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S29.E04: We're A Hot Mess

Tara Ariano

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The world is so much more satisfying when stupid/jackass behaviour is punished accordingly.


I thought this episode did a much better job of revealing personalities around camp. Drew and Alec's negatives were exposed, Kelly and Baylor's virtues were revealed, and a few other personality revelations really helped add colour to what I had initially thought was a largely unspectacular cast. I hope that continues. I can't imagine anyone is really tuning in for the ring toss, family melodrama, or idol searches. The personalities are the show.

  • Love 8

Right, she's like the only female who doesn't wear her buff as a top or doesn't have to keep pulling up her top because her breast is about to fall out. The rest of the women might want to take notes. Julie just has her boobs just on full display, does she know where she is. This isn't the Playboy mansion or WWE. I think some of these ladies don't know that they're going to be on Survivor.



The word is that the producers decide what bathing suits the pretty girls wear.  It's not their fault they are stuck in too-small bikinis.  They are just trying to compensate for a skimpy top by wearing the buffs.  The Twinnie lucked out--she was allowed to wear a decent suit for the game.

  • Love 1


The personalities are the show.


I agree! And it takes a couple of episodes (and some culling of the herd) to reveal them. Every time I read a "worst season ever" rant on this site or any other before the show's even had a chance to get started, my eyes just glaze over. I had no favorites until tonight, and now I have a couple of them.

  • Love 7

I know it's considered one of those unbreakable rules of Survivor: Do not throw a challenge.  Ever.


And I know it seems to always bite people in the ass when they do throw a challenge.  But...I think these Blood vs. Water seasons are a little different.  There really is no tribe loyalty.  Tribal numbers don't mean the same thing.  If you think you have control of your tribe, it might make sense to throw a challenge and get rid of someone you perceive as a threat down the line, especially since by throwing the challenge you're protecting your loved one--your one true ally--who may not have as much control on his/her tribe as you do on yours.  Now, having said that, Drew is an idiot...but I think that's the main reason he got voted out...not that he threw a challenge, but that he's an idiot, and that idiocy was going to be his downfall sooner than later.


Someone upthread referenced Baylor being supposedly the most disliked person in the game.  Maybe so, but so far the only place I've seen that said was from the mouth of Jon Rocker.  Consider the source.  Now, if that's been repeated elsewhere, and I'm not aware that it has, then that would certainly change things.  She seems pleasant enough so far.

  • Love 10

Someone upthread referenced Baylor being supposedly the most disliked person in the game.  Maybe so, but so far the only place I've seen that said was from the mouth of Jon Rocker.  Consider the source.  Now, if that's been repeated elsewhere, and I'm not aware that it has, then that would certainly change things.  She seems pleasant enough so far.


Ditto.  She's being disliked by a man who is known for hating pretty much everyone?  And, in this episode, by Alec who seems to have problems dealing with strong, independent women who don't bow and scrape before him?  Makes me like Baylor a lot as a result.  She sure is doing something right if those two guys can't stand her.


The editing was so over the top for Drew being voted out I assumed the editors were assuming that everyone watching figured they were selling it so hard and wouldn't believe he would be going.  That's the usual case more often then not.  But it looks like the editors have just given up and decided instead to give the audience a feel good episode from beginning to end.  Editing is becoming  more like paint by numbers of late as a result.  Guess the interns are finally getting to edit the show.  But no matter, I'll take a feel good episode.

  • Love 7

No, Drew. They didn't vote you out because you were a threat. They voted you out because you were an ass.



Just add that to his list of delusions, like the one where he thinks he's a ladies man.


As soon as he started talking about how he was going to throw the challenge (and how could his team not see what he was doing?) I knew he was going to be gone. Glad I won't have to listen to his crap anymore.

  • Love 5

I was so surprised when Drew was voted out. I never get my way on Survivor and I was sure the editors were just faking us out.

I don't understand the comments that say Kelly is such a sharp player. She may be, but it wasn't made clear to me in this episode. It was the Twinnie who organized the women and got the "vote for Drew" ball rolling.

