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S02.E01: This Is War

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Ichabod finds himself buried alive in a coffin. Abbie is trapped in purgatory. Ichabod's wife, Katrina, has been kidnapped by the Headless Horseman. Capt. Frank Irving is behind bars for a murder he did not commit. Abbie's sister is among the wreckage of a horrific car crash. Now, with Henry's emergence as the Horseman of War, alongside the Headless Horseman, Sleepy Hollow has never been so close to destruction.



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The day has finally come! What's it been, an eight month hiatus? Not good!
At least the show makes me not mind Monday coming around again after the weekend!

I could have sworn I read somewhere it was going to be a two hour premiere but it's not. That's fine, I'm just glad it's back and will get to see my Crane again. And hopefully Abby scenes with him in the first ep...or very soon.

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Ok it's a bit much that Crane was present and involved with so many major events in American history. First he worked closely with George Washington, then he created the Boston Tea Party as a distraction for... I can't remember what (I'd have to watch the episode again to be reminded), now he's Benjamin Franklin's apprentice.


Yay Andy! I didn't think we'd see him again. This was likely the last time though with the actor now having his own show. :( 


Aw Crane leaving messages for Abbie on his "death" bed.  And then the hug! Their chemistry is undeniable. Loved it! 


Nitpick - Didn't Crane have to back the ambulance out of the parking space to crash it into the garage? Not to mention he knew the basic fundamentals of driving, putting the car in drive, stepping on the gas, stopping etc. So why didn't he know how to put it in reverse once he picked up Jenny?


Shirtless Horseman was just hilarious. LOL. So what does he do all day? Take heads? Then comes home after a hard days work and changes into something more appropriate for his time with Katrina? Shouldn't he be working with Moloch to destroy the world? Hilarious. Speaking of Katrina, she continues to be useless. Isn't she supposed to be this powerful witch? Why the heck can't she speak some incantation and at least give the Horseman some formidable resistance.


Love the Mills sisters.  Glad their relationship has improved over what it was last season.


Lastly where is Irving? I missed him.


Great start to the new season!

Edited by Enero
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This show was getting my blood pressure up. I really thought they did a time jump and was not going to reveal how Ichabod escaped the grave and Abby escaped Purgatory. I kept thinking the open was a fake out, but it took so long to get there I fell for the time jump ruse.


Jenny just kicks ass, and Leftenant for the win!

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Great episode loved how they bridged the two seasons, filled everyone in on what happened in S1 while furthering the story/journey. Only complaint...no Orlando Jones...except on Twitter.

I was rather confused at the beginning, I figured he was still in the box but they got me a couple of times, especially when they said Jenny was dead. Got a little upset at that as I remember Jenny getting promoted to series regular...they even dragged out showing her name in the opening credits...sneaky bastards.

Still don't care about Katrina but as long as Jenny is around and I get more Jenny/Abbie sisterhood scenes I'm happy. I don't ship ichabbie (neither for nor against) but man those two have chemistry and they really amped up the dramatic (romantic?) Interactions.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Sleepy Hollow is back and I loved it!


Great premiere.  I was a little confused with the beginning too, I thought it was a flash forward.  But I loved seeing Ichabod and Abby working together.  Crane had his funny moments are always.  His reaction to the phone dying out and driving the truck through the warehouse.


Yeah, it's another stretch that Crane was Franklin's apprentice during his experiments (which I think happened years sooner but I'm not sure about that) but I long ago decided to just live with the contrived stuff.  The actor playing Franklin wasn't anything special but Crane's reactions to him alone made it worth it.  Particularly how pleased he was that Franklin's alphabet didn't take.


Loved Abby realizing why it wasn't the real Crane and taking off its head.  Great use of Jenny as well.  Nice to see Andy back.  I only hope this wasn't be the last time we see John Cho on this show.


The production values and FX were top-notch here once again.  The last scene gave things an even more epic feel.

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Man, did I laugh hard after Crane was recording himself on his phone then goes...." aaand none

of that recorded.Wonderful."

