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Season 1 Talk

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I loved this episode too. That entire scene at the office when Dre and Charles went in on Josh had me dying. Diane's hand on her chest and scandalized look when Junior said that she looked like a librarian was perfect, too.

Lastly, Dre's burn about Junior looking like Raven Symone with a fade was hilarious given that she's going to guest star as Dre's sister in an upcoming episode.

I could take or leave Raven, but anything that gets us more Jenifer Lewis is a good thing in my book, especially if Laurence is in the episode too.

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What movie is that star quote from and what's the context?

It's actually from Arthur C. Clarke's novelization of 2001, and has become so famous that it's often thought to be in the film too.

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I don't think the Dre conversation with his co-workers is problematic in this instance, since the show has repeatedly established that Dre uses Josh, Charlie, his boss and an ever revolving (but not repeating) female co-worker as his consultants on sorts of personal issues.  It is a schtick of this particular show. And Dre has always been a bit of an over-sharer & rather candid on issues of race in these conversations...maybe moreso than is true and healthy of real life.  So I didn't find that scene too OOC.


Also it was funny scene with the hysteria over the over-sexual pull of the French.  I especially liked "I cheated on my husband with a French-Canadian.  His Frenchness was so powerful, I forgot he was Canadian"


So the Diane complinsult has returned.  Start with a compliment "You are already the most beautiful person in the world mommy"  and end with an insult "except your toes.. those are jacked up."  I have to give it to the actress who plays Diane, her line reading is fantastic.


I also have to give Jack & Andre Jr. shout outs after the 'Z'orphans'  line and the way both their faces slowly fell from sneering scorn to shameful guilt after the 'Ze children whose parents have died from Z'Aids" line. 


i really enjoyed this one.

Edited by DearEvette
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The stuff with the co-workers finally crossed the line of believability. They've always been kind of cartoon strawmen, but you could still kind of buy that someone would be that oblivious. But "They were bullying us by being different"? That's Captain Planet level writing there.

Luckily, the rest was awesome. My mother was laughing a little too hard at Bow's story, which I imagine brought back some memories.

I thought that was a jab at how white people perceive things in a way that justifies their behaviors and/or makes them victims like they are victims of reverse racism.

The Raven Symone with a fade insult that Andre threw at Junior took me completely under. I laughed for about a good five minutes.

The joke has added depth now that Raven Symone has been cast to play Dre's gay sister. I will never not find it telling that Little Miss I'm not black keeps stepping up to play black. Didn't the casting directors get the memo about her non-blackness?

Edited by Happytobehere
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I thought that was a jab at how white people perceive things in a way that justifies their behaviors and/or makes them victims like they are victims of reverse racism.

The joke has added depth now that Raven Symone has been cast to play Dre's gay sister. I will never not find it telling that Little Miss I'm not black keeps stepping up to play black. Didn't the casting directors get the memo about her non-blackness?


Not only black but gay as well. 

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I thought that was a jab at how white people perceive things in a way that justifies their behaviors and/or makes them victims like they are victims of reverse racism.


I thought it was a jab at how bullies often don't think of themselves as bullies, but as someone who is being funny or is teaching someone else a lesson, and that their victims deserved it.  

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Kickstarter to give Dre and Bow's parents their own spinoff. They all played so well off each other -- a master class in comedic timing.


I particularly enjoyed the scene between Pops and (D')Alicia. Really well-played by both actors.


One of my favorite episodes in a long time (well, several months).

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See you Old Dirty lmao. Everybody was on fire tonight 


Who's the actress playing Bo's mother . She was fantastic 

That was the sublime Anna Deavere Smith. Check out her Ted talk here https://www.ted.com/speakers/anna_deavere_smith

You can also watch her kick ass and take names as the National Security Advisor Dr. Nancy McNally on The West Wing (on Netflix) and currently as hospital administrator Gloria Akalitus in the Showtime series Nurse Jackie.

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Fantastic episode. I laughed harder with this one than I have recently and the social observations were even sharper.

That remark about how rich people pay to sharecrop in Mexico blew me away.

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I'm bummed -- there was a "you so white" joke that Dre said to his colleague that I thought was hilarious but now I can't remember it. Does anyone remember all the jokes? It was before the Wayne Brady and the ghost jokes, I think.

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I didn't think I would laugh harder than I did last week but wow, hilarious show tonight. All of the parents are pitch perfect and everything, all of the little nuances were spot on.

I'm watching again.

Oh and I love how D'Alicia's speech slipped seamlessly into AAVE when she got worked up. So realistic LOL.

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That was the sublime Anna Deavere Smith. Check out her Ted talk here https://www.ted.com/...a_deavere_smith

You can also watch her kick ass and take names as the National Security Advisor Dr. Nancy McNally on The West Wing (on Netflix) and currently as hospital administrator Gloria Akalitus in the Showtime series Nurse Jackie.


I LOVED her on West Wing. She was so funny in this episode, especially going up against Laurence Fishburne. I loved it.


