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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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Most of my cousins aren't in my life and I wouldn't know where to find them. Julie's devotion to Nick was a bit much. He was an adult man who made some bad choices. But it is always Gabi's fault. Need to throw the blame at someone.

Gabi has had a few minutes to process that her husband is basically dead. There should not be vultures, er, Hortons at the door wanting the heart. It is up to her to decide to donate it if Stefan didn't sign a donor card.

Doug and Julie just seem to be playing themselves at this point.

Glad to see that Eve is sticking around for a bit.

Did like the jade plant.

Vivian finally had a nice wig on.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Katy M said:

What? That's it?  I haven't even met most of my second cousins.  I don't know why, I thought she was his grandmother.

Julie was close to Nick's grandmother Marie. I think it depends on where in the family tree you are. However as someone pointed out the Hortons are kind of a clannish bunch. I figure they would be with all those ornaments.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, boes said:

All that I would add is that I think Bill Hayes is amazing.  He was very good today, fighting his losing battle with the family about Julie's wishes.   The way they browbeat him into taking Julie back to the hospital was pretty shameful, though.  It seems the last person who gets a say in their own health care in Salem is the patient.

Yes, WE know they won't let Julie die, but what if she really had?  Doug's last memory of his wife would be failing her - giving her the ending she specifically said she didn't want. 

Between the staff practically taking out an ad in the Spectator to make sure everyone in town knows everyone's personal medical status and ignoring the expressly stated wishes of a patient I'm really glad that hospital is fictional.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Julie was close to Nick's grandmother Marie. I think it depends on where in the family tree you are. However as someone pointed out the Hortons are kind of a clannish bunch. I figure they would be with all those ornaments.

I have a huge family, lots of cousins on both sides, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, you have it, and many of us are pretty close, all things considered.

But we do draw the line at butt ugly ornaments...

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Vivian gave Eve terrible advice.

Jennifer hiding her fears and tears from Jack isn’t a good sign for their relationship.  Since I wasn’t watching back then what does the jade planet mean to them ?

Doug was really good in his scenes the other day. I didn’t like how they brow beat him into bring Julie back to hospital.  Hope was especially bad.  

There are many people on a transplant list why does Kayla just assume that Stefan’s heart will go to Julie ?   Kayla was really annoying yesterday and I love Kayla. 

  • Love 7

Wow, so many great comments, I don't know where to start. 

Poor Gabi. While I've had issues with her , she is one of the most compelling characters on that show. Her grief was heart-wrenching; I think I actually had a few tears. Lani was a selfish witch for intruding on her sorrow, as someone said above, just to alleviate her guilt over the shooting. 

And Kayla! Kayla in doctor mode is my least favorite Kayla. She needed to let Gabi absorb the news on her own instead of unsympathetically telling her over and over again that there was no hope. I get that Gabi needed to hear it, but she was obviously NOT hearing it at that moment, so best to try again a bit later. 

I think it's mean for them to make  Bill Hayes and SSH go through Julie's 'death' like this, but the actors sure are doing a nice job. And Bill is elderly at this point. 

One silly thing that struck me when they were all at Doug's place was that some designer on the show has a serious obsession with the color blue. In those scenes, they were ALL wearing blue, and we know that the set designers love the color based on both DiMeara and Kiriakis living room renovations, lol. It was just weird yesterday. 

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I don't think Gabi is a saint or victim at all, she's a soap vixen with a position that's understandable. 


11 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

It's easier to root for characters who other characters still resent a little bit for their past actions than it is to root for a character whose past only seems to be remembered by viewers/posters (See Abby).

Right! Why do so many writers not seem to understand this? It's so simple lol.

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I hope since Eve is staying they continue to chem test her with Abe. They’d be a kinda striking and interesting couple or friendship. 

No ways 

Shane and Abe are buddies. This is all wrong .

They should have never killed Fay Walker off .

She and Abe share a son together . She was suitable love interest for Abe after Lexie's  death.

  • Love 4

So? Eve slept with and married Jack. Then decades later banged his son while he was dating her daughter. Then later married and banged Jack. I thought the brief conversations Abe has had with Eve recently showed some sensitivity and tenderness he felt to her, and they could bring out certain sides of each other and are both lonely. 

CB continues to slam dunk her performance in this story.

SH/Kristen looked phenomenal today. They need to style her hair, makeup and clothing choices like this all the time, she looked legitimately beautiful. 

