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S01.E11: 5:00 P.M.

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I appreciated that McKay got a chance to say everything that needed to be said to "bonus" mom.  I feel like I would have slapped her, then held her down while I cut off her hair the moment she started lecturing me on what was best for my child.

Santos learns the hard way that no one likes a tattletale. 

And honestly, if you trick a patient and lie to them about the purpose of a particular medication, you can't be shocked when they refuse to take your advice and tell you off later on.  So you might think you are doing no harm, but the reality is you are doing real harm because you just poisoned the doctor/patient relationship.   


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12 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

I think I like this group of interns the best, gasp! maybe even more than the originals, because they're  not overdramatic. (I know, that's weird, it IS a drama, after all, and I was riveted in the early years and for a very long time.)  Maybe it's because I can't imagine any of this crew seeing a ghost. 😄

That said, it really does feel like the show is petering out...

Are you in the right forum?

42 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

I appreciated that McKay got a chance to say everything that needed to be said to "bonus" mom.  I feel like I would have slapped her, then held her down while I cut off her hair the moment she started lecturing me on what was best for my child.

Yeah.  McKay isn't presented as someone who'd throw down by by the last half of the episode, I was ready to smack a bitch. 

So Collins aborted Robby's baby.  That was a nice scene but I would have rather they didn't present it as a "forgiveness" thing and I hate the trope of someone who had an abortion being "punished" with the inability to carry a baby to term later.

It looked like Robby thought about trashing Langdon's pills.  I wonder if they're going to do an audit and discover that Langdon didn't steal drugs.  Robby found drugs in Langdon's locker but the thing that Santos clocked was an injectable drug.  If all Langdon has is a drug problem, then I can see a way back for him after treatment.  From what I understand, it's really the stealing that would be considered the more final issue.

I liked that Santos wasn't getting too much validation in the episode.  My favorite moment was when she spoke back to the other nurses.

I'm glad they didn't kill the baby or the woman who delivered the baby. 

  • Like 16

So if I understand things correctly, “bonus mom” somehow got stalking charges brought against McKay, hence both the monitoring anklet and the restraining order. And then she says she knows what’s better for Harrison when she’s closer in age to him than to his father? What a bitch.

Santos is still horrible. I can’t believe she called Garcia to brag about Langdon. Although, I did like the own to the two Philippino nurses. I knew a Spanish resident in residency, blonde hair blue eyed, and we worked in a neighborhood with a large Latino population. One patient’s family started bad-mouthing her in Spanish and she responded, also in Spanish, you know I can understand you, right? Moral of the story: don’t make assumptions about a person’s background based on looks.


in other news, the Pittfest shooter is so going to be Joanna Going’s son. At least now we know why the season is 15 episodes instead of 12.

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6 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Yeah.  McKay isn't presented as someone who'd throw down by by the last half of the episode, I was ready to smack a bitch. 

So Collins aborted Robby's baby.  That was a nice scene but I would have rather they didn't present it as a "forgiveness" thing and I hate the trope of someone who had an abortion being "punished" with the inability to carry a baby to term later.

It looked like Robby thought about trashing Langdon's pills.  I wonder if they're going to do an audit and discover that Langdon didn't steal drugs.  Robby found drugs in Langdon's locker but the thing that Santos clocked was an injectable drug.  If all Langdon has is a drug problem, then I can see a way back for him after treatment.  From what I understand, it's really the stealing that would be considered the more final issue.

I liked that Santos wasn't getting too much validation in the episode.  My favorite moment was when she spoke back to the other nurses.

I'm glad they didn't kill the baby or the woman who delivered the baby. 

Agree with the forgiveness stuff.  Was it forgiveness for having the abortion, or forgiveness for not telling Robby? 

There was a column on another website about the Santos/Langdon situation, the author brought up that because Santos was a woman and a pain in the ass, we wanted her to be wrong.  That it was bias against a woman.  I don't feel that's correct, at all. It had nothing to do with her gender, it had to do with someone running their mouth about something they didn't know for sure was happening. She told a coworker who is now furious that Santos got her involved and now wants her to keep quiet, so Santos doesn't get in trouble. And to use the pizza as an excuse to talk to her. Santos is a little weasel. 