I want to like Jeremy. He's probably a pretty decent guy in real life. But his emotionality makes him hard to root for and will definitely end his game. I give understand him being upset that a person he's aligned with tried to stab him in the back, but he needs to tone down his reactions.

  • Love 6

Every single boot this season has been immensely satisfying. An annoying TWINNNIIIIEEEEE!!! gone first, then Val who bluffed her way into a target, the booting of a bigot, and now a sexist egomaniac. As someone else said, I need a cigarette, and I don't even smoke.


After Jeremy going off on yet another personal vendetta, this time against Keith, I think I want him gone next. It may have been justified, and while he actually voted against the delusional idiot, he really needs to work on his anger management issues and social game.


While this was a satisfying episode, it was rather difficult to watch thanks to Drew's monologing. I can't really call him evil, since the only thing he could mastermind was napping.

And since Rocker left holding his idol, one can presume there's another one hidden back at the other camp, correct?


Actually, I don't think it will. Hidden Immunity Idols usually only come back into the game if they're played. Since Rocker went out with his in his pocket, it won't be replaced.

  • Love 2

Editors were in fine form tonight.  The boing! when Drew checked out Jaclyn's ass, the hsh-aaw while zoomed in on random lizard's faces - brilliant.


Ah, Drew, the classic ladies man who does not trust any women ever.  "All these bitches"?? Your mother must be so proud.  Also, kingpin?  Delusional much? 


And we have a new inductee into the Survivor Hall of Idiot Douchebags. What a moron! Throwing a challenge so he can take over the game and he gets himself booted.


I don't think Drew actually threw that challenge.  I believe he thought about throwing it, but I don't think he intended to be that bad.  I think he really and truly just sucked at it, and then followed up the "throwing it" story line to save face.  I'm willing to admit that I'm not unbiased though, because I hate him and I will always think the worst about him.


I'm kind of hoping to see Jeremy and the women stay together and make a run for it.  It would be so fun to watch.  Loved that, even with his irritation at Keith, Jeremy voted with the women he aligned with.  But a little worried that his outspoken willingness to have secret side alliances may make him a target.  But probably not for a while, if the women on his tribe stick together. 


I think it is way too early for a tribe swap.  These tribes were just starting to get some interesting dynamics going, dammit!!!


Re: Keith and the Jeremy idol talk - I think Keith panicked.  A lot of people have to talk about things when they're stressed out as a way of sorting through it all, instead of processing things solo.  Keith is one of those; he was frustrated about not finding the idol and was working through that out loud.  I don't think he intended to throw Jeremy under the bus; he just had a thought and had to express it, rather than taking some time to think about the implications.  Unlike Keith, classic Survivor strategists are much more internal thinkers, and don't become slaves to their paranoia.  So, big mistake on Keith's part, but I think it was more a case of verbal diarrhea/ freaking out than any nefarious intent. 


More venom & spitting fire from Jeremy.  He just keeps getting more angry every second.


Not seeing venom or spitting fire from him at all.  He's gotten upset at things that are, well, upsetting.  What I'm seeing is a man trying to play the game and being frustrated when a supposed alliance member betrays him.  Yes, he was annoyed, but he didn't freak out or lose his temper or threaten to punch anyone in the mouth (ahem, John Rocker).  


They need to watch their editing on this show.  The bootees are becoming way too obvious.


I thought the same thing as well, but then I thought that for tonight's episode, it was intentional, like even the editors were saying "This guy is such a royal douche, let's all just enjoy the show."  



Edited by Turtle
  • Love 7

I hate the phrase "hot mess" and even more so after hearing it so much recently from the twinnies on TAR and Survivor.  That being said...  LOVED this episode!


Good riddance to Drew!  Loved that it was his idea to throw the challenge, then he got voted out seemingly without his tribe mates knowing for sure that he threw it.  What an idiot!


I had a thought as to why Drew may have targeted Kelley...  As he sees himself as a "ladies' man," and Kelley's "loved one" isn't a "significant other," maybe he hit on her and she shot him down, so he was looking for revenge.


