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S02.E11: Dry Land, Damp Eyes


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I'm not surprised Kate and Kat got along.  Every time Kat is in the wrong she tries to flip the whole situation around into what assholes other people are for having opinions about her behavior.  Every time Kate has to apologize, she does the "I'm sorry you felt that way" kind that doesn't exactly come from the heart.  They are both coated in Teflon.


I don't understand how it is possible that the guests were sitting at the table for breakfast and Ben wasn't even up yet, unless that was editing.  Makes no sense that the rest of the crew would know they were ready to eat and no one bothered to knock on Ben's door, until the Captain got around to it.  And since Captain Lee didn't seem mad about Ben sleeping in, I'm guessing that whole thing was a bit of smoke and mirrors.  Ben obviously was running late, considering he was cooking in his pajamas, but it couldn't have been as late as it appeared.


If I were a betting girl, I would put $5.00 on Kelley never seeing Jennice again after leaving the boat, until the reunion, where things were really awkward.  Talk about fickle, he seemed to be pretty much over her by the end of their date last week.  Dude, you pursued her, remember?  But even though I don't think the way he acted toward her after they finally hooked up was very kind, she definitely was taking the whole thing waaaaay too seriously.  If everything she owns is on that cart, then I guess she was counting on moving in with her boyfriend after the season was over, and now that he bailed, she assumed Kelley would be her next lily pad.  It almost makes you wonder if she really is into Kelley as much as she professed, or if she was feeling desperate and clinging to him out of practical neediness more than emotional neediness.


I thought Captain Lee's parting gift of pacifiers for the crew was very fitting, since everyone acting like a big bunch of babies was the main theme of this season.

  • Love 10

If I were a betting girl, I would put $5.00 on Kelley never seeing Jennice again after leaving the boat, until the reunion, where things were really awkward. Talk about fickle, he seemed to be pretty much over her by the end of their date last week. Dude, you pursued her, remember?

Yeah, that bothered me. Not only did he pursue her, he didn't take no for an answer. Then he acts like Jennice is a stalker. She was totally right about him losing interest once the chase was over. Although, considering moving to Ft. Lauderdale after a few weeks of romance is pretty nuts.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 8

I was amused by the reaction of the crew. "Are we going to a rave?" That explains plenty. Also, when Kat offered to make up for her oversleeping by doing a striptease, that summed up everything that is Kat Held.


I don't think the season was bad. It's good to have someone to hate on a reality show and Kate filled the bill. Jennice got her comeuppance and Eddie is working his way up to being captain of the next Love Boat TV show.

  • Love 3

It's been said before, but if Kate is 31, so am I. I'm a good distance from that age.

Yeah. I texted my 30 year old daughter while we watched and told her the same thing. If Kate is 31, so am I.

Ketose, please explain to an old lady what the rave pacifier thing meant? And how did that explain a lot??

I'm really confused. I have no idea what it means. A rave is a party right? What does that have to do with pacifiers?

Is this a really stupid question?

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 4

Yeah. I texted my 30 year old daughter while we watched and told her the same thing. If Kate is 31, so am I.

Ketose, please explain to an old lady what the rave pacifier thing meant? And how did that explain a lot??

I'm really confused. I have no idea what it means. A rave is a party right? What does that have to do with pacifiers?

Is this a really stupid question?

At raves, it is common for people to do ecstasy, which causes them to grind their teeth or bite their tongues. Pacifiers prevent this from happening.
  • Love 2

I liked Captain Lee's blog-I think he summed up the players and the season well.  Way too much griping about the guests.  They deserve better than this group of yahoos.  Amy seemed to be the reoccurring likeable one.  Kat and Kate need to relearn stewardship or get a job on land.  As many have expressed here-I think Kate is more like 41 than 31. 

  • Love 1

I agree, the whole Jennice/Kelley relationship was weird. I think he can't be alone for even a minute, but at the same time has his eye constantly on the horizon. But at the same time, Jennice also seemed to be clingy very quickly, if the editing is to be believed. I'm definitely not a commitment-phobe, and though essentially living together does rush a relationship, I would be a little put off if the next step is "okay, let us move in together." Actually, I think if I valued a relationship, I wouldn't want it to be rushed like that, because there is a higher likelihood of it ending.


