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S02.E02: The Kindred

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Ichabod and Abbie concoct a daring plan to try to rescue Ichabod's wife from the Headless Horseman by resurrecting a Frankenstein-like monster created by Benjamin Franklin. Frank faces new trouble after revealing the true details of his encounter with a demon. Jenny finds herself at odds with the new sheriff in town.


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I didn't understand the scene with Henry and Moloch. Didn't we have a similar scene at the end of the last episode where Henry apologized for his failure and Moloch responded by providing Henry with his flaming armor of War? Why in this episode did we get pretty much the same scene but with Moloch responding differently this time, by warning Henry not to fail him again?


I already hate the new Sheriff. How did she just wonder into the archive room where Abbie and Crane work? Was she looking for Abbie or just being nosy? And then her vowing to make sure Irving got the worst treatment in the sanitarium (now granted she thinks he killed two cops and doesn't know the real deal). Yet I still think she's trouble.


Sorry, but I'm not feeling the family love/bond between Crane, Katrina and Henry and the Crane/Katrina/Abraham triangle. To me Henry is just another adversary for Crane/Abbie to take down. Not Crane's son whom he still feels a connection to. The situation with Katrina is not much better. I don't dislike the actress, it's just this triangle is not only silly (I mean really a man is going to sell his soul  and become the headless horseman for a piece of ass, surely there were plenty other fish in the sea). This just isn't working for me. That said, at least Katrina looks to finally be having some use. Her choosing to stay with Abraham and pretending she'll grow to love him so that she can get the inside scoop on how he and Henry plans to raise Moloch is a good plan. Now how she plans to get the information she learns back to Abbie and Crane is another story.


Argh. Does Irving not know who Henry  is? Oh No and he signed the paper!! F*ck! I wonder what Henry has in store for Irving. Nothing good I know. Sigh.


This episode was okay. Not as strong as last week. The last 5 minutes was what made it for me though.

Edited by Enero
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I was yelling at my TV for Irving not to sign.  In blood, no less.  This will not end well.  I guess that's the new plan...

My 13yr old brother was calling Ichabod out for spending the time to get to first base with Katrina while his partner was out there trying to fend off two horsemen/their minions with a shotgun.  Seriously?  Ain't nobody got time for that.  Literally.

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Damn Henry is proving to be very interesting, can't wait to see his plans for Irving. Not liking the new sheriff but I suppose she's a necessary evil. Still don't care about Katrina, Katrina/Ichabod or Ichabod/Katrina/Abraham.

Lo ed the fight between Headless/Kindred/War.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Well, proof that when things focus on Katrina --> boring. Not a very good one. Actually, my favourite part was the very end, when Henry showed up to be Frank's lawyer. That was cool. Liked all of the Frank scenes. Liked Abbie calling Ichabod out on his weakness - is his wife ever his weakness, man. Liked Henry saying "You (Katrina) and Ichabod are delusion." Are they ever. So, so delusion. The kiss....meh. I guess I have my Ichabbie blinders on, because...Meh.


Wish Abbie would call out and yell out to Ichabod but I think really think this will manifest itself later. They will be pushed further and further apart this season.


Abbie's going to get pissed off - and rightly so - and read the riot act to Ichabod. And he's going to have to deal with it. And amend his actions. Abbie is too trusting right now, because she finally has someone she feels she can trust. But she needs to slap some sense into that boy. And Jenny taking the fall - Love her. That is it.

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I don't like the new Sheriff, either. First, where was the probable cause to just go peeking into Jenny's bag. yeah, yeah, tv...suspension of disbelief, blah, blah, blah...


Interesting that they cast an East-Indian actress (Sakina Jaffrey) to play a Hispanic character. Not that there's anything wrong with that! I just found it interesting.


And Mison just continues to amaze me with his most expressive eyes and face. Sigh...


Abbie was Such a badass tonight. But then again, when isn't she?


Katrina continues to just make every scene with her boring, boring, BORING!

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Wish Abbie would call out and yell out to Ichabod but I think really think will come up later. They will be pushed further and further apart this season.




