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S21.E08: The Girl Who Says It's Over

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The models team up for a photo shoot challenge with judge Kelly Cutrone that results in two models recognizing the need to put their personal relationship on hold. Later, the models discover their common ancestry links when heritage comes into play as the styling concept for a futuristic sci-fi photo shoot that features a special guest posing as a robot.
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So this episode succeeded in me wanting to run out and get their product placed AncestryDNA ... only to discover it's US only. Boo!


I thought the photo shoot was really boring. Most of them have been dull this cycle - nothing stands out as really artistic. It's like they're trying too hard.

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There was something really disgusting about this entire episode. 


I get the whole connecting to the past thing, but just because there was one Asian person is someone's background doesn't make them Asian (and then, what... part of Asia, Tyra?)  There's a reason people make fun of people saying they're 2% Native American. Because it means nothing.


Yay, more comments about how comfortable Matt is with Cory because ~he's so gay and hiding it. 


Denzel. If you recognize it's your environment that has affected your outlook, you're aware enough to know you're opinions are offensive and stupid. You're in your 20s. You've been around long enough to be exposed enough to not be a dick. 


This photoshoot was ridiculous. Throwing on stereotypical culture-related items, and pretend to be in a relationship with a robot? No wonder the photos sucked, how do you wrap your head around that?


I'm really mad Matt is gone. Tyra has such a hard on for Denzel, it's kind of gross. His photos suck week after week but she gives him such high scores that he'll never leave. 



only to discover it's US only.


If you're Canadian, there is a Canadian one (.ca rather than .com).

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(And for any of you who might be wondering about the more surprising ancestry results some of the hamsters received, most likely they were fairly small components of their overall genetic makeup.  I don't have experience with AncestryDNA, but I did get my SNPs analyzed by 23andMe, and my ancestry results did have some surprising components.  I'm a mixed European mutt (which I knew already), but 23andMe's analysis showed that I have trace (<1%) amounts of east Asian, Native American, North African, and Oceanian DNA.)

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Matt should have stayed...He was my favorite, along with Lenox, Ralia & Will.


Good attempt at damage control, Denzel.  I still don't buy it.  However, your acting is improving. Others might buy your crap.   


I still love Corey, and hope he continues to get jobs & attention. 

Edited by leighdear
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Douchiness aside, why is Denzel still there?  Of course, because Tyra is bound and determined that the winner this cycle will be male.  That also explains Adam still being in this.


I love how Tyra makes the last segment of the show about her.  Unless my math is off (which is possible), wasn't there 1% percent missing?


Mirjana is a silly teenager but she's still annoying.


Even though Matt is too tall, stays out of the drama and has been pretty middle of the road, I still would have liked to have seen him stay.


Oh well, next week looks interesting.

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I love how Tyra makes the last segment of the show about her.  Unless my math is off (which is possible), wasn't there 1% percent missing?


The missing one percent is that one of her ancestors is literally a forehead.


I find the Mirjana/Denzel thing so tedious.  If Matthew and Will had gone any further, then I think Matthew would have stuck around longer.


I looked into that Ancestry DNA thing but I'm not sure it goes specific enough for me personally.  There are only 26 regions.  Like it lumps all of Eastern Europe together, which is....not correct, really.

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There are only 26 regions.  Like it lumps all of Eastern Europe together, which is....not correct, really.

Well i'm not sure how the genetic markers thing works(or if it's even just phoney junk science to scam people out of money) but it could be they don't have markers more clear than that. Though if Africa is actually just one region, like it was shown on the show, then that is some laughable categorizing since Africa has more regional DNA differences than the entire rest of the world and using DNA to track what region of Africa someone's ancestor came from isn't even a new trick in the US.


That photo shoot was quite bad. Cory as usual was just horrid in every shot. I did like a lot of the costumes though, the mixture of sci-fi styling and tribal clothing made me think of Raja from Drag Race. Especially Shei, Raelia and Mirjana's outfits


Matthew going is really draining my interest in the season. The eye candy is pretty much down to Adam, none of the girls really hold much interest as contenders and only Raelia has enough spunk, without being bitchy about it, to really make me want to root for her. And I just can't with Keith and Denzel, their looks aren't bad or anything but their personalities are horrid.

