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Season 2 Discussion


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I feel sorry for Amy. She's only 21, gets picked up from the airport and dumped in an attic bedroom in a house where she doesn't know the people. And Danny the virgin can't see her again until the following evening. He also hinted his Father is racist.

Something is fishy that Justin isn't introducing Evelin to his family. He must think they are not going to approve.

Daya seems disappointed by the whole American situation so far. She doesn't even believe her diamond is real and wants it checked.

I think Danielle is older than 41. Her son commented she was 40-something.

Edited by Straycat80

Ohhhhh!  So many WTF moments just in 2 episodes!  


Daya and Brett - he's socially awkward and I would imagine is used to "American women" being rude and disrespectful to him.  Unfortunately, he doesn't see it as a reflection on him or his immature personality, so he goes looking for a wife that is from a culture that stereotypically has submissive women.  I don't think he really wants an equal relationship, I think he got exactly what he wants in Daya, he just doesn't realize it.  He wants someone to boss him around and reinforce his already crappy self image.  His nervous laugh is sad because I think he really is nervous all the time around women his age.  Like RealityGal said previously, I was married to a guy sorta like Brett and I had zero respect for him, walked all over him and eventually out the door.  Now, 30 years later I'm ashamed of how I treated this sweet and kind man, but I didn't respect him at all and without respect you can't truly love someone. Daya is SUPER aggressive though-pointing out to Bretts mom that she thinks the ring is fake and being rude to Brett in front of her.  I live in a place that has a large Filipino population, mostly in mixed white husband/Filipino wife marriages (Navy guys stationed there bring wives home alot) and the Filipino women I know and am friends with tend to be soft spoken, a little shy and not "in your face" at all like Daya is.  They aren't pushovers, but they aren't bitches either.


Why didn't Danny take the day off after Amy got there to at least help her get on the internet, take her to the store, get her some books from the library or something?  I know we didn't see it, but did his sister and bil greet Amy when she got there and show her where the coffee is, how to work the tv remote and generally make her feel a little bit welcome?  I like these 2 and think that they're genuine, but I don't think Danny knows what he's doing.  He's going to have to buck up pretty quick, especially if there's a less than supportive father in the mix.


Chelsea and Yamir, I like them, I think they love each other and I think they're doomed just because they will each only be happy in their own countries.  It's sad, but sometimes love isn't enough.


Mohammed and Danielle - nothing more to say.  Just waiting for the inevitable breakdown on Danielle's part.  


Justin is shady.  Evelin needs to run.  I think kickstarting a return ticket for her would be a good idea.


(Full disclosure, my brother met a woman in Japan while he was there working for several months.  They got married 2 years later and didn't use a K1 visa process and it was very convoluted but eventually she was able to come here and live with him after being married over a year.  They truly loved each other as much as I've seen any married couple and tried and tried to make it work.  Ultimately, the culture shock was too much, but I also think she didn't expect some of my brother's personal quirks and he didn't expect hers.  There's a massive difference in visiting for a couple weeks or a month and then living day in and day out with someone from a different culture.  And my sil is educated, was going to classes at the university and had friends so she wasn't isolated.  It's so sad for all of us because we ALL love her, but she and my brother couldn't make it work.  I don't think these couples are thinking about what  life in 2-3 years is going to look like.)

Sorry I'm so full of stuff to say today, but it's not just the fiances from foreign countries that are shady/jerks.  A guy that works for my husband took a month off to go to the Phillipines to marry his girlfriend.  He's a guy in his late 40s who lives with his mom and hasn't ever been married.  My husband really isn't the type to give advice but another co worker was super worried about the whole thing.  He told the co worker not to worry, that if the first woman didn't work out he has a "back up" and of course the women don't know about each other.


He was gone for a month, came back without either one.  No idea what happened either, he hasn't had a lot to say about it, understandably.

  • Love 6

Chelsea isn’t bad looking.  She just needs access to a hot bath, a comb and some makeup. 


I think Chelsea is lovely. She has more of a healthy/outdoorsy look than a movie star/model look, she has a beautiful smile, gorgeous hair, and legs that won't quit. And last night she referred to "opportunities" for Yamir's career. They know what they're doing. They'll settle down in Illinois for awhile, to get Yamir up to speed in English and to start checking out prospects for his future. Then it'll be off to Miami or LA or NYC. I'm not worried about Yamir and Chelsea at all. He's not some kid, he's 28. If he wants to try and make it in the US, why not? And its not as if Nicaragua is so far. Once Yamir and Chelsea get married and he gets his green card, he'll be able to travel back and forth, right? People on House Hunters buy summer places in Nicaragua all the time. Its not New Zealand. Gabriel is mad about losing his meal ticket, nothing more.