Is Keith someone who has never seen Survivor?  Sub-alliances have been around forever on this show.  It was even one of Special Agent Phillip's "BR Rules" in Caramoan.


Nice to not have Josh narrating the episode!  Too much screen time usually leads to me disliking the person, and this is not an exception.


Didn't care for Baylor or Alec this episode, but I felt for Baylor a bit.  I have no tolerance for people giving me crap or talking down to me, especially when they have no right to.



I believe in the preview he threw out a "You're either with me or against me" ultimatum/hissy fit, and that usually works about as well as throwing a challenge does...



Is it Drew or Jon who this is referring too?  It's late and my memory has started to fall asleep for the night.  What I wanted to say in response to it is, that if Kelley is Emperor Palpatine, then this hissy fit makes Drew/Jon into Anakin Skywalker (Anakin said "If you're not with me, you're against me." in Star Wars Episode III.).

  • Love 1

Actually, I don't think it will. Hidden Immunity Idols usually only come back into the game if they're played. Since Rocker went out with his in his pocket, it won't be replaced.

Right.  Just last season, Garrett went out with one in his pocket, as well (another one of the most satisfying boots of a douchebag with an overinflated ego ever!), and they never replaced it in the Brains' camp.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 1

While this was a satisfying episode, it was rather difficult to watch thanks to Drew's monologing. I can't really call him evil, since the only thing he could mastermind was napping.  ...


And calling women in general "bitches" which does kind of make him somewhat evil in my book.


I'm still wondering why Jon voted for Keith.  Guess he was right when he said he couldn't remember who he was suppose to be voting for.

Would people be interested in a separate topic thread for Rob Has a Website?  For those that don't know, he interviews all the booted contestants the day after, and does a live podcast immediately following the episode each week.  Somewhat regularly, the podcast includes Stephan Fishbach, and a lot of former Survivor (and other reality show) contestants show up for an episode here or there.  I have a lot to say about the podcast, and Rob, and the comments and perspectives about the game offered on the podcasts, but it's not appropriate in episode forums (sorry for posting about it here!), and I think doesn't make sense to just blend it in with the Survivor in the Media topic, if several of us want to talk about it.  So, thoughts?  Interested?  

  • Love 8

The editing is getting ridiculous.  You could tell from the "Previously…" that Hunahpu would lose the IC, and either Drew or Keith was going home.  10 minutes in, and you knew it would be Drew.  Snooze city.


Plus, as much as they want to pile on Drew, and as much as most viewers hate seeing a "guy alliance" run the game (I certainly griped about it enough on Big Brother this summer), he wasn't wrong;  physical males are easy targets post-merge, if enough women stay in the game to vote them out.  And UTR Kelley was certainly more likely to organize a coup than Julie, who's just hanging on right now.


What did it for me was that blatantly obvious edited-in "commentary" from Probst during the IC:  "Drew is single-handedly losing this challenge for his tribe!".  Puh-leeez.  You know Probst would NEVER be so critical of anyone with a penis unless it was scripted. (And Jeff was, of course, off-camera when he "said" that.)  And Drew's fellow "thrower", Julie, was apparently far more hopeless than he was, even though he was trying to miss and she wasn't;  we never even saw a single one of her attempts, no "oh, almost"s to contrast with Drew clearly tanking it.  (In fact, Drew scored the only point Hunahpu got.)  After that bit of editing-room retconning, I knew Drew was a Dead Model Walking.  


(Not that I give a hot damn for Drew, per se.  It's just that it made for a really boring episode, no matter how much they wanted to ram "he deserved it!" down my throat.)


Over at Coyopa, Baylor and Alec congratulate themselves for voting off Rocker and his "negative energy"…then snipe at each other pretty much non-stop.  So much for that theory, huh?  Good thing Drew was throwing the challenge, or they'd have been 0-for-4.


Finally, I hate the idea of a tribe swap unless you can put couples on one tribe and singles on the other.  Now we're going to see some pairs together (barring a producer-controlled rearrangement or some major luck) and other pairs apart.  That doesn't seem like a level playing field to me.  JMO.

