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"The View": Week of 10/13/14


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Just wanted to comment on Russell Brand the other day: this is the first interview I've seen where I liked him. I honestly didn't like him for a long time, but I remember reading that writing he did on addiction and thought it was pretty insightful. Of course, I still didn't like him when I saw him on The View last (I remember Sherri looking creeped out by him and the male version of a camel toe?), so I'm wondering if he's one of those people that changes with the interviewers. Where the panel is more elevated than that mess last year, maybe that brought out the better side of him. He seemed very intelligent, and I agreed with a lot of things he said, particularly how we scapegoat immigrants/criminals for making life unaffordable for most people when it would be better to look at who has the money or how neither political party really represents the average person's interests anymore (having been bought out by companies wanting to protect their interests so they can continue to make billions). I noticed that second part really irritated Nicolle for some reason--perhaps because Republicans attempt to create a facade that they're representing blue collar workers?


I notice I have little to say about the show lately. I think it's because I generally enjoy the show now, so there's less to talk about? But, yes, Whoopi's "mmmhmm"s are annoying.

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I think Sherri was floored by Brand - he quickly  returned her flirting and she could not handle it. Plus he did not even mean it which was the funniest part imo, and she was speechless.  Of course the lesson "learned" was lost to Sherri. Although she sat far away from him the next time he was on the show, iirc.

Agree Former Nun...or have a family member (not living there) or friend, CDC, agency, whatever provide food. Part of the protocol that is not addressed. Even quarantined people need to eat...unless this was just a lark to them. Or get supplies in, mail, etc. And were the 3 of them quarantined together?

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I also disagree that just practice is all that's needed to be good at math. By the sane margin, one could say that practice is all that's needed to play the piano with brilliance or just "get" how to paint without some inate talent. We all can't acheive everything with just practice.

I guess it all depends on what "good at math" means..... I do agree... not everyone could make a career out of math, for that it takes much more than practice. Just like not everyone could write a novel. There are those with talent that are more than just good. I honestly believe that anyone who wants to learn is capable of learning. baring any disability of course.

Maybe part of Rosie P's contract requires that she takes over for Sherri re racial issues. They could be discussing rock collecting and Sherri could somehow spin it into a racial affront.

I thought this a few days ago..... although I couldn't figure out how to say it.... thanks

  • Love 1
Maybe part of Rosie P's contract requires that she takes over for Sherri re racial issues.


Oh, I hope not.  I'd like to think she has more integrity than that.  To be contractually obligated regarding racial issues does not seem like her.  I can see how some may feel she's annoying about it, but she does seem smart and passionate, and I'd be very disappointed if that were the case. 

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Today. 7:32 pm


I think Sherri was floored by Brand - he quickly  returned her flirting and she could not handle it. Plus he did not even mean it which was the funniest part imo, and she was speechless.  Of course the lesson "learned" was lost to Sherri. Although she sat far away from him the next time he was on the show


I think he was backstage and must have heard  her  during the  first segment  bragging or complaining that she was celibate or born again virgin I (don't remember which) so he picked that ball up and ran with it.  It pissed me off that she tweeted that he was creepy which was not professional as he was doing something quite mild compared to her non stop uterus qivering remarks on a daily basis. 

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I would have no problem if Rosie P was designated to discuss racial issues. She's smart, passionate, seems to have some experience --- why not?

In fact, I would not have a problem with any of them discussing it. It exists.


I am really starting to detest Whoopi. The uh huhs are annoying but she was over the top today with it when discussing the math study with both Rosies. It was not interested "uh huhs" either; it was more like"yeah right, get on with it but my opinion is way more important". She wasn't listening to the other view; I think she was more incensed that one dared to disagree with her, especially since they don't have a disability. I felt bad for both Rosie P and Rosie,  Rosie P more because I think she actually agreed with some of the study but not necessarily with a certain aspect.

To be honest, I lost track of what exactly the point of the study was with Whoopi getting all damn indignant over her dyslexia, and because of that she knows all.