That beginning was head scratching. First I thought it was a dream, then I thought, oh crap... they better tell us by the end of the ep how the hell things came to be from last seasons finale. I guess I just prefer my storytelling more linear. I need to re-watch because I was doing other things while watching, so maybe I will enjoy it more with my full attention.
I love when Crane and Abby hug!


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I'm glad the opening was a fakeout, because it all felt stilted and weird. As soon as Henry made the comment about the plants, I knew.

This. I was also tipped off by Abbie and Crane going to him for help. With him being the Horseman of War and then the way he deceived them for months last season I didn't think it was realistic that they'd go to him for information.

Edited by Enero
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I still love this show. I was getting more and more irritated that they didn't explain how Abby got out, but kudos to such a loooong fakeout. Though when I saw the cupcake my first thought was DON'T EAT THAT! I may have fist pumped when I saw Andy. If that's all we see, it's nice that he got a better send off than AlienBug Andy. That's he's caught and he's playing both sides. John Cho is awesome. I like evil Henry. Franklin was a hoot. And loved Jenny giving Crane a hug, too. I was so glad to have Sleepy Hollow even Katrina didn't bother me. Much.

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I was loving Abbie and Crane, all the hugs and "I'll come back for you" stuff.  

Jenny is awesome and kicks ass.

Honestly forgot about Katrina until they showed her.  Although I did LOL at the horseman walking around shirtless.


Was thrilled to see John Cho again.  If Selfie doesn't work out, maybe he can come back?

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I loooved the fake-out reveal, even though knowing they wouldn't kill Katrina tipped me off that it was phony. Abbie and Crane work so well together that it's a joy to watch.

And was Jenny great or what? What a badass. I'm so glad that she's alive, and yet another Mills sister who has good chemistry with Crane. Witnesses for the win.

Was it intentional to contrast the two women tied to chairs? Jenny owns her captor like a boss, yet Katrina remains tied to a chair muttering things like "I'll never submit," as if she's trapped in an old school problematic romance novel, shirtless dude included, as some damsel in distress. I hope that Katrina escapes, just for the sake of my respect for the writers. If Abraham lets down his illusionary hair and it blows in the illusionary wind, I'm calling shenanigans.

The special effects were on point, and I'm going to miss the gateway to Purgatory, simply for its beauty and cool factor. Can't wait for more War.

This premiere was packed wall-to-wall with things to love. In fact, if it hadn't ended when it did, they would have had to knock down a wall to make more room for awesome.

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Yeah! Show did not disappoint!

And awesome recap up already? It's like Christmas.

I think Abraheadless is a better actor than Abraheaded. But what the hell were they sharing in the writer's room when they came up with shirtless headless? Hysterical. I heard I'm Too Sexy in my imaginary soundtrack.

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Oooooo!  You're such a sneak, Sleepy Hollow, giving us that fake up timejump.


Also, "How did you know he wasn't me?  Because he didn't call me left-tenant!"  Ichy, Abby, I've missed you two so damn much!


And I still couldn't give two shits about Katrina, but Abraham is hot.  And John Noble is relishing this part.


Welcome back, Sleepy Hollow!

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Ok it's a bit much that Crane was present and involved with so many major events in American history. First he worked closely with George Washington, then he created the Boston Tea Party as a distraction for... I can't remember what (I'd have to watch the episode again to be reminded), now he's Benjamin Franklin's apprentice.


I just assume that since Crane is a witness, destiny (or something) intervened in his life, giving him the experiences he would need later.

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Though when I saw the cupcake my first thought was DON'T EAT THAT! 


Good catch!  I was relieved that Abbie didn't drink the water from Not!Crane, but I totally forgot about the cupcake in the opening scene.


Although I do want to see Crane's birthday party, along with Abbie trying to teach him how to drive.

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I'll give them props with that long fakeout to keep us interested and guessing whether it was real or not. 


Jenny is so badass, I love her. I also loved her hugging Ichabod. 


Of course Abbie and Ichabod are still my favorite team (non-romantic). They just have such great chemistry together. With his birthday, Abbie should take Ichabod to a restaurant and have them sing to him. 