  • Love 1

Is Drew the worst Survivor player ever?  I suppose it's hard to be worse than the ones that never do anything, but just sort of wonder aimlessly like lambs to the slaughter.  Also hard to beat the people who come in the first day and act really bossy and prickly and get on everyone's nerves so they are the first voted out.  But I can't think of an active player who seemed to be part of a dominant alliance who played worse than Drew.


Hidden Immunity Idols usually only come back into the game if they're played. Since Rocker went out with his in his pocket, it won't be replaced.



It would surprise me if you turn out to be right, Richness.  My sense is that the PTB like to have idols in play to juice up the game, so I just can't see them being this stingy.  And it's not like Survivor has hard and fast rules that are never altered in subsequent seasons.

  • Love 1

I agree that dropping the buffs does not necessarily mean a merge; seems too soon.  Tribe swap is more likely given the amount of people.  


I loved Drew's skewed logic that Julie was good to vote out because she didn't have a partner in the game.  That is the reason to keep someone!   


Good to see more of the blue tribe. I thought John would be a favorite of mine until I saw the preview.  SMH   I like Julie and think Kelly and Missy have potential to be a favorite.  I love Natalie!  Yes the twinnies were obnoxious on TAR but her spunk and strength is adding to my viewing pleasure!  

  • Love 1

He was mad that the girls didn't tell him about their plan to vote out Drew, he said he would have voted with them if they had told him, now they've brought about their own doom...or something like that.


I would bet like, a whole nickle, that that was creative sound byte splicing. Pretty sure John was trying to cover himself by saying he would have happily voted with the group, and backing it up by quoting Drew's hyperbolic threats of dominance as evidence he never liked Drew anyway. John doesn't seem like one for melodramatics. 


Jeremy seems like the kind of person who processes with their mouth. He's the type of guy who talks your ear off about how someone cut him in line at the deli and then would forget who it was the next time he went. He also keeps picking bros who are not actually very knowledgeable about the game, he should think about fixing that. I would honestly vote him out just because I hate people who have to repeat everything ten thousand times. I got it dude, you were betrayed, stfu so we can decide how much rice to cook!


Alec and Drew are doing their parents no favors. They're so stereotypical golden child/whipping boy that it makes me think Probst hired them to play the part. Because, seriously? Go scrub the rice pot in the ocean because you snatched the paper out of my hand and I Will Not Tolerate That as I am a Big Boy Now. Baylor certainly handled it more gracefully than I would have. Hitting  him with the 'acting like a girl' comment was probably the most effective way to get him to shut up and move on, because of his insecurity issues.


Dale's commentary during the reward challenge was so annoying. You could see his real personality and view on Jacylyn (sp?) really shine through, until it looked like she might actually win. He and Josh could go anytime now, I would not miss either of them a bit. Actually, I don't think I really like anyone on that tribe anymore.

Edited by rozen
  • Love 3

LOL So obvious and yet so freaking delicious. Watching Drew build his funeral pyre was simply amazing. Seriously, you don't get to watch a misogynistic, self absorbed, asshat go up in flames all that often. Just wonderful. And yes, it was totally telegraphed and I don't give a damn. They could have started the show with his being voted off and walking away and I would have been thrilled.


There is nothing like an alliance were everyone is all in for protecting each other selling each other out at the drop of the hat. Keith sells out that Jeremy has the idol to people not in their alliance when 1) Jeremy doesn't have the idol 2) is in his freaking alliance. Really, I can see saying something to the other men who are in their alliance but not to the women. Tribal council made it clear that Keith is not a strategic thinker in any way and has not chance to win this game. Keith could not understand a sub-alliance. I get Jeremy's exasperation, who the hell doesn't understand that there are sub-alliances in an alliance. Jeremy is annoyed with Keith for selling him out and putting him in danger when he didn't have the idol. I think Jeremy fully bought into the firefighter alliance until Keith threw Jeremy under the bus, it is no different then the Cops alliance last season.