Didn't they check the vials in a previous episode and nothing was awry? 

I'm glad they framed this episode where she's not getting any kudos for thinking she knows more than everyone else. 

I am a little disappointed that Robby's stepson is involved with the Pittfest active shooter situation. Couldn't we have that, and worry it's David, without involving the main character's family?  

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2 hours ago, rwlevin said:

Santos is still horrible. I can’t believe she called Garcia to brag about Langdon. Although, I did like the own to the two Philippino nurses. I knew a Spanish resident in residency, blonde hair blue eyed, and we worked in a neighborhood with a large Latino population. One patient’s family started bad-mouthing her in Spanish and she responded, also in Spanish, you know I can understand you, right? Moral of the story: don’t make assumptions about a person’s background based on looks.

I knew a red-headed white guy who is fluent in Spanish because his dad is Mexican - they spoke Spanish at home. White mom, Mexican dad, biracial kids. He loved pulling stuff like that. (He had his dad’s features but his mom’s coloring. Genetics are fascinating. His brother looked more Mexican - darker skin and black hair.) I have a friend from Germany married to  Chinese-American man and the kids’ primary language is German. Her kids are all clearly half-Asian so people do double takes when they hear them speaking German.

I loved when Garcia looked at Santos with contempt and called her trouble. What was Santos trying to do? Brag? She called Garcia down to tell her and then said she couldn’t tell her? Shut up, Santos.

2 hours ago, SeanBug said:

Agree with the forgiveness stuff.  Was it forgiveness for having the abortion, or forgiveness for not telling Robby?

I wondered about that too. I’m a woman so I can’t be in Robby’s position, but I think if I could be, I’d be hurt if my partner didn’t tell me. I’d wonder if I’d done something to make them feel unsafe, that they couldn’t come to me.

I really was not ready for that birth. Whew!

I think we all saw the Pittfest shooting coming. Robby’s “son” and the GF were so cute.

McKay’s ex’s GF needed that smack down. I loved McKay’s line about the prefrontal cortex and then the Gf’s retort of “I’m almost 25” had me going “oh, McKay is totally right then!” It’s very 24-years-old of her to assume she knows more than she does, but that smug attitude has got to go.

Edited by Empress1
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I have seen every episode of Call the Midwife, and still have never seen anything as graphic as that birth scene. So glad the mom and baby pulled through. Her friendship with one of the dads was awesome.

Nobody died in this episode and I sure felt like someone was going to. Guess that's next week.

So glad someone finally made clear to the two Filipino (?) nurses that they were understood. I'm Black and was getting a massage and the two Chinese therapists were talking about why I was there instead of at work and how lazy Black folks are. They were having the conversation in Mandarin, but just so happens I speak Mandarin. I let them know at the end of my session. Of course I didn't have to pay for services that day and never went back again. But they should still know better.

I really thought Dana was going to die in this episode, so relieved that she just wants to quit.

Robby is going to need to take a month off after this shift.

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I did not remotely need to see a tenth of that birth scene.  They can keep their realism. 

I can’t help but wonder what good it does to tell Robby about the abortion at this point. To me it seems like hurting him for no reason. What purpose did it serve?  Besides the writers piling on until Robby just completely loses it.  

i might have been willing to give Santos a chance but the way she just blew Mel off- nope.  She is just an unlikeable character.

The actor who plays Langdon said his and Robby’s scenes were like a break up, well now apparently Langdon is the stalking ex with the constant phone calls.  Dude needs to chill for a couple of minutes.  


  • Like 5

Thought the prosthetics for the birth scene were impressive! Though I kept yelling, "Get her on her hands and knees!" (Gaskin maneuver for shoulder dystocia) I guess the special effects wouldn't have worked as well in that position haha. I actually was waiting for the birth mother to die as a reflection on how black women have horrible maternal mortality stats in this country so I was relieved she ended up okay.

