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Season 2 Discussion


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Not really related to this episode, but my brothers and I were talking about the lack of Dani and Mo on this episode and I was filling them in on her money woes, my youngest brother wants to start a Kickstarter or a GoFundMe for DaniMo.   I'd be onboard for that.  If we get to watch their married life, I would.    We are mean people.  

That's what the TLC money gods are for. But like i said before, a good replacement for Honey Boo Boo.  I can watch an hour of Dani trying to dry hump Mo's arm and him making excuses as to why he cannot have marital relations. 

  • Love 6

I wonder what Cassia did before she came to the U.S.? She dresses kinda prostitute-y. I like Jason's Dad, you can tell he wants to roll his eyes do bad whenever his son is stupid talking. WTF with Jason at the aquarium saying the shark would grab Cassia and kill her. He got a weirdo look in his eyes when he said that, like more weird than usual.

I'm glad Justin is eloping. The SIL is a bitch, her mouth was hanging open the whole time. I was hoping a fly would fly into her big mouth.

Amy is such a sweetheart and so glad Danny's family had a nice party for her. I got a little verklempted myself watching her trying on the wedding dresses and her mom crying.

Good thing Daya only has to be insta-mom for a month. Although it did look like her and the kid were having fun at the end.

Edited by Straycat80
  • Love 6

* Okay, let's get this out of the way right from jump (and before I scream): Stop. Saying. Insta-mom.  Just stop it.  Once or twice was fine.  Still stupid, but acceptable.  This is ridiculous, though.  If this were a drinking game, I would have passed out before the second commercial break.  Daya has some serious nerve, chewing Brett out for "not being the man of the family."  He shouldn't have to explain to a grown-ass woman that a small child needs to be approached with kindness, tender, loving care, and patience.  Sounds like it's time for Brett to find a fun summer day camp for Cassidy.  I can't even imagine being her mother, watching this nonsense.  There is no way in hell that some random, rude, constantly chewing bitch steps off a plane, meets a little girl for the first time, makes less-than-half-hearted attempts to interact with her on her level, and earns the dubious title of "insta-mom."  Daya is as much a mom as I am an NFL quarterback.  (FYI: Not even a little bit.)  


* Jason and Cassia.  Although I still don't like her, I have this weird feeling that Cassia isn't so bad in her home country.  She's just such a fish out of water here, particularly in the sleepy retirement community where Jason lives.  Her reaction to Jason's somewhat lackluster proposal and the ring he gave her was nice, but if we use Daya as a barometer, anything would have been nice. 


* Chelsea and Yamir.  Oh, Yamir, honey.  Maybe it's just my admittedly old-fashioned taste in music, but I didn't think his "audition" was all that great.  I'm curious to see what other people think.  (And since when is Chicago a big music town?  Maybe I'm missing something.)  I still like Yamir and am pulling for him.  Again, Chelsea should have moved to Nicaragua and that's all there is to it.


* Amy and Danny.  I love Amy even more after seeing her mom's beautiful reaction to her wedding dress.  You can easily see why Amy is such a sweet girl.  The bachelorette party was cute.  They seem like nice girls.  I'm still unimpressed with Danny and wish Amy could have ended up with someone else.  She's easily my favorite fiancé.


* Danielle and Mohammed.  We received a well-deserved break from this grifter and his dim-witted barnacle.  I'm sure that means that we'll get a double dose next week.


* Evelin and Guy Whose Name I Can Never Remember.  Meh.  

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 2

Initial Thoughts:

Jason actually cleaned the pool. That was the only thing I cared about in his whole segment. Wonder which estate sale did Jason get that ring and how much ebay crap did he have to sell on to get it?

Amy’s gorgeous. Loved all the wedding dresses that she tried on. What a waste on Danny. Run away Amy. The sisters in law were super nice and loved how they all just are including her which is a complete flip to Evelyn's situation.....

Poor Evelyn. If she is that crazy about Justin, they should just elope. That man comes from a cray cray family. Unless it is a TLC cooked up storyline? I wouldn't put it past them.

Brett seems like a poor dad with his attitude towards Cassidy. Daya, for all her faults and attitude can do better. Please do not say instan-mom again.

Yamir. Just go back home.

No Dani or Mo till next week. Miss that hot mess.