I agree. When watching Abbie tonight I got the feeling that she really didn't want to raise The Kindred for various reasons, but caved because she trusts Crane's instincts and really wanted to help him get his wife back. I felt like she was biting her tongue a lot tonight. I was glad she said some things in the cave, but wished she'd said more.


I think as long as Katrina is with Abraham, working undercover or not, there will be the risk of Abbie and Crane's relationship being stressed and them losing some of the closeness and trust they had in S1. Cause no  matter what, he will always take enormous risks (that risks others) to save Katrina. I do wonder what he would've done if Abbie had said no to raising the Kindred. Would he have went off on his own to try and do it himself? Went in by himself, half-cocked  to save her, or thought of another plan for her rescue?

Edited by Enero
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I long for the episodes where Katrina was relegated to a blink and you miss it call from purgatory. I wish we could go back to that. Literally the only thing interesting about any of her scenes was where she was being taunted with how close Ichabod and Abbie are becoming.


I did really enjoy that battle scene though. Thankfully someone was looking out for Abbie while her fellow witness was sucking face with his annoying wife. And I thought it was very well choreographed. I wouldn't mind seeing more of those types of scenes.


How is it that Irving never met Henry?! That contract signing is going nowhere good.


When can we 86 the new sheriff? Don't like her at all.

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When watching Abbie tonight I got the feeling that she really didn't want to raise The Kindred for various reasons, but caved because she trusts Crane's instincts and really wanted to help him get his wife back. I felt like she was biting her tongue a lot tonight. I was glad she said some things in the cave, but wished she'd said more.


Again, this is a hard one, in the sense of this - think of someone in your life that you are really in love with, devoted to. I get it, I understand it. You want to save them. I get it. Crane loves his wife. But I just have this insane barrier to understanding that, for some reason with this couple. Eh. I do not see it. I just do not understand it.


Abbie has had enough experience with Crane to know that he is trustworthy - 90% of the time. That's pretty good odds. It's that 10% - the Katrina percent - that makes her second guess. And you can see it in Abbie's face. This season and last season. The mention of the name Katrina invokes hesitation from Abbie, as it should. She flat out said Katrina is his weakness, and she is dead on. Crane and Abbie have a unique, devoted, close relationship. But for reason that right now I cannot fathom, Crane is devoted more to his wife. And he is a fool for it.

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So....another Mills sister ends up imprisoned after a plan to save Katrina? I'm sensing a pattern here. I love how Jenny was just so disgusted with the plan like she was the first time around. The little looks she and Abbie shared were great. Nicole and Lyndie have great sisterly chemistry.

I think having Katrina try to be a mole is a step in the right direction to get her character to do something useful for the team. But I thought Abbie reassuring Ichabod about it in the end felt like a hard-sell to us about her usefulness. Once again we are being told something about her, not just letting in play out.

I have been willing to give Katia Winter the benefit of the doubt attributing a lot of my problems with Katrina on the writing, but damned if it didn't feel like she was just saying the words. I needed something more there to suck me in and she just wasn't giving it to me..

OTOH, the little snippets we get of Abbie's creeping doubt about Ichabod and his motives were great. She right to question him and I loved her line about him being her greatest weakness. She in it for the big picture, but can she truly trust that he is too?

I am cutting the new sheriff a little slack despite the fact I want to hate her, but I thought she came out a little too gangbusters. She seemed to laser focus on each of our heroes and it felt like overkill. But she seems to have a soft spot for Abbie. Hmmm....

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I hated the new sheriff too, but I think we're supposed to.  Her motives are definitely sketchy; she seemed to be OK with doing ECT on Irving, even though she said she had no pleasure from it.


Speaking of which, poor Irving.  I was also screaming at the TV "Don't sign it!!!"  


So many props to Jenny.  That couldn't have been easy to go back into a cell, but she did it for the greater good.  Couldn't blame her for telling Abbie not to wait another 13 years to come back for her.


I didn't mind Katrina this week, at least she was trying to do something.  I do think that she's going to fall for Abraham against her better judgement, though.