I'm also a bit sad to say that I feel Rosie O's voice seems to be stifled and I think she is sort of taking a back seat because of Whoopi's abrubt and know-it-all style. I'm not sure I can take too much of this; it's become the Whoopi show more so because she seems to talk so fucking much during Hot Topics. And when she's not bloviating she's giggling at something stupid or transitioning from one subject to the next with a dumb segue.

  • Love 14

Yes, thumbs up to you Stacee, and I have not watched the show in more than a week, watched today's episode, and I had two thoughts:


  1. When did Whoopi actually care enough to comment rather than snooze through the entire show
  2. When did Whoopi become a bully, whereby nobody gets a chance to weigh in


Let's add to that, the awkward tension, where everyone is looking toward Whoopi, in order to not piss her off, reminds me of the awkward tension when BaWa was there, and Whoopi was rolling her eyes out to the audience.  Now the other three should be doing the eye-rolling.  


As I said, have not watched for a while but Rosie O seems reined in, and Rosie P is full of piss and vinegar (politely, which I like).


Nicolle seems harmless and somewhat enjoyable.

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Well, for what it's worth, I prefer the animated, feisty Whoopi over the laid back, disengaged one. And with only four cohosts on the panel, I wouldn't be surprised if she's been asked/told to play a more active role in discussions and not just "moderate" discussions. The dynamics shift a bit with only 4 rather than 5 people at the table...I like 4 better.

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It's like when Rosie originally joined the show and she re-invigorated Joy, and they could tag team the panel with some common sense and compassion. But with Whoopi, her re-invigoration is negative, because she's just more of a curmudgeon and ignorant. When she asked Rosie Perez if she had any learning disabilities was especially seemingly hostile since Rosie Perez didn't break into the conversation in the same confrontation tone, but was extremely careful not to. I think the show needs a villain, but it's less fun since Whoopi is the moderator and in charge of switching topics, so it can really seem like she's doing the majority of the talking.

Rosie mentions segment ideas, spending more time with guests on Twitter and Askro. I think that's where her attention is focused right now, and not on dominating or fighting with Whoopi during hot topics.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 9

Let's add to that, the awkward tension, where everyone is looking toward Whoopi, in order to not piss her off, reminds me of the awkward tension when BaWa was there, and Whoopi was rolling her eyes out to the audience.  Now the other three should be doing the eye-rolling.  

Yes, and I think it's hilarious and unexpected. I'm sure Whoopi never thought she would become the Barbara of the panel.


To be fair, the co-hosts seem this way with Rosie O, too. I think Rosie O is in an awkward position coming back after what happened previously, but especially in regards to Whoopi. The big egos have never got along--Whoopi, Rosie O, and Barbara have all had problems with this (I would say Sherri and Elisabeth also had inflated senses of self which caused problems, but they're the only ones who took themselves seriously). The thing is that if Whoopi and Rosie O were not to get along, everyone would automatically blame Rosie O because of what happened before when it's obvious Whoopi is just as domineering in her own way.


To the math topic, I believe Whoopi was annoyed because the other co-hosts tend to speak definitively on subjects where they are more related than others (Rosie O on illness/heart attacks, Rosie P on Latinas, Nicolle on Republicans/politics), so she expected the same in return for having a learning disability (and drug topics). But I do think, with a lot of practice, you can at least be competent in most things, even if it's never your strength. I don't think a disability takes away from that point, since it depends on how well the teacher is able to deal with the disability--I mean, think of Helen Keller.

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I love that RosieP brings up being Latin!

Being Latin myself its nice to hear someone think of us. We don't hear about Latin issues on every show.

There are plenty of shows that ignore Latin issues, so there are options.

Being proud of who we are has not always been "cool".

Growing up in the 80's in a small town in Ohio and being Mexican, was not fun. All I wanted to do was be like everyone else(white).

Now I'm proud of my heritage and like that we have a voice. It not as loud as it could be but getting there.

So, go ahead RosieP, talk about Latin issues, while you have the opportunity!

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 13

Rosie barely finished her last sentence about taking Chelsea to get her nose pierced when Blowhard Whoopi chimes in with "Here's the thing about Kids...!!" and I literally saw Rosie take a deep breath in reaction to it.  Rosie (and the others) deserve a bonus at the end of every week that they manage to get through an entire show without losing it on Whoopi.  As a viewer, I'm starting to feel like I should be getting something in the mail from them, too.  Because SHUT UP WHOOPI. 