Fuck you Rolf. I’m not buying his “they have to be only mostly dead” bullshit when Kristen, EJ and Nicole were burned alive and squished in rubble and still you regenerated them.  Time to call Miracle Max. giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f292cc27d641cea284d0c

Ben I don’t find Jordan scary at all. You on the other hand who snapped and went on a killing spree when your horrible partner Abigail disappointed you causes me concern for Ciara. 

  • Love 6
26 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Fuck you Rolf. I’m not buying his “they have to be only mostly dead” bullshit when Kristen, EJ and Nicole were burned alive and squished in rubble and still you regenerated them.  Time to call Miracle Max. 

I was shaking my head when he said that also.  I was thinking of Will. Ben killed him.  Had a long conversation with the corpse.  Dragged the body back to his apartment. Then Gabby discovered it.  Called the cops or whatever.  Crime scene people came.  Took body off to morgue.  Then Marie had to hear about it and contact Rolf.  he must have been dead a couple of days before Rolf brought him back to life.  But Stefan is too dead when he's still sort of alive?  Whatevs. I actually think he's lying and that makes more sense.  I've always liked Rolf. He's fun.

28 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Ben I don’t find Jordan scary at all. You on the other hand who snapped and went on a killing spree when your horrible partner Abigail disappointed you causes me concern for Ciara. 

But, Ben's just a really nice serial killer.  Nothing to worry about there.

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18 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

while she has no one looking out for her.

Maybe Gabi should think about that when she's treating her loved ones like crap. One of the grossest things I found about Gabi's revenge plot against Abigail, besides her drugging a pregnant woman, was the way she completely and totally disregarded people she claimed to care about, like JJ and Chad, and their feelings. JJ rightfully suspected what she was up to and when he called her out on it she gave him the mother of all guilt trips and made him grovel for forgiveness. Chad tried to be there for her and she let him think his daughter wasn't his.

Recently, she took Stefan's side, over both Will and Rafe. Honestly, in their last scenes together, if you didn't know Rafe and Gabi were siblings you would have thought they were strangers with how coldly they both treated each other. Pretty much the only time I like Gabi is in scenes with Sonny and Will. They've been her family for a long time but Gabi coldly lied to Will's face over his grandma's shooting and covered up for her would-be murderer. She barely even seemed guilty about that at all. This is also after she spent months blackmailing Kate and when she asked for Kate's forgiveness, she forgave her, and Gabi repays that by covering up for Vivian. I feel no sympathy for Gabi that people aren't rushing to her side right now.

17 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

It's easier to root for characters who other characters still resent a little bit for their past actions than it is to root for a character whose past only seems to be remembered by viewers/posters (See Abby).

I guess it's like that for a lot of people. It's definitely a sentiment I see a lot on message boards, but for the most part I don't feel like that. If a character does something horrible enough I don't root for them just because other characters call them on it or other characters get more of a free pass. 


No one pretended to even seem upset about Stefan's condition.

Why should they though? It would seem fake and disingenous if they did. Most of those people are close with Abigail, so why would they be sad that her rapist is dead? And, I forget some of the details, but I think Gabi tussled with Julie at the top of the stairs, and when she fell, Gabi didn't bother to call the ambulance. Why would Julie's relatives feel overwhelming sympathy for her?

  • Love 10

Damn, Victor, read the room.  That's Gabi's two best friends you're talking to.

How can Internal Affairs determine anything about the shooting without talking to anybody involved?

"Why is it so difficult to keep your pants zipped?"  Something we've wondered for a long time, Vic.

Two crazy women bonding over babies.  Joy.

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8 hours ago, tribeca said:

Vivian gave Eve terrible advice.

Jennifer hiding her fears and tears from Jack isn’t a good sign for their relationship.  Since I wasn’t watching back then what does the jade planet mean to them ?

Doug was really good in his scenes the other day. I didn’t like how they brow beat him into bring Julie back to hospital.  Hope was especially bad.  

There are many people on a transplant list why does Kayla just assume that Stefan’s heart will go to Julie ?   Kayla was really annoying yesterday and I love Kayla. 

Jack gave Jennifer a jade plant after she told him that Lawrence raped her.  It was a sick little plant, symbolic of the state of their relationship at the time, but with proper care and attention, it would be okay.  Jack and Jennifer fans had been thru a few rough months up to that point and the jade plant was a real turning point.    I was a rabid Jack and Jen fan and have even rewatched their story on Devoted to Deveraux.....its amazing how much better the writing was back then.  Even the music used was really good.  

If interested, Devoted to Deveraux has their entire early story line and it actually stands up pretty well 30 years later.  