As soon as the opening recap showed incel kid and then Jake going to PittFest, we all knew exactly what was going to happen. 

Go away, Santos.


  • Like 5
12 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

Santos learns the hard way that no one likes a tattletale. 

To me, a tattletale is telling on someone for the sake of getting them in trouble because they broke a stupid silly rule, not for doing something serious that really should be reported. Santos legitimately thought there was something wrong. Granted, it was a massive leap and one can absolutely question her logic/thinking, but she really did believe something serious was wrong. 

3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

McKay’s ex’s GF needed that smack down. I loved McKay’s line about the prefrontal cortex and then the Gf’s retort of “I’m almost 25” had me going “oh, McKay is totally right then!” It’s very 24-years-old of her to assume she knows more than she does, but that smug attitude has got to go.

In terms of age "I'm almost ___" is an absolute hallmark of immaturity. "I'm almost 10," "I'm almost 18," "I'm almost 21," it just sounds young and immature, like someone trying to talk their way into something they are too young for. 

3 hours ago, fastiller said:

I wonder how many conversations were had with the showrunner/s and the folks at HBO/max about the birth scene.

I'm guessing almost none because it's premium cable/streaming. Here's your budget, spend it how you want, and don't do anything that will cause people to cancel their subscription. 

I've been thinking about Mel. Eventually, she is going to be like Radar from M*A*S*H but a doctor. She is going be the one who understands the system and how to work it to her patients' advantage. 

I think I have this right but clarification/correction if I'm wrong would be helpful.  The residents (Collins, Mohan, McKay, Mel, Santos) are planning on making Emergency Medicine their speciality. They will go on to practice medicine in an ER somewhere (in other words, they will most likely spend their career doing what Dr. Robby does).

The medical students (Whitaker and Javadi) are doing a rotation in the ER and over the rest of medical school will spend time in a variety of medical specialities before they pick what kind of medicine they want to do. 

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50 minutes ago, Sarah 103 said:

To me, a tattletale is telling on someone for the sake of getting them in trouble because they broke a stupid silly rule, not for doing something serious that really should be reported.

Maybe.  If she had more of a relationship with everyone, and it wasn't her first day, I think I would react differently.  For example, if it had been Dana who said something to Robby, I would treat it differently because of who she is in that ER, and the credibility she has due to the years of experience.  It's not the best way to endear yourself to your colleagues if you come in and start making accusations, even if it turns out you are right.  


  • Like 10
53 minutes ago, Sarah 103 said:

The residents (Collins, Mohan, McKay, Mel, Santos) are planning on making Emergency Medicine their speciality. 

Santos has already made it clear she wants to be in surgery and she mentioned earlier rotating in a pain clinic so she might be in a traditional internship if she's not just planning on switching out of ED. Internal medicine also rotates in the ED. Langdon and Collins are also residents except they're fourth years. I thought Mohan was a second year until they actually mentioned she was a third year. ED residencies can be either 3 or 4 years although there's been a recent push to make all residencies 4 years. 

There's more residents than this. There has to be. My ADHD brain was keeping me up last night. That has to be about only a third of the residency group. ED residents also rotate in peds ED and ICU and sometimes they rotate through different hospitals. The program where I did residency rotated between two.

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But Collins and Langdon are the senior residents during this shift and now he's sent both of the home.  What could go wrong?  Of course he had to get Langdon out of there, but...

Why would Robbie attempt to turn the baby himself?  It was a teaching moment and Collins has much smaller hands than he does.

This was clearly their "Loves Labors Lost" episode - glad it turned out better than that one.  For years I've told my pregnant friends not to watch that under any circumstances.

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14 hours ago, preeya said:

Well, I believe that was a television first. At least it was for me.

Nope.  ER did a shoulder dystocia story in which Abby saved the day.  There was also the legendary Love's Labors Lost episode in the first season where Mark also managed a dystocia on a patient who eventually started bleeding.  In both of those cases, the ER docs performed maneuvers that no ER doc would've even heard of (a Zavanelli maneuver and cutting the pubic symphysis) let alone know how to do.  Stuff I have never seen ANYONE do in 40+ years doing obstetrics.