Seeing shirtless, Headless horseman was amazing. I love that this show doesn't take itself too seriously. That makes it so much more enjoyable.


Still don't understand what Katrina's needed for. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I'm still laughing at the shirtless horseman part, hey Katrina if it doesn't work out with Ichabod.......


I'm so happy to have this show back, though I was confused in the begging because I wasn't sure where they were going with it but it was a great fakeout. Love seeing Jenny being a badass, Abbie too cutting off the fake Ichabod's head.


Ichabod and Abbie's relationship continue to be awesome, if they ever get Katrina back I hope those two never change, wife present or not.

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Katrina's much more interesting when she's not with Crane...  okay not really but I was happy to not see her popping up in every mirror.


I was more than a little worried when the episode started that we'd get one of those "1 year earlier" title cards or something so I was glad for the Henry fake-out. Nice way to get our witnesses back together for a bit since they ended up spending most of this episode apart.


I'm already happy for more Jenny but I miss Irving. Orlando come back to us!


So glad this show is back. Really solid first episode. Can't wait to see what happens next.

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Damn, Headless!  I see you aren't going to let having no head stop you from not staying in shape.  I now imagine that he spent all his time just doing push-ups and lifting weights, until Moloch summoned him for whatever evilness was planned for the evening. But, I guess he's hoping nice abs will win him back Katrina!  That said, Katrina's stuff is still the only thing I wonder if they have any kind of solid plan for.  But, I'll be patient.


Yay for an Andy return!  Sounded like a send-off, since John Cho is being hanging with Karen Gillan on Selfie, so if this is it, I'm glad they gave him a final moment for redemption.  But, if Selfie doesn't work out, I hope old Andy shows up again.  Cho just makes him so likable, despite the horrible things he did.


The beginning was confusing, and for a second, I was wondering if someone screwed up and aired the wrong episode, but I should have saw it being a fake-out.  Especially when Henry was all meek and captured.  You can't chain down John Noble and his ACTING!


Of course, Icabod was there for Benjamin Franklin's experiments.  And, of course, Franklin's experiments play a part in this.  But, I don't care how silly it is.  That's just what makes this show awesome, IMO.  I want Icabod to somehow be involved with every historical moment in history.  They haven't done Paul Revere yet, have they?


Silly Henry... you can't just tie Badass Jenny up and leave only one guard to look over her.  Jenny owns everyone!


As usual, all the Icabod and Abbie stuff was great.  I'm telling you, other shows can only wish their co-stars had the chemistry Tom Mison and Nicole Beharie had just in the pilot, and it's only getting better.


Overall, fun return.  I do hope we check back in with Frank (Orlando Jones is still in the credits), and I hope for another Corbin cameo from the grave, since Clancy Brown is always a treat.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Oh my fucking god - how amazing was this. AMAZING. *breathe....* Just loved it. Totally did not expect this, even though I read like a zillion spoilers. Well done show. Bloody well done.


The little fake out in the beginning with the 'year' after Jenny/Katrina's death and kick-ass Crane and Abbie. How I loved that. Finding out that Henry/Jeremy/Moloch was messing with them to find out info about the key - brilliant.


Jenny being the absolute most bad-ass ever. What, you strap me to a chair?? Fools. Crane driving the ambulance into the warehouse - My god, gold.


The amazing shoutout about the pronounciation of the word Lieutenant - and using it as a plot point. Oh show, how I love thee. Love IT.


The scene where Abbie summons Crane from Moloch's little hideaway was so beautiful - god these two are amazing together - like their chemistry is magic and the hugs and feelings are so wonderful and heartfelt and just make me so happy. Again, I always have in the back of my mind that Crane - someone raised in the reserved 18th century and who is married - should not be anywhere near as professive of affection as he is with Abbie. But he is. God, is he ever. That hug with Jenny too - Tom Mison has chemistry with almost anything - he and Lyndie Greenwood and Nicole Beharie - all made of win.


I am hoping to see more of Jenny/Ichabod friendship in the future because I think Jenny's 21st century snark would pair perfectly with Ichabod's 18th century snark.