I'm quoting this entire comment just to say THANK YOU for writing sisterS in law and not sister in laws. I love you for that.

Major pet peeve. Right up there with should of instead of the proper should HAVE.

Amy is cute but I don't see gorgeous. I think Evelyn is much prettier.

There's something off about Justin's family. They need to mind their own business. He's an adult, he can elope if he wants to elope.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 8

Chelsea, I think her motives are more "hey look who I am with" rather than real love. Maybe she sweet talked Yamir into coming to America to become the next Justin Bieber but I am beginning to think her love is more about herself than Yamir.


Jason reminds me of a family member. A quietness, not intellectual at all, just getting by to get by with no real passion about life. I kind of feel sorry for him yet he totally grosses me out.  Cassia is pretty from the neck down, otherwise she looks like she was a stripper or one dollar away from being a hooker. If she has to have sex with Jason to get her greencard, she's paid her due and then some.


Amy is so sweet and I hope if they get married it's a happy marriage because Danny seems to be denying something more than premartial sex.

I love Amy! I am so furious at Danny's dad for next week (did he say that multi-racial marriages were not accepted in this country? WTF!). But Amy is so sweet and genuine. Her mom seems wonderful, and also I am so glad she will be there when her daughter has to meet Danny's parents. I also really like the females of Danny's family, they were so warm and welcoming and really created a special and beautiful weekend for her, and also actually took her tastes into account (like the sunset table). I am so glad that the parents sentiments did not go to the kids, or if it did, at least they do a darn good job suppressing it. 


Poor Evelin! I hated the questions. Dude, first of all, TRUST your brother. My guess is, they already talked about past relationships. And he has visited her several times. If she had kids and a husband hidden at home, I'm pretty sure he would at least sense something was amiss. It isn't as if you ask her, and suddenly she is going to confess. Sigh. Why not ask her questions that genuinely get to know her. And honestly, if you want to interrogate her, that is probably a better way, because it is more likely that she would slip when her guard is down (though I don't get that sense from her at all, I think she has real feelings for Justin). I really don't understand their problem with this relationship. This is nothing like Dani and Mo. 


Jason and Cassia just bore me. They both seem equally annoying in different ways.


I know Yamir is old enough to know better, but somehow I feel bad for him. I agree about the recording. I'm not sure if it was because the show couldn't play the actual music used for the song, and that is why he sounded off-beat. But I think he does well enough that he could create an album. Chelsea, if she wants him to create a career, really should take him to Miami or LA. Chicago is good, but those places would be better. But she won't, because, like you said, I think she is in love with the idea that he loves her, and left everything for her. I still feel that she is not prioritizing what is better for him. Even if the show is good publicity, they probably are under some gag order for a number of months. Music and fame are fickle, you can't disappear for a few months if you are not super famous or established. 

  • Love 1

I think Cassia is pretty and would be beautiful if her teeth weren't so messed up.

Her teeth look like she was either a thumb sucker or was allowed to use a pacifier much longer than a kid should.

I want to see what the daughter of that Dr. 90210 guys teeth look like. They showed her with a pacifier in her mouth when she was almost 7.

  • Love 1

Amy's mom is torn and frightened. She is an intelligent, sensitive person who loves her only child with a true depth. Mom wants Amy to be happy, but she is frightened for Amy and what may lie ahead.

To me, Mom's face and words personified the terrible effects of living with and knowing the immorality of racial bias and discrimination. Mom broke down in two separate interviews/THs. And I don't believe her tears had much to do with happiness for her daughter or with sadness for losing her daughter to a new marriage and life in a faraway country.

Mom said she cannot imagine that Danny's parents might not help but love Amy, despite their reservations about Amy's race and color. But Mom KNOWS better than that! A bigot doesn't care if a feared and hated "other" is a good person, accomplished, educated, kind, or, even, the President of the United States. The bigot hates for one reason, and that won't change.

I saw a mother who respects and admires her daughter, and the very thought that Danny's family could reject or ostracize Amy on the basis of irrational hate and ignorance tears her apart. I think Mom will have many sleepless nights when she returns home.

On a lighter note, I gotta say that I laugh and laugh whenever I see the lunacy that is Jason and Cassia. Two fashion plates! Chubby, short Jason in his clingy polo and ill-fitting shorts, and white socks and sneakers, greasy hair and greasy skin, just boggles. He looks to me to be 38 going on 75, with a slow, doltish demeanor that could bore a saint.