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22 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

"Why is it so difficult to keep your pants zipped?"  Something we've wondered for a long time, Vic.

I liked it when he laughed and said he had him going for a minute. And then was like 'how stupid are you?"  OK, I don't remember what he said, but it was something along those lines and it was great.  And, good on Brady for not falling into line on the "kill your baby" plan.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I liked it when he laughed and said he had him going for a minute. And then was like 'how stupid are you?"  OK, I don't remember what he said, but it was something along those lines and it was great.

Yes, this is one time I like Victor's acerbic wit.

Not going to debate the "kill your baby" line - don't agree.

Edited by DaphneCat
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8 hours ago, tribeca said:

Vivian gave Eve terrible advice.

Jennifer hiding her fears and tears from Jack isn’t a good sign for their relationship.  Since I wasn’t watching back then what does the jade planet mean to them ?

Doug was really good in his scenes the other day. I didn’t like how they brow beat him into bring Julie back to hospital.  Hope was especially bad.  

There are many people on a transplant list why does Kayla just assume that Stefan’s heart will go to Julie ?   Kayla was really annoying yesterday and I love Kayla. 

I don't understand this either, maybe I missed something. How does she think that if Stefan's heart is a match it will go to Julie? She already said, Julie is too old, she doesn't know if he is even a donor or that Gabi will allow it and how can she legally bypass the donor list?

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, msrachelj said:

I don't understand this either, maybe I missed something. How does she think that if Stefan's heart is a match it will go to Julie? She already said, Julie is too old, she doesn't know if he is even a donor or that Gabi will allow it and how can she legally bypass the donor list?

I don't know why they assume he would be a match.  Maybe they already checked? As far as the rest if Gabi, as next of kin, says that she wants the heart to go to Julie (and Idk why she would) then yes. next of kin can say who gets an organ if they know somebody with a need without regards to where they are, or if they are, on the list. 

  • Love 2

Today was great imo. I enjoyed pretty much all of it. I did fast forward the Ciara/Ben and Eli/Lani scenes though so that helped lol.

CB is killing it yet again. Now if they'd just let her change clothes!

Kristen looked a hot ass mess again today. She has got to stop it with the thigh high boots imo. Her style rivals Gabi's and it's just like girl, you're 50 lol. I loved the color of her dress though. I am down for Kristen/Jordan being friends. It'd have to be in small doses though because they'd get old quick, I think. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing them go on a murder spree together.

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I will start this post by saying that I love Kayla.  But I am so irritated with her right now watching the Hortons lining up to badger a grieving Gabi to pull the plug and give Julie Stefan's heart.  What the actual fuck was she thinking running to the Hortons to tell them that Stefan may be a possible donor when he was not yet a confirmed match and Gabi hadn't even agreed to end life support let alone donate his organs.

As I said in another forum, I'm not that mad at the Hortons. They are not thinking logically and that is understandable. Desperate emotional people do desperate emotional things. Doesn't make it at all right or okay. But it does make it understandable.

That said, this whole thing is why I'm disgusted with Kayla for rushing to the Hortons with the information. It was her job as a physician to abide by the rules of privacy and to consider the needs and rights of Gabi herself. One of the reasons you DO NOT TELL A FAMILY DESPERATE FOR A DONOR ABOUT A "POSSIBLE BUT NOT YET EVEN DONATED" ORGAN is to avoid emotional confrontations like this. NO grieving family member should be or feel coerced into pulling the plug without time to process or to donate an organ. And in many cases, the perceived affront of an asking family treating a loved one as spare parts would be more likely to cause a donation decision maker to refuse.

Also, I too am nonplussed at the notion that brain dead is more dead than dead dead... I repeat what, and this cannot be stressed enough, the fuck?

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 13
9 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

Wow, so many great comments, I don't know where to start. 

Poor Gabi. While I've had issues with her , she is one of the most compelling characters on that show. Her grief was heart-wrenching; I think I actually had a few tears. Lani was a selfish witch for intruding on her sorrow, as someone said above, just to alleviate her guilt over the shooting. 

And Kayla! Kayla in doctor mode is my least favorite Kayla. She needed to let Gabi absorb the news on her own instead of unsympathetically telling her over and over again that there was no hope. I get that Gabi needed to hear it, but she was obviously NOT hearing it at that moment, so best to try again a bit later. 

I think it's mean for them to make  Bill Hayes and SSH go through Julie's 'death' like this, but the actors sure are doing a nice job. And Bill is elderly at this point. 