The women on the Blue tribe played it perfectly. They let the men tear apart their alliance and voted as a block. I think if Drew had been less obnoxious, Natalie would have voted for Julie because of her being useless but Drew had to target one person and insist on that person. Drew managed to piss off Jon by not listening to him and by telling him who to vote for. Drew pissed off Jeremy with his attitude and behavior. I mean, he was calling Kelly names in front of her and didn't even get the not so subtle hints from Jon that his behavior was awful.


Just wow. That was amazing.


And Baylor annoys. Very much annoys

  • Love 6



And maybe it was just me, but I had a very hard time following Jon's "logic" about voting out someone who no longer has a "loved one" on the other tribe. Anyone who does still have a loved one conceivably has an automatic ally in the event of a merge. So . . . wouldn't you want to vote out someone who DOES still have a loved one in the game so that you can isolate them? Now, I understand that Jon would want to target "singles" since his girlfriend (?) is still on the other tribe. But still. It made no sense. I can't believe no one (like Natalie) pointed out the stupidity of that argument.


That was my thought too - you vote out one who still has a loved one left because once the merge happens you have an automatic ally and also one who can tell you what was going on within the other tribe.


My biggest laugh came when Drew was on EI and Jaclyn said that Alec told her that Drew gets all the ladies, he doesn't have to try they just flock to him - then you see Drew walking all puffed up and runs his hand through his hair - I went OMG and laughed!!!!


SOOO Glad that Drew is out.  I can't believe that his name was brought up -he lost the challenge (rather they realized he threw it or not) and he is lazy - two things that are a big NO NO on Survivor

Edited by tobysmom
  • Love 1
I do wish we'd seen more of the Blue team becuase Drew's constant refrain that there were "snakes" on the tribe had no context at all.  And what made Kelly the head snake?  (Having watched all the episodes?!?!?)


Snakes clearly equals "females", and more specifically - and female that doesn't recognize Drew for the lady's man that he is, and fawn all over him. 

  • Love 8

It's too bad Julie has made herself up like a Barbie because she seems to have some smarts about being under the radar.  Her tribemates may think she is useless, but her non threatening demeanor will probably keep her around a while.


I have a hard time understanding why both Jon and Jeremy sat out the immunity challenge


Could it be that they were in on the plan to throw the challenge?  Hard to think that a couple alphas would agree to it but perhaps Drew did actually approach them with the idea?  But for the sake of a more satisfying storyline it was edited out of the episode?  It seemed fishy to me too.


What did it for me was that blatantly obvious edited-in "commentary" from Probst during the IC:  "Drew is single-handedly losing this challenge for his tribe!".  Puh-leeez.  You know Probst would NEVER be so critical of anyone with a penis unless it was scripted. (And Jeff was, of course, off-camera when he "said" that.)


I really hope the voice over was added in editing.  Otherwise it was clear that Probst was hinting that Drew intended to throw it, which to me is interfering with the tribe dynamics.

I want to like Jeremy. He's probably a pretty decent guy in real life. But his emotionality makes him hard to root for and will definitely end his game. I give understand him being upset that a person he's aligned with tried to stab him in the back, but he needs to tone down his reactions.


I know.  Flying off the handle at every perceived slight is not a good strategy.


So I didn't see who voted for whom.  I see mentioned above that John voted for Keith and Jeremy for Drew (really?).  Drew obviously for Kelly and all the women for Drew.  Keith for Kelly?  How did Reed vote?

Oh, I do! Watching him half-heartedly throw those rings, the looks on his face. He most definitely botched it on purpose, in my observation.


He did throw it, he even said he did and also when the rings were being tossed to him by the rebounders he was barely catching them and just let them roll right past him so he can go and retrieve it.


Now wondering who they want to make the villain this time? I'm wondering if Reed is going to be a dark horse in this because he's so quiet. I guess he's letting everyone else implode before he makes a move.

  • Love 1

If they do merge next time, I'd love for the women to band together - but keep it a secret.  The yellow tribe females could maybe convince Josh or Dale to stick with them since they still have "loved ones" on the other side.  The blue tribe 4 females could convince Reed to join them and maybe Keith b/c he's scared of Jeremy.  That'd be an alliance of up to 10 players from both sides and a super secret sub-alliance of 6 females.  It may not last them til the end but they could reduce the number of the He Man Women Hater's Club (Jeremy, Jon, Alec) before it fell apart.  I wish the women could make a stand and run the game.

