands but didn't cross the line of murder even though he was justified and was in the throes of warrior bloodlust. That was some Batman level awesomeness right there.


His example is beginning to rub off on Bullock and Essen and this episode is filtering into the precinct. 


Jim has his flaws of being SO righteous to border obnoxious but I get it. There have been too many compromises in Gotham and it has to stop if it's to get better.


It took a while but it's come together but BM and TPTB have done a stellar job in realizing the legend that is Jim Gordon.


And Jim's summarizing that losing the Waynes is what brought all the crazy out because they were a symbol of hope and that things just might get better in that town was kind of crushing. It's interesting that it's not just Bruce that lost his center but the city as a whole. It's poignant that their son rises to become a symbol of justice and hope in their name but sad that it came at the cost of a young boy witnessing the death of his parents and being irrepably broken by it.


One thing about the whole avoidance of Bruce going to a therapist. I wonder if

if they might pull some from the Batman: Earth One origins with Martha being an Arkham whose family had a lot of mental illness issues. If Martha herself had a heavy distrust of psychiatrist from her experiences with her family, I can see why she would never want Bruce to be exploited and why Thomas would concede to her and make it clear to Alfred that Bruce never have to deal with that under any circumstances as his caretaker.


As for Barbara...I was that girl's defender for the last 8 episodes but in this one I was really disappointed. She wanted to be let in and was finally let in to all the crap Jim has to deal with; I get she's traumatized but Jim is IN this ish and suffering himself and is in danger everyday-especially with his own fellow cops not having his back- and now she resents him for being who he is? Don't let the door hit ya, Babs.

Edited by TobinAlbers
  • Love 6

Alfred encouraging Bruce to beat up Tommy - not too sure how I feel about that one really.

More of Oswald's mother please, 7/10

I'm okay with it.  No little boy should allow someone to talk shit about his dead mother.  If thats not a cause you can fight for I don't know what is.  I normally don't condone violence for words, but that was his mother, and you're going to constantly be a punching bag in life if you let that one slide.


I think Alfred saw that if he let the fight end at the point it had in school, with Bruce getting beat up by the kid at school, it would never end.  By doing it this way, you've stopped the main kid and the entire thing will likely stop.  I mean, sure the kid can go tell his parents what happened, but then he will have to admit that he was talking shit to a kid about his dead mother.


Oswald's mother is hilarious.  I like her, but no more creepy bathtub scenes

  • Love 2

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