Edited by snakenax
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I really didn't think it was possible for me to like Denzel and Marjana even less, but I guess I was wrong.  I don't know who raised Marjana, but I just want to punch them in the face.  And nothing is Denzel's fault, it's all the fault of his environment and grandfather.  Way to excuse your shitty behaviour.


I'm sad that Matthew is gone, while some of these morons are still there.  I thought we might actually get rid of one of the nightmare couple, but my wishes went unfulfilled.  Will really impressed me and I thought that he and Lennox deserved equal best picture.  Both were great pictures, if only Cory wasn't in them to ruin them!

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Will and Lennox definitely did the best, though I don't think it was a terrible fair photo shoot. Will and Lennox got really, really good composition for their shots, very artsy and editorial. The composition for everyone else was more standard to the current low rent photo shoots: basic boxes with the model in the middle with their facing pointing to the camera. Actually Lennox's photo reminds me how rare it is to see more artsy angles on a photo shoot in the show at this point, I think this might be the first one this whole season.

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Having the models do their own hair & makeup definitely saves on the budget.  Which means more $$$ for Tyra to spend on wigs. 


I though Kelly was a hoot when she was "commanding" the models.  And how did Denzel not know that you don't grease your body down BEFORE you put on the clothes?  He's a moron. 

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I soooo badly wanted Mirjana to get shit on at panel for having a hickey! How immature and unprofessional. It's unacceptable in almost all professions, and certainly a stupid move when your job is to be in PHOTOS.

I know a lot of the scores compared to critiques are bullshit, but the contrast between the scores given to Matthew and Denzel after their critiques really got under my skin. First of all, I don't recall seeing any facial versatility in Denzel's photos from week to week. That aside, based on THE JUDGE'S OWN CRITIQUES, there's no was his photo was 4 points better than Matthew's. If I remember correctly, Matthew got 21 and Denzel got 25. NO.

They spent so much time making Denzel look like a doofus that I knew he wasn't going home. They don't do that thing all the time anymore where the eliminated model gets a huge amount of attention in their last episode. That said, Freudian slip much? "I didn't tell whore - lol, HER - I wanted a relationship."

Raelia is growing on me. Now that Matthew's gone (and these comeback spots never go to my favorites, so farewell sweet prince) she can be in my favorites with Shei, Lenox, and Will.

If Tyra really needs a man to win, her only legit options are Will, Keith, and Matthew. 2 of whom are too tall, and the 3rd is... nothing special. I made a prediction for final three a while back, I think I said some combination of Lenox, Shei, Will, and Adam. I stand by that prediction, despite Tyra's ladyboner for Keith. Since no one is really making a spectacularly special impression on me, I'd be ok with any of the remaining hamsters winning except for Denzel and Mirjana. Besides the fact that I really dislike what a teenager Mirjana is, I think she's resting on pretty. Gorgeous girl, mediocre photos. Denzel doesn't do shit with his face and I don't think he has much creative inspiration going on upstairs. Look at me, judging these people as if this is one of the first seasons, when high fashion modeling was the point!

Always happy to see my boo Cory!!!

Surprised Kelly wasn't an asshole at panel to the people who disappointed her at the challenge. Forever surprised that a fashion professional has THOSE teeth.

I do think Will and Lenox gave strong modeling in their photos, but the overall wow of the pictures was really helped by the staging. Both of their scenes were so much more interesting than say, Raelia, Adam, Matthew, or any of the people outside with their back to the mirror. Also, Denzel's shot looked exactly like one (Brooke?) cycle 7 Fabio photo. Hahahaha!!!

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I don't know who raised Marjana, but I just want to punch them in the face.


WOLVES would be my guess.  Watch out next week Lennox, because Mirjana's coming in your room going, "How wuz it you wuz talkin' smack about my man, last week."  Those types always turn on you.