*In other news, Nicolle looks fantastic today.  Her stylist & hair/makeup people are spot on.  And the show started at 11am and by 11:07 I was already snickering thinking of this board because Whoopi had already laughed her way through the taxi topic intro to cover up that she flubbed the word automated with automatic and Rosie P. already brought up being a woman of colour during that same discussion.  All by 11:07, lol.


*Have to take this comment back somewhat as i just caught sight of the grey knee high boots.  Eek.  Not a fan of those.  Love her look from the knees up only.


And Gloria Estefan never ages.  She is like Julia Louis Dreyfus in that she looks more beautiful the older she gets.

Edited by Cementhead
  • Love 7

I love that RosieP brings up being Latin!

Being Latin myself its nice to hear someone think of us. We don't hear about Latin issues on every show.

There are plenty of shows that ignore Latin issues, so there are options.

Being proud of who we are has not always been "cool".

Growing up in the 80's in a small town in Ohio and being Mexican, was not fun. All I wanted to do was be like everyone else(white).

Now I'm proud of my heritage and like that we have a voice. It not as loud as it could be but getting there.

So, go ahead RosieP, talk about Latin issues, while you have the opportunity!

She is so devoted to her "platform", it's endearing!!

  • Love 1

I love that RosieP brings up being Latin!

Same here. I am not of Latino decent but I relish hearing about other cultures, particularly as it relates to the Hispanic community. I was not even aware that Sept - Oct 15 is National Hispanic Awareness month and I am sure I'm not alone in that. The View has finally tapped into another possible market and I am thrilled RosieP is there to help represent that particular portion.

And I so so love her and am proud of how she is carrying herself. I even like her more than Rosie - something I did not think was possible at the beginning of this season.

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Let me just preface this by saying I'm extraordinarily bitchy this morning (could be due to the fact that I had two hours of sleep last night) -- I am really liking the new View, but, Rosie P. how many more times in 45 mins. can you say "National Hispanic Heritage Month"? We get it!!!!!! I don't have an ounce of prejudice, bias, etc., in my body -- but I always think it's kind of an oxymoron when people speak about how we should ignore color, race, faith, sex, etc., but then are very quick to point out the differences in each of us . .. . oh, well, back to my coffee i.v.


And, cut the crap with the "group hug"!

Edited by berly57
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I guess it all depends on what "good at math" means....

I mean going past basic, functional math. Not everyone is going to understand Good Will Hunting math or even want to, lol.

My mom and I have been watching and she is new to The View. Even she noticed Whoopi is becoming more obnoxious. Out of about 15 minutes real TV time, Whoop's face and/or voice was on about 11 minutes. Not kidding. Maybe if she cared a bit about what people are saying about her, she'd STFU. She's egotistical, grouchy, pissy, know-it-all, sage-like and now too dominating and loud. There are three other ladies and I want to see their faces and hear more of what they have to say. I think Whoopi is frustrated that she is looking like she doesn't know as much as she thinks she does. :)

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Why is Rosie so enamored with Russell Brand, in fact, why is any one enamored with him? I find him super annoying.  He looks like he needs a long shower, and is  full of himself.    Rosie was quoting him on her instagram like he's some kind of prophet.  And I would have barfed if he kissed me like he did with Nicole.  He is a man who broke up with his wife by text. What is so amazing about that?  And I agree with Nicole,  you don't tell people not to vote. And BTW who is he to tell anyone anything? He's some actor/comedian. 


Also, the fascination with Meghan McCain boggles my mind.  I used to think she was intelligent, then I heard her defending Sarah Palin as  "strong woman", and that is why people picked on her.  Also, she isn't too bright, she contradicts herself, and she just isn't informed.

I notice that Nicole wasn't involved in her interview, and found that interesting.  


Rosie Perez should talk about her Latino background when it's appropriate, but she seems to be ready to look for racism, like in the casting of the female Ghostbusters, when in fact, a woman who is not white is most likely going to be in the cast.