Edited by Amethyst
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I thought for sure Irving would at least know about Henry. I mean he appeared long ago, as the Sin Eater. So even if he didn't know about the whole War thing, or the Crane's son thing he should have at least wondered what the Sin Eater was doing posing as an attorney. But apparently he didn't know., And now that he's signed in blood I'm wondering if he's going to become the next horseman. It would make sense for it to be someone tied to Abbie. I don't want that to happen though. Hopefully he just gets puppeteered for a little while before the rest of the team realize what is going on and manage to fix it.

I don't think keeping Katrina separated from everyone is going to do her any favors. Unless she really is double playing them.

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I'm not sure if they intend the new sheriff to be balls-out evil, but she went right to the "I'll use my influence to make sure they drug you and put you through a  treatment that is very distressing and scary until you confess." And that means she has just set about torturing someone for information. NO BUENO. I really wish they hadn't gone that route, especially if she's supposed to not be another minion of hell and there wasn't any hint of that in the show so I remain uncertain.


 (Oh, and ECT is not anything like it's portrayed in pop culture and seriously, show? I really wish you hadn't gone there.)

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Obviously they made the new sheriff unappealing to make us miss Captain Irving a lot more.  But Captain Irving was a bit unappealing early in the first season but grew as a character, became an ally for Abby and Ichabod, became very sympathetic, and made us care.


So, I'm going to reserve judgment Captain Reyes.  This is just the second episode, and I believe we have eighteen more to go, so a lot can happen in that space of time.

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This episode makes me mad for one reason..that stupid New York Times article.

Abbie so on her game this week and I HATE that the article dared to call her a sidekick. She is Crane's equal in almost everyway, save for I think she's much more levelheaded(meaning she's doing a lot of the leading, so ha!). Like tonight when she used her detective skills to find Headless or when she was fighting War or talking to the new Sheriff, or Irving or her sister. To demote her to sidekick role because she's 1) a woman, 2) she's black is so frustrating. Abbie Mills is fifty different shades of awesome and in charge, so boo to you.


Love Crane's bank rant.


Love that Katrina is finally doing things.


Love Jenny taking one for the team(and love the Mills relationship.)


Worried for Irving but love how he's willing to sacrifice himself time and again for the team and his daughter.


Ergh, I love all of them. Such a great cast of characters.

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Loved the bank tangent he went on when he got the credit card offer with no collateral. Also liked Abbie pointing out that Katrina is his weakness. 


Rest, blah. Not a fan of Katrina related plots period.


Interesting that they cast an East-Indian actress (Sakina Jaffrey) to play a Hispanic character. Not that there's anything wrong with that! I just found it interesting.

She also played Vasquez on House of Cards.

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Really enjoyed this episode.  Liked the idea of Ichabod and Abby creating their own monster to fight the Horsemen even though something like that is bound to backfire.  Glad to see Irving return too and Henry (the world's creepiest son) at the end was an interesting development.  I liked the Kindred and the fight scene was very well-done.


Agreed that the scene in the beginning with Henry and Moloch was a complete rehash of last week's episode.

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Irving is back!  And... he just signed a contract with Henry, with his blood.  Yeah, that's not good.  I'm assuming Abbie told him about Henry, but I guess they didn't give him a description, so he didn't know who he was.  Should have been like "If you ever meet a older gent, with a booming, theatrical, British accent, who looks a bit like Walter Bishop from Fringe, RUN!"  I wonder what Henry has planned for him.  Either way, I"m glad he'll be involved.


New sheriff in town, and she's already being a jerk.  Curious to see if she'll be like Irving and come aboard eventually, or if she'll be another antagonist for this group.  But arresting Jenny has already been a pretty big blow for the team.


This episode was a bit too Katrina-centric for my taste, but at least it's been decided she's going to be a mole, so hopefully this means Icabod will calm down, and let things play out, and other episodes will focus on other plots.  And, I do think he is letting his feeling get the better of him, and Abbie and Jenny are paying for it.