For a second episode, I found it awfully boring.  I was looking forward to it all week and it was sort of a let down.  Part of the reason being I'm dying to see that guy Jason with the firecracker batshit crazy fiancée.  I thought they'd be on the premier, then thought this week.  Weird they're not introducing everyone.

  • Love 1

It seemed like Amy arrived late at night, and by the time she got there, her hosts (the brother and sister-in-law) were already in bed.  So she was going to have to wake up in a strange house with people she had never met!  It probably would have been easier if Danny could have taken her to his house (his parents house or whatever...not sure where he lives) and she could have stayed there the first night.  Surely he could contain himself for one night and sleep on the couch or something.  Their situation reminds me a lot of Alan and Kirylam from the first season. 


I can barely stand to watch Danielle.  She makes me so uncomfortable, with all the giggling and simpering, and I do no buy for one hot second that Mohammed is attracted or genuinely wants to be married to her. 


Y'all, Yamir's manager Gabriel is totally the Lou Perlman of Nicarauga! 

  • Love 4

 I know we didn't see it, but did his sister and bil greet Amy when she got there and show her where the coffee is, how to work the tv remote and generally make her feel a little bit welcome? 



I don't think they greeted her. Amy said something in the attic about waking up in the morning and seeing the brother and sister-in-law. I got the distinct impression she'd never met them before. Also, based on how dark it was and how quickly Danny left because he said he had to get up early for work, I have a feeling Amy arrived in the early morning hours. I've had guests arrive at my home very late, and I rose to help them get situated (i.e., here are the towels, help yourself to any food, etc.), but I understand not everyone would get out of bed to do that if they had work in a few hours.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 1

I'm guessing that Danny is Mormon, and lives with his parents. They would not welcome the fiancé of any son living under their roof. (Meaning they would want the fiancé living elsewhere.) But they won't identify the religion as there is obviously going to be some ugliness over his father and or parents about her being of mixed race background.

Edited by GEML
  • Love 1

Yamir and Chelsea do look like they have been a couple for some time, and really know each other.  They seem to be on solid grounds, so that whatever challenges life may bring, they are likely to face them together.  I am rooting for these two.


Daya ande Brett... she doesn't trust him yet.  I get what it means to her to check that the ring is for real.  The guy rents a room with a couple of old ladies... it's a way for her to know if the doofus is for real.  She actually seems to be into him, and if he passes the "test" - she may very well adapt to the situation and make the best of it.


Danielle talks to Mohamed like a grandmother that hasn't seen her 3 yr old grandchild in 6 months.  He's probably not that bad a person, just your run of the mill the ends-justify-the-means type of guy.  He's like a talking doll, you pull the string and he says the right things like a robot.

What are the racial concerns with Amy?  She's white.  She looks like Scarlett Johanson if she grabbed the wrong shade of Nice'N'Easy.

That or Justin is a huge player and probably doesn't want his family to say anything about it. Cos if he's done nothing but bring around skanky, slutty girls in the past now that he has Evelin, he may not want them to automatically think she's like that. Or they could be totally racist. Or they're obnoxious alcoholics. We have no idea.

  • Love 1

Daya, as particular as she is, wouldn't last with someone who she couldn't walk over easily. A lot of men would have told her off if she told them that the ring he proposed with was 'dusty'. A lot of men would have ignored her request to go to the jewelry store to check if the ring was real. She found the right one with Brett. She can complain all she wants and he will bend over backwards to make her happy.


Yeah, but it made me not like who I was around him.  I think if a man stood up to Daya, she would straighten up quick.  If Brett made some noise about how its "not going to work out" and "maybe its for the best she just go back" I think she would start to show him a little more respect.  Although, frankly, when my ex and I broke it off I was relieved, and after a while when he did try to stand up to me I thought he was a joke (his version of standing up to me normally involved him crying or preparing to cry).  I know, for me, I can be nice and sweet, just not with that type of guy.