In this case, they sure did take their time getting that baby delivered. In real life, once the head delivers, you can be sure the umbilical cord is being compressed by the vaginal wall and there is no oxygen getting to the kid.  It only takes a few minutes for serious damage to set in, maybe 7 minutes or so before the baby dies.  I don't know why, on TV, after the head delivers, they always want the mom to wait for another contraction before pushing again.  That wastes a couple of minutes and isn't necessary.  Once the head is out, most women have the urge to push contraction or not.  In real life, they would've seen the turtle sign (the baby's head retracts towards the perineum almost like a turtle pull its head back into its shell) right away and immediately instituted measures to get the shoulders under the pubic bone.  On the show, it seemed like they had her push a time or two before realizing the shoulders were stuck. The maneuver Robby performed, reaching in and trying to grab the posterior arm and bring it up and out is something I have done on more than one occasion although certainly not anything the typical ER doc would even consider attempting.  There were a couple of simpler tricks that they probably would've tried first.

Biggest emergency in 'routine' obstetrics; if you're the doc, you see your like flash before your eyes.  Hard to describe how scary it is.

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6 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I loved when Garcia looked at Santos with contempt and called her trouble. What was Santos trying to do? Brag? She called Garcia down to tell her and then said she couldn’t tell her? Shut up, Santos.

Santos was trying to cover her tracks.  She had flat out lied to Robby when he asked if she had told anyone else about her concerns about Langdon and drug use.  She'd told multiple people before she went to Robby. Something like suspected drug abuse in a colleague is not something you share with the rest of the gang during the shift.  She should've gone to Robby first and last and never said a word to anyone else. I think Garcia was at least in part appalled that Santos asked her to lie on her behalf.  I presume this is going to come back to bite her on her lying butt.


2 hours ago

Thought the prosthetics for the birth scene were impressive! Though I kept yelling, "Get her on her hands and knees!" (Gaskin maneuver for shoulder dystocia)

Even easier and just as effective, get her legs flexed back in a McRoberts maneuver.  Ina Mae Gaskins delivered a lot of her patients when they were already on their hands and knees; getting someone in lithotomy up and over on a narrow cart with the head already delivered it quite a gymnastic feat.


Edited by Notabug
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2 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:


In terms of age "I'm almost ___" is an absolute hallmark of immaturity. "I'm almost 10," "I'm almost 18," "I'm almost 21," it just sounds young and immature, like someone trying to talk their way into something they are too young for. 


Until you get older and then you use it as an excuse for getting OUT of something - "I'm almost 70!"

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15 hours ago, preeya said:

Well, I believe that was a television first. At least it was for me.


1 hour ago, Notabug said:

Nope.  ER did a shoulder dystocia story in which Abby saved the day. 

I think that @preeya was referring to the camera shot on the vagina.


7 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I loved when Garcia looked at Santos with contempt and called her trouble. What was Santos trying to do? Brag? She called Garcia down to tell her and then said she couldn’t tell her? Shut up, Santos.


1 hour ago, Notabug said:

Santos was trying to cover her tracks.  She had flat out lied to Robby when he asked if she had told anyone else about her concerns about Langdon and drug use.  She'd told multiple people before she went to Robby. Something like suspected drug abuse in a colleague is not something you share with the rest of the gang during the shift.  She should've gone to Robby first and last and never said a word to anyone else. I think Garcia was at least in part appalled that Santos asked her to lie on her behalf.  I presume this is going to come back to bite her on her lying butt.

Another prediction (also a joke): Langdon wasn't stealing meds for himself, but for his pretend nemesis but in reality his BFF Garcia's use.

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8 hours ago, Empress1 said:

McKay’s ex’s GF needed that smack down. I loved McKay’s line about the prefrontal cortex and then the Gf’s retort of “I’m almost 25” had me going “oh, McKay is totally right then!”