The Kindred idea was cool, and loved the throw-down between him, Headless, and Henry Controlled War was awesome.  Kindred held his own!


Icabod at the bank was awesome!  And, I don't think I'll ever tire of his annoyance over anything related to Benjamin Franklin.

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This episode makes me mad for one reason..that stupid New York Times article.

Abbie so on her game this week and I HATE that the article dared to call her a sidekick. She is Crane's equal in almost everyway, save for I think she's much more levelheaded(meaning she's doing a lot of the leading, so ha!). Like tonight when she used her detective skills to find Headless or when she was fighting War or talking to the new Sheriff, or Irving or her sister. To demote her to sidekick role because she's 1) a woman, 2) she's black is so frustrating. Abbie Mills is fifty different shades of awesome and in charge, so boo to you. … Ergh, I love all of them. Such a great cast of characters.


I haven't read the NYT article yet, but for a writer to call her a sidekick is ludicrous and embarrassing. I think of her as the lead, really, with Crane as 1st Sidekick and her sister as 2nd Sidekick. He's an awesome character, but Abbie's the one from the real world. As I was watching, I was also reflecting on how much I enjoy seeing two sisters working together with a male character, and that there wasn't any sort of a romance among them. Chemistry, sure, but not romance. 


I liked the effect of the Kindred's coffin dropping out onto the ground after the spell was finished. It looked a bit like a coffin vending machine. 


Ichabod at the bank was awesome!  And, I don't think I'll ever tire of his annoyance over anything related to Benjamin Franklin.



Me, neither. I also enjoy Timothy Busfield as Franklin. 


Poor Captain Irving. This isn't good. On the other hand, you can't do better for a fake lawyer than John Noble playing a villain pretending to be a lawyer. 


Dear Show, 


I know it's really dramatic to have all of the battle scenes take place in fog, and to have everyone wearing black, but I'm having real trouble figuring out who is who in the middle of the action. I've adjusted my TV to be as bright as possible without blinding me, but I'm still left guessing and rewinding the TV. Could you consider painting the good guys with blue Day-Glo paint, and the bad guys with orange? Or any other color combination you choose, just as long as it's Day-Glo paint. That way you can keep the atmospheric fog. This episode was a bit easier, since the bad guy had no head and the good guy had a skull, but paint still would have helped. 

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- Abbie (still shaken about the experience): Let me tell you about how awful purgatory was! My faith in you is my weakness.


- Crane (not even bothered): Bitch! All I care is Katrina. Good luck keeping those Horsemen in check, while I snog my be-lo-ved wife!


Seriously, Abbie still has faith in Ichabod. Why? She's a smart woman, she has suffered his betrayal before, so she knows what he's capable of. That's the kind of faith that will get her killed. Probably by his hand. Listen to Jenny, Abbie!


So Katia didn't follow my instructions to go back to acting school, go figure! That said, I'm sorry to say that the problem with the lack of chemistry between the epic romantic couple is Tom Mison. What was that? He's just terrible with intimate scenes.


I'm sorry, but this episode wasn't only bad, it was boring.

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Tom Mison. What was that? He's just terrible with intimate scenes.


Seriously? Not in the intimate scenes that matter.... The man is brilliant...Just saying...(biased point of view).


The only good Katrina was when she decided to be the mole, and started messing with Abraham. It was the only interesting aspect I've seen of her since. *sigh*

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That was a lot of fun.  I just loved the bank scene. Annoyed Ichabod is endlessly amusing to me. 


I actually bought his scene with Katrina but not from a romantic aspect but as a man who is not wavering from his commitment to his wife. I'm not sure he is still IN LOVE with her but he feels a responsibility.  The kiss was awkward IMO intentionally because well it IS an awkward situation with Katrina. I think Ichabod is in love with the idea of rescuing Katrina more than necessarily Katrina herself. I also think he hears Abbie's words about her having faith in him and wondering if that is going to be a problem later on.


I loved Headless fighting SkullHead. 

