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S11.E02: Puzzle With A Piece Missing

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In this Maggie centric episode, she continues to try to make a positive impression at the hospital but finds herself in extremely unfortunate situations. Meanwhile, Richard continues to hold onto his secret and the doctors work with a dying woman who is being kept alive by her daughter.


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I agree that there is way too much Maggie!  If this is truly Ellen Pompeo's last year, it seems like Shonda has to have a "Grey" in the cast, no matter how bad.


Also, just read that Ellen Pompeo just welcomed her 2nd child today via surrogate.

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So was this the worst episode ever, or the worst episode ever?


WTF, Shonda. Who gives a crap about Puzzle Girl. No more voiceovers from this overdramatic twit with daddy/sister issues. STFU, Maggie. I had to mute the episode because…this wasn’t Grey’s Anatomy.


Stop trying to make Maggie happen. It’s not going to happen.

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While the way the character is being written isn't in the over-the-top tart-tongued (but emotionally complex) mode that this series specializes in (see Amelia, Jo, Reed, etc.) it was too soon to put Maggie at the center of an episode. We need to know more about her, but it should have been much more organic. (Enough with the character-centric episodes. We can see a lot of somebody without it being told from their point of view.) And because the show has yet to make us care about Maggie, the episode was dull. Poor decision to do this following the season premiere. Poor decision. 

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This was a fantastic episode of Greys Anatomy, it was so nice to see the characters through the lens of an "outsider". While I still feel that having Meredith have yet another sister was a bad decision, I am enjoying this and want to see more of her and am very curious how her storyline with Meredith will unfold. Also, Maggie's hair is fine, in case some are unaware, african americans do not have straight hair. 

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Maggie's growing on me, but it was a little too Maggie-centric.  They should have paired her with someone more interesting than Jo, for starters (but not Stephanie).    I'm really struggling because I tend to take anyone's side over Meredith's, but Meredith had every right to act that way in the code.


Setting up Maggie and Meredith as enemies is a classic soap trope.  It makes it that much better when they start to care for each other IF it's not too rushed.  I'm always very hard on Meredith, but when those blue eyes tear up, it usually guts me.  So I'll be patient regarding this situation.  There's some potential moving material there.  I especially like that Zola will (hopefully) have a close black female role model.


I didn't care for Amelia on Private Practice.  Her storylines were just too heavy - addict, find dead boyfriend od'd in your bed, carry and give birth to a brainless baby, etc.  But I began rooting for her last season when Meredith was such an ungrateful bitch.  I like how Amelia was so welcoming and easy going with Maggie, and I thought Amelia was pretty funny this episode.  BUT, I'm not buying this wonderful sister relationship between Meredith and Amelia.  I realize that Meredith has a hard time with familial relationships, and I appreciate that they keep that characteristic going.


I loved Maggie's hair. 

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Not since Dr. Lucy Knight dominated the season 4 premiere of ER have I been so turned off about a new character dominating an episode of my favorite show.  Not enough Derek for me, but I know racing season is almost over, and definitely too much Amelia. I wish the two of them would get a spin-off show and leave.

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This was a fantastic episode of Greys Anatomy, it was so nice to see the characters through the lens of an "outsider".


I really like that aspect of this episode.  It was great to see her reactions to people.  She was as irritated by Jo as I usually am, she actually found a little of the old kickass and competent Bailey with the genome project, she finds the Chief as easy to go to for advice, and she sees the mean and bitchy side of Meredith that I always have.


I am only sad that we were cheated out of April's reaction to the cardio chief singing telegram. 

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OK, I hate the retcon, even if Shonda claims it was planned all along.  I don't believe it.  But it is what it is now and I have to say that I don't hate the addition to the cast.  Other than Meredith, Derek, Alex, Richard and Miranda, everyone is one level of new or another.  Alex and Jo are good together.  Derek's little sister is sassy and brings a bit of an edge.  The thing that's tiring is the Torres/Robbins tension.  And yes, I know that a show about a bunch of happy couples would be boring, but I think they deserve a little more than 20 seconds of happy agreement every week.  


