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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Was it at all adreessed when Kristen returned to Salem on New Year's maybe?

(WOW - if even I am ignoring Kristen story beats, you know things are bad.)

I noticed some subtle retconning going on today, with regards to why Steve left town originally. Kayla had had some one-sided phone calls after SN was fired from the show two or so years ago, and her side of those conversations made it clear that Steve resented Kayla for lying about who created his robotic eye and inadvertently allowing Stefan to use him to spy on the ISA through his bionic eye. Today, Steve spoke as if he only really left to town to somehow atone to the ISA. If that was the case, why was Kayla hurt and crying when he left town? Don't treat me like I don't remember some of the scenes, Show! I remember hating the fact that Kayla was getting crapped on by her husband yet again. Honestly, making Steve into a perpetually absentee husband and father pisses me off. I really want to like the character but his abrupt exits are always really poorly written.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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3 hours ago, boes said:

Was what addressed?  

I believe the poster was referring to Kristen killing Haley.

Like another poster mentioned it was briefly stated that Kristen wasn't charged in Haley's murder. I believe it was legally deemed an accident. 

Steve was aware that Jack was alive. Back when Jack returned Kayla mentioned that she spoke with Steve and notified him. I don't know if she ever conversed with Steve after Jack got his memories back but he was aware of Jack being alive and back in Salem. 

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"  On 4/12/2020 at 7:23 PM, Toups said:

So it was looking like the baby reveal would happen at Sarah/Xander's wedding, but instead the revelation was so anticlimactic.  It would've been so much better if everyone found out when Nicole stops the wedding......then she reveals the DNA test.....then she brings out Dr Raynor......then Victor is busted too.......DAYS had a huge bullet with this baby switch and they totally misfired. "


agree !!!!


It dont matter how many times Carlivati's stuff ends up on the cutting room floor , he is still a whack writer !!!

Edited by Rafael
  • Love 1
9 hours ago, boes said:

I'm not sure exactly why Doug and Julie were on today.  Doug, yeah, he's a nice guy who pretty much cares about everyone but I've never thought Julie really gave a rats ass about anyone outside of the Hortons and not even all of them.  

Julie's smart remark about how Jennifer would understand "when someone you've loved for decades doesn't know who you are" was just stirring up shit for giggles. Are they not even bothering to pretend that Julie's "nice" anymore? I mean, Jeebus, woman! Don't you have anything better to do with your time than needle people you supposedly care about?

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Are we REALLY supposed to believe that after how many twists, turns, and misunderstandings there is any chance Kayla will end up with Justin?  And do we really want to see all the twists, turns, and misunderstandings?  I, for one, do not.

You and me both, Daphne. I hope it's dispatched with grace and swiftness.

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Loved the scenes with Steve & Jack!  Classic!  Steve "Cut the c***, speak English Dude" LOL.  Jack irritating Steve with his big words & double speak.  Those scenes I enjoyed.  But, Kristen has returned to being angry & vindictive...ugh, Brady actually being the voice of reason in calming her down.   And the baby who plays Mickey is So Cute!

  • Love 5
52 minutes ago, Harmony233 said:

Will who has three younger siblings and helped with them needed abby to tell him there's a difference between one child and two kids lol.

Well, isn't that special? We wouldn't want anyone to get the impression that Grabbigail is completely f***ing useless, now, would we? Gahh. 

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10 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Like another poster mentioned it was briefly stated that Kristen wasn't charged in Haley's murder. I believe it was legally deemed an accident. 

That’s idiotic though because Kristen killed Haley in anger and not only did no jail time but wasn’t even sentenced to counseling or probation (she was allowed to immediately leave the country). But Claire and Jordan each only TRIED to kill someone and they got sentenced to insane asylums. 