And now - for the bad. I really, really don't understand what the show intends with Katrina. I mean, she is supposed to be a powerful witch. And I want to see that. And okay, since she was so long in Purgatory, I get that she may have lost some of her powers. But I do not understand how she could not simply summon a flame, and burn away the bindings that held her. So okay, let's just say that she has very very limited powers due to Purgatory and Henry is suppressing them - fine. I'll accept that. It does make sense. But do you realize that the way she was tied up, she could have literally stood up from the chair and freed herself. She was not bound to the chair. She just had her arms pulled back behind the chair. ANYONE could escape that. Simply Stand Up. And from spoilers, I really expected that she would be the one to cast the spell to be able to view Headless as Abraham, but no, it was the necklace that was imbued with a charm by Moloch or whoever, to allow Katrina to see Headless with Head. I do not understand what they are doing with her. *shakes head*


So back to the good - God, those hugs between Ichabod and Abbie. Those hugs. So amazing and loved that Ichabod tried to record a message to Abbie, and that he desperately tried to rescue her. And him getting out of the coffin - loved it. Never thought of that - basically blowing his way out. I fully expected the weeds/roots around him to be magically holding him restrained, but his knowledge of "gunpowder" and basically how he got out - again - show, how I love thee!!!

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So happy to see the show back! Its the only place where we can see a shirtless torso without a head strutting around a cabin, trying to flirt with his 200 year old ex-girlfriend. I was pretty freaked when they said Jenny was dead, but I should have known better. Jenny is too big a badass to die off-screen! I will probably have more to say about this later, but I am just so thrilled to have this show back, its been WAY too long.


Ok, I think I already have my favorite scene. Icabod and Abbie try to fist pump. That was too adorable.

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I just realized that Abraham was Sasha from ABC Family's Make It Or Break It. He played a former gymnast-turned-coach, which explains the bod. He is so much hotter in modern clothes and short hair.


I don't get why Katrina is unable to free herself, either. Seriously, the show is clearly capable of writing kick-ass female characters. Why is Katrina such a wet noodle?

Edited by methodwriter85
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Oh the fist bump! So sweet! Loved it!

I wasn't confused by the beginning only because I was assuming by dead they meant In purgatory. I was so not with it that when they couldn't remember stuff I thought he'd messed with their memories.

Yes I'm down for Ichabod being there for everything we learned about I school. I love that Benjamin Franklin was in on he his too. Oh show, I missed you.

Katrina, you still suck.

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I was totally confused for like the first 5 minutes because shows are known to do time jumps and then show how they got there in flashbacks. I mostly thought he was hallucinating. Anyway what an awesome premiere. It's still just the right amount of batcrap crazy.

"He didn't call me left-tenant"

"And.....none of that recorded. Wonderful". Annoyed Ichabod amuses me to no end.

I especially loved Ichabod's little hand jesture of "I don't know' when he drove the ambulance. Man that made me laugh.

And the best hug ever...well after a Winchester reunion hug....

Edited by catrox14
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Welcome back, show. That was fun.


I was also confused by the beginning until I saw the re-lit candle, and then I spent the next few minutes trying to sort out whose dream it was. I didn't expect it to be a joint hallucination concocted by Molloch. Though I admit I would have been okay with jumping forward a year if that meant Katrina was really dead. (Last year on TWoP, someone commented, "How do you solve a problem like Katrina?" I sing that line every time I see her.)


I was pretty proud of myself for catching the lieutenant/leftenant thing right before Abbie grabbed the sword. 


Tom Mison continues to have the best facial expressions, and I love Nicole Beharie's wry line delivery. The Ichabbie hugs had 1000x more chemistry than anything with Katrina. I did miss Irving, but I went and read Orlando Jones' tweets afterwards to make up for it.

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Hee! That was funnier in more ways than they probably intended. Not too bad. I see all their attempts at cleaning Ichabod's image, but I don't disapprove entirely. He's not even half way done though. When he said that about not leaving her behind, he forgot to add "again". There's still a couple of things he has to make up for and the show still has to address Abbie's feelings about his betrayal.