Am I high or did Shei, after Nylon Dweeb and Kelly both said she was gorgeous but took shit pictures, Shei gushed, "I'm soo excited that Nylon Dweeb noticed me!"  Shei 2 people who are in the business of working with photos just told you you took shit photos.  And you're happy?


I screamed when they axed Matthew.  I haven't bothered myself to open my mouth an omit a sound about this show since approx. 2004, but that was WRONG.  What a gorgeous nice guy.  Too tall, but  Will is  taller and Mirjana, Denzel and Frat Boi are tiny.  Many others could have been axed b4 Matt.  I am glad they allowed him to say he acts and produces shoots (was it?)  I am hoping that will promote him enough to get jobs after the show.  Oh I forgot--maybe he can come back?  I totally forgot about Comeback Canyon.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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It was neat how they gave Mirjana just enough points for her crap photo to save her.  I have to admit though- she and Denzel are playing this the right way.  They're creating drama, not letting it end, holding secrets back from loved ones (and each other!), pissing off others in the house.  Genius, really, in terms of keeping yourself on a talent show when you're mediocre.  And Denzel mixed it up with Will, too, so he has that other layer.  I'm now imagining them at Top 4, both in the bottom 2, one emotionally moving forward leaving the other behind.  


I hope Tyra watches this show back and realizes that Mirjana isn't one of those women who just doesn't want to be bitchy.  She's an asshole who recognized that and had a moment where she tried to be less of one.  She needs to be coached to a midpoint, not encouraged to be a boss or whatever.  


As for her other half- it was great when he referred to her as a whore in his interview.  Then laughed.  He's the worst villain this show has ever had.


There may be other contestants.  I don't know, though, because all they show are these two douchebags.  Thanks, editors.  I get the feeling some of the other people might be interesting...or maybe it's just the hope that they are.  We'll never know, though.  


Oh yeah- the racial DNA tests.  How can they not narrow it down from "Asia?"  Asia is frickin' huge. 


I was a little disappointed there weren't racist costumes, though.  I was expecting more of an offensive spectacle.  Maybe if we were back in talk-show-Tyra days we'd have gotten some sit-down conversations about how it makes them reconsider who they are or something.  But here?  Just product placement (that kinda works- I want to do it).  


Tyra's goodbye speech to Matthew makes me understand her more.  Her mother taught her to conceive of herself as two separate entities, and she just keeps that going.  Interesting, I suppose.


Last thing- it was nice to hear the random judging comments about Denzel's arms and whether he was exercising the right way.  Are they giving advice like that to everyone and just not showing it?  

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The photo shoot reminded me of the current Bjorn Borg campaign.


I find the Mirjana/Denzel thing so tedious.  If Matthew and Will had gone any further, then I think Matthew would have stuck around longer.

Matthew definitely did not get how this "reality" thing works, whereas:


It was neat how they gave Mirjana just enough points for her crap photo to save her.  I have to admit though- she and Denzel are playing this the right way.  They're creating drama, not letting it end, holding secrets back from loved ones (and each other!), pissing off others in the house.  Genius, really, in terms of keeping yourself on a talent show when you're mediocre.  And Denzel mixed it up with Will, too, so he has that other layer.  I'm now imagining them at Top 4, both in the bottom 2, one emotionally moving forward leaving the other behind.

I thought Tyra really missed the boat in not pitting them against each other at the final judging, but I think she's smarter than I am, and realizes there's more to milk in awkward phone calls, skeevey hook-ups, and Will butt kissing in the next few weeks to let one of them leave now.


I though Kelly was a hoot when she was "commanding" the models.  And how did Denzel not know that you don't grease your body down BEFORE you put on the clothes?  He's a moron.

In Denzel's defense, I took her statement  as more of a "now that you've oiled up, you'd best not be thinking of wearing one of my shirts. You're either stuck with shirtless or you're going to clean up." She was much more forthright with Adam and Keith regarding shirtlessness, though I thank her for waiting until they were shooting before bringing it up.