Also it’s cute how show just breezed past the fact that Kristen raped Brady and he and everyone basically doesn’t care. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

That’s idiotic though because Kristen killed Haley in anger and not only did no jail time but wasn’t even sentenced to counseling or probation (she was allowed to immediately leave the country). But Claire and Jordan each only TRIED to kill someone and they got sentenced to insane asylums. 

Also it’s cute how show just breezed past the fact that Kristen raped Brady and he and everyone basically doesn’t care. 

Kristen raped both Brady and eric.It's pretty much not been mentioned.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

But, Kristen has returned to being angry & vindictive...ugh

All I kept thinking during those scenes was, good luck with that, Brady, because the b**** is back.

I'm going to be in a Kristen like rage if Victor gets away with his part in the baby switch.

I did enjoy the Steve/Jack scenes today. Why they wasted all that time with SN playing Steveano is beyond me.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Sandman said:

Well, isn't that special? We wouldn't want anyone to get the impression that Grabbigail is completely f***ing useless, now, would we? Gahh. 

I think its more that this show seems to forget Will had an existence before he became a token gay character and one half of Wilson.

Plus the other three siblings are pretty forgettable compared to him when it comes to Sami's kids I tend to forget they exist most of the time except maybe Sydney but that's because she was part of the awesome Sydnapping story.

Sami never needed so many kids Will was plenty and Eric has nothing.


Never had a kid or gotten married. Probably one of the few long term soap characters in history that can claim that.

Edited by CanaryFan98
  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I think its more that this show seems to forget Will had an existence before he became a token gay character and one half of Wilson.

Plus the other three siblings are pretty forgettable compared to him when it comes to Sami's kids I tend to forget they exist most of the time except maybe Sydney but that's because she was part of the awesome Sydnapping story.

Sami never needed so many kids Will was plenty and Eric has nothing.


Never had a kid or gotten married. Probably one of the few long term soap characters in history that can claim that.

It's weird that Sami has four kids while that belle and Carrie have one kid and Eric none 

  • Love 7

I liked Sonny remembering his April Fool's dream about Leo and him offering to sell Abe and Sheila's baby to them.

Yeah, it's a bit odd that someone who just got married would not be wearing a ring. However, Sarah's reason was convincing enough in that the ring needed to be sized. Her buying a bunch of what I assumed were baby clothes for the 'honeymoon' was odd. Not filing a flight plan?

I enjoyed Eric punching Xander.

Kristen, calm down. Yes, your baby is 'alive' but you still don't have a right to her. Sarah probably could fight for custody.

Justin, is it justice of the peace's oath to not tell Kayla that there was a baby switch at the hospital. All babies born that day may have been switched. It should be investigated.

Tough situation for a triangle, where no one is bad or undeserving.

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I want to feel sorry for Kristin, I really do, but I just can't. She is a powder keg and it won't take much for her to blow and she will destroy everyone in her path, even if Rachel is in their arms. I just do not see this ending well for anyone.

When Eric was talking about how Brady had been worried that Kristin would kill herself after her daughter "died" I wanted someone to mention Hayley. Really, Sarah taken off with Mickey/Rachel is far more understandable than killing a nurse after she found out her daughter died. The way Brady and everyone else just keeps blowing off her death as if it was nothing infuriates me. I was no fan of Hayley but there is no reason Kristin shouldn't have faced some consequence for the death, at least involuntary manslaughter.

Maybe I just have a cold heart but I am still hoping that it turns out the whole thing was a mistake and Mickey is actually Sarah's daughter because that really is the best hope that child has for a normal life. Best case scenario, Brady ends up with Sarah and they raise Mickey/Rachel together and Kristin gets supervised visits.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Loved the scenes with Steve & Jack!  Classic!  Steve "Cut the c***, speak English Dude" LOL.  Jack irritating Steve with his big words & double speak.  Those scenes I enjoyed. 

"Propinquity". Oh, Jack. Even when being supportive, he always finds a way to annoy Steve. These are the scenes I've been waiting for since Steve returned and I was not disappointed.