  • Love 1

Would people be interested in a separate topic thread for Rob Has a Website?  For those that don't know, he interviews all the booted contestants the day after, and does a live podcast immediately following the episode each week.  Somewhat regularly, the podcast includes Stephan Fishbach, and a lot of former Survivor (and other reality show) contestants show up for an episode here or there.  I have a lot to say about the podcast, and Rob, and the comments and perspectives about the game offered on the podcasts, but it's not appropriate in episode forums (sorry for posting about it here!), and I think doesn't make sense to just blend it in with the Survivor in the Media topic, if several of us want to talk about it.  So, thoughts?  Interested?  

I've often wondered this myself.  I set up the topic.  Happy posting!

  • Love 1

I want to like Jeremy. He's probably a pretty decent guy in real life. But his emotionality makes him hard to root for and will definitely end his game. I give understand him being upset that a person he's aligned with tried to stab him in the back, but he needs to tone down his reactions.


It's Lex from Africa again (toned down a bit though) -  There was a tribal where Lex got just one single vote and he lost his shit when they got back to camp, ranting and demanding to know who it was and how dare they.  Outwit is in the game play for a reason Jeremy, you need to be able to handle getting a couple votes, fake it if you have to and be grateful you're still in the game.  Does he not get that acting entitled and annoying these people just puts the bigger target on him (or long term that he may want these same people to vote for him in the end).  There seem to be a larger than usual number of players this season (mostly guys) who are tripping over their ego's.

  • Love 4

So, Drew throws the game because 4 is more than 5 and Kelly is a mastermind trying to control the game – except, they have never gone to tribal, so what, exactly, was she controlling?  Drew knows that he is really the one in charge and is so charming, intelligent, and good at strategy that everyone will go along with whatever he wants.  Also, Drew is a ladies man, which apparently has a different meaning than the one I know.  This was such a satisfying episode that I laughed for 2 minutes after the show.  The only drawback is that I won’t have the opportunity to call him Drewlusional when posting.

  • Love 4

And maybe it was just me, but I had a very hard time following Jon's "logic" about voting out someone who no longer has a "loved one" on the other tribe. Anyone who does still have a loved one conceivably has an automatic ally in the event of a merge. So . . . wouldn't you want to vote out someone who DOES still have a loved one in the game so that you can isolate them? Now, I understand that Jon would want to target "singles" since his girlfriend (?) is still on the other tribe. But still. It made no sense. I can't believe no one (like Natalie) pointed out the stupidity of that argument.


That was my thought too - you vote out one who still has a loved one left because once the merge happens you have an automatic ally and also one who can tell you what was going on within the other tribe.


Wasn't Jon talking only to others who still had loved ones in the game at that time?  I thought he was trying to make it a couples vs. singles game, and saying that they should stick together and get the singles out so they could all be reunited with their loved ones at the merge.  If so, then it was a good strategy at least for that group of people to make it to the merge.

  • Love 4

That was really satisfying.  I didn't dislike Drew before this episode, but he certainly annoyed me quickly tonight.


When will people learn to never throw a challenge? Seriously, does it ever work out for people?


I've only seen it work ONCE - In Survivor Africa, when they did the tribe swap for the first time in the game and the team we called "Old School" over at TWOP  threw the challenge to get Silas voted off.  The "Play School" members (sorry, I forget the Tribe names) that were swapped to Old School also gave away valuable information who had received votes (the old way of breaking a tie) so that Old School communicated to their former members now at Play School  at a challenge that the insufferable bitch Lindsey had previous votes cast against her (Kim made an "L" with her fingers and Tom saw it) so that when there was a tie with her and Tom at tribal, Lindsey got the boot. 


I have often suspected that Mark Burnett put in the tribe swap because he simply could not stomach the little shit bags any more than the viewers at home could. 


And I just realized I'm remembering way too much about this game to claim real mental health.

Edited by Carolina Girl

Like other posters have said, nothing good can come of throwing a challenge.