Ichabod also began last season talking about the need to fight together and their destinies, but that didn't prevent him from throwing her under the bus, so when he uttered a variation of these words in this episode, it all rang hollow to me. I have the feeling he'll betray her again.


The Mills sisters kicking ass is still and will forever be my favorite thing about this show. If there is an episode, where they're teaming up, it can't come fast enough.


As always, the witch related stuff brought the show to a screeching halt and sucked the life out of the episode. I knew that her death had to be a fake out, because that would have been way to awesome for this show, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy those few minutes of fantasy. I'm sorry, but her whole situation isn't compelling to me. She is skeevy, Abraham is skeevy, I don't feel for any of them and the whole situation is gross. I'm not rooting for anyone here, I just don't want to see them.


I'd be here for Shirtless Headless without the burden of the witch though.


The best part of all: Abbie got out of purgatory in this episode.

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At the very beginning of the first scene, I thought wait, did I forget what happened in the season finale? Did I only remember up to the part where he was buried alive and she was in purgatory? Did I just block out the part where they both escaped? But after they mentioned Jenny being dead and that it had been a year, I definitely didn't have a mini stroke that affected my memory.


Ichabod and Abby's reunion hug was the best. I don't ship them. I like them as platonic friends and I don't want them to hook up, so I took their hug as BFFs and partners who really thought they would never see each other again. It was so awesome and sweet.


I was so happy to see John Cho again. Don't get killed, Andy!

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This did not feel like a premiere.  It felt like the third part of the Season 1 finale.


I copped immediately to the fake-out.  I knew something was hinky, but I kinda dug Abbie and Ichabod's travelling arsenal and a glimpse of a how well honed their partnership had eventually become.


I liked the call back to the S1 premiere, though, the visual of Ichabod clawing his way out of a grave followed by him running out onto the interstate.


Jenny felt very Jenny.  Good on them for not forgetting that she is a world travelling, ex-Demon possessed, ex-mental patient, Sarah Connoresque freedom fighter, mercenary.  Of course she'd free herself and in kick ass fashion.  Anything less would have been un-Jenny.


Katrina seemed awfully flustered at the sight of Headless' buffed torso.  Makes me think that she and Ichabod did it under the sheets at night, partially clothed. 


Abbie, oh, Abbie.  I love you so. I love how she's like, well I am in Purgatory but I do not need to be stuck in Barbie's hell house.  She's running around, getting intel, figuring shit out.  And Andy!!!


Now that the bonkers but excellent premiere is out of the way I hope the show does get back to a more studied pace and deals more deeply with Ichabod & Abbie's relationahsip.  The fake-out we saw at the beginning was two people who had a cemented trust.  But I don't think Ab & Ich are there right now.  There is the elephant in the room with Ichabod's tunnel vision with getting Katrina out and all that that lead to.  Abby's questioning of his zeal to get the key "Maybe that's what they want us to do."  is a not-so-subtle reminder of his laser focus on getting the map and how, in dping so, they played right into Moloch's hands.


And finally, I am not a huge Ichabbie shipper (just a medium sized one), but come on!  This whole episode was full of Ichabbie feels.  You can't have Ichabod recording what he thinks will be his final message before he dies to Abbie and not have people draw obvious conclusions.  This is why I don't trust them when they say "oh, we don't mean to write them that way..." Bullshit.  The hugs, the soulful looks, the I will come back for you... I continue to fight.... blah blah blah.  


But all in all that was a freaking awesome ep!

Edited by DearEvette
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So, have there been any other characters in flashbacks to speak with basically a modern-day American accent? I thought they pretty much all employed British accents, as the current American accent hadn't had time to develop. It's at least the first time it stuck out to me and was really, really jarring. I love Timothy Busfield, but it felt like a modern person trying to speak in the manner of the Revolutionary period. I'm sure I'm reading way too much into it...

Edited by kennyab
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Well, that was fun! Great to see the gang bac and glad they moved the story along so quickly. I'm still recovering from a month long concussion and the mind is still slow, so the opening had me really confused. Nice fake out. Katrina is still boring. I'm going with she's just a woman of her time period.