I just wanted to be like: "You were 14 when McKay's kid was born, yet you feel comfortable telling the kid's mother that you know better for her child."

  • Like 7
18 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I appreciated that McKay got a chance to say everything that needed to be said to "bonus" mom. 

Did she though? Frankly parts of this episode veered into Soap Opera territory, especially this. And while I can tolerate a measure of soap, I found this scene irritating. We still don't know why McKay is wearing an ankle monitor, or why there is a restraining order, which rendered this scene pointless because it had no context other than the obvious animosity between the two. 

Also, I find some of the dialogue a little too didactic, even when I appreciate the words. Example: Robby telling incel's mom we don't teach boys how to process emotions so they find community in toxic podcasts. Agree 100%, but it's another case of the writers talking to the audience.

I was unable to watch the birthing scene, I wonder how many people had to look away or cover most of the screen with their hands the way I did. Then again I had to do the same thing last week when they were sticking a needle in that kid's eye, so there you go.

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E1.11 46:42

re: Santos - I don't think she called Garcia to brag; I think she called her to head off a potential problem when she (Santos) told Robbie that she hadn't shared her concerns about Langdon with anyone else.  Since Santos had told Garcia she needed to tell Garcia to keep quiet.  I think Santos was also trying to regain some of the ground she felt that she had lost with Garcia when she first brought up her concern.  Garcia was pissed about getting asked about it; Santos wanted to make sure that Garcia knew that Santos had been right. (If she even actually was). 

I am finding myself irritated with the writers so rapidly changing Santos' basic personality from what was in show time only a few hours ago.  Santos now is being a lot quieter and less abrasive.  She hasn't called anyone any names in like two episodes, she hasn't crowed about any procedures, she hasn't been all up in anyone's face.  It's inconsistent.  If you want to have an asshole character, lean into it!

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25 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I was unable to watch the birthing scene, I wonder how many people had to look away or cover most of the screen with their hands the way I did. Then again I had to do the same thing last week when they were sticking a needle in that kid's eye, so there you go.

I was okay with the crowning, although it startled me. Everything else, I had to look away. I couldn’t watch the needle in the eye either. 

21 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Did she though? Frankly parts of this episode veered into Soap Opera territory, especially this. And while I can tolerate a measure of soap, I found this scene irritating. We still don't know why McKay is wearing an ankle monitor, or why there is a restraining order, which rendered this scene pointless because it had no context other than the obvious animosity between the two. 

Also, I find some of the dialogue a little too didactic, even when I appreciate the words. Example: Robby telling incel's mom we don't teach boys how to process emotions so they find community in toxic podcasts. Agree 100%, but it's another case of the writers talking to the audience.

I was unable to watch the birthing scene, I wonder how many people had to look away or cover most of the screen with their hands the way I did. Then again I had to do the same thing last week when they were sticking a needle in that kid's eye, so there you go.

I think this episode felt like a filler before BIG!DRAMA! mass shooting next week, with some parts that were too PSA, like Robby talking with the mom, and even the delivery.


9 minutes ago, Infie said:

don't think she called Garcia to brag;

No she called Garcia to sabe her own ass, because when Robby asked if she had told someone about Langdon she lied and she said she hadn’t - when in fact she talked directly to Garcia and asked Dana about the vials, etc.


11 minutes ago, Infie said:

I am finding myself irritated with the writers so rapidly changing Santos' basic personality from what was in show time only a few hours ago.  Santos now is being a lot quieter and less abrasive.  She

They didn’t change her personality (yet) she had way less scene these last two episodes. She still found a way to not own her actions - like telling Robby she had told Garcia about Langdon - and was rude with King. 


18 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

So Collins aborted Robby's baby.  That was a nice scene but I would have rather they didn't present it as a "forgiveness" thing and I hate the trope of someone who had an abortion being "punished" with the inability to carry a baby to term later

This a million times. 