I do think Will and Lenox gave strong modeling in their photos, but the overall wow of the pictures was really helped by the staging.

This. Adam or Keith both could have pulled off Will's shot. They have fine posteriors, and strong faces that would be well amplified by the mirroring. Too bad they can't shoot the models in the exact same scenes and see how they "perform"

 Oh, Yu, that was not Adam's stomach.

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That Nylon brief was ridiculous. It was totally the kind of vague things advertisers and brands shoot for. Be young and fresh and hip and blah, blah, blah what are you talking about? Also, who knows what Nylon is as a brand? Clearly none of the contestants did. 


There's something weird about how they announced their common ancestries with that Oprah "you get a car!" tone. And in the future we're going to mesh with AI? What? I don't know how exact the DNA tests were. Large swaths of the genetic code are similar and you can sort of find markers that correlate to one group without clear results. 


No blackface this time but yay, let's whip out the war bonnet again. Did they put a fake tiger pelt on Denzel? What is HAPPENING? That said, the shoot was boring. I wanted this to be hilarious. It was not. Do they no longer have the budget for hilarious?


I like that Miss J is happy to fight with Kelly. 


There were some good shots this week but it might have just been the set up. The hamsters should be better at this point. Maybe we'll get there once we reach the top 5.


Seeing the rundown of all his photos hammered in Tyra's point about Matt. He really hasn't had a great shot since the water.



Denzel. If you recognize it's your environment that has affected your outlook, you're aware enough to know you're opinions are offensive and stupid. You're in your 20s. You've been around long enough to be exposed enough to not be a dick.

YUP. Again, not like he said the worst thing ever, even if we're narrowing the pool to things said during a reality TV competition but I do not understand how what we said was a viable defense.

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Oh, Yu, that was not Adam's stomach.

I have to admit, Yu is making me a bit uncomfortable on the show. He seems to jaunt over the line from 'flirtatious photographer' to 'skeevy and unprofessional' with incredible ease.

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I have a bone to pick with those DNA 'tests'.  Or, rather the results.  European Jewish?  WTF?  Jewish isn't a race.  Jewish is a religion, it can be a culture, but it is NOT a race.  And to further define it as 'European Jewish' is a bridge way, way too far.


Hitler classified Jews as a race.  I don't think that Tyrant should be doing the same.

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So I see Tyra hasn't learned her lesson vis a vis Native American headdresses.  At least they weren't in blackface this time, though, so  . . . progress?




Mirjana: "The only thing I did wrong was having a boyfriend."

Me: "The only thing you did wrong was SLEEPING WITH SOMEONE ELSE WHILE you had a boyfriend."


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(And for any of you who might be wondering about the more surprising ancestry results some of the hamsters received, most likely they were fairly small components of their overall genetic makeup.  I don't have experience with AncestryDNA, but I did get my SNPs analyzed by 23andMe, and my ancestry results did have some surprising components.  I'm a mixed European mutt (which I knew already), but 23andMe's analysis showed that I have trace (<1%) amounts of east Asian, Native American, North African, and Oceanian DNA.)


I do actually have some experience with AncestryDNA and it was pretty cool. It was fun seeing the results. I'm a mutt too which wasn't a surprise, but there were some interesting tidbits in there. I had more Native American than I expected even though it's always been sort of rumored that "someone" in the family was part Native American (which I think is actually really cool but back in the day I think they thought it was somehow scandalous). Even if it was just a giant commercial I thought it was interesting to see Tyra's background because I always kind of wondered.


On a totally separate note Mirjana is disgusting. Rhondinella YES this couldn't have been said any better: "The only thing you did wrong was SLEEPING WITH SOMEONE ELSE WHILE you had a boyfriend." Seriously."  He seems like a decent and pretty forgiving guy. I hope he finds a woman who deserves him, because she sure doesn't.

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Mirjana is the very definition of low class and Denzel is a douche. Hope they both go home soon. Poor Matthew! He wasn't bringing the drama so of course he was sent home. I think he will have a great modeling career regardless. At this point I think Lennox and Will are shoo-ins for Top 5 since they are both getting such high scores. I would like Shei, Keith and Adam to be there with them as well. I think Raelia is next to go unfortunately as she has been resting on pretty for a few weeks now.

