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That's pretty much my cats' thought process today, too :). We have the air on, but still, yeah, I don't blame pets one bit, I want to just sit and lounge, too. And one of my cats has very thick fur, so I can imagine how much more uncomfortable this heat has to be for her. 

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Just now, Annber03 said:

That's pretty much my cats' thought process today, too :). We have the air on, but still, yeah, I don't blame pets one bit, I want to just sit and lounge, too. And one of my cats has very thick fur, so I can imagine how much more uncomfortable this heat has to be for her. 

Luckily cats thermoregulate so she shouldn't be too uncomfortable, but cats look for any excuse to be lazy, so I'm she would blame the heat anyway. 😊

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Strangely perhaps, my two would rather be in the screened porch than in the house when the AC is on.  They both, one more than the other, detest the AC, and when forced to be inside, will often burrow under blankets.  One will even burrow under the towels I have on the screened porch furniture, in 90+ degree heat.  I practically faint from heat prostration just watching them, lol.

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I’m sorry I can’t post links, but a cat has tested positive for Covid in the UK. The owner had it. Their cat was tested and it came out positive.  It was barely symptomatic and so far there are no signs of the cat spreading it to another human. They are recommending that ppl wash their hands before and after touching pets. Also that it is best just to touch ones own...not strange ones. The story can be found on MSN.com. 
This scares me for a myriad of reasons. It gives the animal haters fuel. If this becomes more prevalent it could make all cats indoor cats.  @AgentRXS have you heard anything about this? I’m scared because we all have rabies vaccination records and I pay taxes per cat in my state. I’d hate to lose them due to paranoia on other peoples or the government. 

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4 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m sorry I can’t post links, but a cat has tested positive for Covid in the UK. The owner had it. Their cat was tested and it came out positive.  It was barely symptomatic and so far there are no signs of the cat spreading it to another human. They are recommending that ppl wash their hands before and after touching pets. Also that it is best just to touch ones own...not strange ones. The story can be found on MSN.com. 
This scares me for a myriad of reasons. It gives the animal haters fuel. If this becomes more prevalent it could make all cats indoor cats.  @AgentRXS have you heard anything about this? I’m scared because we all have rabies vaccination records and I pay taxes per cat in my state. I’d hate to lose them due to paranoia on other peoples or the government. 

I have. If it makes you feel any better, I work in an animal shelter in one of the hottest spots in FL, and other than an increase in folks wanting to give up their cats, their hasn't really been a difference from the Before Times. None of the many cats that come through our doors daily have shown symptoms so far.

The CDC does recommend that if you test positive, that you should stay away from your pets (and if you can't, handle them/their care with gloves) to minimize the chance of transmission.

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9 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m sorry I can’t post links, but a cat has tested positive for Covid in the UK. The owner had it. Their cat was tested and it came out positive.  It was barely symptomatic and so far there are no signs of the cat spreading it to another human. They are recommending that ppl wash their hands before and after touching pets. Also that it is best just to touch ones own...not strange ones. The story can be found on MSN.com. 
This scares me for a myriad of reasons. It gives the animal haters fuel. If this becomes more prevalent it could make all cats indoor cats.  @AgentRXS have you heard anything about this? I’m scared because we all have rabies vaccination records and I pay taxes per cat in my state. I’d hate to lose them due to paranoia on other peoples or the government. 

They've known for a while that cats can catch it.  Tigers and a lion(?), I think had it in the Brooklyn zoo, or Central Park Zoo. Somwhere in New York anyway.  It really would be best to keep your cat indoors so COVID positive people can't pet them when they're out and about.

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AF01ADA7-D1CD-476F-9C4C-AEFAA5CB133B.thumb.jpeg.2f2dca5a4eaf1b592b292e26054a808b.jpegPoor Squeaky is at the vet today. She is getting that radioactive iodine tx for her hyperthyroidism. I already miss her, but she wanted to eat every 3-4 hrs. I will however, really enjoy my first night of uninterrupted sleep in weeks. She was like having a newborn. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

This scares me for a myriad of reasons. It gives the animal haters fuel. If this becomes more prevalent it could make all cats indoor cats.  