I would like to be surprised and to incel kid to not be the mass shooter. I think that it would work way better - and be a surprise - if he overdosed or tried to kilo himself, is taken to ER only for the real shooter come later.

Why did the nurses thought Santos was Filipino? I mean, Santos is such a common  name in Latin America (as well as in Portugal and Spain). 

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31 minutes ago, preeya said:
3 hours ago, fastiller said:

I think that @preeya was referring to the camera shot on the vagina.

Yes, that is what I was referring to.

You've obviously never seen the movie Knocked Up.


Santos is Filipina. The actress is so it makes sense the character is too. Her father is Jon Jon Briones who not-so-recently played The Engineer in Miss Saigon on Broadway.  I believe they performed in Hadestown together last year. Anyway, a lot of people in the Philippines have Spanish names because the country was colonized by Spain. It's the same reason so many people in South America have Spanish names. Same colonizers. 

Edited by rwlevin
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What I am trying to figure out is which characters have made/plan to make Emergency Medicine their speciality and will spend the bulk of their careers in the ED and which are there as part of a rotation or have not yet decided what to specialize in yet. 

Especially because I can't picture Mel picking it as her speciality. It doesn't seem like the right fit for her. 

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21 hours ago, preeya said:
22 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Okay, I gave birth to three babies but I had no idea what was going on down there!  Beyond that, a lot of stuff going on!  I’ll have to process it more fully into the morning. 

Well, I believe that was a television first. At least it was for me.


Much more graphic than Call the Midwife which I am used to.

I remember my midwife asked if I wanted a mirror to look. Ah, no!

3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I was unable to watch the birthing scene, I wonder how many people had to look away or cover most of the screen with their hands the way I did

I was taken a back at first for the crowning  but could watch the birthing scene. Had to cover my eyes for baby not breathing scene. Those were always the hardest in CTM as well


7 hours ago, rwlevin said:

There's more residents than this.

What is Jessie, the background guy? I can't figure out if he is a nurse or a resident or nurse anesthetist (if they have those there).  maybe they said in the first episode but I forgot and he kind of just is in the background.


So I was right, Robby was Collins' baby daddy....just not this baby.

I didn't get it when Robbie offered the horse pills from Langdon's locker to the alcoholic.

Edited by Blackie
5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I was unable to watch the birthing scene, I wonder how many people had to look away or cover most of the screen with their hands the way I did. Then again I had to do the same thing last week when they were sticking a needle in that kid's eye, so there you go.

That would be me as well. I saw the crowning moment (hah), and then made sure to look away for everything else. As a black woman who has not yet had the pleasure of giving birth, that was just not the kind of trauma I needed to absorb right now.


53 minutes ago, marybennet said:

Could be wrong, but I thought it was because Langdon had taken them from/not given them to that guy. 

You’re right. I don’t remember all the particulars, but there was a moment a couple of episodes ago with that particular patient where Santos noted that according to records this patient had had the max dosage of medication for his issue, but when asked about it the patient said he’d put them in his pocket rather than taking them. Langdon ordered more without fuss and ignored Santos’s protests about it. So yeah, I’m guessing the guy pocketing the meds gave Langdon the opportunity to take them. Or Langdon had already taken them and the patient assumed, in his drunken state, that he had just pocketed them.

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19 hours ago, SeanBug said:


There was a column on another website about the Santos/Langdon situation, the author brought up that because Santos was a woman and a pain in the ass, we wanted her to be wrong.  That it was bias against a woman.  I don't feel that's correct, at all. It had nothing to do with her gender, it had to do with someone running their mouth about something they didn't know for sure was happening. She told a coworker who is now furious that Santos got her involved and now wants her to keep quiet, so Santos doesn't get in trouble. And to use the pizza as an excuse to talk to her. Santos is a little weasel. 


It was her first day at work.  Unless someone starts flashing the office and then passes out drunk, you just take note of your suspicions and keep watching your colleague closely.  Gender has nothing to do with this.  

  • Like 6
22 hours ago, rwlevin said:

Santos is still horrible. I can’t believe she called Garcia to brag about Langdon.