I am actually looking forward to seeing how the "I didn't know my mother was pregnant" story gets presented.  The writers laid a bit of ground work for this during the season opener so it'll be fun to see if that was deliberate or if I'm giving them too much credit!!

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I had dropped Grey's Anatomy a few seasons ago but was drawn in by this new sister thing.  I'll admit, the story is pretty preposterous from every angle.  I am just going to buckle myself in and go along for the ride.   


So, Ellis gets pregnant by Richard and says nothing to him about it?  Jeez. I guess I would have to question if Ellis ever loved anybody to do the things she did in her life! So Maggie knows Ellis is her biological mother and doesn't yet know that Richard is her father?  Okay.  And how apropos is it that their child would be a brilliant surgeon as well.  That would be an interesting study. 

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My default position is to like anything that puts Meredith's nose out of joint... So for now I quite like Maggie. 

I know that Amelia and Meredith get on ok but I was surprised by how close they're supposed to have become based on Amelia's comment. 

I really can't stand Jo.

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Zola was the saving grace of this episode. Her cuteness made up for the suckitude of this episode.


I'm not into Maggie. Are they really trying to sell us that she's better than Yang because I'm not here for it or her. "You did what Dr. Yang couldn't." Oh really? You mean what she couldn't with unavailable information, done by someone else,  that Pierce found out via Aunty Google? I'm not checking for that at all. Leave the legacy of the great Cristina Yang alone, Grey's Writers. What she's done to Meredith is outrageous. She has jammed herself into Meredith's life by taking a job where they will have to work together and see each other everyday. Meredith has a choice between leaving her job or seeing this trifling person everyday which is no choice at all. Pierce is Ellis' and Richard's problem, not Meredith's. I don't know how she has the nerve to think this is okay. She saw that Meredith has a child, family, and a career, but she has no compunction about upending it. I can't believe her. We've seen some major self-righteousness over the years, but invading someone's life this way and forcing her to deal with you by sneakily stalking your alleged sister and taking a job where she works is up there with the worst of them.


Every patient had a cardiac defect and she was able to save them all except the one she didn't deliberately save, huh? I've managed to grow to accept Meredith Sue and I will not adapt to a new one.


Pierce is horrible, stupid and has Sideshow Bob hair.


Her hair is fantastic; too bad such lush and healthy hair is atop the head of someone I dislike. I could totally dig her hair being a character and wandering the halls without her. 


Alex's three attempts at being duplicitous have blown up in his face. I feel bad for him but dating a child doesn't help. He needs adult friends and relationships.


Speaking of Jo, I thought she was Callie's protege. I liked her better then and I liked their professional relationship. Maybe Callie's professional relationship with Derek, which was very interesting, comes back. I don't want her isolated from the rest of the cast dealing with Arizona's fellowship and their baby. This couple has lost its spark since Arizona blew up their marriage and I just don't see it for them. Shonda doesn't want Callie to win. 


Now, I'm going to do something I thought I'd never do: defend Arizona and complain about how she's being treated. Even though Arizona is a cheating THOT and a terrible person, she was always portrayed as a professional and exceptional doctor who loved her "tiny humans" (I hate that term). She loved her relationships with them and making pudding runs for them. Over the past few years, they've made her more and more incompetent, mainly for the purpose of making Alex look like a great doctor. Now, it was to make Dr. Jigsaw Puzzle look good. Arizona didn't come from some ratchet program, she went to Johns Hopkins and she's a good doctor who, without explanation, has been dumbed down to make another doctor look good. What happened to pediatric surgery being the "brass ring" and the most competitive field? Now it is dull and she's totally uninterested? I can buy her being uninterested in Callie and Sofia, but I cannot buy this professional degradation. I notice this only happens to the women doctors, by the way. As much as it pains me to say this…Arizona deserves better. Let us hope she doesn't find a new jump off in her new fellowship. 


It was nice to see shades of the original Bailey. No crying, no meltdowns, and no agitated self-doubt. I want to keep this Bailey and never see Bailey -2.0 ever again. 


Not since Dr. Lucy Knight dominated the season 4 premiere of ER have I been so turned off about a new character dominating an episode of my favorite show.