Some dogs have tested positive as well although other dogs in the same household have not. But cat COVID should be the least of your worries if you are afraid of animal haters. Know that PETA and HSUS (Humane Society of the United States) have been working to ban companion animals for years. The AKC has a legislative branch to notify dog owners about anti-dog laws in their state, laws promoted and paid for by AR (Animal Rights) lobbyists. When PETA first started, AR people would come to dog shows and open unattended crates, letting dogs run loose into the streets and fields and deserts. Because dogs should not be "owned." We all started putting padlocks on our dogs' crates when we stepped away.



My friend who owns a training barn is aware that horses are on the list of animals to be banned for ownership.

Bottom line: I would not worry about your cats, whether they be indoor or out. And if you want to donate to help animals, give directly to your local shelter, not PETA, HSUS or even ASPCA.

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Bottom line: I would not worry about your cats, whether they be indoor or out. And if you want to donate to help animals, give directly to your local shelter, not PETA, HSUS or even ASPCA.

I'm glad you added the ASPCA to that list -- your local SPCA is great, the ASPCA is not.

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Being part of the dog-show world since forever and involved with many breed clubs, the amount of anti-animal legislation we fight daily is staggering. PETA, HSUS and ASPCA are well funded by people who believe they are doing something good and do not know their monies are going to benefit people, not animals, and much is used to fight their right to own companion animals. It's a hot button when this is pointed out to people who support those hidden-agenda corporations. I just don't want @Mindthinkr to worry about her cats.

Another thing people are not aware of is many "rescue" dogs are imported from overseas to be sold to people who want to "adopt" a dog. In fact, they are being sold a dog that comes from a country that has diseases not in the United States. Dogs are brought from overseas with no health certificates, and have caused some major (new and unknown) disease outbreaks here. People feel all warm when they think they saved Fluffy from some hurricane-ravaged city when in fact Fluffy was born in the Dominican Republic and sold to importers who then sold Fluffy to them while calling it an "adoption."  Imported dogs are routinely shipped all over the United States to be sold as "rescues." It's a huge business.

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This afternoon, I placed a $60 order from Chewy for a certain(totally not spoiled)House Panther as a combined second “Gotcha Day”(on the 8th)and third birthday(the 30th)present—a “goody box” of tots and treats, a box of wet food, and a package of pads for her Breeze litterbox; I decided to splurge on the name-brand ones.
Did I mention she’s not spoiled?

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23 minutes ago, smittykins said:

This afternoon, I placed a $60 order from Chewy for a certain(totally not spoiled)House Panther as a combined second “Gotcha Day”(on the 8th)and third birthday(the 30th)present—a “goody box” of tots and treats, a box of wet food, and a package of pads for her Breeze litterbox; I decided to splurge on the name-brand ones.
Did I mention she’s not spoiled?

I can tell from your message that she is horribly mistreated 😉. I love “house panther!” 

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Hi everybody.  I'm brand new to this thread.  I didn't know it existed!  I look forward seeing all of you fur babies.

Thanks @MargeGunderson for the invite!!!

Thought I'd share pics of my 2 newly adopted cats, Willa (brown) and Ivy (black/white).  Both rescues, from different homes.  So we're still in the getting-to-know-you process.

Ivy resized.jpg

Willa resized.jpg

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20 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

I love the look on Willa’s face. When my tabby put her ears back like that we called it her disapproving owl face.

Ivy: I is black and white, isn’t I cute?

Willa: I’m just ‘brown’, so what? My grammar is better than Ivy’s.

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Loving this page! I just came here via a post from a different forum and had to check it out!