Luckily, Cassia has a good bod and can get away with her fave wardrobe from Whores R Us, but with her fried hair and calculating glint, I love it when she holds hands with her father -- I mean, her fiance -- and strolls with him or sits in his hot (yeah that's right! Lol) El Camino. Such a lovely, genuine couple! Oy.

And Jason calling Cassia, "honey," at every turn is so delusional. Just stop it.

  • Love 10

anyone else wonder if Danny is in fundamentalist denial of his sexual orientation?

Who knows? But I was struck by the absolute hilarity and wacky giggling that went on at Amy's party, when her future sis -in- law asked, " What is Danny's favorite team?" Those girls just fell apart laughing!

And though the party SEEMED like a nice thing to do, I can't shake the feeling that Amy has landed in a not-so-great situation, with lots of shit just beneath the surface of sweetness and light.

  • Love 10

God, this show is my absolute jam.


Chelsea and Yamir: I feel like Yamir is genuine and is really having conflicted emotions, but Chelsea Ono is horridly selfish. She's been away for ten years and is only now realizing she wants to live at home? Girl, bye. He moved to another country and left everything for you--you can move a few hours away to Chicago. Yamir is an adult but he seems so innocent and totally sweet. I'd be his friend.


Evelin and whatever his name is: The point of eloping is that you do it on your own. His family needs to back up. A wedding is not all about you--it's about the couple professing their live in any way they see fit. Chill out and let them do what they want to do.


Cartoon turtle and Cassia: He cleaned the pool!


Daya and mouth breather: I'm glad she and the daughter seem to be getting along. In the beginning I really didn't like Daya but now I believe she can do so much better than Mouth Breather.


Amy and Danny: I, too, feel he is in denial about things. But Amy is so sweet, and she looked beautiful in those dresses. Her mom seems like a class act, and the sisters in law were very sweet, especially the one with the curly hair. I am actually mad at his stupid dad for being racist when love is such a beautiful thing no matter the color or orientation. Gah. Amy is my fave too.

  • Love 3

*sigh* it looks like my beloved Amy is going to go ahead with this sham of a wedding. I'm hoping that she ends up flying back home with her mom, but sadly, I don't think that's going to happen.

She's not going to have much of a sex life with Danny, but at least she'll have a ton of new sisters in law to make scrapbooks with and crappy things from Pintrest... That should help pass the time for the next 40-50 years. Lord help her. Lol

  • Love 7

Amy's mom is torn and frightened. She is an intelligent, sensitive person who loves her only child with a true depth. Mom wants Amy to be happy, but she is frightened for Amy and what may lie ahead.

To me, Mom's face and words personified the terrible effects of living with and knowing the immorality of racial bias and discrimination. Mom broke down in two separate interviews/THs. And I don't believe her tears had much to do with happiness for her daughter or with sadness for losing her daughter to a new marriage and life in a faraway country.

Mom said she cannot imagine that Danny's parents might not help but love Amy, despite their reservations about Amy's race and color. But Mom KNOWS better than that! A bigot doesn't care if a feared and hated "other" is a good person, accomplished, educated, kind, or, even, the President of the United States. The bigot hates for one reason, and that won't change.

I saw a mother who respects and admires her daughter, and the very thought that Danny's family could reject or ostracize Amy on the basis of irrational hate and ignorance tears her apart. I think Mom will have many sleepless nights when she returns home.

On a lighter note, I gotta say that I laugh and laugh whenever I see the lunacy that is Jason and Cassia. Two fashion plates! Chubby, short Jason in his clingy polo and ill-fitting shorts, and white socks and sneakers, greasy hair and greasy skin, just boggles. He looks to me to be 38 going on 75, with a slow, doltish demeanor that could bore a saint.

Luckily, Cassia has a good bod and can get away with her fave wardrobe from Whores R Us, but with her fried hair and calculating glint, I love it when she holds hands with her father -- I mean, her fiance -- and strolls with him or sits in his hot (yeah that's right! Lol) El Camino. Such a lovely, genuine couple! Oy.

And Jason calling Cassia, "honey," at every turn is so delusional. Just stop it.