Yes, but her death episode was fantastic. I liked how she only had one word in the end. Because we don't care about Maggie and because Grey's can't pull off an episode like that, I doubt Maggie's episode farewell episode, if there is one, will ever be redeemed in such an epic fashion.

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What is this crap show, and what has it done with Grey's Anatomy?


Maggie getting the VO was too much too fast.  I almost didn't watch because of that.


Is it too much to hope that Mer saying that Maggie was wrong about Ellis being her mother is foreshadowing that Maggie really was wrong and Ellis isn't her mother?

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Why did Richard tell Maggie that giving her up would have been very difficult for Ellis?  I continue to question his intelligence and integrity the more he acts like this woman was wonderful.  If Ellis regretted letting Maggie go, it was only because the baby would have been the perfect weapon to get Richard to leave his wife.

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Ellis regretted having Meredith, saying something, "I should never have had a child!" So, I'm not so sure she regretted giving up Maggie.


I would really love it if she weren't Ellis' daughter. THAT would be a plot twist I could get behind.

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I don't like Maggie at all and she should be fired for letting the woman die. Yes, of course the woman wanted to die, but you have to follow hospital protocol, you don't just get to decide for yourself who should live or die. I also didn't like the comments about her finding things out that Christina didn't do-Chistina was working on saving their lives, she was not primarily a researcher and I call BS on her finding this out so quickly.


I still like Owen (and yes I know it is unpopular and I was always shouted down at TWOP) and I hope he can have a more positive storyline for this season. Also think April and Jackson are cute together  and I no longer mind Amelia. Both Meredith and Derek have always seemed standoffish and selfish to me from day one, but a lot of doctors are like that so at least it realistic. If Maggie continues I hope Richard at least tells her he is her father so we don't keep seeing him gazing at her in a fatherly way but not saying anything. 

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I'm not into Maggie. Are they really trying to sell us that she's better than Yang because I'm not here for it or her. "You did what Dr. Yang couldn't." Oh really? You mean what she couldn't with unavailable information, done by someone else,  that Pierce found out via Aunty Google?


I actually like Maggie, but I didn't like the line about her doing what Yang couldn't either.


I also think letting the older woman die was a mistake.  I get why she did it, but that doesn't make it acceptable.

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I'm confused as to why Maggie is from Boston.  Didn't Ellis give birth to her in Seattle and then move to Boston?  And if so, shouldn't Maggie have been adopted in Seattle?



IIRC from S1, Ellis and Meredith moved to Boston pretty much immediately after Richard told Ellis he wasn't going to leave Adele for her. Both Ellis and Richard had originally planned to leave their spouses and be together; Ellis followed through and left Thatcher, but Richard changed his mind at the last minute. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that Ellis discovered the pregnancy in Boston, and by then it was too late - she was too proud to crawl back to Seattle to the man who had rejected her. Had she known about it before Richard made his decision, I'm sure she would have told him (and I'm sure it would have been the tipping point for him). 

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What the hell was that? No really. What the hell was that? What an ego centric time suck of an hour of tv. We met Maggie a week ago. Was I supposed to have faced-time her on my days off and gotten to know, and apparently love her. Love her so much that I would then want to sit down and watch her take over the show for A Very Special Episode of Dr. Maggie: Medicine Woman.


Again I say, what in the hell was that? She wasn't in every scene, she was the scene. I hate this character. And beginning to get the impression that I'm not going to be allowed to make up my own mind. She is being shoved down my throat and I'm being told how I should feel. I keep waiting for the character to break out w/You Will Like Me, You Will Like Me (yes...Sally Field twisted up).


I can't take it. I freely admit that I had my reservations about the character and storyline from the outset. But that's not why I was miserable. I was ticked because it's obvious that it has already been predetermined that she is the newly anointed Queen of Greys'. And that's ABC and Shonda's decision. But good lord give the audience a chance to catch up. If I don't like her, I don't like her. But I don't like Maggie right now b/c I'm being bullied by the show.


In other news. Shondaland new rule of if young people have sex very bad things happen. Derp? It must be said again. What the hell? Who in the hell are they making this show for now? Young people don't talk like that. And the rest of us...Derp!