I actually think Santos was doing the right thing this time. She called Garcia because she was the person Santos mentioned her suspicions, then Robby told her to not tell anyone. She wanted to make sure things did nto spread. Garcia was horrible. I don't like her at all.

22 hours ago, rwlevin said:

the Pittfest shooter is so going to be Joanna Going’s son

I hope not. I thought the note he wrote was more of a suicidal note. But as soon as Jake called Robby I thought: where is the mass shooting of the season? Because this is America and it seems mass shootings are part of our culture.

22 hours ago, SeanBug said:

There was a column on another website about the Santos/Langdon situation, the author brought up that because Santos was a woman and a pain in the ass, we wanted her to be wrong.

I can see that. Santos is a pain and Langdon is the "cute guy" - not to me, think his very average. In general, our psychology is to defend the pretty and punish the seemingly (or real) arrogant. If it is a woman, then she is unforgiven. This happens in every context, not only in the context of this show. Yes, Santos is horrible (which I still think it is an acting problems, not necessarily a writing problem) but she hinted that she has had some bad experiences in life, so she saw something she believed should be addressed. The fact that she is arrogant and annoying has nothing to do with how she thinks things should be handled.

18 hours ago, jah1986 said:

Robby is going to need to take a month off after this shift.

But that is one of the points the show makes. Public ERs are like this day in day out. With the shortages, there is no break. The fact that he just sent people home though, is weird. Collins is now staying because of the shooting 

18 hours ago, ch1 said:

I did not remotely need to see a tenth of that birth scene.  They can keep their realism.

Was it though? I mean, we all know that those were prosthetics. The same with the penises and breasts, in some cases. I thought they just overdid it. Just like children with a new toy, they wanted to keep showing us the fake vagina with a fake baby head as if it was shocking. I didn't find it shocking or interesting or even that real. There are documentaries that show the real thing and it is actually interesting. TV shows fall on this type of trap all the time: they want to show something that they think is innovative, then they overdo and miss the point. Just like sex scenes. They show so much of the choreographed-to-seem-real sex, all the moaning, as if everyone who has sex starts moaning and orgasming in a few seconds, that they lose the sensuality, the part that leaves us guessing. Being explicit does not mean being innovative or real.

10 hours ago, rwlevin said:

Anyway, a lot of people in the Philippines have Spanish names because the country was colonized by Spain.

And then by the United States


3 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

It was her first day at work.

And maybe she wanted to make a good impression. I don't remember if the earlier episodes had a clear reason for her to be suspicious but that's the right thing to do. Most people will just put their heads down and pretend they don't saw anything. I hope they develop the character and direct the actor better in future seasons

Well clearly “Loves Labour  Lost” scarred a generation of us. I  was convinced mom would die and for a minute there I  thought Robby was going to twist the baby’s head off too. Jesus Christ.


I try to remember it’s not Santos first day as a doctor. It’s just her first day working w this crew. I think shes somewhere below King but well above Whittaker and Javadi in terms of experience, right?  Maybe the could issue a handy chart telling us everyone’s level.

the mass shooter at Pittfest was the most telegraphed thing in the world. I never pick up on this sort of thing but I called it during the FaceTime call w his son and gf.

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4 minutes ago, Paws said:

I try to remember it’s not Santos first day as a doctor. It’s just her first day working w this crew. I think shes somewhere below King but well above Whittaker and Javadi in terms of experience, right?  Maybe the could issue a handy chart telling us everyone’s level.

Javadi is a third year med student. Whitaker is a 4th year med student. Santos is an intern. McKay and King are second years but King is new to the program. Mohan is a third year and Langdon and Collins are 4th years. It’s September 1st. Residency programs start July 1st. Some programs have 4 week rotations while others have 1 month rotations. It sounds like this program has 1 month rotations.

So no, it’s not Santos’s first day but she only graduated 3 months prior and has only been practicing 2 months, not nearly long enough to be so cocky.