Lmao at Jason and the fashion plates comment!! And every time he said "honey" it sounded like he was vomiting it out his mouth. Honestly, he's so awkward and condescending. I dated a guy who liked to call me honey - I felt like he was talking down to me, the way jason seems to be doing.

Btw, i'm still pissed about that fatherlike shake he gave her in the furniture store, when she liked the more expensive piece. He's so gross, those big, rheumy eyes, slow, unappealing demeanor...I still don't see what Cassia sees in him, besides a dullwitted doughy meal ticket (not even, cheapskate) and green card.

I agree with previous poster about the creepy ass shark comment. Look, I have the same weird humor but dude - it's all in the delivery. Seriously. Don't quit your day job - oh, wait....

Edited by catmomtoo
  • Love 6

Lmao at Jason and the fashion plates comment!! And every time he said "honey" it sounded like he was vomiting it out his mouth. Honestly, he's so awkward and condescending. I dated a guy who liked to call me honey - I felt like he was talking down to me, the way jason seems to be doing.

Btw, i'm still pissed about that fatherlike shake he gave her in the furniture store, when she liked the more expensive piece. He's so gross, those big, rheumy eyes, slow, unappealing demeanor...I still don't see what Cassia sees in him, besides a dullwitted doughy meal ticket (not even, cheapskate) and green card.

I agree with previous poster about the creepy ass shark comment. Look, I have the same weird humor but dude - it's all in the delivery. Seriously. Don't quit your day job - oh, wait....

See, thats the thing.  I haven't seen the episode, but it seems like Jason feels like he is going for a "dry wit and delivery", but it comes off very potential serial killer to me.

  • Love 1

Greetings, friends... Oy vey!

Amy & Danny - Amy deserves much better. ALSO, I can't stomach any "grown" man who goes by a diminutive name - Danny, Charlie, Robby, Matty, etc. For realz? They are trumping up this race thing. If Danny didn't know she was bi-racial, I guaran-damn-tee his backwoods parental wouldn't either-- he got this lack of acculturation SOMEWHERE! Her mother's enduring pain as served up in apartheid is heartbreaking... Oh, Lorna! If Amy wore her hair flat-ironed, as she generally does, I'm sure no one would ever know... I'm about 6 shades darker than Amy and I am merely Italian & Native American... Come now, peoples. Amy & Yamir? :D :D :D

Chelsea & Yamir - Chelsea is a POS. Just, utterly. I have zero respect for her. Get a freaking job, woman. 10 years? Take your rank patchouli-marinated, mom jean-swaddled butt and get outta here. Granted, Yamir's singing was pretty stinky...

Jason & Cassia - Girl, life holds more for you than this dude. Did he have a frontal lobotomy in a hospital trial to earn cash? I'm thinking so. But, Cassia, if you wanna move up in the world, the hooker outfits have gotta go... Go give Reba McEntire's "Fancy" a listen, and let's regroup.

Brett & Daya - I am not ashamed to say that I like Daya. Her grasp of the English language is impeccable! I cannot stand to listen to or look at Brett... just, ugh. He claims to be in love with her, but I don't think he has any understanding of the concept.

Justin & Evelin - "Darth Vader" is clearly an act. His brother's lisp is not. Justin annoys me. Evelin seems very naïve. I am meh on this whole situation.

Edited by cooksdelight
  • Love 5

For those wondering what kind of music Yamir was performing, it's reggaeton. I personally love that kind of music, but I don't think Yamir's audition was the best representation of it. It's basically a fusion of rap, Latin, and Caribbean music, i.e. it takes soca (a genre of music) and merges it with Latin beats. Daddy Yankee and Don Chezina are pretty well-known performers of reggaeton. I think Yamir could find a decent amount of success if he had great producers and writers.


I was genuinely surprised by how happy Cassia looked about the proposal. I thought she might complain about the ring, but it looks like Jason chose well because she said it was very pretty. I feel bad for his dad though - he looks like he's just tired of everything.

  • Love 4


I wonder what Cassia did before she came to the U.S.? She dresses kinda prostitute-y. I like Jason's Dad, you can tell he wants to roll his eyes do bad whenever his son is stupid talking. WTF with Jason at the aquarium saying the shark would grab Cassia and kill her. He got a weirdo look in his eyes when he said that, like more weird than usual.