Arizona and Callie. Yawn? Richard looks confused? Jackson and Bailey are bored? April and Owen are traffic cops. And I cared nothing about any of the patients tonight.


The Zola sighting really was the high point. And how clearly comfortable she is w/Ellen and Patrick.


Oh yeah I forgot about Joe and Karev. Well Jo did good job standing her ground.


Not since Dr. Lucy Knight dominated the season 4 premiere of ER have I been so turned off about a new character dominating an episode of my favorite show.  Not enough Derek for me, but I know racing season is almost over, and definitely too much Amelia. I wish the two of them would get a spin-off show and leave.

I had just started to like Lucy 2 episodes before she was fillet-ed by Paris Gellar's husband Charlie Epps. Good times. The aftermath was the only time I ever liked Romano.

Edited by 2KllMckngBrd
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What the HELL is with this Mary Sue taking over the show? Suddenly Amelia and Maggie are the stars of Seattle-Grace/Sloan-Gray whatever-you-call-this-hospital-now.. And of COURSE they are constantly misunderstood and not liked by anyone because no one can understand how superior and unique they are. WTH.

I kind of hate Derek and Meredith - they have always been too self centered and selfish for my tastes, but nonetheless, seeing them as guest stars on their own damn show is irritating. No one seems natural or normal. It's like all the characters got a little butchered to make Princess Maggie seem like the most amazing thing since sliced bread. 


I am glad to see Owen is still around. At least I am pretty sure I saw him somewhere, supporting Mary Sue as she changes the universe with her mad puzzle solving skillz. And if Mary says the word "puzzle" one more time, I am going to kick her House-channeling butt. Shonda, you freaking hack. You finally jumped the shark and buried this show for good. I swear, that scene between Meredith and Mary Sue over the old lady was painful to watch. It was such rubbish even Mer couldn't sell it. And her lying to Owen about how she "did everything she could" pissed me off. And side note, but I hate her voice. It's nasally and bugs. 


I find it hard to believe that Ellis Grey, the super surgeon who never wanted kids, allowed two to poke their way into the world. And Richard being certain giving her up was the hardest thing Ellis ever had to do? Notsomuch, I think. I am with Meredith, that this can't be right. And it's going to be so gross if Mary Sue and Meredith become friends.


Why is Jo worshiping cardio all of the sudden? I thought she was into breaking bones now. And "did what Yang couldn't do?" Beg your pardon, Wilson, but you can jump off a cliff now. 


I miss Kepner. I know not everyone is a Kepner fan, but I will take her neurotic little charms over the nasally Puzzle Whisperer any day. WOW, do I miss Teddy, and Mark, and Lexie, and Christina.....


Honestly, if I were the regular actors reading this script at table read, I'd go home and cry and curse myself for not following Sandra Oh into the sunset. Sandra probably watched this and cackled with glee at how truly free she is!


I hope this show shrivels up and dies.

Edited by Chewy101
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Shonda doesn't want Callie to win.

I'm sorry, but are we watching the same show? Early in the episode Callie pretty much told Arizona that between a new baby and HER OWN work, there wouldn't be any time left for what Arizona wanted. Which is ludicrous. And then having Arizona saying she'd give it up only to get Callie's "permission" to do it was ridiculous. The last 3 seasons of Callie and Arizona has been what Callie wanted when she wanted it, and if anything put a kink in that plan, it was negative. This was an Africa do over on a smaller scale, and it's bothersome to me that Callie's first reaction, on a smaller scale was to treat Arizona's professional aspirations as a nuisance.

On another note, if they go through with surrogacy (I don't see a new baby in any capacity for them any time soon) between all the prep work you have to go through, then choosing a donor, then probably not getting pregnant the first go, to getting pregnant, Arizona's fellowship would most likely be almost, if not completely over by then, and neither of them would actually carry, so I have no idea what the point of the argument was in the first place other than to introduce this new specialty to the hospital via Geena Davis. According to the Grey's medical research team, it's a new specialty. And I think Arizona is the perfect person to be double board certified since everyone else has very specific specialties. I think Addison and Mark were the only other double board certified surgeons.