One silly thing that struck me when they were all at Doug's place was that some designer on the show has a serious obsession with the color blue. In those scenes, they were ALL wearing blue, and we know that the set designers love the color based on both DiMeara and Kiriakis living room renovations, lol. It was just weird yesterday. 

Have no use for Kayla since she took the side of her Horton niece over her own blood niece.

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10 hours ago, tribeca said:

Vivian gave Eve terrible advice.

Jennifer hiding her fears and tears from Jack isn’t a good sign for their relationship.  Since I wasn’t watching back then what does the jade planet mean to them ?

Doug was really good in his scenes the other day. I didn’t like how they brow beat him into bring Julie back to hospital.  Hope was especially bad.  

There are many people on a transplant list why does Kayla just assume that Stefan’s heart will go to Julie ?   Kayla was really annoying yesterday and I love Kayla. 

It was referenced when Jack came back in December how Jack gave her this jade plant because it was beautiful and strong just like how he saw her. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Rafael said:

No ways 

Shane and Abe are buddies. This is all wrong .

They should have never killed Fay Walker off .

She and Abe share a son together . She was suitable love interest for Abe after Lexie's  death.

They should've kept Faye but given how she's white and he's black yeah I figured it wouldn't be a long term thing. I'd settle for them as friends. I'd have gone for her and Roman(recreate their 90210 relationship)

4 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

So? Eve slept with and married Jack. Then decades later banged his son while he was dating her daughter. Then later married and banged Jack. I thought the brief conversations Abe has had with Eve recently showed some sensitivity and tenderness he felt to her, and they could bring out certain sides of each other and are both lonely. 

She was married to Jack but they never slept together in their original run(in fact they hated each other but CR's Eve had more chem with MA than KDP does). 

JJ actually slept with Eve before Jack did(although I wish it was CR's Eve as I think how striking her and Casey would've looked together but he had decent chem with KDP). Funny as it sounds JJ/Eve was one of the better storylines for both characters.

I wished they had revisted them instead of that lame immigration storyline. It would be incredibly soap Jennifer's worst nightmare come to life a JJ/Eve/Jack triangle.

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People aren't allowed to be upset when people they care about, no matter the period of time, are declared brain dead?  It's not like Gabi's yelling that it's Kayla's fault a month after the fact.  She just found this out, she's still processing, lashing out is human IMO.

That doesn't excuse her literally throwing items at the doctor.    What makes it worst is Ron and company didn't let Kayla react.   Kayla isn't the enemy here and to let a vet character like Kayla be treated that way is just terrible one sided writing.  No surprise for Ron though.


Yes.  A very hot minute. She'd need nothing more to be sad.

Just don'dt try and sell it as an epic love story.

Gabi's reaction was ridiculously OTT.  Par for the course with Ron 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Rafael said:

Shane and Abe are buddies. This is all wrong .

That's soap.  And I'd be surprised if it was even scandalous given the fact that she's in her 50s. Weird for Shane?  Sure.  But there's no advantage taking here.

5 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

How do we know this?

I think the poster is talking about the fact that Eve was going to leave town but looks to have changed her mind.  I was hoping now that Eve and Jack are over, we'd move past Eve's weak ass revenge but no, instead of just having a weak reason to want revenge on Jennifer, she is going to have a pretty weak reason for going after Jack too. 

5 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I guess it's like that for a lot of people. It's definitely a sentiment I see a lot on message boards, but for the most part I don't feel like that. If a character does something horrible enough I don't root for them just because other characters call them on it or other characters get more of a free pass.

But what characters are left?  Soaps are kind of obsessed these days with "good" characters breaking bad that there are very few "good" characters who haven't acted almost as bad as the "villains" or "troublemakers." Gabi's not a saint but I do buy her humanity.

That's kind of why I'm a little irked with the way they're writing Kayla and even the Hortons.  Once Gabi said she wanted a second opinion, Kayla shouldn't have come closer telling Gabi that she needs to listen to her.  It has been less than a day and the DiMeras have plenty of money to keep him in the state he's in while Gabi gets a second opinion and considers the next steps. Leaving when asked is what the compassionate character I usually think Kayla is would have done.

But instead, it feels like she's living up to some of Kate's worst accusations when she runs to the Hortons to tell them that someone else is dying and they don't know if he's a match or a donor but my goodness, there's hope.

I would love for Gabi to donote Stefan's heart---via official donor channels instead of directly to Julie.

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

"Why is it so difficult to keep your pants zipped?"  Something we've wondered for a long time, Vic.