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I was pleasantly surprised that the surrogate survived the birth once there were clear complications.   Yes, the birth was very graphic, but it was accurate so I appreciate it.  

To me it was clear that Santos was trying to cover her ass because she did tell Garcia and Robby said to keep it to herself and tell no one.  And, while I find Santos horrible with how she treats her fellow cohorts, I don't critique her reporting this because this isn't soemthing to overlook.   And I don't critique her saying something to Garcia.  She knew going to Robby would be a huge step, so she went to Garcia first.   Once it gets out that she reported, she's in for a bad time. People don't like snitches, even if snitching is the right thing.  

Once Robby was on the phone with his step son, I knew 100% that is where the shooting would be.   I was waiting to hear shots in the background during the call, but not yet.  

I liked the convo between Robby and Collins.   He answered the questions for "he" with both knowing he was he, but not having to say it. And him saying she was not selfish and made the best decision for her.   That's a friend.  He made it all about her and not about the new info he just got.   

I assume McKay is on housing arrest and has a restraining order because she either threatened the girlfriend of assaulted her.  You can get a restraining order for a lot of things, but house arrest is definitely something more serious.  

I am both looking forward to and not sure I can handle next week.  That is gonna be a bad time.   I'm gonna predict Langdon hears about the shooting and just goes to the ER.  They'll be so under water that he'll be allowed to help.  

Noah Wyle is so tremendous in this.  

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11 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

What I am trying to figure out is which characters have made/plan to make Emergency Medicine their speciality and will spend the bulk of their careers in the ED and which are there as part of a rotation or have not yet decided what to specialize in yet. 

Especially because I can't picture Mel picking it as her speciality. It doesn't seem like the right fit for her. 

I've been keeping an eye on this, and I think the breakdown is something like:

Emergency Medicine: Langdon, Collins, Mohan, McKay (all based in the ED)

Surgery: Garcia (periodically consulting in the ED)

Prelim or transitional (intern year, specialty not determined, probably based in an Internal Medicine program, still trying to match into a categorical spot): Santos (currently rotating in the ED)

Internal Medicine: King (currently rotating in the ED)

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Robby is really unraveling. He sent Langdon home but they should‘ve tried to call somebody in and then he sent Collins home

Boy howdy, did I jump when we got the scene of the baby’s head. I was wondering if they would go there because this show has been so graphic with the other cases. Mel’s “I see hair!…Baby’s hair.” is probably the line reading of this episode and her obvious glee at handing the baby to the dad’s was really sweet.

The way Mohan lied and manipulated the patient was awful. She was so caring with the sickle cell patient yet so smug with this guy. Even if he wanted to get help, she made that  all she did was show him that he can’t trust doctors. I’m glad the patient cussed her out and I’m glad Whitaker saw the blowback.

”You’re trouble.” For once Garcia says something I agree with and I hope that means her fascination with and sexual harassment of Santos has finally come to an end. Santos is toxic because she doesn’t know when to leave well enough alone. She obviously thought Robby was going to like her more after what she did. Whitaker may be the farm kid but Santos acts like she was raised in a barn. She has absolutely no interpersonal skills so, yeah, surgery is a good fit for her.

I wonder what’s going on with Langdon. The multiple calls all over the hospital makes it sound like he’s spiraling. I wouldn’t be surprised if he shows up at the hospital to “help” once he learns about the shooting.

Everybody walking around with pizza was a nice detail.


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    I thought it was pretty brave/selfless (there’s probably a better word) of Collins to run the birthing considering she had a miscarriage earlier in the day. She put her own feelings aside until after the mother had been stabilized and she left the room. I loved that the two men had such a good relationship with their surrogate/best friend. They seem like they will make good parents. 
   What a jerk Santos was to come into her first day and think she knew better than her colleagues that had much more experience. I agree with Garcia that she is trouble. How much and if there are any consequences to her blabbing about Langdon is yet to be seen. 
   It’s going to be a mess in the ED when Dana leaves. I liked her backstory of having volunteered there when she was in high school. I like the character and hope she rethinks her decision. 

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