Wow, Kate can smile when she is being showered with attention! But why does she want to be so difficult with the crew? I mean, if Ben is a little ahead of schedule, it is because he isn't getting the coordination from her. And if he is ready, then she needs to accommodate that.


Does Kat randomly get a British accent when she talks? I notice the most when she is talking with Ben, but it creeps in every now and then. If she isn't British, it cracks me up. 

Ben can be summed up in his final "pre-meeting" with the Captain...Captain: "dinner is to be served at 8:30, so we'll be ready to serve it at 8:29". Ben: *incredulous look* "are you SERIOUS?!?!?"...hey Ben, this isn't being relayed to you at 8:25. Man up. Tiny filets with jams & whatnot shouldn't take 17 hrs.

Rhode Island Kat, RHODE ISLAND. If anything you should sound like Pauly D, not the poor man's Madonna.

  • Love 5

Yeah, that bothered me. Not only did he pursue her, he didn't take no for an answer. Then he acts like Jennice is a stalker. She was totally right about him losing interest once the chase was over. Although, considering moving to Ft. Lauderdale after a few weeks of romance is pretty nuts.


Jennice is the kind of girl who ends up on Judge Judy explaining how she cosigned a lease with Kelley and gave him a cell phone within three days of hooking up with him and now wants to be reimbursed now that she's found out he's been dating her, her sister, and her brother's wife.


I also think Kelley totally knows how to work the whole "I'm cute and also I am hurt on the inside and maybe if you cuddle me enough, you can save me" routine

  • Love 12

I never saw Jennice as being a stalker. I thought she was trying to figure out where they stood when they get off the boat. I had no problem with Kelly saying he wanted to live by himself. That's fine, but he never mentioned her at all, or say that they can live nearby and see what happens. She wasn't mentioned. I would like to think she got the message, but then they kissed when she left. Hell, their whole "relationship" has been full of mixed signals, so why stop now?


I loved that it just seemed to dawn on Kat and Kate that Amy felt excluded. So nice of them to realize it during the last charter. 


I do admit that if there is another season, I wouldn't mind seeing most of these people back. Mostly Eddie though. Reading Captain Lee's blog it seemed that he had nice relationships with Eddie and Jennice. I figured he had a good relationship with Eddie, but either way would have liked to see more of that onscreen than some of the other drama.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 3

I was highly amused at the end when Kat and Amy were both all, "Oh yeah, I'd love to be friends with her again."   Sure you guys would.  *rolls eyes*


So, did the primary ask the girls to hang back to annoy Ben, since Ben was right on time?  Or why was it that they weren't answering?


I think there is a ton of Jennice/Kelly stuff we did not see.  I think it would explain her initial not going there and then her 180 to let's live near each other/together.


It's strange.  This show is ridiculous but I found myself making it appointment tv (well appointment for the second play of it at 10:30), unlike most of the Bravo shows I watch.

  • Love 1

Jennice is the kind of girl who ends up on Judge Judy explaining how she cosigned a lease with Kelley and gave him a cell phone within three days of hooking up with him and now wants to be reimbursed now that she's found out he's been dating her, her sister, and her brother's wife.

Hahahaha, yes!


I think there is a ton of Jennice/Kelly stuff we did not see.  I think it would explain her initial not going there and then her 180 to let's live near each other/together.

I got that impression too. When she was trying to have "talks" with him, it didn't seem like she was just making up the whole moving-in-together thing. While I think it is ridiculous to want to move in with someone after one date and a few weeks of mixed signals/"where do we stand"-type hanging out together, it seemed like they had talked about it (or at least Kelley said something to her about it while in a lovestruck haze) before. But then, in what we saw, he was doing the whole "sitting here like a rock and barely acknowledging that a human is speaking to me" move. 

  • Love 1

It kind of reminded me of the Jax/Laura Leigh confrontation from VPR season 1. Granted Laura Leigh was more of a spectacle, but the guys' reactions were the same. Both were ignoring it and then basically all "that girl's batshit!" when it was their actions that created the situation. Kelley nor Jax were innocent in those issues....but bitches be crazy!

  • Love 2

Hahahaha, yes!