I'm finding this season pretty boring and am having a tough time focusing on what is happening on the show .   I don't even remember seeing Drew until this episode.  Glad the self professed ladies' man is gone.

The most distracting thing though was the gigantic bug crawling on Keith's shoulder during the tribal council.

  • Love 2
Plus, as much as they want to pile on Drew, and as much as most viewers hate seeing a "guy alliance" run the game (I certainly griped about it enough on Big Brother this summer), he wasn't wrong;  physical males are easy targets post-merge, if enough women stay in the game to vote them out.



Yes males do get targeted, particularly when a merge comes so in theory, the idea isn't off. The problem with Drew's moronic behavior and attitude is that one, the women were outnumbered in their tribe, two, he seemed very strong within his alliance with the other guys, three, Natalie seemed like she was in with them because she was working with Jeremy and four, there was no immediate threat to him. Drew all on his own just came with this whole ridiculous plan to throw a challenge to weed out the supposed "snakes" that he believed were gunning for him because they saw him as such a threat. When based on what we were shown, none of that was happening. Sure, Kelley could not stand him because he was a freaking moron but I saw no indication that anyone thought Drew was this super amazing threat they needed to get rid of. The only thing that caused Drew's ouster was his own damn ego. 


What did it for me was that blatantly obvious edited-in "commentary" from Probst during the IC:  "Drew is single-handedly losing this challenge for his tribe!".  Puh-leeez.



YMMV but I found nothing strange about that. Probst always gives annoying running commentary during the challenges and past players have talked about him practically being in the players' ears sometimes trying to trip them up. The two teams were almost even when they started throwing the rings and Drew was the only one throwing for Hunahpu so essentially he was single-handedly losing the challenge for them. Probst made similar comments last season when Tony and company tried to throw the challenge to get rid of Cliff but the Brains were so hopeless that they still lost.


And Drew's fellow "thrower", Julie, was apparently far more hopeless than he was, even though he was trying to miss and she wasn't;  we never even saw a single one of her attempts, no "oh, almost"s to contrast with Drew clearly tanking it.  (In fact, Drew scored the only point Hunahpu got.)



I'm pretty sure Reed was the other thrower and I did wonder why when Drew was sucking so badly they didn't switch places once especially because both Josh and Dale were throwing for Coyopa. 


So I didn't see who voted for whom.  I see mentioned above that John voted for Keith and Jeremy for Drew (really?).  Drew obviously for Kelly and all the women for Drew.  Keith for Kelly?  How did Reed vote?



All four women + Jeremy = Drew

Keith + Reed = Julie

Drew = Kelley

Jon = Keith

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 1

The most distracting thing though was the gigantic bug crawling on Keith's shoulder during the tribal council.

That thing was so huge we wondered at one point if it was a tiny mouse.


Still celebrating the ouster of Drewche. You might be able to get away with throwing a challenge (maybe - if you do it a little more convincingly than he did) but topping that off with world class asshattery is a serious mistake.

I'm pretty sure Reed was the other thrower and I did wonder why when Drew was sucking so badly they didn't switch places once especially because both Josh and Dale were throwing for Coyopa. 



I was wondering about this too - why someone else didn't take over.  I wonder if they had to wait until the designated thrower got it hooked before the second person threw??

Yeah I think there might have been some confusion on the rules and Reed likely didn't know if he could throw. Because I remember when Drew missed the first toss, Reed was about to throw and Jeff said he couldn't and then later when Drew missed a shot again and tried to use another ring, Jeff yelled at him that no, he had to wait for the same one to throw. 

  • Love 1

Thanks, Kris117, for clearing up my confusion.  I will now call Kelley the Empress Palpantine.

Empress Palpatina ?


The word is that the producers decide what bathing suits the pretty girls wear.  It's not their fault they are stuck in too-small bikinis.  They are just trying to compensate for a skimpy top by wearing the buffs.  The Twinnie lucked out--she was allowed to wear a decent suit for the game.

If true, that really sucks. You can see that women trying to keep their bathing suits on while diving or having to adjust them after climbing out of the water really slows them down. 