Someone needs to throw that back into Victor’s face. At least Brady hasn’t fathered children with two different married women like Victor has, not to mention stalking Diana, Carly, Kimberly, etc. Seems like ole Vic has a wandering dick himself. 

Edited by TenaciousWarrior
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1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

That's kind of why I'm a little irked with the way they're writing Kayla and even the Hortons.  Once Gabi said she wanted a second opinion, Kayla shouldn't have come closer telling Gabi that she needs to listen to her.  It has been less than a day and the DiMeras have plenty of money to keep him in the state he's in while Gabi gets a second opinion and considers the next steps. Leaving when asked is what the compassionate character I usually think Kayla is would have done.

But instead, it feels like she's living up to some of Kate's worst accusations when she runs to the Hortons to tell them that someone else is dying and they don't know if he's a match or a donor but my goodness, there's hope.

I would love for Gabi to donote Stefan's heart---via official donor channels instead of directly to Julie.

I second that.  It's not even subtle - Julie's family and family enabler, Kayla, feel that Julie is entitled to Stefan's heart.  That's very off-putting.  It's this sort of behavior, exhibited in recent years past by the absurd Abby propping, Jenn and Abby not being arrested for assault after one of their "slap their way around Salem" tours and Hope using the police force as if they were her own personal security  team that enforces the impression that the Horton's feel entitled to whatever they want, when they want it.  And this is all before it's even been ascertained as to whether or not Stefan and Julie are even a match.

What about the suitability of a young heart going to someone too old to be on the registry and leaving someone else out in the cold?  How about the humanity of realizing that this young woman, whether you like her or her dead husband or not, is being pressured to take action so quickly?  How about acknowledging, even to themselves, that Gabi has precious little reason to do them, or Julie, any favors?

But I expect it will all end with Gabi thanking THEM for the chance to do what they want.

I'm not here for Kristen being normalized in any way just because she's pregnant.  She's a dangerous, homicidal, cruel loon who should no more mother a child than Victor should be a motivational speaker.  

SH's Kristen is very similar to a character she played on Y&R, Patty Williams.  Patty was also a homicidal maniac with an obsession about a man, who occasionally had some moments of lucidity and humanity.  Difference is - at least as I see it - is Y&R never lost sight of the fact that Patty Williams was a dangerous lunatic, but DOOL can't seem to decide whether Kristen is dangerously nuts, dangerously lovelorn, or just too darn cute for words.  

I'm hoping we see her shopping for maternity straitjackets.

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So Jordan, what was the secret you were going to tell your kid just before Kristen showed up?

Kristen, think grey or taupe boots instead of black. Boots said fall, outfit said maybe August.

What is the point in her having a child? What is she going to do with it besides leverage it over Brady and anyone she can? Not like she is mother material.

Have no idea why Jordan would waste her time trying to 'off' Ciara. Let her and Ben run their course. She seems to have something stuck in her craw about him. Leave Salem with your kid and that way you don't have to interact with him.

Brady, did you need to have Sonny and Will as an audience when telling Uncle Vic or Grandpa that Kristen is having a kid - namely yours? Vic should be happy that Brady has only one child so far.

Dr. Rolf can work with the dead-dead but not the brain-dead?

Eli, what makes you think that Gabi would want to donate her husband's heart to your grandmother? Surely there are significantly younger and better candidates? Just because she is a Horton does not entitle her to that kind of donation. Too old for the donor registry but not a private one? The way she has treated Gabi has been awful. Gabi can easily say no and feel no guilt. The Hortons and Julie will now be nicer to Gabi? Nope. Thanks for the heart and don't worry, you won't get a Christmas card or anything from us.

Ben, you can have suspicions that your sister tried to harm your girlfriend but you have zero evidence.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

Someone needs to throw that back into Victor’s face. At least Brady hasn’t fathered children with two different married women like Victor has, not to mention stalking Diana, Carly, Kimberly, etc. Seems like ole Vic has a wandering dick himself. 

Yeah Brady is at least loyal to the one he's with even if he has the worst taste in women. However I found it gross that Victor chooses now to say this to him instead of when it was Theresa etc especially since Brady consented to sex with Nicole not Kristen. If the roles were reversed there would be a lot more outrage over how this is being portrayed now.

  • Love 5
24 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Yeah Brady is at least loyal to the one he's with even if he has the worst taste in women. However I found it gross that Victor chooses now to say this to him instead of when it was Theresa etc especially since Brady consented to sex with Nicole not Kristen. If the roles were reversed there would be a lot more outrage over how this is being portrayed now.