I got that impression too. When she was trying to have "talks" with him, it didn't seem like she was just making up the whole moving-in-together thing. While I think it is ridiculous to want to move in with someone after one date and a few weeks of mixed signals/"where do we stand"-type hanging out together, it seemed like they had talked about it (or at least Kelley said something to her about it while in a lovestruck haze) before. But then, in what we saw, he was doing the whole "sitting here like a rock and barely acknowledging that a human is speaking to me" move. 

I agree that Kelley handled all this poorly but I don't know how much we can take from a conversation that was clearly edited to ribbons. Didn't we see the same yawn three times?  And Jennice is claiming that the "moving in" thing was just a rumor, and supposedly she wasn't implying moving in together in that conversation.


That's been problematic the entire show. They reached too much for the drama. All reality shows are staged/edited for maximum effect, but usually conversations/actions are comprehensible.

  • Love 1

Kat has always sounded to me like she's trying hard to cover her accent and it just ends up sounding weird.

Kat Held is from Rhode Island and as far as I know, if they have any accent, there's a 'sort of' Boston-ish accent. But she has said on the show that she likes Ben and will attempt it because she thinks his accent is marvelous. I have heard her try to affect a proper upper-crust British and it's a total fail.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 1

This episode was kind of funny. Now that Kelly can cuddle his dog he doesn't need  Jennice anymore. lol.. I feel sorry for her. She was hinting around about moving to Florida and asked Kelly for his thoughts and he said he was more excited about seeing his dog than missing her. Can you belive being dumped like that? To cover himself he added that he just needed some time for self growth or whatever. Can you imagine how upset she has to be after he pouted when she dumped him, then she gave in and cuddled those nights on the boat, drank champagne on a special date with him, and then, in the end, she was dumped for a dog. That is so sad and funny at the same time.

  • Love 2

On one hand I feel bad for Jennice because she's young and inexperienced and Kelley turned COLD on her.

On the other hand it's like ripping off a band aid--better to get it over with all at once and move on. Dude has issues and I guarantee he will fall in love with a different stew on every charter he's on.

I agree...even if he hadn't lost interest right away, dude comes with a 3 year expiration date.

Yeah. I texted my 30 year old daughter while we watched and told her the same thing. If Kate is 31, so am I.

Ketose, please explain to an old lady what the rave pacifier thing meant? And how did that explain a lot??

I'm really confused. I have no idea what it means. A rave is a party right? What does that have to do with pacifiers?

Is this a really stupid question?

No- that one went right over my head! I thought it meant that babies sometimes cry like raving maniacs and the crew was always acting like crying babies- Aye Yai Yai!

Edited by druzy
  • Love 2
Kate's interesting. Those puffed up lips and I get the vibe she's looking for a high seas sugar daddy, and/or true love.



She's actually said as much, even specifying a 5-year-quitting-the-yachting-industry-deadline if it doesn't happen, IIRC.


That said, at the end of the ep she mentioned something as she was leaving Ohana about being basically homeless, with one of her few alternatives being to move back in with her "manther".  I didn't recognize that term so I looked it up; turns out it's the male equivalent of a cougar: man+panther=manther.  Which kind of sounds like she's already in at least a quasi-sugar daddy situation.  If, of course, the show is to be believed.  Which you do at your own risk.  My personal opinion is that everyone on Reality TV is trying to parlay the exposure into something other than what they're portrayed as being.   

  • Love 2

Yeah, that bothered me. Not only did he pursue her, he didn't take no for an answer. Then he acts like Jennice is a stalker. She was totally right about him losing interest once the chase was over. Although, considering moving to Ft. Lauderdale after a few weeks of romance is pretty nuts.


My guess is that Jennice put out those "let's move in together" vibes shortly after the first kiss -- wait the second kiss when she was dumped by the boyfriend and got over her "Kelley's anger" issues.  I'm sure most of us has had a lot of interest in someone, we get them, and they take it to the extreme early on and it's a major turnoff. That would be my guess here.  


Jennice is a cute girl.  Probably a nice girl.  But she seems very needy and a constant whiner.  That gets old real quick.  


I mean it seems to me that her tears with Kate weren't so much about life's uncertainty but that Kelley isn't moving in.  She didn't say that, but that would be my guess.  


Kate actually came off very sweet.


And I can't help it but I love Kate.  I'd be good with this crew coming back without Jennice.

  • Love 2

Yeah. I texted my 30 year old daughter while we watched and told her the same thing. If Kate is 31, so am I.