I don't think I've seen Eric & Will share a scene since I started watching again, and it took me a while to remember that they are uncle & nephew. That's something I noticed about Days, the 20-somethings refer to their uncles & aunts by their first names only. That's why it sometimes takes me a while to make the familial connections on this show.  



  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

My speculation is the third mother who gave birth has Sarah’s baby, and the baby that died was hers.... Like some dumb shit that before Xander and that trash doctor switching Rachel and Mac there was already a switcheroo. 

I'm pretty sure that will be the end result. The fact that they mentioned numerous times that there were 3 babies born that night. 

  • Love 5
40 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

My speculation is the third mother who gave birth has Sarah’s baby, and the baby that died was hers.... Like some dumb shit that before Xander and that trash doctor switching Rachel and Mac there was already a switcheroo. 

I see that too although I've seen some spec that Wilson will end up adopting that baby but then again after will said that he was scared of adoption today I thought they would go for a surrogate story if there serious about expanding there family.

  • Love 2

Talking about Justin not telling Kayla about babies being switched at her hospital, I was wondering about pretty much the same thing when Nicole was telling Abe all about the switcheroo, and he was so blasé about it. I mean, isn’t he the mayor of that town, and isn’t he always running things at the police department? I would think that a doctor switching babies for money would be somewhat against the law for both the doctor and the payer (Xander). Abe just acted like it was no more than Nicole’s personal problem.

  • Love 4
46 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

My speculation is the third mother who gave birth has Sarah’s baby, and the baby that died was hers.... Like some dumb shit that before Xander and that trash doctor switching Rachel and Mac there was already a switcheroo. 

Like a shell game, except this time with babies.


Only Kitty knows the truth.....

  • LOL 13
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5 minutes ago, Barton88 said:

Talking about Justin not telling Kayla about babies being switched at her hospital, I was wondering about pretty much the same thing when Nicole was telling Abe all about the switcheroo, and he was so blasé about it. I mean, isn’t he the mayor of that town, and isn’t he always running things at the police department? I would think that a doctor switching babies for money would be somewhat against the law for both the doctor and the payer (Xander). Abe just acted like it was no more than Nicole’s personal problem.

This is Salem, where serial killers are heroes and are HAWT HAWT HAWT, just ask Ciara.

Where Dr. Looney Tunes runs around town injecting people with magical microchips that make them think they are somebody else and that's not against the law, apparently.

And where a sociopath, mutiple attempted murderer, amateur mad scientist, kidnapper and nurse killer not only roams free but is soon to be the big winner in the baby sweepstakes.

Oh yeah, almost forgot - the current head of Titan tried to cook Eric and Nicole like a bag of tater tots and that was just for starters.

And this is all just the current crap.  I'm more surprised Abe didn't yawn and fall asleep during Nicole's tale of baby napping than I am that he wasn't even mildly agitated.

  • LOL 11
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17 hours ago, Harmony233 said:

Will who has three younger siblings and helped with them needed abby to tell him there's a difference between one child and two kids lol.

In Will's defense, I think he was referencing the difference for parents--yes he was an older brother, but the actual care-giving fell to his mom and step-father.  Or nanny.

I did appreciate Will's spit-take when Sonny mentioned his dream about Will and Leo being in bed together--both of their reactions made me laugh.  And I also loved Sarah's barely contained impatience when Will and Sonny started talking about their wanting another child--LG played that very well.

I can't wait to see Brady when he starts justifying Kristen's rampage of revenge we know will be coming, I'm just trying to figure out who she will target first. No doubt Sarah's about to get a hit put out on her.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

In Will's defense, I think he was referencing the difference for parents--yes he was an older brother, but the actual care-giving fell to his mom and step-father.  Or nanny.

I don't object to anyone's having a nanny, just to be clear (even the under-employed parents on this show); what I object to is Grabbigail's "expertise" in the face of Will's actual experience (though not as primary caregiver to his siblings ... probably).  