But I think my favorite was Jenifer Lewis. Oh my gawd... I could not stop laughing at her lines! From the moment they first bleeped her out, I had to rewind everything to hear it again, I was laughing so hard. Everything she said was priceless.


I especially liked how she was all "Preach!" at the bad stuff during the wedding ceremony, getting all riled up, but then quickly reversed direction to a resounding "Yes" when Bow's mom said something about them all being family brought together by their love for Dre and Bow.


But her bleeped-out cursing was the best. HI-larious. I was not expecting them to do that. I choked on the cereal I was eating, it caught me so off guard with the funny.

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I`m always so happy to see Beau Bridges on my TV! Another hilarious episode. I watched with a friend who had never seen it, and she loved it! I finally have someone to watch with now!


She laughed hardest at the Bill Clinton joke. I loved everything with the pimp reverend with his face on hubcaps. Because if you can`t trust a man who has his face on his hubcaps, who can you trust?


I love Dre and Bow. They are just adorable, and totally believable as a couple. Their reaction to realizing they weren't really married was hilarious/cute.   

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Scrabble game:

Dre's mom: You know, for your vow renewal, I'm wearing white.

Bow: Over my dead body.

Dre's mom: Oh I'm wearing red to that.

Pops: I got BLKWYF

Bow's dad: That's not a word.

Pops: Then why does it say it on your license plate?

[Cut to license plate]

Bow's dad: Ok, that's a triple word score.



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Howling. With. Laughter.

I don't care how ridiculous the set-up is, I need the Johnson in-laws in a spin-off. Maybe they could all inadvertently move to the same retirement community and somehow end up as neighbors? I don't know, I just want more of them. Pops & Alicia's exchange about the "D' " in her name, and Pops using "Blk Wyf"in scrabble were the highlights for me. Not to mention, all things Ruby; I've always liked Jenifer Lewis, but she is just gold in this!

I'm glad we are getting a blooper special next, but Apr 1 is so long to wait for the next new episode. At least this was a really strong episode; hopefully it will lure viewers back once Empire ends.

Edited by Tiger
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Is that a new version of Scrabble? No board?

They got an actor named Beau to play Bow's father. I find that cute, for some reason.

Great episode, great casting for all the parents. The kids reactions to their parents not being married was hilarious - "I guess we're all bastards!"

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The kids reactions to their parents not being married was hilarious - "I guess we're all bastards!"

I loved their scenes so much! Realistically I can't imagine it playing out like that, but who wants realism, when this was so much fun? Junior was, once again, pure gold as he realized he finally ranked #1.


Am I remembering wrong? Hasn't Zoe being an "early blessing" been mentioned before?

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This was a great episode.  Both really funny and kinda  deep in places.  If nothing else, the awkward dinner scene demonstrated there is no universal approached to "real" blackness.  Both Andre and Bow made interesting valid points.  You  like  fried foods and be 'hood' or you can be educated and use words like 'panoply' or you can be both or neither.


Also loved the conversation Alicia had with Pops when he called her out on being D'Alicia from Memphis.

"Don't be acting like there is no glass ceiling for for women with apostrophes in their name.  The life I built was better than the life I had."


I loved everything out of Jennifer Lewis' mouth, even the bleeped out ones.


Liked the running gag of Beau Bridges being into black women LOL. His eyes when looking at Bishop Don Juan's Dancing (female) Deacons.  ha!


The kids were also great.  The scene of them trying to convince Zoey that Rock Fox was actually her father:

"They have the same eyes" and Diane saying to Zoey "See you Ol' Dirty"


And Diane's improv of the murder trial they needed to witness as well as Jack's follow up "I think I'll need a snack".  So funny.


Fantastic episode.

Edited by DearEvette
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Such a great ep. I love who they cast as Bow's parents. Everyone --- EYERYONE! --- was hilarious.


The scene where Junior, Diane, and Jack come to Zoe's room and rub it in about her being a bastard was incredible. Very funny, but kind of shocking in a way. I wondered if some people would be offended, but it was so damn funny. Loved Junior bringing up Rick Fox as Zoe's possible father. Loved when Junior said to Zoe, "You're like the bastard Jon Snow!"


Jack and Diane all dressed up were adorable. I loved Diane's dress.


So many great lines. About getting along with Bow's mom, I cracked up at Dre's, "I will. I promise. I can't. She's the worst." Anthony Anderson is so funny in this show. I never really liked him before, though he was great on The Shield, but he's fantastic here. 


"Bachelor party at Medieval Times!"


Alicia: I don't like brown liquor.

Pops: I'm eating white ice cream!

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Wow I feel like such a Grinch, (and clearly an outlier) but this episode wasn't doing it for me.  I think Bow and Dre's parents are awesome--but in smaller doses. Like, I really do love Laurence Fishburne and Beau Bridges. But, for me, this was too much focus on the parents. And not enough on the core family--whom I just adore.  And while I agree with the above poster that it made some good overall thematic points (about the glass ceiling for women, etc), I didn't think it was all that funny.


Exception?  Dre's mom's with the bleeped-out stuff in the kitchen.  I don't even remember what she said.  I just remember I wasn't expecting it and it made me chuckle!