Glad that everyone else also saw a prostitute and total dweeb walking into the aquarium.  The shark comments were absolutely weird, uncomfortable and stupid at the same time.  He was like a mean spirited uncle teasing a child.  I was surprised though that Cassia's response to the proposal and ring was actually pretty sweet.  I just don't understand what she's thinking though....she can't possibly love or find the cartoon turtle even mildly interesting so what's the motivation then?  Get citizenship and then find the true meal ticket???


Oh, Amy.  The sunset party was beautiful and thoughtful and she seemed truly touched and happy.  But the straight out questioning about having sex for the first time made me shudder.  If you're really that nosy, or feel that you are somehow helping her by having that conversation, for damn sure do it in private!!!  Amy's "special moment of becoming one" (as one of the girls put it) is going to more likely leave her scratching her head....if the moment happens at all.  It's sad to me that these women are sold this grandiose fable about the "fairy tale" because the turth more often than not is going to be a total let down.  Or worse, something they are totally unprepared to handle (ex, homosexuality, abuse, etc....).

  • Love 2

Amy's "special moment of becoming one" (as one of the girls put it) is going to more likely leave her scratching her head....if the moment happens at all. It's sad to me that these women are sold this grandiose fable about the "fairy tale" because the turth more often than not is going to be a total let down. Or worse, something they are totally unprepared to handle (ex, homosexuality, abuse, etc....).

It's going to suck when Amy finds out Danny is gay. Her special moment will be ruined :(

  • Love 6

I think what happened is that TLC didn't get the rights to use whatever backing track Yamir rapped over.  It's the same like in Toddlers and Tiara (no judgement), when it would be the same twinkly-winkly ridiculous songs the kids would dance to when dressed up as Beyoncé. 


Brett is a horrible parent.  He equates discipline to jail?  I can see Cassie getting away with murder during her time with him.  He's guilt parenting.  She needs structure or she'll turn into a little sociopath.  

  • Love 1

I have a question; do we know that Danny is gay?  I find it interesting that it's assumed that because a man is a virgin that must men he's gay.  




Dude, Jason just gets uglier and uglier each episode, and it's not just looks that make a person hideous. He's so boring. Those photo booth photo strips made me laugh...she's all animated and he's the same boring face each time. Lmao.


Jason scares the shit out of me.  Something in his eyes screams "serial killer."  I also think that Cassia is too old for the "hooker wear" she insists on wearing.

  • Love 1
But the straight out questioning about having sex for the first time made me shudder.  If you're really that nosy, or feel that you are somehow helping her by having that conversation, for damn sure do it in private!!!  Amy's "special moment of becoming one" (as one of the girls put it) is going to more likely leave her scratching her head....if the moment happens at all.  It's sad to me that these women are sold this grandiose fable about the "fairy tale" because the turth more often than not is going to be a total let down.  Or worse, something they are totally unprepared to handle (ex, homosexuality, abuse, etc....).


I wish that women in general would be honest with each other and admit that "the first time" isn't very good for anyone.  

  • Love 6

For god's sake, Galesburg is, like, 3 hours from Chicago, tops.  And since Chelsea doesn't even appear to have a JOB there, why wouldn't you move to a bigger city that offered more opportunities for both you and your future husband?  Even if he doesn't have success performing, I would think he would be more comfortable in a big, diverse city with a sizeable Latino population, rather than stranded in the middle of nowhere.  Aughhhhh.  She kills me. 


Daya and Brett would do themselves a world of good if they stopped referring to her as an "InstaMom."  Cassidy has a mother, and it's clear she doesn't spend that much time with Brett.  Daya just needs to form a relationship with Cassidy for starters.  Cassidy needs to respect Daya, and do what she tells her, because Daya is an adult, but they don't need to have an instant Mother-Daughter bond.  That kind of thing takes time! 


I found it incredibly ironic that Jason proposed to Cassia in front of a SHARK TANK.  And he seemed soooo uncertain that she would say yes.  The clock has started on their K-1 visa, so don't they kind of have to get married, or she'll be deported??

  • Love 1

I have a question; do we know that Danny is gay?  I find it interesting that it's assumed that because a man is a virgin that must men he's gay.  




Jason scares the shit out of me.  Something in his eyes screams "serial killer."  I also think that Cassia is too old for the "hooker wear" she insists on wearing.