I guess I can't stand when anyone has to babble endlessly about their roots, I am Italian, and it gets on my nerves if someone constantly brings it up as if they are some victim of everything.   I didn't mind Joy doing it, because she would just talk about her heritage, and also make it funny.    I  actually didn't mind when Star talked about issues related to being black, because she did not pull the race card for stupid things like Sherri did, and like Rosie P does now.


Another thing about Rosie I just can't stand is her annoying nasally voice and accent.  She's an actress, does she never lose any of her NY accent just a bit?  I get a feeling both she and Rosie O overdue their accents to sound "average" and it's annoying.

About Rosie the Latina.  It was the recognized "issue" during the Republican self-examination coming out of the 2012 election, fast forward to last summer and the thousands of children coming across our southern border.  Celebrating their heritage month is wonderful, I hope that they dig into the political aspects of this from all angles.  Like the fact that under the Obama Administration and the Clinton state department, the conditions that prompted these families to make gut wrenching decisions to send their babies on dangerous trains through Mexico to possibly keep them safe was largely due to our (US) policies.


Sometimes I feel like Whoopi is not so much the African American on the panel as the advocate for learning disabilities.  I just wish that she had a more comprehensive understanding of the issue and that there isn't just dyslexia, but there is also dyscalculia (math), auditory processing issues, written expression issues and dysgraphia, and that many of these are related, and often comorbid with ADHD.  Kids with these LDs need modified practice, but practice nevertheless, not only to come up to grade level but many manage to exceed any and all expectations with the right supports. 


Seems to me, the overall quality of the show has so greatly been raised, I continue to nitpick small things and wish for my bucket list type conversations and suppose that is not fair.

Edited by NextIteration
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I would have no problem if Rosie P was designated to discuss racial issues. She's smart, passionate, seems to have some experience --- why not?

In fact, I would not have a problem with any of them discussing it. It exists


Totally agree, Stacee.  I have no problem with any discussion regarding racial issues.  I welcome it.  I would have no problem if Rosie P was designated to discuss racial issues.  As I mentioned also, she is smart and passionate, which would hopefully preclude a contractual obligation to do so.

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Also, the fascination with Meghan McCain boggles my mind.  I used to think she was intelligent, then I heard her defending Sarah Palin as  "strong woman", and that is why people picked on her.  Also, she isn't too bright, she contradicts herself, and she just isn't informed.


One nugget I think was missed yesterday was how she spoke about the Secret Service, saying they are gossipy. Given the news that one agent was reported as giving the Romney campaign a copy of President Obama's 2012 campaign itenerary to impress a girl, I totally think what she said was credible.


And I find that very alarming.  I guess "Secret" doesn't mean what it should.

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I think Rosie Perez might be talking slowly and calmly as a means to control her accent, and is still a little nervous.

I don't see how Uber is any less safe than taxi drivers; they need a clean driving record and a background check. There have obviously been cases of Taxi drivers killing, mugging, or raping passengers. Uber also allows you to review the drivers, so hopefully you can avoid any driver that has warning signs of being unstable or unreliable. And taxi drivers are going to know where you live when they drop you off too.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 5

About Rosie the Latina.  It was the recognized "issue" during the Republican self-examination coming out of the 2012 election, fast forward to last summer and the thousands of children coming across our southern border.  Celebrating their heritage month is wonderful, I hope that they dig into the political aspects of this from all angles.  Like the fact that under the Obama Administration and the Clinton state department, the conditions that prompted these families to make gut wrenching decisions to send their babies on dangerous trains through Mexico to possibly keep them safe was largely due to our (US) policies.


Sometimes I feel like Whoopi is not so much the African American on the panel as the advocate for learning disabilities.  I just wish that she had a more comprehensive understanding of the issue and that there isn't just dyslexia, but there is also dyscalculia (math), auditory processing issues, written expression issues and dysgraphia, and that many of these are related, and often comorbid with ADHD.  Kids with these LDs need modified practice, but practice nevertheless, not only to come up to grade level but many manage to exceed any and all expectations with the right supports. 


Seems to me, the overall quality of the show has so greatly been raised, I continue to nitpick small things and wish for my bucket list type conversations and suppose that is not fair.