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I kind of knew the beginning was a fake out, but then it went on and on and on, so I wondered if FOX was showing the episodes out of order or something.  Glad it was a fake out.


I adore John Noble; I saw him in a play a few months ago, what a voice he has.  He also looks like he's having a great time with this show.


Was it intentional to contrast the two women tied to chairs? Jenny owns her captor like a boss, yet Katrina remains tied to a chair muttering things like "I'll never submit," as if she's trapped in an old school problematic romance novel, shirtless dude included, as some damsel in distress. I hope that Katrina escapes, just for the sake of my respect for the writers. If Abraham lets down his illusionary hair and it blows in the illusionary wind, I'm calling shenanigans.



I laughed so hard at this.  That's what Katrina's situation looked like, something out of a Barbara Cartland novel, complete with Fabio or someone like that on the cover; LOL at shirtless headless horseman; isn't the guy who's playing him some male model?

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I suspected the beginning was a fakeout. It had a sort of isolated, dream-like quality to it and some of the elements with Henry just seemed *off* -- BUT i wonder if there was foreshadowing there: all that talk between Ichabod and Abbie about how much they'd lost in that year including Katrina and Jenny. Made me wonder if - in the same way that sequence revealed something real to Henry -- it revealed something(s) real to us.

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The beginning...I've been watching Damages, so I figured it was a flash forward and then they'd go back and fill in the holes the entire season via flash backs and then catch up with the future.  So I was totally onboard with Katrina being dead even though the actress is still on contract.  But alas...she might as well have been dead.  I was watching her tied up like, "She's a witch.  What is going on?"  Speaking of watching (or not, as it were), I completely missed the shirtless Horseman, so I'll have to rewatch (as if I needed an excuse).  I think my favorite part was how much of a hater Ichabod was - the candle ("Do we just stare at it?"), Ben Franklin; it just cracked me up.

Edited by kia112
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Ha. Well, clearly Katrina will continue to be a lightning rod in forums! Tough crowd! I actually loved that she faked out Headless by eating bread while glaring daggers ,,, just before actually grabbing the dagger and WHAMMING it right thru his stalker ex-boyfriend hand! I personally thought she was much feistier, even tied to the chair, and I'm interested to see where it goes. Unfortunately, I do worry thAt they'll Stockholm Syndrome her character, which would push me to the "wtf writers?" side of the Katrina debate. But If she just starts buttering up Headless, messing with his heart to get out, I'm on board.

Love Jenny, Abbie, Henry/Jeremy and of course CRANE! I have to say, that man has chemistry oozing out of him. In his goodbye scene with Jenny, I suddenly thought, "Hey now! Ichabod and Jenny? Maybe?"

And I am totally in for the Forrest Gump treatment of Crane. All his bitchy, catty comments about historic figures is AWESOME!

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Was it intentional to contrast the two women tied to chairs? Jenny owns her captor like a boss, yet Katrina remains tied to a chair muttering things like "I'll never submit," as if she's trapped in an old school problematic romance novel, shirtless dude included, as some damsel in distress.

Good observation.  I'd say it was now that  I think about it.  I think the writers are trapped with Katrina - if they make her too independent and feisty, she's way out of line with the era when she lived.  I've thought they kind of pushed the limits on that the first season.  But that does not explain why she wouldn't just magic her way out of being tied up (or just stood up as rightly noted) since she is supposed to be this super powerful witch (or was back in the day).  They could have just put some anti-magicky thing in the room and that would easily explain the non-magic solution.


Katrina was slightly less annoying than usual.  Probably toning down the Victoria Secret make up and cleavage a bit helped.  But she is kind of the black hole of acting.


But If she just starts buttering up Headless, messing with his heart to get out, I'm on board.

If she is going to stick around, I say turn her evil fully.

So I was totally onboard with Katrina being dead even though the actress is still on contract.

Dead on this show doesn't mean the same thing as it does on most shows.

Edited by DeLurker
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