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Too bad they can't shoot the models in the exact same scenes and see how they "perform"

This is kind of a cool idea. Much better than "Let's put you into a completely absurd and unflattering pose and then blame you for looking weird and awkward, while we then praise someone else for the lovely pose we put her into." And they definitely have to stop putting the models in charge of, well, anything, really. While it might be an interesting avenue to pursue for when their modelling careers end, it's not a model's job. The model's job is to show up, accept whatever hair, makeup and wardrobe is assigned to them, and follow the art director's direction. To judge someone modelling ability based on their ability to manage a photo shoot - in which they're also supposed to appear - is just stupid.


Denzel and Mirjana make me throw up in my mouth. They're both just gross. I sympathize with the "this is how I was raised" situation up to a point, because it is true - "You've got to be carefully taught" - but you can't just hide behind it forever. And while no one on the show has called him out on his misogyny, unless or until he acknowledges and works on that, his accompanying homophobia isn't going anywhere. I almost threw something when he "accidentally" called Mirjana a whore.


And the ancestry thing. Definitely could have been handled much more offensively, but it had its moments. As someone pointed out, Shei was presumably not included in the "Asian" group because she's obviously Asian, but isn't is just about as obvious that Will the blond giant has some Scandinavian heritage? It seemed like they just tried awfully hard to link him up with Denzel.


Finally, I totally agree with those annoyed by the keep the gay dudes portraying a romantic relationship as physically separated as possible thing. They didn't even get to look at each other. Ugh.

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I have a bone to pick with those DNA 'tests'.  Or, rather the results.  European Jewish?  WTF?  Jewish isn't a race.  Jewish is a religion, it can be a culture, but it is NOT a race.  And to further define it as 'European Jewish' is a bridge way, way too far.


Hitler classified Jews as a race.  I don't think that Tyrant should be doing the same.


I'm pretty sure they meant Ashkenazi, and they probably used "European Jew" to dumb it down for the general populace.  From a genetics standpoint, the Ashkenazi are an interesting population, in that they're fairly inbred (thus making them a pretty distinct population from a DNA analysis point of view) and hence have a high incidence of autosomal recessive diseases like Tay Sachs.

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I have a bone to pick with those DNA 'tests'.  Or, rather the results.  European Jewish?  WTF?  Jewish isn't a race.  Jewish is a religion, it can be a culture, but it is NOT a race.  And to further define it as 'European Jewish' is a bridge way, way too far.

Except Ashkenazi Jews are a distinct ethnic group, right down to having their own unique genetic issues to worry about like Tay Sachs. It's actually one of the most distinct ethnic groups within the European mix because of centuries of no intermarriage and being segregated into ghettos.

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And they definitely have to stop putting the models in charge of, well, anything, really. While it might be an interesting avenue to pursue for when their modelling careers end, it's not a model's job. The model's job is to show up, accept whatever hair, makeup and wardrobe is assigned to them, and follow the art director's direction. To judge someone modelling ability based on their ability to manage a photo shoot - in which they're also supposed to appear - is just stupid.

Exactly! There are successful photographers who began (or are continuing) their careers as models, but they usually have enough modeling experience under their belts to draw from in order to take a further step in the industry. It's like actors who try their hand at directing. They have to build up some cred. These kids/adults are thrown in with no experience.

 As far as make-up goes, no way a model could get away with doing anything him/herself. I had HUGE fights when I was working in that I wouldn't let anyone near my eyes! I learned to do it myself, and that was where I drew the line (so to speak). Might be why I'm not working any longer.

Edited by NorthstarATL
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And they definitely have to stop putting the models in charge of, well, anything, really. While it might be an interesting avenue to pursue for when their modelling careers end, it's not a model's job. The model's job is to show up, accept whatever hair, makeup and wardrobe is assigned to them, and follow the art director's direction. To judge someone modelling ability based on their ability to manage a photo shoot - in which they're also supposed to appear - is just stupid.