I think Cassia's hooker wear would be fine, if say, she was going to a club with some friends... or really anyone who isn't Jason. She is only 23. Daytime wear, no ma'am. If you absolutely must wear the crop top, how about pair it with some skinny jeans? Or almost anything but a micro mini skirt.

Jason's brother and SIL are probably the worst people on earth. I could not BELIEVE the questions Jen was asking. With that smug smirk, like she was Alan Dershowitz scoring a legal point in the courtroom. And what is it with brothers and hats? First Danny's dumbass buffoon brother with his hat he stole from Fat Albert and the Cosby kids, and Jason's douche brother and his backwards ball cap. And take it off at the table. Didn't your sainted mother teach you anything? Or was she too busy weeping?


Brett likening Cassidy's summer visit to jail was a head scratching moment. Dude.


I cannot help but feel that all of Chelsea and Yamir's activities and responses are producer-driven. Its all so calculated. I think they are both playing a part, for the money, for the exposure for Yamir, whatever. I just don't believe any of the stuff they're doing. I'm sure once its all over they're off to Miami or LA or NYC, laughing all the way to the bank.


I think Amy is adorable, as is her mother.  Her mother knows whats in store, poor thing. RUN AMY! ITS NOT TOO LATE!

  • Love 1

Danny's virginity has nothing to do with me speculating he is gay, personally. It may not be fair of me, but I just get that overall vibe from him. I also got it from Russ last season, and I think it is safe to say he is not a virgin.

I actually laughed at Jason's shark joke. Just because he said it with that dead inside face of his, so him attempting to joke was so absurd that I laughed.

Edited by Janet Snakehole
  • Love 6
Brett likening Cassidy's summer visit to jail was a head scratching moment. Dude.


I kind of understood what Brett was saying. I have a friend who is very lenient with his daughter when she visits during the summer because he wants her to have good memories of their time together. Therefore, he's not as quick to punish her for fear of appearing too strict to her. However, I also think Daya had a point. Since she is spending the bulk of her day caring for the child, some boundaries and discipline need to be set in place. I do think Brett's daughter was acting up a little because 1) she's with a stranger and wanted to test the limits, and 2) she was likely bored out of mind in that house. That house is primarily occupied by two older women as well as Daya and Brett, so it's not like there's the luxury of a dedicated play space. Once they went to the park and to the lake, she brightened up and was very sweet to Daya. She also seemed to enjoy the craft activities, like coloring, when Daya set that up.

  • Love 1

I have a question; do we know that Danny is gay?  I find it interesting that it's assumed that because a man is a virgin that must men he's gay.  

I don't think Danny is gay because he is a virgin. I think he is gay because he uses any excuse to avoid touching or spending time with Amy (the alleged love of his life) and is very effeminate. Plus, as the youngest son there is a higher chance of being gay due to biological/prenatal factors. 

  • Love 6

Danny's virginity has nothing to do with me speculating he is gay, personally. It may not be fair of me, but I just get that overall vibe from him. I also got it from Russ last season, and I think it is safe to say he is not a virgin.



This.  It didn't even occur to me to equate virginity with homosexuality.  It's his overall demeanor *and* the fact that he doesn't seem to want to be alone with her.  Like, ever. I feel like he's getting married to a woman to appease his uber-religious family. But he'll be out trolling for BJs on the DL on the weekends.  It's quite sad that Amy is getting sucked into his world.  She seems like such a sweet, intelligent girl - who is also quite beautiful.  I am so on board with people who hopes that she flies with her mom back to S. Africa!


For god's sake, Galesburg is, like, 3 hours from Chicago, tops.  And since Chelsea doesn't even appear to have a JOB there, why wouldn't you move to a bigger city that offered more opportunities for both you and your future husband?  Even if he doesn't have success performing, I would think he would be more comfortable in a big, diverse city with a sizeable Latino population, rather than stranded in the middle of nowhere.  Aughhhhh.  She kills me.



All of this!  I was actually kinda-sorta liking the 2 of them, both individually and as a couple.  But then they had to go and have this conversation and NOPE.  She sucks. (I still like him though!) Seriously, she spent how damn long living 1/2 across the WORLD, but yet she wouldn't consider moving a mere 3 hours away from her hometown to help her fiancé (and HER) get jump-starts on a career??  Selfish. And just plain dumb. I am hoping she changes her tune, but I have my doubts. 