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  • This episode was not as compelling as last week's. However I enjoyed the parts that I see as staples of the show:

-Abbie being the head of the operation and offering up some reality checks

-Ichabbie (friendship) snarkiness ie the spell lols

-Jenny being a smart ass and pinting to the awkward glittery pink elephant in the room.

-Ichabod vs The Modern World


  • While the pace was a bit slower the last few minutes with Abbie & Jenny and Henry & Irving give a few hints at the long running intrigues of at least the first half of the season.
  • I miss the monster of the week pattern and want it back.
  • While being a mole makes Katrina more compelling, I think it will be detrimental to have her sidelined yet again. Even if she was secretly evil it would be more interesting for her to infiltrate Team Witnesses. We will be too used to the team without her so her increased presence will feel intrusive. Although I think they could turn it around. They seem to be laying some ground work with the idea of delusion and Abbie sharing how Purgatory made her almost lose it in such a short amount of time... Imagine what it could have done to Katrina after 200 yrs there thinking her family was dead.
  • I don't mind the theme repetition because I think inventive writing is telling the same story but with different angles and aspects. If it ain't broke... A lot of my favourite stories and series/franchises pretty much operated on the principle of symmetry with the focus different each time.
  • I am intrigued by Reyes and her significance to the Mills sisters. While her ruthlessness in dealing with Irving left me cold, I understand where she is coming from because she holds him sort of responsible for the mess under his supervision. I also suspect she is really protective of the town and has a few secrets of her own.
Edited by fantique
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Seriously? Not in the intimate scenes that matter.... The man is brilliant...Just saying...(biased point of view).

The only good Katrina was when she decided to be the mole, and started messing with Abraham. It was the only interesting aspect I've seen of her since. *sigh*


Yes, really. He hasn't sold me a single romantic scene with Katia and I assure you I wasn't looking at her (nothing to see there). He is really bad in those scenes and I don't understand why, because even though I think he's far from brilliant, I think he has been good at everything else not romance related and I don't think that's Katia's fault. At least not completely.


The problem with Katrina's plan, after seeing that poor attempt at spying, is that for it to work, they need to make Abraham and Henry dumb beyond belief and that's never a good writing choice. Who am I kidding? That's exactly what they're going to do.


How did this show manage to make a love triangle between an almost 300-year old revolutionary soldier, a headless horseman and a quaker/witch/spy/Mary Sue so dull is beyond me. It takes real talent.

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Aaah, and here is The Switch! This show never fails to be predictable.


It's never a good feeling to see Abbie making a fool of herself and putting herself on the line for nothing, but it looks like any contact with the Cranes renders everyone around them brainless. Except Jenny. Maybe she will be the one to save the world.


The relationship I was looking forward the most, Abbie/Jenny, isn't working for me so far. The writing sucks so far. It looks like this season is going to be a huge disappointment.


One thing I appreciated though was Headless (Headful?) dropping that truth bomb about Crane. I don't mean the Abbie rescue, that was last episode's cheap bait, I mean how shallow and meaningless Crane's feelings and devotion really are. I'm sorry for Abraham though, because that only means the Cranes are truly made for each other.

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XtremeOne1 Don't let that NYT article get under your skin. The writer Alessandra Stanley is a hack and shouldn't be writing about TV or anything else for that matter. FYI the NYT had to issue a correction here http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/28/pageoneplus/corrections-september-28-2014.html and they removed any reference to Nicole Beharie in the original article.


I am happy that Katrina is actually doing something and although the new sheriff is a hard ass I like that they've put new obstacles in front of Mills and Crane. The bank scene with Crane railing about the pen and credit cards was so damn funny.

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XtremeOne1 Don't let that NYT article get under your skin. The writer Alessandra Stanley is a hack and shouldn't be writing about TV or anything else for that matter. FYI the NYT had to issue a correction here http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/28/pageoneplus/corrections-september-28-2014.html and they removed any reference to Nicole Beharie in the original article.

Thanks for that. I hadn't heard they retracted anything, as little as it was. Apparently, though, Peter Nowalk is still an angry black woman.