  • Love 3

Oh dear God, this was painful to watch. I'm amazed Mohammed even got to the point of being granted a K-1 visa.  I say this because I have friends who met online through a big forum we're on (not a dating site). She was in Oregon, he in England. He went over to visit her, she came over to visit him. They fell in love. She came to live in England and they got married in the UK, and two years later they decided to live in the USA.


You wouldn't believe the hoops they had to jump through for him to get a visa to live in the USA - and this is after they'd been married and living in the UK for more than two years. I swore an Affidavit confirming that I'd attended their wedding, and had been to family parties at his parents' home where it was clear that they were happily married and she was loved by his family, that they'd visited me and stayed at my home many times. I had to go to the US Embassy in London with photos of all these occasions confirming all of this, so they could be satisfied it was a genuine marriage.I was interviewed and questioned in some depth about my friends' relationship. And they also had the interview where they're each questioned separately about each other's likes and dislikes, "what's his favourite food?", all that kind of thing.


So if that was needed for people who were already married, and who were so obviously in love, how did Mohammed and Daya manage to scam their K-1 visas?


I really thought Mohammed had skipped out at JFK and disappeared in NYC. And the instant I saw him I knew he was only in it for the green card. Likewise Daya. Clearly her sad sack of a boyfriend is batting way out of his league, and he obviously has issues with American women. But he has so little to offer a woman that it's no wonder he can't find a wife at home. The NotAlecBaldwin idiot seemed to have a genuine relationship with his girlfriend, but all that 'dishes in the sink' malarkey was so staged that it was pathetic. I don't care enough about the pop star couple to have any opinion on them yet. That may change.


And I'll sign off by dropping this in here. Sorry, couldn't resist ...


  • Love 5

Newcomer here and I am loving this show and all of your comments.

People I feel most sorry for (in order)

Danielle's kids - Mohamed is going to suck out what little money Danielle has, it's just a matter of time. And they kids are going to be the ones that suffer. My best friend's mom married this guy from Argentina. Large age difference and in 5 years they were done and so was her 401k and the house that my friend grew up in. Mom had to stay with her until she found a room for rent in someone else's house.

Evelyn - Justin is an asshole. The way he kept pawing her in the limo and was in such a hurry to sleep with her totally rubbed me the wrong way. And the fact that he refuses to introduce her to his family which she clearly wants is a huge red flag.

Amy - I thought about putting Amy first, but I think she could probably just catch a flight home if things go south. Danny just seems really naive and stupid. How come they didn't discuss living arrangements before? Amy couldn't google map that house and see that it was in BFE? Gah. Danny couldn't have given her some magazines, his high school yearbook, or a Coming to America DVD to pass the time? Poor girl. I can't wait until we meet the racists...

I don't feel as sorry for the others.

  • Love 1

Here are a couple of thoughts:

Why is Yamir's manager such a jerk? It's only 90 days. If he gets married and gets his green card he can return for visits, right? If they don't click, he's back for good, presumably so what's the guy trying to blow up the band for.

You can tell Danny got no good advice from older sister since she would have asked about some stranger being in her house all alone for three months, you know, without a car and of course nowhere to go. Danny's so young and naive, and I feel for Amy. How many books can you read and BTW, did he leave her a computer to use at least? How does this not make things impossible for them? http://tvruckus.com/2014/10/27/90-day-fiance-recap-will-no-sex-help-or-hurt-couples-chances/

  • Love 1

You can tell Danny got no good advice from older sister since she would have asked about some stranger being in her house all alone for three months, you know, without a car and of course nowhere to go. Danny's so young and naive, and I feel for Amy. How many books can you read and BTW, did he leave her a computer to use at least? How does this not make things impossible for them? http://tvruckus.com/2014/10/27/90-day-fiance-recap-will-no-sex-help-or-hurt-couples-chances/


This will work only if Amy is more naive than Danny. If he didn't leave a computer, it's because he doesn't want her googling transportation back to the airport. 


I hope he's getting married for the right reasons. 

  • Love 2

I think Amy resembles a younger and prettier Jurnee Smollet (Friday Night Lights). I can't believe Danny dumped her in his brother's attic and just took off. That poor girl! I don't know if it's because of her age (21), but my maternal instincts kicked in and I wanted to throttle him. He had clearly not thought things through. He is either extremely immature or not working with a full deck.

I thought Daya rude and disrespectful. I couldn't believe she questioned the authenticity of her engagement ring in the presence of Brett's mom. She should have waited until they were alone.