I know it's a stereotype, but maybe Jeremy is not a strong swimmer and that's why he wanted to sit this one out? He doesn't seem to be in the men's inner circle, and I don't think he would have been down with throwing a challenge. Also, when Keith seemed unable to understand that one could have different degrees of alliance with other players, I totally understood Jeremy's episode-long frustration with him. 

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Drew is a ladies' man man alright - they unanimously voted for him.


I'm starting to think there's a curse on Exile Island - that's now 3 in a row that are out after being there.


I loved how scared Keith was when the HII jumped at him. And how in contrast he was relatively nonplussed with the big bug on his shoulder.


Interesting how some people are just itching to experience tribal council - even if it's the only one they'll see.

  • Love 5
I have a hard time understanding why both Jon and Jeremy sat out the immunity challenge


I would bet that they chose the people who were strong swimmers and then only needed a few folks for tossing. Jeremy and Jon are good folks to have for more physically demanding tasks so as long as the women were good swimmers, may as well save Jon and Jeremy for the next task that could be physical. It makes a certain amount of sense. The strategy worked fine, the teams were pretty even on the swim.


Drew was clearly throwing the tossing part of the challenge, most of his throws were not even close to the stand and he was pushing other people out of the way. Also, he was intentionally picking up the wrong hoop to throw, probably hoping for disqualification.


The rest of his tribe should thank Drew. Going to tribal actually can help you get into the game and understand the need for strategy and the like because you see what the alliances are and how people respond to the idea of going to Tribal. And they were able to get rid of Drew.

  • Love 2

What a great episode. I actually kinda hate most of these people, but they're fun to hate, so I'm enjoying it.


I was so happy to see that the men on Blue are all super stupid. So fun! I hope Jeremy gets brought down by his ego the same way Drew did. Actually, I hope Jeremy and the women make it very far and then the women dump Jeremy because you just know he thinks he's Kingpin of the alliance and it would be hilarious to see the women become more loyal to each other than to him.


The Blue tribe dynamics were somewhat confusing since we really haven't been shown much of anything about them alliance wise besides Jeremy aligning with all the women and that thing with him/Keith, which never seemed legit to me anyway. But then it kinda looked like there might have also been a guys alliance and possibly an alliance between Natalie and/or Missy and most of the guys. Maybe it seemed confusing because it was confusing and they really were just always a hot mess.


Is Reed mute?


Probst is something else. "Jacklyn, are you offended that your boyfriend actually respects you and believes you are not worthless solely based on the fact that you have a vagina?" Like what the fuck?! I loved that Jon didn't play into all that "men must protect their womenfolk" shit that Probst has been spouting and the men have be oh so willing to buy into. 


Kelley's Drew hate seemed so spectacular and I wish we could've seen how their intense hatred of each other came about. I'm pretty convinced Mr. Ladies Man hit on her and she laughed in his face or something.


Alec and Baylor both suck. I really wish Baylor hadn't made that annoying "You're like a woman," remark because otherwise she would've came off swimmingly in their feud. Alas, I still mostly hate her. Alec is stupid though and the chip on his shoulder over Drew is annoying, but also hilarious. I'm interested to see how he responds to Drew's boot.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Like other posters have said, nothing good can come of throwing a challenge.

I'm finding this season pretty boring and am having a tough time focusing on what is happening on the show .   I don't even remember seeing Drew until this episode.  Glad the self professed ladies' man is gone.

The most distracting thing though was the gigantic bug crawling on Keith's shoulder during the tribal council.


When I first saw it peak its head up over his shoulder, I thought it was a lizard!

Every single boot this season has been immensely satisfying. An annoying TWINNNIIIIEEEEE!!! gone first, then Val who bluffed her way into a target, the booting of a bigot, and now a sexist egomaniac. As someone else said, I need a cigarette, and I don't even smoke.

Right!  Don't worry I have 2 hanging out of my mouth in your honor.


Alec and Drew are doing their parents no favors.

Oh.my.god.   I could not figure out while watching why my hateful person kept switching buffs - brothers!  Maybe I too much smokey, smokey.

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