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The kiss was awkward IMO intentionally because well it IS an awkward situation with Katrina. I think Ichabod is in love with the idea of rescuing Katrina more than necessarily Katrina herself.

This would be pretty awesome.


Katrina's maternal bond was failing bad - "but Jeremy...y*a*w*n...is our son".


I got a kick out of the exchange of eye rolls and looks of "wtf"" Jenny and Abbie had in the scene where Ich was suggesting they make a Kindred (is that from Lego?).


Henry is delightfully evil.

Edited by DeLurker
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I'm thinking the new sheriff is more than she seems and that she's somehow involved in all of the shenanigans. Mrs Moloch perhaps?<br /><br />When I asked my bank for a disembodied-head-sized safe deposit box, they thought I was crazy. I've got to switch to Sleepy Hollow Savings & Loan, where all new accounts get one free incantation. FDIC limitations apply.

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Then we'd have to deal with another sherrif who doesn't believe in headless horsemen, witches or demons. Let her stick around long enough, she'll get on board.

She'll see some shit and start believing before Halloween hits.


Icabod at the bank was awesome!  And, I don't think I'll ever tire of his annoyance over anything related to Benjamin Franklin.


The bank employee had a good water cooler story after that exchange. 


I'd love to see another flashback or two of Ichabod and Ben Franklin interacting. 


Henry is delightfully evil.

He relishes it! I liked when he told Katrina that her son, as she knew him, died in a box two hundred years ago. 


My heart was pounding when the captain signed in blood. What is Henry up to!?!?!?!

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Loved the bank tangent he went on when he got the credit card offer with no collateral.


As a member of the insolvent flock of debtors, I loved this rant.  Crane dealing with modern life is always my favorite part of each episode.

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The more I think of it, the more I think Reyes has got to be a minion.  Possibly related to war?


She knows Mama Mills and it seems more and more likely that Mama Mills was somehow bound up in all this.  While Death was busy going around killing people and dispensing death, War's purpose needs to be to sow the seeds to dissension to create an atmosphere where that dissension can spread into open conflict.  Reyes seems to be walking right up that alley.  She really, really has it out for Irving and it feels out of proportion.  He could possibly get out of jail based on the basis of that shaky confession, but it would be harder to win back to trust and confidence of cops if he was exposed as being a crazy man.  In he role as captain she has control of he police force and she has Iriving out of the way.  Also by putting him in the mental hospital she makes Henry's swoop in and save tactics looks very attractive to Irving.  Hence his eagerness to sign with Henry, contract un-read.


It also appears that she is trying to drive a wedge between Abbie & Jenny by being Bad-Cop with Jenny and Good-Cop with Abbie.   The sisters' reconnection is so new and still a little fragile, just the right amount of pressure at the right point to cause a rift in Team Witness.


And finally she is trying to sideline Ichabod.  He has no place really.  No status.  His position is very precarious and very dependent on Abbie on many ways. 


She strikes me as being in a very good place to be a soldier for Moloch.


Meanwhile, the more I think of Katrina's mole plans the more skeptical I am.  I mean, her first attempt at surreptitious overhearing was immediately discovered. a nd really, her effectiveness as a mole depends 100% on Abraham's guillibilty.  All this time she has been protesting her love for Ichabod and in two seconds she claims that she's willing to switch allegiances to Abraham if he just gives her more time?  For a guy who went for the jugular by  reminding her that Ichabod was awfully quick to rescue Abby, such obtuseness doesn't feel right.  And, just how does Katrina expect to get intel to Ichabod and Abbie in case she finds out something?


I am trying not to let my indifference to the character color my reactions, but trying to deploy Katrina in this way feels awfully like fan service.  it feels clunky and contrived.  As long as she is in Headless' clutches she remains in imminent danger.  And we've already seen she can't seem to resuce herself.  All it would take is Headless saying "Fuck this noise, let's get in the RIng Of Fire!' and she wouldn't be able to do anything to stop it.  At least if she had left with Ichabod and Abbie she could have tried some witchy way to help them.  The writing for her just continues to baffle me.

Edited by DearEvette
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