I was relieved when one of Danielle's daughters said that it wasn't awkward having Mohamed living with them.

The woman who is 15 years older than Mohammed made me sick.  She has three impressionable teenage daughters (who already seem milesmore mature than her) and she's not only sending money to some guy in his 20's, but she's bringing him here to marry him?!  I have a really hard time respecting that.  Unless she's a very wealthy woman, she shouldn't send him one dime.  Her tearful performance all through the airport was shameful and awful to display in front of her daughters.  Get it together, sister.  Seriously.  Also, Mohammed's statement in next week's preview that she was physically "acceptable" to him made me furious.  That women is so desperate, she's willing to accept the fact that this guy is obviously not in love with her.  I can already tell that she's going to piss me off every Sunday night.

I just can't with this woman...Sorry but she's like an overgrown baby & exposing her children to a stranger from another country?

Hell nah! 


to bring some dude barely out of his teens in Tunisia but brings him into the US where he will be another dependent and further stretch whatever meager income she makes. Come on!!  Yet for some reason or other she tugs on my sympathy string because she doesn't seem quite right to me. Mohammad finds her looks perfectly 'acceptable.'  Isn't that how every potential bride longs to be describedby her prospective fiance?

Exactly. It's not enough that they are struggling financially but to take even more away from her kids? The hell?



I think it is really foolish to bring a man you barely know, to live in a house with young girls.


  • Love 2


I thought Daya rude and disrespectful. I couldn't believe she questioned the authenticity of her engagement ring in the presence of Brett's mom. She should have waited until they were alone.

The more I think of this the more I am like WTF?!? Why even board a plane to come marry the dude if you have such reservations and can't even last the car ride from the airport to his home to confront him in front of his mom about this mess. I know for damn sure they must have jewelry appraisers in the Philippines. Why not have it appraised before going through the trouble of packing up your life and moving across the world for a 'mark' you think might not be worth it? I wouldn't doubt he was sending her gifts and money. She should have spent some of that money to check and see if the ring was real. She is making a fool of herself on tv over something that was avoidable. Golddigger 101.

  • Love 3

I am trying to figure out where Danny's sister lives so I can map it out in my head. But so far nobody has mentioned the name of her town. And watching him trying to set up a bedroom when he's supposed to be a house remodeler was painful. He doesn't know how a bed goes together, yet he uses power tools and does home improvements? Really? My oldest stepbrother does that for a living (remodels homes) and I can guarantee he can put together simple bedroom furniture. I'm getting a definite femme vibe from him. Maybe not gay (I haven't seen enough) but definitely a bit of a girlyman. 


Mohamed and Danielle is just sad to watch. She looks like his grandma. His very very sad grandma. I also feel like her son has the same slow affect Danielle does. Maybe it's a mental thing, maybe not. But it doesn't seem cultural.


I really didn't get the impression from Chelsea and Yamir's segments that Myla Vox was this crazy popular latino band. It looked like they were stuffed into some back party room in a hotel for the bon voyage party, which doesn't strike me as they've made it big. But I am sure once they are married he's free to travel back and forth. Or move to somewhere with more latino culture here in the states.


Justin and Evelin seemed better.

  • Love 2

Okay a few things..

I agree with everyone about Evelin and Justin. He said he wanted to be a better person, let's see it!

I'm reserving judgment on Daya, just because my Spidey-senses are tingling something is wrong with her guy.

Danielle is pathetic. She looks in her forties to me, just not skinny.

Finally Chelsea seems not too great to me. I think she kind of likes the guy and she kind of likes the power she has over him. I'm going to get man who's the Justin Beiber/Timberlake of his country and move into my small town in my country where he doesn't speak the language and he's going to do this because he loves me! I am so special to I can get a guy to give up everything.

I think his manager is spot on about the situation.


Edited by Temperance
  • Love 1

I feel like the Danielle/Mohammed scenes are giving us foreshadowing of a not very happy ending.  The music they play is not very cheerful and happy. 

and OMG she is like glued to that poor man's arm. 





Mohamed and Danielle is just sad to watch. She looks like his grandma. His very very sad grandma. I also feel like her son has the same slow affect Danielle does. Maybe it's a mental thing, maybe not. But it doesn't seem cultural.


I really didn't get the impression from Chelsea and Yamir's segments that Myla Vox was this crazy popular latino band. It looked like they were stuffed into some back party room in a hotel for the bon voyage party, which doesn't strike me as they've made it big. But I am sure once they are married he's free to travel back and forth. Or move to somewhere with more latino culture here in the states.