Ketose, please explain to an old lady what the rave pacifier thing meant? And how did that explain a lot??

I'm really confused. I have no idea what it means. A rave is a party right? What does that have to do with pacifiers?

Is this a really stupid question?

Now that you know what it means, I think it explains a lot because some of them thought "rave" before crybaby when they saw the pacifiers.

  • Love 1

I would lose Jennice, Kelley and Kat. I'd lose Jennice because she's boring and because I just don't buy her deckhand routine - she seemed basically useless.


Kelley's routine of needing constant attention and having no self awareness got old.


And Kat? I'm just tired of her skanky routine. Also the dynamic between her and Kate and Amy got unpleasant. I wouldn't mind seeing Kate and Amy again, because it clearly chapped Kate's ass to see guests prefer Amy to her.


  • Love 4

I would lose Jennice, Kelley and Kat. I'd lose Jennice because she's boring and because I just don't buy her deckhand routine - she seemed basically useless.


Kelley's routine of needing constant attention and having no self awareness got old.


And Kat? I'm just tired of her skanky routine. Also the dynamic between her and Kate and Amy got unpleasant. I wouldn't mind seeing Kate and Amy again, because it clearly chapped Kate's ass to see guests prefer Amy to her.

I'm definitely over Kat too...She was just so nasty to everybody in this last episode. I liked her in the last season and in the beginning of this season, and I found her shenanigans more entertaining than most of the other crew members. But the past few episodes it seems like she's just surly and trying to pick a fight with everybody who talks to her, and in this final episode she was so unnecessarily snappy and mean. I realize her increased meanness may very well be editing, but if "Kat being mean" is the only thing the producers can come up with for her anymore, then I'm just over her and want her to leave the show. 

Edited by wovenloaf
  • Love 1

If Kat being skanky or Kat being mean are the only interesting sides she has I will pass. There are tons of better shows to watch for that crap. Ditto for Kate and her superiority complex. She seems like the type to try and marry rich to land herself on a Housewives show. She'd fit right in with those shenanigans. Jennice did seem useless. As a deckhand. She might be better as a stew, at least she's physically capable of the work. Ben seems like a decent chef, but maybe yachting is not his niche. He doesn't seem to enjoy catering to what his clients request, if he feels it is beneath him.


I'd be down with seeing Eddie and the Captain come back. I really like Captain Lee.


I would also love to see an Adrienne/Kate chief stew face off.

  • Love 4

Before the charter guests arrived and Kat overslept and Kate was trying to be nice to Amy and told her to go take a shower. Amy shrugged it off "I'm fine" and Kate said again, "no, you should go take a shower." And, I looked up and Kate was standing there with the total hornet's nest of her hair and I said out loud, to my TV, "Kate YOU need to go take a shower."

Edited by hannah8976
  • Love 5

I will paint myself red and white and come clean ....... I like Kate.




I like Kate too.  I could do without Amy and her brother.  They're whiners and boring.   Kelley really led Jennice on and then he backs off.  Run, Jennice, run as fast as you can.  The guy's a jerk.


Interesting that Jennice and Kate hang out together when Kate's in Lauderdale. 


I think Ben's an interesting 'character' but he's always blaming someone else.


Logan was a nonentity.  He was hardly shown at all.


I would like to see Eddie, Kate, Ben, Jennice (kind of) and Kat come back...if there's another season.  I hope there is.  Oh, and Captain Lee. 

  • Love 2

I think Logan might have been like a real deckhand, probably because Bravo couldn't find another colorful incompetent on short notice.


I think Kat came off better last season because Sam was such an incredible pain in the ass. Remember the first episode of S1, when Kat found the drugs in the charter's bathroom? This season, she probably would have shown it to Kate and joked about snorting some to test it.


I think it's inevitable that with every passing season of a reality show, it gets less real.

  • Love 2

I was distracted by Logan's blindingly white teeth. Logan: talk..talk..big smile...bright white flash!


It's bizarre the way production forced everyone to be lovey-dovey at the end (Kate, Kat, the primary guest). It was completely fake and didn't seem to serve any production/ratings purpose.


Kelly's MO is kind of a weaker version of Ted Bundy's MO, only without the murder part: limp along as the poor hurt victim, reel in the doting female, have sex with her, then abruptly tire of her and dump her. I'm pretty sure Kelly thrives on it.