But hey let's face it, even an episode of Black-ish that I personally find less than stellar is still way better than many of the crappy sitcoms out there nowadays!

Edited by Duke2801
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I loved just about everything in it. I don't know how Laurence Fishburn finds the time to do this sitcom, Hannibal, and film shoots for the Man of Steel movies, but I'm glad he manages to do all of them.

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I loved this, but thought that Beau Bridges was wasted.  Other than his love of black women, there wasn't much written for him.  Plus, I kept thinking that if I were casting a white guy to play Bow's father, Jeff Goldblum would have been my choice, because with him you get the height and the big eyes.


Of course, Anna Deavere Smith could have played both parents and we would have believed it.

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Plus, I kept thinking that if I were casting a white guy to play Bow's father, Jeff Goldblum would have been my choice, because with him you get the height and the big eyes.


If Jeff Goldblum showed up as Bow's father, I would have lost my shit.  I have a real obsession with him.  Then I could have fanwanked that Dr. Ian Malcolm's daughter from The Lost World is Bow's sister.

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Holy shit.  I was not expecting the show to be this funny tonight.  I definitely echo everyone who said the parents need to be back often.  Jenifer Lewis was absolutely killing it.  When she simply responded "F YOU" as she left the kitchen, I almost choked.  I wonder if that was ad libbed.  It was so random and hilarious.

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If Jeff Goldblum showed up as Bow's father, I would have lost my shit.  I have a real obsession with him.  Then I could have fanwanked that Dr. Ian Malcolm's daughter from The Lost World is Bow's sister.


Find the Thanksgiving episode of The League, he played Ruxin's dad and was caught screwing a nympho character, played by Sarah Silverman, in a bathroom. Hi-larious. 

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Nice to see Beau Bridges found greener pastures after The Millers failed.


Other than that, I don't have much to say, except that I kinda wanted to strangle Junior for throwing Zoey being a bastard in her face.  Not her fault, dude.

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Other than that, I don't have much to say, except that I kinda wanted to strangle Junior for throwing Zoey being a bastard in her face.  Not her fault, dude.


Ordinarily I'd agree (and he was pretty relentless about it at first), but given how often Zoey treats Junior (and her siblings) like crap, like they're not even related and like he's a total loser compared to her fabulousness, he took the opportunity to take her down a peg, and she kind of deserved it. If he were to keep harassing her about it every day or if she were visibly upset and emotional about it and told him to stop it and he kept doing it, then I'd say he was being a jerk. But we already saw last week with the bullying episode that he's likely to back down if he sees he's doing actual serious damage. She didn't seem that upset about it, just pissed that he was giving her a hard time.

Edited by sinkwriter
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Exception? Dre's mom's with the bleeped-out stuff in the kitchen. I don't even remember what she said. I just remember I wasn't expecting it and it made me chuckle!

I think she said, "Remember when I beat the **** out of you for ****ing that ****?"
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 Loved Junior bringing up Rick Fox as Zoe's possible father.


Loved the bit in the credits:


enough talk about Rick Fox. Your mother has never met Rick Fox, right babe?.... right babe?


huh? oh... such a beautiful day out, look at the trees.

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Zoey treats Junior (and her siblings) like crap


My childhood was all about teasing the other sibling about something. I have no idea how many times my brother kept telling me I was adopted. I would find it incredulous if Jr didn't rib her about it at least once.

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It wasn't until I read this that I actually got the reference. OMG, little Zoey not only knows who ODB is, she can drop a reference to him justlikethat? I am in awe of that child.


Not only that, but she was so quick in coming up with the murder trial scenario: "A known drug kingpin Jose Carlos Ruiz, the Jackal Carlos.  Bad man."


i wonder about that child.

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I think you guys have covered everything, but I want to chip in and agree with those who loved this episode. After The Nod it's my second favorite one of the series. I can't believe I waited to watch this until today. I don't remember what I watched last night, but it wasn't nearly as good as this was.

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Notice how pops poured the liquor on his ice cream.  I had to rewind that!


The Italians call this affogato.  The man is cosmopolitan!


It wasn't until I read this that I actually got the reference. OMG, little Zoey not only knows who ODB is, she can drop a reference to him justlikethat? I am in awe of that child.


I'm going to need some help with the ODB reference...

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Notice how pops poured the liquor on his ice cream.


Wait, that's not weird, is it? Booze over ice cream is delicious!

I'm going to need some help with the ODB reference


Ol' Dirty Bastard.

I had to hit pause so I could howl at that reference. It's completely wrong for Diane to know it, but damn it worked.


"We're probably not twins! That makes complete sense!" It does, you know?


I was coveting the headpiece Bow wore with her wedding dress. The pimp pastor was flashier, but TER looked amazeballs.

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Your google didn't do me any good. I figured ODB meant "Ol' Dirty Bastard," so I googled that. He's a rapper. Never heard of him, but that's not my thing.


ETA: attica beat me to it.

Edited by peeayebee
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