Justin and Evelin seemed better.


You know, I was thinking about that to, it looked like the conference room at a Marriott or Holiday Inn.  But then I thought, well Nicargua may be a poor country and so this may be what you do when you're a rock star in a small and poor country.  I think more and more that this is some publicity move and Gabriel is in on everything.  I guess that the move to BFE seemed more real, and frankly it would be tough to make it in Miami, NYC, or LA.


I totally agree about Danielle.  She is a stage 5 clinger and I think Mohammed may have gotten more than he bargained for.  She seems like the type to stalk him after he leaves her and shoot him, or kidnap him.  I just see Misery scenarios all around.  I am impressed with how many times he says "thank you" though.  She was clearly trying to get him to change his mind about sleeping with her, and she said something like "well, this is the couch, since you want to have sex after marriage you'll have to sleep here" and his answer was a very flat "oh yes, we'll have to get married soon, thank you for that."


And yes, her son seems slow.  Mohammed as already established his intellectual dominance over that entire family.  I felt so bad for that kid, he clearly wants to be the big man protecting his mom, but he got punked in pool by Mohammed in front of everyone.


Truly, if this trainwreck was only happening to Danielle I would be fine with it.  A 41 year old woman should know better.  She wants a guy that wants her for her wonderful personality, but I think there are men with wonderful personalities that live in her area.  But none of them that look like Mohammed would give her the time of day.  So, her focus is on the physical and superficial with him.  If he had been a nice 50 year old man from Tansania she wouldn't have given him the time of day.  I only worry for her children, because when he bolts she is going to be a mess.


I don't hate Mohammed anymore than I hate the beautiful women from foreign countries with depressed economies that are picked up by American men.  He seems like a nice enough guy, and so I'm hoping that he is just using her for the green card and doesn't leave her broke.  And honestly, I think if he just continues to hug her and hold her hand, he may not have to have much sex with her.


Or to prove they're heterosexual. However, I have no idea about Danny.


I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who has some questions.  His two best friends appear to not be the manliest of men either. I'm sure his family has their own questions.  If he was strategic and bold, he would tell them he was gay, and the introduce Amy.  The only thing that bothers racists more than interracial dating, is intragender dating.  They would be certain to embrace her after that.

  • Love 6

And he would do stupid, annoying shit like that all the time.  and maybe if I respected him it either wouldn't have bothered me, or whatever else I felt would have outweighed it, or maybe I would have just not thought about it, but I didn't respect him and so I would get annoyed, and it would show.  and he was a nice guy, but he would do stupid shit, like this guy showing up late to pick up someone flying in from another country.  Thats already going to put her in a pissy mood, and now you're handing her these flowers and laughing like a hyena and its a recipe for disaster.


Let's preface saying that I don't like Daya one bit andI think she is in this for all the wrong reason for him and the right reasons for her but i do perfectly understand your plight,


Passive aggresive guys do this kind of crap so underhandedly that it might look to the outsider as if you are overreacting but only a person who has lived through it would be able to understand why is it so annoying. Worse yet is when everybody else thinks he is such a great guy while probably thinking you are being just a B... , eventually it gets old so I am relieved that you are talking about him in the past tense.  


Daya asking Brett to take her to the jewelry storyu left a bad taste in my mouth but then again maybe she has taken that ring to a jewelry store in Phillipines to apraise it and the value of it wasn't what she thought would be of a real diamond ring.

  • Love 2

Daya asking Brett to take her to the jewelry storyu left a bad taste in my mouth but then again maybe she has taken that ring to a jewelry store in Phillipines to apraise it and the value of it wasn't what she thought would be of a real diamond ring.

Could be. And she wants him "caught on camera" as the jeweler tells them it's fake.

Let's preface saying that I don't like Daya one bit andI think she is in this for all the wrong reason for him and the right reasons for her but i do perfectly understand your plight,


Passive aggresive guys do this kind of crap so underhandedly that it might look to the outsider as if you are overreacting but only a person who has lived through it would be able to understand why is it so annoying. Worse yet is when everybody else thinks he is such a great guy while probably thinking you are being just a B... , eventually it gets old so I am relieved that you are talking about him in the past tense.  