Though to be fair, Will is far from the only character whose history is forgotten whenever it doesn't serve the current inane plot.

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Didn't Justin think it might have been important to let Kayla, his girlfriend and the hospital's chief of staff, know that there had been a baby switch on her watch?


Apparently there was a scene edited out where Tony and Chad burned the Stefano chip.

Why the hell would they have had the chip after it was removed from Steve's head? They have absolutely no right to it...

When are they going to mention what has happened to Rolf in light of what he's done? He's been arrested, right? Please?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

Why the hell would they have had the chip after it was removed from Steve's head? They have absolutely no right to it...

When are they going to mention what has happened to Rolf in light of what he's done? He's been arrested, right? Please?

I'm sure the hospital board will appoint him Chief of Staff.  Jail, schmail, this is Salem!

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Watching yesterday's and just ran in to say I LOVED the Jack and Steve scenes. Pure love. Good to have you back, Patch. 

I had to ff through the Sarah/Mackenzie scenes -- too close to home. 

Brady, you have your hands full with this crazy bitch but I have no sympathy for you -- you know this better than I do. 

Poor Xander. Just shut up, Eric. You may be right but just shut up. 

Will and Sonny are like the "pick a little, talk a little" ladies in the Music Man, lol. 

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50 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

Watching yesterday's and just ran in to say I LOVED the Jack and Steve scenes. Pure love. Good to have you back, Patch. 

Agreed - watching Jack and Steve together, arguing and pushing each others buttons took me back to the old Days the I loved.

And while I understand that it is in character for Steve to push Kayla away because he thinks it is what is right, that has not turned out well for the couple, and specifically Kayla, in the past. As much as I love the character of Justin, Steve and Kayla are meant to be.

I will actually enjoy watching this couple earn their reunion, unlike...

50 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

Brady, you have your hands full with this crazy bitch but I have no sympathy for you -- you know this better than I do. 

Brady should be a great character and, when he is not with Kristin, I usually do like him but the way they have had him twist and turn to accept Kristin as his true love is just disgusting. She raped you and your brother, murdered people, kidnapped your son from his mother's womb, attempted to murder your stepmother many times, in just the past few years, and yet she is the love of your life? Are we sure he didn't get switched at birth with John and Isabella's real son? Because I just cannot see Isabella's son, Victor's grandson, as this much of an idiot.

Edited by cmahorror
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, boes said:

I'm sure the hospital board will appoint him Chief of Staff.  Jail, schmail, this is Salem!

Oh man, on today's episode it was referenced that my boy Dr. Rolf is in jail--say it isn't so!  

I wonder if the writers are even bothered that they currently have two characters freaking out about their actions from the time they had a mind-controlling chip implanted.  Do they think that's overkill?

So is he Evan or Christian now?  I did like that his lawyer refused to take Rafe's crap regarding not releasing him.  Orpheus has taken full responsibility for all crimes committed--you may not like it but it's the Salem law.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Why the hell would they have had the chip after it was removed from Steve's head? They have absolutely no right to it...

When are they going to mention what has happened to Rolf in light of what he's done? He's been arrested, right? Please?

It;s DiMera Corporation property.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

Watching yesterday's and just ran in to say I LOVED the Jack and Steve scenes. Pure love. Good to have you back, Patch.

They were fabulous!  And a far improvement, from a writing standpoint, than Tuesday's scenes.

I loved Tuesday because they were back in the same room but Wednesday's scenes had spot-on writing for the two characters.  Jack waxing philosophical with big words, being Steve's biggest cheerleader and Steve was gruff and annoyed but the love was there.  They just nailed that dynamic. I almost don't want to delete the ep because who knows how long it'll be before we get scenes like that again? 

Oddly enough, I think it's close to the most spot on writing for Jack since he's been back.


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Hi folks.  Haven't been here in a while. Hope everyone is well. 