Whoopi, don't like the word African American.....she 'said,she is an American'.She was not born in Africa.

I mean going past basic, functional math. Not everyone is going to understand Good Will Hunting math or even want to, lol.

My mom and I have been watching and she is new to The View. Even she noticed Whoopi is becoming more obnoxious. Out of about 15 minutes real TV time, Whoop's face and/or voice was on about 11 minutes. Not kidding. Maybe if she cared a bit about what people are saying about her, she'd STFU. She's egotistical, grouchy, pissy, know-it-all, sage-like and now too dominating and loud. There are three other ladies and I want to see their faces and hear more of what they have to say. I think Whoopi is frustrated that she is looking like she doesn't know as much as she thinks she does. :)

It's funny, I missed a big segment of hot topics the other day so I was rewinding my DVR. It was interesting to watch without sound because seeing the images flash by that way made it glaringly obvious how much more time Whoopi's face is on camera than any of the others, far more than you would expect simply by virtue of her being the moderator. She really is obnoxiously monopolizing the camera time. I'm glad she's a bit more awake this season, but this may be a be careful what you wish for moment. A more engaged Whoopi is quickly becoming a more irritating Whoopi.

Edited by TribbleTrouble
  • Love 8

I've watched off and on since the beginning. Loved Meredith, Joy and even Starr in the early days.   Never liked Elisabeth and stopped watching again after the split screen, so I really haven't seen much of Whoopi's years, so I really don't know what she was like last year and before.


That said, I'm starting to agree with those who say it is becoming the Whoopi show.   She moderates, so starts every new subject, then seems to monopolize the topic.  Rosie O is fading so into the background, soon she will be invisible. 


For a while I've thought Nicolle & Whoopi seemed like buddies and the 2 Rosie's buddies, but today it felt to me that Whoopi, Nicolle and Rosie P were all laughing about something, and Rosie O was the outsider who didn't need to even be there.   As a Rosie O fan, and someone who'd never heard of Nicolle or Rosie P before, I am back the The View to see Rosie O.  I don't dislike either of the other 3, but if Rosie O keeps being delegated to the sidelines, I can see myself going off The View again.


Because someone posted about the moderating on The Talk in either last week's or the week befores thread, I watched it a few times lately.  And though they discuss more friolous celebrity topics than The View, Julie does not monopolize the topic, and one person comments on the topic then turns for the next person to speak.

Edited by buffynut
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I just wish that she had a more comprehensive understanding of the issue and that there isn't just dyslexia, but there is also dyscalculia (math), auditory processing issues, written expression issues and dysgraphia, and that many of these are related, and often comorbid with ADHD.



For some reason I think Whoopi self-diagnosed her dyslexia.  It would be interesting to see her undergo a battery of tests a la Lisa Ling (who learned that she does have ADHD..or something like that).  Didn't someone guffaw when Lisa Ling's tests were mentioned many moons ago?


As far as Rosie Perez' accent, it was very interesting to hear her narrating a segment some weeks ago.  I almost didn't recognize her voice and definitely did not recognize her non-accent.   I used to think she was putting on the accent to be cute and to get particular parts--now I tend to agree with other posters that she may just be nervous.

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I'm also a bit sad to say that I feel Rosie O's voice seems to be stifled and I think she is sort of taking a back seat because of Whoopi's abrubt and know-it-all style. I'm not sure I can take too much of this; it's become the Whoopi show more so because she seems to talk so fucking much during Hot Topics. And when she's not bloviating she's giggling at something stupid or transitioning from one subject to the next with a dumb segue.

When Whoopi introduced the topic of Rosie's daughter's nose piercing, I was ready to hear Rosie tell a funny and interesting story of her daughter getting her nose pierced.  Instead we get a couple of sentences from Rosie and then the all-knowing Whoopi takes over and reminds us that she knows all things related to raising children.  Happened again with the story of ordering pajamas for Christmas.  I don't know how Rosie O. is keeping it inside, because I am screaming at Whoopi (on tv) to STFU.

  • Love 10



I would have no problem if Rosie P was designated to discuss racial issues. She's smart, passionate, seems to have some experience --- why not?