Edited by Duke2801

Yeah, Amy may be cute, and it was sweet watching her with her mother, but come ON- she knows nothing about Danny! Yes, perhaps it's silly stuff like underpants and sports teams, but have they talked about finances? children? religion? birth control? family involvement? work? My god they're 21!! What the heck does anyone know at 21? I'm 46 and life is like an avalanche right now for me and I have no answers! Not to say it won't work but odds really are against them. Sooooo nae and innocent!

naive, not nae.

  • Love 5

I have to give Daya a little break.  Who knows how much interaction she's had with children in the past.  A day after she meets Brett's daughter, she's left to care for her and, although she hopes they can bond immediately, doesn't realize how much time it actually takes.  In her TH's, she appeared to be serious about making it work, but it wasn't until she had that talk with Brett that she realized she needed a different approach.  I was really glad to see that it worked out in the end and that Cassidy seems to enjoy being with her now.  As for Brett, in spite of his stupid remark about jail, he did comfort Daya and was encouraging to her.    

I have a question; do we know that Danny is gay? I find it interesting that it's assumed that because a man is a virgin that must men he's gay.

No, we as viewers have no idea what Danny's sexual orientation is, and judging by some of the PMs I have gotten, readers here are not comfortable that that type of speculation. I'm no prude, and we're here to snark and have fun, but questioning a man's sexuality is getting a little too close to the line, I think.

Let's just hope the best for him and Amy and see what happens. Now, if you want to snark on his hair or his clothes, have fun! :)

  • Love 5

I definitely get an immature vibe from Danny as well. Either way, I think he is just not a good match for Amy, and as much as I like her, I do kind of question her maturity in making this decision. The promo picture they show of Amy and Danny (the one where she is kissing him on the cheek and he is making that stupid shocked/scared face) says it all to me. She is super into him, and he, for whatever reason, just isn't.

Edited by Janet Snakehole

I just don't see that about Danny; then again I have a lot of friends who are gay who aren't effeminate at all; think burly football player types.  To me, Danny comes across like a ten year old boy, while Amy comes across more adult.

I agree. I don't think Danny is gay. If anything, Danny's glaring immaturity is the problem. I also think he likely hasn't had a lot of interaction with women outside of his family and that may play a part in why he comes off awkward when he interacts with Amy.

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Amy seems like the type of young lady who is kind and respectful to anyone she meets. Perhaps she acted this way towards Danny when they met, just out of courtesy, and he was uber excited because a beautiful woman had never shown him attention before, and he ran with it. Amy thought he was adorable, etc.. It comes time to leave Australia and Danny goes into disaster mode, afraid to lose the sweet, lovely Amy, never once realizing what it may take to make a marriage work. His "deer in the headlights" as she talked about the sacrifices she made to move to America said it all...

  • Love 1

Poo.  I missed this one last night - forgot to set the DVR.  Now I have to wait until later in the week for the snark.  Does anyone know if the show is available online for free anywhere?  It's not on TLC On Demand in our cable box (none of the episodes are).  I have a Roku but I don't see that TLC has a channel.

There's a link in this forum to TLC for all episodes, edited material, etc. You can find it in the pinned topic on the main page.

 To me, Danny comes across like a ten year old boy, while Amy comes across more adult.


Definitely. Amy will have a man-child to take care of for the rest of her life. I hope she doesn't think marriage will improve him. As long as he's around his family, he has no reason to be anything but little Danny, the baby. Maybe Amy's mother realizes this too.

  • Love 2

I think Chelsea will agree to move into a nice high-rise condo overlooking the lake in Chicago as long as her parents are footing the bill for it and she doesn't have to, you know, get a j-o-b, so perhaps there's hope for Yamir yet; what was that, Latino rap?  No siblings have been mentioned, so she's no doubt the cherished only child of older parents who have already "protected their assets" by giving their daughter her inheritance ahead of time (or "now, while she can enjoy it").  I know quite a few of these happy recipients; the parents, once elderly, then qualify for government assistance, and the family fortune is not squandered on their care.  Most who engage in this sort of "financial planning" do so in their early 70s, and they look to be getting there...  Agree that the mother is Chelsea in another thirty years.