And that got overly rambly. I'm sorry.


Let us hope she doesn't find a new jump off in her new fellowship.

According to the GA medical staff, the fellowship is Fetal surgery which is new in the medical field and basically combines pediatric and neonatal surgery in a new way that's easier on both baby and mother. Which, if nothing else, opens up the opportunity for more patient SL's that the show had abandoned since Addison left. Edited by CED9
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After last week I took this off my DVR....little pieces of Mer and Alex just didn't seem worth it.

It was hard for me though, b/c I've watched this from the beginning. So I came here today to see if I'd missed something and if I should give it another try.

This place reads like I've made the right decision. Thanks!

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For me, I see GA is now getting the Private Practice treatment.  PP was good to me until Scandal came along.  Shonda had a bright, new shiny toy in Scandal and GA started to slide but PP was forgotten.  Now that her other new show - Murder something - is new and shiny, Scandal has started to slide and GA is being tossed into the land of misfit stories.


I really can't with this Maggie person.  But she is the new toy, so I'll just sit back and wait for the day when JoJo MoJo is rooting around Alex's house and finds a hidden stack of love letters under a floorboard from Ellis to her baby Richard-girl.  Complete with the sharpened knife for Mer's heart.  Or Zola loves Auntie Maggie more than mommy. 


I'll stick to the re-runs in the afternoon when Grey's was good. 

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I like Maggie more than I've liked any other new character, suprisingly. I thought she was a good mix of professional and personal with her patients and her colleagues.


I can't give up on this show until Meredith and Derek leave so I'll take the good when I can. I think Maggie is a nice addition to the show.

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Let me get this straight Jo keeps her mouth shut about Alex's dad (Yes she wanted to tell Meredith, but does not) and keeps her mouth shut about the private practice, but blabs about this? Yeah makes no sense. Also, Arizona is rarely frazzled while operating yet she was to make Maggie look like the hero.

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So Meredith didn't believe Maggie when Maggie said she was related to her. Too bad she's not a board member of a hospital that has access to a genome lab that could easily and quickly see that they do have matching DNA... 


Oh wait. 


Also - do you really remember things when you're five? Like i have glimpses of things of my childhood, but for me my most crystal clear memories start around third-fourth grade. Kindergarten through second you could tell me I played with Unicorns, and I would have been all "cool, works for me."  So Meredith bleating "I would KNOW if my Mom was pregnant when I was 4-5" is me going, really?


Also. I don't blame Callie for being mad. Last season it was "Yes we're going to have a baby," and now it's "Well, more school, and a fellowship, so no baby." especially when Callie said that this is what would really, truly make her happy.Poor Callie. 

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I like Maggie more than I've liked any other new character, surprisingly. I thought she was a good mix of professional and personal with her patients and her colleagues.


Maybe we're half-sisters?  


I agree completely.  I like both the character and the actress.  I especially enjoyed how the actress, in portraying Maggie at work in a crisis, didn't telegraph her Intensity!  and Authority!, by either deepening her voice or knotting her entire body.  She spoke and moved purposefully, calmly: she was poised.  She walked into the middle of a personal argument between colleagues and walked out, raised an eyebrow, then just stood there -- as one would -- waiting, not emoting. She experienced surprises and reversals, reacted fluidly and neither robotically nor hysterically, and then moved on about her business.  Character and actress acted like grown-ups at the workplace: within the parameters of an emotional, intimate storyline to advance at the same time.  


And I'll admit it -- I was stunned that the storyline came out of the closet to its half-sister, so soon.  I had reluctantly envisioned Richard as the messenger, Meredith the incredulous belligerent, via one of the following scenarios:


1. November sweeps, in time for Thanksgiving episode-closing montage of besweatered half-sister, half-sister, and double-"dad" faking good cheer with adoptive parents, adopted daughter, or some Averys;


2. February sweeps, in time for episode-closing cliffhanger of half-sister, half-sister and double-"dad" -- one or all -- driving off alone and much too fast in CGI/dehydrated potato flake snowstorm,


3. May sweeps, in time for season-ending cliffhanger which imperils double-"dad" and forces double daughters to unite to save his life.