I agree they shouldn't be judged on their ability to manage a photo shoot - although it seemed that the challenge winner was chosen based on who turned out the best picture - but I think as an exercise it does have value. I'm a big believer that people are able to do their jobs easier and more effectively, in those environments where they work with multiple people with different functions/concerns/priorities, if they get a sense of what it's like to be coming at the task from those other angles. All sorts of things that are not immediately evident from your own perspective suddenly pop out in really obvious ways when you have to approach it from another perspective, and things that didn't make sense before then do make sense.


For example, when Tyra takes her turn doing the photoshoot, her pictures very often have been among the better pictures that the hamsters turn out all season, and I don't think it's so much that Tyra is a good photographer per se than it is that she knows how to instruct the hamsters to get the effects she wants, because she's been a model herself and knows what it's like on that side of the camera, what kind of information they need (especially when they are inexperienced models) and what words will best convey that information.

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During the photo shoot didn't they give the breakdowns of Asian? This was shown on the screen. Adam is Korean, Polynesian, Irish and Shei is Vietnamese and so on.

Edited by Nonlinear
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I agree they shouldn't be judged on their ability to manage a photo shoot - although it seemed that the challenge winner was chosen based on who turned out the best picture - but I think as an exercise it does have value.

Fully agree. It absolutely is a valuable experience. If the challenges were still more or less a separate entity from the photo shoots, and doing well at one just meant you got an extra prize, I wouldn't mind it. Even factoring how someone coped with the "other side" into the decisions is fine. But since the challenges - specifically, the end results thereof - are now part of how they're being judged as models, I kind of think these ones are bull.

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Not sure why Mirjana suddenly breaks into a "street" (not sure how to describe it) accent when she's angry but the affectation is annoying. Any other time you hear her talking calmly, there is no trace of it.


On the DNA topic, I highly recommend geneticist Spencer Wells' fascinating documentary, Journey of Man. I've seen it several times and am still incredibly moved each time at how it really ties us all together and makes the world seem a little bit smaller. He begins in Africa where it all started and then travels around the world tracing those DNA trails to learn about how all the different populations came to be and finds direct links in every country. He and National Geographic partnered years to do the Human Genome Project where your DNA is mapped and becomes an integral part of their research.

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During the photo shoot didn't they give the breakdowns of Asian? This was shown on the screen. Adam is Korean, Polynesian, Irish and Shei is Vietnamese and so on.


Yes, and to answer a preceding comment about Africa being huge and diverse, they also did break that down at least a little: I'm pretty sure it says Raelia was West African and Keith was East African. 

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For example, when Tyra takes her turn doing the photoshoot, her pictures very often have been among the better pictures that the hamsters turn out all season, and I don't think it's so much that Tyra is a good photographer per se than it is that she knows how to instruct the hamsters to get the effects she wants, because she's been a model herself and knows what it's like on that side of the camera, what kind of information they need (especially when they are inexperienced models) and what words will best convey that information.


LOL, it's okay to give Tyra credit for one thing while considering her snark-worthy on other things.  It's kinda funny to say she's not a good photographer, but churns out good photos.  That's like saying a person isn't a good cook, but they know how to bring ingredients together and produce a good dish.


Not sure why Mirjana suddenly breaks into a "street" (not sure how to describe it) accent when she's angry but the affectation is annoying. Any other time you hear her talking calmly, there is no trace of it.


On the DNA topic, I highly recommend geneticist Spencer Wells' fascinating documentary, Journey of Man. I've seen it several times and am still incredibly moved each time at how it really ties us all together and makes the world seem a little bit smaller. He begins in Africa where it all started and then travels around the world tracing those DNA trails to learn about how all the different populations came to be and finds direct links in every country. He and National Geographic partnered years to do the Human Genome Project where your DNA is mapped and becomes an integral part of their research.


I don't know where Mirjana is from, but I have friends witch accents that are really strong when they get upset.  I think there's a "mainstream" way people try to sound in America when around mixed company, but that goes out the window when people are heated.  Mirjana seems authentic to me.