Jason: serial-killer vibe.


Justin: "elope" (with that strange accent).


Amy: making me wonder if we're being punked.  Her mother was surprised that she hadn't bought the wedding dress yet?  Really?  Like they don't talk every day and that question wouldn't come up?


Mo: one Tweet summed it up perfectly; "stop being so adorable."


Daya: She speaks truth.  There's hope for her on that interventionist nanny show, if this doesn't pan out.

Edited by joanofarch4
  • Love 2

A Sunday episode without Mo and Danielle is like a Sunday without the sun, moon and stars.


Oh sweet Amy and her sweet mother.  Granted there are racial problems all over the world but it pisses me off that Amy and her mother, who actually lived through the ugliness of apartheid, have to deal with the “Danny’s daddy has an issue with interracial relationships” BS. Amy’s mom was so lovely, gracious and hopeful about the situation that when they showed a clip for next episode with the dad uttering some shit I wanted to reach into the screen and bitch slap him until my arms got tired. And guess what – I just woke up!


Low key – it makes me feel a certain way that this show has had its fair share of interracial relationships between Asian women/ white men and ethnic/cultural intermarriage between Latino women and white men, but as soon as someone who probably has a few drops of black blood shows up somebody has a fucking problem with. Maybe it is a coincidence but it bothers me.


That bachelorette weekend was a pinterest dream. The girls were lovely and did a beautiful thing for Amy.


Daya’s struggles with Brett’s child have helped to humanize her. I still think she is a gold digging green card seeker though.


I was never one to call Chelsea selfish.  Before this episode I had her and Yamir pegged as more clueless and delusional about his prospects, but now, I totally see the Chelsea selfishness that everyone was going on about.  Yamir moves thousands of miles away not only from his family, friends and the only home he has ever known since he has never been outside Nicaragua until now but he also left a career he loved. All for her. I will never go so far as to say that Chelsea tricked him or manipulated him into coming into the US with her.  Yamir is a grown ass man at 28 and came to that decision of his own volition. It just irks that Yamir can and has sacrificed all for her but she is unwilling to even be a little bit uncomfortable or inconvenienced by moving 2-3 hours away from her parents.  The thing is that if her moving to Chicago, which isn’t a cheap city to live in, concerns had been about the money, expense and finding a job to live than those concerns would have been understandable.  They weren’t.  Instead her concerns were all about Chelsea being away from mommy and daddy, which is weird given that she has been away to college and living in another country, yet now that she is grown and about to be married she needs to stay firmly ensconced within the warm bosom of her family? Girl bye!


I found that music session very awkward. I was cringing throughout the whole thing. Poor Yamir and his struggle English but I really like that he tries. I love reggae and dancehall but can’t really get into reggaton so no opinion other than that Yamir seemed offbeat.  However, that could have been production as channels like TLC and Bravo and known to be too cheap to pay for music rights so they most likely used a different track than what Yamir was actually rapping to.


Evelin and Not Alec Baldwin. Why is it I can never recall his name? He does have pretty eyes though. I will give him that. I don’t begrudge the bro and sis in law having questions about the woman who is about to marry into their family but it is all in the execution which frigging sucks. Their demeanor, tone of voice, hell even the looks on their faces were just so confrontational and nasty that it all amounted to an interrogation. Whatever happened to pleasantries and having a freaking conversation? I mean damn!!! You were invited into their home where she cooked a lovely traditional Colombian meal for them. Be nice. Be gracious and engage in a convo and try not acting like Officers Friday and Smith from Dragnet. Just the facts ma’am.


Cassia and Jason. Yawn. This couple should have been featured purely on line, if at all.  Sure they provided some snark (that El Camino is everything) but not enough to warrant their segments if you ask me.  Cassia looks and dresses like a stripper who works off peak hours. I don’t know what she thinks she is gonna be modeling. She has a decent figure but I think she would need a Giselle, Naomi type body to override that buttaface.  I think I am having a mind meld moment with previously.tv. Everyone on here is now referring to Jason as a turtle. During the show, I kept thinking of that awful Dana Carvey movie when he would say “Am I not turtlely enough for the turtle club.”  Last night, everytime a Cassia and Jason would air I would say this. LOL!

Edited by islandgal140
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