I still rule out none of these tropes, in different forms.  But as for Maggie: to paraphrase Al Swearingen on Deadwood, "Welcome to Seattle Mercy Death.  It can be combative." 

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Also. I don't blame Callie for being mad. Last season it was "Yes we're going to have a baby," and now it's "Well, more school, and a fellowship, so no baby." especially when Callie said that this is what would really, truly make her happy.Poor Callie. 

This is the number one complaint I don't get at all. It's not more school and a fellowship, it's a fellowship which is 1 or 2 years tops. By the time they would be approved for surrogacy (they most likely won't/shouldn't be) pick adonor, and the surrogate, not either of them, being pregnant, Arizona would be close to or completely done.

With Callie's cartilage stuff, TED talks, research, prosthetics stuff on top of her every day work, I haven't seen anyone say that she's too career focused. What's that about?

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I am also enjoying Maggie--as a new character some, but mostly as a new point of view on the other characters. It's kind of refreshing to see what it's like to be on the outside of Meredith's Fan Club looking in. And wondering WTF makes this woman worth it, you know?

I'm sure that Meredith the Great will make a swift return, but for now I am enjoying seeing what she and the rest of this dysfunctional group feel like to a competent, seemingly normal person.

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I thought the episode was good.  I liked Maggie and how she called Meredith out on her not liking her because she wasn't Christina.  I liked her scenes with Jo at the end and I liked the scenes with Amelia and Bailey.  I was surprised that they had her tell Meredith that they were related so quickly, although I'm somewhat glad they did because the sooner they resolve it, the sooner they can move on to other stories with the other characters.  It does seem like there are too many characters on the show and they have to try to fit everyone in every day.


I'm glad that they finished out the story with the heart transplant family; I'm hoping we won't have to see them again.

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IIRC from S1, Ellis and Meredith moved to Boston pretty much immediately after Richard told Ellis he wasn't going to leave Adele for her. Both Ellis and Richard had originally planned to leave their spouses and be together; Ellis followed through and left Thatcher, but Richard changed his mind at the last minute. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that Ellis discovered the pregnancy in Boston, and by then it was too late - she was too proud to crawl back to Seattle to the man who had rejected her. Had she known about it before Richard made his decision, I'm sure she would have told him (and I'm sure it would have been the tipping point for him).


All that makes sense, but in the flashback, Ellis went into labor at the same carousel where she and Richard had fought, and after the baby was born, Ellis and Meredith were leaving the Seattle house (and Anatomy Jane) behind.  Maybe they were just hoping we wouldn't notice. 

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I'm sorry, but are we watching the same show? Early in the episode Callie pretty much told Arizona that between a new baby and HER OWN work, there wouldn't be any time left for what Arizona wanted. Which is ludicrous. And then having Arizona saying she'd give it up only to get Callie's "permission" to do it was ridiculous. The last 3 seasons of Callie and Arizona has been what Callie wanted when she wanted it, and if anything put a kink in that plan, it was negative.




Apparently, we have different interpretations of what happened and the gravity of some of the choices they've made.  This episode thread isn't the place to argue in detail about their history them so all I'll say is that every time Callie has let Arizona back into her life, it has been an unmitigated disaster for her. Callie said that it would be impossible to raise a new baby and for Arizona to pursue a new fellowship. Callie quite reasonably said that they would have to choose between the baby and the fellowship. What was wrong with that? You can't have two people pursuing advancements in their careers and have a new baby. Newborns require lots of attention and it will fall on one of them essentially to care for two kids on her own. I don't see how explaining that time management is important and that you can't always have what you want are bad things.  Arizona apparently likes things in twos: women, children, and careers, to which Callie capitulated once again because when Arizona doesn't get what she wants, she leaves. Whether she disappears through the gates of an airport or between another woman's legs, she breezes. I know this opinion isn't popular among Arizona's stans, but I think by virtue of being with Arizona, Callie is losing. To paraphrase one of the humblest men of this generation, why won't Shonda let Callie be great? 