We have two cats and a dog. I'm low on photos at the moment because I just got a new laptop, and a lot of my photos were on the old one. Still trying to work out whether I can retrieve them. Most of what I do have is of our oldest, though newest to us, furbaby, Cora. That's her in my avatar. We actually got her from an ad on Craigslist, and didn't work out until looking at the records she came with afterward that she was about 10 years old, and had been through three other homes before ours. We simply cannot believe that many people could possibly have let her go, as she is really the best cat ever. Yes, she's incredibly demanding of attention, and sheds more than any 12 other cats combined, but she is wonderfully social, loves everyone, and could be a pin-up model in the cat world. She's going on 15 now, as far as we can tell (our vet verified that her records seem to be about right, agewise, though you'd never know it by looking at her), and still a kitten at heart. Plus, she seems to either be of Munchkin stock, or just a natural dwarf, as she is really low to the ground - it took us at least a week after we had her to realize she wasn't just slinking around on scared little legs. 

Our big boy, Onyx, was adopted as a kitten from the humane society in Oahu when we were stationed in Hawaii. About 12 years old. He appears to just be a big. black cat, but if the sun hits him right, you can see he's actually dark mahogany with black points - his littermates apparently all had Siamese-type markings, and he certainly has the personality to match. He's a real talker, and completely devoted to my husband - definitely a one-man cat. He couldn't care less if anyone else lives or dies. About 19 lb, and definitely a bit of a dim bulb. My daughter always says he reminds her of Lenny from "Of Mice and Men". and that's pretty much right.

The dog is my Papillion, Pippin, who is starting to really slowing down, about 13 years old, pretty much deaf, and beginning to really be a problem as far as forgetting all his potty training. He's a sweet little beast - really smart in some ways, but unable to grasp the simplest of concepts in others - for example, he loves to have toys thrown for him to chase, but has never figured out that having that action repeated works better if you bring it back rather than dropping in the next room and barking for someone to come retrieve it. Ah, well...he's cute enough to have made it all work for him anyway. 

Actually, we also have one outdoor girl, PC (PorchCat) who moved in under our porch a couple of years ago. She's semi-feral, and Cora fights enough with her just through the screen doors on the porch that we just don't see being able to let her in. She's tame enough to let you pet her for a few seconds, but is likely to turn around and swat at any moment. She has kept the rabbit population down in our vegetable garden amazingly well, though - we never could grow lettuce, kale, or any number of other things since she showed up.

I'll post photos separately, as I think they would definitely be too big to fit on one page. Here's Cora.



Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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41 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

Waiting is easier when they have each other for company!

@Mindthinkr, how is Squeaky doing?

She had the radiation and it was touch and go for a bit. From 14 lbs she got to under 5 🙀 I am currently the private chef to a cat with unlimited thoughts as to what she deserves 😹😹 Every day shows improvement, but her brother seems have some sympathy disease. He doesn’t want to eat either, but at 24 lbs I’m sure he is getting enough nutrients in to stay healthy and losing weight is not a bad side effect for him. Who rules the roost here? Clearly not me lol. 

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FYI I read something today and can’t post links so here’s the gist. In UK people are securing electric ties to homes where they have purebred or dogs worth stealing. Sometimes on a fence in the yard or on the bin handle. It you find a tie on your property that you didn’t place there, cut it off immediately. It may save your animal. 

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

FYI I read something today and can’t post links so here’s the gist. In UK people are securing electric ties to homes where they have purebred or dogs worth stealing. Sometimes on a fence in the yard or on the bin handle. It you find a tie on your property that you didn’t place there, cut it off immediately. It may save your animal. 

Sorry, but what is an "electric tie"? And if it involves a live wire of some sort then cutting it could be very dangerous. Could you clarify?

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On 8/9/2020 at 4:37 PM, isalicat said:

Sorry, but what is an "electric tie"? And if it involves a live wire of some sort then cutting it could be very dangerous. Could you clarify?


This is what they look like before they attach to anything  you thread one end into a hole (insert) and they don’t come undone and have to be cut off. There is no danger or electricity involved. They are used to secure wires. I hope this helps  


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