It's not like Brady is like sonny on GH whose gotten a bunch of women pregnant.This is only Brady's second kid and that's really not a lot for a character that's been around since the early 2000s.

IA with the whole Kristen raping Brady thing though.

Edited by Harmony233
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11 minutes ago, Harmony233 said:

It's not like Brady is like sonny on GH whose gotten a bunch of women pregnant.This is only Brady's second kid and that's really not a lot for a character that's been around since the early 2000s.

IA with the whole Kristen raping Brady thing though.

Yes thank goodness for small favors at least Brady's love interests have built in expiration dates and the show has no interest in giving him a bunch of kids. I watched a really old episode of GH in the 90s back when Sonny used to be childless... wow things were so different back then. He was a lot more tolerable than he is now. Sorry didn't mean to get into that GH rant.

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7 hours ago, RachelKM said:

I will start this post by saying that I love Kayla.  But I am so irritated with her right now watching the Hortons lining up to badger a grieving Gabi to pull the plug and give Julie Stefan's heart.  What the actual fuck was she thinking running to the Hortons to tell them that Stefan may be a possible donor when he was not yet a confirmed match and Gabi hadn't even agreed to end life support let alone donate his organs.

As I said in another forum, I'm not that mad at the Hortons. They are not thinking logically and that is understandable. Desperate emotional people do desperate emotional things. Doesn't make it at all right or okay. But it does make it understandable.

That said, this whole thing is why I'm disgusted with Kayla for rushing to the Hortons with the information. It was her job as a physician to abide by the rules of privacy and to consider the needs and rights of Gabi herself. One of the reasons you DO NOT TELL A FAMILY DESPERATE FOR A DONOR ABOUT A "POSSIBLE BUT NOT YET EVEN DONATED" ORGAN is to avoid emotional confrontations like this. NO grieving family member should be or feel coerced into pulling the plug without time to process or to donate an organ. And in many cases, the perceived affront of an asking family treating a loved one as spare parts would be more likely to cause a donation decision maker to refuse.

Also, I too am nonplussed at the notion that brain dead is more dead than dead dead... I repeat what, and this cannot be stressed enough, the fuck?

I love this post.  At least with Kate it was Lucas' idea to donate her heart.  This is ALL Kayla.  First, NO ONE except Gabi (and those she chooses to tell) should know that Stefan is brain dead.  It's  violation of HIPPA to even tell them.  And second, the very idea of pressuring someone to make a directed donation to someone WHO HATES THEM is beyond stupid.  Especially since pretty much every one of them (including Julie - who KNEW it was lie) has accused Gabi of being such a terrible person she would leave someone to die.  Now she's supposed to be noble and forgiving?  Which is she, the scum of the earth or the next Mother Theresa?

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, boes said:

What about the suitability of a young heart going to someone too old to be on the registry and leaving someone else out in the cold?  How about the humanity of realizing that this young woman, whether you like her or her dead husband or not, is being pressured to take action so quickly?  How about acknowledging, even to themselves, that Gabi has precious little reason to do them, or Julie, any favors?

But I expect it will all end with Gabi thanking THEM for the chance to do what they want.

Didn't see this post before I responded to the other one - but love this one as well.  

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Eli: “she’s (Julie’s) always fought for me.”

... except when you were conceived and she drove your parents away since you’re biracial? And wasn’t present for the first 30 years of your life? But okay if you say so. If I was a peacock all 100 of my ass eyes would be rolling right now. 

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17 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Damn, Victor, read the room.  That's Gabi's two best friends you're talking to.

The characterization of Victor is genuinely odd, and highly inconsistent. He's usually cynical but canny, knows how read people, and how to take advantage of a given situation. Unless they need him not to be able to do that, and then he's just bullheaded and clueless.

17 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

How can Internal Affairs determine anything about the shooting without talking to anybody involved?

I'm going to go with intuition, the same way all crimes in Salem are "solved."

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11 hours ago, boes said:

Patty was also a homicidal maniac with an obsession about a man, who occasionally had some moments of lucidity and humanity.  Difference is - at least as I see it - is Y&R never lost sight of the fact that Patty Williams was a dangerous lunatic, but DOOL can't seem to decide whether Kristen is dangerously nuts, dangerously lovelorn, or just too darn cute for words.  

EXACTLY. Damn. This is the problem, incisively stated. Thank you for that.

  • Love 4
Message added by scarynikki12

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