In fact, I would not have a problem with any of them discussing it.


Given who she is "replacing" on this show, I would rather deal with her bringing up racism than being subjected to someone lifting up her boobs every 6 minutes.

Edited by mtlchick
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I don't know how Rosie O. is keeping it inside, because I am screaming at Whoopi (on tv) to STFU.


I never really took notice of it until I began reading this board. Now, I see it. Rosie really doesn't contribute as much as I thought she would. I don't understand the reasoning behind that for her. It appears that she just happens to be sitting at the table while the other three, and especially Whoopi chat it up. 

Edited by jonesingjay
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I don't understand the reasoning behind that for her.



I don't, either.  But what I do understand is I will stop watching soon, if the only reason I watch now is not really on there.  I have missed her being on tv, and watch only because she's back on tv.  But we can all see that she's not really back.  I have just two theories, and most likely both are wrong:


1.  Today was an infomercial day, the infomercial idea of which I despise.  But I watched it today, the only reason being because that was the only way I'd get any of Rosie.  And I did enjoy it somewhat.  She spoke about being fully committed to her second marriage, which she was not in her first and said she had learned something from that.  The pee pad product was not mentioned.  Am I overthinking this?  That they would have Rosie muzzled in the topics because they're getting a shitload of money from Pee Pad Inc., and that's the only time we get to hear her voice?   I may have been manipulated today, but I have decided to (not asking anyone else to) boycott pee pad infomercial Wednesday.  Enough.  I'm done with that shit.  She's either on the show or she's not.  But I won't get snookered into watching that pathetic pitch again just so I can see and hear her on this show.


2.  She knows full well the firestorm of criticism she'd be subjected to if she spoke even a small fraction of what the other three speak.  Too bad for me, and for anyone else who is watching only because she's back.  Yep, I'm whining about it, and I don't care who knows it.

  • Love 6

I don't know.....Rosie O is pretty smart and she might realize the tide of worship on Whoopi is fading fast.....and that next year she will be moderator.


WG is kinda, imo, digging her own grave. Plus she is way too pushy on exactly how to raise a kid (that is now 40ish?) when she wasn't around much back then. WG basically shuts down any discussion on child rearing from RO or NW, and even RP that doesn't. And RP is entitled to an opinion, imo.


Odd....WG saves the final words for herself.......or is it?

  • Love 7

Rosie O is very smart.  She may well be waiting out the year until next season where she becomes moderator*.  But from what I've seen so far, and we're well into the fifth (?) week now, I don't think I am interested in waiting out the year. 


* I recall she was a wonderful moderator.  She knows her stuff.  But do we know when Whoop's contract is up?  I can't see her giving this up anytime soon if she has a lasting contract.

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And BTW who is he to tell anyone anything? He's some actor/comedian. 



So we should only listen to political pundits and professors? Actors and comedians can be thoughtful people, too.


He seemed very intelligent, and I agreed with a lot of things he said, particularly how we scapegoat immigrants/criminals for making life unaffordable for most people when it would be better to look at who has the money or how neither political party really represents the average person's interests anymore (having been bought out by companies wanting to protect their interests so they can continue to make billions). I noticed that second part really irritated Nicolle for some reason--perhaps because Republicans attempt to create a facade that they're representing blue collar workers?



I think she was mostly upset that he is telling people not to vote, and on that point I have to agree. If you don't like the two party system, campaign and work for a third party. Other than a presidential level, it's not impossible for one to hold office. I am working as an election judge this year in part because I think it's so important that we use our right to vote, and it was refreshing to hear Nicolle agree about its importance considering Republicans in several states are so greatly participatory in voter suppression.

  • Love 4

Very interesting segment of NPR today. And Rosie P was the person they interviewed. She sounded great. She also said that when she joined the show, she read often about her being the first Latina to be a permanent host. She said she didn't think about that when she took the job and something to the effect that it made her stop and think about that. So I think that when she highlights the fact in discussions, it may partly be because all of this is new to her and she is thinking about that more as a permanent host. She sounded great during the interview. I think this is a wonderful career choice for her because although she was an Oscar nominee etc. people really hadn't gotten to see and hear her as a regular person. And I think she comes across as a regular person. I've noticed, at least from what I've watched, that she doesn't mention very much about her really private life at all. I've no real idea of her sexual orientation, or spouse, or kids. When she has spoken that I've heard, she pretty much speaks in general terms.