Still watching the show pretty much every day, however, I skipped the April Fools show. No way could I stomach seeing Daniel.  

So happy the Stevano storyline is over.  Love, loved the scenes with Steve and Jack the other day. Also loved the lengthy Steve/Kayla flashback today.  Poor Justin. He's going to get his heart broken, isn't he.

Love that Will and Sonny are revisiting having another baby.

Yes, I'm still a Cin fan, and thought they were so cute when they were in bed earlier in the episode. But was surprised when Ben attacked Evan.  Hmmm... is he off his meds? 



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We missed the first 15 minutes because of Gavin Newsom's press conference, and when Show came back, we got Ben and Ciara in bed.  Sigh.

I love Evan's lawyer saying "Hey, let's just execute this other guy because he deserves it for other crimes he committed."

They actually used a real baby in these scenes instead of a hyperventilating tape recorder, and i was worrying about how a poor baby would actually react to the violence going on.


  • Love 3
5 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Oh man, on today's episode it was referenced that my boy Dr. Rolf is in jail--say it isn't so!  

I'm finishing up my FREE DR ROLF sign as I type this.  Meet me outside of the Salem Police Department?  

Hope's fascination with all of the rotten things she did as Gina is fun.  She's well on her way down a rabbit hole.  

It's nice that Jennifer is finally in a good place in her life but I miss those days when she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders.  

  • LOL 5
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“I applied so many jobs and I’m over qualified for all of them but none have called me.” 😤 Ben’s offended. 


First of all. His entire time in Salem he’s had 2 jobs. Working at Sonny’s bar where he was insubordinate and rude to leadership. Then as Stefan’s personal security/paid friend.  Second, he has the face and reputation of a serial killer, no education, his only reference is his unemployed gf, and... is a serial killer. 

  • LOL 1
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But was surprised when Ben attacked Evan.  Hmmm... is he off his meds? 

Sorry I wasn't surprised. Ben is a serial killer. Meds or not, dude is a serial killer.


First of all. His entire time in Salem he’s had 2 jobs. Working at Sonny’s bar where he was insubordinate and rude to leadership. Then as Stefan’s personal security/paid friend.  Second, he has the face and reputation of a serial killer, no education, his only reference is his unemployed gf, and... is a serial killer. 

Right?!? How can they not hire this hero?!?


Jack waxing philosophical with big words, being Steve's biggest cheerleader and Steve was gruff and annoyed but the love was there.  They just nailed that dynamic.

Yeah I really loved those scenes. The actors have terrific chemistry.


Brady should be a great character and, when he is not with Kristin, I usually do like him but the way they have had him twist and turn to accept Kristin as his true love is just disgusting. She raped you and your brother, murdered people, kidnapped your son from his mother's womb, attempted to murder your stepmother many times, in just the past few years, and yet she is the love of your life? Are we sure he didn't get switched at birth with John and Isabella's real son? Because I just cannot see Isabella's son, Victor's grandson, as this much of an idiot.

OMG! Preach it! I used to like Kristen way back in the day, like when she was with John. I even enjoyed her when the writers turned her evil. But much like Stefano, she's a character who has wwwaaaaayyyyy over stayed her welcome. At least for me. And there are times when I like Brady but this? No. Just no. I cannot handle his whole she's changed mantra.

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Loved the old school feel to this episode (minus Cin). Kayla and Steve were hilarious and loved that Steve is making his intentions clear. The banter in the hospital room felt like an episode from their original run and the chemistry is still there in spades.

I really appreciated the talk between Steve and Sonny. Both men loved Adrienne and will miss her and they can agree on that, even if they disagree about Steve pursuing Kayla again.

Hope actually taking the blame for what she did as Gina was a nice change of pace although I don't think anyone actually blames her for wanting to kill Abby lol.

It took me a moment to recognize the lawyer but she was on GH as Britt. Not sure how I feel about her character just yet - a little too smug for my tastes. Will have to wait and see.

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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