I think this episode also shows the value of the character being lost because when she and Arizona are together, Callie gets shunted off from the rest of the characters on the show. The character is much more interesting when she's interacting with the other characters. Her relationships with the McDreamys were far more interesting than this tired plot line. Her career and skills as a surgeon were, for once, were on display. The character has become far less interesting and integrated for these past two episodes because of being tethered to Arizona. I'm not checking for that. 


According to the GA medical staff, the fellowship is Fetal surgery which is new in the medical field and basically combines pediatric and neonatal surgery in a new way that's easier on both baby and mother. Which, if nothing else, opens up the opportunity for more patient SL's that the show had abandoned since Addison left.




Arizona is not, according to the history of the show, pursuing a groundbreaking field. I remember Addison doing fetal medicine a long time ago, so I guess we'll go with the ret-con. Even if it were new, I don't see how that would foreclose the option of her cheating. 


I miss Kepner. I know not everyone is a Kepner fan, but I will take her neurotic little charms over the nasally Puzzle Whisperer any day. WOW, do I miss Teddy, and Mark, and Lexie, and Christina.....




You ain't neva lied! I never thought I'd miss Teddy, Mark, and Lexie, but I want Germany to deport Teddy back to the US and for someone to exhume Mark and Lexie's bodies. Aside from her refurbished virginity, I've come to like April but never did I think that I'd say there wasn't enough April in an episode. Maybe Dr. Crossword was brought on to make us love characters we previously disliked. If so, it has worked on me. 

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I'm not buying that Maggie is the new Yang. Somehow when Yang was borderline rude, it was ok because you knew her and understood her brilliance,  With Maggie, we don't know her, and her rudeness just seems, well rude. No amount of personal phone calls to her parents is going to make me know or like her. She could have had a nice interaction with Amelia, but decided to go down the cut off the other person while they are talking and be RUDE, again. Since I can't stand Jo either, and this whole show was the Jo and Maggie show, it was ruined for me. That's one horrible hour of my life I won't get back.

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I missed the season premiere last week (thought it was on at 9 p.m., tuned in, didn't see it on, thought it hadn't yet aired), so this was my first exposure to Maggie. And it was WAY too much! I really resented that she was the entire episode and seemed to be handling every patient in the hospital single-handedly. I also completely forgot that she is taking over Dr. Yang's position - and that does not work at all for me. She looks way too young and childish to be in that role. Not that Sandra Oh looked "old" by any stretch of the imagination, but she carried herself and spoke in such a way that I believed in her character's brilliance and superiority without begrudging it. There was simply no denying it. 


It definitely was a weird episode. I felt it was very unbalanced. Just way too much of Maggie all at once, but perhaps because I missed the prior episode, it felt even worse. I did not know, until reading this thread, that Maggie does not know that Richard is her father. WTH??? So I guess we viewers are going to see that dragged out for weeks on end - Maggie saying all sorts of things to Richard that make him squirm and wince. Oy vey. It wouldn't surprise me if Maggie ends up being the last person in the entire hospital to finally learn that she is both Ellis' and Richard's child. 


I don't know or care what's going on with Callie and Arizona. Jeez, just figure it out already. You think you're the first couple ever to struggle with a huge work/life balance issue? This does not interest me in the least. Split up, stay together, have another baby, don't have another baby - just make some sort of decision and go with it.


April's pregnant, right? I guess at some point there will be some horrible medical issue with that, right? Heaven forbid anyone ever just make it through the 9 months without life-threatening scenarios every step of the way. *Yawn*


Well, I have watched this show since Day One, and I suppose I'll stick with it. Hopefully it won't dissolve into hate-watching!

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I did not know, until reading this thread, that Maggie does not know that Richard is her father. WTH??? So I guess we viewers are going to see that dragged out for weeks on end - Maggie saying all sorts of things to Richard that make him squirm and wince. Oy vey. It wouldn't surprise me if Maggie ends up being the last person in the entire hospital to finally learn that she is both Ellis' and Richard's child.


Once Meredith accepts that Maggie really is her sister, I expect she'd figure out that Richard is Maggie's father very quickly after that.  Whether Meredith tells her or goes to Richard first is a toss-up, but Meredith might be the one to point it out to Maggie.

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