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Show of hands, how many convulsed with laughter when the words "Electric Love Army" were uttered? Kelly's fashion line includes a white tank top with a picture of a goat and the word GOATIER (which appeared to me as GOITER upon first glance). For $75 you too can own this fabulous item made of cotton and spun cellulose. Kelly will probably murder me in my sleep now.

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I don't know where Mirjana is from, but I have friends witch accents that are really strong when they get upset.  I think there's a "mainstream" way people try to sound in America when around mixed company, but that goes out the window when people are heated.  Mirjana seems authentic to me.


Yeah, in my experience, too, accents usually come out when people are upset or passionate about something, so Mirjana's doesn't sound put upon to me.  I have a friend who lives in Boston and has no accent at all.....unless she's talking about the Red Sox, and then all of a sudden, she gets so regional I almost can't understand her.

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How are fucking Keith and Adam still on this damn show?


So I see Tyra hasn't learned her lesson vis a vis Native American headdresses.  At least they weren't in blackface this time, though, so  . . . progress?


Tyra is the fucking worst, guys. Speaking of...



I honestly don't trust Tyra enough to accept the results at face value.


I don't trust Tyra either. I thought that whole segment with her and the DNA guy in the fortune teller tent was bogus and 100% FAKE. 


The missing one percent is that one of her ancestors is literally a forehead.


This made me laugh for hours!


Will is now the only person I care about on this show. 

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The missing one percent is that one of her ancestors is literally a forehead.

I was laughing so hard; I forgot what I was going to say.

I'm bummed that Matthew is gone. He's good looking and genuine. He didn't bring the drama.

He has other experience such as acting and conducting photoshoots. I felt bad when he didn't win those respective challenges.

It's good that Raelia and Will are around because the rest are pretty forgettable. I like Shei's personality.

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Matthew going is really draining my interest in the season. The eye candy is pretty much down to Adam, none of the girls really hold much interest as contenders and only Raelia has enough spunk, without being bitchy about it, to really make me want to root for her. And I just can't with Keith and Denzel, their looks aren't bad or anything but their personalities are horrid.

Agree 100%. I absolutely hope to see more of both Matthew and Ben in the future.


I really didn't think it was possible for me to like Denzel and Marjana even less, but I guess I was wrong.  I don't know who raised Marjana, but I just want to punch them in the face.  And nothing is Denzel's fault, it's all the fault of his environment and grandfather.  Way to excuse your shitty behaviour.


Wow, it’s like all you guys are in my head.
Also agree 100%.


God Gawd Tyra, who hates you so much that they would do that to you week after week?  Her hair, makeup, and wardrobe has been heinous all season long.  Is she drunk?

That’s a rhetorical question, right? Did you hear her talking at panel about “tooching the booch” and whatnot? Christ, it’s like I need a “Tyra to English” dictionary!

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Well I'm out for the season.  I like Lennox, Will and, to my surprise, Shei, but I was really only watching for Matthew.  Tyra completely screwed him over.  There's no way that the photo she chose for panel was his best; they showed us better poses during the shoot.  (Same goes for Shei, actually.)  And those scores for Keith and Denzel were totally jacked up.  UGH!

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During the photo shoot didn't they give the breakdowns of Asian? This was shown on the screen. Adam is Korean, Polynesian, Irish and Shei is Vietnamese and so on.


They did.  Did anyone happen to see what Matthew's breakdown was?  I looked up at the screen too late and missed his.

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Well I'm out for the season.  I like Lennox, Will and, to my surprise, Shei, but I was really only watching for Matthew.  Tyra completely screwed him over.  There's no way that the photo she chose for panel was his best; they showed us better poses during the shoot.


That photo really screwed him over.  I was looking for the voted on photos and found them on somebody's blog, and the actual photo that people voted on for Matthew was kind of a long shot where you can't even really see him that well.  If it had been cropped more closely, I think his social media score would have been higher.  People don't vote for tiny figures they can't see.

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