Daya asking Brett to take her to the jewelry storyu left a bad taste in my mouth but then again maybe she has taken that ring to a jewelry store in Phillipines to apraise it and the value of it wasn't what she thought would be of a real diamond ring.

You are so right, it sounds like you've been through it too.  I'm not sure how you handled it, but it drove me up the wall!


 And while I realize that a lot of the things he would do were passive aggressive, I still felt bad.  For example, he would sometimes say the most condescending thing to me.  Especially when he would be trying to give me "work advice."  And if I would tell him that I really didn't need any advice it would suddenly be "oh, he was just trying to help" and he knows this and he knows that.  And again, maybe if it was someone I respected, or someone even in the same field....but he worked retail and I was in a totally different field.  It would turn into an argument, and then he would start to cry.  And in retrospect it was the most passive aggressive move ever, because he knew that it would stop me in my tracks.  I don't really cry so the whole thing would just stop me.  So he could say anything he wanted and if he felt like he was losing, he would just start crying.  The last fight we ever had, it was getting to that point and I could hear him fucking sniffling on the other end, and instead of backing down, I remember specifically saying "are you fucking sniffling over there, are you fucking crying, can we ever have an argument without you breaking down like a girl in a fucking Judy Bloom novel?!?!?!!!"


To this day my parents say I'm just too picky, however, to their credit, even those in my family who were his most ardent supporters fell back when they found out about the crying.


I guess to me, the thing with the ring is that I wouldn't be mad at a guy for getting me a fake ring if I loved him and if he was honest about it.  The ring seems more like a symbol to me, like he gave you the ring in a promise to marry you, even if its rinky dink, the intention behind the ring is still there.  And the intent should be what matters.  I just think she is really concerned because she wants to be able to hock it if it doesn't work out.  I think his question of "what would happen if I got you a fake ring" should have been more of a focus.  And sadly, he seems like the type of guy that could easily have been tricked into paying full price for a fake diamond.

  • Love 2

I'm not convinced that Daya deserves any sympathy because Brett is spineless and cheesy. While some women do not like that dynamic in a relationship, some do. I think she is one of the latter. It is tacky in my book to tell your future mother-in-law that you think your ring is dusty and possibly a fake and it's just as tacky to criticize the arrangement of flowers you've been given. Independent of Brett's personality, those actions reflect poorly on Daya. As a general commentary (not specific to anyone here), I don't find it appropriate to speak down to someone just because you think they are lame or unintelligent. Therefore, I do not like Daya thus far. Maybe future episodes will change my mind.


Brett is living in a home with two roommates and I am assuming he pays child support for his daughter. He says he works in a factory with the two roommates and since he's gotten close enough to them that they would all live together, I am going to assume he is at their pay grade or around it. He paid to bring Daya here. He bought a ring he could afford.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 3

I wonder if Myla Vox is a Menudo situation. When I did an image search on them, they had four members. And on this week's episode, Gabri said Freddy was new. Maybe they just shuffle guys in and out of the rotation. Or maybe it's a Destiny's Child thing where a couple of guys got the boot. In either case, it makes me think this isn't the most stable group and their level of fame is more O-town than Nsync. Maybe it's a hot mess and Yamir is getting out because he sees the end coming, even if only for himself because at 28, he is getting old for the boy band fan demographic.


Gabri's big announcement was spiteful for sure. I don't agree with the way he did it,  but I understand why he did it.  Yamir planned to blithely skip off to the USA, leaving his manager and rest of his group to make the announcement and pick up the pieces. Gabri's actions said "Hell no. You're the one who made this stupid decision, you stand there and defend it and face your shocked/disappointed/angry fans. I'm not taking this hit for you." Granted, that's the manager's job, to deal with that kind of thing, but I think Gabri really wanted Yamir to have to face some of the negative consequences of his decision to leave.  It was a passive aggressive, bitch move, but I understand the motivation. I couldn't really feel any sympathy for Yamir. Probably because Chelsea's crying got on my last nerve. I'm not sure why she bothers me, but I just can't warm up to her.


It was so weird, that scene about Mohamed sleeping on the couch. I mean, I get it that Danielle wants sex. Or actually, I don't even know if it was sex, I think she just wanted him in bed with her. It's like she has to be in physical contact with him every minute. But for heaven's sake, she's got three kids in the house. She's so busy thinking about what she wants, it does not occur to her at all to consider how inappropriate this whole thing is. What happens when your teenaged daughter brings a 25 year old man home as her "fiance" and they want to get it on in the next bedroom over?