It's sort of funny that Rosie O and Whoopi are now the ones who talk a lot about family whereas before it was always all about Sherri's son etc.


I have always been a fan of Whoopi's. Not so much a fan of Rosie O except for when I saw her on the Who Do You Think You Are program. For the first time I saw her, on that show, smile with her mouth and eyes matching. A true smile. She makes me nervous to tell you the truth and I think that is because she reminds me of my angry Irish aunts who were always, it seemed to me, itching for a fight. And I could always tell because when their mouths were smiling their eyes were sort of hawk-like (watch Rosie, I think you will see what I mean) and if you crossed my aunts their faces would darken and they'd go for the throat. Having Whoopi and Rose O on the same panel day after day is an accident waiting to happen.


The NPR guy asked Rosie P about the rumors of controversy between Whoopi and Rosie O (I'm sure they were referring to the rumored dust up between Whoopi and Rosie O that occurred in front of the audience.) Rosie P handled it really well and really got her point across about men and women being treated differently and assessed differently when they both can do the same thing but are viewed differently.


I noticed that Nicholle wasn't on the segment with Meghan. She probably knows Meghan better than all of them put together because of her involvement with the campaign for President when McCain and Palin ran together. Nicholle is a very smart cookie and I am really enjoying her on the show. She thinks before she speaks, has something to say, and doesn't shove talking points down our throats. And for her, Meghan is a "been there, done that" whose one big credit in life is being McCain's daughter. Meghan is not a very bright light when around others who are. And Nicholle doesn't have anything to prove.

  • Love 4


I think Whoopi is frustrated that she is looking like she doesn't know as much as she thinks she does. :)


I was thinking along those lines too. Whoopi used to be the (relatively) smart one on the old panel but with these women, I think she's intimidated because she knows they're all so much smarter than her so she's bloviating her ass off trying to keep up with them. She doesn't realize it's making her sound quite stupid.

  • Love 9

 I think she was mostly upset that he is telling people not to vote, and on that point I have to agree. If you don't like the two party system, campaign and work for a third party.

Rats that I only have one thumb up to give, cuz this one is worth about a thousand from me. I so agree.

I really really hate to hear someone encourage someone NOT to vote. If one chooses not to, OK, whatever. But to tell others not to bugs the hell out of me. And it was at that point in the interview when Russel started spouting that that I tuned him out. A huge turnoff for me.


By the way, thank you for being an election judge, being part of the process! Bravo to you.


 But what I do understand is I will stop watching soon, if the only reason I watch now is not really on there.  I have missed her being on tv, and watch only because she's back on tv. 

You expressed exactly how I am feeling right now, DreamboatAnnie.


I'm reading on Twitter that Wallace had an interesting exchange with a doctor on Morning Joe today...? Something about ebola and "Outbreak"  and him saying she should stop watching Netflix or something? Did anyone see it?

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Rats that I only have one thumb up to give, cuz this one is worth about a thousand from me. I so agree.

I really really hate to hear someone encourage someone NOT to vote. If one chooses not to, OK, whatever. But to tell others not to bugs the hell out of me. And it was at that point in the interview when Russel started spouting that that I tuned him out. A huge turnoff for me.


By the way, thank you for being an election judge, being part of the process! Bravo to you.


You expressed exactly how I am feeling right now, DreamboatAnnie.


I'm reading on Twitter that Wallace had an interesting exchange with a doctor on Morning Joe today...? Something about ebola and "Outbreak"  and him saying she should stop watching Netflix or something? Did anyone see it?

It was a female doctor.

Why are they putting the pre-taped infomercial segment during a "live" show instead of sticking it on Friday's pre-taped show?  It seems like a waste of air time to me, especially when they always seem rushed on the live shows to begin with.

Now that is a very good thought.... a pretaped segment should go on a pretaped show


Notice.... Rosie ignored the camera when she walked out today.... now if only Whoopi could get rid of the umhuhs

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