Kat's just too annoying to be love-to-hate. I'd like them to get rid of her. And Kelly. I'm on the fence about Kate. I would love to watch her actually perform some of that stellar, world-class service she keeps sniffing about.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 1

Hahahaha, yes!


I got that impression too. When she was trying to have "talks" with him, it didn't seem like she was just making up the whole moving-in-together thing. While I think it is ridiculous to want to move in with someone after one date and a few weeks of mixed signals/"where do we stand"-type hanging out together, it seemed like they had talked about it (or at least Kelley said something to her about it while in a lovestruck haze) before. But then, in what we saw, he was doing the whole "sitting here like a rock and barely acknowledging that a human is speaking to me" move. 


Yeah, and what is with guys who do that exaggerated YAWNING shite when you're trying to have a convo with them about something that matters?  Gak!  I had an ex that used to do that.  Drove me crazy.  That whole "talk" scene between J & K was down right painful I thought.  Was sort of hating Jennice before, now I feel sorry for her a tad.  Hated when Kelley got annoyed and said "YEAH, you're going to see me! (sometime)".  Good Lord, man, you were soul-mates last week, now you can't wait to get rid of her.  And what's with the "I can find an apartment for you" schtick?  Burn ....


Its not like Jennice has been stalking him.  She hasn't bugged him 1/10th of the amount that Kelley pursued her and wouldn't take no for an answer.  I highly doubt if they're still together.  For Jennice:  Chalk one up to lesson learned the hard way.  She's better off just being friends with benefits where Kelley's concerned if that's what she chooses to do.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 2

I recently caught the old Sex and the City episode with Jon Bon Jovi. At the end his character says he's in therapy because he "loses complete interest in a woman after he sleeps with her." That Jennice, is Kelley. It's a sad lesson for her to learn but unfortunately there are plenty of men like Kelley.


I'm not sure if this show will come back but just please no more Kate. Or Kat. And I'd like to see more high class charter guests.


  • Love 3

I think there must be more to the Jennice and Kelley situation. It just jumped from awkward, but somewhat sweet first date to stalker territory. I think Jennice was just lost - having no plan for when she was getting off the boat and trying to cling to someone she knew. I would be curious to know what's happened to them since then.


I enjoyed this season, but I am over Kat. I wouldn't care if Kat or Kate weren't back next year. I could tolerate Amy, Kelley and Jennice again. I would love for Eddie and Ben to come back. Logan was kind of a non-factor. And of course, Captain Lee is a must.


There seemed to be some buzz to the show this year so I hope it gets renewed!


Does Kat randomly get a British accent when she talks? I notice the most when she is talking with Ben, but it creeps in every now and then. If she isn't British, it cracks me up.


When she made one remark and was trying to be funny, I got the feeling that she was imitating Katharine Hepburn and her distinctive accent. Maybe that's it?


Kelley could love me (a few times) and leave me. But then I'm 52 and just looking for (um, BIG) fun, not a guy to take me in and give me a home because all my possessions fit in a wheelbarrow.


Kate cracks me up and I enjoy watching her. Latecomer Logan didn't get much screen time but his whole musing speech about why "sweet sweet Bianca" was dating that douchebag penny-stock guy was HILARIOUS! I'm hoping to see him and his blinding white teef next season.

  • Love 3

This show is ridiculous but I found myself making it appointment tv


Me too! What is that about?!


Here's my scorecard:


Capt. Lee? Awesome. Eddie? Cute. Amy? Harmless. Logan? Who.


Kelley and Jennice - I don't feel bad for her, because I remember her speech to Kat (?) where she unequivocally said, "He's a great guy; he's just not my guy." Then as soon as her boyfriend dumps her over Skype, she decides that Kelley, is in fact her guy. I can't explain his behavior, but that's why I can't get too worked up about it.


Kate - I like her and her theme-party obsession. Did you see her sheer glee when the captain said the guests wanted a jungle party?


Ben - Hate. Please keep him onboard, with a full season of guests who request peanut butter and jelly sandwiches only.


Kat - Double hate. No redeeming qualities, with an acute case of "season two" entitlement. We didn't like you or your fake English accent the first time around.


The Slide - Deserves to be included in the credits as a full cast member.

  • Love 10

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