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 5

Chelsea's constant vocal fry got on my last nerve. I figured out why Yamir looks odd to me: his eyebrows are almost invisible. That and the color he has dyed his hair is the wrong undertone - it's too warm. 


I'm on Team Gabriel. What is the rush??? The group is just releasing a new album!!! That needs to be supported with interviews, performances, and maybe even a tour. Leaving right now is awful timing that will hurt the group and Yamir. Why can't Chelsea travel back and forth for a while?? What does she do for a living? It can't be anything too intense living so far from a major city and if she is able to take time off to do volunteer work. Is she a teacher? Well, then it should be easy for her to get a teaching job in another place or even in Nicaragua (even if it takes some time to arrange). As it is, she is asking Yamir to give up everything - his country, family, language, career, etc. If she stayed in Nicaragua, they would be able to make enough money that she could travel back to see her family and friends in the US often. 


Edited to fix spelling/typo.

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 4

Yep Ohio brings the creep factor again with the introduction of Danielle from Norwalk.  As a resident I am so proud.


I am forever grateful Mohammed and Danielle did not make out in Cleveland Hopkins Airport.  It will be difficult to watch this season but I will.


Underlying thought again with the majority of the American participants - "I paid good money,,,,,"


Please folks despite they showings from Lakewood and now Norwalk; Ohio does have non creepy and weirdly controlling people. 

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I DVR'd "My Online Bride," but haven't watched yet....looking forward to it!!


I definitely don't get the sense that Myla Vox is the N'Sync (or NKOTB, depending on your age) of Nicaraugra.  I'm guessing Gabriel can find another Yamir pretty easily.  But if Chelsea has a good command of the Spanish language, I would definitely think she could find a job and they could stay there for awhile...maybe even afford hot water! 

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"When you love someone, you follow them to the ends of the earth," Chelsea has said more than once.  Or, if you love someone and already moved to his country because apparently you found it acceptable enough to spend all kinds of time volunteering there (hello, j-o-b, or are mommy and daddy going to be supporting them?) and you speak the language fluently and he has a family and friends and community and j-o-b...  You stay THERE (if you love someone). 


How she could stand there (albeit sniffling sympathetically) watching those heartwrenching scenes with his mother and grandmother and even hairdresser and still make him leave (it's obvious that this was a condition of "not losing her") is beyond me...


And I dunno; I'm liking Daya more and more!  She's just the plain-spoken, no-nonsense type.  "Why you not clean this up?  Look like tramp live here!"


Not seeing where racism comes into this with Evelyn, given that there are only three races and Latinos are considered Caucasian.  I'm going with the family having some dirt on Old Blue Eyes/Alec Baldwin that he doesn't want exposed (I, too, was wondering who "Liz" might be) or simple lack of kahunas.

Edited by joanofarch4
  • Love 2

Chelsea's constant vocal fry got on my last nerve. I figured out why Yamir looks odd to me: his eyebrows are almost invisible. That and the color he has dyed his hair is the wrong undertone - it's too warm.

I'm on Team Gabriel. What is the rush??? The group is just releasing a new album!!! That needs to be supported with interviews, performances, and maybe even a tour. Leaving right now is awful timing that will hurt the group and Yamir. Why can't Chelsea travel back and forth for a while?? What does she do for a living? It can't be anything too intense living so far from a major city and if she is able to take time off to do volunteer work. Is she a teacher? Well, then it should be easy for her to get a teaching job in another place or even in Nicaragua (even if it takes some time to arrange). As it is, she is asking Yamir to give up everything - his country, family, language, career, etc. If she stayed in Nicaragua, they would be able to make enough money that she could travel back to see her family and friends in the US often.

Edited to fix spelling/typo.

Perhaps by going the fiance instead of spousal visa routes the husband gets on American TV without going the singing contest route.



Not seeing where racism comes into this with Evelyn, given that there are only three races and Latinos are considered Caucasian.  I'm going with the family having some dirt on Old Blue Eyes/Alec Baldwin that he doesn't want exposed (I, too, was wondering who "Liz" might be) or simple lack of kahunas.

Latino/a is an ethnicity.  There are Latinos/Latinas of every race.  I have no idea how Evelin would self-identify but her being Latina does not automatically mean she's White.  I know Latinos of all racial derivations and depending upon the country, you'll have more African ancestry than in others.

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